A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?


Hmm... will go try it out. C all along doesnt like bottles. Have tried her since young and she rejected drinking from bottle at a very young age and only have to let her drink frm straw or cup. Now every night she knows the routine to drink her Smoo before bed. But day time she seem to reject drinking Smoo... dunno y.

How is the show "Money No Enough 2"?

S also refused her bottle when I started her in 3mths. Then I only tried occassionally after that. Sometimes she will drink frm the bottle sometimes no. So I also let her drink from straw for a while. Few mths later, she just drank frm it with no struggle...funny. I also started her with before bed then subsiquently before nap. Then now is 3 times aday...wake up, before nap n before bed at night.
elmo, cg
can i ask why you start them on bottles so late? i mean, even if you start fm now, dun they use cups instead?just curious that's all.

what's that?sorry...you mean zy wasnt upset you shredded her work???kekekekek...as you can see, im not the artisitc type...

poooorrr guy...maybe he got it from older kiddoes. stomach flu's terrible. you are not actually sick sick that medication can cure easily but feel like hell!!!!!hope he wont lose any weight from it

will be praying for the lil guy!
I followed the books n the breastfeeding booklet my gynae gave me. Saying that if start them too early will confused them between mummy's nipple n bottle's teat...something like that. And when you start offering the bottle, do not offer them yourself. Let someone else feed them so that they will not "smell" u.
Let me dig out my materials then I type them out for you.

My very fist Scrapbooking done for my hb's bday pressy


Wahhh your scrapbook is soooo nice!!! I bought materials to do but till date never done anything! hahaha i think will probably wait till she starts school then will have more free time! hahaha procrastinating so much!

Great! I think I will go taka to get one bottle to try out first! Its so hard to wean her off and probably disrupting both our sleeps!
yes i know that. that should be very early on, like before 6mths...but many paed book also recommend not to introduce bottle when they are beyond the age of 2. so i just thought it is a bit late for bottles. dentist and paeds usually dun like bottles too late coz it interfers with teeth growth and encourage comfort drinking...
(rem the super nanny episode which was blasted coz she gave the tod a bottle instead of cup when weaning from breast...didnt watch it myself but many were talking about it.)

but then if it aint broken, why fix it...
I was rushing to finish the scrapbooking ytday n done in 20mins...

No leh...all the meterials I read saying shd not start too late...
Money No Enough II is very touching!
Very nice scrapbooking... too bad G won't appreciate such things... keke! In the end, I will be the one keeping all these stuff for him after showing these to him (etc: hand-made birthday cards...)

I actually have a lot of milk bottles (different brands). Since birth, Sha rejected milk bottle. Same goes to FM.
hahah..so you like me, collect milk bottles ah? i have a whole box of it, some of them are still BNIB. dun even think i'll even get to use it.
you mean you gals do handmade stuff for hb??? so sweet.

i think i prefer to be insincere. just buy lo...

dun tell your hb you took 20 mins on that ok..say it took you whole night and got finger cramps/paper cut/curdboard bruises over it..kakakakakakakka....
Hb n I been wanting to go n watch...
Thanks! He likes handmade stuff...I ever knitted him a Soccer Player Doll with his name on the shirt
I also knitted our wedding couple

I developed the pics ytday afternoon n went to buy all the materials at PS ytday afternoon also then rushed home to do it before he came home from his jogging before dinner time. Hee...ya tell him I start working on it since few mths ago...kakakka!
Hello mommies
im still ard
gonna be induced tomr night then hopefully natural birth on actual edd 22 aug... really pray tat wont end up emergency c-sect... heard and read quite a few of such cases *touch wood touch wood*

oh dear hope Kai is better now. yah stomach flu is horrible horrible... so heart pain when seeing the lil one throwing up

interesting way to hang zy's artwork
keep off the dust as well

nice scrapbook!!!
wow and to think tat u did it within 20mins?! impressive leh! btw cant tell ur hb r those who will appreciate handmade stuff

CG, Ylc, CY
aiyo me too!! oso collect milk bottles!!! bought and tried almost every brand last time but stubborn cay simply refused lor... FM oso ah... dunno threw away how many tins of diff brands alr. hopefully no. 2 will be cooperative
cy, elmo, cg,
during the first few days of birth at hospital, the nurses will ask u whether u wanna give ur babies bottle milk right? although i wanted to give tbf when R was born, the nurses said R doesnt seem full from the bm and was quite unsettled after i fed him, so i ask them to give him bottle. That was how he got used to the bottle FM from birth, and had no problems switching between latching and bottle, But bottle must be fed by another person, otherwise, when he "smell" me , he will refuse the bottled FM.

