(2013/11) November 2013

ya fiona, my fren just reached expo, she say super long queue sia!

i just wan to rant. my boss have been talking to us bout our annual leave these two days, cos we hav to clear at least 50% of our AL by june. but all of us did not hit the target, cos ours is finance dept, always have alot of things to do..
den my boss asked me how am i going to plan my leave cos it will affect others. she hinted to me suggesting me to take ML earlier ( i dun mind taking ML few days before edd). den oso suggested me to split my ML (3months, 1 month). if i split my ML, when i come back next yr, i still got to clear i month ML, annual leave and childcare leave, how to clear so many days? previously she oso asked if i m giving one week ML to my hubby, i straightaway told her no. my hubby's office is more pro family and flexible, if i need him, he can just work from home. sometimes i m veri disappointed with my boss. she say so many things just for me to shorten my ML and come back to work. we work so hard, i always work till 8 plus 9, still not enough. den she oso neva appreciate. FYI, she is a mother of two teenage sons.
ahhhh??? those ppl no need to work one ah?? haizz... i hope later i go will still be ok..
thanks for all the advices, will see how things go from here.
as expected, boss pull stunts already, try to make life difficult for me. can't help but felt really discriminated here after my mc last week man.

anyway i'm collecting all little pieces of evidence and if need be or if things get out of hand, i'll then write to MOM for advice based on all those evidence I've recorded and feeling of discrimination.

oh yes motherhood expo this week!
should be going on a sunday..
but will it be too early to start buying stuffs? was discussing with hubby the most we buy the little little items and maybe some clothes if deal is really good, but leave the big ticket items to last trimester..

not that I want to feel paranoid but maybe pantang abit dun wana buy the cots and all big ticket items so soon..especially my current situation is still a big question mark, need to wait for 20th week detailed scan to ensure nothing is wrong with the baby due to low fluid.

gynae says usually low fluid at early trimester (my fluid only became low in 2nd trimester) might be due to abnormalities in baby. =(
kitkat, winkle, ankh, fuzzybear and all FTWMs, really salute you. Not easy working full time and being pregnant. I have to admit my productivity must have been halved since week 7 of my pregnancy. Feel very paiseh to the company but really no energy to piah at work these days. Does anybody else feel that there is a direct relationship between work stress and MS too? Every time I'm given a new project at work I'll puke my guts out during the first few days. haiz...

k, k, talk about happy things - shopping!
Don't think I will go motherhood expo. A bit too early to shop leh. There will probably be the taka baby fair nearer our EDDs. Will purchase the big ticket items then. Isetan, OG and JL will also have their baby fairs every now and then. Think prices are pretty good during those fairs also. Usually 20% off + maybe $12 off for $90 purchase like that.

I bought some sorella seamless, wireless bras during last weekend's JL sales. Quite comfy. Feels better than the genie bras. Mummies can check it out if you are looking for wireless bras.

Oh, got some maternity panties from gmarket too. Super cheap and comfy. Think made in korea. I'm getting so fat. Super sianz. Nothing fits anymore. Got to wear maternity everything leow. Not fair leh, you all puke, I also puke, why I still put on so much weight?!?! *bang*
G6pd deficiency will pass on to boy only from a mother who are G6pd and vise versa. Like my case, hb is G6PD, if I'm carrying a girl she'll be a G6pd but not my boys.

Congras on ur 80% gal too.

silver, sorry to hear about your case. I seriously don't understand why some bosses behave like this towards preg woman. Why can't they understand without preg, they won't be around too? I used to work in SME and I personally feel that Male bosses treat pregnant worker somehow better than female bosses. Anyway, keep your chin up. Talk to baby. Ask the baby to grow and be strong!!

Reg the pain, I have this pain at "down-under". It's like “酸痛“ and I'm trying to do simple pregnancy yoga (youtube) everynight for 20mins to relieve the pain and it some how work for me.

Mummies, any good buy at motherhood expo?
Winkle: hahha I will try but I think my friend is going to tie me to the seat....

