A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

yah,this kit able to detect my fertility days,

fizz,u are wrong,it's easier to use esp if ur cycle is not regular

there is a total of 20 strips for u to test,whereas the OPK only have 7 strips
Haha, guess I am the only one still online at this time. Reading through the last one week's posting....

msn_queen, you mentioned that the doc still ask you to BD when you have UTI. I thought UTI can spread to the partner? Then still BD during UTI? Me never dare to do that (alo tof wasted times I know).

Twinkle, regarding your hubby who is already wearing boxers.... ok...guess its a maybe-solution.. low cost tentative-solution for some of us perhaps :p

avenie, you actually test using OPK in office toilet (include bringing in a clean cup???). If i do that, the whole company will know what I am doing cos they are very kapo one! so you are a IT programmer? Seems that quite a few IT people here.

char, jadefeet, enjoy ur trip!

minny, do join us... there are so many postings so some postings tend to be missed out.

Katherine, good to seek 2nd opinion. On the other hand, I too had a simimlar experience once when i was still studying...can have AF start again 1 week after it stops. Went to NUH and they draw alot of blood for tests (duno why they never do scanning) but cannot find antyhing in the end. The too-frequent AF stops after abt 2 months and resume back to normal. The doctor claimed that perhaps it was due to stress but then it was not a stressful period for me.

Ladies, eeeekkss.what abortion clip is it? why everyone so interested? I don't want if its real abortion!!!!
i hv a vacuum cooker at home, hubby bought long time ago... very useful. i can leave my soups & tonic drinks inside overnite & it will be ready when i want it.
I also plannin to TTC soon...dun care..just go ahead and booked the trip..Actually I booked my trip based on my estimated ovulation days..but who knows this mth my AF decided to visit me real early...seems like my estimations will be wrong..
i also feel very useful for vacumm cooker, but i didn't use for tonic soup. jus normal soup and porridge.

i feel very ex for fertilise monitor 20 strip $80. the OPK use brought just 0.70 cents per strip only.

i think the sperm need 90 days, is when the sperm totally empty...hehe always have the replacement pushing forword...
great...happy BD...

my MIL said guy also can drink dangui, as long as he don't feel heaty. my MIL also brew ba chen with dangui for my brother in law also, but my HB can't drink, cos he easy get heaty.
just don't drink so much.....
(to conceive)woman body need warmer and guy body can't too heaty
Good afternoon ladies...

bettle I am looking at Mirihi or whitesand. How many days you went?

juju & wong Whats the diff btw vacuum n slow cooker?

zhuzhu You going in may rite? I am consider Jul. Still ve few more mths leh. Are you the one who book Hilton and did you book HB?
the vacum cooker, save the eletricity, u just need to boil the soup hot abt 10 mins, then put inside the container and close it tight. the heat inside will let you food cook.
it very useful for porridge, u not need to worry the water be dry and add water. for red bean soup (especially for those food need to cook very long to become soft) u just boil the things with water, then put inside the container.
slow cooker u must on the power for whole day, very dangerous expecially u not at home.
Hey Zenn
Yup I booked hilton...I only book bed & breakfast
But u better decide fast..cos the last I heard, Hilton is fully booked for May..
hello everyone,
hope tat u all will haf a nice weekend...those who r having this weekend as ur BD period....enjoy..hopefully tat u will strike this time..

no lah...not quiet...dunno wat to say....so many posts till i m a bit lost lor...so if i can i contribute if nt den listen n learn lor...heehee

hope tat u r getting beta....

hey gals,
juz wanna check, do u tink itz necessary to do a pre-conception check up? like taking different types of blood tests....
i think is better for pre conception check up..... seen plan to get preggie, don't dare to waste the time of TTC, then the end got problem, if anything wrong can prevent earlier.

Dr told me actually for normal ppl, just 25% the get preggie....so need to try very hard...... hope every gals here don't give up...jia you...
wong answered the qn liao. yes, vacuum cooker saves electricity/gas... & safer too.

i can even "cook" my food when i'm sleeping
Recipe for double boil chicken with DOM or Yomeishu.
For 2 pax.
1)1/2 chicken or 2 pic of chicken thighs or chicken drumlets.
2)1 or 2 caps of DOM or Yomeishu(own preference)
3)Wolfberry(Gou qi zhi)abt 1 teaspoon
4)Reddates-abt 10.
5)Water-4 bowls
6)Martell or any hardliquor(own preference)

Must remember to peel off the chicken skin.
Just boil for 3 hours will do
Hi hi...

I actually went thru some totz today...wonderin if I shld gif up tryin for a bb...conceptn of a bb is by all means a gift fm God...if it is a gift bestowed fm God at a planned time...not by our choice...then issit it tat we wil (or we wil not) hv a bb...when THE TIME arrives...whether we work hard at it or not...if then...y work so hard...n not get anytink...cos THE TIME is not rite...dunno if I shld adopt tis mentality...
fizz, dun give urself too much stress on TTC lor.. let nature takes it place but then we still need to do our part..
Hi Koori...

I tink TTC is more stressful than my exams, weddin or reno...

Hi Kath...

Howz yr "AF"...did u c another gynae...
katherine/ Fizz, i tik i am super stressed by TTC, kept telling me not to be stress, but it seem to be there, don tik i can get rid of the stress.
Fizz, yes i totally agree, exams/ wedding & reno all within my control, except TTC, seem to be losing control.

Mabbe we r jus uncomfy wif the unknown...cos therez no ans to the timeline for BFP...


Btw...do u norm feel slight feelin like twitches, pains...on the side of yr O...for up to a wk after O...dunno whether Im more in tune wif my body...but I hv been experiencin these feelin ever since I started TTC...
frizz, the "AF" is more worse than my normal AF.. bleed too much until i also scare.. me hope tmr will b better..

din go n see another gynae.. wait to see these 2 days how first..
Fizz, i do encounter some twitches now that u mention it...not sure isit we ttc then become conscious, or its always been like that.

Pls go n c a gynae on Mon okie...even if it turns better on Mon...we shld always address abnormalies asap...esp to our reproductive sys...TTC or not...
koori and frizz, thks.. i will see my gynae on Tues for a blood test. think might be the clomid that i have taken that causes my hormones to be "hay-wired".. will be observing it.
Hi ladies,

zhuzhu, I am looking at Jul cos anniversary :p

juju and hayashi How much is a vacuum cooker? Should be available in departmental stores rite?

hayashi Is this soup heaty? Cos having sore throat so issit ok to drink?
no i was still surfing the net on trip to taiwan, din know how to go about and wat are the nice places in Taipei.
