(2013/11) November 2013

heard some mummies mentioned in earlier threads that the Manduca baby carrier is good? anyone knows how much is it selling in local stores? thinking of getting a friend who is in UK to help buy, but not sure if it's cheaper.

sei, if boobs expand and contract throughout the day, then maybe it's better to not wear bra when breastfeeding? wear tubes or sth?
mawanab, this is the pricelist from the current BP. I'm also curious to know if your friend can get it cheaper from UK as not sure if this is authentic. Seller claims they are shipped from Germany :p

Manduca New Style - S$175 nett
Manduca Black Line - S$185 nett
Manduca Limited Edition - S$195 nett
mawanab, depends on boob size... support is important if you are D and above and tubes may not offer enough support. I find non-padded bras generally fit better but the shape of the breastpad may show so just wear with loose fitting tops. For me, biggest size diff was during first few months, after maternity leave it more or less stabilized
Hello all mummies! ! This thread is so active! ^.^

Dunno did I caught any virus at expo yst, now feeling unwell, think I catch a cold. Gonna sleep early tonight. Let sleep cure me I hope. Dun wan eat medi. =(

Xuan, u stay hougang oso? Good to find neighbour ard den can become our kids can become playmates!

U all so fast.. aldy 20 weeks? I cant wait for my bb kick! Keke.. now 15 weeks... so looking fwd to my visit to e gyne so can see my bb..

Re vitamin:
My gyne take away my folic acid. He said multi vit has e content so dun need eat. I stop 1 mth le. He oso giv me calcium n fish oil. Did u all compared e dha content? My fren comment my dha is 312.50mg which is consider low. Issit true? Do we hav to eat a higher dha den bb will b smart? Haha...

Btw, something to share w u ladies tt KKH sells e supplement s cheaper than those pte gyne. U all can go there buy to save money.

Is there a fb group here? Can add me in? Hehe
thanks Sei on the prices!!
are you concerned that the one my friend help me buy from UK might be fake? oh no... this didn't cross my mind at all. i associate fake goods with china.. didn't think europe will have many fakies around. but how to check except to see the price range.

on boobies, i'm only a B cup. no need much support
Arissa & wrinkle: but it's not itchy.. Both happened at 9am in the morning.. Like three times dab no more... My hubby very diligently help me apply bio oil cos he scare stretch mark more Dan me.. Hahhaa

Sei: one of them because first bb c-sec due to the positioning.. But before that she is more to it also cos she scare of pain.. Haha and I have another friend opting for natural but last min she had to c-sec cos of cord binding at the neck.. So I told my hubby no point to think so much.. Cos last min never know what will happen.. *touch wood!* but I roughly equipped myself with the information just to know...
Xiao ber, I oso hav sudden needle poking pain on my bottom tummy. . Womb area? But is right side. After awhile e pain gone. Not sure is bb kicking? But mine is right side not left wor. I only 15 weeks.
Hi mummies and mums-to-be! I'm a first time mum here. It's really good to have a forum when we're in the similar stage of our pregnancy. Perfect for a first time mum like me!

The expo sale was really crowded with a couple on ongoing fairs and CFA examination at the same venue. Managed to snag a breast pump, nursing pillow, sterilizer and food warmer at the fair. Think that'll be now for now before my 20 week screening come month end.

Got some granny frumpy non-wire bras at the John little sale too. Told hubby it's a sign of old age when one no longer wears matching lingerie and for comfort.
mawanab, no no, I mean whether the one from BP is authentic cos it's so much cheaper than some other websites :p

linxiaober... I see... yap, it's good to find out more either way
Hello ladies! We have a FB grp.. If you all interested can join in!

Please list your email address here..

Jasline_ gal is the administrator..
Naz, welcome to this thread!

Fuzzybear, great to know your blood clot has gone smaller! Hope it continues to reduce.

Snake_bb, perhaps u can check out catholic kindergarten near kovan MRT. 3 HR program. I think nursery years are about $630 per term. Not sure if they have playgroup as my gal only attended K1 onwards. I know some kids should be staying at hougang/buangkok/sengkang/punggol cos see them taking the train in that direction after school. As for the concern about religion, I'll say at preschool age no need to worry yet la. As a student of Christian schools from kindy till jc, I still turned out a free thinker due to my home environment being very devoid of Christian influence. Also, my girl has a classmate who is vegetarian. Most days she'll bring her own food. Think this girl has attended the kindy since nursery days.