so excited for u! U must be waiting eagerly for tomolo! Hope everything goes on smoothly for u, and u have a fast n easy natural birth. For me, my gynae advised that i could have a natural birth this time round if i wanted to, (although R is c-sec), but there is a risk of rupture during delivery as the wound from the previous delivery is there. SO i told him i wanted to go for c-sec again this time. I feel its better for me to go for the tried and tested, then go for something that is unknown to me. My pain threshold is very low kind.

thats a really nice scrapbook. i also want to do something like that! But i always no patience ah
aiyoh, cy started on bottle day 1, then after three months rejected it totally. i still rem it coz i introduced it thinking i have to go back to work soon. then the week before christmas went for xmas shopping, he whacked 180mls of bm via bottle at one go!!! the immediately after no more bottles..refused refused...let him starve also no use....depends on your child. like Lin, im praying for an easier girl for now.

very wasted throw away so many tins. why didnt you just get it from PD or GP samples or the companies. they are usually very generous.

this time round, im not going to traumatise myself over bottles. just going to tbf. think im too stressed up over cy's bottle saga previously so am going to relax now...since not going back to work anyway...

actually was thinking you delivered liaoz. was out today and someone mentioned that girls are always late. they like to stay inside as long as possible. boys more kancheong to come out
yah better dun take the risk cos usually if first one c-sect, think most gynaes wld advise 2nd and subsequent ones c-sect oso. actually one gd thing abt c-sect is no need go thru the guessing game... dunno whether false labour or the real thing

btw yah like cy, cay oso started on bottle on day 1... but dunno y after 2nd mth he totally rejected bottle

aiyo now i hoping my girl will stay inside til fri cos my gynae has quite a few surgery gg on tomr... wait come out tomr instead then he no time to attend to me!!

actually last time i wan cay to take bottle cos my supply pte ltd... so everytime v stressed he not enuff milk. tats y hoping this time the girl is ok w bottle then can supplement w fm if my bm really not enuff
hey quite interesting leh... price seems reasonable. too bad all 12 the same. wonder how thick the paper scene is... if too thin sure suffer at the hands of our rough boys
yah. was htinking can be quite fun but so many in a pack...more suitable if you are teaching a class i guess...

so are you all set oredi????inducing tmr?
Had a playdate at my girlfriend's place this afternoon. And I prepared this simple painting and pasting activities for the kids.
Sha was extremely happy!
Wah so very excited for you
Best luck to you tmr if you are inducing ya!!!
Hahah...my hb doesn't look like the type that will appreciate handicraft?! He looks like some sam-seng right..kakakka!

Yes the nurse will ask you if you intend to fully breastfeed or mix with bottle when u gave birth. And yes, they are not suppose to even suggest/encourage you to bottle feed at all. Any well-trained or well-informed nurses should knw that colostrum frm mummy for the 1st 3days is sufficient for the new born. Esther, I'm quite shocked that the nurse actualy told you that...which hospital u went?
My gf just gave birth to her 2nd one. She had C-section the first one then natural the 2nd one
hehe mixed feelings again... but now hving separation anxiety... keep worrying abt cay... sure gonna miss him big time

oh nvr discuss abt it cos mine supposed to be fri but i guess if i really pop tomr sure will hv someone to help me deliver

hey cute penguin!! did Sha paint the body herself? wah v neat leh

hehe yah boy... she looks so happy in her new bathrobe!
Had to help her along. Quite a big circle to paint, and she was using a small brush. She almost wanted to give up halfway. And I also forgot to bring a big brush for her
how are you going to settle cay then? im praying real hard that i will deliver at night then fast fast delivery go home day 1...think cy will kill me if he doesnt see me the whole day...

today i let cy go over to ILs and he refused to take his afternoon nap...

your hb not sam seng lah. but looks very stern.like what lin says, typical man...

but i always rem his moon appreciation in the garden leh...so romantic...
Ya Sha looked really happy
I'm still very hesitate each time letting her do the water color...I'm too lazy to do the cleaning after that lah!

He looks typical man?! He looks stern?! even with all the "smiling" pics I've been posting?!!! hahahha...can disturb him liao...kakkak!
ya ur hubby does look stern n serious. is he stern n serious in real life?

hey u are very considerate to cy! even want to deliver in the night and next morning go home to be with him
mine will be c-sec and will need to be in hospital at least 3 days. so poor R will have to sleep with his grandmother for the 3 days, as my hubby will be staying there with me with me during that period.
It works for us to train her to let daddy pat to sleep at night n daddy send to school in the mrng. Now she never cried anymore. This mrng, I dropped them off then daddy carried her walking away. I was daydreaming n when I looked up at her she was trying to wave then got blocked by the wall. Then she asked daddy to step backwards a few steps n wave goodbye to me
Washable paints is very easy to clean. Before you begin, lay newspapers on the floor.

