A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Babe76 - congratulation... then you test kit all no need to use liao lor? How many weeks already...

babydust - hee my friend start bird nest long ago. Reason is both of them don't really like chinise tonic, bird nest is the only one that she can accept... I think she gonna kill me when you read this... The bottle one not so effective, i am taking those concentrated type. Also in a bottle, everyday one tea spoon day and night. :p


first u muz soak the birdnest,then u must pick up the dirty stuffs from it....
after which add water to the birdnest
then add rock sugar
oh yah,i also put a few slices of the ginseng...
Oh those concentrated one in the bottle right? So you take one tsp in the day and one tsp in the night?
ALL - my TCM said cannot eat dong gui everytime one especially for those who TTC. Dong Gui is good to take after Menses. afterthat must stop already... cos it has the effect of tighten up your womb.. something like that... becareful when you make your tonic
GINSENG is very good... should add in. HEE for my case i lazy lor...

yup one tea spoon only. bought from YU REN SENG. I only start taking it since dec.
gals, tik its true that we need to drink DOM, i have alot at home (Duty free ones), tik its time to start drinking some.
how to join the member? how much is the discount? Me go buy tomorrow hehe ... is it in a minimum pack of xxx numbers of bottles?

Is cordycept "dong chong chao"?
Hi gals!

whats the diff btw vacumm cooker and slow cooker? -blur- I wonder should I get a slow cooker now or double boil pot? Which is more useful or easily to cook?

bettle zhuzhu confirmed going. me still thinking leh. which resort did u stay?
u mean 1 bottle,eat one spoon and it's cost $69.90?????The most expenisve i ate per piece only about $50....This bottle one spoon only more expensive then my one piece....

then wad the reason can't take dang gui...U very bad leh....Got chalet never chio us....


the vacumm cooker is the easiest to use....
so means DH can also take bird best? Bettlebug - one bottle only for few days? quite siong like tat, going broke, keke
hayashi - what chalet ? Can you post your tips on the DOM w chick...tonic on our yahoo groups.. THANKS THANKS..

ya, I also don't know what is the diff between double boil, vaccum cooker.. any picture to show me.
Bettle got say lah, just that you read too fast and misinterprete her sentence.

I just went to dig out my bottle of DOM haha
after my HL finishes, I will only be able to log in at night too cos office restricts forum chats
so you will still have me hehe
oh. you can still use dang gui when you boil the tonic when you menses just finish... That is the best time to BU.

after that just put other item don't put DANG GUI anymore.

If anyone of your know any TCM... please help to double check.

sorie,i tot zenn mention smething abt resort....


I blur liao.....So sotong.....

let me check if i can find pix of the cooker..
according to that lady.. for one person.. is about 2/3 weeks... so if both person take... shorter lor.

man of course can take... bird nest is to "ZI REN" your body system... especially lung...
will go check it out at the shop tomorrow.

Think have to buy alot of urine sticks then
but if we are on clomid, think follow the alternate days BD will be sufficient.
Zenn - I stayed at full moon resort.one of the day i stayed at it water bungalow... can walk down to the water.. from your room... very beautiful. Which resort did you mention earlier?