Pinky, recommended dha to consume daily during pregnancy is at least 300mg. But if u are eating 3 servings of oily fish per week, u may not need to eat the fish oil pills. For my #1 my gynae never gave me fish oil to take, but I ate a helluva lot of fish cos I liked fish then. Er, I happy enough with my gal's academic progress so far. For this pregnancy, my gynae gave me fish oil pills cos I found fish hard to digest. Aiya, not only diet plays a part in bb's intelligence. Supposedly breastfeeding helps, exposure to two or more languages since birth, prenatal education, early exposure to brain stimulating materials (hallo to all the enrichment centers and activities! Goodbye to our money!) etc etc.
Hi Naz! I was there at expo exploring all e counters where there got a promoter explaining... all so stranger to me. But is a good learning experience there... now I noe how to use e steriliser n breast pump.. but breast pump think I still need some more lessons. Haha

Anhk, cos I always eat out so is hard for me to eat fish, 2 serving of veg. But I always try to make effort to meet e serving s target. Oh, so 300mg of fish oil daily is sufficient. Den good good. Will continue eat it. Ya u r right, after bb grow up, need to spend alot monies to invest those classes.

Anyone coughing middle of e night? Throat v itchy. It has been w me for 2 weeks le... dunno is it due to pregnancy. Anyone experience?
good morning all.
Thanks for all the welcome.

To those mummies who wish to buy carrier,
I suggest to bring the baby along and try at some places before you purchase online. There's different comfort level for different babies. We are still many mths away from Nov.
dun do impulse buying.
fuzzybear and Snake. no leh, doc check but nv say anything. she said everything ok, only i fragile. thats why
that worries me now..
Pinky: i'm having sore n itchy throat too. think it's just our body being more sensitive to falling sick now.. drink more water, see a doc if it doesn't get any better. i also prefer not to take medications but sometimes it's better to see doc take med than to let the virus drag. i will always ask my doc if the med is safe to consume during pregnancy, n he always assure me n confirmed that those he prescribe is safe for my baby. =)

Jasline: good good secret group i like! hehe.. i've PM-ed u my email instead. thanks!
morning ladies, how's everyone doing?

fuzzybear, good to know that ur bleeding stop and clot getting smaller. hope that everything will be smooth sailing from now.

sei, that's a very rare condition. read abt it when im doing my immunology class 10yrs back but nv know anyone suffering from it. maybe its a good idea for you to get transfer to KKH. no matter what they are the best when it comes to pd care. and got subsidy. kudos to ur courage for having #2.

MIL, actually i did stay with my mil during my 1st yr of marriage. we have a generally peaceful relationship but there is always undercurrent. at the start i think she's not very happy that there is another woman to fight for her fav. son. so she become quite intruding. like she will be outside our door listening to our conversation or activity. so i try to keep out of her way, like i will nv be hm if hub is not ard, i always bring my clothes back to my dad house to wash. so i become more like a guest.

but after so many yrs, we both got use to each other. somehow she become afraid of me. maybe she worry that i wont let her see her son and granddaughter if she dont keep me happy.

we still havent decide on anything. i think for now we just see how 1st lah.
congrats fuzzybear... glad no more spotting.
this pregnancy I also suffer from spotting during the my 5th week. still tot that menses visit.
lucky after observing for 3 days I sense something is wrong and quickly test.

agree with Fiona. Stay happy is very impt during pregnancy. keep the spirit up.

Jasline, I will pm you my email. thanks.
winkle: i also read ginseng is not suitable for pregnancy.. but when i was in korea, we went to this high class ginseng shop and the ladies there made us ginseng tea, or added ginseng powder in milk for us to try. I refused and they assured me that ginseng is safe for pregnancy??? no idea but since it was a small cup i just take. even during one of the meals, we had boiled chicken in ginseng soup.. and i learnt that kimchi all contains ginseng powder too. I had my checkup yesterday, so far so good.

by the way, my #2 is another girl! baby was facing down and gynae did say her legs not opened wide enough to confirm, but he saw the "3 lines".

i know very bad la but initially kinda sad coz we were hoping for a boy, coz already #1 is a girl.. oops.. but not fated la~

Don't be sad. I already have 2 gals... 3rd one might be gal as well. Cos yesterday went for checkup gynae say cant see clearly but might be gal.
kayliz>my gynae also told me the "3 Lines" means girl. gender is beyond our control, as long as baby is normal and healthy, I think is most important
Good morning!

