A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

think N oso can't do the thumbs up sign well even now. Hee sometimes it's really funny, a lot of these lil things that they do r really huge accomplishments to us...think of it, which adult cannot do thumbs up sign or which adult remembers at how many months old they did it for the first time hehehe. It's so nice if we can jot all these down to share wif them when they r older heheh first turn ard, first crawl, first poo in potty (keke i took pics of that too! J thot i was crazy!) etc.

So good to knw that Sha is better n willing to eat some food.

1st Sep Bb shower :D I don't mind if you all don't mind
Ya boy! Now she is playing with her two toy babies, talking non-stop. Then also asks them "how"... "why". Lately she loves to ask "why" to almost everything. Just now she heard thunder, then asked me "why thunder"
good that sha is recovering well....wow new teeth also can be so worrying.

i like the tissue art and paper bag puppets in alex giant toy box.

think i take ELC promotion, buy 3 for price of 2 just to get tissue art crafts. easier and faster for me. thanks.
cheri, cutie...
eh, any activity box that comes with crafts to make aeroplanes and trucks?know this sounds silly but i need something that works with cy, to occupy him during the month long confinement...

bb Qihui
just went for gynae visit today and water is a bit low. so must go down weekly to measure water now..haiz...

she is weighing at 2.3kg at 35 weeks 2 days. 30th percentile. quite ok for me, coz cy was small as well. so i'll have small girl, small boy...

cat, pp
may not join you for playgroup until after delivery. am quite occupied with the preparation work now. today major moving in and dismantling of everything...but work is still in progress...

arghhh..i just hope i dun ahve to induce early...

haha..think kai's speech quite similar to cy. cy cannot communicate in sentences yet too. he is most talkative during car rides. will go 'big red car', 'beeeg beeeg wheel' (singapore flyer), 'bight geen lights' etc...his pronunciation still atrocious.

quite good with his adjectives hahaha...but wont tell us how he feels, what he thinks etc..haiz...not going to get a SNAG in this chap...

heeee...think hor, it's just your family are all small and petite. my family no leh, all beeeggg...so cy is not the norm (nor in my hb's family..they are huge...kekeke...)but im getting to appreciate small chaps lah.quite cute actually..

anyone knows of a playgroup conducted entirely in mandarin? 2 hour mandarin kinda playgroup?mother-child programme?

am thinking of enrolling cy into something like that. JG has chinese only programme?dun wan bilingual though...
C's room
Thanks mummies but hmm.....i think it is more of a mess. We just custom made a 6 feet wardrobe in her room 2 mths ago to store all her toys and books and i moved my piano into her room too.

Hey, thank you very much for the tips! I told hb that ya hb snored loudly into N's ears to keep her away. We tried that yesterday and just now, it worked! After she had heard papa's loud snores into her ears, she quickly moved away and slept on me as usual. I snored very loudly too and she moved onto her bed. Then she started to say " Ribbit ribbit" many times and started to sob on her bed. I asked her why. She said she is a frog and Papa
is too loud. Then I asked her if she wanted to sleep on top of me. she said, "Noooo. mama is also loud." Keke, ya trick really works!

C loves to thumbs up with both thumbs. When she does somthing she will do both thumbs up after that and say, "Good job!" or "Good gal!"

These few days she is using her THIRD FINGER to point! So rude! But before this, she was using her thumb to point at people or things for many months.
Many old folks believe that when they are teething, they will have diarrhoea, fever, etc. Docs told me not true. During teething, their gums are not comfy, so they tend to put finger/s or things into their mouths to soothe and thus more exposure to germs, etc. I stand by this theory, from my own experience too keke. Hope Sha is better now.
ya, my pd oso told me the same theory abt why teething may lead to fever, diarhoerra etc. Guess the old folks r half rite based on their experiences just that they dunno the scientific reason keke

haha din expect u to try out the snoring trick...must rem to be consistent & pretend to snore loudly in her ears each time she tries to climb onto u though..after a while, she'll give up the idea.

