2WW - for those TTC-ing

Maomi - true.. she likes to ask couples go for professional checks.. but when i went back for #2, she didnt ask for it.
Maomi, I know what you mean regarding Dr Zou. Hers is more like standard treatment not only accupuncture but you roughly know what to expect for medication too. For me, opening hours and location of clinic are consideration factors. So I guess I will stick to her for the time being. Good for you that you found a sinseh you're comfortable with in Raffles medical.
allets, cycle buddy, i tink my AF reported earlier by a few days this time round..& I thought it was quite regular to begin with.
its usually ard 29 - 30 days, now shorten to 27 days..guess it should b normal ba..?
So was a bit surprised to see red at pantyliner..
confirmed AF, earli AF this week..& bit clotty..bt I don rem I drink lotsa cold water either... see what the hosp says when I go for e checkup tis mth..
Halo ladies, how's everyone doing? I think I've given up hope this cycle as hardly able to track my bbt correctly nor focus on my cm. So busy at work n at home due to arrival of new puppy in the house. Woke up 2 hrs earlier during expected o days due to his barking therefore bbt measurements in a mess. Not even sure if I had o-ed or not or when it happened. Lol! Bbt today seem to be in bisphesic pattern so I deemed it already happened.
Morning Jeslyn, this is my 2nd puppy. My existing dog hardly bark so kinda not used to it. The puppy barked coz he was kept in his crate and want us to let it out. So afraid it will affect our neighbors so got to bring him in the room. Now he sleeping with us after knowing his potty spot so gets better.

Haiz think I bochap bout ttc. Wait till after my surgery then see how it goes. So sianz already.
haha..mine always bark then run off..timid 1..
i always say mine is so gd life, can slp in our room wif us..looks like most of them r also good life, can slp with owners tog in the room..

i also sianz liao. wait til go kkh for assessment & see how.
Yeah Miloqueen, I agree with you on the med too. 2 years ago when I took her med, I told her I feel really heaty, she just ignored. I kinda fell sick. I feel most importantly is you have to be comfortable with the sinseh regardless which one you choose.
Jeslyn, ya.. some dogs good life. My dog sleep on our bed sometimes but now, since there's 2.. we gonna set rules"No dogs on bed". HB scared they will jump up while we bd-ing then we will be like =_='''. hahaha
morning ladies..

waiting and still waiting for me.. but boobies less painful. so maybe no hope this round ?

super stressed at work because of my boss. if not because of TTCing and gian the maternity cash of $3k, i feel like throwing my letter. totally not learning anything from him , refused to teach at all!
Chocolat: yr dog so good life! My dog (actually is my bro's dog) since young already "military" trained.. no entrance to rooms n barking during bedtime but she's free to roam n sleep in living room n kitchen etc... but she's staying with my mum cuz my bro didn't bring her back after he got married....
Oh btw, I just received my Suntory Wellness Royal Jelly pills! So excited to try since it's well known to maintain youth, boost immunity and beautiful skin!! Heehee.... it's much cheaper to buy via Japan suntory website directly (+ delivery charges ~$90) than Gmarket (~$120).....
Wah, Keira.. military trained! Lol! We do not really train our dogs coz we are kinda lazy. As long they dont pee everywhere we are blessed. We don't have the heart to let them sleep outside the room, esp our 1st dog, she has been sleeping with us since day 1 she enter our family. She will cry/whine when she dont see us.. and yes, she is very princess and will follow us up and down every moment. If we are away for days to overseas, she will think that we had abandoned her and will run to hide when we got home after the trip. Will feel heartache during such moment
Hi Labbi, during TTC is fine but not during 1st tri as the chemical smell may be too strong. I just happened to research on this bit but on dying of hair color.. they said there are no specific research that it is harmful unless you are working in the salon where you are exposed to chemical smell daily. In anyway any hair treatment should be done from 2nd trimester instead.
Chocolat: my doggie is Jack Russell.. so she's very energetic n playful so cannot let her go in the room when we slp... if not all no need to slp oredi... lol...
Labbi, think its better to rebond during ttc esp during af to be safer. If need be done during pregnancy, do it at any tri except first trimester as bb is most vulnerable during first trimester. 2nd or 3rd tri is fine but if u can wait, the later the better.

Keira, ya J.R very active and hyper. I doubt I can handle one. Lol.

Jeslyn, do not worry bout blood clots, during first 2 days of af its normal to have some clots unless you r facing a large quantity of it.
Hey ladies, got a bad night with hubby again yesterday again so wanna complain another here, hope u all wun mind...

