(2014/01) January 2014

KW Lee. Thanks dear. Noted. I c how much mine gonna charge me first. Sian.

Ya hopeful,minnieluv n Shirley, stay here n chat if not we can open another thread also. How?

TT, wah u power! Whole pot? Hahaha... Good lah...能吃是福

huh open what new thread??

porridge very fast digest.. haha.. if my stomach start to feel hungry, will have nauseaous feeling.. haha.. cannot imagine by 36weeks how heavy will i be.. haha
Hi I don't mind to stay here and chit chat but I think not for long term ba. Later everyone here will have diff discussion

Ladies , I also don't know how . Can let it natural miscarriage ? How ? Tmr see my beta hcg result then see how ba . Doc Han suggest to wash off if not growing . Just pray hard ba .
<font color="aa00aa">Good to noe I'm not e oni one who's a glut n eating like a pig! Every 3 hrs hungry muz stuff sth in else will get nauseous..eat oreid oso bloated..Cham..my #1 dun tink I was such a glut le..I'm scared of my weight gain too.. *_*
Hopeful mum, GBOB, minnieluv n Shirley, reali hope e best for u all n do take care of yourself well! Kwxy, dun worry too much too, maybe Dr Ben's machine is lousy so couldn't hear e heartbeat? Did he say it's a cause for concern? My turn to c him tmr..</font>
rach: u are not alone.. i from 11am eat non stop until now.. i stop for 2hrs i start to feel weird in my stomach. now watching channel 8 show.. alot food.. yummy!!!
Anyway, isit possible that the previous pregnancies I vommitted since week 4 till have birth but this time round I dun feel that bad now already teaching week 6. of course not having the morning sickness is good but still can't help but worry
heaven: every pregnancy is different. becoz of the hormone change.. but ofcoz it's normal for us to think alot.. seen ur gynae??
GBOB: i think we start a new thread, so wont affect the rest of the ladies here?

Shirley, see the results tmr first. if i start a TTC/MC thread then the topics there more relevant.

like go see what dr, tcm, etc etc?

Then we can have a mini chat, and maybe there are other ladies who might be in the same situation can chat there?

u all let me know i can set it up. just dont know what to call it.
Im hungry
stupid tv show had to talk abt kfc, now i keep thinking abt fried chix!!!
juju78 go and buy and eat mcdonalds??? they sell wings too!

i think i may just go to the TCM this sat or sun.. i very sian of my situation. my mil doesnt know that im miscarrying again right, she just brought up the topic today!

say her friend kid also married very long no kids etc. ask us to go see tcm.

argh so annoying
Hungry until cannot sleep.. wahhh not sure is it becoz I din eat rice to9. So hungry.. jus had maggie mee. Really warm my stomach!!
juju, I went kfc for dinner last night =) felt like having zinger burger so ended up there.. been busy at work no luxury to eat as and when I want.. so by lunch at 1 pm, feel like fainting already
<font color="aa00aa">Shirley, jiayou n I'll pray for ur lil bean's well being!
I'm gg gynae lata too for e first x at 6w 4d..hope everything is fine..</font>
Morning all!!! Woke up very early to go whampoa find breakfast!!

Heaven: den wait for 2 more weeks. Have to endure this period.. jia you.

Shirley: update us!!
Hi ladies, just done my 10 weeks scan n bb is 3.05cm now n can see bb moving a bit
, my edd is 3 jan. any of u going to Oscar scan? I'm still considering .... Any of u plan to deliver at nuh?

I have loss about 1 kg due to low appetite. Everyday dont know what to eat ....
Does anyone know if the Singapore style bak kut teh (the one with lots of pepper) is ok to eat? I got a craving for it.. I know the Malaysian herbal style can't, but wondering if the peppery soup one is ok?
all the best shirley!

lavender, 18th is my 10th wk scan too. i also dunno should go for oscar scan or not. but i think should be ba?
good afternoon ladies!

