(2013/11) November 2013

epidural, i was too tense while waiting to deliver #1 then and gynae recc epidural after waiting for so long and i was only 1 cm dilated. however, i think my epidural wasn't administered properly (we will need to arch our body to a certain angle for them to administer right?) and though I fell asleep after that and dilated to 10 within next few hours, I had a very bad backache for 2 weeks after discharging from hospital. it was a very terrible period for me then as I was in pain and unable to bf properly, couldn't bend my neck down to look at baby and position him properly. i am a little worried this time if i will have the same problem again, maybe got to read up about how epidural is administered and also highlight to my gynae on my previous issue to see if he can give some advice.

thanks for your input mush & attigal
she's only coming for day care coz my fil is not comfortable with strangers living in his home..so my mil will take over night duties..
guess i have to interview her and see if she's able to do the bare minimum before deciding on whether to hire her.
will be quite troublesome if it ends up with me having to help her out instead of the other way round! T.T

attigal..does the injecting of epidural hurts?
i have seen videos of it, and it puts me off... and with pple saying contractions are so painful.. im not sure if i can do it without epidural..moreover im a first time mummy

I remember it feels slightly more painful then your regular injection - but everyone's threshold for pain is different. for me the contractions were more painful! especially after they add the drip to speed up labour. In the end I decided not to be hero and go for epidural. My mum nagged me afterwards but I no longer care. They say will have backache when old lah blah blah but when you old simi ache also have, let alone backache! and doesn't mean you don't take epidural now means you will never take it in your life again. My mum and granny are living examples - both gave birth naturally but in their old age, still need to take epidural, my mum for her knee surgery and my granny for a fractured hipbone from falling. so to me no difference anymore.
Yup. Attigal,
I agree with you too.. But there is another concern too which is the metal/sand particle inside the water which we cant see. I think Singaporean will not dying for cancer but kidney failure. You know after I installed the water treatment ,the filter turn yellowish color like sand. I took a photo its something like this. My mother said lucky we have installed the filter if not the particle will stick at somewhere in the body. Especially baby body so small, where you think the particle will go? Together with Poo... heheh

I believe there are much worse things we consumed that will give us kidney failure then tap water. My granny is 98 and grew up on Singapore water. Kidneys are fine, legs are not. Not senile. Her diet is very balanced though, which I believe contributed to her long life. Also I believe in la sup eat, la sup grow. If everything we consume so clean, our immune system will be compromised.
Hi Mummies!!

Tks for all your love, concern and prayers!! I was discharge ytd aft i was cleared of contractions on the ctg readings ytd morning. Gynae prescribe me some oral medications to control the contractions if it does come back.. So i'm keeping my fingers & toes crossed!! Went back home ytd and mil was nagging abt me going out late coz now 7th mth and might have trigger the contractions. It got me a little irritated!! Was given 3 weeks of hospitalization leave as well but i'm back in office to settle some stuffs and going off later.. Think will still need to come daily but will just leave for home earlier!
thanks mummies for your input on epidural..

im not sure what's my pain threshold though.. so still considering epidural

but i agree with attigal.. take or dont take epidural..some point in time still will get backache one..
so its not a cause of backache to be honest..'
Val, how did you stay active during labour? Were you able to walk around? Till how many hours before delivery were you able to stay active?

Twinnie87, can be like me lor. Start off on laughing gas first, and get super high lol. If you feel labour is taking too long, then epidural may be a good choice, cos no joke to be in pain for 10 or more hours. Can ask the nurses or gynae to check on your dilation. Some more if you get admitted at night, one whole night's worth of sleep gone. Sleep is as precious as gold when baby's out!

Mumagain, orh, wah, even so much prune juice didn't work ah. Papayas, peach, soft ripe pears..... hope something works soon for you!

Xian, :) :) :)
Twinnie87, dun worry so much on the pain now! You will be stronger than you can imagine when the time comes!!

I was poke twice for the drip when i was hospitalised coz the first needle was only into the veins half way and the medication drip couldn't flow so they re-poke me! I thought i will just faint! Imagine at the same time while they are preparing for the second poke on my hand, i'm being injected with medication on the butt which was the most painful jab i have ever taken.. But i brave through it alone! Think the little one in us will really push our limit to the next higher level!! Take all things in stride!!
Hi Mummies!!

