(2013/11) November 2013

HI Mummies,

I am first time mum.EDD 27 NOV...going 15 weeks now.Hospital: NUH, Gynae : Dr Su Lin Lin.Stay: CCK.
Went to exo fair too.did not buy anything.just went to explore.Babies stuffs are not cheap.
Taking folic, calcium & omega 3.
Going to cut & colour my hair soon..once the moring sickness is over.Went facial last week.
Currently ,sourcing for confinement lady & prenatal classes & maybe change gynae + Hospital.

Janice (pinkyloving):same here.bloated & alot wind,though nausea getting better compare to many weeks ago but start to vomit occasionally.
I drink ginger drink at times.May help occasionally but not all the time for me.
Try eating small meals/snacks.I drink soda to burp.heheh.Sometimes i feel better after vomitting.

Sei: there seem to have more baby fair coming up within this year;saw it online but the dates & location are not firm.

Min81:May i know who is your Gynae at NUH?

Lynn:I had bleeding twice before.Would suggest alot bedrest, do not walk much, do not carry anything heavy, do not do housework.relax & do not worry much. All will be well.

hello mummies... today super busy!!!! just sneaking in to say Hi!

Congrats to fuzzybear! finally spotting stop le! but still must be careful..

re hair dye..
many people say cannot also.. same with nail polish.. but then you see XiaXue.. aiyo... dye her hair and polish her nails too.. and her son is so cute and chubby!
thanks kayliz! the bra looks super comfy! i will find them on Qoo10 too.

SANDRA.C, welcome! why are you thinking of changing gynae and hospital?

mummies, any of you choose hospital based on the cost of ICU stay if bb needs it? and is it true that private gynae's cannot deliver in KKH or NUH? dunno if i shld still deliver in TMC cos heard that if bb needs medical care after delivery, they'll have to send the poor little one to KKH...
I think u guys shd buy nursing bras when u are in ur late 3rd trim. 2nd/ 3rd time mommies roughly know how much more their boobs will expand so they can buy them earlier. but for 1st time moms, u really won't know how much more u gonna expand to so don't buy too early. I expanded one size up comparing btw preg 1 and 2 because i gained abt 3kg more in 2nd preg.

As for dying hair and nails, there's no right or wrong. u shd examine the potential risks and decide for urself.
i personally don't do anything to my hair and fingernails cos i kiasu kiasee.. don't want a moment of vanity to make me doubt if my actions during pregnancy cause health problems in my kid in the future.

Winkle, Manawab, thanks a lot.. i know i might still bleed cos the blood clot is still in me.

Winkle, i really cannot believe Xiaxue is a mom.. but have to give it to her, she is doing a great job so far.

Manawab, yup private gynaes cannot deliver in public hospitals and vice versa. if u are expecting a healthy baby i think the risk of having complications is very low. u can opt to send ur baby to KK after delivery shd it happen. NICU fees is very ex.. moms with multiples might wanna choose KK instead cos likely the birth weights of multiples are lower and would need a stay in NICU before they can discharge.. can't rem the weight they have to hit.. think 2kg...
fuzzybear: the bravado bras if u get ur current size, can accomodate till 1 cup size bigger from now. their sizes go by S,M,L. thats why i dare to invest or else i broke lol
thanks fuzzybear. will be mindful that boobs may grow.. although I still can't imagine it growing any bigger. hahaa..

agree that multiples got higher chance of being born prematurely. my friend told me that another friend who had twins and delivered in private hospital, cos twins came out 2 months early and had complications - at the end of their stay in NICU, the bill came up to abt $200k. so my friend decided to deliver at NUH and chose class C wards. just in case bb develops complications after birth. so this set me thinking abt my delivery hospital.

sighs, but i like my gynae. really not keen to go to another gynae just cos i want to deliver in KKH or NUH...
mawanab, be positive, dont think about the baby having to stay in NICU etc.. why not be optimistic that it would be delivered full term and there's no need for the baby to stay in NICU etc.. in that way, you can still stick with the same gyane.

although mummies tend to worry this and that, but i feel we shld be positive and thing that everything would go on as smoothly.

if *touchwood* anything happens, then we act accordingly, in that way, it wont give you that much headache?

initially i had those thoughts also, but i feel its only making myself worry unnecessarily..why not conquer these problems if they *touchwood* happens..

being happy now is most important.. :)
HI Mummies,

Sometimes i feel cramp too. not sure if due to the procedure i did.Fuzzy bear, u feeling good?
BTW, I need advise from mummies who stay sengkang/punngol. Any good kindergarten to recommend?Thinking to send my boy to 2 hrs class b4 delivery. TIA.
fuzzybear: the blood clot how big now??

