A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

no helper now, but think of getting one soon. find that i can hardly spend time with CY without a helper. i spend more of my time doing household chores and stuff, and coz my place's near construction site, it gets dirty very easily....

furthermore doing major shifting of furniture and rearranging stuff before bb comes, a bit last minute..but still must be done lah...

and im rather tired recently so it makes things worse. think it would have been better if im not pregnant but then...shouldnt be complaining...

hehe so did sha eat a lot of the food or noodles wif the chopsticks? i think most of them tend to start wif fist holding..that's why i found the training chopsticks useful...N knows now which finger to position where, in which loop of her chopstick...maybe u can get a pair for sha if she doesn't hv one yet?

btw we went Spotlight that day. Lots of pretty scrapbooking materials but i din find any art sets that u were talking abt that r suitable for them now leh. Any particular ones u saw there?

cutie & pebbles
slipped my mind, but i know of another sg seller who's selling the Giant Busy Box at $50 per box..let me know if u r keen. I oso got a box of tissue art from Alex Toys at $20 so almost same price as ELC's. Btw there's only 2 pcs of tissue art in the Giant Busy Box, that's why i got more for her since she enjoys it.

i love Cay's tenderness towards Kate! She seems to hv a lot of hair too like Cay or did Cay hv more then? omg! 50 kisses is extravagant hahhaha...tell him to go easy on his mei mei keke

that's a wonderful gift for the rest of the kids; so thoughtful of u.

not sure who the gynae is, need to check wif him. But think should be from kk. My pcos seems better cos i used to get quite bad acne b4 every period but it's kinda tapered off after her birth.

re tots' sleep patterns
we're thinking of switching her to a toddler bed after we come back from our trip. Her present cot can be adjusted to a toddler bed wif safety railings at the side. Any mummies hv any tips to share? not sure how we r going to go abt it yet cos she's been sleeping in her cot since birth...everytime she wants to jump into our bed wif us, my hb will pretend to snore ultra loud into her ears! She will cover her ears, shout 'so noisy' then want to go back into her cot. When she's in her cot, she will smile & say happily 'Nikki far away, papa cannot snore anymore' hehehe. Wonder when it will dawn on her why mummy still wants to sleep beside daddy if he snores so loudly hahha

heheh laughing at his own jokes! reminds me of N...now N will lie in bed at nite, pretending to be her teacher, ordering the children ard...she'll even pretend to lower her voice & go 'where r u, gordon? where r u, sarah etc? i suspect she's imitating the teachers taking attendance hahah
Strange that you did not see any at Spotlight. I cannot remember the brands. Will check it out for you if I go there again.
there were some but more suitable for older kids. i rem spotlight din use to hv such a big space allocated to scrapbooking stuff...maybe that's raking in the $ for them now!
Hi Lin,

Kate is so sweet looking!!! I love the pics of both you and Kate & Cay kissing Kate!!!

Caitz refused the pigeon bottle. Got 1 bottle to let her try. She ended up crying for 2 hrs! Refused to drink any milk after that. So we switched back to letting her drink her SMOO milk with straw the night after. Not a fuss after that. Well at least we tried and now we know she really dun like the bottle.
what do they have in the giant busy box? not all girly stuff right?got link or not?think i missed out the first time you posted...

yeah, cy takes forever to fall asleep. if i switch off the lights at 7plus, he will sleep by 8, if i switch off the lights by 8, he will sleep by 8.40pm. if daddy is in the room, he wont sleep at all...

hey mummies
what is your menu for brekkie huh? think cy is sick of his pancakes breakfast oredi. he has different toppings and fillings everyday: fruits, cheese, different kinds of spread etc...but think it's been too long.

tried french toast, scrambled eggs, cereal with milk...

anything else?

must have high calorie count too...
I just remembered. It is selling at $17plus for one box (packed with a few activites)
I bought quite a few foam and felt materials from Daiso, a lot of colour selections. Very cheap indeed!
Sha is drinking well. And we bought another bottle for her. Drinks around 450-500ml per day. But sometimes she is lazy to feed herself.