RE: expo fair
Maybe because its first day so it's crowded? I m thinking of going down tml with my hubby to do some comparison first.. And see what are the things to short list so that by few months later we know wat to buy at a better pricing... Hahahah kiasu parents..
Gd that u are enjoying ur trip. When are u coming back??

Thanks! Am sure there are alot of slim mummies here =)
If whole pregnancy gain 6kg will be v happy right? Hehe. A mummy in my previous batch gained 2kg throughout only due to ms.

xiao ber,
Hahaha! Ask him to be alert u if u get too high. Who knows he himself gets v high too =p

Mayb coz she needs to plan for manpower/projects thus ask u how u wanna clear ur leave?

Sorry. Yes u are right. Mothers can pass to both son n daughters but nt father to son =)
Val, it's possible to gain only 2kg throughout whole pregnancy??! MS the whole 9 months?? Would bb be affected in any way?

Just curious cos I'm hitting 14 weeks and have lost about 1kg. No MS and I eat normal. Gynae said bb will grow regardless of whether I gain any weight. but if that mummy in your previous batch gained only 2kg, does it mean all the weight went only to bb and she didn't gain any weight?
Hello mommies!

If I wasn't bleeding i would be at the Expo fair.. hahaha i usually go there to cheong for diapers. heh.. it is gd for parents with babies <1 or expecting one soon. The queue u guys mentioned abt is the queue for the goodie bags.. usually the goodie bags quite gd.

At the Expo u can see different types of strollers and car seats. Cot wise, the design is the same so if u have seen one, u prob have seen all. other than that, the rest can be bought during the Taka baby fair in Aug.

Winkle, just plan what's gd for u and ur baby.. work is nv ending one.. u help them to resolve manpower issue, i can bet they won't rem it after 1 yr.
Bless, if ur hb is G6DP and u are not a carrier, IF you are carrying a gal, ur gal has a 0% chance of getting it. If u are carrying a boy, they won't have it.

If u are a G6DP carrier plus ur hb is G6DP, then the baby gal has a 50% chance of getting G6DP. ur son would have a 50% chance too.

However if you are the one with G6DP, ur boys will 100% get it but the chances of your gal getting it will still be 50%.

Val, ur threadmate gained 2kg? that means there's a net loss in her weight man.. baby takes abt 3kg, amniotic fluid and placenta another 1kg. blood volume also increase.. Actually what the baby needs ur body will prioritise and give it to the baby first. that means u lose the store of iron and calcium.

Sifamily, just rem to reply u.. poor thing chicken pox! don't scratch ur scabs!
Yes. Her ms was v bad. Watever she eats she throws up and watever she can keep dwn is minimal. Doesnt affect baby coz the baby will absorb the nutrients 1st. Her baby born v healthy, 3kg++. of coz i have another friend with ms throughout but she gained 10++kg la. So depends on individual's body also.

How are u today? Still bleeding?
Yes, overall net loss. Once she popped, she already slimmer than when preg liao. 9mths of throwing up, i dun wan!
winkle: by the time i reach expo also abt 7pm le.. then like need to rush thru the booths.. hub says go on sunday then we have the whole day to just take our time. but seriously, hearing the extent of the crowd is really very sian.
Val, still spotting.. i m not moving much so not much bleeding.. but brown spots.. also i think i kena some infection from the prolong use of pads.. haizzz. itchy! wearing it for 3 wks already.. urgh..

9 mths of throwing up is horrible! i also don't want man.. crazy.. i have frens who aborted because they couldn't tahan the puking.. right now i m still feeling nauseated and controlling myself not to puke.. can feel the food rising in my throat. Haven't finish a complete meal since wk 6.
Winnie, er, I SAHM now. I must also qualify, when I was pregnant with #1, I had only mild MS. In fact, the whole pregnancy i was feeling pretty good. Customer shout at me I also can one ear in one ear out, no sweat! Wow, looking back, dream pregnancy.
looking back, my #1 was easy too. I had a job that required physical exertion, lots of lifting, climbing and perching on ladders etc and I was ok. But first pregnancy so didn't know I was having it easy. Puked once every evening and thought it was horrible already. Now I know what is real horror lor. When I see mummies with no MS, I always tell them "then you should have a few more". But if someone told me the same during my first pregnancy I would think that person's a bit seow. lol.

