(2013/11) November 2013

fuzzybear, littleprince, i think the 40seats include the PV and clan and church etc... correct me if im wrong. but i think 40 is still very little. just 10-15% of a sch intake.

RL, are ur fingers swollen? water retention?

Mummychua, i agree.. 40 slots are not a lot lor. plus that 40 seems to be shared btw Phase 2B and 2C. not just 2C which i initially thought it was.. meaning really not many spaces cos if u split it into 2 phases, its just 20 more per phase. i think need to wait for MOE to release more info.. my boy will be affected lor.. sian.

Thai durians not as creamy i think.. think i had it once.. seems sweeter if i dun rem wrongly.
Morning mummies! Monday blues is here once again~~

I have a question and wondering if anyone has experience this? Since last week after I wake up, I feel ‘numbness’ on my Fourth Left finger.. Finger was so numbed that I have problems ‘bending’ it… Then subsequently, it gotten worse… Now, my 3rd, 4th and little Left fingers are all numbed the minute I wake up. My right hand is perfectly fine.

Could this be caused by my sleeping position? I used to sleep on my left… But after the numbness begin, I sleep facing up… Numbness still remains or rather, it started to spread to my other fingers..

Any mummies have experienced this? And how can I prevent my fingers from being numbed?

Thank you!

Hi happietomato,

I suspect you have carpal tunnel syndome.. probably due to pregnancy. Don't worry its nothing serious, just a nuisance thats all. You can read about it here:



suggest you feedback to your gynae at the next visit.. or if you cannot wait, just look for a regular GP for help :)
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Morning mummies! Is Monday again!

I realised my weekend is v boring. Sunday back to my mama place. Sat i will do housework & rest. I feel more n more lazy to go shopping or even go out malls. Do you all feel tt ur "V" is pain when bb kick v hard or bb resting at the bottom? Is it normal? Cos when i stand or walking halfway, i felt my "V" area pain/uncomfortable and i hab to sit down immediately before continue my walk. Is it normal??

third3timemum, how can u eat so little? My breakfast is always a super heavy breakfast. I can eat fried mee hoon, porridge w veg/salted egg and even Mac big breakast! After my 28 weeks check-up den i got to do some reflection abt my weight.. haha...

re: PD
I oso dint noe that we must have a fixed pd! gosh! another noob mummy here. My gyne is TMC but i delivered at MT A so i shld b getting Mt A PD right? Ya i oso heard tt PD v expensive.... My sister look my niece go polyclinic for jaundice check-up. Hm... time to research any good PD at Mt A. So when must decide e PD? If is popular PD, must get it early kind or doesnt matter?

Hikaru, i didn't explore other levels of my office whether got nursey room. I found one room at 29th level. I working at 30th level. So need to travel down n up for pumping purposes. I hope nobody will snatch w me with tt only one room available. Need to go explore e room so can familiarise it. haha..

re: pumping at office
I understand tt muz sterilised e pump every time when we finished using right? Then, if at office, im pumping in e morning and afternoon. How do i sterilised e pump? When i finished pumping in e morning, then what to do? Kept it den take out again in e noon?

I delivered in TMC for #1 and did not have a fixed PD. This time round I will specified one though, because the other time they assigned me a PD that required us to visit him at paragon for my boy's jaundice! So this time I will pick a PD at tmc itself.

My boy does not have a regular PD - we stop bringing him to PD after the first few initial injections and bring him to polyclinic instead - cheaper and faster! Now we only bring him for more serious aliments - still prevention is better then cure, I try to get him to eat healthy and give him multivits regularly.
Re: P1 registration
I had the impression the 40 non-affiiated vacancies are meant for phase 2C, which means balloting will start at phase 2A for some popular schools. Let's see what details MOE will give.

Re: PD
I do believe in letting my kids see the PD when sick for first few years of their lives. My friend's friend saw a PD when her kid was 2-3 yrs old, and the PD caught a heart murmur. Unsure if most GPs would've caught it. Furthermore some PDs have been trained in certain pediatric specialities. Only when my #1 was 4 then did she start seeing GPs, and only the two that I trust. But for vaccinations, GP/polyclinic will do la. Think polyclinics allow newborns to jump queue like at PD clinics.

Fuzzybear, if you have trouble finishing so much durian, just invite the mummies here to makan. I'm sure durian will be finished in no time hehe!
I don't think I am eating very little leh, but lately its been weird, like yesterday lunch, I was very hungry, but when I am eating, yong tau foo soup with plain mee pok dry with chilli, although the mee pok is nice, but I only finish half the portion, as I felt too full to continue. Have been trying to eat healthy since many many years ago, as I have been overweight, so always "on diet". I think the most I eat chicken rice/cha kueh teow, twice a year, I don't eat chicken skin, even kfc, even the big chicken cutlet, I don't eat the crispy coating, so my health is generally good, at almost 40, no high cholesterol/glucose, only bad thing is I am still overweight! My food choices in food court are always yong tau foo, fish slice bee hoon, mostly soupy ones.

