2WW - for those TTC-ing

update for today... ^^

<font size="+1"><font color="0000ff">Last updated: 23 July 2012</font></font>

<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD> last AF</TD><TD> O day</TD><TD> CD/DPO</TD><TD> Avg cycle length </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">2ww</font></TD><TD> 16 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD8</TD><TD> 29 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">alice</font></TD><TD> 17 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD7</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">babykk</font></TD><TD> 11 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD13</TD><TD> 30 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">bbcripps</font></TD><TD> 25 Jun</TD><TD> 13 Jul</TD><TD> CD29/10DPO</TD><TD> 30 to 33 (last cycle 38) </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">beanie</font></TD><TD> 5 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD19</TD><TD> 29 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">berries</font></TD><TD> 12 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD12</TD><TD> 28 to 30 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">blissfulsasa</font></TD><TD> 19 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD5</TD><TD> 31 to 33 (last cycle 36) </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">cheeka</font></TD><TD> 21 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD3</TD><TD> 27 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">energeticsnake</font></TD><TD> 4 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD20</TD><TD> 26 to 27 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">faith</font></TD><TD> 23 Jun</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD31</TD><TD> 26 to 34 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">shan</font></TD><TD> 10 Jun</TD><TD> 27 Jun</TD><TD> *graduated* ^__^</TD><TD> 33 to 35 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">shirley</font></TD><TD> 7 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD17</TD><TD> 24 to 29 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">thiru</font></TD><TD> 13 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD11</TD><TD> 32 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">TTCing</font></TD><TD> 13 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD11</TD><TD> 31 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">xynn</font></TD><TD> 3 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD21</TD><TD> 27-28 </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="0000ff">vymon</font></TD><TD> 7 Jul</TD><TD> </TD><TD> CD17</TD><TD> </td></tr></table>

morning ladies

Cheeka new cycle new hope

I think i have not ovulate yet cos just now i went to tcm for accupunture, the dr touched and say my egg still small maybe still have 5 days to ovulate. Hai, i tot i have ovulated. my bbt has not risen, opk still not bold enough. But anyway i did bd over the weekend.
berries:: no leh, didn't BD over weekend.. was too stressed over work. i BD on 2 days last week, which i estimate is 2 days before O.. but i never test for O also. i just take my BBT today and assume that O has taken place since BBT rose.. Lol! u are Oing soon right? ;p

sasa:: why ur asst manager lidat, so rude! no matter what shldnt shout at colleagues mahz... u must maintain ur cool tho, okay! worked up is no good for bb.. hugs..

babykk:: i think u shld be Oing in next few days.. just BD and BD first! :p
sasa ; wah seh!! ur manager so "po fu ma jie" leh.. shout across the office from her table.. she tink she is working in the market ah? haiyo yo!!

beaniez : i dunno leh.. keep testing -ve.. will keep testing now.. i tink my cycle days the O day should be ard CD 14 to 18 ba.. maybe really o-ing le.. but hack! just bd every alt days to play safe...

Babykk : u just bd this week... the swimmers can live inside for as long as 5 days.. like tis confirm tio one!! JY!
Hi ladies,

Cheer up! Let today be a Happy Monday instead of a Blue Monday and time will tend to pass faster

Re: 6mths' ML

When I heard abt this news yesterday, I was feeling happy abt it too. If it really happens, think my boss will only let me go off completely for 4-5 mths and the remaining to be taken as one or two days off every week. Dun think I can take the extra 6mths no-pay leave although I wish to.

Haha, but that's only proposed by NTUC, not the Parliament yet. Hopefully during the National Day Rally, Mr Lee will confirm this good news then we can all enjoy the 6mths COMPULSARY ML then

Cheeka: hugs! New cycle new hope.try to rest more today. U will strike in time to enjoy the 6mths ML soon
that's how I make myself happy
maybe god doesn't want us to strike earlier as he pities us and wants us to recover from child birth and to have a longer time to bond with our future babies

Sasa: is ur asst manager a bad or hot tempered person? Dun take it personally coz she might not have meant to shout at u?

Today is CD11 for me. Might O within this or next week. Anyway, planning a short vacation next mth end during the O week too, just in case this mth is another flop. Maybe all e stress from getting that BFP is tiring and taking a toll on me n dh that's why we dun strike!
anyone can suggest where is a good place to relax? I m thinking of phuket or Hk.
sneak in to browse the thread
seems quiet today..

beaniez: dun worry... im just on my own.. im not gg to be so friendly to anyone here anymore le.. if i am, den i was just acting friendly to them..

