(2013/11) November 2013

twinnie87: ya i did take in more calcium related food recently..but i will usually run toilet after drinking a glass of chocolate milk before preg as i have a little bit of lactose intolerance, but now no lei... and i didnt think this would be the cause...haizz.. maybe hor...

and regarding epidural.. i'm so glad that most mummies didnt feel anything when the anaesthetist was administering the drug... i saw a youtube video on procedures of epi... freaked me out...
Xian, Glad to hear you're all well now. Remember we're on our home run liao.... Jia you!!:)

fuzzybear, thanks for sharing.:p I think as a consumer, we really hav to practise our thinking skill. Don't always believe in what others say. Some ppl also said the diamond water cause forming stone in our body what. Hiya, the best is to just take everything naturally lor. Spore water consider very good liao compared to other countries. Sometimes I just feel that these days ppl always complaint about the freshness of our food. Wanna eat everything organic. Imagine eating organic yet living in a city. Does it really make u healthier? or live longer? Just be happy & be thankful of what we have.

epidural & other pain killer.
laughing gas. Remembered during my #1, all ppl tell me to give birth w/o taking any sort of help. I regretted la. First tried laughing gas, it makes me "tao gong gong"..... how to push? W/o trying for the jab, I go straight to epi coz I'm still not in that painful stage yet.

#2, no hesitation. Opted for epi straight away. Now #3, will go for epi too. & for both delivery, I was sitted to rec'd the injection. not laying ley.... just sitting and bent forward. Can't remember it's painful too. The only thing I hate is the shivering & vomitting after birth due to the side effect of epi.:confused::eek:

hael, I'm in week29 bb still in breech position too. Don't be too worry. we've so many weeks to talk to our bb asking them to head down when times' up. I remember my #1 & #2, bb turn only in week 35 or something.
Ankh, yay! finally papaya did the job! hahahah shiok manz to clear off my bowel :D:D

Bluenose, good luck!! I'm waiting for my result too! Finger crossing!!

twinnie87, same like other mums. I didn't get to see the epi job needle for the past 2 times. hope not seeing it this round too :D
Twinnie87-Thank you:)
Winkle-Maybe U can try prunes or prune jucie, yogurt. It work for me.
thanks bluenosebear!
Hello mommies.. seems like quite a few of us are having bowel problems! not just calcium can affect ur bowel movements but prenatal vits high in iron too. i recommend u drink abt 2-3L of water a day. Winkle, 1.5L def not enough. haha.. actually eating high fibre food might worsen ur constipation esp if u don't increase water uptake.. cos u have more bulk to move but water content still the same. so if u are consciously eating high fibre stuff, u gotta increase ur water intake at the same time. U can also take ur prenatal vit on alternate days.

BlessMum, ah finally know who Mumagain is! haha.. yes we live in a very gd country yet ppl still not satisfied. seriously i dun think 70% of us can last if we are all sent to Third World countries! being too clean has its problems too.. look at me! my mom is a clean freak and my sis and i both suffer from multiple allergies.. sometimes it's ok to let our kids play in dirty areas too. i always roll my eyes when i see parents wipe those high chairs (clean ones some more) down before putting their kids in.. i m ok to clean the chairs if the chairs are super dirty but i have seen parents shrieking loudly when their kids want to sit on clean chairs outside!

Bluenosebear, why need glucose test?

Winkle, i hate to tell u this but I FELT SOMETHING during my epidural administration! perhaps it is because i went into labour completely sane and can comprehend what's going to happen, i.e. i wasn't in pain or what or may be it was becos of my bad experiences.. :p

BTW, NTUC is selling Pampers NB diapers at 2 packs for $13.95. can consider buying..
Mumagain, wahahaha, u funny leh. Good papayas worked!

Alamak my turn to be constipated. Must go hunt for the 'effective' fruits :oops:

Winkle, bluenosebear is looking cute!