I do experience V pain, especially if I have been seated for too long, sometimes it just happened. Top of my tummy also feel like indigestion, have to rub a little to feel better, not sure if this is heartburn, although 3rd time mum, but last pregnancy was more than 5year ago, so some things forgotten.

so you kept the rest of the durians in the fridge? I find that fresh durian taste better, some chilled ones got the leaking gas kind of smell. I only like bitter durians, don't like the hong xia (red prawn) ones

PD >
I did not choose a PD when I had #1 , 13 years ago, so Mt A suggested Dr Chan Kit Yee from the clinic downstairs, Singapore Baby & Child, she 's good, but the clinic is expensive. So #2, I straightaway asked for her, and this time round, will request for her as well. I think for babies and younger child, PD is better at checking them, and knowing what's wrong with them. I ever want to save $, went to GP for 2-3 times, and end up have to go back to PD, it cost more, and PD immediately know what's wrong. But PD also told us, any kind of virus/infection/sickness, usually will take about 3 days to determine what is the cause, so now if my children are not well, I will monitor on my own for 2-3days, usually hey will be well, so no need to go to PD or even GP, unless fever never go off after 3 days, or when fever is too high. I believe in whole food medicine, rather than chemical medicine, I refer to Don Tolman's encyclopedia of whole food medicine, and see if any natural food can treat the condition.
Fuzzybear: My fingers are indeed slightly ‘swollen’.. So are my feet… I guess this is water retention.. Feet doesn’t hurt to-date though.. *touch-wood**.

Attigal: Thanks for the links! They are indeed helpful! Being a first time mum, there are just so many things which I aren’t aware of! Hopefully this numbness goes off after delivery. It is indeed a little irritating when I can’t bend my fingers. I needed to rely on my right hand for simple tasks like squeezing the toothpaste in the morning and wearing my pants… Am seeing my gynae and my little girl on coming Friday! Yippee! Cant wait! Shall ask the gynae more then!

And oh ya.. I guess this could also be partly due to my massive weight gain.. I am in my week 28, into week 29 soon and I have gained like 12kg from my pre-pregnancy weight.. OMG right?!! Guess I am eating alittle too much compared to other mummies… :D
having abdominal pain & cramps on & off since fri. went to gynae this morning since still pain. though he didnt suspect anything unusual, he ordered for a ctg to see if i have contractions. bad start for e week :(

hub on course today, so here I'm alone! emo....
little prince & fuzzybear, i cant imagine how to wash the pumps in detergent then use hot water pour over e parts.. So i mus bring container so tt i can soak w hot water right. I tink i need to go for trial exercise before i delivered. At least i wont panic when i returned back to work on e 1st day of pumping.

Fuzzybear, oh... i always tell bb dun kick down there or dun sleep down there... lol... Wa... ur hubby so nice! bought so many seeds for u! How come u only eat 5 seeds? I can eat alot but jus tt im controlling e amount. Durian is better is eat fresh! After few days in fridge, not v nice le.. Ask ur hubby, boy, parents, neighbour to share?

Are bb all active at night? My bb esp active when i abt to sleep...kept kicking me.... i sleep right/left/back oso kick. End up i too tired and chose to ignore him. haha...

Xian, oh no.. hope u will b okay. Dun emo k! Anything jus talk to us....Tell bb is not time to come out yet... ask bb guai guai stay inside...

thirdtimemum, u r really v self discipline! good good! So, means if bb sick, we can wait till 3 days den bring bb go see doc? What if kept crying.... how to handle?

re: PD
I better get a pd nearby my hse for convenience. V scare of bb getting sick. Me, myself is a weak girl last time. My GP has a super thick record. Wonder y last time kids oso see GP. Now like everything go specialist. So diff.
my son still goes to a PD at 29 months old. Initially, we will bring him immediately to see the PD if he has any fever. but recently, just like thirdtimemum, we just give him the usual medicine and observe him for 3 days. Normally, the fever will go away in 3 days, if it still persists, then we will bring him to the PD. afterall, PD also gives the same medicine and will tell you to bring your kid back if the fever persists beyond 3-5 days. I think we have seen enough of the PD to stock up on cough, phelgm, fever, high fever, runny nose medicine, diarhea medicine. haha.

xian, no need to emo lar, alot of the mommies also go for gynae visits alone. usually hb is super on the ball for #1, thereafter #2, #3, there are more and more visits that the hb is absent cos cannot take leave etc. In fact, i enjoy these "me" time that i have. haha.

RL, your gynae very relax about weight gain, haha. if it's me and arissa, we will stress like hell over the weight gain lor cos our gynaes (not the same one) will nag if we gain more than 1.5kg a month.
Hi Ladies!