Glad to read that all of you progressing well. I guess needle poking at this stage is common so long it's not a sharp pain. I did experience it now and then. The fluttering (movement) getting more frequent now.

Thanks for posting those link to spree!
I'm not a shoperholic but at time spree a little do cure my shopping thirst :D

Fuzzybear, glad to hear that your spotting stop! Thanks for all the info on folic acid. guess we shld just continue taking it. Better safe than sorry. You sound very knowledgeable :D

Have you ladies started wearing maternity wear? As this is my #3, don't really feel like wearing Mat wear so thinking to shop for those Korean style (loose type) of wear throughtout.... do U think possible? Hv been telling baby to grow each day but don't really need to "show-off" ... HAHAHA...

Have a great day ahead mummies!

U will be fine as long as baby is growing well. I had spotting and bleeding for this pregnancies as well during my wk 7. It lasts for 3 wks. Just try to have more bed rest and don't carry heavy stuff.
Come On Kayliz, keep your chin up! (I know is hard la).... coz I'm having my 3rd boy.. **faint** right? but my 2 boys were so happy to have another "Didi"... they are really there to "唱反调"

Anyway, let's pray our baby grow healthy and strong each day. That should make up for our sad feeling :D

I'm also pregnant with no 3. All previous clothes cant wear liao. But I'm wearing those clothes that i previously wore. Most of it are not maternity wear. I buy those loose clothing and it can last till 3rd trimeter. Btw is your tummy v big. My is quite big since is no 3...

My gals are also v happy when they heard gynae say might be a gal. They are hoping for another mei mei. Hahaha. Cos they want princess dont want prince.
* Letting go Avent breast shells (BNIB) - $10

* Used once NUK wide neck bottle (small bottle - 125ml / 150ml) - $5

* Lightly used Avent digital warmer (Used less than a month) - $ 30

* BNIB Pigeon Compact sterilizer - $30 (Warranty available)

* Lamaz activity mat (Lightly used) - $20

* GNC Goldmind DHA (1 bottle and FOC another open bottle which I had taken abt 8 pills) = $30

* Fenugrek (Brand new bottle) - $15

Email me at [email protected]
hehe.. ya of cos gender is not as impt as health and i accept what god has given me.
i know when i see her for the 1st time i will still fall in love with her.

my gal has been calling my tummy "di di" all along, although none of us taught her to. So yesterday i told her, she has to call mei mei now, and she kept asking me what happened to di di? I said didi swam away and she asked non-stop "Where??"

RE: Maternity wear
I only have 2 new maternity dresses and the rest were those i kept after my #1. Bought new clothes from Korea but most of them that fits are tunics which means gotta pair with leggings/pants. But weather so hot here and i dont like to wear pants...
Crisann, Yup. I also realised this time the tummy show quite early! I'm trying to wear the norm clothes still though. My hb was saying Y so big ah? Maybe it's true that no. 3 tend to be bigger? :D

Kayliz, your gal so cute. She wanted a didi so badly :D. My hb has been calling my tummy "MeiMei" eventhough he already knows is a boy... *faint*.... self-hypnotised
morning mummies..

Expo fair
went expo fair on sunday too, to look see and see what kind of big ticket items we can choose from as well as pricing..
end up buying 2 bundles of hankies for baby, 2 nursing bras, a set of 4 rompers and my friend bought a hanging mobile for us as an early gift.realised it's quite tough to buy items for baby before knowing the gender leh as most items are either blue or pink! the neutral coloured ones not so nice de..
else like nothing much, the deals also similar to normal promotion pricing.

Re: colouring of hair
I just did mine yesterday..didn't want to risk it but then the stylist was saying it's organic colour and chemical free and there's two different colour tone on my head le so ugly..so I just did it.
I don't seemed to smell ammonia or any chemicals during the process though, really seems to be quite mild and doesn't burn or sting the scalp..

like some of the other mummies, I only want to start buying more items after my 20th week detailed scan. esp also cos of my low fluid situation.
kayliz: i think abit is ok la.. i also drink coz very bad not to drink coz she spent whole afternoon boiling...=x

girl or boy as long bb healthy can le! my SIL have 5 boys.. hahaha.. her youngest one is having complications.. she's v stress now..thats y she juz hope to have all her boys grow up healthy and strong..
hi kitkat, thanks! will checkout the webby.

winkle, 5 boys!!! you have a Super SIL there! Salute!

silver, mind to share where did U do your chemical free coloring? Was it ex?
Mummies, i just called up TMC.. will be getting my hubby to go down there to register the prenatal classes.

