2WW - for those TTC-ing

I agree with bepositive. I ever missed my menses for 1 mth and tested negative with home kit. So I made an appointment with gynae 3 days later and guess what.. AF appears the next day too.

Hey ladies, my bbt is like flattttt =( anyone hv similar experience?

Cldnt find any chart tts this flat man.


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Hey ladies, my bbt is like flattttt =( anyone hv similar experience?

Cldnt find any chart tts this flat man.

Hi i ever read online that chart like this seems to say ovaluation did not take place.

2 more days to my AF. How are my cycle buddies?? This cycle was disappointing at the beginning of 2ww but now it is a mystery. My temp spike today DPO13. Dunno what to expect.
Dropping by to say hi.. Finally passed my first trimester.. Now 14 weeks.. I can see some positive energy going around.. Keep it up! Bb dust to all!

Talking abt fengshui.. I also asked a master to come over to see my home previously and he gave me quite a number of suggestions.. Usually inexpensive ones.. But I bought a grandfather clock which is the most exp item to improve the Qi in my home.. He also gave me some analysis of my eight characters which is pretty accurate.. Now I'm pregnant he also gave me a month by month slight tuning to the fengshui stuff in my home.. Quite dedicated of him..
CD 47 le....i haven't test yet. Maybe by this weekend really nothing than i check again.

i abit hesitant to go gynae check leh..end up will just give me medicine to eat for AF to come nia.
hi @csy1, saw your postings and hope you finally have your AF & embark into a new cycle. New cycle = new hope!!

@booy, you r in your 2nd trimester already? Must be looking forward to detailed scanning in another month's time right? How time flies ah....
I also got a fengshui master to see my hse (2nd opinion actually). Everything is good but she advised me to keep trying for goat bb!! Some zodiac year not suitable for me to get preggy. Time seems to be running out for me & my boy is already so big now (4yo).... Sigh....

@maerceci, helo my cycle buddy!! I am counting down to my menses to come & tuning my mind to get ready for my IVF process. It should be here in 2-3 days time.... Wish me lots of bb luck in my first attempt!!
8DPO and I've been getting sharp poking pain on my left lower abdomen (I supposed that's where my ovary is?) should I be worried?
Worried about what le?

Actually I do get that throughout my 2ww. On n off. I think it's just coming from the ovary that ovulated that cycle.
Dear all

I am here to sprinkle baby dust to you! Finally expecting after a miscarriage in March this year. So here it is, my rainbow baby! :)

Just to share what i did:-

Practical wise
1) BBT using fertility friend
2) OPKs using cheapies and Clearblue
3) Saw TCM, Dr Tan in Clementi (2 and half cycles i strike), must see together with hubby
4) Tilt my butt with a pillow under for at least an hour after BD
5) eat more healthy with less meat (dunno if that helps) i tried to take 1 vegeterian meal in a day

Fengshui wise
1) placed bowl of uncooked rice under our bed
2) did not sweep/clean the floor under our bed
3) pasted pomegrante pics in bed room to have baby/fertility energy
4) bght rose quartz egg shape and place beside our bed (after cleansing and communicating with the crystal), to enhance fertility luck
5) I went for Reki healing with Mdm Tan and conceived after 2 sessions with her. I believe she helped me to relax and the 1st time i went, it was very near my ovulation date so she did a lot of healing for me at my tummy area and surprisingly i had quite a lot of ewcm that cycle (I seldom have them) and 2 weeks later i went to her and did 1 more session and VIOLA on the next couple of day i had a positive pregnancy test results.

