(2013/11) November 2013

Kayliz, yes you can do that. I used to pump exclusively coz my nipples are flat n baby cant suckle. So i pump till 18mths. Initially I wash aft each pump then very tiring so I read on smh some mummies do that. Put in an airtight container or ziplock bag and wash at the end of the day.

kayliz, when im pumping for my #1, i bought a number of spare pump parts. so i will use a new set every time. wash and sterilize at the end of the day.

i can imagine the bacteria multiplying on milk left over from the previous pump when u take it out from the fridge for the next pump.
hi mummies,

i tested positive last monday.. went to see the gynae today. but bb too small, cant hear heartbeat...
have to wait another week. oh and hi to all mummies & mummies-to be here! it's my #2 this time. my #1 just passed 27 months
. can i be added to the FB group too? thanks!

[email protected]

Thanks! Will try to stay as zen as i can.. My ivf was done under prof p c wong at nuh.. Hehe.. I also prefer to chat here first.. Will join the fb gp later..
Kayliz, I usually wash my pump after every pump because I cannot stand the stickiness of the milk. Makes me feel very gross. Technically speaking if u leave ur used pump parts in the fridge it can last 48hrs. Just that I'm unsure what happens when u bring the pump in and out of the freezer. Also I cannot stand the cold funnels on my boobs!

Qylasmummy, I'm an exclusively pumping mom too! I hate latching!! Makes me feel so chained. Hahaha.

Min81, my BFF met Prof Wong for a consultation recently. She said he is very methodical. Didnt seem to spare a thought for her emotional thoughts. She is gonna start ivf soon too cos she had 2 ectopic pregnancies, 1 miscarriage. Her right tube is gone and her left is blocked.
thanks mummies for sharing! okie will try it for my #2. hehe.

i suddenly experienced backache and slight cramps. now start to get paranoid again.

Hmm i guess everyone has diff requirements of doctors.. I've been with prof for 1.5 yrs.. My 1st bfp with iui was with him too.. I like it that he's very organised and methodical and very clear in his explanations.. He helped me and encouraged me at that time to fight on for my bb even though chances were slim.. He had me warded and came everyday even though he was on leave that wk.. Was very fatherly and took time to give me pep talk after m/c.. If i have a choice, will like to have him as my doc till delivery but he will only see for 1st trimester.. Will have to choose another doc after that.. But everyone has diff experiences with the same doc sometimes.. Is she keeping to him for ivf? Very impt to find a doc she's comfy with.. Wishing your fren all the best!
fuzzybear & qylasmummy - I'm also exclusive pumping mummy to #1 too, only did it till 10mths, but am glad I did it. Had a lot of freedom, and no need to wean off boobs but baby get all the nutrition BM gives. Thought that worked well for me.
I got the CL to train my maid to take care of bb and also cleaning all the pumps/bottles etc, so it's a breeze then. But with #2, I'm not sure she'd have time do so much...sianz just thinking about it..

I was wondering if any experienced mummy would think of C-sect for next kid after a previous natural birth? I'm toying with the idea of elective C-sect... Cos #1 had to be forcep out, recovery was not fun and not as quick as normal..sob
My first was vaginal delivery with forcep too, however recovery was fast. I eat painkiller for the first few days n didnt feel any pain when I stopped taking. I definitely won't pick c -sect coz recovery gonna take longer.
I thought forceps are to pull the baby out and wont affect the mummy? I won't opt for C-sect cos natural delivery will definitely recover faster and my gynae wont allow his patients to opt for C-Sect unless it is no choice.

