A fresh new thread to locate SAHM of yr2006?

Bought this Arts n Craft book from SKP.
$2.90 for 16 different designs.
Sha was in charge of helping me to tear the shapes out of the cards, and removed the double-sided tapes to stick.
Where is SKP? http://www.skp.com.sg/


so gd tat Sha enjoys it
i oso bought similar bk fr pop but cay like not v interested... ok lah caught his interest for like 5 secs then he ran off to do other things
cay wont take milk from cup?i started cy on fm in a cup, and he has little problem with it so far though yes there were a few accidents...

CG, Lin
think hor, it is more difficult for the boys to enjoy crafts. dunno why, unless it involves some amount of mess. i am going to do some crafts with cy to construct his fav aeroplanes and boats using sticks and straws. then c if it can float on water. hope it works (in piquing his interest and that the boat will float...)

yes..the TV!!!!!!!i so hope cy wont learn those theme songs from taiwanese soap since he goes over quite often nowadays...

olympics i dun mind. he was happily pretending to swim and kept chanting 'wim'wim'....so i guess there is something good that comes outta it...
oh yy, my yy, u can understand the thrill of having any free time to urself.. haha. yes yes, just 2 hours coz they've never watched him for that long before. he came back pretty ok. happy as a lark but cried abit when he was out with them.

so what happened to the wall he messed up? managed to clean it? has he been watching "yi nan wang"? was teasing my gf abt it. she's glued to it, and one fine day i turned on the tv n saw it was at its 563rd episode,i nearly dropped my remote control!! n the hokkien jingle is just .. beyond words.

no lah. my mom helps me watch him a 2-3 hours a week. but my ILs have never done it mah. so abit kan cheong. got this long list of "cannots" n "cans" and gota pack this n that for them. well, i spent my 2hours blowing a sum buying old navy. sigh.
make up is ok what. actually its good to educate the gal to take pride in her appearance, but some kids will become obsessed. that kid i was telling u abt, the mom NEVER took her makeup off, not even when she sleeps. she gets up way earlier than her hb to put on MORE makeup. so there u go... no wonder the kid is paranoid.

yah loh. actually from last nite i was thinking n thinking abt the today's outing. and i'm very troublesome n fussy. very ngiao abt everything. but ok lah, must learn to let go. n he came back happy and i'm glad i had time to surf the net, do some housework. ")

very nice craft. sidney doesnt even notice if i rub fingerpaint all over his body, my body, on the wall. he doesnt quite understd alot of instructions yet, so i'm really really lookin forward to the day we can do some art work together.

ok lah. oni when it was nearer to the time he was supposed to be home. i was too absorbed with my online shopping. pui!

spoonfeed the entire milk feed? can give in cup?
hahaha...so sid survived the trip huh? eih did he impress your ILs? any weekly outings from now on???!!!kekekeke...that wld be too wonderful hor...

your friend is crazy? how to survive with so mych make up? the hb doesnt think it's unhygenic? her face ok condition or not??

yes managed to clean the wall. lucky phew!!! but today he got too excited while drinking his milk that it went splat on the dining table, chair, wall, floor etc....i nearly fainted...i was too appalled to scold and he was too scared to move...kekekek...froze there for quite a while...
Now when she plays with her dolls, she will asks them:"Do you love me? I am so pretty!"....

Hahhaha end out spent ur 2hrs on shpg! U shd arrange for spa or massage the next time ur ils take over.
CY, Shauna
umm tried drink fr cup and straw but aiyo too messy and took so long and most of the time he jus wont drink... so jus stick to spoonfeeding... faster and mess-free... can usually finish 240ml in less than 5mins. but yah lah gotta start training him to drink fr cup one of these days

hehe update us on ur plane and boat projects!
i know how u feel when they make a mess eg spilling milk... knowing tat they din do it on purpose but cos of the huge mess involved sometimes can really faintz

hey yah lor... ur fren really ultimate leh! sleep w makeup on??? u mean she scared her hb sees her wout makeup tats y she nvr remove before sleeping ah??