the JG prog that i brot N to previously on weekdays (Mandarin Playclub) is a pure 2 hour Mandarin prog. But it's twice a week though. They should still hv it. Go Evans outlet or u can check the Big Splash one if they hv this prog. I dun like Forum outlet cos no outdoor prog at all. I heard that they bring the kids to the beach regularly for authentic sandplay during lessons heheh. At Evans, they will fill up the sand troughs instead. Think the weekend one is Bilingual Playclub.

small ger? i thot u mentioned previously ur ger is big? hehe she lost weight in recent months ah?

i'm cool wif 1 sep, maybe u can post it up & see which mums r free?
yes yes, new outlet in Big Splash after it was reopened sometime this year...but u must call them to see if they hv the Mandarin Playclub prog since u not keen on Bilingual.
I did not sleep well at all... SO SLEEPY and EXHAUSTING!
Strangely, she was having fever attack during the night, started since 4am.
Just fed her lunch. Going to bring her see a doctor.
Doctor said it is a virus infection.
Hence just prescribed a stronger medicine for fever above 38.5
He said she is so active and alert, should be recovering soon.

hope everything's fine at ur end!

Today kai was eating very well. He had milk at dawn. So i assumed he won't want his morning feed. But when Ning asked for her milk, he wanted too.
Then had eggs.
Nap and after nap had his milk.
That was abt 3pm.
4plus gave him ham and cheese sandwich, half expecting him not to want it, yet he finished all!
Had a good dinner, one prawn, one chix drumstick, steamed egg, steamed fish, veg and soup.
I really thot if i give him milk he wld reject.
Nope, he took the milk and drank it!
BUT he was almost finishing when he choke on it!
One mouthful of milk came out.
THEN... his sandwich also came out... plus dinner...

so sayang hor...
Oh dear! Sha vomited a lot while consuming some plain porridge during dinner. This time round, she really makes me so worried about her.
oh dear... did the doc say to expect the vomiting to persist??
yah important to make sure she's not dehydrated
really hope Sha gets well soon
oh dear! Irv used to do that too, back when he was chugging milk from the bottle. Once he drank A FEW bottles at 1 go (I can't recall how many now, but I know it was too much)... and puked when he choked.

I guess just take it that at least there's a protective mechanism against over-filling the tummy. Won't be comfy sleeping with overfull tummy either.

What did Ahboy eat today, hmm.
His home-cooked Brekkie (dunno wat)
Part of my Mac's Brekkie (Bit of hashbrown and apple pie)
Lunch (2 small buns)
Tea (Yogurt and Sandwich)
Dinner (3 prawns, 2 pcs chicken, vege, egg, soup... and quite abit of rice!)

Nothing else... hmm, I think cos he's missing out on MILK. Sigh.
iyo, was reading ur post & thinking waaa kai really good appetite then towards the end, anti climax; vomit! ya man, so wasted!

hope sha gets well real soon...this virus infection so powerful, thot she was oredi recovered that day?

re teachers' day tmr
did some cards wif N, pasted her teachers & her pics & created some speech bubbles of dialogue between them. She was so amused when i started reading to her the dialogue cos she must hv found them familiar (dialogue was based on wat i've observed of her interactions wif the teachers).

she was happily helping me to pack the cards & bottles of honey into the bag...can see she's very excited to give the presents to her teachers.
I continue to be her "milk supply" since she has no appetite to eat anything at all. Doctor did a check on her tummy, chest and was perfectly alright.
Just now after she had vomited, it was unlike her to sit down in front of TV without any movement/any sound at all.