Pinky> I also feel the ache down there.. it's like i can feel baby pressing down on it.. feels kinda weird... in fact, i feel pretty odd most of the times coz he will kick/punch high above my belly button, if not it's low near the V area... anyone feels the same?

Re: Glucose test for diabetes
For those who have completed the test, any food to abstain from the day before? I'm taking the test next Monday, feeling kinda jittery! Fear of needles! :confused:

I am referring to toddlers, not babies, I think have to look at situation, and decide what to do. I find that my kids are generally healthy, maybe now they are older, immune better, don't fall sick so easily. Like SN said, Doctors will give you the same medicine, they usually will ask you what's wrong with your babies/kids, and will give you normal medicine, and ask you monitor for a few days, so if you already have fever medicine, can just give and monitor, I will usually sponge my boy to cool down, without giving medicine at all, if it still doesn't go down , then I will give fever medicine.

I think 1st time parents will be more kan jiong, during my #1 time, also will bring him to PD the moment he's not well, then #2, more relax, I am the more kan jiong type, hubby very cool and calm about matters, so after married to him for 17years, already influence more or less by him.
Wah! Ur diet really healthy!! I dont usually have heavy bfast except weekends but i usually have late dinners. And i finish my plate of food on my own =p

Re: pri 1 reg
High chance the 40slots will be felt by the alumni phase. 20 slots for 2b 20 for 2c. They cant squash phase1 so squash phase 2a.
Actually when divide out by both phases doesnt look alot of diff but popular sch with very few slots left for 2c will feel the impact more. I am also affected as i reg next yr under alumni. Worst to worst, if demand more than supply, ballot for alumni phase. I am within 1km so just hope for the best.

Alot of other parents with no connection will also aim for aitong n cat high with the hope they may be the lucky 40.
xian, no need to emo lar, alot of the mommies also go for gynae visits alone. usually hb is super on the ball for #1, thereafter #2, #3, there are more and more visits that the hb is absent cos cannot take leave etc. In fact, i enjoy these "me" time that i have. haha..

i'm ok if just go to doc of gynae.. but now put under oobservation ward then i hope he ard lo.. anw, gynae just ordered for mi to be admitted to monitor since i having mild contraction... :confused:
RL, ur gynae nv grumble abt ur weight gain? 12kg is really a lot for 28 wks! I find it very hard to move with the excess weight. Feel a lot more clumsy at 9-10kg at 38-40 wks!

Pinky, like I said I store my pump parts in a lock lock box. So just use that box to soak the pump parts in boiling water lor. Quite ok one. A lot of things to bring though. I can't eat too many durians at one go. Get pretty sick of it. Hahaha max is 5. Very filling yet not satisfying.

Xian, ur gynae wants u to be warded? How many wks are u now? Do take care and don't stress. Don't over think abt ur hb too. When I was hospitalised my hb can't come with me at all cos he had to work and take care of my sons. Just tell urself u can do it. Stay strong?

Val, ya I think it won't affect me much. Cos my mom's area also have limited schools so if I don't get into these 2 hot schs there's no back up for me. Need to think carefully. I just resend another email to Anderson and asked them if they will be accepting more PVs and to rem me when they need PVs. Hahaha desperate hor.

Re: diet
I find it ironic that my new colleagues who are not mothers giving me comments and advise on what to eat and what cannot eat daily! They make a lot of noise when I eat chilli, if I choose not to take veggies or if I take bubble tea. That day one of them offered me red dates (yes red dates) to snack on and I declined. She kept saying I m not conscious of my diet etc. if I drink bubble tea they will say too much sugar is not gd for baby. My God! I only gained like 5kg and my main meals are all soup based!! I eat brown rice for dinner!! So bloody annoying!! They are only in their 20s but talk like they have so much experience! They are from china too!!
Fuzzybear: Avoid lunching with them to have negative emotions. I have a fair bit of such people (nosy ones) in the office so I stay very low profile from beginning until the bump starts showing at about 6 months plus.
Or lunch in and have a good nap for yourself and baby.

Xian: take care, think of good and positive thoughts and you would be discharged soon. :)
fuzzybear: why cannot drink bubble tea? i drank bubble tea during lunch juz now... and i took chili every single meal...
Can eat chilli and bubble tea lah. I also dunno why they say cannot. Prob some obscure Chinese beliefs lor. They are really those china china ladies. Very "healthy" type. Keep telling me cannot scratch my PUPPS. Wah lao crazy. They have no idea how itchy I m.

Sabrina, I already eat in my pathetic canteen like 3-4x a wk. they also eat with me lor. Cos my unit quite small.

Re: durians
Ankh, u are welcome to come and eat!! Thirdtime3mum yes it's in my fridge. Now my fridge super smelly. I m scared the durians will spoil before I can finish them! My hb don't eat cos he says it makes him very heaty. Only I one person eat.