I hope the above helps and best of luck!
Dear all

I am here to sprinkle baby dust to you! Finally expecting after a miscarriage in March this year. So here it is, my rainbow baby! :)

Just to share what i did:-

Practical wise
1) BBT using fertility friend
2) OPKs using cheapies and Clearblue
3) Saw TCM, Dr Tan in Clementi (2 and half cycles i strike), must see together with hubby
4) Tilt my butt with a pillow under for at least an hour after BD
5) eat more healthy with less meat (dunno if that helps) i tried to take 1 vegeterian meal in a day

Fengshui wise
1) placed bowl of uncooked rice under our bed
2) did not sweep/clean the floor under our bed
3) pasted pomegrante pics in bed room to have baby/fertility energy
4) bght rose quartz egg shape and place beside our bed (after cleansing and communicating with the crystal), to enhance fertility luck
5) I went for Reki healing with Mdm Tan and conceived after 2 sessions with her. I believe she helped me to relax and the 1st time i went, it was very near my ovulation date so she did a lot of healing for me at my tummy area and surprisingly i had quite a lot of ewcm that cycle (I seldom have them) and 2 weeks later i went to her and did 1 more session and VIOLA on the next couple of day i had a positive pregnancy test results.

I hope the above helps and best of luck!
congrats and take good care ya!
my BBT rise from 36.4 to 36.7 yesterday, but i have been checking with clearblue until now no smiley face (ovulation) lei.. so weird... and today already CD19... normally my ovulation is arnd CD16 o_O

CD 47 le....i haven't test yet. Maybe by this weekend really nothing than i check again.

i abit hesitant to go gynae check leh..end up will just give me medicine to eat for AF to come nia.
wa..CD47 liao lei! faster check now!
@maerceci, helo my cycle buddy!! I am counting down to my menses to come & tuning my mind to get ready for my IVF process. It should be here in 2-3 days time.... Wish me lots of bb luck in my first attempt!!

Hi there. I am counting down too. In my pass cycle, my AF will show up by DPO15 which is today, but still never show up. Got some spotting for 2 days or so. Today seems to stop. Boobs still pretty sore. If tml bbt still above cross line, i will test in the morning. fingers crossed! Totally not in the mood to work. :(
@maerceci, hope to hear good news from you tomorrow!! As long as AF not here, pray hard that embbie still clinging close close to you. Boobs sore is a sure confirmation of preggie as I recall how I detect my previous pregnancy. Wish you lots of luck!! Now I wonder when is it gonna be my turn since my office & forum buddies are all graduating.... I am still stuck tccing....
@maerceci, hope to hear good news from you tomorrow!! As long as AF not here, pray hard that embbie still clinging close close to you. Boobs sore is a sure confirmation of preggie as I recall how I detect my previous pregnancy. Wish you lots of luck!! Now I wonder when is it gonna be my turn since my office & forum buddies are all graduating.... I am still stuck tccing....
Bubbleblue Im also stuck... we jiayou tgt!
@pixie ng don't think is BFP lah...totally no feeling at all...duno why the delay also. This month also not particularly stress

i just hope it come before my holiday trp in Dec. if not i super sianz!
@pixie ng don't think is BFP lah...totally no feeling at all...duno why the delay also. This month also not particularly stress

i just hope it come before my holiday trp in Dec. if not i super sianz!
dont be so negative...
just test la.. at least u wun keep on thinking is or not ma...
if yes, then hoorray!!!
if no, at least u can try again faster
csy1, sorry I tot u tested before. But CD44 high chance of bfp if not u should go to doc....

maerceci, hugs hugs. Same here. My temp spike quite high but now my bbt is diving towards baseline most likely tml.
Hi ladies, I'm back to join u here again.. Just miscarried at 8wks. Pregnancy in unknown location.

Surprisingly the cycle I strike was one with lesser symptoms than those cycles I thought I strike haha.. So next time I wont rely on symptoms. Will test with hpt 2 weeks after period due. That time I tested BFN on CD32 & 35 (Watson's hpt & Fortel) then BFP on CD39 with Clearblue Digital. Sighhh can still remember my tears of joy when the word 'Pregnant' appeared.. Then 3 weeks of stress. Went to 4 different gynaes and spent 1k+ on checkups! Each time I prayed so hard that baby will appear on the scan but no.. Nothing. Just wasn't meant to be I guess..

Now waiting for green light from gynae to ttc again. The fear of another miscarriage is there but I can't give up trying.
Hi mrsmorgan sorry to hear that. Don't be discourage. I am sure ur rainbow baby will come soon.

