(2013/11) November 2013

It's been awhile since I've last posted here. Visited my gynae today and heard my bb's heartbeat. Was very worried since I've no symptoms at all. So happy to see it growing well.

<font color="aa00aa">nickname: xnruier
Child #1
EDD: 5 nov 2013
Doc: Caroline Khi
Hospital: TMC

getting heartburn now. Ugh. So uncomfortable...
ZhuZhu (zhuzhu82)> I had brazalian wax during my 2nd pregnancy, in preparation for my delivery, so there is no problem waxing, but down there maybe more sensative, especially you have never done it before
Hi everyone... I'm new here...
Nickname MrsAz
EDD 30th Nov 13
Doc: Dr Esther Ng
Hospital: Mount Alvenia
Morning moms! Welcome new mommies!

Xnruier, yay! Gd to hear heartbeat!

Mommies, need ur advice: I'm spotting light brown to brown. Would u continue to go to work? I have already missed 8 days due to spotting. If I don't walk abt I don't spot. If I do then I spot. Would u take mc for such minor spotting? My doc is more than happy to give me mc cos he thinks I overwork myself.

fuzzybear, if i will u i will take mc. i lazy to work lah... LOL

any 2nd or 3rd time mummy started to show? I dont plan to announce until 2nd tri but it seems quite impossible. at 5wks my pants felt a little tight liao. i wonder how long can i hide.
mummychua>no one asked me if I were pregnant yet, I am now 8 weeks 1 day, but I do feel my shorts getting tighter at the waist. maybe because I am not the skinny type, so I have rooms, my past 2 pregnancy also look pregnant only around 4-5months. but hubby's business partner had to tell a client last Friday when hubby waited with me at gynae's clinic and missed the appointment.so I do not know if the client will share with anyone else.

fuzzybear>seek your gynae's opinion as he will know the best for you,better be careful, then sorry
Hi Ladies, I just went for my first gynea appointment yday and it is confirmed that my EDD will be on 11th Nov 2013. This is my second child and I'm with the same doctor; Dr Adrain Woodworth at Sengkeng. Congrats too all of you too.

I'm having the same EDD as my first child but he was 2 weeks earlier and became an Oct child instead. Hehe. Who knows, mayb 2nd one will share same bday as Kor Kor. Hope to have a girl this time but healthy is most important.
His pre-natal package is very cheap for private. Only $588.50 . Excld: Oscar test, Detail scan, PAPsmear (after delivery), Surcharge for emergency delivery, surcharge for Auspicious C-timing. btw, our pre-natal can claim from gov after bb is out, max of like $550+/- (cant rem), so don't go for too high end, cuz cannot claim.
*the good thing about his package is that he can sign when u r as early as 6weeks pregy. Most private package can only sign when u r 20weeks. Means u pay more for per-visit.

His delivery is also reasonable at $1350+ (normal), $1650+ (Forceps/Vacumn), $2500+ (C-sec). Prices r b4 GST, Epi, anesthetist, hospital/ward charges.
Waiting time, still ok. about 1-2hr, have to go there early to take queue no. then wait for Dr to come. Most of the time i will go shopping and eat first.

I went to other gynea also around there. for me, i always take MC, so feel much better. Dr Adrain v ok to give MC.
mummies, when must we start wearing wireless bras?? for #1, i didnt know i had to until 3rd trimester.. so this time round if need to i can buy new ones liao. i'm outgrowing my usual bras already. so happy! my boobs shrank and sag after breastfeeding, now finally see it back to pre-pregnancy where it was bigger and firmer. hahaha.
hi little beanie, i found this explanation on babycenter:

There's nothing to say that wearing underwired bras during pregnancy may be harmful. However, you're likely to find them uncomfortable for your changing breasts.

Many midwives and retail outlets advise against wearing underwired bras in pregnancy. The rigid wire may interfere with the natural changes in the size and shape of your breasts. The bra may obstruct the increased blood flow or squash your developing milk duct system. At best, it'll be uncomfortable, but at worst, it may lead to inflammation (mastitis).
Ooh, I always thought that wired bras really would affect the milk duct system. Anyways, if anyone wants to get nursing bras, can get at CK. Managed to get 3 unwired ones for about $15, after discount.