Tks for all your love, concern and prayers!! I was discharge ytd aft i was cleared of contractions on the ctg readings ytd morning. Gynae prescribe me some oral medications to control the contractions if it does come back.. So i'm keeping my fingers & toes crossed!! Went back home ytd and mil was nagging abt me going out late coz now 7th mth and might have trigger the contractions. It got me a little irritated!! Was given 3 weeks of hospitalization leave as well but i'm back in office to settle some stuffs and going off later.. Think will still need to come daily but will just leave for home earlier!

glad to hear that.
pls try to bed rest more!!!
we cant stop the older generation from all their blabberings about 7mth..but oh well.. just listen lor..
i also got reminded that i should not go home too late..
Val, how did you stay active during labour? Were you able to walk around? Till how many hours before delivery were you able to stay active?

Twinnie87, can be like me lor. Start off on laughing gas first, and get super high lol. If you feel labour is taking too long, then epidural may be a good choice, cos no joke to be in pain for 10 or more hours. Can ask the nurses or gynae to check on your dilation. Some more if you get admitted at night, one whole night's worth of sleep gone. Sleep is as precious as gold when baby's out!

Mumagain, orh, wah, even so much prune juice didn't work ah. Papayas, peach, soft ripe pears..... hope something works soon for you!

Xian, :) :) :)

my mom told me laughing gas very smelly (lol)..she said she breathed out to my dad..and my dad commented her mouth stinks..haha.. so i'm thinking is it really the laughing gas smelly or my mom's mom is smelly :X

i guess the best way is really to play by ear?

does those pelvic floor movement/exercise etc..really works in 'pushing' during labour?
thanks for your input mush & attigal
she's only coming for day care coz my fil is not comfortable with strangers living in his home..so my mil will take over night duties..
guess i have to interview her and see if she's able to do the bare minimum before deciding on whether to hire her.
will be quite troublesome if it ends up with me having to help her out instead of the other way round! T.T

attigal..does the injecting of epidural hurts?
i have seen videos of it, and it puts me off... and with pple saying contractions are so painful.. im not sure if i can do it without epidural..moreover im a first time mummy
I don't remember experiencing pain while anesthesiologist administered the epidural for my last 2 pregnancies, however, you need to be in a relax state, and be able to curl up on your side, like a C shape, and do not move while administering it.
Ankh, Yup. Tried liao. Almost finished the big bottle of prune juice... bowel still not moving... haiz. Will try all sort of fruits now onwards.

totorodino, me too. Can't take too much calcium tablet. Am drinking soy milk since to keep up with the calcium needed in us.

Pinky, I'm belong to the slow in dilate group lor... during #1, I got a show at 12 midnight. Went to KK after shower, was being hooked up on bed for a good 6 hrs. Diliate only 3cm....delivered only at 4pm.... my god right? During #2, same thing happened but only little shorter 10 hrs. My cervic really stubborn lor.... that's y this round i'm very hard working in practising yoga. Not sure if it's help but really pray it does opening up the birth area. I want quick labour!!!! :(:(

twinnie87, my mum also helping me with my confinement. She is 75 but eveyrone said she looks like 65. Same like attigal, I do not need her to wake up at night. I will take full charge of bb at night & she'll handle the bb during day time + cook for me.

Actually from previous experience with #1, no one can really help you in the night except yourself also.. already wake up to breastfeed, might as well do the burping, diaper changing etc... no point mafan another person to get up. With #1 sometimes I wish for the energy I had in my early 20s!
Hi Mummies!!

Tks for all your love, concern and prayers!! I was discharge ytd aft i was cleared of contractions on the ctg readings ytd morning. Gynae prescribe me some oral medications to control the contractions if it does come back.. So i'm keeping my fingers & toes crossed!! Went back home ytd and mil was nagging abt me going out late coz now 7th mth and might have trigger the contractions. It got me a little irritated!! Was given 3 weeks of hospitalization leave as well but i'm back in office to settle some stuffs and going off later.. Think will still need to come daily but will just leave for home earlier!

that's good news! do take care and get ample bed rest.
my mom told me laughing gas very smelly (lol)..she said she breathed out to my dad..and my dad commented her mouth stinks..haha.. so i'm thinking is it really the laughing gas smelly or my mom's mom is smelly :X

i guess the best way is really to play by ear?

does those pelvic floor movement/exercise etc..really works in 'pushing' during labour?

