(2013/11) November 2013

Ya. Prolong wearing of liner will increase chances of getting infection. Just tat i dun understand why only this preg i have this itchy prob. Pre preg and thro out my previous 2 pregnancies i use this brand of liner without prob. So i conclude, pregnancy does all sorts of things to the hormones. Since nw i found the cause i just stop wearing for the time being and see how it is aft i pop. 

Personally i will encourage 1st time mum (n daddy) to go. U will learn quite a number of things and u can better know wat to expect during delivery, for example, aft popping of baby, delivery is nt over etc etc. daddies also can learn alot of things from the classes. Like support for the wife, techniques to massage the wife etc etc. will be an eye opener for the new parents to be. My hb agree he learnt alot during the classes too. N like fuzzybear suggest, get ur hb to also attend the class on how to bathe baby after u pop, how to clean the private part of the baby when changing diapers etc. the daddy also has to do his part =) get the daddy involved right from the start =)


Haha.. Ya lor, dunno why my ms so jialat.. But just part and parcel of pregnancy, nothing much to do abt it also.. I stopped maxolon after trying 3 times cos still puke.. Haha.. I haven't changed date of detailed scan, wait till my next appt at 17 wks then see what doc says.. I could finally stop my vaginal inserts after 13 wks, yeah!! Haha.. Ya i agree gross but at least no side effects.. I'm still on proluton jabs twice weekly, doc told me after the 17th wk appt he'll see situation and might change to once weekly.. Hope all goes smoothly!

Winkle, xuan,

I'm starting my parentcraft lessons tomorrow!
Think will be fun to go with hubby learn bb stuff.. Hubby's excited abt it too.. Winkle, i think it's up to you where you wanna take the lessons, not necessarily where you're delivering..
Yea, for me I went back to the hosp that i choose to deliver in. Easier for me. Most hospitals sld have their own parentcraft hotline, mayb u can try calling them to register or ask the nurse for more info? I know TMC parentcraft is hot! If u wan can try calling and ask how to join their class.

This week i kind of feel baby flusters. Sometimes in the car so i tot mayb i over imagined it. As i type this reply, i feel another few flusters. Looking fwd to stronger n confirmed movement from this lit life =)
hehe actually my hub is more "experienced" in handling babies than me.. cos of his previous profession. i'm not so worried abt him, more worried abt myself (the pushing, breathing etc). haha...

hmm perhaps we can just attend, take it as preparation to welcome baby also.. let me ask him wat he thinks tonite. =)

when will be a good time to attend the classes? considering if we attend too early we may forget most things, if attend too late we may be too clumsy with our big tummy already..
Yes yes, there are studies that show the worse the MS the more likely u are carrying a gal. this is just a likelihood stats so there are of cos the opposite where the women have worse MS with boys.

Winkle, like Winnie, i did mine with Mrs Wong Boi Boi though i did not deliver at TMC. she is pretty gd.. would strongly recommend her. I have frens who told me Mt A's one was boring. :p Eh since u say u are a shoppaholic, once i confirm mine is gal, we can spree! :p

Val, i think i will tell the nurse when i go in on Monday for my jab. I thought yesterday was my last jab but doc say as long as i m still spotting i need to jab.. haizz.. i m still itchy but better.. hope its not some yeast infection! Yay, u are feeling flutterings! i can feel mine too..

Min, why are u on proluton still? u don't have spotting right? i dunno when i will stop my jabs.. do u have problems with ur jabs? i m having difficulties finding spots to jab. u go to NUH for ur jabs?
winnie: how much is the course package? my ah bang's schedule cannot fixed de so some lessons he might not be able to attend.. still can go w/o hubby?

Val: you should be experienced le coz it's ur number 3 liao rite? i felt mine about 1 week plus back..and i can feel her daily liao.. especially 3am to 5am!!!!! den 8am...hahaha

fuzzybear: ya!! can spree liaoz..lolz.. muz control!!!
Hi All,

New here. been reading silently for the past 2 weeks.
This is my 2nd pregnancy and my due date is likely to be on 25 Nov.
Winkle, the nearest classes are prob fully booked. u might wanna ask them for the jul/ aug classes. u can go without hb or join other time slots when ur hb can make it lor. best is ur hb can join u cos this is a journey for 2.

