2WW - for those TTC-ing

nope. i not doing IUI. mayb it will b my next step if clomid fails.
now still trying natural with clomid n metformin....

haven test yet. hahaha.

Sian.. Saw brown stains .. unmistakingly, it must be AF knocking on my door.. and can't believe my AF is always so on time at CD30 every month! Faithfully visit me every month.. AF, pls don't visit me next month, okie!! Hahah.. It's okie, will keep trying .. Looking forward to next cycle.. New cycle , new hope! :)
Ladies, don't be too discourage if this cycle no gd news. Look forward for next cycle. Like some ladies here, they go do manicure and color hair while preparing for the next cycle.
Good way to move on. :)

I am getting ready for the coming O. Starting engine soon. :p
urs so on dot. yaya. tell AF dun report next mth. hahaha...
go pamper urself. ....
mine now is CD32, getting nearer. hopefully AF dun report. hahaha...

me 2.... lets jia you!!!

oh. jia you jia you!!!!!!
urs so on dot. yaya. tell AF dun report next mth. hahaha...
go pamper urself. ....
mine now is CD32, getting nearer. hopefully AF dun report. hahaha...

me 2.... lets jia you!!!

oh. jia you jia you!!!!!!

Stoney, another 2 more days is it? maybe u try take a thermometer and check your temp?
That time i no courage to test so i used a normal digital thermometer (ear) one somemore, then i measure 37.2. Consider high as my temp usually 36.8-36.9. Thats when it gave a boost of a little confidence for me to test the next day.
hahaha. dun dare to take temp. keke. later c the temp low then i sianz liao.
lol... wow. 37.2 is consider high,
when u test ur temp? morning when u wake up???

will c hw lor. keke... shld b these 2 days will knw. hahaha... so hope to knw the result before i go dwn to my gynae's clinic tis sat to take my metformin prescription....
hahaha. dun dare to take temp. keke. later c the temp low then i sianz liao.
lol... wow. 37.2 is consider high,
when u test ur temp? morning when u wake up???

will c hw lor. keke... shld b these 2 days will knw. hahaha... so hope to knw the result before i go dwn to my gynae's clinic tis sat to take my metformin prescription....

Haha i test for fun. cos that time i really no courage to test with HPT. I test in the morn but not immed after i wake up. maybe an hr later.

Anyway jia you jia you!!!! Seems like this cycle got v gd chance!
urs so on dot. yaya. tell AF dun report next mth. hahaha...
go pamper urself. ....
mine now is CD32, getting nearer. hopefully AF dun report. hahaha...

me 2.... lets jia you!!!

oh. jia you jia you!!!!!!

Hahah.. Yes Stoney, I'm just going to pamper myself.. Then get ready to try next cycle again.. Your turn to test soon Stoney! Really hope to hear good news from you!:) 加油!:)
oic. keke. anyway i no courage to test. but if AF dun report by sat morning, will test before i go to clinic. hahaha..

hahaha. thanks.... u also jia you.....

feeling bloated and uneasy since after breakfast today.... haiz..... weird weird....
stoney!! confirm strike liao...

for me, I have this cramp at the lower stomach (if u all knw what I am talking about). I always felt painful there when my AF approaching. :(
hahaha. mayb mayb not. lol... dun wan to place to high hopes.
scare is juz my tinking then the symptoms juz appear.

oic. i knw. i knw. mine today not tat. juz finish lunch. but still not feelin so gd... :(
muz slp early tonite...
me same like you ... clomid 50 mg + trigger.. but iui on 22 Sep. Where did u do your iui? Mine prof said troops were good and follicle was 22mm and I ovulated when iui was performed...but absolutely no symptoms or sign of AF....

Did your AF appear on the dot or slightly later??
me same like you ... clomid 50 mg + trigger.. but iui on 22 Sep. Where did u do your iui? Mine prof said troops were good and follicle was 22mm and I ovulated when iui was performed...but absolutely no symptoms or sign of AF....

Did your AF appear on the dot or slightly later??

I think on the dot.. i did my iui at TMC.. i dont really keep on monitor my AF dates as it is always not accurate lol.. it range from 34-36days. So sometimes earlier some times later... + - types
Stoney I have no clue if it is good or no good. With iui I don't even know if fertilization took place. Let alone implantation. Tomorrow BT. Will know results. Worried.
oic. dun worry lar. so far ur AF no report. if u r those type that AF report 14days after O date then u got very high chance of being preg..
juz relax. go for BT and c the result.....
hi everyone,

it has been sometime since i last logged in.

can see some hit jackpot already, congrats!

me AF for this month arrived accurately on CD30. Somemore, this month cannot BD during my ovulation period cuz hubby is away on business trip. Then next month, during that period, I'm away on holiday. ARgh! Think have to wait till next year then try another round of IUI.

angel mommy>> I am also in the same boat as you. I have a son...and now trying for #2. Very sian when people keep asking me "am I trying for no. 2", "when is my turn next to hv No. 2", or "so & so has No. 2 already, you must jia you"! Hear already very frustrating. Especially the jiayou part...think I don't want to get preggy meh....just that don't have mah.
hi everyone,

it has been sometime since i last logged in.

can see some hit jackpot already, congrats!

me AF for this month arrived accurately on CD30. Somemore, this month cannot BD during my ovulation period cuz hubby is away on business trip. Then next month, during that period, I'm away on holiday. ARgh! Think have to wait till next year then try another round of IUI.

angel mommy>> I am also in the same boat as you. I have a son...and now trying for #2. Very sian when people keep asking me "am I trying for no. 2", "when is my turn next to hv No. 2", or "so & so has No. 2 already, you must jia you"! Hear already very frustrating. Especially the jiayou part...think I don't want to get preggy meh....just that don't have mah.