Laughing gas did nothing for me... I don't feel high or any reduction in pain so doubt I will ask for it again. I didn't do any exercise except for walking for my #1, which I am doing now for #2 as well - and also hopefully will keep the weight gain at bay. Not sure if it really does help labour but my labour for #1 was 6 hours. For #2 I am expecting even shorter labour timing for normal delivery.
Xian, good to hear you have discharge... rest well and relax too..

I remember the nurses etc was telling to take epidural while I still in my relaxing stage...
I still say no... by the time the pain came, unbearable, they refused to administer on me cos I cant keep still due to the pain...
since 1st one ald suffer the pain, then 2nd one also tahan tahan abit lah... just hoping for a fast labour too so that I can relax a little before #1 visit me in the hospital.

attigal, laughing gas made me high for a short while and the pain resume shortly after...
Xian, thats great news! By the way, did your gynae told you what triggered the contractions so frequently? Stress or just sensitive uterus?

Mummies, do you all watch Home and Health Channel from SCV? I really enjoyed this reality series called "Deliver Me" on all the high risk pregnancies and how their gynaes managed them - not that I want myself to have high risk pregnancies, but I do learn alot from this show.
hi all
just back from scan at Doctors and ta 27.5 weeks the baby is scanning as 1.356kg. doc said baby is large. so I am quite sad. he also said my baby is transverse and not head down yet. haiz :(
for those mommies whom can gone for scans and about same timing as mine, what is the weight of your baby? doc kept saying it may be hard to push when time comes if baby continues to be large and now, he has really gotten me worried :(
also, is it true that with each baby, the baby gets larger and larger? eg if Number 1 is 3.2kg then Number 2 is 3.5kg and etc etc? does anyone knows?
Yup. Attigal,
I agree with you too.. But there is another concern too which is the metal/sand particle inside the water which we cant see. I think Singaporean will not dying for cancer but kidney failure. You know after I installed the water treatment ,the filter turn yellowish color like sand. I took a photo its something like this. My mother said lucky we have installed the filter if not the particle will stick at somewhere in the body. Especially baby body so small, where you think the particle will go? Together with Poo... heheh

Helloo!!!! so many posts i wanna comment abt but first and foremost i want to address Superior Baby's comments on our tap water. It's so happens i work in the water industry and what was mentioned was completely NOT true. please do get ur facts correct before sharing. I am more than willing to talk to you offline and address ur questions. The photo u attached actually showed the formation of biofilm, which is a film of bacteria that occurs naturally in water. they are harmless until u slough them off. actually u are providing more habitat for the bacteria to form. if u have activated carbon filters, they do breakdown organics (negligible in tap water). If u don't change it regularly, what u are doing is to introduce bacteria and their by products back into ur water source.

Xian, yay! good news that u are ok.. so doc nv say why u are having contractions? don't get stressed ok? i find my BH comes more freq in the evenings after a long and stress day at work. was telling SN that my BH were getting more than 5 per hr the last 2 evenings. but they go away once i m home..

Talking abt epidural and delivery? i think don't fret too much abt it. there's absolutely NOTHING wrong to take epidural. don't feel upset if u succumb to it. you are only human and the goal is for u to delivery ur baby safely. i didn't take epi for #1 and i felt that recovery was sooooo much better than my #2. epidural really sucks for me cos it lowered my bp, made me itchy and slpy! Laughing gas really made me high.. like everything was buzzing all the time.. u feel like u had too much oxygen.. pethedine jab made me pass out.. haha

Re: Insurance
Pinky, if u missed it then don't bother buying insurance. its really not something u have to have.. i know for Prudential u can still buy it before 32 wks.

