(2013/11) November 2013

Post natal massage doesnt help with lose weight meh???????????? o_O

It's ok, it's ok, stress of taking care of baby, breastfeeding and not indulging in rubbish food too often will make sure you lose weight hahah! I was eating a huge slice of choc cake about once a month throughout #1 pregnancy and breastfeeding yr, in addition to daily half cups of teh. Plus some other treats too. Thats lots of sugar! Still lost weight :)

Fuzzybear, wish I could help with your durians but i've no more durian craving (phew!) hehe.

3xmum, ha, I'm in the same boat as you, diet and weight-wise, altho i did gain 500g this round. Eat a light meal and I'll still have indigestion and bloating. I'm so sad, I can't eat my favourite ju zai, those little piggy pastries. Found them very difficult to digest. And it's only available this time of the year, wail.

Diet: Er, I'm back to drinking my daily half cup of teh ;p.

morning mummies!

my baby also don't know kick, or punch or what she's doing, a lot of movement everywhere too!like making waves.

I also don't like to drink milk! but the dumex mama milk is quite ok, taste like those slim/skinny milk/magnolia high calcium low fat milk, not much milk smell, like diluted kind, so I still can accept, but I will drink cold ones

I think food wise, everything in moderation should be ok, as long as the food is well cooked, not raw, then should be fine. I still eat normally, chilli, just had sambal petai last night with brown rice & green vege. I love spicy food, and when I feel hot, I will drink cold drinks, fruit juice etc.

So far no one really restrain me from eating any kind of food/drinks, maybe because I am also stubborn.

A lot of times, is old folks tales, from very very ancient times, and some are really for logical reasons, but for that ancient times, now after so many many years, times have changed! So we have to judge for ourselves, and also maybe search online to read more, and know more, rather than just listen to myth
third3timemum: I am the same like you, still eat normally, chilli and petai is a must for me once in 2 weeks regardless of the method of cooking.

Nowadays, I don't post much photos nor status on fb also because there are definitely people who are such busybodies.
Take it with a pinch of salt and then forget it. :)
Gd morning! today's traffic is crazy man!

Re: other ppl's comments
Actually i m pretty much over what ppl say.. like i always tell myself i cannot control what comes out of their mouths but i can control my own reaction. I usually just laugh it off and ignore cos really, I have already given birth twice and both my kids are happy and healthy. But what really got me (may be i m hormonal) is that 2 young ladies, not married, no kids have been lecturing me daily! grah!

Xian, are u feeling better? do update us ok? who is ur gynae?

Kayliz, ya i agree with Little Prince. Biodata isn't really that reliable. that's why i like my current agent. he actually interviews all his maids that want to use his agency and he sorts them out according to who best suits the job u want. I find big agencies lack of this because they just wanna get as many biodata as they can get. no QA/QC!

Carine, why cry? i think it is lovely to have some badges of war what.. yes massages don't help u lose weight, only water weight. U still gotta work hard and exercise and watch ur diet and of cos breastfeed. Are u gonna bf?

Cuz I dun want those stretchmarkssss~~~ Yeah.. Am going to bf.. and hubby wanted me to be "cow" for like 3 years.. Cuz his colleague's wife bf for 4 years! Well, I'll try very hard to bf as long as I can.

i agree with littleprince. dun have to believe everything that's stated on the biodata. like my previous maid, she claimed to have worked in jakarta before, but she confessed that its bullshit. then my current maid, she claimed to have worked in arabia b4 which i didnt believe. but end up, its true.

to me, most important is she must be pleasant to the eye. and if she is gonna be working w ur mum or whosoever, better to get their opinions too. like my previous one, my mil hates her and everything also not happy with her. i admit she doesnt look good, a bit fierce to be exact. but i am ok w her. my current one, i asked my mil to QC before employing her, so she got nothing to say anymore.

i feel that it is important to let ur maid know that she will be handling ur newborn and working w kids. doing housework is minimum. and even though u may not hand over all the caring for newborn duties to her, she will still be handling kids everyday. no point getting someone who has no love for kids to work for you. like my friend's maid worked for only 3 days and asked to be sent back becos she says she doesnt wan to take care of elderly.

maybe u can go to other maid agencies to see if there are other options?
you also fan of petai? I have to cook it myself, as my Filipino helper think its smelly, and she don't dare to taste when cooking, so turn out not nice, she tried 2 times, hubby complain, so I had to cook it, but we don't cook pork at home, so we replaced with chicken meat
in June, on our way back from Genting, bought about 20 ringgit worth of fresh petai, its really fresh & big, shiok!
Another thing I like is tempe, my ex-indo helper taught me to cook it with tau kua, blue ginger/chilli padi & coconut milk, very yummy!
third3timemum: it's a family comfort food probably because my parents came from Malaysia so it was common in those kampung days.
It's expensive to get good petai in the supermarket or market nowadays.