I latched for about 4 months and switched to exclusive pumping cos i didnt seem to be able to latch properly cos my son always end up hungry after an hour. at least pumping, i could see the amount of milk im producing. bf till about 13 months. i was so motivated last time, pumped like 7-8 times a day during the initial months. I don't think i will have the same motivation now since there are two children to take care of instead of 1. evil mommy even thinking of giving FM straight away. but i think i cannot be so unfair to #2....and i think bf is the best way to slim down.....so shall persevere till at least 6 months then see how...
Kitkat, can lar. i see alot of pregnant ladies at weddings lor. but it depends on yourself and your friend, whether you are pantang or not. I went for my friend's wedding during #1's time too.
Kitkat, i just tested positive like 1wk before my hubby's brother wedding. We still have to drink tea. But i guess own family maybe ok. I have a wedding next sat but i decided not to go leh....
I think wedding dinner still ok. but dont go to the morning ceremony.

qing min coming im wondering if i should go tomb sweeping. i got to go lim chu kang cemetery one not like guang ming shan.

who knows how to go the spreadsheet?
During my 1st pregnancy I attended a few weddings turn out ok leh...I just inform wedding couple in advance see they ok anot, all happened to be ok.
Peanut Seet>both my pregnancies, babies delivered naturally with Epidural, I will not opt for C- Sect as the healing time is longer, and its costing more.

I am not superstitious, so I will still attend weddings and full month, unless the host doesn't wish to see me there. I know one of my cousin getting married in May

Nickname : third3timemum
Child # : 3
EDD : 4th November 2013
Doctor : Dr Lim Lean Soon of Tow Yung Clinic
Hospital : Mt Alvernia Hospital
Gender : Hopefully & prayfully Girl

Thank you very much, SN
I will be going to see my gynae later this afternoon for the 1st time for this baby, appointment 3:20pm, hope that baby's growing well, I do not have much ms, which makes me worry and wondering if baby is doing ok.
Morning mommies!

Peanut, I don't think c-sec is better than natural delivery, where it is assisted birth or not! I had to go for c-sec for my #2 cos the placenta was low and it was horrible. I was on painkillers for a week! I didn't even take a single pill when I delivered naturally for my #1. I m hoping to do VBAC for this baby. C-sec is horrible! I passed out 1 day after the c-sec in the hospital cos I was in bed the whole day before and my bp was soooo low. Scared the nurses!

Re: wedding
Why cannot attend? Don't over think mommies! If the couple is somebody that is very close to u, I'm sure they want u to attend too.

SN, pls add me:
Nick: fuzzybear
Child: #3
OB: Dr LC Foong
Hospital: Gleneagles
Oops sorry SN, my EDD shd be 10 nov. will only be able to confirm later today when I see my gynae. Fuzzybear is a FTWM!!! Haha

Third3timemum, I'm seeing my gynae today too! U know my #1 was delivered by a doc in ur clinic. Dr LS Lim did my detailed scan. But I cannot stand that gynae so I switched.
SN, i'm trying the SMH formatting.. so easier to update~! Hope u don't mind.

I arranged in the order of our EDD.

<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>Child #</TD><TD> EDD</TD><TD>Doctor</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD> Gender</TD><TD>SAHM or FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>SN</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 Nov</TD><TD>Dr Chan Kong Hon</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD></TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>third3timemum</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>4 Nov</TD><TD>Dr Lim Lean Soon</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD>Hopefully girl :p</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kayliz</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>5 Nov</TD><TD>Dr John Yam</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD></TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>fuzzybear</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>10 Nov</TD><TD>Dr LC Foong</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD></TD><TD>FTWM</td></tr></table>
thanks Kayliz! i was wondering how to do it directly in SMH! haha. you can teach me how to do it or trouble you to update the rest of the ladies' info? hehe.
any of you experiencing terrible ms already? my ms this time round is much better than #1, i can't rem when my ms started previously. so im wondering whether my ms hasnt peaked or this round really not much ms. since my EDD is the earliest, so wondering if any of you ladies already having bad ms?
SN, I m feeling nauseated. No puking but then again I don't puke for my pregnancies. I have already lost 2kg cos I can't eat. No appetite at all.

I guess every pregnancy is different. My #1 and #2 were very different that everybody was sure it was going to be a gal. End up another boy! This current pregnancy seems like my #1. I think it's another boy! But what's more impt is that baby is healthy.
Fuzzybear>Hi*5, today is it your 1st visit as well?I also have 2 boys, and hubby was hoping for a girl, I said as long as baby is normal and healthy, doesn't matter if it's a boy again this time.