Fuzzybear, oooh,thanks for the diaper tip. Right below an ntuc right now. Off I go to top up on groceries
blessmum, I hate papaya leh... been taking a lot of other fruits like nectarine, peaches but all not helping...
was joking with my mum that we might need another round of buffet with raw food so I can do my business...
morning mummies.. my constipation getting from bad to worse.. haizz.. i drank at least 1.5L of water each day liaoz.. took lotsa fruits and even take digestion pills prescribed by my gynae..but still like that... very sianz..and now i have a headache donno if its becoz of constipation or other problems... juz feeling very bloated and heaty... :(
1.5L not enough for adult leh, at least 2 L & above, when you are breastfeeding later, you need to drink more, in order to produce milk. for my built, I need about 3L per day, there's a method to calculate how much water you need based on your weight, but I forgot how to calculate.
Winkle-U are welcome.
Cutie pic
Fuzzy-He nvr give me very definite reason why.
But I also thinking of doing, coz my mum, bro also DM.
My BMI also high, I'm also PCOS.
So just check & be safe lor.
fuzzybear, hanoh... after this forum refreshed. i can't get back the nick again. :rolleyes: hahaha... me too, really :rolleyes:when I see ppl wiping table & chairs in Mcdonald which is clean in my opinon while their kids already quite big. I'm fine if it's for baby or toddler up to 3 y/o but for pri school student & their family? Y not let them adapt to the environment so they're not prone to disease attack? I can't stand my hubby who is a clean freak too! Honestly, he falls sick rather pretty often. A simple sneeze from my boy will spread to him but not me. :cool: My boy feedback to me that most of the clean/pampered boy cried when they're having camp at P5. They also can't sleep with their sleeping bag on the floor. And some got "lao sai"eating food they cooked in the camp. So, we are the one causing them having this problem at the later days if we keep refraining them from getting dirty.

Ankh, look like most of us having difficulty in pooo........ poor us!

Febie, hope u can find your way to poooo soon!!
Fuzzybear: HUH? during epi injection got feeling?! sigghhhhh.... :eek: but no choice lor... i cannot go without epi lolz... im a crybaby...
and hor... i already struggling to drink 1.5L of water daily liao... very difficult for me to achieve 2-3L lei.. muahaha.. sometimes i feel like puking if i really force myself to drink too much water....
eh? I always wipe the highchair before letting my son sit. Most of the high chairs are dirty and sticky especially those in food courts and fast food restaurants. so gross not to wipe! Only proper restaurants like Ding Tai Feng or Jap restaurants will have clean highchairs.
Winkle, it doesn't have to be plain water. u can have ribena if u can force water down.. even soups help. :) just make sure u drink min 1.5L of PLAIN water.. then may be one cup of BBT, one cup of ribena and one big bowl of soup. haha..

Blessmum, i agree.. in the end those kids that are brought up super clean cannot cope with the real world.. esp for boys.. u go army how to siam jungle training where u gotta lie in the mud, dig trenches etc? these kids get a big shock and cannot adapt lor.. better to let them muck abt in dirty env now. hahaha..

Ankh, u are welcome...

Bluenosebear, oh since u have family history then u better do the test.. actually if u have been passing the pee test, i dunno why ur doc wants u to do it. sometimes i do wonder if the docs are ordering unnecessary tests!

SN, no leh.. i dun find those high chair sticky.. if it is sticky (like got food stains) then i will wipe.. else i just leave it alone. hahaha
Fuzzybear!!! BBT! Muahahahaha.... sinful.... lolz.. im going to buy Meiji yogurt later...hopefully can poooo...
Hahahaha.... I'm those mum that will wipe if I saw food stain, otherwise, I'm ok...
my hb also cleanliness freak... will scold me if I nv wipe before putting my boy in etc...
those high chairs look worn out etc to him is classified as dirty...
But I heck... just put my boy in and he's alright too...
in fact most of the high chairs i encountered have food stains or are oily and sticky. my concern is not so much the germs but that the kid's clothes will be sticky and oily after sitting on the chair. and imagine he goes home and sit on your sofa or fall asleep on his bed. I don't have a maid to wipe the sofa and change the bedsheets regularly loh.
SN, think we are all at this stage when they pass 3...
main concern is dun dirty the clothes hahhahaa
thanks mummies for yr consolation! haiz! now i hope my helper comes next week successfully and don't give me anymore hiccups.