Re: maid
My new maid is due to come in early sept. now my hb wants to help my existing maid to transfer her to another employer so she don't have to take another loan to come back to SG to work. I told him we don't have to do it cos she has been with us for so long and finished her contract with us. She is not a transfer maid. We also finish our agreement with the agency. He got angry with me saying I'm heartless cos our current maid needs money to take care of her kids. I told him it is very risky for us to arrange for her to be transferred without an agency! What happens if the other employer don't want her? Then I will be saddled with 2 maids!! So mad at him. He kept saying I'm very bad but to me, it is her choice to leave so why should I be nice? Plus MOM says we shd send her back home what. Stupid!! He says he scared my maid will ill treat my sons if we don't help her but I rather she is the one committing the crime than me doing something illegal!!
I only at 25weeks.. when i came in for observation at 11am, contraction was 3-5mins apart so bo bian gotta admit to stablise lo..

tks mummies for e comfort..
Yikes Xian! That's scary!! Are u on medications?! Poor thing. Doc got say what's triggering the contractions? Did he check ur cervix?
i'm ok if just go to doc of gynae.. but now put under oobservation ward then i hope he ard lo.. anw, gynae just ordered for mi to be admitted to monitor since i having mild contraction... :confused:

Please take care... talk to your baby (I believe in talking to them while they are still inside!) and tell him/her to stay put! its not time yet!

fuzzybear, I love bubble tea too! I drank it when pregnant with #1, and also had it for #2. I'm not the best example of pregnant mummy because diet wise I already ate and drink some nos - nos.. , yeah also took chilli! :p So long as your gynae thinks you r doing fine, just ignore what everyone says... maybe your colleagues are from China so they have a different diet for pregnant women over there.
yaa... my fren's wife is also from China... she's also preg now.. 4 weeks ahead of me.. when we met up for dinner together.. she will also comment on me eating crabs.. she said crabs will cause early labour or miscarriage if we eat too much... so when i asked...how about drinking chinese tea..i saw her drinking..she said its ok... in moderation... duhzz....
Xian.. your mild contractions just started today? Don't worry so much... stay positive... alot of positive mummies here will keep you company. Keep us posted on your situation after review by your gynae.

I also have "contractions" quite frequently also.. to be honest, i really dunneo if if its braxton hicks or baby movement....sigh.. everything just seems to harden to the left or right side or baby will harden forward (looking very pointy in the middle). My gynae say maybe baby movement, but I just cannot differentiate.
Xian.. your mild contractions just started today? Don't worry so much... stay positive... alot of positive mummies here will keep you company. Keep us posted on your situation after review by your gynae.

I also have "contractions" quite frequently also.. to be honest, i really dunneo if if its braxton hicks or baby movement....sigh.. everything just seems to harden to the left or right side or baby will harden forward (looking very pointy in the middle). My gynae say maybe baby movement, but I just cannot differentiate.
i have the same symptoms as u... my gynae said its braxton hicks...
fuzzybear, I have one singaporean colleague (same age as me) who behaves the same way as your PRC colleagues and guess what? She has a PRC hb! maybe that's y she behaves like PRC. she has no kids but likes to give comments as if she's a pro! there was once i said my son didnt like to sit in a stroller and she said "you should force him to sit!". and she will make comments like "you are the skinniest pregnant mommy i have ever seen, please eat more!". there was once i was having a cough for a while and she said "did you ask your gynae why you are coughing so long? perhaps it indicates something else". seriously, roll my eyes. she's also the same one who will listen in to all the conversations around her and give comments when it's not even her pasar.
happietomato, i think its water retention too, i experienced something similar on my wrists when i had #1 and the pain in my wrists did not go away till after confinement was over.

ohh, the 40 seats are shared btw 2B and 2C? i thought only 2C coz it was reported that the 40 seats are for those that are not applicable in earlier phases.

xian1304, hope everything is alright. don't worry!

pinkyloving, what i did was i bought a lock lock box big enough for pump parts. after pump once, i wash with detergent and then place clean pump parts back in and lock the box. before next pump, i open the box and pour hot water in and close it, then bring up to bfg room and pour away the water before i start pumping.

PD, really best to pick somewhere convenient to you or near your place coz at times, the wait time can be terrible. my PD for #1 was near my work place and his CC/nanny's place so I usually drive to the clinic to take number then drive to CC or nanny's place to pick him then back to PD. at times when I know wait time will be very long, I can let him rest at nanny's place till almost his turn then go to the clinic. else will be very tiring to wait there for hours.
I also have contractions quite frequently also.. to be honest, i really dunneo if if its braxton hicks or baby movement....sigh.. everything just seems to harden to the left or right side or baby will harden forward (looking very pointy in the middle). My gynae say maybe baby movement, but I just cannot differentiate.
i have the same symptoms as u... my gynae said its braxton hicks...