TTCing: good tempered ba.. nah, im not gg to tk it too personally, in my theory, i done the job, instruction given was not clear, i dun bothered.. as long s those ppl get the info they wan, my job clear..

finally CD5.. 2 more days to be fully cleared and i can BD le. cant wait for it!

RE: 6mths paid ML
TTCing, i also very happy.. but hope govt will really look into this seriously if they wan the birth rate to increase!!! right?

RE: short vacation
Bali! Phuket.. all are very nice..

wheres everyone?

doesnt seems like a weekday in this thread..

berries: hahaha.. market: lelong lelong.. her voice is indeed very loud.. like po fu lo.. cant stand anymore.. one thing i dun like abt those ppl is that when they know they are wrong, they do nt wan to admit, keep insisting they are right..apply to those ppl esp who work very long..
sasa: Maybe today is a busy work day for the rest, that's why all didnt have a chance to write anything.

Abt the 6mths ML, hope that the govt will give us the 6mths lor! first 2 mths company pay our salaries, then the rest of the 4 mths, govt pay

Yup, thinking of Phuket as I have never been there. Maybe can do a bit of shopping for cheap clothes and cheap massage too! And BD! hahaha...

have u been to Phuket yet?
cheeka: Cheer up and brace up! Although I m just like u on my CD1, I will tell myself to brace up after 1-2 days' of being upset. I know it is easier said than done but dun worry, we are all in this together!

God will bless us with our own bundles of joy soon when the time is ripe =)
just finished meeting! zzz.. yah, thread's very quiet today... ><

shirley, sorry i dunno if royal jelly can be taken during 2ww.. hope someone can help u.. ^^

TTCing:: agree totally with u, govt shld help in paying ML... practically speaking, a company's objective is profit, so unless they are doing community service, they also wont be happy to pay ML for 6 months mahz.. =/
Hi All!!

Im here!! Busy work day for me.

CD 37 i think...

Took HPT just now with Guardian House Brand HPT.

A Big FAT -Ve!!!! (Sobz)

Kept telling myself maybe Guardian Brand not as accurate as ClearBlue blah blah blah

But deep down I know nowadays almost all brands are super sensitive....oh well....wana cry...
Ah yo.. why so quiet today?? Today gGt new colleague report for her first day at work.. Busy..

Ttc: I like hk.. Can mai dong xi, chi dong xi.. So shiok!! I am also looking forward to Sept.. Going to aus gold coast.. Hopefully by deny little will be with me.. Tag along..

Anyone know if its safe to travel during first triemster ??

Bliss: I dislike your manager.. Super rude and ill manner.. You should just give her a killer stare.. Quickly find a new job and you can free yourself.. Hug..

Beanie: your opk tester positive alr?? Any sign and symptoms for ovulation?

Cheeka: hugs.. New cycle new hope k? aug will bettermonth for you cos its no.s 8 (fa ) huat ah!!
Hi ladies,

I am back. Have been feeling abit down for the last few weeks. My doc has recommended for me to do IUI. I v sad about this. He said can try naturally but will take longer than normal to conceive. I v confused how to move forward. Any idea on the cost of IUI in private hospital?
hello happy-mrs! hmm, do u know which DPO u are in? maybe you ovulated late?

hugs thiru!! hmm, how long have u been TTCing? i think i read that for healthy couples, the success is only 20% every month - even if you BD during fertile period.. so if you can, try naturally for at least 1 year first?

shirley:: i think 1st trimester is most risky.. better to minimize flights...

TTCing:: i haven't been to phuket~ woohooooo i can foresee a happy busy BDing session for u! hehehe~ :p
Thiru: where have you been?? We miss you here.. What did your doc say?? How come try naturally need longer time? Did he say out the reason why? Hugs.. I am not sure of the fees but the doc that you're seeing is good anot? I read abt Dr foong, he is quite good with iui and ivf.. Oh no!!! I just book my trip on Sept.. But its a free and easy one.. So I hope and pray that I can make it..
Beaniez: I tried for 4 months this is my fifth month. The success rate for IUI is also 20% so I feel no use spend so much and the success is about the same. Tml going to scan to see when I ovulate. I still use opk to check. Sigh life so unfair!
shirley:: hmm, if you really test positive, maybe try to postpone date? i hope you'll test positive and graduate this cycle~ ^^ i didn't test OPK this cycle and also didn't take BBT cos i didn't want to be too stressed. i only took BBT this morning, so i assume that I've Oed already cos temp is up. :p my usual Oday is ard CD16, so i just assume today is ard 3DPO.. Lol!
Shirley: My doc is dr foong's colleague. They r known for their IUI n IVF.