Yesterday (Wed) she was ok. No idea why she had fever attack during Thur at 4am.
We had prepared a few presents for her teachers (photo frames, keychains, creative scene stickers and flowers), too bad she cannot attend sch this morning.
Today is the last day of sch, followed by one week sch holidays till 5th Sept.
ya, it can be really scary when we see our active tot suddenly go all quiet. So worrying, just monitor her more closely & take her to doc if necess. Dehydration can be very serious.

no sch for sha tmr? N will hv the teachers' day celebration in sch tmr. It's ok, sha can still give the presents to her teachers when term starts again.
Poor Sha! Is she better after seeing doc? Hope she is well real soon! You must take care of yourself too. Try to rest as much as u can. Ya, it's very scary when our tots suddenly just not very active...feed her lots of glucose.

When S just woke up frm her nap, she would have to take at least 10mins to wake up totally. So alot of time we get worried cos she will just sit in her pram or bed look blank in the air...

Get-Together cum Baby Shower For Kieran

Venue: 14 Countryside Walk
Date: 1st September 2008
Time: 4.30pm
Program: Pot-luck/playground/sand play
Get-Together cum Baby Shower For Kieran
Venue: 14 Countryside Walk
Date: 1st September 2008
Time: 4.30pm
Program: Pot-luck/playground/sand play
1) Elmo n S
2) CG n Sha (Tbc)
Get-Together cum Baby Shower For Kieran
Venue: 14 Countryside Walk
Date: 1st September 2008
Time: 4.30pm
Program: Pot-luck/playground/sand play
1) Elmo n S
2) CG n Sha (Tbc)
3)cheri & N
Get-Together cum Baby Shower For Kieran
Venue: 14 Countryside Walk
Date: 1st September 2008
Time: 4.30pm
Program: Pot-luck/playground/sand play
1) Elmo n S
2) CG n Sha (Tbc)
3)cheri & N
4) Pebbles and C
wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!just when you said kai doesnt eat much!!! he eats loads. a bit sayang but means good news coz he can sure stomach a lot!!!

delivery and installation people coming today!!!if everything goes on smoothly, i shall have CY and QH's playroom, and reading corner, crafts corner as well as our new bedroom ready by end of the week!!! phew!!! fingers crossed!!!

hope sha isnt feeling too miserable. yeah, just get her to drink some glucose and if you can get, nutricomb calories (includes both glucose and calorie boost) and even isotonic drink like what cat mentioned. need to replace those salt lost in the process....
Would have loved to attend the get together on 1 Sep, but I need to lecture that evening :-(
And yeh, for a while, I thought you have popped...and Kieran is a nice name !
She is getting much better now, temperature is 36.7

I just remember that I hv to meet my sis, Harbourfront at 6pm to collect ferry tickets to batam.
<font color="ff6000">Get-Together cum Baby Shower For Kieran</font>
Venue: 14 Countryside Walk
Date: 1st September 2008
Time: 4.30pm
Program: Pot-luck/playground/sand play
1) Elmo n S
2)cheri &amp; N
3) Pebbles and C
It's so comical....the part where Sha ask u to drink.

Ya, can imagine what the past 2 days were like for you...really uncomfy for both u and her..but take heart, she's defo getting better from here
heee...am trying to do so here lah. not sure if it'll be conducive or not...but the tv's outta the way (no more tv in the living room...) so that's one thing that has turned out well...

been rather lazy with cy's learning these days..

hey, he loves those BNR leh. you have other recommendations eg readers, that's good?

Must shpw us the pics once it is done k
Me tend to be lazy too, so i have to prepare the lesson plans so that I will be more disciplined keke.

Oh yes, BNR books are really comical. Did you get the whole sets? There is chinese pelangi books at $2 each from the bp now. Hmm, Clifford and Biscuit series are not bad too. Too many nice books, hee, betta dun ask me or I will make you poorer
hahaha..you oredi did. saw the link trap you set for cat and went to see see look look..and ooopsss....

CY doesnt seem to be too interested in clifford or biscuits leh...dunno why. have got both at home and he only takes cursory interest in them