My hubby doesn't like it so I eat it only when I goes back to my mum's place when they would either cook it in soup with pork bones or with chilli prawns.
Yes, I love tempe too. It is very nutritious for the body. :p
ya I was thinking there's some kind of relation with Malaysia. my MIL from Ipoh, so I was first introduced to petai about 22 years ago, hubby & myself likes it, so I learn to cook it.


Little did you know ........ after reading THIS, you'll NEVER look at petai or Parkia speciosa in the same way again!

Petai or Parkia speciosa contains three natural sugars -sucrose, fructose and glucose. Co...mbined with fiber, petai gives an instant, sustained and substantial boost of energy. Research has proved that just two servings of petai provide enough energy for a strenuous 90-minute workout.. No wonder petai is the number one fruit with the world's leading athletes. But energy isn't the only way petai can help us keep fit. It can also help overcome or prevent a substantial number of illnesses and conditions, making it a must to add to our daily diet.

According to a recent survey undertaken by MIND among people suffering from depression, many felt much better after eating petai. This is because petai contain tryptophan, a type of protein that the body converts into serotonin, known to make you relax, improve your mood and generally make you feel happier.

PMS (premenstrual syndrome):
Forget the pills - eat petai. The vitamin B6 it contains regulates blood glucose levels, which can affect your mood.

High in iron, petai can stimulate the production of haemoglobin in the blood and so helps in cases of anaemia.

Blood Pressure:
This unique tropical fruit is extremely high in potassium yet low in salt, making it perfect to beat blood pressure. So much so, the US Food and Drug Administration has just allowed the petai industry to make official claims for the fruit's ability to reduce the risk of blood pressure and stroke.

Brain Power :
200 students at a Twickenham (Middlesex) school were helped through their exams this year by eating petai at breakfast, break, and lunch in a bid to boost their brain power. Research has shown that the potassium-packed fruit can assist learning by making pupils more alert.
Understand that bananas contain lot of potassium too so eat more banana... Just look at those monkeys, they are really active, alert, smart and cunning too!!

High in fiber, including petai in the diet can help restore normal bowel action, helping to overcome the problem without resorting to laxatives.

One of the quickest ways of curing a hangover is to make a petai milkshake, sweetened with honey. The petai calms the stomach and, with the help of the honey, builds up depleted blood sugar levels, while the milk soothes and re-hydrates your system.

Petai has a natural antacid effect in the body, so if you suffer from heartburn, try eating petai for soothing relief.

Morning Sickness :
Snacking on petai between meals helps to keep blood sugar levels up and avoid morning sickness.

Mosquito bites :
Before reaching for the insect bite cream, try rubbing the affected area with the inside of the petai skin. Many people find it amazingly successful at reducing swelling and irritation..

Petai is high in B vitamins that help calm the nervous system.

Studies at the Institute of Psychology in Austria found pressure at work leads to gorging on comfort food like chocolate and crisps. Looking at 5,000 hospital patients, researchers found the most obese were more likely to be in high-pressure jobs. The report concluded that, to avoid panic-induced food cravings, we need to control our blood sugar levels by snacking on high carbohydrate foods every two hours to keep levels steady.

Petai is used as the dietary food against intestinal disorders because of its soft texture and smoothness. It is the only raw fruit that can be eaten without distress in over-chronicler cases. It also neutralizes over-acidity and reduces irritation by coating the lining of the stomach.

Temperature control :
Many other cultures see petai as a "cooling" fruit that can lower both the physical and emotional temperature of expectant mothers. In Holland , for example, pregnant women eat petai to ensure their baby is born with a cool temperature.

Seasonal Affecti ve Disorder (SAD):
Petai can help SAD sufferers because they contain the natural mood enhancer, tryptophan.

Petai can also help people trying to give up smoking.. The B6, B12 they contain, as well as the potassium and magnesium found in them, help the body recover from the effects of nicotine withdrawal.

Potassium is a vital mineral, which helps normalize the heartbeat, sends oxygen to the brain and regulates your body's water balance. When we are stressed, our metabolic rate rises, thereby reducing our potassium levels. These can be rebalanced with the help of a high-potassium petai snack.