abort due to MS quite extreme. But I'm not in a position to judge these people... when my gynae offered me the option to terminate a few weeks ago because of the severe MS and ptyalism, I can't say I wasn't tempted. But I told my ah lao to make sure I never go through with it cause I know I will regret it for life.
Ya Winnie.. i have to honestly say that there were times during this pregnancy that i wished it all ended ASAP. The point where i m puking my guts out and bleeding heavily.. the part where i worry ceaselessly if i m gonna lose the baby. As the days pass by, my biggest fear is that i grow more and more attached to the baby, and I lose it in my 2nd trim or early 3rd trim. that i start allowing myself to believe the worst is over and that i will be able to hold my baby at the end of all these.. what if i suffer so much only to lose the baby in the end?

Anyway i m sure when people chose to abort the baby, they have their reasons. not for us to judge. for some, it might be better to abort than to bring the baby up in an unstable and unhappy environment, where they cannot afford even the basic necessities or that the moms themselves are not there for the baby. just that most people cannot imagine the impact of abortions until it happened.
wow.. seems like many people have easier preg for #1 compared to #2.. Same case for me. Sorta counting my blessings though cos some say that more MS means pregnancy is more viable? For #1, I was quite paranoid cos I was relatively symptom-free except for being abit hungrier than usual. So I use this to remind myself not to complain this time when i feel crappy

Re Motherhood fair, i quite gian to go after reading the posts here! Dun really hv plans to buy much since planning to recycle most stuff from #1.. but things cld change after this sat's check-up where we can hopefully find out the gender
my problem seems to be such a small issue compared to all of you.. my eyes have become very sensitive.. it becomes itchy very easily and it will turn red.. lasted for almost 2 months... any one encounter this as well? i have no idea how to solve this other dan keep using eye solution to wash my eyes, but it keeps coming back...
Linxiaober, could your eye sensitivity be due to sinus? When my gal has bad sinus, her eyes get red and itchy. GP says it's due to inflammation from the sinus. And I read that some women get bad sinus during early pregnancy. Can check with your gynae if this is a possibility.
hello mummies: i went expo ytd.. the carpark Q was damn long laaaaaa.. but when i went in, the crowd was quite ok.. i went around 4plus and stayed there till almost 7pm hehe.. bought baby bedding set, swaddle, some Carter's baby romper and Aprica stroller.. deals were all quite good..

and went for my gynae visit yesterday.. my baby from 95% boy now 100% gal!!!! lolz!!

Fuzzybear: my blood clot gone liaoz! but she didnt mention about fluid level lei.. she juz measured the head circumference.. and going for detailed scan on 17th June..

Silver: did you ask anyways to increase ur fluid? maybe you try to drink more water? i've been drinking alot of water lately coz i read somewhere that preggers need more water than usual..
winkle: mind sharing how much u buy ur aprica stroller? i'm trying to decide if shld get something with brand or just get a normal one that's not so "famous". cos i saw OG has promo also for strollers...

how come 95% boy become 100% girl? lol!! oh no, i hope my "highly possible" boy dun become girl.. if not so paiseh cos my super anxious hub went to announce to the whole world already. hahaha... =x
hi winkle..
wow carpark q very long ar? cham le we're going on sunday...aargh....hope don't have to get stuck in traffic for too long man..

ya I did, gyanes say drink more water and plenty of rest to see if it helps..
my gyane thinks it might be stress also ask me to take sometime off work..and did.
next check up will be on 8th june next Saturday, 1 more week to go,.very worrying also. very scared situation will be worse then previous time...

my main concern is still the lack of space for baby to grow, then baby like seems so squashed...
hopefully the situation will improve when we go for the scan next week..but still very scared like don't dare to face reality.
xuan: we were shocked coz we really thot we saw the birdie..plus gynae showed it to us..very obvious something sticking out..even sonographer also said most probably is a birdie during Oscar scan..so we went to annouce to whole world.. but ytd gynae said OMG.. is a gal! hahaha.. but i'm happy..coz i've always wanted a baby girl.. can doll up tog with mummy..hahaha.. happy until i couldnt sleep..coz i still cant believe im really having a gal after i have given up the thought of a baby gal liaoz..