Shirley: jia you, hope everything is fine
keep us updated.

Rach: good luck

GBOB: how's ur dad? hope he is getting better. How abt urself? spotting stops already? any increased in symptoms?

i just got back from the polyclinic, lucky me, the total wait and see dr time not too long. abt an hr, similar to going to normal clinics on busy days.

they very nice, will help me make appt with NUH, but got to wait for abt a mth. she says if i call up and make as pte appt very fast, maybe 1-2weeks they can see me. but it will be very ex right all the tests etc. So i guess i'll be patient and wait.
Hopeful, thanks for asking abt my dad. He had a heart attack prior to his surgery so end up no op (yet). Now he's in icu but condition stabilized. I doing "day shift" n my maid is doing "night shift" cos no one he knows to keep him coy he will shout cos I think he's scared. My spotting still same n nope no symptoms. Lolx. It's a confirmed goner for me lah. Eh good to hear that u c polyclinic Liao. I'm gonna do so too. After I settle the d&amp;c.
GBOB, have hope, u nvr know until u see ur gyane, praying for the best for u.

Sorry to hear abt ur dad's condition. Hope he gets better, move out of ICU, then slowly go for op. Xin Ku Ni Le, you must be also tired running around.

Prayers for your entire family.
T_T, Ya.. another one more week to go.. endurance test now..

I have never really like chicken rice, my 3rd chicken rice within these 2 weeks =/

Hope your dad recovers soon, you must be feeling pretty stressed now too.. hugs..

Hopeful mum,

Glad to hear you've gotten your appt at nuh already.. How are you now? When are you next seeing your gynae?

Hi lavendar,

Happy to hear your scan went well
Are you still with Prof Wong? For the oscar test, it's optional so don't worry too much abt it.. Just go with your feel..
hi min81! how are u? ms easing off yet?

I seen my gynae yesterday. was just telling the gals, a sac appeared but was measuring 2 weeks behind. and only seend to grow like 1-2days from my scan 3 weeks ago. not looking good, prob have to go for D&amp;C next week or something. dr didnt want to give up yet. so i can only wait for one more week.

guess by the time i go see NUH it will be in july. my bleeding shd have stopped by then.

tempted to go to the marine parade clinic u ladies talked abt tmr. If i go at 7am queue till abt what time? 10am??
Hopeful, I no think of my pregnancy at all now, in fact I feel less stressful now as I have only my dad to worry abt. Hehe

Min81, thanks deary. Yeap stress sure stress de moreover I'm the only child n we dnt have relatives. Just my old man and I. Parts n parcel of life. Just have to take a step at a time. Hope u r feeling better with your ms deary.
Hi min , how are u? u are everywhere in different thread...haha

yup very happy to see bb growing
as I wait for 3 weeks since last scan. I'm still see prof n next scan which 2 weeks later will be last time to see prof. I still have 2 weeks for the jab.... Finally last 2 weeks Liao

How your ms now? How's your appetite? For Oscar scan when we will get the result ? Is this scan we able to see very detail of bb body?
lavender: u also go to NUH and see Prof mahesh?
after the recommendation from min81 and GBOB i also making appt to go there.

i saw their NUH package, not cheap hor, and the antenatal care package only for 2 scans. enough??

so after this u wont deliver in NUH? or will visit another gynae?
Hopeful mummy, I'm with prof Wong now as he is min 81 &amp; my Ivf dr. Both of us conceive thru Ivf under prof Wong. We will transfer to other gynae after 12 weeks.