I missed all of u too n have been silently reading everyday but no input because no mood. I was around for the "yellow" week haha
Hello hello I'm here. Think there was no/slow internet service just now in my area, dunno why, page always cannot download properly. Bloodshed in the stock n currencies market today, jia lat.

Sasa: my gosh your asst mgr sounds like a horrible person. Know it's easier said than done but maybe can try to 耳边风, when she's talking, treat her like she's a mad dog barking lor. Don't stress, hurt your own health for nothing.

Thiru: I did unmedicated IUI in Mt E for abt SGD 700, n medicated SO IUI in Raffles for abt SGD 2K.

TTCing: depends on the kind of holiday u want. If u want to eat n shop till u drop, then HK. If u want more beach resort kind of holiday then Phuket or Bali. Think the latter might be more relaxing n conducive to making babies, hehe.

Happy mrs: how long r your cycles usually? Maybe u ovulated late this month. No red = still got hope. Jia you!
I did not measure my BBT ( is it just our normal temp?) nor track my O day using any test kits. (Sorrie im blur on this !!!)

Should I? Coz I usually rely on EWCM to gauge my O day.

bbcripps: No see red... but all my HPT shows -VE!! Boo..........it prob means AF is coming...=(
ladies i'm back! finally home.. took half day and bring my #1 to see PD.. he caught stomach flu.. just manage to make him slp and come in to look at the thread.. i'm very tired... didnt slp well the whole of the weekend..no BD session also after tat rape thurs...

the threads are gg abit slow today.. tink monday blue ba...

sasa : haiyo!! i so feel like slapping ur tat po fu manager.. big bully! hughug!

Ttcing : can go bali... relax and can BD with sea view? or maybe batam resort also not bad de.. ^^

Shirley : new colleague! u teach the new colleague ma?

Thiru : haha!! so u was here reading silently in tat yellow week.. dun feel moody!! we are here! normal couple will natually conceive after ttcing for a year.. unless really ttc for a year still dun have then need to worry.. so u dun stress urself.. u will have ur deserve BFP this cycle.. *loves*

beaniez : ur job got many meeting.. boring and tired on rite? i hate meeting and conference the most.. yawnzzzz

happy : i also new in those BBT and opk.. first try this cycle for me... most of the ladies here are informative.. can ask ard here.. i also do tat.. love u all ladies for teaching me wen to test opk etc..
Cheeka, ttcing:new cycle new hope..I know is tough to brace up but no choice as we got to look forward.. JY for all of us..

Thiru: hope u are fine now..I also getting disappointed mth by mth.. dr suggest IUI to me too due to DH troops not as gd.. same as u, I been considering and I have ttc for 2 years already..I am waiting for miracle to happen on me..
Thanks ladies for your support n encouragement. Tml going to see dr for scan n sound him out on IUI before we make a decision
thiru + faith: Hugs.. at least u know where the ''problem'' lies and it's not ur ''fault''. Did the doc advised if DH can take some mediation or supplements to improve his troops b4 trying the IUI?

BBcrips/Berries: yeah, agree with u that Phuket will be more conducive for making bb/s
I shall decide on Phuket then
TTCing: ya dr suggested he take vitamin k n some hormone stuff n me take clomid .

Faith: I understand. It sucks when we get news like this. Which dr r u seeing? My dh feels that spending so much money for the child will lead us with less money when the kid actually arrives. I agree with him. I love my dh a lot. I cannot bear to see him collecting sperm in a cup. I can only imagine how humiliating it must be for him!
Frankly th only thing that's stopping me from IUI is my dh going through it. I rather it was my fault n have things done to me. It breaks my heart to see him go through it "tears tears"
Beanie: I book alr.. One only praying that Iwon't Gt too severe morning sickness.. So far you Gt any symptoms ??