air con man just came and left, couldn't detect why air con is leaking but suggested maybe come back next round for chemical cleaning if its still dripping. got to schedule another appt again!

twinnie87, gynae needs to put something in to your cervix area and check how dilated you are before preparing for delivery. rest of mummies who have delivered before, you all didn't feel pain during cervix checks?

who is mumgain huh?

constipation, hmm i don't drink a lot of water but so far i do clear my bowels everyday (tend to clear more when I am not working!). but i like to eat fruits so maybe thats the reason why i don't have an issue.
thanks mummies for yr consolation! haiz! now i hope my helper comes next week successfully and don't give me anymore hiccups.

air con man just came and left, couldn't detect why air con is leaking but suggested maybe come back next round for chemical cleaning if its still dripping. got to schedule another appt again!

twinnie87, gynae needs to put something in to your cervix area and check how dilated you are before preparing for delivery. rest of mummies who have delivered before, you all didn't feel pain during cervix checks?

who is mumgain huh?

constipation, hmm i don't drink a lot of water but so far i do clear my bowels everyday (tend to clear more when I am not working!). but i like to eat fruits so maybe thats the reason why i don't have an issue.

The midwife will do the cervix check too! They are very experienced. I can't see how they check the dilation of the cervix, and I am lying down. If I am not wrong, I think they check with gloved-fingers, have to go ask hubby if he remember as he was with me in the delivery ward.
The midwife will do the cervix check too! They are very experienced. I can't see how they check the dilation of the cervix, and I am lying down. If I am not wrong, I think they check with gloved-fingers, have to go ask hubby if he remember as he was with me in the delivery ward.

Ya they will wear glove n check using their fingers.. One finger is about one cm.. If I didn't remember wrongly from my class.. So with that they will gauge..
Morning everyone! Is Friday!! Yeaaa......

Yst night my calf cramp again! On n off the cramping will hunt me... i suspect if i walk too much on e day itself, i will hav cramp on my calf at night.

re: Insurance
Yst met up a AXA agent on preg coverage insurance. Is a investment link policy actually. My hubby dun like e idea of investment link policy. Have to pay S$3000++ yearly till at least 20 years to breakeven. It will cover TPD & CI for e bb for e amt of sum assured. He feels exp and in favour to get those insurance when bb is born cos is more comprehensive & maybe cheaper? This point i dunno abt it cos i nv research e insurance available for bb when born.

Althou i feel that is good to have it since underwriting is w mother and can opt to transfer e policy to bb after born. The cash payout claim under the insurance is really small so not a factor to take into consideration. E selling point is e transferable policy to bb after birth. As some bb may born w some complication, if we buy insurance upon bb birth, those insurance co will start to exclude this n tt lo. But my hubby like not really keen. Have to make decision asap cos i gg to 3rd trim soon. Dunno how to psycho my dear hubby... :(

What do you all think?

I b meeting my own agent tml to discuss on e bb insurance. Hope to settle by this weekend!
morning mummies! it's friday! whee!

re: constipation, heard from the nurse that maternal formula milk does inhibit bowel movement and i was told to stop drinking it for now...

pinkyloving> yea, i am oso of the opinion that the coverage of $5k is too small. furthermore, under the new govt initiative, all babies are covered for congenital diseases. ur husband is right, investment-linked policy requires high capital output with minimal return..if you are looking at having some form of cashback at the end of your policy, you may consider buying an endowment plan and a term insurance separately. it's much cheaper that way...

hope these info helps..

the hub and i booked our appt for 3D scan at Parkway East! was recommended by the hub's friend as they mentioned that it's not too ex ($67) and the pics are quite clear! can't wait! :)

dept is having bowling event this afternoon, so it's effectively half-day for today! can't wait for the weekend to start! :)
morning mommies.

littleprince, yes the cervix check is damn PAINFUL!!!!! I actually screamed when the midwife stuck her fingers inside. I wasnt expecting it to be so painful! but when my gynae came to check about 30minutes later, it was not so painful. I think gynae has more experience than midwives. Thereafter, i injected epidural liao, so the rest of the cervix check was no feeling. haha. I told my hb and friends that the most painful part of my delivery process was the cervix check by the midwife!