Winkle... sigh.. see.. different gynae, different saying... i really dun know how to differentiate to tell the danger signs... i get it very often also but I don't feel pain at all... just awkward feeling..
fuzzybear, I have one singaporean colleague (same age as me) who behaves the same way as your PRC colleagues and guess what? She has a PRC hb! maybe that's y she behaves like PRC. she has no kids but likes to give comments as if she's a pro! there was once i said my son didnt like to sit in a stroller and she said "you should force him to sit!". and she will make comments like "you are the skinniest pregnant mommy i have ever seen, please eat more!". there was once i was having a cough for a while and she said "did you ask your gynae why you are coughing so long? perhaps it indicates something else". seriously, roll my eyes. she's also the same one who will listen in to all the conversations around her and give comments when it's not even her pasar.

Aiyoo.. cannot stand these people.. so many comments
From Babycenter : 29 weeks - Your baby's head is getting bigger and his brain is developing rapidly. His brain is laying down billions of neurons, which are important for later learning, at an amazing rate. His nutritional needs are growing too. To meet his body's demands, you'll need plenty of protein, vitamins and minerals, such as iron and calcium. Your baby's bones in particular are soaking up lots of calcium right now, so drink your milk. If you don't like milk, try a fortified soya milk or make your own fruit smoothie with yoghurt.
I also have contractions quite frequently also.. to be honest, i really dunneo if if its braxton hicks or baby movement....sigh.. everything just seems to harden to the left or right side or baby will harden forward (looking very pointy in the middle). My gynae say maybe baby movement, but I just cannot differentiate.

Winkle... sigh.. see.. different gynae, different saying... i really dun know how to differentiate to tell the danger signs... i get it very often also but I don't feel pain at all... just awkward feeling..

Typically braxton hicks are painless and irregular. Real contractions will start with mild pain and will come at regular intervals.
fuzzybear: if it is the maid's choice to leave, why did your hubby bother to help her to transfer to another employer? If she wants to continue working in SG, why did she want to leave your place?

I am also having problems with maid. Contacted a few agencies but the data of the maid they gave me were all so brief and contradicting! I have to call and ask for more info, and by the time they replied to me they will tell me a few girls i selected have been employed! This is my first time employing one so maybe i am inexperienced la.

I shortlisted 2 maids in the end. The first one, agent unable to get her via phone for days. So we couldnt conduct the phone interview. Then later on the agent told me that it seems like this maid is choosing employers coz she does not want to work for me as i have a newborn and she is afraid of looking after babies. So fine.

The 2nd maid, the phone interview got disconnected many times due to bad reception. I didnt even ask more than 3 questions. That was an experienced Filippino maid asking for $550/mth.
Later on the agent called me to ask me to consider other maids. She said if i do not wish to give 4 off days a mth, then i must think about my budget coz her salary can easily add up to $600+/mth after reimbursing her off days. Then tell me the maid got no experience with newborns, only 2 yrs and above. Seriously, I am very lost! Firstly she gave me the maids' profile according to my requirements, then now tell me she is concerned and this maid, that maid not suitable etc. So until now i have not even concluded a maid...
I have pretty frequent BH contractions that can be quite uncomfy.. whole tummy will harden.. depending on bb's position, u will be able to see the bulge on the side where baby's body is. as long as it remains painless and not more than 4 contractions per hr, u are quite safe. :) don't worry too much about it.

Re: diet
You know i respect that each custom would have their dos and don't for pregnancy, but i do not wished to be lectured by a bunch of gals who might not even have lost their virginity! what gets me annoyed is that they perceived that i m not eating healthy. Compared to most, i don't really snack, my lunches are always soupy with chilli padi, my dinners are brown rice with a balanced meal of fish/ meat and vegs + soup. just because i don't eat what they do, i m not healthy. today they tried to lecture me again abt buying bubble tea so i shot them back to tell them i drink 2-3 cups a wk at most, i dun touch coffee and it has milk in it. zzz. plus i dun like to drink those fresh fruit juices and i try not to buy cut fruits from outside cos i have a weak tummy.. so they say i am unhealthy for not eating fruits as regularly as them.. they dun see i eat daily lor.. anyway i usually ignore but they have been especially vocal in the past wk.. then they try and lecture me abt confinement! say cannot bathe etc! wah lao i came close to exploding!

Kayliz, precisely! she is the one that dun wanna work for me, not i wanna fire her. so why shd i be nice to her? my hb is worried that when my maid is desperate she will abuse my sons. But really lor, she hardly touches them, only in the morning when i leave for work and hb can't wake up to take care of them himself. ultimately he is just worried abt covering his own ass. even if i help her to transfer, what happens if the other employer change her mind? i will be saddled with 2 maids leh! siao! and even i go all the way out to help her and it doesn't go through, she will always think that i did something to cause her not to be employed. I asked my hb why he is so concern abt her? shdn't we follow the law?

