(2014/01) January 2014

oreo, think cannot leh.. not sure. but now i miscarrying right, my mum says make dang gui chicken soup for me after i stopped bleeding. so not sure can eat or not.

if scared then dont eat.

okay lor. boiling the herbal chicken soup for dinner tonight, guess i can skip that liao. just smelling it makes me so hungry
Ivy and Shan,
hee... same same...

weught gain for #1: 20kg. on the day of popping, i weighed almost 98kg. whahaha!!! giant elephant!!!

preggies shld not eat dang gui. dun remember why le
juju, u power leh 20kg man! i took quite awhile to slim back to pre preg weight lor and now i think of gaining the weight back is giving me nightmare! haha...
my friend sis very petite, i also small size. she gained 30kg on her first!! she looks like she is going to fall down or something. now she is back to 45kg? we are both short and petite. so imagine 75kg on a short lady really like ball.. she has 2 kids now and still slim loh! i dont know how she lose the 30kg!
My only preggy symptom then was eat and eat. Other than eating at all hours, no other symptoms! I wld have proper dinner and still wake my hb at 12mn or 1am to make him drive me out for supper, else i cant sleep!

It's a big no-no to eat dang gui during pregnancy.. It's a herb that cleanses and promotes bleeding and will cause m/c.. My tcm reminded me after i bfp not to take any herbal soups since we're not familiar with the herbs used..
#1 20kg, #2 17kg + coz haven't gotten rid of those left over from #1... I lost all eventually after a year but gained few more kg this year =/ I'm rubber band!
Tell me abt it.. im so worried.. I keep telling myself tt I cant eat n eat like prev pregnancy.. but I mus eat what I feel like eating. Else nauseaous when I smell e food.. haiz.. so worried..
Ok.... Thanks all.... I won't be kae kiang....

Oh damn... I had too much twistes... I am so bloated now
Gbob, sorry to hear about your dad! Hope your dad's condition will improve. Must also take care of yourself.

Juju78, thanks. Shall be brave. My number 1 child. So more nervous.

Oreo, no dang gui for us. Coz it will cleanse the uterus and cause it to contract. No bak kut Teh too. Sob sob. My favourite. Instead I craving for ABC soup! Oh and one thing, barley too. My tcm also reminded me to avoid.
Oh heaven, never mind, try to refrain from now lo. Herbs are used in bak kut Teh, thus best to avoid. Barley another function besides cooling will also cause uterus to contract, thus have the 滑胎effect.
Jus had home popped savoury popcorn. Satisfying!
Also tabao-ed pigs stomach soup in anticipation of hunger and insomnia later.

Can see how i put on 20kgs last round? Lol!
Juju, wa u power leh! Lolzz...

I'm trying my best not to eat extra but say only la bread making in process now choco chip loaf haha...
Hi ladies , visited my Gynea , still can't see the heart beat . My beta hcg result only grow 20% . Did another blood test today and coming Friday . If result show drop it means I mc . Sad.

Can't sleep after seen the doctor .

I got one girl , this yr 4 yrs old . I just want to have another one but so difficult . I had an ectopic last yr oct . This round can see sac at right position I very happy but now no heart beat . I very depress now . This yr 34 yrs old . I think don't want to try anymore .. Very tired .
Last two weeks doc said it look like 5 weeks , yesterday grow bigger but no heart beat .
My last menses is on 3 apr and I remember activities done on 17 April that week .
Tmr go do blood test see how ba . Hope miracle happen
Hugs Shirley. Maybe you miscalculated. Pray that everything will be ok. Jia you. Keep us updated k

Heaven: yah cannot drink bak ku teh cos duno what herbs they put inside. Anything with herbs outside cannot drink or eat. Just to be on the safe side
HAO XIAN MU. I keep losing weight. Dun really have much appetite at all. My craving come and go. The most funny thing is that, all i craved for are my hubby's favourite food when he is young. Even my no 1 also like that
Juju78, your appetite real good. Ha me cannot afford to put on more weight. Already 70kg ah. So afraid to balloon.

Shirley, Dun give up. I'm 37 this yr. First one nia. My last menses date same as you. Maybe your conception is later. Hope for the best for you!
hi hopeful mum & GBOB, dun give up hope so fast k. hang in a bit more.

there's a will, there's a way.

n hopeful mum, I think dun drink any herbs stuff until doc REALLY confirm. cos Chinese med some too strong.

anyway, TGIT, one more day to Friday.
Just finish my gynae visit. They saw a sac today but only measuring at 5w. Dr says not optimistic cox I shd be 7w. I probably have to go for a d&c. The baby not even growing from 3 weeks ago. Then got to wait for another week. If dont bleed naturally I have to come in to do d&c.

