(2013/11) November 2013

mumagain, i have Moms in Mind sling fm #1 and a manduca carrier i bought 2nd hand fm a friend a while back.

micro fibre towel, where did you all buy fm huh? i want to see if its good coz my #1 has to bring towels to SC too and i have problems finding a good one for him.
I bought my micro fibre towels from SMH forum bulk purchase, from this seller oinkymum, however, I am not sure if she still selling, I tried sms her sometime ago, but she did not reply. please note the darker colours may run when wash, and DO NOT use softener for micro fibre towel, it will make it more stift, not as soft as before, colour will also become dull.

Val, hahaha hi five. If clothes are dirty, both son and hb have to change their clothes before lying on the bed. It's easier for them to change clothes than for me to change bedsheets. LOL. But sometimes my son falls asleep in the car and I just let him continue sleeping on his bed after that, though i feel really uncomfortable thinking about all the biscuit crumbs/food that fell on his shirt and pants while he was eating in the restaurant. argh! but bo bian...i rather he continue sleeping than wake him up. And yes, we never know how the previous user used the chair, and I can imagine it to be dirty cos each time my son leaves the high chair, it is full of food residue and what nots. I'm sure the previous user also did the same unless it's a much older child who is more capable of eating neatly. haha.

cervix check - the one done by the nurse is painful but not the doctor. so i think maybe the nurse inexperienced or what. If done correctly, most likely wont hurt as much bah.
My frens suggested sling pouch instead of carrier.. it's actually more comfy for very young infants because for carriers, they can't lie down, they have to "sit upright" and baby gets cranky after awhile.. wherelse sling pouch is more flexible...

i like pouch more because it's easy to bring out.. fold and just throw into the bag.. carrier seems bulky & heavy to me.. im planning to get one pupsik sling pouch as well but i do not know what size to get it.. most prob will wait till bb is out then buy...
Hubby told me studies showed that in China, those farmers had to carry/piggyback their baby with them while they work in the field, and all these baby who are close to our body, somehow made them to be able to walk earlier than others, not sure if just coincidence, but my 2 boys started walking before they turned 11 months.
Whenever I am out with baby, I always pouch them, rather than using stroller
Sei>> the shop ison the ground flr, 1st shop on the left if you are standing in front of the guan yin temple. there is a toilet in front of the shop.. damn smelly lo!
Anyway last time I walked from the right and walked one whole rnd before finding the shop lol
Hi Mummies, when U all discussing on cervix check... i rem I complain to Mt A for my first that I feel like I'm being raped when the nurse do the check. Hopefully they improve for my 2nd this time
Twinnie87 and happie mum> u can book even though u r not under parkway east. Just need to bring the referral letter from your gynae and ur 20 week detailed scan report and book an appt. the number is 63408714/5. :)
Twinnie87 and happie mum> u can book even though u r not under parkway east. Just need to bring the referral letter from your gynae and ur 20 week detailed scan report and book an appt. the number is 63408714/5. :)

thanks gelobean! :)
may i ask what referral letter do i need?
just tell the gyane say i want to do a 3D scan there and he will write the letter?
wow, today's topic on insurance! i was contemplating to buy baby's first pru too, but its linked with investment so hubby and i are not comfortable with it. we would rather manage our own investments. so we decided to go for endowment plan (20 years) for bb. the first payment (we paid for full yr) already came in!

Mayb i should tink bout hospitalisation plans like wad fuzzybear recommends! shall ask hubby to go contact agent and ask bout it. money getting tighter and tigher..