As for ur maid, u are not asking her to take care of ur NB right? sounds like the agency u go not very gd.. i would suggest u do not state taking care of NB as ur criteria and also don't give the new maid to take care.
fuzzybear: nope, i already said to the agent many times, the maid does not need to handle both my kids, and no matter what she will never be left alone with a newborn.
But i did mention i need the maid to at least have some basic knowledge like what to check for when baby is crying, just in case we go to the bathroom or shower etc..
Fuzzybear: My gynae didn’t stop me from eating.. He says just eat whatever I like and stay happy throughout the 3 trimesters.. But I am also trying to control my diet too.. Cos I think the extra kilos will add on rapidly in the last 2 months or last few weeks… I am already walking extremely slow now and looks like a penguin at times..

Littleprice: Your was at your wrists? I am hoping that the numbness can go off post-delivery… not too much of an inconvenience at this stage… just alittle ‘nuisance’?

Xian1304: Jia You! All will be well!! :)
I am soooo itchy.. keep waking up to scratch.. urghhhhhh......

Hikaru, sounds like u are having a bad preg.. but the truth is once ur bb is out, u won't be able to slp properly, eat properly or even go to the loo properly. i guess physically u do lose those pregnancy related symptoms but other things replace it like the perpetual tiredness.. sometimes the lack of slp make me so groggy that i actually doze off while driving. had to smack my own face to keep awake. i know it is tough now, but i feel these things help to prep us for the long and tiring journey ahead. Cheer up ok? i m sure u are a strong woman!

Winkle, u still breathless? i m so breathless today.. sitting down also panting.. haizzz. very uncomfy hor..

Kitkat, so long nv see u.. glad everything is ok! 5kg like me! that's what i gained at 27 wks.. do u take beef? it does help to boost ur bb's iron and body size. hehe.. eating all the steak!

Sheepsdream, don't worry too much ok? i told u all before, for my first pregnancy i only gained 9.5kg and bb was born at 3.125kg. i was so tiny that Maryann from Studio Loft actually questioned me when i turned up for my maternity shoot at 35.5 wks. said i was too small and it won't turn out nice. even now my colleagues keep telling me i m tiny and from the front and back views, they can't tell that i m preggie.. i take that as a compliment lor.. cos my bb is bigger than expected.. just tell urself at least u are not bloated like a whale (comes with additional pain i tell u) and u look like a supermodel mom. :)

Fuzzybear, I like the advice you gave Sheepdreams...
Try to stay cool so that wont itch... Take care. Btw, I tried buying Ceradan from Watson pharmacy. They dun carry it.
40 seeds of durian?? yummy, I'm willing to share the guilt with you... :p

Feval, can I check with you for your #1 birth, since it's natural without epi (me too but induced), how long did your labour last?
and also checking your #2 labour timing.... hoping to plan something....
yea kayliz, maybe you want to check out other agencies? Sounds like the agency you went to is not very reliable since the agent kept changing her words.

fuzzybear, er so modern PRCs still believe in not bathing?! wah lao. seriously if i were you, i would probably tell them in the face that I am going to be a mother of 3 while you have ZERO kid, so don't try to teach me what to do!
I have pretty frequent BH contractions that can be quite uncomfy.. whole tummy will harden.. depending on bb's position, u will be able to see the bulge on the side where baby's body is. as long as it remains painless and not more than 4 contractions per hr, u are quite safe. :) don't worry too much about it.

Re: diet
You know i respect that each custom would have their dos and don't for pregnancy, but i do not wished to be lectured by a bunch of gals who might not even have lost their virginity! what gets me annoyed is that they perceived that i m not eating healthy. Compared to most, i don't really snack, my lunches are always soupy with chilli padi, my dinners are brown rice with a balanced meal of fish/ meat and vegs + soup. just because i don't eat what they do, i m not healthy. today they tried to lecture me again abt buying bubble tea so i shot them back to tell them i drink 2-3 cups a wk at most, i dun touch coffee and it has milk in it. zzz. plus i dun like to drink those fresh fruit juices and i try not to buy cut fruits from outside cos i have a weak tummy.. so they say i am unhealthy for not eating fruits as regularly as them.. they dun see i eat daily lor.. anyway i usually ignore but they have been especially vocal in the past wk.. then they try and lecture me abt confinement! say cannot bathe etc! wah lao i came close to exploding!

Kayliz, precisely! she is the one that dun wanna work for me, not i wanna fire her. so why shd i be nice to her? my hb is worried that when my maid is desperate she will abuse my sons. But really lor, she hardly touches them, only in the morning when i leave for work and hb can't wake up to take care of them himself. ultimately he is just worried abt covering his own ass. even if i help her to transfer, what happens if the other employer change her mind? i will be saddled with 2 maids leh! siao! and even i go all the way out to help her and it doesn't go through, she will always think that i did something to cause her not to be employed. I asked my hb why he is so concern abt her? shdn't we follow the law?

As for ur maid, u are not asking her to take care of ur NB right? sounds like the agency u go not very gd.. i would suggest u do not state taking care of NB as ur criteria and also don't give the new maid to take care.