My aprica stroller i bought at $599..usual price around $700++.. the model is Lady Quattro.. 4 wheel drive.. 5kg plus..

Silver: i think you are stressed out by worrying about ur bb more than ur work la.. yaa.. try to drink lots of water..if very sianz with plain water then some ribena or milo.. i drank all sorts of fluid.. those packet red date tea i also drink.. den ribena, iced milo and i eat lots of soupy meals..
lol... my friend suggested parking at the mall beside expo, maybe not as bad.

i told my hub not to announce so soon but somehow he seems very sure. -.- esp recently when i have alot of pimples on my face, he will smile to himself n say confirm is bb boy. like gloating over my ugly face lor.

can u recall wat other stroller brands u've seen at the expo also? hehe.. =)
xuan: i also got pimples lor.. hahaha..

i saw combi, quinny, aprica, mclaren, den i forgot le.. those i rem are the common brands la..haha..
Winkle, oooh, drool drool drool, aprica, carter's, love the brands lol! Wah, boy can become girl ah. So I got hope, maybe my girl will turn out to be boy then finally i got one kid with chance to go SAP school wahahahaha! Aiyo, this girl boy thing super fun. Hey, u wanted girl rite? Woohoo, CONGRATS!
I tell u, must watch clothing and accessories budget cos girls' stuff are sooooooooo much cuter than the boys'.
ankh: i will sure shop till siao for gals stuff lor... im a shopaholic myself lei.. lolz.. yaa.. muz really control.. i saw those head bands for baby girls i really buay tahan.. wanted to buy the whole shop! hahaha..

now jus hope she's healthy!
Ankh: I m too sure.. But this problem kinda got worse after I m pregnant... So I dunno what's wrong also...

Winkle: it's a girl!!!!! Congrats! I was asking my hubby last night if he prefer which.. He say its really okay so long as the baby is healthy... Hahaha I also can't wait to know my bb gender but I only doing my detailed scan on 14th.. Double crossing my fingers that bb will be co-operative..

I m thinking of going down later... Hope there is not much queue in the afternoon.. Actually I dun have much intention what to buy there also.. Just going to go down and take a walk around to check out prices.. Hahaha
Lin Xiao Ber: i asked my gynae can go concert anot..she said can!! hahaha.. don jump ard and avoid rowdy crowd can liao..
Winkle, Yeah, I know, the head bands super super cute! Aiya, get at least one la. All little girls deserve to be little sweetie pies before they become monkeys like mine is now!

Can go hospital tour anytime u can leisurely walk for half an hour. For mine I saw most of the women were late 2nd trimester to 3rd trimester. If u r delivering at TMC, they already provide virtual tours on their website.

Gd, hope ur brown spots will go off real soon and u can go of ur pads soon and solve the other issue.
I have the same issue as u but was using panty liner. It got really itchy till i stopped wearing the liner. 
U got it real bad this round, top n bottom giving u issue. This baby gonna be a very precious gem. =)

Some were saying jaundice also occurs in baby whose blood grp is diff from the mother. This doesnt apply in ur case le so this is busted. Haha.

My #1 pregnancy also relatively easier; No ms, no nausea but bleeding n spotting for 1st trimester only. Aft tat was a breeze! No wonder i piled on 20kg. Lol.

Its ok la. Since u wanted a gal. Nw u can go all out to buy girlish stuffs! Hehe. Alot of temptations everywhere for gals stuffs =D
Headbands/clips also can customize one lo. Keke!
I didnt go hosp tour. Just look at the photo that comes with the price package when nurse explained to me.