I haven't confirm mine is gal.. haha but if u itchy can start looking at carters, oshkosh and gymboree websites.

Hello and welcome Febie.. ur nick is familiar..
Hi fuzzybear, are you somebody I know using new nick??

PM me or u wan me to pm you to guess who since this is your no3?? :p we could in the same thread somewhere sometime ago.

I don't have spotting.. The decision for jab support came from the circumstances of my m/c last yr.. The jab is also to prevent premature labour, so will listen to the doc and continue.. I go back to NUH for my jabs everytime, although i stay bedok! Haha.. Actually can get gp to do but my hubby trusts the nurses better, and they really do a great job.. My butt hardly any marks..


Oh my classes at NUH, not at TMC.. Anyway, you're just 2 wks away from 20 wks.. Can quickly call to book a slot before the class is full
Haha, when gynae told me to push during labour, I pushed. Totally couldn't remember any breathing or pushing technique.

As for having MS equating to higher chance of a girl, think my maternal family will skew the stats. My mum got one boy one girl, barely had MS. Her younger sister had horrible MS for all three sons. I had mild MS for my #1 (gal), bad MS for #2, with the MS still ongoing. Let's see how the gender works out this time round hahaha!

For first time mummies, it's good to go for prenatal classes if only to learn how to take care of babies and yourself after birth. I also attended mrs BB Wong's class at TMC, and she'll give practical advice, like why u should swirl milk bottle sideways instead of up down (it's to prevent air from getting trapped inside the milk) to dissolve milk powder. My gf attended the classes at kkh, and from whatvshe told me about the breastfeeding tips she'd learnt, it sounded like kkh classes are not too bad either. If really no time to attend, then at least pick up some pre- and post-natal Ed books. Mrs BB Wrote has written 3 books on such issues. Not sure if they can be gotten outside of TMC. Else can source them secondhand from smh forum.

Winkle, of course can go w/o hubby. But best he also goes as many lessons as possible so he can learn how to handle bb too. After CL leaves, if u are the only one deemed qualified to take care of bb, can peng sang. Hubby not allowed to be just sperm donor, in this day and age must also be wife support!
just came out from expo..bought a year supply of huggies..and got a stroller from combi..the crowd was ok but the outside corridor was really congested because of the food n electronic fare at hall 4 and 5...bump into another hubby's fren..she mentioned that this year fair was much better..
Now that I have chicken pox, I have 'inflammation' on my breasts. Sore nipples. Having 2 bra extensions still can't hook. Any advise?
Hello mummies! !
Im a 1st time mummy. . Going 15 weeks... edd 24 Nov. Not much MS but feeling v bloated. . Alot wind in e stomach. Do you all hav alot wind in e stomach? Sometimes really feel so uncomfortable tt I hav to let out e air till vomit sometimes. =( any remedy to share?

Gonna start from stretch on e bb products.. cos nobody pass on to me. Kinda clueless abt it being 1st time mummy. N ya u noe I went to buy my new bigger cup bra w wire... dint noe tt preg mummy shouldn't get wired bra... guess alot things to learn n noe during preg..

I got alot pimples oso!! Did u all apply anything? Can we put those masks from Taiwan?
Hello Janice: there many first timer in here too! I'm first time mama too! I think can put mask la.. My hubby bought 100 plus pcs from Korea.. Til now I'm still using.. I bought some again from Taiwan 3 mths ago.. Still some leftovers too.. And I juZ did my gelish nails.. I donno can do or cannot do gelish.. But then I did it already.. I'm a regular in doing mani and pedi.. I can't stand looking at my ugly nude nails.. The owner of the nail salon herself is 23 weeks preggy too.. Hehe..