Fuzzybear.. exactly lor... give so much comments.. some will lecture me not to drink cold water.... I am already SO HOT after having my lunch, I can't even have some cold drinks?!
Last month when I visit my friend house for pot luck dinner, they moved me away from the air con because they say air con not good for pregnant ladies and they passed me a non-chilled ribena :mad: I was sweating and thirsty after eating curry and they impose all these on me thinking they know best for preggers.

Last friday i went for my facial, my therapist keep saying, trust her, try not to wash hair, its really makes a difference bla bla bla bla.... super annoying thru the whole facial. :mad:
Hi Ladies!

Pinky> I also feel the ache down there.. it's like i can feel baby pressing down on it.. feels kinda weird... in fact, i feel pretty odd most of the times coz he will kick/punch high above my belly button, if not it's low near the V area... anyone feels the same?

Re: Glucose test for diabetes
For those who have completed the test, any food to abstain from the day before? I'm taking the test next Monday, feeling kinda jittery! Fear of needles! :confused:

Sheepsdream>> Dun eat too sweet stuff and No No to durian!! And drink lots of water.. Anyway after 12midnight, cannot eat anything till after your blood test. =)
JTS: I ordered a confinement trial meal from New Baby today. At 1st look I thot the portion was rather small but I'm so wrong! I can't finish the food in the end. The food tastes nice! (Maybe cos I was hungry?) I chose to try New Baby cos they alternate their menus every week, compared to Natal Essentials which serves the same menu for all 4 weeks (except for changing only 1 item after 1st wk). Think I will confirm my order with New Baby within this week. =)


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xian1304>> Be Strong!

By the way, I m in my 26 weeks, can I still sleep straight? I find that when I slp on my sides (either left or right), I will feel nausea. Straight seems the best position for now but I worry cos someone mentioned about blood flow of the baby.

Thank thanks..
Kk got any good pd?
RE: diet
I totally agreed man... The last time I had grp dinner with my batch of gf.. I had such a disappointing dinner n wanted a cup of bubble tea to make up.. In the end they keep telling me canot this cannot that.. I even compromise to drink a no iced no sugar just green tea.. In the end they still didnt let me buy.. Almost made a scene at bugis+.. Wanted to cry at that point that I can't even drink to make myself happy.. Haiz.. I duno why must people be so judgemental.. If mum are not even worried n practice self control.. Why still must add on such additional "burden".. Pregnant still can eat one mah.. My hub also dun stop me I dun see why they have to be the controlling one... The best part was my friend whom gave birth recently tell me cannot even go facial.. Especially squeeze pimple.. Cos when they squeeze it will hurt the bb... I really -.-""

Xian: be strong k! For your baby and yourself... I believe your hub wants to be with you during such moments.. He might be angry with himself for not being with you..
Morning mummies!

Xian, how are you? Are you discharged aldy? Keep talking to ur bb n they will noe. Sayang bb telling bb to guai guai at mummy stomach. Dont come out yet.

Re: diet
Aiyo, why all these inexperience pple poke into ppl matters so much when they themselves dun even noe? Better stay away from the negative comments made by these ppl man. We noe what is best for our mummies, dun need their advice. We dun appreciate it anyway. boo! Lucky for me, my coll/fren nt mummies yet so they oso didnt comment much on my food intake. Jus ignore them and eat happily! We must b a happy mummy den will hab a happy baby! :D

sheepsdream, my bb kick everywhere! Inside like his playground like tt.... haha.. i tot my mama abt bb moving anywhere in my tummy, she dont believe it. She tot bb will stay put at one position. haha...My bb kick above belly button, at e side (left & right), bottom of tummy, near V area. everywhere lo.. I tink should b normal right?

thirdtimemum, recently den i started drinkin milk but not v often. I ok with milk but jus dun like the "liking" to drink milk.. So now, i take Meji milk like e melon flavour cos it taste nicer then HL milk.. =x

littleprince & fuzzybear, oh, den i better go buy a lock lock box so is much easier to wash e pump parts. Thanks for e advice!!

re: BH contraction
I oso experience whole tummy harden. So uncomfortable & heavy. Then i always ask my bb to relax... haha... Tink so long nv experience frequently shld b fine ba...
people's comments, I usually just ignore or stay away from these people. anything in moderation is fine la.

kayliz, honestly maids' bio data can only be taken as a pinch of salt coz you won't know if any of the info is incorrect too. as long as you think you are comfortable with how she looks like, her family background (this one can only assume bio data info is correct), language and "claimed" experience, the rest depends on luck. usually, good maids are chosen and confirmed very quickly lor so cannot take too much time to choose. if maid is for taking care of newborn, then prior experience is very important. of coz if you have someone who will be at home with maid to take care of baby, then maybe maid can also learn from CL or other elderly at home to gain experience. not experienced doesn't mean no good, its more on what is important to you more as everyone needs to learn something from scratch too. and in terms of going out, its MOM law that they must be allowed to go out weekly or at least monthly. if you are not comfortable to let her go out weekly, you can reimburse her (around $20 per off day) but you still need to let her go out once a monthly at the bare minimum else she has the right to lodge a complaint at MOM in future (even if you are paying her for every off day. agent's recommendation is to allow them to go out too coz it can be very frustrating to have no off day and just take care of newborn everyday and at times when they get all the off days they want, they don't want to go out coz they are worried they spend too much money and do not have enough to remit home.