May I ask which is the DR who delivered your baby?if you don't mind sharing, so at least I can take note

SN> I feel unwell, like gastric, don't know how to describe, but didn't puke for a few days liao, last week puke few times after dinner. I remember my last 2, ms between week 7-10, after that no more.
Thanks for sharing natural vs C-Sect...was thinking want to conserve "intactness" of the belows when I toy with C-sect idea...ahem...you know, mummies are still wives after all..heehee

Oh I just have to share the news here that thrilled me earlier!
I saw my lil peanut fetus in the sac at the gynae's earlier through just a scan on belly and could hear the heartbeat! Peanut is about 17mm now. Doc is happy with the progress and I couldn't be more relieved as I still have a blood clot. So pray all's well. It's 6wks 3d for peanut now..

SN, pls help me add in? Thank you!

Nick: Peanut
#2 child
EDD: 12 Nov
Dr: Dr Irene Chua
Gender: no preference
Hospital: Gleneagles

<table border=1><tr><td>Nickname</TD><TD>Child #</TD><TD> EDD</TD><TD>Doctor</TD><TD>Hospital</TD><TD> Gender</TD><TD>SAHM or FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>SN</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>1 Nov</TD><TD>Dr Chan Kong Hon</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD></TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>third3timemum</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>4 Nov</TD><TD>Dr Lim Lean Soon</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD>Hopefully girl :p</TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Kayliz</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>5 Nov</TD><TD>Dr John Yam</TD><TD>Mt Alvernia</TD><TD></TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>fuzzybear</TD><TD>3</TD><TD>10 Nov</TD><TD>Dr LC Foong</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD></TD><TD>FTWM </TD></TR><TR><TD>Peanut</TD><TD>2</TD><TD>12 Nov</TD><TD>Dr Irene Chua</TD><TD>Gleneagles</TD><TD></TD><TD>FTWM</td></tr></table>
Hi mummies,
was wondering how you cope with MS without ur colleagues finding out.
I feel so lethargic and tired everyday, dunno how to hide my nauseous and throw up face >.<
now i bring a plastic bag wherever i go, in case i need to throw up :<
Peanut, haha. if your doctor does a good sewing up after the episiotomy, it shouldn't be too affected. I think some angmo countries prefer to let it tear naturally and then heal naturally. That's the worst.
I don't have MS..but my colleagues have eagles' eyes.. most ask me am I pregnant..cos i look different, like no more wearing heels, look a bit bloated =/
but I told them.. I just happen to be putting on weight.. LOL but they don;t believe me!
Peanut, so nice to hear the heartbeat right? I hope to hear mine later too.. as for the trauma of natural birth and pleasing our hbs after that, i think there's no difference. did u ask ur hb if he felt any different after u gave birth? I asked mine after my first delivery and he said no diff. i still bleed when i have sex!

YHO, Cookiesbun, i m sure ppl will ask.. i just smile and change the subject. :p

Third3timemum, mine old gynae with TC Lim. he can be very insensitive. everything also say i took kan cheong etc. i was spotting red for my first baby, of cos i kan cheong lah. he told me to continue with my hectic lifestyle like gg to site. i did what he told me to do and ended up bleeding more. When his col saw me (the lady gynae), she immed told me to rest cos i had a pool of blood abv my cervix plus a clot just above my baby. gave me a jab some more. but Dr TC Lim told me the next day that it was a minor case and I shouldn't be so kan cheong. was so maaad it him. aiyah i can go on and on abt him. thank God i changed gynae. my current gynae said if i m worried i can always schedule a scan with him. cos no point worrying and stressing myself out when i just need a scan to assuage my fears.
fuzzybear: so gd.. how come your gynae allow u to hear heartbeat? i nv hear, only see on the ultrasound the blinking heart..
Kayliz, your gynae didnt allow you to hear? hmm i thought all gynaes will turn on the volume for you to hear the heartbeat. maybe your gynae need to update his machine liao.

SN.. hahaha.. ya! but my gynae is recommended by a friend. I just asked her, she got to listen leh! Whyyyy..
maybe next round i will ask!

my 1st child, under different gynae, also nv let me hear before. the 1st time i heard was when i went for my 3rd trimester screening. -_-