Re: cervix check
It wasn't painful for me (i seem to have the opposite experience compared to everyone!). my doc checked me at 36+wks.. a bit uncomfy but not pain.. i did have spotting half a day later. When i went into the delivery suite, the nurse checked me and used some obstetrics cream that left me itchy inside!! again not pain..

Pinky, i dun think u need to buy baby insurance now. I am planning to terminate my PruFirst Gift after the birth of my bb. i bought the insurance to cover pre-natal complications because of my bleeding episodes.. but once bb is out and certified healthy, i will terminate the plan and buy other types cos there are so many more products available out there.

I m on half day too! so is Little Prince!

Has anybody saw Manawab? she like MIA this wk.. hope she isn't spotting again.
Hubby came home last night finally after spending 30hrs at work! Me almost wanted to burst out crying le! Told him am not allowing him to go biz trip in Nov before my edd, had such a tough wk! :(

Took mrt to work after sending car for svcg, decided to go office instead else later got to take train fm one end (home) to almost another end to collect back my car even more tiring. Will take a cab fm office back to service centre later, off peak hours so cheaper! And yes, I will leave office once my car is ready for collection! :)

SN, yarrrrr the cervix check was the worst thing for me. gynae said tts why I couldn't dilate faster and after epi, I went to sleep and when I woke, I was ready to deliver!

Baby insurance, my hb felt $5K was too little and I have my own insurance to protect myself so we decided not to take the insurance till after baby is born. For those who have no complications and had earlier deliveries with no issues, I think should be quite safe to opt out lor.

fuzzybear, eh your memory is very good leh, can remember who is who and who MIA for a while? i can't remember at all except the few that "reports" here everyday! and my staffs said my memory is failing after i got preggie! o_O
third3timemum - im going for the avent breastfeeding event!

pinkyloving - i have the same tots as ur hubby and my hubby had the same tots as you. ended up we decided not to get it coz like what gelobean said.. when bb born you separately buy endowment and term insurance..it would be cheaper.
wah the 3D scan so cheap? can anyone just walk in to scan..or your gynae needs to be there then you can sign up with them to scan?

totoro- you are so funny.. the most painful part was the cervix check..i think most pple will faint when they hear that answer from you. hehe

fuzzybear - the prufirstgift can terminiate ah? means the $320 one time payment you made would be forfeited and the plan will cease?

so good.. why is everyone on half day except me! haha

yah.haven seen manawab ard for awhile..hope she's ok
twinnie, you apply half day now and join us la! :)

I am going to spend the rest of my day today and weekend to do chores and go through #1's science notes! hubby is going to spend most of the days working! :( maybe I should cheer myself up by doing some online shopping? hehe .. :p
actually, im thinking of terminating the policy also. I bought prulife for my #1 and for #2, it will be prulink after it's transfered to her. I'm thinking of cancelling both and buy a savings plan that has insurance coverage for them instead. This savings plan can be used for their education next time and when they start working, they can purchase their own insurance plans. havent discuss with my agent yet but i know she will strongly discourage this option and say that coverage of savings plan is very low blah blah blah. but seriously, i think the most important plan for them is the hospitalisation plan (prushield), which I have already bought for #1. any financial consultant mommy here who can give an independent view?
Twinnie, if u don't pay premiums they terminate lor.. i bought the First Gift to cover me.. the coverage for bb is pathetic plus say out of $100 premium u pay, a sum of it goes into paying all the investment charges.. as the policy matures, u will pay more and more for the investment charges lor.

I usually have 3 sets of insurances for my kids, the hospitalisation plan (bought asap after birth), life insurance and endowment (bought after their first birthday).