wahahahaaa... S really said tat ah?!!
That time when S drinking using straw, she actually drank very fast!
Yes she has been saying that! And of course hb again blame it on me, saying that I should not plant this kind of mentality to her...God knws who taught her that!!!
so gd... yah i oso ever saw Aileen's andrea drinking milk using straw... wah super duper fast!! but now the problem is if we get him to use straw he'll jus refuse to drink lor... v mah fan this boy

aiyo y ur hb blames it on u?? i dun believe u inculcate such thinking into S right. but its actually kinda funny hearing her saying it
The bible says" What you say, it will be what you get"
Hence, S shall always be so pretty just like her mummy!
No lah, he knws it's not me....we got a shocked when we first heard her saying that! I also don't knw how to tell her..."Don't say that."???...."It's not a right thing to say."???

wah u r good at finding interesting activities for Sha. The craft book u got looks really fun.
CY , Lin
hey i also thought of letting R camp with us at the hospital stay, but i thought its not a good environment, so its better to let him go back home and sleep in comfort. If he camps with me, i will worry abt which spot he can sleep, will he wake in the middle of the night, if the nurses come, he will be disturbed etc etc.. When I think of all these, it gives me a headache, so better let him sleep with his granny la. (although i dun really like the idea, but no choice lor). Will be missing him so much during the few days, but i guess the little baby and my terrible wound pain would be keeping me very occupied!!

is it tonite u r gg for induce?

Caitz too! She wont say she is fat but after taking picture, sometimes she would wanna see how it turns out. Everyday tell me she wants to wear "mei mei" clothes and say herself "mei mei" then when i apply makeup, she will wanna put some on her face! *faintz* at such a young age? She even knows how to apply lipstick! No I dun use lipstick but my sil n mil always put on lipstick in front of Caitz and frm there she learns! gosh... they pick up things super fast!

Bottle vs Straw/cup

I'm still deciding whether to use the bottle on her since its like taking a step back. At this age she should be on straw/cup. Caitz is doing pretty well with her packet milk & i'm also not sure if I shld intro her again to milk bottle. hahaha but I would like to wean her off but seems so impossible!
Sha knows how to apply lip moisturer. I don't apply lipstick but a lip moisturer is a must, and she definitely has learnt this skill for me.
Sometimes she will search into my bag and wants to apply it.
Now I bought the peppermint flavor, somehow it is stopping her from doing so.

Sha knows how to say "Shasha clever" after completing a task given to her. And when she says that I always tell her "God has made you such a clever girl, thank Jesus". I hope to give her the message that she is a clever girl not because of her own effort but by God's grace.

Did Cay wake up middle of the night? Then how to spoon-feed him with milk especially he still wants to continue sleeping?

Bottle vs Straw/cup
When Sha is sleepy and I want her to drink fresh milk from straw, she totally rejects.
hehe maybe u tell her the dolls love Summer because Summer is such a kind and good girl

but i think its natural for girls to be ai mei

yah yah me same concerns as u rgdg hospital stay.
yep induce tonight

cay has been sleeping thru the night ever since i wean him off. now he only takes fm twice a day (before his noon nap and before he sleeps at night) plus 3 meals of porridge

me gg to hospital soon... wish me luck!!

Best of LUCK! Pray that its a smooth delivery for you!!! So excited for you!!! Princess Kate will be out soon!!!!

Ya S also likes to apply lip balm. Now she will others "good girl" or "good boy"...fainz
Congrats first!!!!! so exciting!!!lil Kate has brought good news for you!!! more bb bonus and more leave for hb!!!!

'fond memories'??????????? i cant believe any mummies who would say that!!!!! delivery is the worst experience in a woman's life.!!!!

elmo, cg
wow, girls are really different. think boys wil pretend play with mummies stuff too but they arent too interested in it actually, just test test to see what it is, then leave it alone...

cant imagine im going to have a girl this time round. so used to the boys thing not sure if i can handle girls well.

CY's finally said it!!
hahah..it's no big deal for most mummies here. but this evening something quite funny happened. usually when we ask CY if he is big or small, he would say big..then emphasize beeeeg beeeeeg

hb and i were joking this is pretty oedipal. and that all children want to be big...

of course i would occasionally teased him by telling him he is small, and mummy is big. then he wouldnt be too happy...

today hb casually ask him, zhiyu are you big or small? without a pause, he answered '(s)mall'...and wasnt even upset about it...

wonder if he has given up hope to face reality or simply growing out of a phase ...
i am almost fully recovered but still trying not to carry N now since back can still be a lil sore. Baked cupcakes wif her that day since we were cooped up at home hehe. Not bad for a first try except that the cupcakes turned out not so cakey texture & din raise uniformly (but N still savoured & finished off 2 big ones at one go!). Any baking mummies here know why? Actually cupcakes is much easier compared to the cookie premix i used. Just mix & pour into the cupcake liners unlike cookies where we still needed to knead, use cookie cutters etc.