I believe your miscarriage is a chemical pregnancy. Positive on kit but empty in womb. I had that before I got pregnant too. I know the fear. When I tested positive the third time after 2 miscarriages, I didn't jump with joy. In fact I am actually waiting for the misfortune to happen throughout my pregnancy cos I consider myself the unlucky ones when it comes to this. I check on my panty during every pee for spotting cos I never had once without seeing red. The fear will be there until the baby is in ur hands. And that's 40 weeks of worries and anxiety.

Don't give up. Baby dust to u.
Hi ladies, I'm back to join u here again.. Just miscarried at 8wks. Pregnancy in unknown location.

Surprisingly the cycle I strike was one with lesser symptoms than those cycles I thought I strike haha.. So next time I wont rely on symptoms. Will test with hpt 2 weeks after period due. That time I tested BFN on CD32 & 35 (Watson's hpt & Fortel) then BFP on CD39 with Clearblue Digital. Sighhh can still remember my tears of joy when the word 'Pregnant' appeared.. Then 3 weeks of stress. Went to 4 different gynaes and spent 1k+ on checkups! Each time I prayed so hard that baby will appear on the scan but no.. Nothing. Just wasn't meant to be I guess..

Now waiting for green light from gynae to ttc again. The fear of another miscarriage is there but I can't give up trying.
Sorry to hear that... hope u get ur rainbow baby in no time! The symptom thing is true that's why I try not to symptom spot . When u have zero symptoms that's when u have highest chance.
*pat pat* @mrsmorgan ..

last thurs went kkh.. clomid does not work for me and now on norethisterone..today last day on pill than waiting for AF to start my letrozole on CD2 to 6.. funny bbt raised extremely.. 37.85 today... siao body of mine....
Hi ladies, I'm back to join u here again.. Just miscarried at 8wks. Pregnancy in unknown location.

Surprisingly the cycle I strike was one with lesser symptoms than those cycles I thought I strike haha.. So next time I wont rely on symptoms. Will test with hpt 2 weeks after period due. That time I tested BFN on CD32 & 35 (Watson's hpt & Fortel) then BFP on CD39 with Clearblue Digital. Sighhh can still remember my tears of joy when the word 'Pregnant' appeared.. Then 3 weeks of stress. Went to 4 different gynaes and spent 1k+ on checkups! Each time I prayed so hard that baby will appear on the scan but no.. Nothing. Just wasn't meant to be I guess..

Now waiting for green light from gynae to ttc again. The fear of another miscarriage is there but I can't give up trying.
take care mrs morgan.. the rainbow bean will come soon! don give up trying :) hugS!
mrsmorgan, big hugs.
Surely TTC has its worry stages. Even though one has passed say first trime,. nothing is 100% known till baby is popped.
Good that you're not giving up. Lets all pray for beautiful rainbow soon.
mrsmorgan, sorry to hear that. Lots of hugs to you.... We know it takes a lot of courage to brace through this period but do rest well and take good care of yourself. Let's persereve on ttcing.
Hi ladies, I'm back to join u here again.. Just miscarried at 8wks. Pregnancy in unknown location.

Surprisingly the cycle I strike was one with lesser symptoms than those cycles I thought I strike haha.. So next time I wont rely on symptoms. Will test with hpt 2 weeks after period due. That time I tested BFN on CD32 & 35 (Watson's hpt & Fortel) then BFP on CD39 with Clearblue Digital. Sighhh can still remember my tears of joy when the word 'Pregnant' appeared.. Then 3 weeks of stress. Went to 4 different gynaes and spent 1k+ on checkups! Each time I prayed so hard that baby will appear on the scan but no.. Nothing. Just wasn't meant to be I guess..

Now waiting for green light from gynae to ttc again. The fear of another miscarriage is there but I can't give up trying.
sorry to read abt this. do take care and rest well :) *hugs*
Hi ladies, I'm back to join u here again.. Just miscarried at 8wks. Pregnancy in unknown location.

