A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

hope you and sha managed to catch the fireworks. went to my sister's office at shenton to catch the fireworks!! wow!!! even better than NDay one...very very pretty!!!

but dun think CY appreciates it.he just kept saying 'bright ...works...cared (scared)' then snuggled into us..haiz....no garang boy here!!!

trying for number two soon? think about time..by then CHanz will be three!!

there is quite a few articles on this topic today's papers. interesting. wonder what our society's take really is?i mean, the bosses should be happier that we are not taking leave after leave, our hearts with our family while working right???kekekekke such irresponsibnle statement.

ya, i agree that the govt's priority now is just to increase the numbers, nvm how the kids turn out later...perhaps, they wanna solve the short term problem first & hope other factors will come into place to ensure that kids turn out well. Very myopic, but wat to do!
the problem with dealing with only short term problem is that they will always have to grapple with short term, immediate, urgent problem for the rest of their time. if we do not have wise leaders with foresight, then it is just the culmination of problems after problems. we can never be ahead of hte problems...
ya, will go ahead with my frozen ivf next June.
Hope to have another gal to accompany C.
Hmm....but still got to face the high chance of prematured labor again. It is scary every time i think of this, cos I dun want the child to suffer.

u order 2 sets of alex giant toys, planning to keep it for bb 2? well...same for me cos i ordered 2 sets as well. hopefully the organiser has got more.
what is this alex toy thingy you are talking about huh??

huh???why not boys??kekeke...boys are very endearing too...im quite pro boys after having one. hahah..they are very like the man you fell in love with at the beginning...
No lah, I am not stocking up for the second one. Not easy to be so lucky to strike a second one with frozen ivf ley, chances are like 20% only. Cat said $55 ley which I think it is not worth. The 2 sets are actually for gifts keke.

cheri was sharing with us this set of art crafts My giant busy box from the bp which is less than $50! I got it shipped from amazon last year and paid ard $70 i think.

My hb and i prefer gals ley. Feel that it is stressed to make sure the boys excel such that they have a better future ahead. Also i enjoy buying gals' stuff haha.
u interested to order from amazon direct? i am thinking of having it sent to brisbane. if you want to join, i can ask my sis to bring back in early nov and u can collect from my mum's place at AMK. still calculating to see if it is worthwhile....
Finally we managed to watch the Fireworks! Yes, it was indeed so awesome.
Sha was too excited about it, screamed so loud that other older kids asked her to keep quiet. She suddenly asked for Spore flag after watching it for 10mins.... OMG!
Any program next week?
Think my cruise trip is cancelled cos suddenly these few days I feel more cramps n easily get tired...of course belly is bigger...like overnight!
dun think any mummies or tods here are interested in the RSAF opening...am bringing cy to look at fighter planes and let hm maybe sit in one...he would love it to bits i think...

hahah..yah hor. bt then success if relative in the future singapore. no longer does one need to be academically inclined mah. can start biz, even garbage collection can be a lucrative trade next time. just as long as they know how to manage wealth, health and family (my hb's motto in life), then dun have to get so stressed over short term success in schools.
30th and 31st august. paya lebar airbase...sha likes aeroplanes too? not sure if there are aerial display though...most likely going on sunday though...
eih, not sure leh. i saw it on today's papers...can look for the advert, ST...

heee..then after visit must post and lemme see if it is any good...
Fireworks Festival
It was a lousy planning to buy the tickets to watch. I could have sold off the tickets earlier but changed my mind and got myself "stuck" in the confined capsule with not much view, while the fireworks painted the sky with colors
By the time our capsule reached the optimal position, everything has ended.
Should have just be contended to stay around esplanade area like last time. Hiaz.

Order from amazon directly but shipping to ya place may be high? Do you know how much? But again, dun want to trouble ya sis with 2 huge boxes, pai sey la. Ha, was talking to cat just now and we will only get if it is about $45. keke. Anyway , thanks for the offer.
Let me know if you need to get anything from Popular in Nov when there is a 20% discount.

