(2014/01) January 2014

Mummies, I'm having bad nausea everytime I finishes eating...it's unbearable! And I have no energy to play with my #1 too...feel so bad
Hi I m new here
HOw often do you all visit gynae?
My first visit is week 6 & next visit is week 12.
I wonder how do we know the growth or nor growth?
By instinct?
Can share your experience?
adrian tan is 1 dr husband
This female dr always go long holiday .
I assume they are going together as they are 1 family.
Usually the gynae will advise to induce as they are going on holiday.
Personally feel baby should be born & delivered natural unless something happen to the foetus..
However his wife is a meticulous & patient dr
I leave the decision to you.
0re0 read thr the past thread...
I also quit my job recentlt when my boss takan me....
He even admit he did in on purpose...
Do you think we have any grant?
Welcome, Dreytan and Yong Yong!

T_T, pre-eclampsia is like what Joynpeace had described. It may caused death to both mummy n baby. I was not aware of the seriousness as my gynae did not really explain abt it. But she insisted I must be hospitalised immediately for monitoring when I was at 35 weeks. She and the nurses were very concerned if I had any giddiness. But I really didn't feel anything at all. I did blood test and urine test. Heartbeat of the baby was monitored 2 -3 times a day.
KWXY, I am also feeling nausea but not as bad as some mummies here. Sometimes, I have to gag the sound to feel better. I also feel tired and don't spend as much time with my boy now.
Maybe you can try taking small meals and less oily food. I feel better if the food is not oily.
Yong Yong, I think as long as no spotting or show or pain, bb should be growing well.
During my first one, gynae appt was once a month for 1st n 2nd trimesters. As I moved towards 3rd trimester, appt became fortnightly and then weekly.
I can't share much as I didn't feel or think much during my first pregnancy except a bit of nausea.
<font color="aa00aa">Ya, pre-eclampsia can get pretty serious n can b life threatening..I had a failed induction for my #1 n hence had emer csec cos of my pre-eclampsia..n had been on high blood med during e 3rd tri..Haiz.
N yong yong, my gynae scheduled my next appt 2w later..dunno isit norm or cos he wanna monitor my bp ba..
KWXY, dun worry u r not alone..I feel so lousy e whole day whether eat or dun eat..tt I jus lembeh one corner n ask my ger dun disturb me..Haa..worse rite</font>
Glutinous rice is difficult to digest. I am trying to avoid eating ba Zhang. But my mum, aunt and a friend made n gave me some, which add up to a lot for me to finish. I am letting my boy to help me to finish but so scare he has indigestion.
Dear Mummies,
Almost brand new Oakwood baby cot. With free mattress, bumper, muscial cot mobile. Has wheels for easy mobility with 2 adjustable heights
Already dismantled to make space
Bought it at $300. Selling at $199.
selling it because I have another cot at my mum's place.
Pick up at Jurong East area.
SMS/Whatsapp 97107843
Email: [email protected]

Shan, feeling bloated and sleepy no matter how much sleep I had and flu plus headache.. not sure if it's me but been feeling emo and feeling that work is getting much more demanding =/ 2 kids at home been missing me badly as I have not been able to fetch them back from childcare on time for past 2mths.. My elder one asked me if I can fetch her home early =~/ feeling so sad for them, like I neglected them
Hi girls,

Roughly how many times do you vomit each day now?
Mine is about 4-5 times.

Counting down to the end of 1st trimester.
Whole day feel weak, breathless and nauseas.
Keep applying medicated oil to calm myself.
HI Crystalbele, I used to vomit at least 5 times in my previous pregnancies, this time round not as bad yet.. Yup~ feeling weak, breathless and fainting spell is common.. just be careful and take good care ya~ I cannot tahan climbing the stairs to work too, although 3 storeys only.
heaven: i sleep everyday at 8 plus but still feel like zombie. Think its even worse when we have another smaller kid at home.

Crystalbelle: I vomit a lot of times everyday. Very jia lat.Cant wait for 1st trim to be over
heaven, he sleeps from 6plus 7 onwards. Thats why i can sleep early. But then he will wake up about 2-3 times in the night asking for water
yong yong: thanks for the reply. oh u mean JW n Adrian Tan is wife n husband..hmmm but my fren natural birth under Jocelyn for both her kids..n she mention she quite patient too..hmmm ok. Prob when I go for appt on 08 July then decide..
wow, your kid really good sleep so early thought mine already very early around 8pm.. luckily mine will go toilet themselves if need to so will be disturb my sleep.. but I still sleep around 10pm. My dog will wake us up around 5am =/ sometimes if we are lucky 6am..
Apple, thanks for the reply

(bluerosie) , i mean Andrian tan &amp; Esther Yeo LOL
KWXY oh dear I hope i can eat 1/2 ba zhang , that my fav...i m eating tmr...
DId gynae give medicine for nauseous
These few days feel nauseous when i eat cod fish &amp;pomfret..
not sure wanna eat the medicine
Hi all,
I finally visited the gynae at kkh today. Estimated to be 9 weeks and edd is 12 Jan. Can see sac and bb heartbeat. Starting on aspirin due to my conditions in previous pregnancy. Did blood test today and going for fts scan on 1st July.

I am still considering if I should see my previous gynae or stay at subsidised rate.
The gynae did ask about my ms but I told her is ok, don't need medicine.

I was told there will be a high chance that I might get pre-eclampsia again this round. So I will be closely monitored=more tests to be done.
Apple, congrats! Next wed I gng for my first trimester screening at kkh. First child. So am excited and worried at the same time. me under the private suite.

