A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Ya agreed wif bettle! Any pix on vacuum cooker haha

Bettle, which resort did you stay when you went maldives n how much?

Hayashi, so is 2 thigh + 2 rice bowl of water + 1 cap of dom + wolfberry + abit of martell. no need salt?

Dwoof, ya very x. That's why still thinking...
HI ALL - I have one correction to make...the GYNAE at RH... DR JOAN THONG is the highly recomended one... I make a mistake on that... apologise if offended anyone ... :p
Bettle, oh! How much did you pay for your trip? Ya I like water villa too!!! Looking at Mirihi & White Sand. Btw, did you book half board?

no need salt....I will be cooking chicken thigh tmr,let me check how much water i put in,then let u now again...
I flipped today's papers and lots of NATAS good deals

bettle, sugar free! good good!!!
Bettle, so cheap meh? How many days did you go? I calculate around $2.5-$3k if based on 5 nites water villa + half board + air tix.
u know why i say the fertility monitor is easier to use,bcoz,last time i also bought the ovulation kit..i bought 2,but it's record my ovulation cycle at all.Probably,i calculate wrongly my days...whereas,this fertiltiy monitor is easier to use,I dun have to know when is my O approaching,the kit will prompt me when to start testing my urine....

the vacumm cooker is easier for u....but u can check out the slow cooker as well....


i not very gd in giving instructions leh....i try my best...

yah the programme very enriching.suitable for man and woman to watch.

dun worry,my AF first 2 days also heavy,from 3rd days onwards also very light flow....
Hi Babe76...

Congratzzz...hv a smooth 9 mths ahead!!!


Wow...so many pple here...

Hi Bettle Bug...

I hv the EYS bird nest too...but I wil finish it within 3 days leh...u take 2 to 3 wks to finish a btl issit...
it is not normal for my case lor. Not sure if it is because I just had chemical pregnancy last month. the AF not back to normal yet. If like that most likely I won't take clomid for next cycle. may wait for another month

Me here...

It was a mad mad mad wk for me...clockin 4 to 5 hrs zzzzzzzzz everynite...but Im very happie tonite...cos I finished all the darned reports...n wil b on 1 wk's leave next wk...yippeeeeeeeee...
all can buy from pharmacy...
one box has 20 test strips cost $80.

u must set the kit when ur AF has come....Anyway between CD 1 TO CD 5,U Muzt set the kit...
then the kit will prompt u when to test urine and show the status of ur cycle whether it's low,peak or high...

So if it's low status,no need to even try and BD...
Bettle Bug...

Mine is the concentrated one in purple wrapper...okie lah...sometimes when Im greedy...I take 2 spoonfuls...hee...

u take 2 to 3 days to finish ,because ur man also steal and eat right...on leave huh....can BD everyday liao lor...

the ang mo kio from the man's magazine one.....
dat's a fact

Gd to ML regularly even tho u r not BD-in...a Straits Times report stated tat a man shld ejaculate at least once every 5 days...otherwise...the old sperm may release...errr...sometink which wil harm the gd sperm...
hee hee.. for my case.. i forgot to take sometimes... and my man very lazy one. waiting for me to feed him. but that sales lady told me it is for 2/3 weeks lor.

hmmm. now only left with 3 of us... :D

i dun like to buy things on line,because,the OPK is not convinent to use,I wasted $$ to buy 2 boxes,and couldn't detect my O period,the the pharmacist introduce me the fertility kit,which is much eaiser to use....at least i will not miss my O,using this....
Bettle Bug...

My gynae told me it is 72 days...to b exact...


No nid to BD tis wk liao...my AF is due next wkend...

Hmmm...but it seems like the fertility kit is useful if yr cycle is reg...if yr egg decides to hatch 1 or 2 wks earlier...then the alert wil not b valid anymore...

I actually use the midstream OPK...more ex...but more convenient n easier to use...abt USD1+ each...

never mind fizz,

smetimes thing just happens,never give up the last chance,

okie,me gg to sleep now \

good nite bettle and fizz