Little Prince haha.. i just rem these things.. dunno why.. u shopping from where? i might have discount codes.. let me know if u need them!
littleprince - yes, induldge in nice food or happy food..den online shop all you want!! happy mummy = happy baby :)

fuzzybear - i tot when you start the plan, you con-currently need to pay the $100,$200 or $300 that you want for the investment product link? not very good with insurance, or maybe my agent confused me :(

sabrina - my exact sentiments :(
insurance, if buying for baby next time, good to look out for those policies that include minor accidents/HFMD etc too. my boy had HFMD twice and hospitalized once for a short stay due to pneumonia and all these were claimable. my boy is very accident prone though, we see doctors for falls and cuts like dunno how many times!

fuzzybear, maybe Amazon? saw many mummies from the FB thread buying coz free shipping. i want to hunt for a little more maternity wear leh, my clothes are all black, grey and white coz mostly fm ASOS. wanna find more colorful ones and i have a few dinners to attend next month.

sabrina, i also got a lot of work to clear due to my stupid notebook but on second thoughts, i clear at home la since i have a carefree weekend ahead. maybe i should plan a pedi too! must call to see if got slot!

twinnie, during those days when hubby was busy at work and I didn't get to see him, baby kicked lesser leh. so i believe lor, sad mummy = sad baby.
Fuzzybear & toto, agree. I'll terminate my pruFirst after bb is born too as I bought it mainly to cover the bb in the womb due to my age. Me too find the coverage not enough but it's good to cover just in case lah. I'll get him the same critical illness coverage/ life insurance + an edusave just like his 2 brothers. I think that's more important. I hate insurance with inventstment link too.... too troublesom to switch fund here & there according to market and too risky to leave it unattend too. Might as well get one that emphasis on coverage instead.
Twinnie, yes we pay $320 to cover the mom for the rest of the preg.. the $100 essentially is the premium to cover the bb from the day the policy is activated. if u stop paying that $100, they will terminate it lor.

Little Prince, oops sorry i have discount codes for Carters, Oshkosh and Gymboree.. haha i thought u meant bb shopping! eh! didn't u just buy 10 clothing items from ASOS??! still not enough? hahahaha

BlessMum, ya lor when u buy insurance u must look at the reason why u buy it.. for me the life insurance is a gift to my kids. they will take over when they start earning their own.. it is soooo much cheaper to buy this type of insurance when they are young. For endowment, it is actually forcing me to save for their education. Hospitalisation plans are a MUST and shd be the first to be bought. I forgot I recently bought Personal Accident plans for my boys too.. covers HFDM, dengue and food poisoning especially! gd plan to buy cos my #2 is very active and i am half expecting more trips to the A&E!
morning mummies! it's friday! whee!

re: constipation, heard from the nurse that maternal formula milk does inhibit bowel movement and i was told to stop drinking it for now...

pinkyloving> yea, i am oso of the opinion that the coverage of $5k is too small. furthermore, under the new govt initiative, all babies are covered for congenital diseases. ur husband is right, investment-linked policy requires high capital output with minimal return..if you are looking at having some form of cashback at the end of your policy, you may consider buying an endowment plan and a term insurance separately. it's much cheaper that way...

hope these info helps..

the hub and i booked our appt for 3D scan at Parkway East! was recommended by the hub's friend as they mentioned that it's not too ex ($67) and the pics are quite clear! can't wait! :)

dept is having bowling event this afternoon, so it's effectively half-day for today! can't wait for the weekend to start! :)

Yay.. nice...you are coming for Wong BB class tomorrow right? Don't forget, we have to be there at 1.30pm :) ~
ohhh, i finally realized mumagain is blessmum. :p

fuzzybear, when i bought, 10 like a lot but when i start wearing them, 10 like not enough leh. actually, i prefer wearing dresses to pants now, my bottoms get uncomfortable esp when baby stretch or what and press on my bottom? then some of those I bought is more for weekend casual wear than weekday office wear so like need to buy again lor. not buying for baby anymore, got alot already.

btw, yr HFMD can claim multiple times or only first time HFMD case huh? i can't remember mine exactly coz my insurance adviser is a close gf of mine so she usually handles everything for me, i just call her if need to see doc or hospital and she will tell me what to choose from.

you take half day do what huh?
fuzzybear, yup agree to get them insured as young as possible. For PA I insert it as a rider to their life insurance. One thing to note, school student will hv student Pa plan to cover them in school. My elder who is "careless" person by nature had so many incidents in school. I did claimed back from school for those GP bill due to school accident. Boy really headache.

littleprice, hehe... ya is me blessmum :D

Something to check with all of you here. Did you use slings/carrier? Which is good now? Any feedback on Ergo?