Mawanab: i cannot imagine how am i going to pay the $200K bils lei.. so i just talk to my bb ask her to be cooperative, healthy and come out after 37 weeks..
Kayliz, ah i see.. i m used to my nursing bras being the same as normal bras.. like 34C etc.. for my first preg i was 32A (airport runway!!) before and 34C when i was nursing.. For #2, i was 34B before and 36D after!! aiyoh.. i hope i dun go up anymore for #3! can be those XXX porn star!

Manawab, yes i agree with Fiona. gotta think positive.. if wanna think abt the things that can go wrong there are abt a million things that could go wrong. but u are already in ur 2nd trim, cleared ur Oscar, the risk of anything bad happening is very low.. like less than 5%. so cheer up.. stress and worries do lead to babies with lower birth weights.

Snake_bb, how are u? anymore spotting? where's ur cramps? side of the uterus? i m feeling ok.. a lot of stretching pains off and on.. both round ligaments and my old c-sec wound.

Winkle, last tues the blood clot was 6x3cm. during my Oscar 3 wks before, it was 7x4cm.

Great to hear no more spotting! Yeah!
But still must take care ah..


My gynae is Prof Mahesh.. My EDD is near to yours, 21 Nov
You're intending to change gynae and hospital though?
fuzzybear: good!! it's shrinking! don worry.. it will go away very soon.. as long it's shrinking means good already..
Yup Min, will take care!
i m so scared to go back to work cos i know the blood clot is still just abv my cervix. walking more will cause me to bleed.

Snake_bb, could it be just stretching pains? the side ones sound like round ligament.. one way to ensure it isn't contractions is when u feel the pain, does ur uterus area harden up? if it doesn't then i think it shd be stretching pains..

My older son is in K1, 3 hrs prog.. now sch holidays so i signed him up for some classes at the community centre near my Dad's place just to get him out of the house. else he and his younger bro will drive us nuts! my #2 just turned 1 so he stays at home.
how old is ur #1?

Winkle, it is shrinking sooooo sllllowwwwwwwwlllly!!!!!
Val, thanks ah for the "poison". lol.. i have a few friends who told me also that they organise sprees. dunno y, but i'm not really in the buying mood yet leh for bb stuffs. hehe..
Fuzzy bear,

my #1 is 21 mths. i planning to send him when 2yo. My friend told me to send him to sch b4 #1 arrival. Im looking for 2 hrs kind of sch for him. I hope mummies here can assist.hahaha i really headache to bring him to sch cos he v timid. only when im ard then he is ok. I have beem accompanied him to weekend class but still so timid. sian.

Is best to send him for class before #2 arrival if not he will think no 2 is out u dont want him etc...
Snake_bb, could be ur mucus plug reestablishing itself. plus ur womb might still be irritated..
bottom line, no bleeding means gd news. haha.. Yes i agree with SL, send ur #1 before ur #2 comes. else he thinks u don't want him because of #2. try some of the church based nursery? but some won't take kids < 30 mths so need to check.

Welcome SL, Pinky, Sandra and Kris.. hope i didn't miss out anyone else who is new!
fiona, agree that we should all stay positive and happy. believe bb will feel a happy mum too

winkle, that story was scary eh. i will also faint with that kind of bills. i'll talk to bb too and ask her to stay healthy and cosy in mummy's womb.
xuan, I guess you already know what BP means hehe... super addictive!

fuzzybear, good to hear that your spotting has stopped and the clot is shrinking!

mawanab, I chose KKH this time and will be staying in C ward cos I'm anticipating NICU costs... my #1 had a complication and I changed from TMC to KKH last min at my gynae's suggestion. Although he couldn't deliver for me, he referred me to another gynae in KKH who did the c-sec for me so it turned out well. My #1 stayed in NICU for 2 weeks and it was fully deductable by medisave, so we didn't have to pay any cash. Note that KKH's NICU is almost always at full capacity, and priority is given to babies delivered in KKH... that's why I went to KKH straightaway this round as #2 will probably need to stay in NICU too. However, don't need to scare yourself if the pregnancy is progressing well and just think positive

xuan, same same... I'm also not in buying mood yet lol
fuzzybear, your boobs grew so much?!! wow... i can still fit into my 32B bra for the time being with extensions. i hope they can grow a cup up and stay that way... hahaa....
Hi Fuzzybear, Sandra and Val,

no idea why it bleed.. i was bed rest for 1 week lor.. today then back to work

bleed whenever i go toilet for 4 days stop 1 day and again of the 6th day. ( last red i saw was on Sat - 1st June .. )

hopefully that the end of it and no more seeing RED. i am so scared and terrified ! but everytym i go check up. baby happily kicking and playing.

doc said i am very fragile awwww
sei, your gynae is so nice to refer you to another gynae in KKH. why do you anticipate that #2 will need NICU too?

shall discuss with my gynae these possibilities at my next visit.