Surprisingly the cycle I strike was one with lesser symptoms than those cycles I thought I strike haha.. So next time I wont rely on symptoms. Will test with hpt 2 weeks after period due. That time I tested BFN on CD32 & 35 (Watson's hpt & Fortel) then BFP on CD39 with Clearblue Digital. Sighhh can still remember my tears of joy when the word 'Pregnant' appeared.. Then 3 weeks of stress. Went to 4 different gynaes and spent 1k+ on checkups! Each time I prayed so hard that baby will appear on the scan but no.. Nothing. Just wasn't meant to be I guess..

Now waiting for green light from gynae to ttc again. The fear of another miscarriage is there but I can't give up trying.

Sorry to hear that. Take care of urself, bb will b coming ur way soon :)
Hi ladies, I'm back to join u here again.. Just miscarried at 8wks. Pregnancy in unknown location.

Surprisingly the cycle I strike was one with lesser symptoms than those cycles I thought I strike haha.. So next time I wont rely on symptoms. Will test with hpt 2 weeks after period due. That time I tested BFN on CD32 & 35 (Watson's hpt & Fortel) then BFP on CD39 with Clearblue Digital. Sighhh can still remember my tears of joy when the word 'Pregnant' appeared.. Then 3 weeks of stress. Went to 4 different gynaes and spent 1k+ on checkups! Each time I prayed so hard that baby will appear on the scan but no.. Nothing. Just wasn't meant to be I guess..

Now waiting for green light from gynae to ttc again. The fear of another miscarriage is there but I can't give up trying.

Sorry to hear that...
Tiao yr body and u can start tryin when ur gynae given u green light.
Im sure u hv ur rainbow baby soon...

Dun give up! Jia you jia you..
Hi ladies, I'm back to join u here again.. Just miscarried at 8wks. Pregnancy in unknown location.

Surprisingly the cycle I strike was one with lesser symptoms than those cycles I thought I strike haha.. So next time I wont rely on symptoms. Will test with hpt 2 weeks after period due. That time I tested BFN on CD32 & 35 (Watson's hpt & Fortel) then BFP on CD39 with Clearblue Digital. Sighhh can still remember my tears of joy when the word 'Pregnant' appeared.. Then 3 weeks of stress. Went to 4 different gynaes and spent 1k+ on checkups! Each time I prayed so hard that baby will appear on the scan but no.. Nothing. Just wasn't meant to be I guess..

Now waiting for green light from gynae to ttc again. The fear of another miscarriage is there but I can't give up trying.

I am sorry about your loss. I hope your rainbow baby will come to you very soon.
Jia you!
My AF finally reported on CD44, same day as my wisdom tooth op. Lots of blood loss on the same day. Lol

Am at CD5 today. Any cycle buddies?
Hi ladies, I'm back to join u here again.. Just miscarried at 8wks. Pregnancy in unknown location.

Surprisingly the cycle I strike was one with lesser symptoms than those cycles I thought I strike haha.. So next time I wont rely on symptoms. Will test with hpt 2 weeks after period due. That time I tested BFN on CD32 & 35 (Watson's hpt & Fortel) then BFP on CD39 with Clearblue Digital. Sighhh can still remember my tears of joy when the word 'Pregnant' appeared.. Then 3 weeks of stress. Went to 4 different gynaes and spent 1k+ on checkups! Each time I prayed so hard that baby will appear on the scan but no.. Nothing. Just wasn't meant to be I guess..

Now waiting for green light from gynae to ttc again. The fear of another miscarriage is there but I can't give up trying.

Jia you mrsmorgan. In the same shoes as you. One yr passed since my miscarriage and trying hard since then.
Hi ladies, I'm back to join u here again.. Just miscarried at 8wks. Pregnancy in unknown location.

Surprisingly the cycle I strike was one with lesser symptoms than those cycles I thought I strike haha.. So next time I wont rely on symptoms. Will test with hpt 2 weeks after period due. That time I tested BFN on CD32 & 35 (Watson's hpt & Fortel) then BFP on CD39 with Clearblue Digital. Sighhh can still remember my tears of joy when the word 'Pregnant' appeared.. Then 3 weeks of stress. Went to 4 different gynaes and spent 1k+ on checkups! Each time I prayed so hard that baby will appear on the scan but no.. Nothing. Just wasn't meant to be I guess..