What about hospital bag? have you done packing at this stage?

I think i still hv many to buy.... :confused::confused:
morning mummies! still before 12.. so is morning... hahaha :p yesterday went for my bi-weekly checkup.. didnt get to see the bb's weight cos gynae only check on his heartbeat.. loud and clear.. happy to hear that his heartbeat is strong.. :) and my gynae told me cos i opt for natural and first baby.. at wk 36 he need to check if my bone is suitable for me to proceed with it anot.. is this the usual procedure? is it painful ah?

saw one scene yesterday at my gynae clinic.. there was a young couple.. probably higher sec sch age.. they were there to enquiry on abortion.. the girl look kinda lost and when i look at her.. i just feel so sad.. i know couples who are trying so hard to get pregnant.. putting themselves thru all the tests and jabs.. and yet they are more concern with the cost of the op.. can see hub was slightly affected with that cos he is in the education line.. haiz.. and my friend told me her sis failed her second ivf... they have been trying so hard.. yet no news.. haiz...

littleprince: the weather look abit gloomy.. be careful when you go back to collect your car ya... i can totally understand your feeling to not see your hub often.. sometimes i also wish my hub can spend more time with me but he need to have his time and space also.. cos when bb comes.. he WILL HAVE to spend more time with me.. wahahhaha plus he also say he feel that his freedom is like going to minimize.. so now i have to let him free first so later he wun grumble..

fuzzybear: taking leave to rest? its good to have long weekend..

later going for tmc hopsital tour.. hopefully have a chance to see their wards..
fuzzybear, yup agree to get them insured as young as possible. For PA I insert it as a rider to their life insurance. One thing to note, school student will hv student Pa plan to cover them in school. My elder who is "careless" person by nature had so many incidents in school. I did claimed back from school for those GP bill due to school accident. Boy really headache.

littleprice, hehe... ya is me blessmum :D

Something to check with all of you here. Did you use slings/carrier? Which is good now? Any feedback on Ergo?

What about hospital bag? have you done packing at this stage?

I think i still hv many to buy.... :confused::confused:
I have a MIM's pouch, a pupsik's pouch as well as a MIM's sling, will be using the pouch, as I have used it for my #2 about 5 years back, and find it very good to use.

Hospital bag have not started packing, think still got time, 73days to go for me! Have not started washing baby clothes too. bought most of the things. I got some new micro fibre towels, which I am thinking to use for the newborn, not sure if its suitable, any mummy can share? last time, my mum helped me buy those cartoon ones, think no need too big and thick, difficult to dry in time, micro fibre ones very light & dry super fast, and will not become moldy as the wetness dry up very fast , after use.
Hello everybody!

Weekend is COMING!!!!!!!!!! woohoo!!!!!!!!!

So today topic is on insurance.. I think i might be terminating the pruFirst gift too after bb is born, the coverage like not gd. I bought just in case touch wood got pre-conditions upon birth. But hor, i always bad at cancelling such policies coz bought from friends. How u all go about it?

Planning to go bugis wholesaler tmr to purchase some home wear for the little one.. Have been talking a lot to him n ask him to be good n stay inside.. I dun wan to see him now till 3 months later :D

Littleprince, have a gd rest this weekend.. last week was such a hectic one for u!
I also never think that cervix check is painful, after having 2 babies, like fuzzybear, I think its discomfort, rather than painful, just like papsmear test.
Hi mummies! Enjoying my bubble tea after lunch now... hehe...