According to research in "The New England Journal of Medicine" eating petai as part of a regular diet can cut the risk of death by strokes by as much as 40%".

Those keen on natural alternatives swear that if you want to kill off a wart, take a piece of petai and place it on the wart.. Carefully hold the petai in place with a plaster or surgical tape!

So, as you can see, petai really is a natural remedy for many ills. When you compare it to an apple, it has four times the protein, twice the carbohydrates, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the other vitamins and minerals... It is also rich in potassium and is one of the best value foods around. So maybe its time to change that well-known phrase so that we say, "A Petai a day keeps the doctor away".

yes tempe has high nutritional values
Morning mummies..

Today I gave in to my backache and decided not to go work... It's increasing bit by bit everyday.. Think I really need to start doing all my exercises to relieve it..

RE: baby kicking
Nowadays my baby also kicking everywhere.. Sometimes even like training for boxing like that.. Left right left right left right.. -.-"" and yesterday I tried eating guava... Haha after every bite his reaction is kick non stop.. So I strongly believe.. He dun like guava.. Hahaha

Hahaha my hub likes petai also.. But I dun like... Lol! But I know it has high nutritional value.. But I just can't take myself to take one bite.. Look like nowadays hiring a maid is really difficult.. Hope mummies here get to hire a good maid..
smelling petai is like people who don't like durian smelling it, will find it awful, but once you have eaten it, you will fall in love with it!

hubby just came back from Myanmar's mission trip last week, and told me a student whom he taught before, is now working as a domestic helper in Singapore , for about a year now, however, she would like to be working for preferably a Christian family, who will allow her to church on Sundays, she has experience of taking care of babies. If any mummies interested, can PM me, so I can find out more from hubby.
Morning Mummies, How's everyone?

Have been quite a while since I logged in here to chat. Hope all of you are coping it well with the growing tum tum :D

Yippe!! we're officially into 3rd tri! Congrats to all!!
I just had my week 29 check up + gluclose test at the gynea yesterday! Gosh! I'd gained 3 kgs in the past 1 mth!!!!!!!! **hin** I think it must be the durian that I'd taken 3 times in 1 month!

Luckily baby is growing well :D absorbing my fats. He is now 1391g!! whoo hoo!!! I'm also feeling really heavy these days manz!

By the way, gynea said the amnio fluid at at the low side. Ask me drink more water... anyone of u on the same boat? what will it cause if the level of fluid didn't increase?
Hows ur contractions? Brought under control already? Talk to ur baby, it really helps.

Re: contractions
I had 4 braxton hicks in an hr last sat nite at 15mins interval. Lucky it wasnt so frequent aft tat. Scare the hell out of me coz i havent prep anything for the arrival of the lit one! Neither am i ready to pop soon!

Contractions/braxton hicks affects the whole tummy. If its just 1 side is baby movement. Real contraction will peak and then fade off and the same thing for next cycle. Usually comes with sng sng feeling and backache for me.

Thanks for the info =) i dun like to drink milk so i try to take more tofu, soy milk also.

#1 abt 5hrs+. My #2 super fast. Went in 4cm, within 15mins dilate to 10cm. #2 came out without 5mins. So abt 20mins for #2.

U can try prof chong cy. I hardly go to her coz i usually go to the pd near my place which saves me allt of time on travelling n waiting. Unless serious case then i go to her.

If water level too low, serious case have to csect immediately. Try to drink more fluid and rest more. It helps in some cases.
Thanks felval for your reply. Gosh!! so scary!! Yaya... I'm drinking water vigoriously now.... As I'm now week29, gynea will see me more requent now in every 3 weeks. Pray hard it helps to bring up the water level on the next visit.

Reg Contraction.
Yes. I'm having it quite constant these days too. The whole tum tum is so hard that I have to stand up and walk around to ease the hardeness.

Anyone visiting gynea soon? Is your baby head down liao? Mine is still breech. I'm also having constipation. Bought papaya & banana home. Hope I an clear my bowel tonight :(

bunnymummy82, can you help to bring me into FB group? my email [email protected]........ Thanks!
xian1304>> Be Strong!

By the way, I m in my 26 weeks, can I still sleep straight? I find that when I slp on my sides (either left or right), I will feel nausea. Straight seems the best position for now but I worry cos someone mentioned about blood flow of the baby.