Good for her! I just placed the bottle in front of her, not even forcing her, she tells me "NO!" then when i ask her to try, thats when she starts crying. Aiyo cry for 2 hrs!! I didn't even force her to drink. just left the bottle in front of her.
CG, Elmo,

Ya lor... i also never force her to drink just place it in front of her thats all! I didn't even make formula milk for her. Just plain fresh milk. Guess now we know she can't drink from bottle... hahaha traumatised by it hahaha


C has her own bedroom but we still let her sleep with us. We adjusted the babycot to the lowest. Mine is a platform bed so the single size mattress width is just nice, I use the seahorse 3 tier mattress and cut another one portion of the seahorse portion to balance it. She has a very big place to sleep but still like to squeeze in between us which I do not allow cos I will not be able to sleep well.

Will PM you how to go about it by tomorrow k

Baby oats?

Oh yes, it is tiring to cope without helper esp if you are preggy, i will have to get a helper in your situation.
I've been letting Kay slp in her toddler bed since yesterday. She has finally learnt how to climb out of her cot.

There were a few occasions when she caught us by surprise, incl one night when we suddenly heard knocks on our bedroom door. Apparently, Kay woke up in the middle of the night, crawl out of her cot, went searching around the hse for us & start knocking on our door.

I'm afraid accidents will happen sooner or later, esp during the night when it's so dark. So have decided to move her to bed ASAP.

But 1 con is that we have to lay beside Kay during bedtime before she can go to slp. Otherwise she'll roam around the room, even attempting to go out to the living room. Last night, she also knocked on our bedroom door, asking to be let in. Think the sudden freedom makes them DUN wanna stay in bed.

I'm thinking of installing a safety gate at her bedroom door to prevent her from roaming around during bedtime, esp middle of night.

Gd thing now is, Kay managed to nap longer in the day. Yesterday, she napped for 2hrs...today she napped for 2.5hrs. Haha. Previously she can only nap max 1hr. Mayb bigger space for her to roll around so can slp better.
C's room looks so nice & cosy. I wished I had such nice room when I was little.

I'm not too particular abt Kay's bfast. She still mainly has FM for bfast. But I'll still pack bisc/bread/honey stars for her teabreak in PG. But she has lunch early. At 11am when she returns from sch.
S out of her cot since long time ago..think when she was just 1yr++. We didn't want to take the chance for her to climb out n hurt herself co she did attempt that stunt many times. Also like what YB said, she sleeps better when out of the cot. That time she will turned n knocked herself around inside the cot then wake up many times.
YB, that was quite nerve racking when she came knocking on ur door while she is supposed to be inside her cot right?! S will not wonder around now if she wakes up earlier..provided I'm next to her. She will just lie next to me singing n talking until I wake up.

ya C's room is so nice n cozy...too bad we do not have the space for her to do up like that!

S's also just have FM in the mrng when she wakes up. Then she will get some snacks like milo with bread or porriege in school. When she came back frm school at 11am...shower then lunch at 12pm.
I luv C's room....think it's time to redo Shan's room (which is nothing but a cot and some cupboards thrown together). Ok...project 2009 for me :)
Ice Lollies
Juice concentrate - in whatever flavour you like best.(red raspberries, yellow lemon, white pineapple, etc.)
Any kind of plastic dish: a cup, an empty yogurt container.
A wooden stick (or a spoon if you don’t have a wooden stick at home).

How to prepare
Pour the juice concentrate into the plastic container.
You can mix two different flavors in one cup if you’d like.
Fill the cup with water. Take care not to fill it to the brim. Do it slowly and leave some room.
Now take the wooden stick, or the spoon and stir the mixture very gently,
so it doesn't spill
Place the stick into the mixture inside the cup.
Put the cup in the freezer.
Wait for the ice lollies to freeze.
When the ice lollies are frozen and ready, take them out of the freezer, wait a few minutes, and then pull the stick out of the cup.
your tots have only fm? but your tots appetite is good so ok to have that, then big meals for lunch and dinner. for cy need to spread all his meals up..so day goes like this..