If you want lessons by Mrs Wong - she only conducts weekend classes at AMK hub.

6 lessons (3rd Aug till 3rd Sept)
Sat: 2-4pm
Sun: 4.30 - 6.30pm
Price: $382.45 (thats for mummies not delivering at TMC)

Registration can be made either online or via patient service center at TMC.
Hi mummies,

Would like to check, is it ok for us to do pedicure when preggy? Wanna pamper and bring my hubby to go for our usual spa pedicure that we always go before i got preggy, but he's paiseh to do if i'm not doing.. I don't feel like putting nail colour, just wanna buff nice nice for shiny nails.. hehe.. Anything i need to tell the manicurist? Like don't massage too hard or something? TIA!
sei, the BP might be authentic since the online shops in europe are selling at about 100 euro... so more or less the prices listed in the BP.

I just called my gynae to change next appt to a week earlier and the nurse said that i'm on package and if change a week earlier, i have to pay consultation! nobody told me that when i signed package... thought that was crappy.
so if package covers me for 10 visits, i can only go on scheduled dates? nurse said i can only change 1-2 days before or after....

experienced mummies, at the later part of the pregnancy, how frequent are the gynae visits?
Xuan- went to see GP doc yst n given flu , cough syrup but stubborn mummy nv take it and still went work today. Feeling unwell n vomited my breakfast out. =( Now back home le. I will guai guai eat medi n sleep later. Not sure whether u all have such problem tt feel extremely bloated after consume of bread. I always feel super bloated after eating bread.

Everyone oso hope for one boy n one girl. A 好word. . But o guess is fated although my doc said can b manipulate. She said 1st few days of e fertility period is boy. After tt is a girl cos male sperm die faster. Ha.. dunno how true.. Just pray for good health is good enuff.

Cant drink ginseng meh? I always eat e korean ginseng chicken wor.

Maternity clothes- I bot all dresses tt can goes w leggings of e tummy get bigger.

I hav no bumps yet. Even my frens oso commented i dun look preg.. sad! Nobody offer me a seat at mrt oso... =(
min81: it's ok to still do manicure/ pedicure. not much restrictions ba cos it's not near ur tummy also. haha.. i'm planning to go do a nice mani pedi to relax myself on my upcoming bday! i think we deserve to still pamper ourselves with treats every now n then.. hehe...
Pinky: i also notti.. try to avoid my antibiotics. in the end cough starts to come, which makes me even more xin ku... somemore when i cough very hard, i feel tt my tummy is shaking! now i'm having blocked nose also. -.- so guai guai taking my antibiotics now lor.. hope to fully recover after completing the whole course.

i'm ok with bread, biscuits stuff. last time will get bloated during meals, nowadays improving also...
min81: i juz did my gelish pedicure..hehehe.. no right and wrong also.. as long the salon is well ventilated.. and in SG most of the products they use are free of harmful chemicals...but don massage the legs... to be safe..
Hello all,

Hope everyone is having a good week so far. I'm so tired cos my boy had high fever for 3 days and hubby was away on biz trip.. Now that things stabilise at home, my boss sick so i've to cover her.. sigh..

Anyway, on a happier note, had my gynae visit and bb MAY be a girl. Can't confirm yet cos bb shy and backfaced us thru out, and dun want to open the legs..the doc only willing to say that he can't see anything b/n the legs, so have to wait till next scan to confirm.

Mawanab - In the last trimester, visits will be more frequent, like every one or two weeks.

Jasline - Can you add me to the FB group pls? I will PM you my email. Tks!!
Hello mommies! had lunch?

Thanks for all ur encouragement.. spotting is back again but very slight.. just a tinge of brown. still ok.. i m still itchy down there.
SL, i bled with all 3 pregnancies but this is the worst when i had a gush of liquid and blood flowing down my legs during my flight to HK in April. i have been bleeding continuously for 4 wks already, after that bout. My doc did say that the chances of me delivering a healthy baby is very high (>90%) but the risk of me losing the baby is also higher, 5% compared to the norm of 1-2%. i m just taking it one step at a time, count each day as a another milestone forward.

Sei, wow. that's a very rare prob! i nv heard of it before (unlike Mummychua, I returned all my immunology stuff back to my Prof!). so right now, u don't really know if ur current baby will have the problem? why don't you want to take the Ig G treatment? there shdn't be any risk to u or ur baby if u start that treatment right? better to pretend any potential complications? but i guess treatment will be ex since this is a very very rare disease.

