(2014/01) January 2014

TT this company can work for long. Seems like good for ladies who have kids.

GBOB mine fill half the pad after half a day. Not panty liner.
U are not supposed to think liao

Juju, mine no full flow. Just on n off spottings though sometimes abit of small small tissues come out also.

Hopeful, no la. I no think. I just telling u me same same. Hehe
Juju my previous blood clots was dark red lah. Now no more cramps Liao. Just this morning only. It comes and go. Now stop Liao. Tmr my bro in law rom leh. Cannot dont go. I thur morning see gynae Liao. So I think no major pain shd be fine lah. Just found it weird.
ya quite lucky.. or probably the company really in need of staff? hee.. and i guess being frank to the employer is really a good thing..

initially the boss say take 2mths den 2mths slowly use.. i told him.. if i take 2mths, in btwn the 1yr, i have so mani leaves to clear (ML, Childcare, AL) and i'll be taking leave so often and wun be fair to the other staff. so he din hesitate that much and agreed to my proposal~ yeahhh...

i have another offer too. but that one onli give me 3.5mths maternity.. hmmm...
ya.. but jus normal that we alw say 4mths.. haha.. but if they onli allow to take 8weeks.. thats abit too short.. 12weeks i already find it kinda not sufficient.. as i intend to BF for 5 mths n abv...
Can la. for #1, i took 12 wks then balance 4 wks to clear. I managed to bf full time for 2yrs then morn & night feed for another 1.5yrs
Way... Good lo... I don't know when I can find a job.... I'm like in the middle of a career switch lo....

Now I'm hungry but always don't feel like eating anything....end up I go hungry..
Wah juju u very steady! Can bf so long. My friends most of them 1mth give up. Not many do for 1 year. Have lah but not many. That's why I go back help dad. Can bring my kid to work. Watch the kid myself.
Oreo just eat lah. Don't starve urself. U hungry how to slp? Eat oats very good can help with slp and healthy. Or drink milk
Mainly cos my gal wants. Else think alrdy give up. See her latch very satisfying. But once i drop the latchings, i start putting on weight liao. Duhz
Hopeful, gbob, the problem is, I don't even feel like eating anything... I baked cookies, thought I will eat, but finish baking, now I don't feel like eating...
Sianz max! Saw pink blood streaks when i wiped
machiam weekly anniversary. Every wed see smthg, every thur see gynae
Hi mummies,

I'm selling pre-loved "yaolan " at $60. Used less than 3weeks. Suitable from newborn to about 12kg. Portable and comes with safety belt. 

Letting go bumbo chair with tray @ $20. This is very useful to train babies to sit n strengthen their back. Can use from 4mth old. 

Walker selling at $50. Used about 2mths cos I bought it late - when my daughter was 1year old. Less than 2mths later she started to walk pretty well so she had no use of the walker. The plaything on it's tray is not working though. When we first bought it realised the lights didn't light up but were too lazy to change. 

The pics are still too big to be uploaded despite after resizing.  Email pics to ur email acct can be done upon request. 

Self collection @ Yio Chu Kang Rd (near AMK Ave 4). Pls pm me if you are keen. Thx!
juju, mine looks 5 months too.. lol~
T_T, congrats..
I'm still under probation, confirmation should be this month.. Pray for me, going to talk to boss about my pregnancy
Hopeful mum and gbob, still hoping for the best for you guys. Whatever meant to be yours is yours. No one can take it away. If not, just have to keep trying. At least you all can have it natural.

Ytd went for my 2nd scan at kkh. Now at 9 Weeks plus. Can see the little foetus shape. In another 2 Weeks time, I will be going for the first trimester screening. Others call it Oscar test. Seems so scary. Edd now becomes earlier at 2 Jan. Doc says might deliver on Dec though.
morning mummies,

u girls are so active talking, even at midnight hehe...
i went to bed at 10pm last night, should i go to my gynae this friday? last week i went n scan couldnt see anything i dont know if i should go again n pay $130
Morning ladies!
juju: dont worry, at least u see dr tmr for dr to assure u. better than after see dr than have then got to wait for one week
everything okay de

nidellia: thanks, hopefully like what u say

ivy: by friday u shd be how many weeks? dr didnt see anything as in have sac? or no sac? if worry just go see loh. guess liao makes yourself very xinku.
Juju: Mine look very big. But then i keep losing weight. Duno is it because i dun have appetite or what. But still i look huge.

T_T: Congrats. Ur new boss so nice. I stop finding a job after learning i am pregnant

Ivy: I went to bed everyday at around 8 plus. Lucky my hubby quite nice to offer to look after #1.
hopeful, by right i shld be 8weeks but i hope is late ovulation and nothing else, corss my fingers

shan, so nice of your hubby my gal only sticks to mummy so i will need to split into 2 when #2 comes haiz....
Ivy: so last week it was 7 weeks?
ya u dont have any spotting or those symptoms right, by u ovulate late. if u see a sac last week then not so worrying

all the best
hopeful, at first couldnt see anything then found a blur round thingy gynae cannot confirm also, no symptoms nothing at all leh so different from #1 time...
Heaven n shan: thanks.. its jus being upfront. Better to put in email when attaching resume. At least u wun waste ur time. Those really keen to interview u will still contact u.. jia you. Dun give up.. 6 more mths of wrk onli!!