Regarding the deliver package, I'm not sure whether the price cheap or expensive ... As I didn't compare with others hospital n this is my no 1, no experience ... Then which hosp package consider cheaper ? How about min 81? Any comment for the package ? At the moment I think I will stick with nuh, unless got other good deal in other hosp. Possible ?
hmm i dont tink other places will be cheaper. but for my understanding with my gynae (and those i visited before), 2nd trim they do scan every 4 weeks. 3rd trim 2weeks. last meh will be weekly. from what i read from the internet of nuh, not sure is it really just 2 scans. then i think expensive, and i will prefer to do more to ake sure everything is fine esp last trim.

unless there is other things loh which probably can find out there. maybe the info not so updated

after i go see them, if they are good i will also consider changing gynae. since nuh nearer also. at least, for me, they prob more exp in recurrent loss which i need help on.

Prof mahesh antenatal package is slightly more ex than other gynaes. Not sure y but I guess mayb it's because he's a professor n v senior plus he ma chiam heading the recurrent pregnancy loss clinic ba...but I think pregnancy monitored by him will definitely b in safe hands

Haha.. Cos i ttc quite long and gotta know many frens here in the process.. Wanna show support and encourage my kakis when i see them on the threads.. I didn't puke the last 3 days, keeping my fingers crossed, but still very nauseous so just eat bit by bit.. Weight loss still at 3 kg.. Will try to gain back.. For the oscar scan, results will be ready the next day.. What prof mahesh arranged for me was to do on a mon, then see him on thur for review.. The scan is only to check for nasal bone and the the thickness at the back of the neck.. But the sonographer took time to show us in detail all other parts of bb, even the topview of head so that we can see the brains..

Regarding the package at NUH.. From bfp till about 20 wks, you will pay per visit the usual consultation cost.. The package will kick in at about 20 wks.. At $700 (for senior consultant), it will cover all consultations all the way till delivery, estimated 10 visits (if pay per visit is $98).. It will also cover the standard more expensive detailed scans which will be done at Fetal Care Centre at wks 20 and 32.. At the usual consultations where a scan is done in doc's office, you will pay additional $90.. Hope didn't confuse you further.. hehe.. Btw, Prof mahesh usually gets me to go to the scan room (near treatment room) for scan.. The machine and printout from there is much clearer..
hi min,i see. so there will still be other scans done during the 10 visits. okay lah then not very ex. sounds good.

i cant wait to go and see dr!
Joynpeace: I think shld be fine.. coz I also like peppery soup thingy.. theres one at tg katong. Not bad. He have another branch at rangoon rd.. but cant rem e name..

Heaven: jiayou!! Very fast will past de.
<font color="aa00aa">Gosh, jus now merlioned for e first x aft sitting in a reckless cab..but feel so much beta aft puking it out..n I've jus seen my gynae, Bb is fine..growing well n heard heartbeat..edd fm sac size is 31 Jan CNY! But not so gd news for me, I had pre-eclampsia e previous pregnancy, n today my bp is v high too..shucks..tho gynae say early pregnancy he wun worry too much yet, but I'm afraid it'll come bak again this pregnancy..n gynae saw some grey area surrounding e uterus, say it's some fluids so he gave me a jab plus duphaston to stabilize e pregnancy..</font>
shirley, how are u?? m blood works also came back. it dropped and very low so im waiting to try again.

anyway u can find us in another thread if u want a place to vent.
i hope u dont have to and everything is fine.
Hi lavender, I'm going for my Oscar scan 10 days later. Results will be out by 3 days.

I just had my 10th week visit with doc. I checked with the packages available and it only starts from 20 weeks onwards. About 2k for the package. Zzzzzzz
Rach, I also have pre-eclampsia in my previous pregnancy. I am worried abt getting it again. I just realised I crave for sweet food or drinks in both my pregnancy. Hoping to control a bit but just can't.
Hi ladies,

I m new here. Just confirm my pregnancy on Wed and saw my little one and its heartbeat. nw in my 7 weeks, edd 24 Jan!

Really excited and hope that everything will go smoothly :)

T_T preeclampsia is when you have high blood pressure and leakage of protein in your urine during pregnancy. It can be dangerous cos mummy can have fits and also baby can be affected. Sometimes may need emergency c section.