Keep watching food shows and ads and now craving for BBQ baby pork ribs, BBQ chicken wings, grilled fish, pizza! Sob, when can I get greedy with my food again?
ankh: yes, i got my nursing bras there too..! i wore mainly at home but when going out, i wear the normal non-wired bras from sorella. the seamless range is very comfy for me.
Wire bra, huh, i rem wearing it only when i'm last tri for #1 as i get really irritated by the wire bra. Stuck under the breast and feel so uncomfortable. I worn nursing bra in last time, cuz can still wear when bb is out n BF-ing. Is nice to know there r so many experience mummies here. My #1 SMH group were mostly first time mummies. =)

Cookiebun, if u have no spotting or discomfort, i think going oversea still ok. Does your boss knows about your pregnancy? If not then abit diff to reject.
Cookiesbun: for me i'll reject, better be safe than sorry.. will there be alot of car trips or walking? if you're in your 1st trim then you might feel uncomfy even for a day..

i have already told some of the people in my office about my pregnancy to avoid misunderstandings plus i'm having really bad MS..
My boss knows about it.. So far no spotting or discomfort, not much MS too.. But I scare it will be a rush trip.. Cos when I reach KL, we will need to take about 1hr30mins of taxi ride to customer place.. Then after back to airport to rush for flt..
gals, i dun hav ms, i can finish my packet of vegetarian bee hoon just now. is tat normal??
I m hoping to hav ms, crazy rite? i m going bonkers. can't wait to knock off to go for my first gynae visit later!
Please add me to the list.

Nick Name: bbz_rainbowz
Child #: 2
EDD: 20 Nov' 13
Doctor: Dr Yvonne Chan
Hospital: TMC

Thanks in advance! ;)

Kikat: I also don't have much symptoms.. used to have painful boobs.. But now seems not tt painful le.. Slightly ms on n off.. Overall can eat well too..
Kinda of worried.. Anyone with similar symptoms?
hi mummies, first time i'm posting here, glad to see such an active thread.

I'm expecting my #2 on 1 Nov.. currently now 8 weeks plus, typing this while my eyes are closing at work, munching on a cheesestick to stave off the nausea..

Wonder how i'm gonna survive going up to Korea next week for a month to visit my husband who is working there.. my #1 is 16 months and v active.. I'm so used to having a maid but cos of visa issues I can't bring her along.. Hubz can't wait for us to go up but I'm kinda dreading all the shackness I will feel taking care of #1 without maid while fighting the first trimester woes!

Thanks for listening
bbz_rainbowz, same here! last two weeks nipples was painful but today not so leh. mayb nervous. the nips "kiew shui".

welcome geishacatmama! feed yur #1 with soju and he/she will knock off den u can rest le. keke.. just joking
haha kitkat good idea i will keep it in mind :p u like soju?

quite normal for the symptoms to fluctuate so don't worry!
geishacatmama, dun really like soju, too strong for me. my colleague like mahgollis (dun know how to spell)..

u can go korea and buy masks, stretchmark creams, etc.. take it as a leisure shopping trip!
Anyone tried anti MS injection? My ms is so bad I'm vomiting at least 6-7 times a day. Can't keep any food down. Wasn't like that for #1. Wondering if it's a girl this time round.
Kitkat, sigh, today see ur nick but no craving for kitkat ;p

Geishacatmama, do cheesesticks help with the ms? Where to get them from? And u very brave, go to Korea with no.1 by yourself. Cross fingers n toes, hopefully your ms would have subsided then.

I swear, when this bb is out of me I'm going to splurge on a fantastic sashimi meal. Maybe sushi too. Or both. Whatever, so long as it is super yummy. Hubby's presence optional.
kitkat, oh yah stretch mark creams.. soon can start! i used bio-oil for #1.. no stretch marks!

ankh, oh the cheese sticks were the mozarella type left over from my swensen's lunch.. i cant eat too much so i find that munching some dry snacks throughout the day helps... my evening sickness is worse than morning sickness

i gave in to my sashimi urge in the third trimester last time... this time possibly second trimester i would give in :p
Bbs rainbowz: I haven't gone to my gynae for check up but I tried this due date calculator which said that my edd is 18 nov (ard urs!) so far I don't have much ms but I start my day with honey water just in case. I'm wondering if that's because I'm still early into my pregnancy or whether I'm lucky this time round. Hopefully the latter cos I can't afford MC!!
Welcome Geishacatmama. What a long name. I can imagine the tiredness dragging ur son to Korea by urself. The mere thought of it makes me shudder.