Hey mummies, are u all considering natural birth or c sect? Me in a dilemma.
Apple: Congrats. Must take good care of yourself k

Nidellia: Congrats! I going for mine this sat. My second child
. I will be choosing c sect. Hehe one is due to feng shui reason, and no need to go through the pain (hehe different type of pain thou) and waiting.
Good Noon!

just got back from the doctor. EDD: 1st Feb but i believe it will be earlier than that.
Feeling nausea whenever i see or eat meat >.<

Nidellia: Congrats! Have not decided on natural or C
Hello.... I'm seeing my doc in another one week or so. Can't wait for the first tri to be over too. I'm always feeling hungry, and since I'm not working, I'm getting very very lazy..... Not good


My edd is end jan too! 31 jan or so... Just in time for my mil's birthday present... Lol

My gynae recommended c sect for me... Cos I had an open myomec previously... Still thinking if I should go for natural or c sect
Do u girls have cravings and all? I am always hungry, but just don't feel like eating, which is worse, cos always have to think about what to eat.... I hate that.... A least if I have a craving, I will just eat what I crave for.....
Lets see how it goes, Oreo!
Congrats too

I'm snacking on junks a lot. esp ice cream. got to watch the sugar intake >.<
and getting real slpy at anytime of the day. haha!
Congrats! dont think so much...what is yours watever you did wrong is always yours
I will go for natural birth if everything is smooth &amp; without EPI, i dont want to hurt baby.
Nidellia, don't worry. Everything will be fine. Just relax and talk to your bb.
Because of my age, I am going for the fts. However, I haven't thought abt the next move if results not good. Praying hard that things turn out fine.

Shan, at least it is your choice. I don't have a choice. Gynae already announced it has to be csec.

Vee, if you opt for csec, definitely earlier than your edd. My previous and current pregnancy all fixed at 38 weeks. So I think I will be a December mummy. Hopefully, it doesn't fall on public holiday. Hospital may be shorthanded on public holidays.
Oreo, I was very hungry for the past 2 months. Starting this week, seems to be better. No cravings so far. I think even if have craving, sometimes after buying the food, I also don't feel like eating.

I need to watch my diet too. Oh ya! I have carvings for sweet food which I must control.

Musicgenie, you are very brave! I can't imagine myself without epi. But then mine will be csec. It is a pity I will never know how contractions feel like.
Shan, thanks. I agree that c sect is neater. Will discuss with Hubby and doc on the birth plan. All the best for yours this sat!

Apple, ya think Coz of my age, doc asks me to go for the screening. This yr 37 le. Ya will take things one day at a time!

Vee, congrats!!

Oreo, ha my cravings are ABC soup, no too sweet stuff. so I can only eat plain crackers. Dun Hv nausea n Ms. just wanna puke when brushing teeth. Likes plain water. Always have to wake up daily at least once or twice to go toilet. I like to nibble on sour plums. And I will feel very unwell if Dun eat on time. Cannot let my tummy be empty. Once eaten, felt so much better.
musicgenie: oh, u very "qiang". No epi. Definitely not for the weak like me.

Apple: when is your EDD? I also choose to c sect aroung 38 weeks that time. Gynae keep telling me, if labour before designated date, we will go natural. lol i was so scared and bed rest for the 2 weeks before the actual day. lol
Musicgenie, you r brave! I not sure if I can take the pain even though I know my pain threshold is high. Will have to seriously think of the few options. Of course natural birth also means shorter recovery too.
Wow. no epi. i havent thought of that.
right now when i look at hosp charges, i always look at the one with epi. haha
Hello ladies,

I'm joining this thread as a third time mum. My EDD shifted from 4 Jan to 1 Jan.

Can I ask when is the ideal time to take the Oscar test?

Nidellia, mine too. No ms, must eat on time otherwise tummy feels very bad. It's so annoying

Apple, I already can't wait for the hunger pangs to be over, and this is only my 6th weeks....
Vee, Week 12? Oh no, my colleague recommended Dr Adrian Woodworth but he's on leave, coming back only next week.

I'm in week 11/12 next week. Hopefully can still be carried out.

Although this is my 3rd pregnancy, but still as lost. Haha! My last pregnancy was 2 years ago and has forget most of the stuff by now.
Mummies, so far how much weight did you gain? I keep losing weight thou. No appetite.

Same as Darbebe, i am so lost even though i am a mother of 1. lol. Memory has been super duper bad. Even normal maths like 3+3 i take very long to think. Omg. Use to be not like that
Congrats, Darbebe!
Oscar is done between week 11 to 13.

Don't worry. I had my no. 1 in the year I turned 37 too. He is now a healthy, cheeky boy. I am sure you bb will grow well too.

My edd is 12 Jan. So it should be the festive season when I am 38 weeks. Expecting the hospital to be shorthanded. It happened during my no. 1 time. He was born on eve of National Day. On national day, many nurses were on leave or mc. The one who covered the duty of the nurse manager had difficulty getting other nurses to cover the ward duties.

I had colleagues who were hungry throughout their pregnancy.
I put on 1 kg in 2 weeks. Too much I ice cream I think :x

I have a gf in her 15th week now. Her ms was so bad she lost 4kg and admitted once.

Yup Darbebe, I was told week 12.

I'm loosing weight too. But maybe cos I don't have appetite to eat anything. So far I've only been craving for macs milo