180mls milk and pancakes (i big one) or frenchtoasts/cereal

morning break
cereal (alternate if breakfast is not)/cookies/cheese toast and 180mls milk


1 potate with eggs and cream and cheese
or some carbo heavy food like pasta with cream
150mls milk

rubbish..snack stuff like cheese biscuits, fruity bowl or cakes...

dinner...he eats too little here...i think..

before bedtime
180mls milk and nutricomb drink to accompany him through the night...

thing is his breakfast is the one that he usually enjoys. he is getting sick of his pancakes..now dunno what to give...

oat not a lot of calorie leh, filling for them but little calorie...wanted to make waffles but same taste as pancakes right???arhghhh..maybe changing the patterns of pancakes to waffle can really make a diff!!

sleeping arrangement
we are int he process of changing the MBR into the children's playroom cum day room...then the guest room will have only beddings that we all bunk in together...the study will be converted backt o study cum tv room...so no more tv in living room so no longer a focal point in home layout...quite exciting..the kiddoes will have a lot of playarea next time!!!!!

i think cy eats quite alot based on wat u wrote.

here is zy diet

270ml FM

either morning/afternoon snack
steam bun/cereals with fresh milk, 1 slice bread with cheese/ egg tart/ yogurt with fruits/steam sweet corn/sponge cake/favoured bun

1 adult bowl of porridge with 5-7 different toppings/noodles with 5 different toppings/oats with FM( 2 scoops)

1 adult bowl of porridge with 5-7 toppings/noodles with 5 toppings/rice with 2 dishes
actually wanted him to eat more than other tots coz want him to go back on the chart nicely. he is now (finally) at the 3rd percentile. around 9.3kg...still a bit shakey,anytime can come off chart..that's why im always counting calories...

zy can finish one whole adult bowl of porridge???? that is fantastic!! cy wont be able to do that. he doesnt like too many toppings too. dunno why, if i give him more than two, he will spit them out.
yes she can. at times if hungry she can eat 1.5 bowl. if he doesn't like too many toppings, then use it to make soup may easier to get those nutrients into his body.

usually, i will boil chicken/pork bones and have it store in the fridge. will use it for porridge or noodles as a base. i will also add some oats to the porridge to make the texture smoother and to increase fibre.

just for laughs
zy was in the toliet doing her poo when she suddenly cried out in pain. i rushed in to find out wat happen...she kept saying pain. so i asked her where....." buttocks" she said.

hahaha now i will use this example to tell her that she needs her veggie to help her poo.

thanks.will let u know if i am getting from the SG supplier.

btw, beside tissue art, wat other art stuff do they have in the giant alex toy?

just wondering if i should just get tissue art or giant alex toy?
i am so happy today! just joined fitness first over here. felt so unhealthy for the past months and finally, i am on my way to healthier lifestyle....

over here, there is a childcare service daily from 9 to 12pm to care for children while parents go for exercise. $6.50 for 2 children for 1.5hours. i am so happy cos it gives me 1.5 hours to enjoy some peaceful moments.

after watching olympics, i am motivate to swim again. so shall start with swimming tomm.....
C's corner is so <font color="ff0000">NICE!</font>
Mine is the same concept as yours.
I use 2 mattresses.
Easy for me to breastfeed her.

I have been delaying too.
Maybe project 2009 or 2010... keke!
Maybe I have to rent a storeroom just to store my books and other stuff, in order to create a room for her.

5-7 different toppings = 5-7 different ingredients?

It is always a rush in the morning.
Sha will wake up at 815am, and we need to leave hm by 8.45am (the latest).
Sometimes she just have plain crackers or fresh milk while on our way to her school.