Somehow gals are closer and more thoughtful to parents in my opinion. Maybe more things to talk about when it comes to bags, clothes, make up haha.
true, foresight is so impt! but some will say, if can't even solve problems that r of consequence in the near future, wat's there to think abt later? a bit like govt wan the pp to keep their cpf savings for old age, but some dun even hv enough to survive now...

must think positive
My cousin's kids r a miracle story. 1st cycle IVF, he got a boy now coming 3 years old. Then tried for 2nd child recently wif frozen eggs from 1st round, got a boy again. So nvr say nvr...

oh dear, cramps r terrible...must take care k?
the cramps are the pre labour kind of pain? or just normal cramps? That time when R was 32 weeks, i had the pre-labour kind of cramps in the middle of the night, and rushed to hospital. The pain was already quite terrible, and the gynae told me the real labour cramps are 10 times worst! scaryy!

good luck when u try for ivf next year! My friend also had her fIrst baby thru ivf and her baby is now 3 yrs. Now she is also going for second round of ivf

i would be interested in the rsaf event too, recently R is very into aeroplanes and crafts, i think he would be interested, although i dun think he will dare to sit in one! heee
the cramps I'm having right now is more like tummy being stretched. When I move around or twist my body or lie down in certain angle then will feel the pull. And of course my body has been practising the contractions since long time ago so am taking the muscle relax pill in almost daily basics...
You are into 3rd trimester. Bb is growing fast and definitely more active. Maybe that is why you feel your tummy is stretching. I remembered I could not even lie on the bed to sleep during this stage, so uncomfortable! The worst period was during 3am-5am every night.
Now I can still sleep at night...but S is getting very noisy at night. She will hunt for me in the middle of the night. If hb go n attend to her, she will chase him away...
If Sha were to wake up middle of the night, she will also chase G away.... hahahhaha!
There was once I was disturbed by her at around 4am. She woke up to drink water (I place her water bottle beside her).
Then she also asked me to wake up, and insisted me to sit up to drink water too.
yo mummies...

haha..no lah, just sit and take photo only. i rem they used to have those stationaery fighetr planes for people to take photos in...hope hb can bring cy up lo...

elmo, cg
die lah, hunt for mummy at night how. cy has always been like that, not even a phase or what.only now it's more 'purposeful'. will wake me up at 6am and ask "red car where?", "truck where?" (%$@#^%$&^#%&^%)

Mixing languages
CY has started to mix language. WAS appalled and surprise at the same time. haiz. knew it's going to come sooner but..haiz...

went to see the fire works and he told my sister..."mei you moon"...i nearly died there!!! i have never mixed language in front of him though i know it's part of learning i still cannot stand it!!!

my sis had a whale of time teasing him tho
...still wanted to teach him "no yue liang"...arghhhh
Hahaha Sha is so cute. ask u to wake up to drink water too. well to some extent she is not "wrong".

if zy wakes up in the mid of the night, she will come to my room and ask me to go and sleep with her in her room. so i guess....same same here.

zy started mixing languages at 2 but she stopped now so don't worry. just be consistent in wat language u want to speak to him.

if i opt for longer transit, it is about US$5 per item. but somehow the website refused to accept my address!!!! was really annoying....

Guess wat! I found tissue collage sold in ELC over here. Now they got promotion , buy 3 for the price of 2! I secretly took some pics just now at the shop....heee heee. found other craft works as well. interested?




the other Canvas art only $2.95, comes with wooden frame and paint and brush.



if you find nice chinese storybooks at popular, let me know. i am really keen to grab as many good chinese books and ship them over for zy and kj.
cg, cy, elmo
if R wakes up in the middle of the night, i will just tell him to go back to sleep and then pat him a few times. It works, he will go back to sleep.Now he rarely wakes up anymore.
My mil was suggesting that when the little one comes, R can sleep with her! Actually i do think its a good idea, cos then i just need to take care of the younger one, not both of them, heee...

that time after i had the pre labour cramps, i was on ventolin everyday to stop the cramps from coming back.

so confirm u will be gg for the rsaf opening day? which day r u going?
hi mummies

miracles do happen!!!
in the morning was abt to change kai out of pj n he said, Poo!Poo! Poo!
Pointed upstairs. Thin he wanted to use toilet but was occupied.
so gave him potty.
nothing happened.
after his nap, told him i'l change his diaper.
Same. Poo! Poo!
Gave him his potty and guess what??
he did a big one!
Why is it a miracle?
Cos i've nvr ever trained him. In fact, nvr ever showed him a potty, let alone train him!
think he saw ning at the toilet poo poo-ing?
phew! made my task easier...
haha..think both cy and kai very similar.now i just leave the potty there and he does it whenever he wants. not always, but he does it when the inspiration strucks him but i leave it for now...