Thanks all for your sharing.
My insurance agent told me there's this Pru First Gift that covers nicu charges regardless private or govt hospital. U can buy it from 18 weeks onwards n once baby is born, the plan converts into a normal life insurance for ur child. I that it's a great plan so mommies don't have to go to kkh or nuh just cos u r scared of complications.
With regards to the mum convert to child insurance plan, AXA has 1 too. apparently they say theirs was voted the best by parents. yest at expo me n hub sat down n listen, my hub was complaining that he's falling aslp n refused to listen to other insurance companies. lol.. currently there's only 3 choices for such insurance plans i heard: Prudential, AXA, and AIA (just launched).

i was told that AXA's mumcare plan is bundled with an investment plan which will be converted to the child after birth.

i am keen to take. but hub is not really an insurance person. maybe cos it's not a common practice in his culture.
xuan: im taking AXA.. my friend is an AXA planner.. not bad la..compared to prudential..but not too sure about AIA..
Snake_bb, u checked the churches around ur place? I like church kindergartens (i m not a Christian) cos they emphasize a lot of pastoral care.

Sei, what happened to ur #1? why are u expecting that #2 will have the same prob?

Manawab, i really think u and ur bb will be fine.. stay happy ok? erm when u are full with milk, ur boobs are really huge.. like really.. after u empty them, it's like semi deflated balloons.. u can see ur boobs change within 3 hrs!

SN, i heard abt this insurance, however, i m not sure i qualify after all that bleeding i had..

Lyn, ur doc cannot see where u are bleeding from? no clots inside? u need to ask him cos if u have red blood, the chances of having placenta abruption is higher. that's why whenever i bleed reddish brown (not even red) my doc wants me in ASAP to make sure my placenta did not detach. i think u shd rest a bit more. since u bled before, the chances of u bleeding again is higher.
Mawanab: ^5.. when's ur edd? we should be more or less ard the same period of time!

fuzzybear: great to hear ur blood clot becoming smaller. It will get better, stay positive!

xuan: r u frm BTB 2012 FB? haha.. I'm considering to get Prudential ins aft 18weeks clearance, seems gd.

I think most private gynae will recommend you to switch to govt hospital if they feel u have risk of complication. My sis gf was advice to switch gynae n hospital at week 30 coz e bb stop growing. Same as my frend, her gynae also suggest to switch since she has risk of high blood pressure in her early stage. I think gynae also worry if we cant pay the hefty medical bill. :p
Kris: yea i'm from 2012btb grp also. hehe.. PM me on fb lah then i know who u are!

winkle: i want to get the AXA plan leh.. yest if sign up at expo got freebies n waive service charge somemore. but my hub keeps saying no need lah.. -.- i guess for locals, alot of mums will consider taking up the plan cos we have the always have the "just in case"/ kiasu mindset.
hi mummies,
can we eat liver?
i ate plenty of liver yesterday. After that then i read that we cannot take liver, so i am quite worried.
xuan: in my opinion..insurance is very important la.. u never know de..

i was hospitalised due to excessive vomitting in trim 1.. but heng i have my insurance..so it's 100% claimable... imagine if i don have insurance..i need to fork out on my own...
i have existing insurance plans lah.. but dun think they cover pregnancy. hub is ok if i want to get those life/ medical insurance stuff but maybe he dun feel it's necessary to get it just for pregnancy. i realised i become even more indecisive after i'm preg. sigh... sometimes i feel i'm making myself tired thinking here n there, trying to come up with a decision, or just trying to decide which 1 to buy. -.- sian...
snakebb, I think you also have to consider if there's someone to help you send your #1 to and from the sch for those 2-hr program... if it's too far and need to take bus, and you are doing it yourself, may end up even more tiring for you. Are you considering half/full day childcare as well?

mawanab/fuzzybear, my #1 had ascites (fluid in stomach) and so had to go for emer c-sec at 35 wks... plus she had low platelets at birth, and had 3 transfusions before the platelets went up and she was allowed to be discharged after 2 wks in NICU. The diagnosis was that I developed antibodies against hb's platelet type during the pregnancy, and it was killing my baby's platelets. For subsequent pregnancies, the effects will be earlier so we need to be prepared for a premature bb as well as treatment costs in NICU... we are hoping that everything goes well and I can go for a scheduled c-sec at 37-38 wks
xuan, i think you think more cos you want to make sure you made the best decision. that's normal. take some time to think thru if wanna get insurance for bb now. I should think abt that too.