We are together for almost 5yrs, married 3yrs, but staying together for 1.5yrs.. we have been ttcing from this year ard Feb or Mar.. prior to ttcing we bd almost once every quarter, during ttcing we only bd during fertile period. Cuz he's always say he tired, n he dun initiate to bd... when we bd, he will always want me to blowjob to make him erect, then very little foreplay then bd to get it over n done with...

Last night I initiated was a big mistake, bd halfway his lil bro softened liao.. I feel so undesirable n unattractive... I went to the living room n cried till 3am.. n yet he still fall asleep... wats wrong with my marriage??? :'(
keira, dont be sad, cheer up..

mayb yr hub is reali v tired after a day's work..? or hes stress over other work related stuff, hence the reason? what hes working as?
perhaps can try to bd during wkends, tat way both of u wake up fresh & don nd to rush & can own sweet time.

for me, i already don wish to tink on ttc at the moment liao, concentrate on my studies & work more impt. I also dont wanna tell him when i ovaluate, fertile, etc, like tat i tink i make him stress i also stress. I been tog with him for like 10+yrs, rom 7 yrs, had our trad juz 1yr+ onli & tried to realli ttc after the trad dinner, also no news. During tat time, i also had my fair share of quarrelling wif him over tis, its like he come bk juz watch tv or play with games then go to slp rather then spend quality time wif the wife..he told me hes stress over work stuff & its like he stress his spermies will also stress then end up -ve results, so in the end juz do as & when lo..

perhaps he reali is v tired yester, tats y..its not yr fault ok..don anyhow tink tink
Jeslyn: my hubby is a associate manager... weekends he always like to slp or go out or play mj... whenever he's with me he will always be staring at his phone, whatsapp his frenz, reply urgent emails, fb... if in situation of no wifi (e.g. on plane or overseas), if can zzz he will zzz... he can only look at me for 5secs in my eyes... that's probably why I slowly feel I'm no longer attractive or desirable... I can't feel he love me alot anymore...

I m stopping on ttc.. I just wanna be alone, dun wanna be touched at all cuz I'm very sad n lonely... :'(
Dun be sad. mayb is wat Jeslyn mentioned. so dun tink too much... Guys normally are not so sensitive....

Me so sianz. busy at work. now start my alt BD days. haha.... tis cycle long cycle. as per advise by Gynae. so not much hope i tink....
did u try to like tok to him? or haf a 2 ppl world - go out eat at restuarant or juz go out - juz the 2 of u nia..guys are super insensitive 1, u NEED to TELL THEM IN THE FACE that how u feeling, what u angry about, etc..cannot say u guess la or wat 1, later they tink its notink rite..DUMB guys..:p
maybe he neglected u bt afterall we believe he still loves u de, jz tat mayb his action doesnt ralli show lo, LIKE MINE...!!

Dont hu si luan xiang le, ok?
Jeslyn: we do go out alone, but it's 3pple world, me n him n his iPhone. I dunno tell him, cry infront of him becuz of this issue how many hundred times till now I feel so tired to carry on... if this is who he really is, I'm really not sure if I got the strength to endure this kind of treatment for the rest of my life... or maybe it's a point to consider should we really stop n let go... really very tired n sad...
cheer up cheer up..maybe u juz take sometime to rest & take a break & mayb all will fall into place naturally lehz..u nv know mahz :D
Thanks. but then hor, i tink i those type not easily get preg. hahaha... so sometimes also very tired....

I tink you shld sit down n tok to him. if not, u can never knw wat he wants.
either wise, u have to live wif it and 看开点. relax and dun tink abt this issue. mayb like wat jeslyn say all will falls into place.....
Stoney & Jeslyn: we talked so much till I think it's really down to the personality problem... I can only say 他给的不是我要的, 我要的他给不了... haiz... really dunno wat to do...
2 days ago, my hb ignore me when I initiate, so angry with him, told him I will reject him next time no matter what !!
So much for him saying to bd every 2 days, talk only no action. Think this month no hope already. But he is really tired as he got 2 nights to work every wk for this month.
Oh well, will just hope for next mth.
This morning was talking about my cousin having his 1st child at 31, he say I 31 will have #3, in my heart I was thinking, dream on if you continue this way..

Stoney, jiayou !!!
Pat pat Keira... That has happened before and I cried buckets... But I don't blame hb becos he's really tired from work... I can understand how you feel.. Last time hb always come home straight away switch on the comp... Then eat dinner also in front of comp ... Then use til go sleep... Then now it's always his iPhone... We have 1 gal so I always have to remind him to set proper example! In fact she keeps
Complaining that papa is always using the phone so
Much and watching all his anime til late ! But think hb still doesn't get it ... Duh ! It takes a lot of communication and adjustment to each other in a marriage ... There are times when I feel like you do .... But I try not to focus too much on that ... I would try to cook for him when I can.. Or just talk about anything ... Common friends ... News... Relatives .. Heheheheheh .... I guess u also have to think back to courtship days and well why did U fall in love with him in the first place ? What is it that makes u love him ...