Val, i think u better go to hospital immed if u feel odd man.. u might just deliver in the car! for my #1 labour, i took 4+hrs.. and it was induction some more.. doc burst my water bag at 9.30am and i gave birth at 1.15pm. doc predicted that my #2 will deliver within 2hrs of contractions or bursting of water bag but luckily it was a c-sec.

Re: calcium
If u are taking pills, do note that u only absorb abt 40-60% of the calcium from pill. that's cos inorganic calcium is really hard to assimilate. in contrast u absorb all the calcium from milk and other food products. so as far as u can, take dietary calcium rich stuff.
hello mommies, so sleepy today.

i don't remember the epidural being painful cos prior to that, they will inject a local anesthetic to numb the area first before the huge epidural needle goes in.

Littleprince, the anesthetist will tell you whether you are bending at a correct angle before he injects, don't think your gynae will be the one to advise much on whether the backache was a result of you not bending at a correct angle. That's y, you might want to find out which anesthetist is better in the hospital that you are delivering at.

regarding water filter system - I think there are alot of hoax water filter systems out there. There was one salesperson who went to my inlaws place and then showed them how dirty their water is by passing their tap water through the filter system. The water was yellow in fact. but who knows what kind of "filter" is in the system they are promoting? They could have purposely mishandled their system so that the water that comes out is yellow. I think these salespeople are out to con people, especially housewives and elderlies.
SN, what that salesman did was to pass electricity (electrolysis) to attract soluble iron to one pole and cause it to precipitate out. Iron and other minerals are found naturally in our tap water. it is needed for optimal body function.. drinking distilled water in fact leaching these minerals from ur body.. also the reason why ppl drink MINERAL water.

I know my coy take action against these companies selling these things because they make false claims.

I hated that local anesthetic jab before the epidural. in fact i just hate anything to do with jabbing my spine. had very unpleasant experience with my lumbar punctures.
hi all
just back from scan at Doctors and ta 27.5 weeks the baby is scanning as 1.356kg. doc said baby is large. so I am quite sad. he also said my baby is transverse and not head down yet. haiz :(
for those mommies whom can gone for scans and about same timing as mine, what is the weight of your baby? doc kept saying it may be hard to push when time comes if baby continues to be large and now, he has really gotten me worried :(

dont be upset...i believe still got time for the baby to turn right?
correct me if i'm wrong experienced mummy, but i did some reading and it said baby still turn here and there before delivery..so there's still a chance

i went for my scan at about 28 weeks, baby was about 1-1.1kg only
any idea how dr determine the baby is big ? is it like certain weeks, the baby shld only be of an average weight of XX, so anything more than that is considered to be big?
You can refer to this: http://www.babycenter.com/average-fetal-length-weight-chart for an estimate of average fetal length and weight. do bear in mind that these are for Caucasians and also weight CANNOT be accurately measured. so don't be too hung up over a figure ok? i have frens who gave birth to 4kg bbs with NO epidural. our own Val gave birth to a 3.7kg baby with no epidural too. don't go into labour thinking the worst. at most it will be an emergency c-sec.. doesn't make u any less a mom.. after 10 yrs, who really cares that u didn't deliver ur baby naturally?

As for ur bb turning, there's still time.. usually by 34-35 wks they will turn.. the bigger they are the harder to turn.

Twinnie, i m ok with jabs etc.. in fact i like to joke with the nurses when they jab me.. what i dun like is anything to do with my spine cos there's a lot of nerves running up and down there!
Helloo!!!! so many posts i wanna comment abt but first and foremost i want to address Superior Baby's comments on our tap water. It's so happens i work in the water industry and what was mentioned was completely NOT true. please do get ur facts correct before sharing. I am more than willing to talk to you offline and address ur questions. The photo u attached actually showed the formation of biofilm, which is a film of bacteria that occurs naturally in water. they are harmless until u slough them off. actually u are providing more habitat for the bacteria to form. if u have activated carbon filters, they do breakdown organics (negligible in tap water). If u don't change it regularly, what u are doing is to introduce bacteria and their by products back into ur water source.

Xian, yay! good news that u are ok.. so doc nv say why u are having contractions? don't get stressed ok? i find my BH comes more freq in the evenings after a long and stress day at work. was telling SN that my BH were getting more than 5 per hr the last 2 evenings. but they go away once i m home..