Mayb u wanna consider a brand with higher resale value in case aft sometimes u dun wan the pram and wanna sell off. A common brand easier to sell off. Just my 2cents worth la.
Winkle, 95% boy to 100% gal? Got chance to change again? Wahahaha. I don't ever announce anything until my detailed scan. U nv know, it is possible for little finger pretend as little dickie! I have to agree with Ankh, gal stuff super a lot to buy. Was just talking to my fren yesterday. Boys only shirt, tee, singlets, pants, shorts, socks, shoes and sandals. Gals got dress, skirt, leggings, bloomers, shorts, cardigans, hairbands, hair clips, necklace, bracelet, rings, ear rings, and tonnes of shoes, each for a different occasion!! Sure go broke buying gal stuff.

I puked again last night. So miserable. U leh? Still puking?

Xuan, just ask ur hb not to say anymore until detailed scan confirms that u are carrying a boy. I have a lot of pimples this time. No such thing when I was carrying both my boys. Hehe.

Val, I recently changed to pantyliners cos now only spotting. Very itchy. I just keep washing with water. It's better today. Ya!! This preg super a lot of prob!!! If it is really a gal, my hb will really dote on her.

Glad to hear your spotting is getting lighter.. It will go off very soon!

I'm still puking too at 15 wks! Puke and puke.. Sometimes feel so guilty to puke after taking the maternity milk or chicken essence.. So wasted, dunno got reach the bb anot.. Then at night ard 12 or 1 plus will suddenly wake up and run to puke.. After that take a long time to get back to sleep.. Hope to stop puking soon so can give bb more nutrients..

With regards to pantiliners, i've been on it since ivf cos of vaginal inserts.. No itch prob, maybe u can try using the Kotex unscented type..
Hey Min, was just thinking abt u just now! Haha. Wondering if u were ok or not. U managed to change ur detailed scan appointment slot?

Totally understand how u feel. How come so cham? Slping also can puke? I'm 16+ wks and Winkle is near 18 wks. Both of us still puking. I don't feel the urge to puke when I'm aslp. It's the moment before I slp that makes me wanna puke.

I'm using Carefree unscented pantyliner. Dunno why itchy cos I have always been on pantyliner since I got preggie cos I kept having on and off spotting. Nv had an issue until now. Was wondering if it is becos the discharge is a lot heavier. U still on progesterone inserts? I find them super gross. Would rather be jabbed!!
Ah... meaning only mother who are G6Pd will pass on to babies regardless of their sex. As I'm not a G6PD but Hb that's why my boys dont have. Got it now.
maybe you should try using the cotton pantyliner instead? it may reduce some itch though.. hope your spotting stop.

Regarding stroller, these days I always see ppl pushing Quinny everywhere I go.... why huh? was it that good?

As my 2nd already 8 y.o, I've really lost touch with baby products. All have been given away
now have to start all over again like a 1st time mummy. Hope to rec'd some update from you mummies here.

Have a great afternoon, mummies.
winkle.. ur baby so cute.. change from boy to girl! congrats on getting your wish!

I'm 18 weeks tomorrow.. sure can tell gender already right? Quite excited abt my gynae visit tomorrow but apprehension building up too.. hope baby is alright.. as long as he/she healthy can liao.

On hospital tours, where are u delivering? For me it came as part of my pre-natal class at Mt A. Actually nothing much also, just go and take a peek at the room and that time most of the rms fully occupied so they could only show us the deluxe one which we can't afford anyway.

fuzzy.. if discharge is heavier, maybe can change the pantyliner more frequently?

btw, any second/third-time mums taking pre-natal classes? Actually i dun need, but i need a refresher on how to push and when not to push! #1 i didn't manage to push out myself and gynae decided to vaccum the poor boy out. Hope I can do it myself this time, but i forgot what to do liao, scared i do the wrong thing at the wrong time
congrats on your girl! Baby girls are so nice... I want 1 too. lol.

good that the bleeding has reduced to spotting. Hopefully the worst is over for you.

good luck for your visit tmr! I'm not taking pre-natal classes again. My #2 is 4yo. Took the class 6 years ago and don't remember it being particularly useful. Maybe you should do the 1 or 1 classes. TMC use to offer. Just do a 1-2 hour refresher course.
Bless, well if the mom is confirmed a G6DP deficient person, then yes, all her boys will have G6DP. her daughters will be carriers. It becomes complicated when the mom is a carrier, i.e. she has the gene but does not have G6DP deficiency.