In still wearing wired bras.. Coz non wired ones make my breasts shape weird...
ankh: ya will consider about signing for prenatal classes.. I don have CL ah! Lolz! My mum is my CL haha.. Hopefully she can make it! Hehehe..
Hi winkle!

Glad tt I can find friends here where we can share n accompany thru our pregnancy. After since I know im preg, my face go naked without any skin care except moisturiser n make up on weekdays. I cant survive wo make up! Haha

I went to soak off my gelish manicure tt time and im so worried duno is safe anot cos got e chemical thing to remove e gelish. I guess 1st time mummy like us got alot of doubts. Keke..

I oso taking natal course to get myself prepared ba..which hospital u all gg? We can go tgt when we r 5 mths! Tt would b fun.. hee
Pinky, checkout nov 2013 archive thread dated may 8th. Got a list of what to get for bb care. We haven't really touched on what to get for mummy's care & sanity yet! Some topics to look out in this thread discussed so far:
1) strollers
2) breast pumps
3) bb carriers & slings
4) er, if u wish/dare, delivery experiences
5) workplace welfare
Prenatal classes will give u great crash course on tips and techniques in bb care & breastfeeding.

Pinky, Winkle, I think now still ok to wear underwire bra. I was still wearing underwire strapless bras during mid-2nd trimester for #1. Only after that then switched everything to non-wired. Heard of one mummy who wore wired bras throughout pregnancy n milk ducts developed to near armpits. Eee, that means got milk come out from near armpits, not nipples.
Hi mummies,
hope you are having a good weekend!

sorry, my prenatal classes were more than 6 years ago... can't remember the fees liow. But I remember shoud get the First Born Incentive card (if TMC) before signing up for the class cuz got discount.

Hi Pinky & Janice! Welcome!

yah, haven't touch on stuff for mummy yet... herbs for bathing, longan dates drink, warming body soap and shampoo etc. Wah, a lot of things to buy!
Thanks ankh! Saw e post of e required list of things to buy. . Which is alot~~ to a 1st time mummy.. gonna look for some sponsorship! Haha

Could someone add my info to e list as well? I changed my name.. so Janice is e same person as pinky..hope wont cause any confusion.
Child- #1
Gyne - Benjamin Tham
Edd - 24 Nov 13
Hospital- TMC/Mt A (haven't decide yet)
Stay - Hougang


Oh, I jus came back from motherhood fair. Only bought maternity wear. I will only buy all e items after my 20weeks scan ba.. which is in july... hope bb is healthy! !
Good morning all! bed rest for a week due to bleeding .. everytym went for scanning , baby happily kicking and playing. Gynae said i am fragile
hopefully this is all gonna end !! back to work today and feel soooooo SIAN ~~~
morning mummies! went to expo yest, din buy much too. there were a few things i wanna buy, but end up forgot to buy them. lol.. today whole body feeling very "suan". i think it's due to the 6hrs shopping yest. haha..

n just this morning, my colleague came to congratulate me. i asked is it my tummy can tell? she said no, she felt i have an aura when she saw me walk past last wk. lol...

Jasline: when is the taka fair?

Pinky: hi Pinky! i'm a 1st time mum, staying in hougang too! haha..
xuan, I went expo yest too! Only stayed for a while and didn't buy anything cos we want to wait until nearer to EDD to buy the bigger items. Anyone knows if there's another baby fair or warehouse sales in Aug/Sep?

Re: wired bras
I was wearing wired bras (one size bigger with extension) all the way until #1 came out, but stopped wearing after delivery as it was too uncomfortable. Just make sure it's not too tight and doesn't cut into your flesh.

And welcome to all the new mummies!
Jasline: orh ok thanks!

sei: i'm also thinking of buying more of the stuffs during later part. but we saw a stroller that we're quite ok with at kiddy palace, it was on gss, so have to get that within this month.