Thank thanks..
Kk got any good pd?

sdluvct>Thank you for the advice on glucose test! I will abstain from all sweet stuff on Sunday. As for sleeping, it's hard on me too. I can't sleep on my left coz my hubby SNORES very loudly. At times when i sleep on my right, i can feel baby kicking me too. So sometimes i'll sleep on my back then toss & turn all night... :( I sleep best on weekends coz my hubby dont take naps! :p

Pinkyloving> Ya~! I feel so physically abused everyday! Kena kicked & punched all over.. getting abit uncomfortable. I was reading online & they said week 27, baby has lesser room to move about so the kicking is felt more intensely. I heard from my gfs it will worsen as i enter into 3rd tri..

re: comments
I got a lot of these too. Many said cannot eat crab coz baby will be hairy?!? Then many also said no cold water but my dept aircon is down & SG is so hot! How can I not drink cold water? Anyway, i've asked gynae & she said it's fine as by the time the water reaches baby, it's no longer cold. So i don't really care about what others say. Like many here, i believe in moderation is key. Furthermore, i puked really bad & i have no appetite in my 1st tri. Now that i can eat, i will eat whatever i want(other than raw food) & nobody can stop me! :p
HI Mummies,

Everything in moderation. And you know what is best for u & baby.
Also be happy. Baby will be happy when we are happy so just ignore people who comment what we should eat & do.
For me, I eat almost everything except herbal stuff.

I suspect I have slight carpal tunnel syndrome ; will feel numb or can see veins popping out & beating on my left wrist at times esp on days when I ate in too much salt or MSG. Will drink a lot water after that & will be fine the next day.
Heard some people cant carry or hold things when it happens.

so it is not normal to have harden tummy? Thought its normal? cos I experience it esp after food & drinks. how do I know I have braxton hicks?

oh another thing, I can hear my own heartbeat & also feel its beating esp when I lie on the side. Sometimes I can feel some like "heartbeat ' on my buttocks too esp lying down flat on my back. Blood circulating? hyperventilating? anyone experience it?
hello mommies! I just realised the obimin multivit only has 32.5mg of calcium. wah lao so little! In third trimester, our baby will absorb 250mg of calcium per day from us. We need around 1000mg of calcium per day. Sounds like i am very very calcium-deficit. I hate milk too. Heard my friends raved about the meji melon milk so just bought one to try. Really quite nice!!!! It's got 149.2mg of calcium and it's total fat is only 7.2g. sounds ok. hahaha. I might just drink this everyday.
hello mommies! I just realised the obimin multivit only has 32.5mg of calcium. wah lao so little! In third trimester, our baby will absorb 250mg of calcium per day from us. We need around 1000mg of calcium per day. Sounds like i am very very calcium-deficit. I hate milk too. Heard my friends raved about the meji melon milk so just bought one to try. Really quite nice!!!! It's got 149.2mg of calcium and it's total fat is only 7.2g. sounds ok. hahaha. I might just drink this everyday.

Totorodino, don't worry too much about the calcium because chances are you get enough though your daily food intake. The first signs of calcium deficit will show up on your body first, because baby will squuuueeezzze the calcium from you when it can't get any elsewhere. So your nails will start being brittle, your teeth will have cavities. Too much calcium may make you constipated!
Felval, 5 hrs for #1? so fast... mine ard 8 hrs...
your #2 even faster.... I seriously dunno how long I will need for no 2...
seems to put on weight rather fast fir the past 1 mth... still promise #1 we will have durian on sat....
attigal, yea, i know the baby is getting enough calcium by squeezing from me. I'm worried for myself! I don't wanna end up with loose/ shakey teeth/ bones and stuff. hahah.
I bought extra Catrade + D , 200 tablets from US, don't think I can finish them all by myself, trying to sell it , if you keen, let me know via PM? expiry is Jan 2015, I am taking obimin and caltrade + D at the moment, with folic & also neurogain, Caltrade + D has 600mg Elemental Calcium per serving
Val, haha, going by your labour difference between #1 and #2, hopefully mine will be super short too for my #2. Did you bring your #1 to hospital with you when you realized you were going into labour for #2?

3xmum, can get petai at supermarkets or wet markets?

Mumagain, can also take prune juice to relieve constipation. Still have time for baby to turn heads down, not even past thirty weeks yet, don't worry.

Sheepsdream, only avoid foods if you or hubby have allergies to them. Otherwise best to take wide variety of food. I just had some ice Milo today. Weather is so hot right now.