Kay is so independent!

Suddenly this afternoon at my grandma's place, she complained of stomach pain.
Cried then vomited a bit.
Followed by a high fever.
Slept a total of 5 hours on and off.
The whole day she did not have any solid food, no appetite at all.
Oh dear! Did u bring her to see doc? Hope she is ok!!!
S now will wake up around 8-8.15am. Nomatter how early or how late she wakes up, I will give her 180ml FM then head to school. Once she reaches school, they will have breakfast around 8.30-8.40am. If she doesn't have school then will drink her 180ml FM around 8+am then cereal with fresh milk around 10am.
ya...toppings= ingredients

wat did she last ate? does sha put fingers in her mouth? good that she can sleep for so many hours. hope she is recovering well.

zy recently picked up this bad habit from cc and would enjoy sucking 1 finger. ai....suck finger at 3?????

over here, nanny service is about $50 for 3-4 hours. it's only in fitness first, CC is so cheap cos their focus is to have parents join the membership. CC is only part of the added service. maybe over, aussie parents rely less on their parents for help over distance.
Let me check if any fitness centres in Spore provides such service... haha!
Sha sucks her thumb all this while.
Personally, I also feel non-asian parents are more independent.

I had given her panadol, and her fever is now back to normal.
This afternoon, her behaviour was quite strange, refused to talk, refused to eat, just wanted to lie down then sleep.
My grandma was so panicked, begged me to bring her to KK despite of the heavy rain.
Even when she was sleeping, she kept touching her forehead and body to check temperature.

Oh dear... what happen to sha?? Perhaps she knows her body is weak so need to rest to get well. Hope she has a speedy recovery!
Of course will be worried! Ya, she is probably feeling very weak so want to lie down to rest...further more didn't have enough sleep the whole day! Hope she is well real soon!
cy &amp; cutie
this is the link for the Giant Busy Box...besides tissue art, they hv sticker art, animal collages, paper bag art, playdough animals..total of 16 activities. I find the Giant box a good buy cos there is a variety of activities so kid wun get too bored. Good way for u to test out which works well for ur tot then u can buy more of that activity later? U can look at the alex toys site to look at the indiv items above which u can buy separately if ur tot really likes them.


i managed to buy the lollies stick thingy u mentioned from spotlight that day...$8.90 for set of 4 sticks. Heee but we dun intend to fill it to the brim cos that would mean too much cold stuff for N...maybe fill up up just a quarter or third for the fun of eating ice-lollies...i tried out yogurt that day!

yb, pebbles, elmo
N will try to climb out of her cot but each time we will remind her not to do it or she might fall &amp; end up like Humpty Dumpty heheh...she's quite compliant in that aspect, din really make serious attempt to climb out after that. We're thinking of shifting her more cos she's heavier &amp; taller now. She can sleep very well in her cot so far even for naps. Now she will ask for milk &amp; always keep her promise to sleep after drinking so we reckon it's time to shift her to toddler bed too. I'm prepared that iniitally, she would be so happy to be able to climb in &amp; out of her bed, too excited to sleep hahaha. We're happy to hv her sleep in our room so long as she's confined to her own bed cos she sleeps well at nite &amp; doesn't really disturb us.

sha seems like she has stomach flu..how's she today? resting at home?
any prog to take our tots out on 1 sept? it's teacher's day that day so most of them do not need to go to sch..shall we go somewhere in the morning &amp; then hv lunch tog? working mummies like angi, garfield etc, wanna take leave &amp; join us???
there is no pricing on the site. i got it at S$45 at the bp price but i know of someone else who's selling it at $50. think the bp seller is not offering the promo price of $45 anymore.
Had bought The Rainbow Fish tickets for 1 Sept, can't join you mummies for gathering then.