Talking abt epidural and delivery? i think don't fret too much abt it. there's absolutely NOTHING wrong to take epidural. don't feel upset if u succumb to it. you are only human and the goal is for u to delivery ur baby safely. i didn't take epi for #1 and i felt that recovery was sooooo much better than my #2. epidural really sucks for me cos it lowered my bp, made me itchy and slpy! Laughing gas really made me high.. like everything was buzzing all the time.. u feel like u had too much oxygen.. pethedine jab made me pass out.. haha

Re: Insurance
Pinky, if u missed it then don't bother buying insurance. its really not something u have to have.. i know for Prudential u can still buy it before 32 wks.

Val, i think u better go to hospital immed if u feel odd man.. u might just deliver in the car! for my #1 labour, i took 4+hrs.. and it was induction some more.. doc burst my water bag at 9.30am and i gave birth at 1.15pm. doc predicted that my #2 will deliver within 2hrs of contractions or bursting of water bag but luckily it was a c-sec.

Re: calcium
If u are taking pills, do note that u only absorb abt 40-60% of the calcium from pill. that's cos inorganic calcium is really hard to assimilate. in contrast u absorb all the calcium from milk and other food products. so as far as u can, take dietary calcium rich stuff.
Hi Fuzzybear,

Thanks for sharing your knowledge. But are you mean the yellow yellow and brown brown color is the " biofilm? and the yellow yellow brown brown one is safe to consume? if we boil the water can it be removed?? i think the filter is activated carbon filter. its good or not good?Please share.. thank you.
biofilm is not formed on surfaces that are regularly washed! they actually bacteria growth. in ur filters u provide space for them to grow mah.. they are present in pipes. activated carbon filters break down organics and other pollutants. if there's nothing for the appropriate bacteria to breakdown (like tap water) then other bacteria will grow lor.
Re: water
I think our water is already v safe. Comparing to countries like states, msia, hk there is no prob sterilising bottles with tap water. Anyway, even if use treatment water, baby will grow use to treated water. Gonna have a hard time next time when transitting him to water boiled from sg's tap water.

Oops. I gave the wrong impression. Wat i meant was i didnt take early ml or rest alot prior to popping. For #1, i was actively swimming. For #2, i even brought #1 to indoor playgrd on my own chasing n crawling with him 2weeks before i was due. So in a way, it cld have help in a faster n smoother delivery.

Re: laughing gas
Hmm...besides nt taking epi, i also didnt take laffing gas =p i am one of those super scare of needles pain. I cry whenever i have to get poked. I cant stand seeing my kids get poke for jabs. So i rather go head on and try out w/o epi than take the needle pain of epi during my #1. Surprising i can tahan contraction pain better so i just stick to no epi.

Gd to hear u have been discharged. Pls rest well and dun pop into office unless really needed la. Take some gd rest first and cont to talk to ur baby. Hope baby will be gd n stays till full term at least =)
Ya. The mind is stronger than we think. Some of us will be surprised how well we can take contraction pains when we are normally scare of pain.

Dun worry. #2 usually faster labour compared to the 1st one.

My #1 born 3.7kg and i did have a harder time deliveing him as compared to my #2. U nd lots of stamina to push. And coz #1's head bigger, i got a bigger wound and more stitches. #3 weights abt 1.5-1.6kg at 28w checkup.
Nope. My #1 weighs heavier at birth than #2.

Yes. Tts wat my hb said too. He says if i have contractions just head to hosp first. Dun wait or time coz he is also worried this rd will be even faster. He ask me nt to even take my hosp bag with me if he is nt ard. Anything just make my way to hosp first. Better i wait in hosp than i pop out of hosp. I just hope for smooth n fast delivery with hb by my side. Haha. Was joking with hb if i get stuck in traffic jam hw? Call tp to assist? =p
Yes. Like fuzzybear mentioned, i have friend who delivered her boy 4+kg naturally w/o epi. Naturally, with or without epi, csect or even ga doesnt make u less of a mum. Most impt is hw u raise ur kid(s).
wow your baby weighs 1.5-1.6kg at week 28??I had my week 28 day 5 scan and baby only weighs 1.2kg.