2013san, I did get carpal tunnel syndrome in my right wrist after giving birth to #1. Wrist was in pain everytime I carried anything. Nearly dropped #1 one time when she was a few months old! Must occurred due to hormonal fluctuations.

SN, yeah, must take care of ourselves now with calcium intake. My mum and MIL already have borderline osteoporosis, and taking pills to make sure their conditions don't deteriorate any further.
Val, haha, going by your labour difference between #1 and #2, hopefully mine will be super short too for my #2. Did you bring your #1 to hospital with you when you realized you were going into labour for #2?

3xmum, can get petai at supermarkets or wet markets?

Mumagain, can also take prune juice to relieve constipation. Still have time for baby to turn heads down, not even past thirty weeks yet, don't worry.

Sheepsdream, only avoid foods if you or hubby have allergies to them. Otherwise best to take wide variety of food. I just had some ice Milo today. Weather is so hot right now.

2013san, I did get carpal tunnel syndrome in my right wrist after giving birth to #1. Wrist was in pain everytime I carried anything. Nearly dropped #1 one time when she was a few months old! Must occurred due to hormonal fluctuations.

SN, yeah, must take care of ourselves now with calcium intake. My mum and MIL already have borderline osteoporosis, and taking pills to make sure their conditions don't deteriorate any further.

I bought petai from wet market, used to be $2.50/pack, now it's $3.50/pack, ntuc sometimes sell,. but I think it's around $4, giant may also have, but the nicer looking ones are from Thailand, and bigger seeds, Malaysia ones are smaller, and always hard to get nice looking ones
felval, you took such a short time for #2 so likely #3 will be even quicker! better prepare everything you need early just in case .. :)

SN, your gynae doesn't prescribe you with calcium pills? if you have separate calcium pills, should have enough calcium for pregnancy?
littleprince, nope i don't have calcium pills, only obimin and DHA. Actually i quite prone to having constipation so not very keen to take calcium pills too. I heard they are very big and hard to swallow! haha.
re: comments
I got a lot of these too. Many said cannot eat crab coz baby will be hairy?!? Then many also said no cold water but my dept aircon is down & SG is so hot! How can I not drink cold water? Anyway, i've asked gynae & she said it's fine as by the time the water reaches baby, it's no longer cold. So i don't really care about what others say. Like many here, i believe in moderation is key. Furthermore, i puked really bad & i have no appetite in my 1st tri. Now that i can eat, i will eat whatever i want(other than raw food) & nobody can stop me! :p

Lol I was told eat crabs will made kids 多手多脚,hands & legs can't keep still .... For me, believe then dun eat, dun believe eat just take in moderation lo
Morning~~ is Wednesday!

SN, im a fan of Meji milk as well! I find it taste nicer than those HL milk etc.... Is sweeter actually but to my liking... so now i always buy Meji melon & strawberry! Ya we better take more calcium...else later we will suffer after giving birth cos bb absorb our calcium then makes our bone v weak. My cousin told me, now her knee pain after birth.

felval, what ur tips to have a short labour? I always heard at least more than 10hrs of waiting to dilate. I cannot imagine myself lying on e bed waitin to dilate to 10cm then proceed to delivering for 10 hrs or even more!!

re: insurance
i rem many weeks back, some mummies bought insurance coverage for bb. Now i wanted to buy and my agent said cannot buy in 3rd trim for pregnancy coverage & plus 15 days after bb born coverage. I can only buy those insurance coverage after bb is born. Is it like tt? Alamak, all my fault of procrastinating.. argghs!!
Hello i m having v bad cough n block nose...scare the doc medication is too strong for pregnancy n alot of work to clear before I can take mc! :(
Arghh Haze beta dun come!
Ok to drink honey water ya? As if few cups a day
morning mummies, had a bad nite sleep yesterday. I probably just slept for 3hrs, feeling zombify now. took half a cup of coffee to kick start the day. *yawn* will probably find somewhere for a nap later in the afternoon. dont think the morning coffee did any good for my brain.

pinky, no tips for short labour ba. some ppl dilate faster, some shorter. no stress abt labour duration, just take epidural and u will be comfortably sleeping thru all the 10hrs. keke... im not a advocate for natural birth, epidural should be one of the greatest invention in the world. lol....

xian1304, how r u doing?
Hi Mummies with Sterilizer,

Do you used filtered water to sterilize? My friend recommand me the water treatment as he said the tape water content chlorine. Its not advisable to sterilize as the heat is up to 100C and when the chlorine getting heat up will become another chemical content that cause cancer. He also show me some demo and the tape water at amk area do content chlorine.As my hubby has concern so we have bought the water treatment for our baby. Just to check if mummies here also got buy water treatment as well?
Good morning mummies!