0re0: same lo.. I alw duno wat to eat but awhile later start to get hungry n jelly! Bt white bread im fine.. I wonder what to do when o start wrking.. gotta bring a tin of biscuit!! Lol
ivy, prayers for u. dont worry if they did stomach scan cant see much.
jia you. so u decided to go back and see this friday? dr ask u to go back when?
I feel so tired everyday that i just feel like sleeping. Havent started studying for my exam end of the year. Sigh. Just dont feel like coming to work. Anyone have the same experience? SIgh

T_T: for me still 8 more months. Saw gynae last sat, only 5weeks 2 days. sob sob. so hard to endure time
Shan, I feel exactly the same as u. Very sian to go work.... But don't work, I feel very bored at home. Although I'm worried if I don't work, no money for this and that, but somehow I'm not very actively looking for a job. Nt that I don't wanna work.... But I don't mind a simple admin job ...s o that I can look after the kid.
Wah.... So active early in the morning.

Juju, dnt worry too much. Abit of pink streaks shd b quite normal moreover tmr u seeing yr gynae alrdy. Can get reassurance fast.

Oreo, some ladies preg at first no appetite de but will get better in 2nd Tri. Anyway hungry must eat a tad bit la, no appetite also must eat.

Nidella, thx for your well wishes. I nvr think abt it anymore. Now more impt is my dad who's hospitalized due to a fall n suffering from subdural hematoma. Dr op for him to drain out the blood once alrdy but it seems that now got "collection of dirt water" n they wanna op a 2nd time. My dad is more impt so he's on my mind now. Pregnancy I'll just go c gynae next week to get a confirmation. Meanwhile, congrats on your 9week scan babe! Dnt worry abt the Oscar scan, it's a scan alot of women need to go thru. Just to check if baby is ok. Sure ok one ya! Hugs

Ivy, I think u shd just go to gynae this week. Spend $130 to hear "Bom Bom Bom" worth it de! Dnt worry n dnt think too much.

Shan, wah u sleep so early ah? The pregnancy fatique must b hitting u hard. After 1st tri shd b better n u can start studying for year end exam lor. Yr DH so nice.

Hopeful, yo yo girl! How r u today?
Hopeful, i did a VS leh...
i'll go back on fri and pay $130 to hv a ease of mind, tis round ask hubby to go together so he will pay hahaha...
oscar not scary de. jus a normal scan wif more details and some blood tests.

tmr not scheduled de. gonna jus call them ltr n say im gonna walk in tmr morn.

i realise mine balloon if i hold back urine or jus eaten and end of the day. else i jus look abit more swollen than usual. so fan!
GBOB, thanks ya i will go on friday again

anyone has started applying stretchmark oil?
im lazy to do it this time lol...
I have bio oil at home but it states apply aft 1st trimester. Anyway my previous fat stomach is still ard.. wun stretch so fast.. haha
T_T, the last time i applies clarins oil very diligently but my stretchmarks came out 2 weeks before i gave birth, so sad lor...
this round i lazy to apply so early liao haha...
I'm okay today. Now more like heavy spotting. Tmr see dr, see what he says Loh. Hopefully no need to d&c
Ivy: I tot clarins suppose to b v gd.. or mayb bb growing too well inside. . Hee... my stretchmarks appeared at week 30 n aft. Frm bottom.. so scary ut still.. I nv do anithing abt it.. haha
Juju: Mine also. Hold urine and after my lunch. I was walking next to my colleague who was 5 months pregnant. One other colleague whom duno i am p, look at me and say "i am also pregnant". Omg.I look so huge and obvious meh. sob sob

Hopeful: all the best to you

Ivy: I have started on my stretch mark cream. But not very diligent yet. Last time i super on, from clarins, to bio oil, to palmer to another green bottle one. But i still have stretch mark. sob sob. And my thigh look super ugly. sigh. No more bikini

T_T: u so funny.
Hi Mummies,

I'm selling the following BN items, pls PM me if interested. Thanks.

1) Lansinoh HPA lanolin Nipple Cream 1.41oz - $10 (original price $16)

2) Thomson care Nipple Cream 30ml - $14 (original price $22)
I like my confinement lady because she is very positive and experienced. Not face black black kind. Also she handles my mom and mother in law very well. She is also polite with other visiting guests, even pour drink for my massage lady. Can cook well and knows what to do best.

She happens to be available from jul - Sep due to last minute cancellation. Can contact her @90573271
T_T & Shan,

my breast also got stretchmark lor, i gain 17kg the previous preg sooooo scary fat like a pig LOL
ivy: did you loose all your weight? I initially gain only 10kg in my 9month. Then sis in law keep commenting my baby very small. I "chiong" ah, put on 2kg in the last 2 weeks.
Ivy.. mine also haf.. at e side. But not v obvious. Im alr plump n nature.. aft gaining 13kg.. I was 85kg on e day of delivery. Scare die me.. but aft 2yrs.. I still haven go back to pre preg weight.. I was 72kg whn I got preg.but nw I think 74 liao.. sad.. I duno how giantic I will look on e day of delivery. . Hahha
Shan, yes i went back to pre preg weight already, imagine i gain 1kg per week in my 2nd trimester i juz wack food only dont care and my gal came out to be 3.25kg LOL

T_T, very sad hor ugly marks

i was 75kg when i delivered tis weight gain is scary haha...
hi ladies..
I am new here n currently taking baby steps for family planning for 2014. Anyone here has Dr Adrian Tan from ACJ clinic in TMC as gynae? My friend intro me this gynae which is sharing same clinic with her gynae dr jocelyn wong.. couldn't find reviews on dr adrian tan in here so wanna seek some advise. I also contemplating to look for KKH gynae instead or not since if any complications still will have to go KKH for checks etc...

pregnant women can eat dang gui? maybe not as a supplement, but like in the herbal chicken soup kind...

I googled, some sites say cannot, some say can...