Lynn, so ur doc cannot see the source of ur bleeding? hrmm.. after i had that gush of blood and fluid, there wasn't any clots inside me but there were very slight evidence of old blood in my womb. how bad was ur bleeding? at my worst, it was like Day 3 of a period.

Kayliz, SL, Bless, wow more mommies expecting 3! this thread already has a few.. i do understand the disappointment to have 3 kids of the same gender if i m being honest with myself. To tell u the truth, i dunno what's scarier for me: 3 boys creating World War 3 at home or having a gal that will likely to grow up to be as temperamental as me. right now i just want to be able to hold a baby after all of these problems i had.. but if i examine myself closely, i know i will have a twinge of disappointment if it was another boy. We are all humans and its only natural to feel this way.

Manawab, my gynae don't have a pkg so i can go in as and when i like. But he prefers if i come once every 4 wks. when i was with another gynae for my #1, my okg was 4 wks visits until 28 wks, then 2 wks visits from 28-36 wks. there after it was weekly visits from 36 wks onwards. Usually for pkg u can't increase ur number of visits.

Pinky, i have dry cough at night but it is likely cos i m still recovering from the cold i caught from my #1 2 wks ago.. i get round ligament pains when i cough lying on my side.

Re: sharp pains on the side of ur uterus is ROUND ligament pain. http://www.webmd.com/baby/guide/pregnancy-round-ligament-pain It is only at the sides of ur body.. the ligament is meant to be holding up the increasing weight of ur uterus as ur baby grows bigger.

Winkle, ur SIL has 5 boys? i wonder how she felt when she discovered #4 and #5 were boys! i know my aunt was super disappointed when she found out her #4 baby was another boy cos she can only have 4 kids as all her babies were delivered by c-sec.
I've had cramps in my abdomen last night and this morning. Used to have this during my first trimester and it seems to be back again. Anyone with this problem as well? Did some googling and am told that it's because our uterus is expanding. Hope baby is growing well in there!

I've been getting those fluttering feeling once in a while too. Was wondering if it's abit too early since it's my first pregnancy and I'm only 16+ weeks.

I see that a few mummies are feeling under the weather in this thread. Do take care of yourself ok. And drink more water. Give your gynae a call to ensure your prescribed medication is suitable for pregnancy as well. Better to be extra safe for the sake of our little bubs.

Trying to source for maternity clothes too. I'm at this awkward stage that's too small for maternity clothes and can no longer fit into some of my clothes. Passers-by will just assume I've got a tummy.

Pinky, yup I agree the Expo fair was a good learning experience! But can be oh sooooo overwhelming too! Looking forward to the Taka Fair (dunno when) so that I can stock up on more stuff after my 20 week screening.

I've heard of this gender 'manipulation' too. You should perform the deed close to your ovulation date if you want a boy. This is because the male sperm swims faster but lower stamina. So if it's further from ovulation, the higher stamina female sperm will win the race. I heard that if you want a girl, the Dad should drink coffee, eat more meat and be more stressed too. Apparantly male sperms will be made lethargic and cannot handle stress so well. Take it with a pinch of salt.

Jasmine, I've pm-ed my email add to ya. Thanks!!

Fuzzybear, glad to hear that your spotting has stopped. Happy for ya!!

Bless, you're so funny!! Telling your baby to grow each day, but don't need to "show-off". Mine wasn't shy about it at all. It keeps showing off and peeping out of my dresses to say hello to the uncles and aunties.

Winkle, your SIL has 5 boys?! That's amazing! I intend to stop at 2 and hers is more than double my 'quota' and all boys. But yup, what is most important is for all to grow up healthy and happy.
Xuan- hope my bloated stomach will go away fast! U noe I ask e GP doc whether can consume flu medi (calarinese, spelt something like tt) n he said No for preg lady. BUT MY gyne said safe to eat. So worried esp taking medi.

Jasline- Thanks for e add in fb. But dunno y I cany view e group as it says im not e member.

Kinder- I tink muz talk to bb 1st ask bb to open leg or say good words before we visit gyne.hope to see mine next week!!

fuzzybear: she don feel disappointed when the doc told her it will be boy again.. lolz.. coz she said her life fated all boys liaoz..hahaha no 4 and 5 are twins.. younger twin having some complications.. now still in KKH.. 6 mths old already..