Seems like most mummies in this thread don't like to drink milk. I'm an exception, I drink all kinds of milk (powdered & fresh!) but I don't like those HL milk and those with strong vanilla flavouring haha...

smiley, if you don't want to take too much honey, then try taking hot diluted lemon juice. I find that it helps to dissolve the phelgm and will recover faster :)

carpal tunnel syndrome: I have some symptoms as well, sometimes find it painful to grip my toothbrush when I brush my teeth in the morning :( Some finger stretching seems to help.

food restriction: I think it's ok to eat everything in moderation, except raw food... don't bother too much about what other ppl say lah, nowadays we get so much information on the web, I'm sure we mummies know what are the do's and don'ts! Plus when baby comes out, need to restrict diet for 1 month... so if there's any craving, better satisfy it now lol!
pinkyloving, my AIA agent said can buy the pregnancy insurance up to 32 weeks. It's actually a rider on an investment linked policy, you can choose to transfer the policy to baby within 3 months after birth. I'm going through the underwriting now, but not very hopeful from my past records :(

The good thing is now medishield will auto-cover baby from birth, so any congenital issues will be covered. During #1's time, we had to opt in to get medishield for her, in the end she wasn't covered when she went for operation at 6wks cos hb and me kept delaying submitting the form :(
pinkyloving, i can't remember the period to buy the policy (didn't buy in the end) but you can check with both AIA and Prudential to see which one can still take you if you want to buy now?

milk, i like milk too but not powdered milk though now pregnant then no choice, i drink Anmum. But during days when I am not in office, I will still drink HL or Meiji (#1 is drinking this now).

superiorbaby, hmm didn't hear about tap water not ideal for sterilizing leh. i would believe SG water are all safe else govt would have warned us already?

this week has been a super tiring week for me, looking forward to rest of this week (today afternoon out for meeting, tomorrow afternoon taking half day for air con servicing and Fri doing my car servicing!).
morning mummies, had a bad nite sleep yesterday. I probably just slept for 3hrs, feeling zombify now. took half a cup of coffee to kick start the day. *yawn* will probably find somewhere for a nap later in the afternoon. dont think the morning coffee did any good for my brain.

pinky, no tips for short labour ba. some ppl dilate faster, some shorter. no stress abt labour duration, just take epidural and u will be comfortably sleeping thru all the 10hrs. keke... im not a advocate for natural birth, epidural should be one of the greatest invention in the world. lol....

xian1304, how r u doing?
I totally agreed that epidural helps to relax. for my #1, I couldn't sleep the night before I was going to induce, as there still isn't any signs that my baby wants to be born, even after 9 days after EDD, after I was induced, contractions came, so I asked for Epidural, and I slept through, until nurse told me its fully dilated, from admitted to baby delivered total about 7 hours.
#2, contractions came around 5.30am, hubby only drive me to hospital around 7am+, I immediately asked for epidural, as I cannot tahan the pain, and baby was out around 9am+, gynae said I wasted the epidural, actually no need it.
This time round, I will still have epidural to help me relax and dilate.
Morning~~ is Wednesday!

re: insurance
i rem many weeks back, some mummies bought insurance coverage for bb. Now i wanted to buy and my agent said cannot buy in 3rd trim for pregnancy coverage & plus 15 days after bb born coverage. I can only buy those insurance coverage after bb is born. Is it like tt? Alamak, all my fault of procrastinating.. argghs!!

AXA also has..but till 31 weeks.. i heard its harder to get it coz they are very precise on the information that they want.
but if its too late, then why not wait for the baby to be out as there would be more plans then?

I was tempted to buy the Prudential or AXA one, but decided not to, as the coverage isnt really that good
and certain things they dont cover also, hence I gave up the idea

when baby is born, really got alot of more choices to buy insurance
now is more like a saving plans for the baby, they just modify the insurance to be able to protect mom and baby, once you transfer to the baby, it works as an investment link product insurance.
There's another advantage to buying the baby's insurance before baby is born, which is that the underwriting is based on mummy's health, meaning that if (touch wood) baby has any pre-existing conditions at birth, it will not be excluded from baby's insurance next time as you won't have to redo the underwriting within a certain period. That is why the approval criteria is more stringent for this type of insurance. I agree that the pregnancy coverage is really minimum (only 5k for AIA) but I'm looking at it more to reduce the underwriting when I add on coverage for baby next time...