my #1 weighs heavier than #2 at birth too, but by just very little, so it is not true baby will get bigger by each pregnancy!
hi all
just back from scan at Doctors and ta 27.5 weeks the baby is scanning as 1.356kg. doc said baby is large. so I am quite sad. he also said my baby is transverse and not head down yet. haiz :(
for those mommies whom can gone for scans and about same timing as mine, what is the weight of your baby? doc kept saying it may be hard to push when time comes if baby continues to be large and now, he has really gotten me worried :(

Hael, I had my gynae appointment last week and I was 27+/-3 days, my baby weighs around 1.1kg.. to me, your baby at 1.35kg is perfectly fine. If I am at 27.5weeks during my checkup, i believe my baby will be 1.35kg also.

My friend had her check up at week 28 and her baby was 1.5kg, so I really don't see any issue with your baby's weight at this stage.

Fuzzybear also share the link on fetal growth, but like what she have said, its only estimate, our babies seems to tip off the growth chart but i am not too worried. I would rather my baby growth than being too small size at this stage.
You can refer to this: http://www.babycenter.com/average-fetal-length-weight-chart for an estimate of average fetal length and weight. do bear in mind that these are for Caucasians and also weight CANNOT be accurately measured. so don't be too hung up over a figure ok? i have frens who gave birth to 4kg bbs with NO epidural. our own Val gave birth to a 3.7kg baby with no epidural too. don't go into labour thinking the worst. at most it will be an emergency c-sec.. doesn't make u any less a mom.. after 10 yrs, who really cares that u didn't deliver ur baby naturally?

As for ur bb turning, there's still time.. usually by 34-35 wks they will turn.. the bigger they are the harder to turn.

Twinnie, i m ok with jabs etc.. in fact i like to joke with the nurses when they jab me.. what i dun like is anything to do with my spine cos there's a lot of nerves running up and down there!

Clap hands for your friend!! 4kg is without epidural! Wao!
Val, hope with #2 I can skip laughing gas too.... but both you and Fuzzybear really have a short delivery for #1...
I rem gynae broke my water bag after inserting the induced pill at 7.30am and bb only out at almost 4pm lor...
I was soft like jelly and totally no strength to carry my boy... I was induced a day earlier but nothing happened after contractions constantly for 2 hrs...
Val, ah okie, just wondered which Gynae and hospital so open to idea of mummy being active just before delivery. Calling for the TP when u in labour with #3 sounds like the right idea! LOL!

SN, gulp, just how big is the epidural needle? I'm usually ok with needles, but that's because they're not aiming for my back

I hugs my laughing gas! Worked for the first few hours. Sadly pethedine jab didnt work for me.
Val, ah okie, just wondered which Gynae and hospital so open to idea of mummy being active just before delivery. Calling for the TP when u in labour with #3 sounds like the right idea! LOL!

SN, gulp, just how big is the epidural needle? I'm usually ok with needles, but that's because they're not aiming for my back

I hugs my laughing gas! Worked for the first few hours. Sadly pethedine jab didnt work for me.

yah, how big is the epidural needle? i always heard its huge!

is pethedine jab the one they jab at the thigh?
what is the use for it? numb the thighs?
Twinnie87, pethedine jab is another pain reliever, in between laughing gas (mildly effective) and epidural (very effective). Yep, jab at thigh
actually, on the day itself, i didnt dare to look at the needle lar. but i have heard from people how big the needle is. I didnt google nor watch videos on epidural. what for scare myself right. maybe the other mommies can describe how big the needle is. i still dare not google. hahaha.
actually, on the day itself, i didnt dare to look at the needle lar. but i have heard from people how big the needle is. I didnt google nor watch videos on epidural. what for scare myself right. maybe the other mommies can describe how big the needle is. i still dare not google. hahaha.

ok, i just googled..didnt look as bad as i tot it wld be
SN, thanks for the advice. looks like its a good idea to check who is a better anesthetist for me. thinking back, i can't even rem who was the one who administered epi for me then. problem is, I am allergic to heavy doses of painkillers, usually doctors only prescribed light painkillers to me, i.e. panadol.