the stickers r so pretty & not ex as well...but i saw the thread too late...most of the nice designs seem to be oos oredi...any mummy from here bot? can spare & share some with me?

re art & craft
rec'd my Alex toys Giant Busy Box few days ago! I love it, tried out the tissue art wif her yest. V easy & suitable for their age. Actually even though the whole box is selling at $45 but only comes out to $2 plus per activity (16 activities in the box). I strongly recommend this for mummies who either lack creativity juice or r simply too lazy to start from scratch to do crafts wif their tots...all the materials r of good quality & packed within each activity so u dun hv to run ard searching for scrap materials etc.

really scary that S can comment on her own pics that way. We must be so careful how we speak & act now yeah? I rem reading an article abt how beauty & the wrong values may sometimes be caught on young gers when they play wif barbie dolls or even read fairy tales (snow white, cinderella etc) which champion that beauty equates goodness & ugliness means evil. Hence it's so impt for us to be aware of such biases & guide them the rite way.

u should hv given birth by now...congrats & do rest well! share wif us more soon.
S is giving me "shock" everyday. She nv liked to have her hair tied up but recently she will asks me to tie her hair. And ytday she suddenly came to me n said:"Mummy, I want to wear earrings!"...then she continued:"But it's painful!" I was speechless for a while n asked if her classmates got their ears pierced...she said none...???
gee, hahah no wonder u say u r shocked! N is the complete opposite leh...she's not really into being 'pretty' at all. Though she loves the powder puff & blusher brush that i give to her in her own lil make up box. So when she sees me applying make-up, she'll follow. But other than that, she's quite blase when it comes to being vain heheh
was just wondering...

as sahms r oso given increased subsidy of $150 now for childcare, would it be more worth if u opt for half day childcare than 2 or 3 hour prog where u get no subsidy at all? will price come out to abt the same but for longer hours?
Wat time will u be there? I'll probably be there abt 330pm after Kay taken her nap. But will the seminar still be open then?

Oh..so now $150 subsidy is for half day or full day cc?
Hi mummies, i'm from april 08 thread. I'm oso a SAHM. I've a son who is coming to 3yo tis dec n a bb girl who is coming to 4mths tis 28th. Nice meeting all of u..
hi mummies

sthg funny to share:

Kai: Cat, 'ere?
Mummy: Cat? Where?
Kai: Cat! 'Ere!
Mummy: Cat.
Kai: Cat
Mummy: Where.
Kai: 'Ere(sounds like air)
Mummy: Good!
Mummy: Kai(pointing to Kai)
Kai: Ma`!

Two days back a dog came into our house n both of them freaked out.
Asked them get into the house n close the door.
Then i stayed behind to shoo the dog away.
Had to lured it ot of our house. But it followed me back again.
Finally it went to neighbour's house when she opened the gate.
Haha when i walked past she was waving to me fr her car, with her kids inthe car!
Guess she's scared of the dog too?

When we were at the mama shop kai was telling the Uncle, Dog! Dog! He was at it for a long time.

Yesterday he wanted to cycle but halfway through he heard some barking n decided not to cycle.
Was puzzled(cos he loves the bike) then he said, Dog! Dog! Dog!
Oh dear!

Anyway, he cycled in the end.
Asked to cycle to the park but only allow him to cycle outside the house.
Noticed he's able to control the handle bar quite well down.
I turned the bike homeward and he swerved towards the park, shouting, Park! Park!

He looked like a little prince on his bike! With such pride, he rode!
A neighbour was so shocked to see that small lil' fella on bike and asked why didn't i get a tricycle...
We have those at home, trust me...

Another neighbour drove past, stopped and wowed at him. Then said, Seeing is believing! Think the last time we chatted she didn't believe he was cycling on the bike?
He could cycle down a few house. But i got very worried so i chased him and spread out my arms around him just in case.
Think shld get the safety helmet for him soon.
good to know that u are recovering well...

do u have a pic on wat u had done wit N on the tissue art? me quite intersted to get. u still got the contacts from SG? too lazy to order from amazon.....thanks in advance
Hopes to see ya Kate;s pic soon!