What are the recommended FM brands? I'm going to let Sha try FM again, since she seems ok with the Pigeon milk bottle. Where to get free samples? Her PD only has free samples for Goat Milk Formula.
No he is not! he is like a small kid most of the time...of course he does have STERN N SERIOUS moment when he needs to be one sometimes.
impossible for us. coz hb works irregular hours. can come home really late...so putting cy to bed is outta the question...

the only other option is to train him to sleep on his own, which he is actually doing, he just needs someone there beside him that's all...
I am still Gain IQ fan...think u can ring them up to get samples...Abbott. This is their website www.abbott.com.sg n phone number 1800-277-6363.
I am using the washable paint...just lazy to even clear n wash the mess...hee!
You knw what S said to me today...she was pointing at the family pic of the scrapbooking n said:"I don't like this one...I look so fat!"...then she pointed to the other picture, the one she took with her daddy only n said:"I like this one..this one is cuter!"....*fainz
but full cream more nutritious leh..less processed.

think goat milk sucks...yucks...

eih, but having said all these, cy on isomil.just started a couple of weeks..bearable taste, like horlicks...think he likes it too.
it is supposed to be less processed. and more natural. fm contains more additives. some may consider it more butritous (which may be mroe diff to digest for some) but that depends on what you want. id rather go for more natural ones, just that cy lactose intolerant..and dunno why dun even take to lactose free milk..so started isomil...
this fine morning, i just packed a whole bundle of things for sidney to go out on his 1st trip without mommy, with ILs for 2 hours. they have never been alone with him. wonder how its gonna be..

i watched one episode on oprah a long time ago and there was this little gal, 3 yrs old, puts on makeup everyday and perpetually depressed coz she thinks she's too fat.
have a restful day today. very soon u be able to see your little one. isn't it amazing, one min u are preggie and next the baby is in your arms.....
ya my hb also blame it on me...really really gotta watch what I'm saying around her...so stressful! Now even when I apply moisturiser or foundation or lipsticks, she will keep asking me what am I doing. Then sometimes she will play pretending to apply something on....

Really?! First time "off" u?
hope Kai gets well soon.
The zoo pics are great, and yup ur Ning is pretty and photogenic. She smiles very naturally. I wonder if it can be taught, haha, cos my Ahgal freezes up when asked to smile and ends up with a very forced one.

wow u want to be back in action so quickly for CY.
Know how u feel. Both my kids c-sect... Ahboy I switched gynae to pro-VBAC but even he said I cldn't do natural. Then ended up so worried abt Ahgal b4 the surgery and during recovery.
hahaha..no lah, not considerate. more for myself, coz he gets very sticky and cranky if he doesnt see me the whole time. he will 'complain' and whine and whine...actually, for him, just as long as im around, he is fine doing his own stuff. like now, he is trying to fix his own bike while i type this...

so how did you manage? was ahgirl ok?girls usually will get jealous?
There is always a 1st time. Once your ils understand his behaviour/pattern, he will be alright.
One thing I have to close one of my eyes, is when my parents/ils turn on TV for many hours when Sha is with them at their place/or at my place.
Actually G is also like that, when he is back home, 1st thing is to turn on the TV, while playing with her.
These couple of days, she accompanies G to watch Olympics Games and she seems to enjoy!
hmm day 1 possible meh?? doc will allow u to discharge so soon?? aiyo yah lor headache... more worried abt night time cos u know lah he's a night owl... sleep 1-2am kind... and he's been sleeping w me since baby. tot of getting him to camp at hospital too but then hospital environment no gd for kids. and even now talking abt it i alr feel so bu she de... v jiatlat hor... only gone for 2-3 days and i talk as if we'll be separated for 2-3 yrs!

gd hor.. can fang xin let R stay w granny during ur hospital stay. hb suggested mil oso... but i scared imposed on them lah cos cay sleeps so late and wat if he fusses all night etc

oh so u gonna let Sha continue using bottle? will u be worried tat if u start her on bottle now she'll end up getting too attached and difficult to wean next time? btw cay is taking friso gold 3 now... spoon fed. let him try those packet milk and fresh milk but think he doesnt seem to like either so stick to friso

hehehee no wonder u keep saying S is v gu-niang
getting more ai mei these days ;) actually think pretend play w mommy's clothings, make-up etc is pretty normal right... i rem i used to do tat too. but yah maybe jus need to make sure tat they dun get too caught up w their own appearance... hehe maybe emphasize more on inner beauty qualities

hehe i bet though u hv 2 hrs to urself, ur mind will keep wandering back to how's sidney doing etc ;)

yah boy time really flies!

ic yah true... settle one problem first
last time i oso kept hoping cay will accept bottle one day... but now i resign to fate liao