haiz, feeling very sian. hb is very busy with a project this wk such tt i barely get to see him, he works for very long hours, return home to sleep for a few hours and rush back to work again. then, my damn office notebook keeps giving me problems, followed by my phone (crashed on me on Sat and I had to rush down to service centre to repair). notebook is still running like a snail and when IT comes to check, they take a few hours and I can't work when I got a pile of work waiting to be cleared urgently. then my room air con is leaking water and I have to arrange for the service guy to come down to see and take leave to stay at home and wait tomorrow. am still thinking about car servicing on Fri coz hb is supposed to pick me up when I leave my car there (in the west when i stay north east) and send me back to collect when car is ready but looking at his erratic schedule now, I think I will have to figure a way to get back and return to collect on my own. and in all the madness, I forgot to check my #1's tuition work and realized just before sending him to class tt he didn't complete his work (waliao! I am feeling so incompetent!) will be on my own this wkend too, hopefully I get to just rest and nua. dead exhausted physically and mentally!
Sei, thanks for e info on e insurance! Is useful! I meeting another agent from AXA after work today to listen to e pdt then decide shld i buy. She said if wan buy muz asap le. Cos my frens said is a good insurance to buy. But my own agent told me not enuff time to buy this insurance. But i will still meet up wif my own agent this Saturday to listen all e bb insurance available in e market cos she is independent advisor so can carry few diff companies products.

Re: anesthetist
U mean we have to chose e anesthetist before delivery? I dunno such things man. Who is good at Mt A?

re: Epidual
I have mild scoliosis actually. Best is actually dun take epidual cos it will worsen my spine situation? But i have ZERO tolerance of pain. U tink opting for pethedine jab is helpful since it inject on thighs. I scare later after taking pethedine jab and i still feel e pain. Wasted this jab lo. Then i might as well as epidual. For sure, i need painkiller. I cant tahan 10 over hrs of pain man. I be so dead before pushing e bb out!

Xian, so happy for u tt u r fine!!! U better rest well, dun move ard or carry heavy stuff. Talk more to the bb ya!

yunzz, i experence sharp pain at V area on & off when im standing/walking. Then, i mus immediately sit down to stop e pain. Some mummies commented that is normal cos bb is heavier n siting at the bottom and it will go even worse as e pregnancy goes on......

littleprince, guess is really tough to administer everything on ur own when u r working mother plus w kid plus hubby is busy. Maybe u can take a cab down from e service centre? Take a good rest over e weekend!
pinkyloving, actually the cervix checks were enough to kill me back then. Hehe. I asked for a towel to bite when gynae did cervix check because I didn't want to scream too loudly and frighten the patient and baby next to me!

haiz yalor, but take cab very expensive coz at the other end of where I am. thank goodness I only need to service my car twice a year. anyway, will see how la. maybe i will take their shuttle to MRT and take MRT in to work later tomorrow instead. then when my car is ready, I will take a cab fm office to pick it up (off peak hours so cheaper). will work things out .... when the going gets tough, the tough gets going!
Morning mummies;)
Seen Prof Biswas on Tues, everything ok.
But I will need to do OGTT before next appt @10/9/13.
Counting down to my last jab next week at wk 28.
gd morning..

Little Prince, sounds like u have a lot of things on ur plate! take care!

hahah u all are so cute.. the needle u googled will not be left in ur spine.. the needle will help to push this small plastic straw-like thingy into the space btw ur vertebra. with a needle in ur spine u can't lie down! Bluenosebear can describe it better than me i think..

Bluenosebear, what's OGTT? u are still being jabbed?! i pity ur butt!!