RE: wired bras
i dun feel that my size is getting very big but my wired bras are getting uncomfortable. sometimes the wired part makes me feel tight n suffocated. have been looking ard for non-wired bras, but only saw nursing bras so far, n they dun look nice 1 leh...

my hub also tell me dun buy those ugly ah ma bras please.. lol.. y nursing bras cannot be pretty/cute/sexy huh?? it can help to make mummies feel more confident leh! hahaha... =P still looking around now, but luckily 2 of my existing bras are unwired so i've been wearing them more often nowadays.
Welcome all new mummies & Good morning!

Yup. Agree that nursing bra never nice! it's just like 2 triangular clothes being sew together. Nxt time should learn self make :D :D

This week can really feel the baby movement. How about you ladies. I'm turning 19 weeks. Are you ladies still taking Folic Acid? What about DHA pill? I was being advise to stop Folic Acid and to start DHA. As 8 years ago DHA was not introduced yet, not sure if this necessary. Deep down my heart, I don't feel like taking too many supplements except the multi-vit.

hehe.. do you ladies still color ur hair at this stage?? ;)
Val, agree that Quinny does look stylo-milo but I'm not going to spend a bomb on stroller/pram... I need something that's light. Perhaps Combi or Aprica
Bless: i'm currently 18wks, my gynae gave me multivitamins, saw that it contains folic acid, along with iron, n other vitamins. my gynae dun really believe that fish oil (DHA) will make a baby smart, but he will still let me take it if i want. however, i told him i seem to have constant tongue ulcers since i took the fish oil, my gynae said he hasn't heard of such issues but told me in that case, dun take the fish oil already. haha..

before i got preg, i already dun like to colour my hair, so dun think i will colour my hair now also, tho i have been growing alot of white hairs! =(
bless: my gynae stopped giving me folic acid after i passed the first trimister.. i'm taking DHA now (otherwise known as fish oil..) i heard its necessary, coz its good for baby's brains..
i heard aprica is good (light weight) from a friend who is petite and usually brings her baby out
Bless : Am taking multi vit, DHA and Calcium pill presc by my gynae... same vit as my #1. but really I getting so lazy to take all this vit...
I asked my gynae last visit when to stop taking the folic acid, and she told me to continue until delivery... but I see that obimin and anmum both have folic acid too... excess will just flush out? Think I will ask her again when I see her at 20wks.

xuan, if you like the cute cute kind of nursing bra, there are a few BPs selling them
I bought some from MIM last time, one had a removable wire that you can put in if you feel u need more "shape" but it also looks ok without the wire. This round, I'm wearing more tube bras as there's no wire and they go with everything! If you are planning to use a nursing cover, then don't really have to get a lot of the drop-cup type aka 2 triangular cloth lol...

Hair-wise, I never coloured my hair before and it's naturally straight so will just trim it shorter near to EDD.
sei: wat is "BPs"? actually i'm not exactly looking for nursing bra also.. as long as no wire i'm ok.. think the next few wkends i need to go bra hunting.. hehe..
Previously when i had the fluttering feelings i thot too early coz only 16weeks. So i thot cld be gas/air inside and its like 1 off per time. since i turned 17week it gets stronger n the fluttering comes in a few times in a short while so i then cfm its fluttering =p

Wah!! Ur baby v active at nite =p
Yes #3 =) but this time its the earliest i ever felt any flustering le. #1 abt 20weeks, #2 abt 18 or 19weeks. So earlier i thot just air/gas or i think too much. Nw is cfm kicks and a few times in a row. Lol. V wonderful feeling =) looking fwd to the time baby can response to my taps. Hahaha.
I attended the class at abt 5mths. The closer to delivery, the fresher the memory. Lol. Yes. Best ur hb can attend coz sometimes u will nd him to carry out some actions like massaging on u. If ur hb nt ard, u probably have to partner the teacher =p

Welcome to the thread =)

Yes, i feel bloated for all my pregnanices. Try to cut dwn on foods like yellow beans, broccoli and cabbages as these food will cause more gas in the body.

Wat did ur gynae says abt the inflammation?

Hope ur bleeding will stop soon and pls rest well =)

Yes! Nursing bras are ugly. Lol. I resorted to wearing tube bras from spring maternity but bad for the breasts coz will sag (i removed the strips as i wear tube tops or spag tops so dun like to see bra strips).