Fuzzybear, my friend told me her boobs actually got smaller than her normal size after she stopped breastfeeding. hmmm... breasts full with milk... bb must be happy to see them. but guess it's painful for mummy ya?

Kris, my EDD is 29 Nov. but each time i go for checkup, the date changes. so i guess it should happen anytime that week
Hey hey

Just came back from my short trip..

Wanted to post about expo before my trip but got home too late that I totally forgot.. But hope mummies who went had good buy there..l I didn't buy anything cos hubby feels that it's still too early to get anything...

RE: folio acid
I not too sure if my gynae changed my medicine but currently I m taking this bright pink pill and "mum-to-be" pill... I suspect the pink pill has folio acid and the other one has DHA pill..

I experience quite sudden pain for the past two days.. I dunno how to explain that feeli but it only lasted like two mins... And it ony happen at bottom left of my tummy.. Is that the bb kicking? I have no idea how to differentiate that against other pain.. I really wish it is.. Can't wait to feel my bb kicking...
Sei, u are rhesus negative? and ur hb is positive? Baby was Rh+? or is it something else? very very rare to hear this kind of cases. are u expecting ur #2 to confirm to have this problem? any medical solutions like post natal injection of antibodies? it is damn scary man and i salute u for having the courage to try for another kid!

Manawab, haha was sharing before. i used to be very skinny, gained abt 2kg after delivery my #1. may be that's where the fats went! into my boobs! yes, if u don't empty ur boobs regular and on time u will suffer from engorgement. i don't cos i empty my boobs on clockwork (regular emptying for exclusive pumping moms is recommended to increase supply). sometimes no choice have to drag a bit will feel uncomfy but nothing too painful.. the pain comes when u get blocks!

Who was asking abt liver? too much liver isn't gd. but if u took moderate amt it shd be fine.. just don't eat anymore liver for this week.
RE: delivery

My mummies friends have been asking me if I will opt for c-sec or natural.. Both side got supporters.. But I think at this stage I wun decide which to go for cos it seems that it should be the baby deciding... Haha but meanwhile I will try to go exercise more for now to maintain the weight and keep my lifestyle health.. And also if I decide to go for natural at least I can endure the pain without epidural..
i juz had black chicken with ginseng soup last night.. my MIL boiled it for me.. i told her to boil black chicken..but she put in ginseng.. and i read that ginseng should be avoided

plus i drank the whole bowl... haizz...
so shag after a day of catching up past week of emails after my babymoon trip..xiao ber..is ut because of tummy stretching? i also have the same pain and it comes and go..my friend said its due to tummy stretching.
having said that my tummy skin is soo itchy over the past few days..i have been putting calamol lotion to calm the skin..mummies do you have solution for similar situations?
Arissa: i have rashes around my tummy, my waist and my lower back..
and very itchy too..

i use bio oil lor.. better liaoz..
Lynn, u bleed but no pain right? Could it be polyps like me? Initially, I bled a little and not everyday. After that the bleeding more and frequent. U can check with gynae where is the bleeding from.
Winkle really ah? maybe i can try..i have been itching like crazy..try very hard not to scratch..previously i scratch my right side of the tummy. . now the skin darken..sian..
fuzzybear, this is something different. The medical term is neonatal alloimmune thrombocytopenia, or nait for short. It is very rare in this part of the world, but not that uncommon among caucasians. It is complicated, and even when platelets are not the same type, the mother may not develop antibodies and even if antibodies are developed, it could be in too small a quantity to affect the baby... So far, it looks like ours is the first case in Singapore. There is a treatment called IVIG available from 20wks, but so far the blood tests have been inconclusive so we are reluctant to start treatment... plus we are considered low risk since #1's case was quite mild with no internal bleeds. We actually decided to stop at 1 initially cos hb was scared of the condition, but we saw how lonely #1 was and we really wanted another child, plus I researched on the condition and found that treatment was available, so we decided to try for #2... so we will take things as they come

linxiaober, I'm just curious, why would your friends opt for c-sec if everything is progressing normally?

On boob size changing, its hard to find a bra that fits throughout the day during bf... cos boobs expand and contract on cycle throughout the day lol!
Sei, I comsidering to cater school bus. My maid can pick my son from void deck. Fuzzy bear, I heard christian kindergarten is good too but need to convince my hb cos he is a Buddhism plus veg.

winkle: my mum say ren sheng is ok, just dun take gao li sheng.. maybe u check with your MIL which type of ginseng she put..