Ttc: when you going? Aug??

Thiru and faith: probably can ask doc to prescribe some vit for the troops? Read that vit c is good.. Can help to improve the quality and quantity..

Berries: yup.. New colleague.. She quite smart.. Can absorb easily.. Finally reach home alr..
Thiru: Understand how u feel. Ur DH is so lucky to have u as his dear wifey

Maybe u can ask ur DH to try Blackmores Mens' Multivitamins first? Read from other ladies' success stories, including Vanilla's &amp; Celtbaby's DHs that they managed to conceive while taking that. But also read that it might take abt 3 mths for the spermies to regenerate. I also bought that for my DH to take almost every day. Hope it helps. Or is ur DH's job too stressful? A short vacation to some nearby resorts might help? I'm also thinking of gg for a short break.

Shirley: Yup, shd be gg in late Aug. U gg to Goldcoast, AU in late Sept? With DH ?

Sorry, cannot answer ur earlier question abt whether can take EPO while in 2ww. Not sure too. Have u found any answer to that question?
Thiru, my appt at dr foong tomorrow too. He ask me to go back on cd 14 to scan. My appt is 1015am, if your appt is morning maybe can see you there. Hehe

Ladies, I am confused. This morning I nv take opk. But went to TCM for accuputure. Dr touched my tummy and said my egg still small maybe 12mm, will take 5 days to ovulate.
But I just came back and took opk and is bold positive.
But going to scan tomorrow. Cos yesterday I already bd, thinking not to bd today need to rest a day to conserve sperm. How? But then scared tml bd too late.
Thiru: I can understand how u feel..I love my DH too so we hope that we can give him a little one..I don't want to stress my DH too much so I just let it be..I have since stopped seeing Dr for half a year already.. just hoping for miracle..u can dote him more like compensate him for doing so much.. like buying foods that he loves etc..I felt that if is female issue, easier to solve..

Ttcing: I really don't know will vits helps. I have not hear any advice from anyone that has the same prob..haiz..
Ttc: I am going to gold coast with dh.. Rest and relax.. But I hope to be able to get preggy this month.. I haven find my ans yet.. Still don't know if can take royal jelly during 2ww not.. any idea on that??

Thiru: maybe you can try becomes men's like what ttc suggested.. He is definitely bless to have you..

Babykk: update us with your experience.. Hopeful you have oed..
Thiru &amp; faith: We are in the same predicament. My DH's troops are alos not good. I have cried so many times... at doctor's place, at home... every month. We've tried IUI twice. I was hopeful each time.... And each time they failed, more tears for me....
Same as you, I dont want to stress DH too much... but it seems that he's not taking the effort. He is not disciplined in eating the vitamins. I cant help to blame him sometimes.
But it's coming to two years soon... Deep down inside, I know that we have to do IVF. But DH is not ready. I feel that the more we delay, the more prolonged my pain is... my disappointments months after months. He cant seem to understand... Im tired... If really after repeated IVF and we fail, at least there is a closure for me. Then I can move on... Otherwise, the hope is always there...
Baby_kk: wh tcm ya went to? My tcm who did accupuncture told me tt there's no way for her to know even aft my repeated request to ask her to leet me know...

But i think u shld have a scan so tt ya'll know whether ur tcm's for real or smoking ya.. :p

Coz dun think ur body'd purge out the egg for ovulation so fast unless it is mature...

For me, the eggy measured 14.5mm on wed, then gyn said the eggy'd hafta mature by wkend else he's worried abt the quality coz tis alr cd 25 when eggy's 14.5mm, for normal peeps, they'd be halfway thru their 2ww ler in a normal cycle of 30 days...

Then sought tcm hlp n the accupuncture mged to help the egg to grow faster and mature by wkend..

Read online tt the ggy'd grow 1mm to 2mm per day and the growth rate'd speed up when eggy's bigger... Jiayou!!
Oh yar, for mummies who said tt dh's troops' not good..hw'd ya know? Did the SA? What exactly does the SA involve and how much's it? When'll the results be known? Thanks!!
Morning ladies, today I am early.

Bewildered, my TCM dr touched my tummy before and said I have retroverted uterus. Which is very true cos I went to 2 gynae scan before and these 2 gynae told me that. And this TCM dr by touching he knew.
Yesterday he touched my egg and said still small about 12mm like that, I am impressed too but again at night I tested positive leh. Funny right? Btw my TCM dr is at Clementi Dr Tan kin sing.