happietomato, yarrr mine was at my wrists and very painful. I had difficulty to carry my newborn then, must carry very careful in case I drop due to the pain.

xian, how are you now? still under observation or back home already? btw, please see if you can find time to check yr email regarding the bambini package so that we can proceed.

tek_koh, pending your confirmation regarding Bambini too.
Hullo very full from lunch!! hope u had a gd one!

Carine, no lah. u won't ever recover from stretch marks. they do get fainter over time and become not noticeable. But they are definitely there! only way to remove is by laser.

Re: losing weight
Seriously it is not just bf-ing, diet etc.. it also depends on individual's metabolism. For most, bf-ing helps to use up 500-700 extra calories a day. but if u are eating that extra calories then u won't lose a lot. For me, i m so tired that i can't eat so i lose quickly plus my metabolism is rather fast.

Re: massage
Bf-ing is the one that shrinks ur uterus back faster than any massage can do. for those who see a diff after massages, esp if u start ur massages 4-5 days after delivery, it is likely u are losing water weight. I only did massages for my 2nd pregnancy and only started at wk 4 cos i had a c-sec. the ML said i dun have much of a tummy already! it doesn't help lor. doesn't massage ur organs back into place either cos there are cartilages etc to hold ur organs in place too. Wraps also don't help.. when u unwrap everything sags! wahahaha..

Of cos i dun have a super duper flat tummy.. if u want one, then u gotta do exercises (not advisable to do until 2-3 mths after birth). i nv believe in things that require us to sit back, relax and then expect to lose weight naturally.. doesn't happen.

Arissa, oh dear. i would suan ur fren on FB, ask her what happened to her gynae appt.. see what she says.. as for ur baby being breech, actually as he grows bigger, the chances of him turning gets slimmer and slimmer.. i have had friends whose babies only turned at abt 34-35wks. my #1 was heads down at 28wks, #2 at 33 wks and #3 is already heads down at 27wks.. hopefully he guai guai turns.. else u might have to consider a c-sec.

Huh????!!!!!!!!!! Really ah?????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *CCCCCCCCC-RRRRRRRRRR-YYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!*
Good morning mummies...

Xian, hope everything is in control and bb really understands when we talk to them...
All the best.

little prince, you are right... everything in moderation...

lxb, next time your friend stop you, just say your gynae ask u to eat and drink one...
dun avoid and u also heard those old wives' tales that if got craving and nv satifsify it, bb saliva will keep dripping when born...
they no experience, we can bluff them back too...;)
Gd morning! today's traffic is crazy man!

Re: other ppl's comments
Actually i m pretty much over what ppl say.. like i always tell myself i cannot control what comes out of their mouths but i can control my own reaction. I usually just laugh it off and ignore cos really, I have already given birth twice and both my kids are happy and healthy. But what really got me (may be i m hormonal) is that 2 young ladies, not married, no kids have been lecturing me daily! grah!

Xian, are u feeling better? do update us ok? who is ur gynae?

Kayliz, ya i agree with Little Prince. Biodata isn't really that reliable. that's why i like my current agent. he actually interviews all his maids that want to use his agency and he sorts them out according to who best suits the job u want. I find big agencies lack of this because they just wanna get as many biodata as they can get. no QA/QC!

Carine, why cry? i think it is lovely to have some badges of war what.. yes massages don't help u lose weight, only water weight. U still gotta work hard and exercise and watch ur diet and of cos breastfeed. Are u gonna bf?

fuzzybear, even if friends who are already mums criticised on wat i eat i also will get pissed off. there was once i posted stingray on my fb n a few of my friends commented that i shldnt eat, or i can't eat. pls lah.. 1 piece of stingray is how big only? n i shared it with my hub lor. plus i have been wanting to eat it for a long time n when i finally ate it for the 1st time during the pregnancy, pple start telling me i shldnt. annoying to the max! i just ignored them but my hub started getting worried n asked if i'm really not allowed to eat stingray. he nagged abt it almost everyday until i bth n asked my gynae abt it. my gynae said "y not?" that finally put my hub at ease. my theory is happy mummy, happy baby. everything eat in moderation is ok. initially i will still reply those annoying comments saying that my gynae told me it's fine to eat cos i'm thinking they are also just concern abt me lah. but now i dun bother with them, i usually "like" all my other friends' comments but ignore those that pissed me off. hahaha...

xian: how's the situation now? u ok?