I only given obimin n nthing else, nt even fish oil =p obimin contains folic acid already so dun nd separate folic acid pills.
if u wan light, quinny is out. Coz its nt light. And u cant fold with 1 hand. 
I dun like to color my hair even when non preg =p if u can tahan the chemical smell i think some ppl do color their hair when preg too.
my gynae also told me to continue folic acid until delivery. besides, I am also taking neurogain(fish oil) & obimin(multi vitamin), gynae said calcium to take only after 20 weeks.
Hi All

Is my first post here! Have been reading for some time already..

I'm a first time mummy too. Turning 15th weeks this coming Fri.

If anyone updating the list, mine is as follows:

Child- #1
Gynae - Dr Kenneth Edward Lee
Edd - 28 Nov 13
Hospital- Mt A
Stay - Boon Keng (currently)
haha thanks Val & third3timemum! i'll go check it out. must control lor.. haha i think i'm quite good when i went the expo yest, din buy much things. =P
hi mummies~ i'm back from my trip.
very tiring but enjoyed myself. slept for less than 5 hrs daily coz i shopped till 2-3am every nite. Everyone says i'm very "power". hahaha!

RE: Nursing bras, my coll recommended me Bravado bras. I bought 2 sets of seamless silk nursing bras from Qoo10. It is the best and most comfy maternity bra i ever worn. Good support too. Can wear all the way from now till breastfeeding. I am going to stock up!
Hello mommies, I'm back from Scandinavia! My son slept thru the flight to Denmark but on the way back to Singapore, it was like a nightmare. Anyway, it was a good holiday on the whole. Still glad to b back home, missed the spaciousness of my own home compared to tiny European hotel rooms! On leave today to unpack n do laundry! Gosh, the amount of clothes to wash. The washing machine and mr golden sun is my best friend now. Haha.
Hello mommies, how was ur wkend? did u guys singlehandedly increase the GDP through ur shopping? hehehe..

Lynn, how come u are bleeding? how bad? did the doc see any blood clots inside u? do rest ok?

Re: vitamins
I am taking a prenatal multivit (Pregnancy & breastfeeding Gold), folic acid and Dextra fish oil for DHA. I would recommend u guys to continue ur folic acid. Folic acid is a water soluble vit so any excess will be peed out. it won't accumulate or harm ur baby if u take in excess. the reason why i recommend it is because i stopped my folic acid for my #2 after the first trim. he ended up having a sacral dimple (a small dimple at his tailbone). It seems that insufficient folic acid could lead to the formation of such dimples as this is an indicator that the neutral tube and the surrounding tissues didn't close completely. in serious cases this is know as spina bifida. for my #1 i took folic acid all the way till i popped, no such prob.
this time i m just gonna continue taking it as there are other benefits.

As for DHA, there are quite a number of studies that show increased DHA intake during pregnancy and breastfeeding helps to improve cognitive abilities in babies. i guess no harm taking it. Low levels of omega-3 fatty acids also likely to cause depression in preg moms. here are some studies u might want to read.

As for calcium, u hardly absorb much from inorganic calcium.. better to take organic calcium from milk, beans etc.

Re: bra
I wear all my usual underwire bra.. so far so gd.. only those strapless ones will cut into me. i love Mothercare's padded maternity bra.. so comfy! as for lacy maternity bras, i saw this shop at Centrepoint (sells maternity wear) that has pretty nice lacy bras..

Val, very nice to feel the flutterings hor.. i have been experiencing jabs now.. stronger and more frequent..

Welcome back SN and Kayliz, miss u guys chatting with us! glad u guys had a great holiday!

Yay, i haven't spotted brown for 48hrs! super happy! no need for jabs today. :p
kayliz and SN, welcome back!!

kayliz, what seamless silk nursing bras did u buy from Qoo10? which shop?

Hi kris, welcome! I'm hitting 15 weeks this friday too!! *high 5!
i'm a first time mummy too.