some time back he told me he wanted to poop in the potty, but i was too tired to bring him there then (near bedtime) so i told him poop in his diapers, and he did. from then on, he never did ask me to bring him to poop in toilet..kekekke..guess i missed that golden opportunity. guess i should be just happy that he pees in the potty...

o yeah, his aim is getting better...
She does that sometimes but I will just ignore her. But if she insisted, I will tell her go n take herself...then I realised she is just asking my permission if she can get up to find it.

guess all same same ya! Last time when she wakes up, she will come to lie down on our bed. Now she will just sit on her own bed n call for me....lazy bum!

She has been a good girl at night. If she wakes up at night, I will just "shhhh" her then she will go back to sleep. Their pattern keep changing. So now she is trained to let daddy pat her to zz, next is let him pat her back to sleep in the middle of the night.
In fact, I got more contractions when I was in my 5-6th mth. Now is not so much contractions but just the stretching n kicking of the monster inside driving me up the wall!
Hello mommies!!
Thanks so much for all the well wishes

Jus pop in to say a quick hello and post some pics

Hey thanks for visiting me at the hospital
btw after u left then i remembered S's pressie was in my hb's car!!! if i knew u were coming i wld hv brought it up.
btw u must take care ya... next will be CY's and ur turn soon

Baby Kate
labour this time round was tougher than the first one and than expected. but definitely worth everything
hb is now so in love w baby kate... oh well another daddy's girl. Cay dotes on his mei mei alot but sometimes can get abit too over enthusiastic... keeps wanting to sayang her and one day can kiss her up to 50 times... pengz. plus think he's oso trying to adjust hving to share attention w mei mei so can be quite cranky at times... hopefully the phase will pass soon.

ok some pics to share

Baby Kate

Doting big brother

Mommy & baby

ok will prolly mia for awhile but will definitely pop whenever i can to read the posts
You are most welcome! So happy to see ur pretty princess...really very sweet looking darling! You are looking very good too

Love the pics
Warmest congratulations!
Kate looks gorgeous, and you have this v "settled and blessed" aura around you....totally in love that kind of feeling :)

wow the last two photos are so sweet. cay kissing kate and you with kate...

gosh, hope my labour wouldnt be worse this time round..rest well and recuperate quicky quicky
CY has been really notti recently. refused to go to bed at stipulated bedtime. driving me up the walls and across the ceiling!!!

any mummies have any ideas what to do with such kiddoes? he used to go to sleep by 8pm. now he sometimes drag on till 9plus or even 10!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

will roll around, chuckle to his own jokes, sigh, flip his skinny frame around...etc. very upsetting for mummy....

i find those sests of handicrfaft a bit ex for use leh.

i doubt i can take that ah-beng streak of mixing languages in him. too many negative influences in singapore! gues being in oz helps...

both kate n u look great!

erm... i think u can sgorten his pm nap?
i know that works for ning.
in fact for kai, if he takes a longer nap, he'll go to bed a bit later.
But i noticed if he sleeps at 8plus he has the tendency of waking up in the middle of the night.
so these days i'll let him sleep at slightly past 9.

If i know hb works late then i'll get him up a bit earlier fr his nap.
otherwise i'll let him sleep to his heart's content!

weekends are a bit topsy turvy cos at my mom's he'll want to go talk to my mum, play with the cousins, run abt etc and instead of napping at 12plus he'll probably stretch till 2plus?

yesterday ning also fell asleep on our way back so all 4 of us napped.
Then kai gave me a shock.
normally he'll wake n call out to me, but yesterday he was in his cot n he sobbed!
carried him n he cried oh so pathetically.
then fell asleep again.
tried to wake him few times.
glad he was able to sleep as usual!

i guess too much of fireworks?
his routine has been disrupted so i guess u hv to re-establish it?
that's why i try not to stay out too late.
i was rather surprised u brot cy to the fireworks.
now, i want kai to eat well, rest well, sleep well and GROW! keke