It is due to her molar teething again! That explains of her high fever. No more complaining about stomach pain, must be due to her hunger as she did not have any solid food at all. Now her temperature is back to normal.
cy eats A LOT!!!
Kai doesn't eat half as much.
He breakfast is just his milk, same as ning.
But he takes eggs for tea break b4 his lunch.
He has 3 milk feeds now and i'm very happy with that.

the ice lollies thingy quite cool ya?
But i can't find mine, keke...
time to buy new ones?

Last night b4 Kai slept he took out some of ning's board games. One of them was Numbers Dominoes.
He showed me and said Read? Read?
So I obliged and said the number and the numer of animals printed.
He went thru a few with me, each time holding so tightly in his hand and cocking his head.
Then he piled up the cards and said, "Good!" with his thumb sticking out!
That's my badge of honour? Haha

oh dear! Sounds like sha is suffering!
Last night i had a bit of stomach wind and that really caused so much discomfort, what more for young tot like sha...
hope sha will get better...you seen a doc?

no, actually he eats little for each meal that';s why i have to space out his meals. even if i cut back his snacks, he still eats as little. quite exasperating at times coz i just wish he could eat a lot in one meal so i dun have to be constantly giving him food.

kai so cute, can lift up his thumb oredi? cy tried but end up all fingers fanned out, same as his itsy bitsy spider, he loves it but cant do it to save his life.

im paraonoid about milk as brekkie maybe coz he's on isomil and i keep thinking it's not as fattening...you know pediasure has twice the calories?????2X leh...

actually yes pediasure has 2xs the calories(now that u mentioned...) but... if he takes little oso of no use right?
at one time he was drinking twice per day and it's abt 100ml per feed...

no, i rather not count the calories else i'll go crazy!

my sis was a tiny tot.
Yes, really really tiny.
she had soooo little milk.
she was sooo small...
so much so that when she was p6 pp thot she was p2.
But now, we stand 'shoulder to shoulder' see 'eye to eye' keke
and she's a mum of 2, her elder one is really tall! she's got smarter brains than me, bustier than me(oops, how does this come into the pic??!!)
see the drift here?

My pd said, this lil' fella will catch up, just u see, might be bigger than che che!(she saw Ning fr birth)...

how abt boil some porridge for sha?
boil till super soft then add fish slices and some slices of ginger?
at least more nourishing?
give her a bit of glucose?
heart pain...
how high was sha's fever yest? below 40? ya, i rem reading that though teething doesn't cause a child to fall ill directly, but very often, cos the gums r open for teeth to sprout, the kids tend to contract viruses more easily esp when they put their fingers or other toys/objects in mouth. hence diarhoerra, fever esp all can be indirectly linked to teething. take care...

anyone else game for 1 sep? elmo, wat abt playdate at ur place on that day? heheh baby shower?

waiting for N's 1st parent teacher meeting now. Hee wonder wat the tr is going to say abt my cheeky gal.


ya, he can do the good sign a long time ago and he likes to put index to his lips to SHHH!

these few days he can talk alot more! single words but more meaningful and communicative!

he heard Ning hit the headboard accidentally this morning and he shouted, Knock Knock! Knock Knock! Then went to the headboard and knocked at it.
Then said, Door! Door! 'Pen! Pen! Knock knock!

When I asked, do u want yogurt? He went Yer(yogurt), yer(yogurt)! Yup! Yup!
His favourite now is Hammmm! Hammm! He lovesto say that when i asked, Ham sanwich for u?

Understanding him gets easier by the day. Phew!

Ning tried to make him say, Good Morning, Mummy! Good Morning, Daddy! Good Morning, Ning!
He ended up saying, ...., Mama!(big smile), ..., Daddee!(big smile), ....Ning, Ning!(lol)

So ning went Good, say good! Mor, say Mor! Ning, say Ning! And he said all! But cld not string tog!
Then he said, Ning Ning! Ning Ning and kept laughing abt it! He loves to say THEN? when Ning is talking cos Ning loves to use THEN! and he says it so cheekily! Then? Then? Then? Then, then? Then~