Anyway, I am scheduled for my scan today at cd14, I shall know the answer later. Very excited to know if TCM dr is right or not.. Update later
Thiru, faith and cheeka, hugs ladies. You girls are supper great already. One day your effort will pay off. I am sure god wanted to give u a child when time is ripe. Totally can feel you girls.
When I mc-Ed before, I told myself there must b a reason for it and after mc till now still no news. Am sad actually and thinking to give up too. Sometimes see my DH not supporting too. We also quarrel on my ovulation days too. Feel like giving up and say rather un conceive lah blah blah but then all we want is not to miss the fertile period and just do the deed unwillingly.
And ladies, I felt cramp yesterday and nipple sore last night. I am sure should be ovulating soon.
Anyway I bd last night. But actually hope my ovulation is 2 days later o tha I got more chance to bd again tomorrow.
Good morning ladies

Babykk: my appt is in the afternoon

Faith/ cheeka: this is something I wouldnt even wish upon my worst enemy. But I am ok now. I guess it is a test for all of us to see how badly we want this baby.

TTCing: I heard of that multivitamin but it's from Australia rite? How long does the delivery take ? Anyone knows.
Bewildered:yes,DH will do SA to check their troops and is cost abt $60 for mine..

Thiru:u can buy from watson.. glad that u feel better..

Cheeka: didn't know u went try through so much..hugs..same as u,I know deep down we need medical assistance but I just do not want to accept..feel so unfair for us..

Babykk:update us later.. I also curious to know is the tcm really that accurate.. btw, how much u paid yesterday? and he expect u to go to him every wk?
baby_kk: shall await ur updates, hope tt all'd be smooth for ya.. =)

yar, wrt sore nips, I experienced tt too.. will sorta be painful even if brushed across.. so guess tt's sign of ovulation.. dunno hw long the sore nips will stay.. -_-

Think maybe uterus bigger so can feel but follicle's kinda small to feel leh.. haha, ya update again, real keen to know if your TCM's spot on again.. but my bet's not lah, coz tis all the different hormones reacting with each other pertaining to the ovulation, FSH, Estrogen, LH and Progesterone, so guess if there's LH, then it means tt the follicle's reached maturity ler.. so doubt tt it can be 12mm as per the TCM's predictions.. ;) Jiayou and Good Luck!!

Oh, regarding BD, tt's what I told hb too.. haha, work hard during those days, tt fertile window, then aft tt can just rest and wait for results.. if result's good, next 9 mths, can rest again ler loh.. heh heh...

bbfaith: Hihi!! =) Hw ya doing? Thx for the info, am wondering whether shld get hb to do the SA or not, coz dunno how's his spermies faring too.. coz I've got the pcos and if the cycle's hard to predict and all, his spermies need to be more super so tt they can tahan the journey in bah.. haha.. tt's my feel, guess see how this cycle goes bah... =)

Erm, regarding medical assistance.. there's no harm in considering if it'll up the results that ya wan.. but first, hafta get thru own hurdle to decide if one'd be comfy with the treatment and all.. if nt comfy etc, can discuss with the gyn before deciding.. at least one can then say tt have considered in full and decided against it etc..

Sometimes, tis ez for other peeps to conceive but for us TTC group, tis like dunno when will tt little bundle of joy come.. but still once we fixate our goal on the little bundle of joy, the next to consider is how to get there.. pple take diff journey to reach their goals, some harder, some smoother, some longer, some shorter etc.. but still, we'll all attain that goal one day!! =)

The most impt's to have a healthy and happy little baby.. =) but one really hafta consider the age and all, for me, I know tt my body (what with the chronic backache and all) cant tahan if I were to get preggers if I cont to wait coupla more yrs and I've my own target, so say, if still cant get it when nearing own target, shall also hear out what the gyn has for me bah... hmm, maybe tis easier said than done now, but still, one'll definitely find the courage to explore diff options when the time calls for it..

In the meanwhile, do stay positive and dun let anythg get ya down, ok? =)

Cheers!! =)
hi all,
im new here and would like to find out more info..i have been ttc for few years but no good news..my CD is haywire due to PCOS..how do i monitor? or any vitamins i can take to help? hope someone can advice