He's on Ketotifen to strengthen his lungs.
It also boost his appetite in a way.
So this am he finished his milk(180ml), had quail eggs, yogurt(he finished n tried to get Ning to give him some), lunch... NAP... milk(180ml)-finished all n investigated the bottle when nothing else came out... butter roll, cookies(1pcs only), dinner, milk(180ml) and ZZZZZ....
congrats, kate looks so sweet n cute, such a darling!

ur boy sounds exactly like randal! FOR once i thought u were describing randal , kekek... R's bedtime is 10plus, but recently, he loves to drag until 12 plus, gosh, then i just sit on the bed, desperately trying to make him sleep, whilst he excites himself, throwing his toys around, flipping around and laughing at dunno wat??!! arghh... Then when he sees his daddy in the room, he will be so excited he starts to scream in delight, sigh..
RSAF event, i prolly going this saturday.
yah, that was once off kinda thingy, didnt want to be too sticky about his night time since i was sticky about it from day one. but he has b een like this for some time, a couple of weeks?

his nap is ok, sleeps on cue.

ketotifen, o yes, we still have a bottle in the fridge. too lazy to feed him nowadays. must start him on it soon. but i have so many things i need to do..haiz...

for cy, im just glad he is eating something.

o yes..cy gets highly higly excited when he sees daddy in the room!!!! then he'll never sleep!!
such lovely photos!!!!! Ya HB has found a new sweetheart haha.

Ya cousin is really lucky you know. Can share who is her gynae? I am pretty reluctant to go thru with the frozen eggs that soon because I wish to "acompany and enjoy" C as much for the next 2-3 years at least, since I have gone thru so much to have her. But I know if I have to delay, the chances will be lower with my increasing age. Is ya PCOS better after N?

Did you get another helper now? I am glad C has been back to her "usual", except that she likes to bargain and negotiate with me now that she is very into words. Sometimes I wish she can just stop talking in the car and let me rest. Think these kiddos have moments when they will be difficult to handle. C does not get into slumberland easily. Usually she will take at least 40 mins before she will lie motionless. It is frustrating when she climbs all over my body.

Hee. I used to tekan the kids with tissue art so that they will not disturb me. But dun think i will pay for ELC's price. Still ex, after the promotion.

How come so cheap US5? you mean it is cheaper to send to Aussie from US?

I hate the last trimester most becos I could hardly sleep with a big tummy on the way.

Thank thanks. Will sure post here when I am doing my frozen ivf. HAve you started to splurge on ya gal? keke. Aiyoh you know know hoh I still have so much credits for Comfort space. Now they dun have mani padi service, so the only think i go for is massage, dunno when I can ever finish!
C is like that. If she sleeps at 8 plus, she will wake up around 10 plus pm and feel recharged! So far I think 10pm is a good time, but ususally she sleeps at 11.30pm earliest....urgh.
Hi Moms,

Haven't been logging in to the forum for sometime now. Hope you all are doing great!

Now is my turn to share my Aug2006 baby's recent 2nd birthday

On the day he turned 2yo (20.08.2008), the four of us went out for dinner, but the actual birthday cake and get together was done just last Sunday, right after his Sunday School.

We had a Nemo theme for his cake as he likes Nemo and Dory a lot.

As for the goodie packs, we made a DVD and share it with his Sunday School friends

Basically we wanted Vai and his little sunday school friends to remember - even years to come - their very first Sunday School days, how their class is like, the kind of activities they do, their teachers, their friends and most importantly, God’s great love for little children.

I shared his birthday days on my blog too




And here are some of the pix





Our Everyday Things
- Loving Life with Children, Everyday

The pics are beautiful! And so is the baby! So adorable! Love that photo where the big brother's gently kissing the baby sister!!



congrats!!! the pics are really nice...

i just briefly read the freight cost. it is 5 per shipment and 5 per item. but the transit time is the longest among all, think 32 days.but i can't checkout despite trying sg and aussie address...keeping saying they can't send to this address. wat did u input for your address, can PM me? cos i had tried few version but can't.

there are 5pcs in each box so it costs about AUD$2.66 per art. yup...slightly more than alex toy after conversion.