Yes junie, I agree.. Frustrating to hear that.. I know their intention is good but sometimes all I can do is return back with a forced smile. This is my 5th month of trying.. Really tried my best. The day I'm supposed to O, hubby not in Singapore but we tried to BD b4 and after. But still no use. AF always report on time.. My biological clock ticking away so a bit anxious at times but no choice , have to learn to be positive and tell myself "new cycle, new hope"! :) junie, how long have u been TTC? Let's work hard and hopefully we hit jackpot soon! Really soon!:)
morning ladies....

at least u have no.1 le. I dun even have no.1 . trying so hard now. juz hoping miracle will happen. hahahaha....

i so tempted to test. but then no courage. becoz not too sure whether pass 2wks le ma. lol...
:(... hw hw hw????
morning ladies....

at least u have no.1 le. I dun even have no.1 . trying so hard now. juz hoping miracle will happen. hahahaha....

i so tempted to test. but then no courage. becoz not too sure whether pass 2wks le ma. lol...
:(... hw hw hw????

Stoney, try take body temp first? i understand how u feel, i was like that too...
quite long never take body temp le. so not sure wat is the range.
dun knw nw start to take will c the diff or nt....
remember last time my temp is quite low. hahaha.....
quite long never take body temp le. so not sure wat is the range.
dun knw nw start to take will c the diff or nt....
remember last time my temp is quite low. hahaha.....

Stoney, just take once will do. i nvr tried taking my bbt before. Its just that everytime i want to take temp for my gal when she got fever, i will test on myself first to make sure its working. hahaha. thats y i roughly know my temp should be ard 36.8-36.9. other than that, i nvr take my temp before to chart my bbt in all my cycles.
ur temp so high. mine was so much lower than urs.. normally ard 36.3-36.4 like tat.
hahaha.... based on my last time charting records....
mayb can used tat as a ref. keke...
mayb will try to monitor my temp fr tomolo... but scary thoughts tis round.
dun knw y so kan cheong.... keke...
Stoney, pouring lotsa bb dust on u! Hope u get ur BFP!! Then we can be preggy buddies! Lol… I feel so jin zhang for u too!
stoneystoney, hope that we will hear good news from you :)

My mil started nagging long ago but I only started to be aggressive 2 mths back. Almost every other day she will talk about bb. My parents also hoping for grandchildren. I already can imagine how my CNY will be like. :(
thanks.. *catching lotsa baby dust*
guess the timing get nearer is like tat....
hw i wish so.... if hit then will be a very gd present for me this yr le. kekeke...

thanks. i also hope so....
i understand u. me also encounter the same.
especially my cousin who got married later than me had 2 kids in 2 yrs.
so no eye to c.... lol...
stoney, gs84,
not sure if is consider late, last 2 cycle is ard 35-36 days but before that cycle day range fr 46-60 days.
today is cd 38.
have been v sick for the past few weeks..
hmm. tink ur cycle not regular de. thus not easy to track.
like me last time. cycle can go up to 70days.
not take med more regular. tink u may try to test when 40days.
very difficult to say for ur case.....
have not recovered and now sick again..sigh !
not pining hopes at all for this cycle as didnt really bd much as everyone at hm is down...
just hope AF will come, dont go back to long cycle days and try next cycle again....
wow. better rest more....
u need to take care ba...

ya. tink tis cycle mayb go haywired. tink u rest well first.
remember to c doc to get med....
i remember last time when my AF is late when i was sick, after i go c doc and take the med, my AF come liao.
guess sometimes is the body changes when sick...

on off got try after wedding ard 4yrs back. hahaha.
only tis yr feb c gynae and go on full force.
becoz got PCOS, so not easy get preg. lucky we go c gynae.. if nt i tink will be wasting our time trying without knowing got issue.
been on clomid for 4th cycle tis round. so hopefully got help. as taking 150mg clomid n metformin plus folic acid...
hmm. actually is alot of frens tell me go c gynae for a check.
they all tell me if u been trying and no have, better to go for a check..
took me quite sometime to tink thru then make appt wif gynae for the check.
But i glad tat i did tat..... :)
tats gd. rest more sure can get well fast.....
mayb. becoz tat day will be CD 35, shld b a gd time to test??
becoz goin to take my prescription from the clinic. was tinking if can have a +ve result then i can ask the nurse whether still need to cont the med on the spot or can c gynae....
as i still need to purchase the last dosage of clomid. so tinking if bingo then no need to buy liao. hahahaha.....
i tink the price varies between diff gynae and depends on wat test ur gynae ask u to do.
i guess u have to put aside ard $500 for all tests and consultations.
i tink i spent ard 700 for all the tests and consultations.
but 1 ting is i cont to c my gynae after the checks. so the cost will cont to roll....
agree lor. before get preg already spending $$ to c gynae for checks and med.

thanks. i also hope so... keke... another 2 more days to go.