Actually hb also always wants me to BJ before we do it ... Last time wasn't like that ... Sigh ... But to me, it does give him pleasure so I'm ok la ... Once in awhile I will decline but if its fertile period I don't care must get him satisfied as I really need the end product in me ... In a way sad that have to focus only making baby but once hit jackpot then can enjoy again ba ... Faster strike first ... That's for me la ... Hehehe

However for you, will be good to sort of issues with hubby before the child .. Not all hubbies are hands on ... It will be an emotional roller coaster ride all d way the moment u pregnant ... ESP with hormones hay wire ... Tears fall like running tap and its very crucial after delivery ... Can get post natal depression... So hubby must be super supportive ....


yup. for ard 3wks. hahaha. but my cycle haywired. so not success. lol... no lar. we both in our 30s le. hahha...

i tink is depend on yr cycle. mine i start after CD14. can last hw long then do hw long lor. hahahaha...
Keira, hugs to you and don’t be too sad. In general, think most guys are like a machine, where you need to press button on them to get things doing. When me n hb before ttc, he always blamed me for not initiating to make out with him. But now, since we have a better motivation, I am always the one very on to bd, as for him, he is quite co-operative but will turn me down after my fertile period coz he always tired and feeling stressed at work. I think by turning soft midway, could be due to his stress level, or perhaps some health issue. There’s a period of time this happened to my hb, but it’s due to a certain pills he was taking, after stopping the pills intake everything goes back to normal.

People always say, ‘disconnect to connect’ which currently the main issues everyone facing due to the interactive gadgets and technology. Do not let this affect you. There’s also saying ‘if you can’t stop him, join him’. My hb also got hooked up with his first iphone when he first bought it, as fascinated with all the apps and games, it resulted us with lesser communications. It hit me badly at first as he was quite secretly with his doings and at times I was even suspecting if he was smsing another women. Lol.. but all just my imagination as when I tried to peek behind him, all he was doing was just playing games, guess he just want some privacy. When I got my HTC phone, I gave him the same treatment, and even set passwords to my phone set and change them weekly just like what he did to his. I guess, slowly, he felt how I felt.. and slowly… he looped me into his games and activities, and asked me to download the same games he was playing. Through there, we started another kind of communication. Since he had explored to a new ‘world’, I just have to keep up and join him. So now, things just keeping the same, we hold on to our own phone at home and share information we saw on FB, youtube etc. Perhaps, you can try going into his ‘world’ to explore what in there, you may find something in common then.

Guys don’t like heart to heart talk… they will just think it’s just another complaint session from we gals. Just like a mother nagging to a child, the more the mother do so, the further the child will go as he/she always find their mothers naggy and irritating. Sometimes, the guys know where exactly the problem lies, but they do not know how to go about it, so prefer to ignore it. Do it another way… like 撒娇or using a softer method. Touch his hands or shoulder while going through the momentum as this will make him focus to you especially when he is playing his phone or watching tv. Do not do this when he is watching his fav. show coz it will just irritate him unless your irritation is in a fun way which he can accept. Take time.. and it will work eventually. For communication, just talk rubbish and nothing serious at first, since the main thing is to build a healthier bonding and r/s. Don’t let him caught you finding fault with him. I realized this method works better than trying to talk to my hb with tears coz it just made him even angrier and pissed when I’m in tears. It doesn’t help as it only spoilt the mood and increased the tension.
Hi ladies,
So much postings for these 2 days!

Was busy for the past week and only silent reader !

Pat pat, hug hug Keira !
Take it easy and see open ! My hb is also like that, when he is at home, he also focus on tv and his iPhone ! Only when he has the mood to bd, then he will come looking for me, otherwise I have to tell him it's fertile period , asking him to drop his stuff and I demand to bd. quite Cham, right !

Jia you jia you !
I am also trying bd every alternate days but damn siong.
In the case, i only bd like from cd10 or cd11 to cd15-16' when tested positive for O, but my temp didn't go up during the first 2-3 days. This mth, I kept reminding myself to continue and bd, cos even tested positive. I might not O yet cos temp is not that high, only towards cd15 onwards .... Trying out this mth and see if got hope or not

Damn sian ! Just received news tt my gfrd is preggie with #3 , it's like so easy for her but for me, keep trying but don't have.

yes Keira, jiayou and cheer up k.. come here and talk to us and you will feel better..

Jeslyn - we almost cycle buddies again. AF reported yesterday..