The Giant Bust Box is cheap! I bought one from amazon last time and it was around $60! Can help me to order 2 sets?

You will have to pay about $80 with shipping if you get from amazon Ley.
pebbles, cat & cutie
u can PM the lady organiser of the bp to check wif her if she has any stock...she's a really nice mummy wif a young toddler like us too. My cam's sent for servicing as intermittent hang so cannot post any pics now. The tissue art of a flower design i did wif N so far is something like the pic on the box just that theirs is a butterfly design. We oso tried out the sticker art today...city design theme so i got her to decide where she wanna place the cars, trees, aeroplanes, fish etc (ask her questions like, can the fish be in the sky? can the car be so near the aeroplanes? wat will happen if they crash?) Quite interesting.


welcome...do join us to chat here more often since u r sahm too! dun think there r any benefits that are specifically for sahms leh...same old story from the govt...being sahm is personal choice bla bla bla..dun expect to be rewarded by the govt for that cos we hv no economic value to ctry :p

yaya, safety helmet v impt for him...can check out toysrus..saw one that time.

the announcement for the subsidy not very clear so far...they just stated in papers that it's $150 cc subsidy for non-working mums...it's presently at $75 for half day so i guess it should be $150 now regardless of half or full day. Hopefully they dun intro any stupid income ceiling for this increased subsidy hahaha
Does any mummies go Spotlight to take a look? A lot of craft activites packed individually, quite interesting. SKP has started to sell some, one pack at $1.90 only.
The govt sounds like encouraging more working mothers, and simply leave our new generation in the care of teachers/childcare centres. No wonder in this society, others don't seem to appreciate the golden value of SAHMs.
Hi Pebbles,I'm staying at dr 71 blk 673. Very near to the admiralty mrt station.

SAHM oso consider working at home mah..Some more muz see our children attitude some more.hee..

Cheri,u mention abt the childcare subsidy,is it true? Can deduct $150 for the childcare? Childcare only? Does playgroup include?
ya place is so near yet so far to me.
The subsidy is only for half day or full day childcare, not for playgroups like appletree or etc. Do you take care of 2 kids by yourself? I dun think I will be able to, if if i can, i will probably go berserk.
Blk 673 is the one opposite Admiralty MRT? I used to stay at Blk 666 in yr 2002. So great to stay near to MRT Station.
Welcome to this thread!
heollow mummies...

sleepy and tiring day...

lynn, cheri
hihihi lynn

the benefits from enhanced package includes extended leave for your spouse. so not too bad too. they can take their turns at jagaing while we go out shopping...

our govt believes that if your genes is good, you can dump your child anywhere and they will thrive. they are not interested in moral upbringing and security issue of children. just statistics and numbers.

im very pro govt, but some things need to be seen in another angle.
Hi CG, so "QIAO" last time i oso staying in 666,move to 673 in 2002. last time was staying at 3rd storey..u stay at which floor? Ya,nw staying juz opp to mrt,reali v convinent. Now u staying where?

Hi pebbles, I dun reali take care of two, my mil helping me, i tink if i take care both i will go crazy.. haha. the elder one v naughty..I mainly take care of my daughter. Son let my mil take care..Then who is helping u to take care? u gt hw many kids?
I am taking care of my only "test tube baby" gal who is 28 mths old. Thankfully i can dump her at my mil's place full day, twice a week, so that i can take a breather
Normally i will drop her at my pil's place, go town then come back home to work for 2-3 hours and we will pick her up at abt 8pm.

Ya mil is at ya place to help you look after? So good.....ya, I also think we may lose our sanity if we have to look after 2 by ourselves.

How i wish my place is near to the mrt than i can cut down my traveling expenses!
Was staying at #08. Now staying at Toa Payoh.

Today's weather seems bad, it keeps raining. Hope it will stop soon, so that we can bring Sha to watch fireworks again. She has been looking forward.
pebbles-so gd gt elders help u look after ur bb.nw i wan to go out muz bring my elder one go.coz my mil can oni look aft one.haha.wan to go watch movie oso cannot.scared my son will make noise inside.last time wif one only at least nt so bad coz can go shopping.nw 1-1..hehe

CG-ya lor,my pl near oso raining whole day.sianz.but v cooling,like aircon oso nt bad lah..weekend gt to stay at hm..surf net then bbb(shopping at home).haha.oni ting muz wait..