I told him its torturous waiting can I just do the d&c. He just wanted to see if I can miscarry naturally.
Hi gals, been so sick with my ms that I lost track of happenings here. Anyway Jia you to all mtbs. I feeling terrible now, been throwing up since last weekend till now. Dunno how I can tahan throughout my first tri. Now only 6 weeks still a long way, so depressed and stressed now.
I feel sleepy everyday too. keke. morning sickness only happens when on e way to work n back hm. sigh. hopefully all our morning sickness will go away by week 12. pray hard.

hopeful mum, I think u r too stress, dun stress urself. cos it might oso affect e growth?
My ms for #1 happens more at night and motion sickness. This one makes me puke throughout the day and night. Seriously cannot even work in this manner. I just need to share my feelings here as to vent it out.
Starry, I can understand hw u feel. my #1, no symptoms at all. n I never thou #2 would be diff.
#1, I cant eat, will hav heartburn.

#2, morning sickness, wanna puke, bloated @ e throat. eat ALOT! omg, jus less than 2 wks. I already gain 1kg. cant imagine another 30++ wks to go.
hopeful: Ahh... really hate the process of waiting n waiting.. but really no chance of survival of the little one??

i keep waking up at night to go toilet to pee.. so tired!!! but yet im so thirsty and have dry throat.. appetite is not bad today. cooked porridge with dried scallop to make it tastier and abit of pepper.. yummy..
Hi what is d&c ? My Gynea said if my beta hcg result for tmr show not growing . He advise me to wash off so he said is sat surgery .
Hopeful, mayb u miscalculated your ovulation date or implant late leh? There's always a chance right? No? I understand your fustration cos I m frustrated right now too. Hug hug.
Thanks everyone here . I try to think positive but it seems really difficult . I hope all the best to all of you .
Mummies, went for my first scan today. Saw the sac with beanie flickering showing the heartbeat...I'm 6 weeks plus. Still cannot heart the heartbeat from the device, I just feel that the heartbeat doesn't looks very strong. Anyway, I'm gg bk to him next week to chk out more again.

I'm staying positive....hoping the best bah
THY, stress doesnt really affect the growth, actually now also not stress. so like that loh.

dr says if i suddenly have heavy bleeding then go back, if not have to D&C.

Shirley, D&C is also "wash". So sorry to hear that. hope ur beta will grow.

minieluv, im sorry my dear to hear it. i really hope that all of you have better outcome than i did.

GBOB, my gyane was upset that he gave me mc and i went to work and stop utrogestan after i had black bleeding on tues. So he says just continue taking it until i really bleed out.

Nope nvr miscalculate i have the clearblue fertility monitor and other test sticks. Plus i also nvr do the deed since 3rd may. so cant be wrong. unless sperm survive for 2 weeks in my body which is impossible. the dr says chances not high, and likely mc is the onyl way out. actually today i went in with no hope one. then a sac showed up, so he doesnt want to make a hush decision. this few days i've been passing out weird discharge. plus nothing in the sac also. he says cannot be 7w measuring at 5w. plus i showed him my ultrasound 3 weeks ago. it was measured at 4w5d. so baby didnt grow at all, and it disappeared for awhile then came back. lol.

he also says the sac like not near the lining so its not healthy. and hor i very calm today, no tears nothing. a bit numb liao.

he also took my beta hcg again... today the person who took blood lousy, now my arm blue black. very pain

but today i no more tears. i just told him im frustrated, can we d&C to just get done with it. im not bleeding but spotting heavily. so its very irritating. lol

now he gives me 2 more days mc, go back to work next tues.
Hugs minnieluv n Shirley. Hope the outcome will b good for all of us. Praying for miracle though for me, I know chances r super slim. Not pinning any hope anyway.

Hopeful, mind sharing who your gynae is n how much he charge for d&c?
i m with KWLEE in Glen-E. erm but i didnt check on the rates leh! lol i rem the first time i did D&C was with another gynae, coz i thought seek 2nd opinion coz kwlee on leave. it was abt 700+? i cant recall.

thanks ladies for the hugs.

BIG hugs to all of you too, those who are having bad ms, no appetite, cant slp, eat too much, see a nice heartbeat, and anyone who is here

Shirley and Minnieluv: stay here and chit chat? or we go open and the thread? lol
to be honest hor i seek 2nd opionions twice. and i end up going back to kwlee everytime. because i think he is really more suitable for me and i really liked his style and his nurses. so besides going to the nuh recurrent lose centre to try out one last time, im probably be stuck with kwlee until he retires.
i hope i can go to work asap...~! today i cooked a small pot of porridge.. cant imagine i ate non stop since 11am.. n i finished the whole pot.. i still told hubby that i will save some for him..! Gosh.. fat die me.. :/

shirley: why so rush? I think should take awhile. Maybe miscalculation. If not, if can naturally, at least not so harmful. But of course, it might be a mental torment to many. However, hopefully everything turn out ok. Take care babe