As an example, my #1 was born premature and had some outstanding blood-related issues at birth, and it took us quite a while before we managed to buy hospitalization and other insurance for her, even though she was perfectly ok and discharged by KKH by 6 months. Prudential told us to try again when she turns 4yo, and the underwriting for AIA cleared just after she turned 2yo. That's after we filled in a lot of questionnaires and submitted all her test reports lor...
Usually subsequent deliveries will be faster. Tts why i cant drag too long this rd. once contractions are regular i got to head to hosp.

No i didnt coz we didnt know hw long the delivery will take. Dun wan to tired/bored him out with the waiting. Plus if we bring him with us means hb cant give me 100% attention. He gonna shuffle between labour ward and waiting area. To me, hb's moral support is very impt so i wld wan him to be ard when i deliver =) and he gonna cut the cord =)

Yes. #2 was too fast everyone was caught by surprise. So this rd nt taking chance, i will head straight to hosp when contractions are regular and persistent eith backache. I dun wan to deliver out of the hosp!

Yes calcium pills also cause constipation for me. Do u like cheese? Take more cheese, tofu and soy milk?

I do nt have tips for short labour. Like mush mentioned, some ppl dilate faster some slower. It all depends on individual body. Like hw some ppl can take contraction pain and do nt need epi and how some cant take the pain. However, i stay active till i deliver. Probably tat helps in having a faster delivery when labour is in the active stage.

I had very bad cough 2weeks back and nw still slight on n off. So miserable as i cldnt slp well at nite as the cough affected my slp. I didnt take med as well. I bought almond drinks from medical shop and tat helps in my cough. I chk with the ppl from the medical shop if almond drink is safe for preggie and they said yes.
any mummies can advise on how old should a confinement nanny be?
my mil is contemplating getting one who is 69!! saying she's very experienced etc..
her age kinda puts me off..but i dont know whats the average age of a confinement nanny, so i think its bad for me to judge her by her age?
Hi Mummies with Sterilizer,

Do you used filtered water to sterilize? My friend recommand me the water treatment as he said the tape water content chlorine. Its not advisable to sterilize as the heat is up to 100C and when the chlorine getting heat up will become another chemical content that cause cancer. He also show me some demo and the tape water at amk area do content chlorine.As my hubby has concern so we have bought the water treatment for our baby. Just to check if mummies here also got buy water treatment as well?

no. our tap water we also need to boil till 100C before it becomes boiled water mah. tap water don't just contain chlorine, also got floride and dunno what other chemicals. If really that unsafe every Singaporean should be dying of cancer any day now.
any mummies can advise on how old should a confinement nanny be?
my mil is contemplating getting one who is 69!! saying she's very experienced etc..
her age kinda puts me off..but i dont know whats the average age of a confinement nanny, so i think its bad for me to judge her by her age?

Maybe you should interview the nanny yourself and ask her what she can do and cannot do? Some cannot get up middle of the night and some cannot lift heavy stuff. It is important for you to set your expectations of her straight before you hire her. My mum will be helping me with my confinement this time round and she is 68. I told her no need to get up at night, leave all the night feeding and washing to me, she just have to cook and prepare the herbal water for the bath. Heavy housework also no need to do much as I have a part time maid.
superior baby, it really depend on what you believe in. if that give you a piece of mind then go ahead to get the water treatment system. there's so many diff kind of water treatment out there. but i dont really think that drinking tap water will kill us.

twinnie, 69yr old might be a little too old ba. the physical demand of a CL can be quite high. need to wake up at nite, spend long hrs cooking, carrying bath water for bb. so you will want some one physically fit. you dont want to end up helping the CL.
do beware of new members who recommend things.
i think they just want to advertise some products/services.
Morning~~ is Wednesday!