Pinky, if u scared of pain then just take the epi lah.. dun over think. Pethedine doesn't really help at all.. the pain is still immense.. i passed out from the pethedine jab cos i m sensitive to the meds.. haha.. makes me sooo drowsy that i passed out lor.. or so the doc told me.
Fuzzy-is Oral glucose tolerance test aka to check Gestational Diabetes.
My butt so call like used la. Since now is 1 jab per week, better than 3x per week in 1st tri.
U are correct regarding the epidural needle. Only the plastic is left there, needle is removed after the insertion.:D
mummies who are engaging helpers, I was reading the Nov Mummy FB thread and many mummies were discussing about a change in engaging Filipino helpers effective 1 Sep. apparently, their loans will have to be paid by employers so cost of employing a Filipino helper will go up. my gf just paid to confirm a helper last wk with agency and was informed few days later that her maid will take around 2-3 mths to come instead of 1-2 mths and she was horrified (coz she is delivering in Oct) and upset. I just called my agent to check on the situation and he advised its due to the new ruling, many Filipino maids will now wait to come into SIN after 1 Sep and any agencies that take in new Filipino maid applications now will charge the new rate instead of the old rate as these maids won't make it to come into SIN before 1 Sep.

Just FYI and maybe you want to do more checks with the agencies you go to before confirming Filipino helpers. From what I know, its only affecting Filipino maids coz its a regulation set in Philippines, maids from other countries are still status quo for now.
Morning mummies!

Yesterday my baby wasn't as a time as usual.. So I kinda got worried n kept talking to him.. By the Time he start kicking it was around midnight.. End up today when I woke up,he start kicking until now.. -.-"" think he making up for yesterday kicks.. But itsmaking me feeling uncomfortable.. Feel like puking...

Today going for my bi-weekly checkup. Must remember to ask my doc which PD he would recommend..

Xian: good that ur ok... But keep talking to your bb ya..it really helps....

Littleprince: maybe try and take cab? It's not easy running around with the tummy and the weather ain't good as well.. Now health matters more.. :)
pinkyloving, i have mild scoliosis too! have you asked your gynae if taking epidural wont worsen the situation or can we still go ahead? i forgot to ask him, and my next appointmnet is 3 weeks away!

bluenose - good luck for ur OGTT and hurray to last jab!!

littleprince - jiayou jiayou!! slow and steady!! dont give yourself so much pressure also
is the cervis check really painful?
how do they check anyway?

linxiober - your boy is so cute!! how come his kicks would make you feel uncomfortable? he's kicking at sensitive parts?
twinnie87: cos somehow his kicks is aiming at my chest area.. which i think is near my stomach? ya its either above or directly below kind.. he know where to aim i guess.. haha but i console myself.. at least he kicking.. i rather he got movement than no movement.. haha
morning mummies.. my constipation getting from bad to worse.. haizz.. i drank at least 1.5L of water each day liaoz.. took lotsa fruits and even take digestion pills prescribed by my gynae..but still like that... very sianz..and now i have a headache donno if its becoz of constipation or other problems... juz feeling very bloated and heaty... :(
Epidural - i always heard the needle is thick and long etc.. but nothing beats the contraction pain. Coz after i asked for epi, i had to wait for 30 mins for the anaesthetist to arrive and that 30 mins was terrible! (Me also low pain threshold, even normal arm injection i also very scared as i find it super pain.)

I did not feel a single thing when epi needle went in. I was even surprised when the anaesthetist told me he was done. Same for my friends who did half body c-sec. Imagine they did not even have contraction pain to "distract" them but they also told me they felt nothing. But i didnt get to choose the anaesthetist, it was my gynae who informed the nurse who to call.

twinnie87: cos somehow his kicks is aiming at my chest area.. which i think is near my stomach? ya its either above or directly below kind.. he know where to aim i guess.. haha but i console myself.. at least he kicking.. i rather he got movement than no movement.. haha

he really knows how to aim.. mine always kick around the tummy area.. or the sides..like tickling like that
when i'm bathing, he's more active..maybe coz of hot water?
yah!! got movement better than no movement

morning mummies.. my constipation getting from bad to worse.. haizz.. i drank at least 1.5L of water each day liaoz.. took lotsa fruits and even take digestion pills prescribed by my gynae..but still like that... very sianz..and now i have a headache donno if its becoz of constipation or other problems... juz feeling very bloated and heaty... :(

winkle, do you drink alot of milk or calcium related food? i heard too much calcium can cause constipation..maybe just lower ur calcium intake for abit till you get regular bowels before continuing your usual intakes?