Insurance: me and hb also don't like investment linked policies, but we are willing to buy the pregnancy insurance for #2 if the underwriting goes through as we really had a hard time getting #1's insurance last time due to her conditions at birth. If #2 is healthy at birth, we will also consider terminating it and buy other insurance instead. Agree that hospitalization insurance is most important! We also got life insurance for the coverage. We didn't get any endowment plans for #1 as we already have long term savings plan, the $$ will go towards her education next time.

blessmum, I used a MIM sling for #1, will use for #2 as well and maybe get a manduca when she's 3-4 months old :) Haven't started packing hospital bag yet, for natural delivery recommended to pack at 36 weeks right? Since mine is scheduled c-sec, I will pack 1 week before the date :p

3xmum, I also bought some micro fiber towels recently for #1, as her cc towels always turn moldy after a while since they keep it in the school bag wet after bathing in school. Previously, she was using a combination of those cheap cartoon/stripes towels from the market (got the most mold!) and the white towels from TMC bought during the prenatal classes (also got mold but less). So far so good, haven't detected any mold on the micro fiber ones and she loves the softness. Only minus point is no design haha... Will be using them for #2 as well :)

xian, good to hear that your contractions have stopped... keep talking to baby and he will be guai guai :)

I went to the guanyin temple on hari raya and tried to find the wholesale shop to take a look but cannot find... was thinking maybe they were closed as it was a public holiday. Mummies who have been there, which row/floor is it on? I should be making at least another trip there before delivery :p
mumagain, i have Moms in Mind sling fm #1 and a manduca carrier i bought 2nd hand fm a friend a while back.

micro fibre towel, where did you all buy fm huh? i want to see if its good coz my #1 has to bring towels to SC too and i have problems finding a good one for him.
Felt so good after a lunch time nap. :D
Oh ya, I just wanted to check, do you all buy a bed specially for the confinement nanny?

I don't have any extra beds and still thinking if I need to get a bed frame + bed for the confinement nanny.
Any suggestions?

I am like u =) I clean high chairs outside, be it foodcourt, kopitiam or even restaurants. To be frank, we nv know how the previous user used the high chair. Also, for me, once we reached hm all of us gonna go n bathe and change into clean clothes. I nv allow my kids to be on the bed before bathing. Abit ocd la but this is my comfort level n hygiene standard. Just like how some ppl make sure their kids wash/clean their hands before eating and some dun mind. Some allow their kids to crawl ard in malls but i dun allow as i cant stand it.

Re: cervix chk
To me i dun find it painful. uncomfortable is the word to me.

Cheer up! Do things tat makes u happy =)
Just to share: my hb went overseas 3 days aft i tested positive with #1 for a few mths. He practically missed my 1st tri and it was a tough tri for me with bleeding and etc. And again a few weeks when i was in my 30+ weeks till 38weeks. Likewise for #2, he also went overseas for work when i was preg And again for a few mths when #2 was a few mths old leaving me to handle 2 kids on my own. U must be strong and have a strong support grp. Its nt easy when our hubbies are always bz with wk and we have to handle everything. Try to relax and rest whenever possible. If u need help or any ears to listen to just let me know =)

Re: ins
Like fuzzybear mentioned, hospitalization plan is the most impt and best to purchase asap aft baby arrive. We chalked up quite a fair amt on ins for the entire family.

I have 1 MIM pouch and 2 pupsikstudio pouches. I start pouching my kids since 1mo. My #1 pouched till 2 while i am still pouching my #2 nw.
littleprince, I bought some from a auntie stall at the marketplace, was 2 for $9. Last weekend, giant at tampines had a promo selling similar towels at $2.99 each only so I got some more

fuzzybear, yup agree to get them insured as young as possible. For PA I insert it as a rider to their life insurance. One thing to note, school student will hv student Pa plan to cover them in school. My elder who is "careless" person by nature had so many incidents in school. I did claimed back from school for those GP bill due to school accident. Boy really headache.

littleprice, hehe... ya is me blessmum :D

Something to check with all of you here. Did you use slings/carrier? Which is good now? Any feedback on Ergo?

What about hospital bag? have you done packing at this stage?

I think i still hv many to buy.... :confused::confused:
My frens suggested sling pouch instead of carrier.. it's actually more comfy for very young infants because for carriers, they can't lie down, they have to "sit upright" and baby gets cranky after awhile.. wherelse sling pouch is more flexible...

i like pouch more because it's easy to bring out.. fold and just throw into the bag.. carrier seems bulky & heavy to me.. im planning to get one pupsik sling pouch as well but i do not know what size to get it.. most prob will wait till bb is out then buy...