Now waiting for green light from gynae to ttc again. The fear of another miscarriage is there but I can't give up trying.
Hugzzz mrsmorgan.. My previous one was only 1 day of happiness.. Don't give up and your turn will come soon..

hi @csy1, saw your postings and hope you finally have your AF & embark into a new cycle. New cycle = new hope!!

@booy, you r in your 2nd trimester already? Must be looking forward to detailed scanning in another month's time right? How time flies ah....
I also got a fengshui master to see my hse (2nd opinion actually). Everything is good but she advised me to keep trying for goat bb!! Some zodiac year not suitable for me to get preggy. Time seems to be running out for me & my boy is already so big now (4yo).... Sigh....

@maerceci, helo my cycle buddy!! I am counting down to my menses to come & tuning my mind to get ready for my IVF process. It should be here in 2-3 days time.... Wish me lots of bb luck in my first attempt!!
Yup.. 14 weeks now so passed the critical first trimester.. But the fear is always there.. Since your fengshui is good for goat, then must work harder ya..
Stoneystoney, CONGRATS! Time flies! It seemed like not long ago that you announced your BFP!

Anyway, HI LADIES! I've been reading silently. Now into 15 weeks of pregnancy but somehow, for this past 1 week, I've been feeling uneasy. Very worried that beanie is not growing coz i feel that my tummy is very small for a 15 weeks foetus. I know some women don't look pregnant at 15 weeks but then, I am NOT a petite woman to begin with. It's like, before pregnancy, I looked pregnant and now i looked the same.....I asked hubby 2 days ago if he thought that my tummy is quite small this time and he agreed too. Sigh....really very scared. Going for gynae appt this Sat. Hope no bad news.

Anyhow, jia you to all ladies who are TTC! I saw my colleague buy 2 boxes of Conceive Well from Watsons(sale yesterday and today, i think) but she also had a cold drink by her side today. So i told her "Ah....told you don't drink cold drinks right....." I feel like a mother nagging at her daughter. Haha.
Hey ladies, my bbt is like flattttt =( anyone hv similar experience?

Cldnt find any chart tts this flat man.
should be ok, i've experienced that before too... :)
Stoneystoney, CONGRATS! Time flies! It seemed like not long ago that you announced your BFP!

Anyway, HI LADIES! I've been reading silently. Now into 15 weeks of pregnancy but somehow, for this past 1 week, I've been feeling uneasy. Very worried that beanie is not growing coz i feel that my tummy is very small for a 15 weeks foetus. I know some women don't look pregnant at 15 weeks but then, I am NOT a petite woman to begin with. It's like, before pregnancy, I looked pregnant and now i looked the same.....I asked hubby 2 days ago if he thought that my tummy is quite small this time and he agreed too. Sigh....really very scared. Going for gynae appt this Sat. Hope no bad news.

Anyhow, jia you to all ladies who are TTC! I saw my colleague buy 2 boxes of Conceive Well from Watsons(sale yesterday and today, i think) but she also had a cold drink by her side today. So i told her "Ah....told you don't drink cold drinks right....." I feel like a mother nagging at her daughter. Haha.
don't worry about size... some only start showing anything >week 20!!! i'm also not showing at wk15... (though at night i'm so bloated i look like i'm entering tri3) not petite even more "space" in your existing tummy for baby to grow without bulging... week 15 is ~lemon / orange size only... if you can imagine putting that in your tummy, then is ok! haha... anyways you'll have your peace of mind this sat lah :)

[QUOTE="I asked hubby 2 days ago if he thought that my tummy is quite small this time and he agreed too. Sigh....really very scared. Going for gynae appt this Sat. Hope no bad news. [/QUOTE]

Dun worry will be ok... maybe u belongs to those "can hide tummy" group...