Thanks gals for ur advice. My gynae wants me to rest. He knows my work is stressful and that I have an irritable uterus prone to contractions and bleeding. But my boss just hinted to me today saying that i have been away for too many days. I tried to tahan but by 3 plus I was spotting reddish. No choice but to call gynae. Gynae wants me to start progesterone jabs twice a week. Haizzzz. Boss of cos not happy.

Kitkat, how's ur check up? Saw heartbeat?

I know how u guys feel abt MS. It is the only thing that tells me if I'm preg. As much as I hate the puking feeling, I rather have it than not having it.

Jean, oh no. U sound bad. Take care and if néed be, take the jab.
Hi mummies, im still having a fever and went to see gynae this morning for antibiotics. All of a sudden my ms decided to peak n i am having difficulties swallowing my pills. Really throw up everything that i ate. So miserable. I wont b updating the table for a while, will do so when im feeling better. Somehow i wish i could b put on a drip or injection or something, so tt i dun need to swallow those horrid pills.
Do u mummies feel that once u start puking, u just continue the whole day? But if u hold back that first puke, u may not puke at all. Easier said than done i know. What kind of food do u all eat when u have ms? I have only been eating biscuits
Take care SN. Can drink eating watery porridge with pickles &amp; minced meat or fish?

Just seen my gynae. We were happy to see the yolk sac, but gynae say the position of the sac is abit low, not to his ideal. He gave me hormone pills to take to support pregnancy. He say as long as no cramping or bleeding, &amp; if baby is growing, should b okie. Will see him again 2 weeks later. Heartbeat still early as he measure my sac to b only 6 weeks.
SN, I try to take plain Meiji crackers first thing after I wake up. No water except for a sip or two. Supposed to wait at least 20min before eating or drinking other stuff. Eating the plain crackers really really helps me, especially if I feel the gastric juices churning.

Stick to soupy, plain, unprocessed food like porridge, yong Tao foo, xiao wan mian, kway chap, steamed egg. Teochew porridge as per kitkat's suggestion is very good! Homecooked food, can just boil plain noodles with stuff like egg, tofu, veg. Fresh fruits too. I find buns, dairy products and too much red meat super hard to digest.

Don't drink any liquids with your meals. Leave a gap of about half to one hour between food and drinks. Even teochew porridge I just take the grains mainly, and wash the liao in the porridge to get rid of oil.

Meal portion is about 1/4 to 1/3 of what you normally have. Like last night I had half a medium papaya, one kiwi, one egg. Then stone for next few hours lol.

I also found sour plum juice very easy to drink. Maybe you can try it especially for your liquid intake during fever?

Hope you feel better soon!
went to see my gynae yesterday coz i was cramping and spotting. She couldnt see the fetus yet and gave me a jab plus med to take until next week. She can only say take a step at a time and see how it goes
fuzzybear, SN, take care! try to eat as much as you can and rest more. it must be lousy being sick now.

i also dont feel preg at all. no MS, perhaps im still early, 5wks only. hopefully i wont have. but i crave for meat. just had a cake for breakfast, but thinking of a chicken cutlet for lunch now. hungry all the time but i try not to eat too much coz im worry abt weight gain.

anyone being exercising? i so worry abt weight gain that i have swim every other day. im feeling ok but should i cut back? i swim abt 15-20mins each time.
Mummychua: i didnt have MS till about 7 weeks, before that i thought i was soo lucky again to have a smooth pregnancy. Lol.
Yeah but hopefully u won't ever have any. I'm stuck in meetings for the whole week and i have to be very careful with what i eat, make sure it doesnt trigger nausea or i need to keep going to the ladies..

Before i got preg, i was on a diet and lost 4kg. Finally able to wear fitting clothes without looking fat! Only to get preg again, but so far gained 1kg, except that my tummy looks quite obvious which i find it hard to hide under my normal clothes.
hi mummies who are under Dr Adrain Woodsworth, can i get some feedback about him? cos i'm thinking to change over to him but would like to know more first. Thanks!

I bought a bottle too but it says on the bottle to apply from start of second trimester onwards so just keepin it first