Kinderbueno, yup i m changing more freq. once got stain i change lor. still itchy!! :S may be cos i m have been at home, i haven't been drinking as much water as i have been in the office. cos office is airconditioned so i drink a lot cos the air is drier. trying to force myself to drink more at home.

As for the prenatal classes, erm do u think u can rem how to breath while in pain? I know i can't! when the contractions hit, I was hyperventilating like mad.. hahaha.. no harm going for classes but not really sure if u will rem how to push, esp since u can't practise it beforehand, nor are u sure that u are pushing correctly.
Nw u working from hm can wash off but if u go back to work will be harder liao. I prefer to wear liner coz can change often. I cant stand discharge on undergarment, have to keep changing and washing.
Yes! Esp ur previous 2 are boys, everyone, including the bros will really dote on the gal alot. N u will be bz spreeing for her. Keke.

I also use unscented. No prob before preg but started itching once preg. 

I am a quinny user myself. Think the price of quinny is pretty reasonable nowadays as compared to years ago. Mayb also coz of the colors and most of the range are 3wheelers thus more hip? When i bought quinny was coz of the colors, the 3wheelers. V bimbo right? Lol!!

Didnt attend any classes for #2 and will not be attending for this round also. The nurse/mid wife will guide u when to push n when nt to push and how to breathe. We still have the book from the prenatal class. Hb's job is also to read up on the breathing n guide me. Lol. Must give him something to do la.
hmm for 1st time mums, is it advisable to attend prenatal classes? if nv attend those classes then wont know how to push correctly, or breathe properly during labour ah?
Tks ladies!
On breathing in pain, not really an issue for me cos i was on epidural.. can't feel much, heheh, i only know i kept pushing and pushing but no outcome, felt so demoralised! My hub not keen to go with me for pre-natal classes and i dun feel like sitting thru all the baby care modules also.. maybe i'll take a look at the TMC refresher course.. tks Winnie for recommendation!
hahaha.. thanx thanx.. as long bb healthy can already.. altho i'm happier since it turned out to be a gal =p

Fuzzybear: ytd i puked gastric juice at the expo carpark...hahaha.. now im feeling nauseous again.. =x coz i juz ate fish porridge.. now stoning infront of my comp.. i have alot of things to finish by nxt wed.. damn sianz..
Val, i did read that some gynaes do not recommend prolong wearing of pantyliners. they say down there cannot breathe properly and that it encourages infection. usually i wear it only during first trim.. second and 3rd trim i try to go without so that down there can breathe.. wahahah..

Xuan, i do the prenatal classes help a lot. esp for first time dads. a lot of things u need to do then will be more practised but gd to understand the theory behind it. Strongly recommend that first time mommies go. U might not rem everything at the same time but u will rem some and that can be a confidence booster. when in hospital after delivery, i recommend that ur hb goes to the nursery to learn how to bathe the baby (ur own baby) so that he doesn't give the excuse that they dunno..

Kinderbueno, the thing is, even if u go for class, how u know u are pushing correctly? could it be that ur epi was too strong that's why u couldn't feel what u are doing? it took me one push to get the head out and another to get the whole baby out but i really could feel the urge to push.. some more that time i was unconscious (reaction to pethedine) but body still can do it.. a lot of moms say they can't feel anything during epi so dunno how to push.

Poor thing Winkle.. aiyoh.. i did read that having gals is scientifically proven to worsen MS.. :p so gynae definitely sure that this is a gal right? no chance of changing?
fuzzybear: ya lor.. having gal will have a higher chances of bad MS.. now confirm gal already la..hahaha..we saw the V very clearly..lolz...

Gal will have higher chance of bad MS?! hehe *hopeful*

since first pregnancy, can try the prenatal classes. Good for husband-wife bonding also. You might not agree with me now (but I'm sure you will once your baby is born)... "No kids got a lot of spare time one!" lol