SN, im a fan of Meji milk as well! I find it taste nicer than those HL milk etc.... Is sweeter actually but to my liking... so now i always buy Meji melon & strawberry! Ya we better take more calcium...else later we will suffer after giving birth cos bb absorb our calcium then makes our bone v weak. My cousin told me, now her knee pain after birth.

felval, what ur tips to have a short labour? I always heard at least more than 10hrs of waiting to dilate. I cannot imagine myself lying on e bed waitin to dilate to 10cm then proceed to delivering for 10 hrs or even more!!

re: insurance
i rem many weeks back, some mummies bought insurance coverage for bb. Now i wanted to buy and my agent said cannot buy in 3rd trim for pregnancy coverage & plus 15 days after bb born coverage. I can only buy those insurance coverage after bb is born. Is it like tt? Alamak, all my fault of procrastinating.. argghs!!

epidural will help you relax and hence dilate faster as mentioned by the rest of the mummies here. Only disadvantage I feel is the side effects (shivering, nausea) and when you are totally numb from waist down, you don't know when to push! Even though the ctg will indicate there is a contraction, you won't feel anything. In the end my gynae still had to use vacuum to assist with delivery -.-. this time round I plan to still go for epidural, but maybe lesser dosage so I can feel some of the contractions and know when and how to push.
Maybe you should interview the nanny yourself and ask her what she can do and cannot do? Some cannot get up middle of the night and some cannot lift heavy stuff. It is important for you to set your expectations of her straight before you hire her. My mum will be helping me with my confinement this time round and she is 68. I told her no need to get up at night, leave all the night feeding and washing to me, she just have to cook and prepare the herbal water for the bath. Heavy housework also no need to do much as I have a part time maid.

superior baby, it really depend on what you believe in. if that give you a piece of mind then go ahead to get the water treatment system. there's so many diff kind of water treatment out there. but i dont really think that drinking tap water will kill us.

twinnie, 69yr old might be a little too old ba. the physical demand of a CL can be quite high. need to wake up at nite, spend long hrs cooking, carrying bath water for bb. so you will want some one physically fit. you dont want to end up helping the CL.

thanks for your input mush & attigal
she's only coming for day care coz my fil is not comfortable with strangers living in his home..so my mil will take over night duties..
guess i have to interview her and see if she's able to do the bare minimum before deciding on whether to hire her.
will be quite troublesome if it ends up with me having to help her out instead of the other way round! T.T

attigal..does the injecting of epidural hurts?
i have seen videos of it, and it puts me off... and with pple saying contractions are so painful.. im not sure if i can do it without epidural..moreover im a first time mummy
no. our tap water we also need to boil till 100C before it becomes boiled water mah. tap water don't just contain chlorine, also got floride and dunno what other chemicals. If really that unsafe every Singaporean should be dying of cancer any day now.
Yup. Attigal,
I agree with you too.. But there is another concern too which is the metal/sand particle inside the water which we cant see. I think Singaporean will not dying for cancer but kidney failure. You know after I installed the water treatment ,the filter turn yellowish color like sand. I took a photo its something like this. My mother said lucky we have installed the filter if not the particle will stick at somewhere in the body. Especially baby body so small, where you think the particle will go? Together with Poo... heheh


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thanks for your input mush & attigal
she's only coming for day care coz my fil is not comfortable with strangers living in his home..so my mil will take over night duties..
guess i have to interview her and see if she's able to do the bare minimum before deciding on whether to hire her.
will be quite troublesome if it ends up with me having to help her out instead of the other way round! T.T

attigal..does the injecting of epidural hurts?
i have seen videos of it, and it puts me off... and with pple saying contractions are so painful.. im not sure if i can do it without epidural..moreover im a first time mummy

Hi Twinnie,

My CL is about 65 yo but she is physically very fit and very experience but she also very nagging like a mother in law. hahaha. No doubt the skill of handling baby is thumb up!!! she even hand wash my cloth n bb cloth everyday.

For epidural injection, I will say the pain is lesser than labor pain. If you are person scare of pain better consider it.

Ankh, Yup. Tried liao. Almost finished the big bottle of prune juice... bowel still not moving... haiz. Will try all sort of fruits now onwards.

totorodino, me too. Can't take too much calcium tablet. Am drinking soy milk since to keep up with the calcium needed in us.

Pinky, I'm belong to the slow in dilate group lor... during #1, I got a show at 12 midnight. Went to KK after shower, was being hooked up on bed for a good 6 hrs. Diliate only 3cm....delivered only at 4pm.... my god right? During #2, same thing happened but only little shorter 10 hrs. My cervic really stubborn lor.... that's y this round i'm very hard working in practising yoga. Not sure if it's help but really pray it does opening up the birth area. I want quick labour!!!! :(:(

twinnie87, my mum also helping me with my confinement. She is 75 but eveyrone said she looks like 65. Same like attigal, I do not need her to wake up at night. I will take full charge of bb at night & she'll handle the bb during day time + cook for me.