> Bed for confinement lady.
i will b getting bed frame from ikea, mattress from seahorse. hubby say, next time my mil can come over and stay during my ML if she wants to after my confinement. den when bb grows bigger and outgrows the cot, he can oso sleep on the bed. so its a win-win situation for us. but bb room is so small, got cupboard, bed, cot, lots of bb stuff! hdb flats are so small now!
No problem Twinnie87! Just need to indicate your edd and that u r interested to do the scan :) perhaps u wanna check with ur dr if he includes that in his package? Coz I was talking to my colleague and She was telling me that hers is included. :)
Thanks gelobean for the contact:) my gynae never suggest I do 3d scan. Had my detailed scan last mth and the Dr commented my baby skull has slight dolichocephalic . wanted to see the 3d scan how bad is it. When are u going for ur scan?
I see, then u can try calling the number to book a tentative appt. in the meantime, u can get the referral letter. :)

I'm going on 13 sep. lemme know how urs went!

Yogini> sorry I realized I forgot to reply u! Yea I'm going for the class tmr. Cya at 1.30 tmr!! :)
epidural will help you relax and hence dilate faster as mentioned by the rest of the mummies here. Only disadvantage I feel is the side effects (shivering, nausea) and when you are totally numb from waist down, you don't know when to push! Even though the ctg will indicate there is a contraction, you won't feel anything. In the end my gynae still had to use vacuum to assist with delivery -.-. this time round I plan to still go for epidural, but maybe lesser dosage so I can feel some of the contractions and know when and how to push.

Hi attigal, I feel the same way about the side effects, and not knowing when to push.. it's a bit unnerving and prob we'll end up in some weird unnatural position, which is why people get back aches? Is it possible to take lesser dosage of epidural? That sounds like something I can consider, coz don't want to feel completely numb, but also not feel 100% of the pain! (asking for too much? heh.)
Helloo!!!! so many posts i wanna comment abt but first and foremost i want to address Superior Baby's comments on our tap water. It's so happens i work in the water industry and what was mentioned was completely NOT true. please do get ur facts correct before sharing. I am more than willing to talk to you offline and address ur questions. The photo u attached actually showed the formation of biofilm, which is a film of bacteria that occurs naturally in water. they are harmless until u slough them off. actually u are providing more habitat for the bacteria to form. if u have activated carbon filters, they do breakdown organics (negligible in tap water). If u don't change it regularly, what u are doing is to introduce bacteria and their by products back into ur water source.

Xian, yay! good news that u are ok.. so doc nv say why u are having contractions? don't get stressed ok? i find my BH comes more freq in the evenings after a long and stress day at work. was telling SN that my BH were getting more than 5 per hr the last 2 evenings. but they go away once i m home..

Talking abt epidural and delivery? i think don't fret too much abt it. there's absolutely NOTHING wrong to take epidural. don't feel upset if u succumb to it. you are only human and the goal is for u to delivery ur baby safely. i didn't take epi for #1 and i felt that recovery was sooooo much better than my #2. epidural really sucks for me cos it lowered my bp, made me itchy and slpy! Laughing gas really made me high.. like everything was buzzing all the time.. u feel like u had too much oxygen.. pethedine jab made me pass out.. haha

Re: Insurance
Pinky, if u missed it then don't bother buying insurance. its really not something u have to have.. i know for Prudential u can still buy it before 32 wks.

Val, i think u better go to hospital immed if u feel odd man.. u might just deliver in the car! for my #1 labour, i took 4+hrs.. and it was induction some more.. doc burst my water bag at 9.30am and i gave birth at 1.15pm. doc predicted that my #2 will deliver within 2hrs of contractions or bursting of water bag but luckily it was a c-sec.

Re: calcium
If u are taking pills, do note that u only absorb abt 40-60% of the calcium from pill. that's cos inorganic calcium is really hard to assimilate. in contrast u absorb all the calcium from milk and other food products. so as far as u can, take dietary calcium rich stuff.

Thanks so much for the very informative post! Totally agree that drinking milk directly is the best, unless lactose intolerant and really no choice.. Does it eventually help with bfding as well? Like in terms of quantities of milk..
yesterday after i collected my car and reached home around 6pm+, i showered and decided to take a nap and guess what, i slept till this morning then woke up. LOL! missed my dinner completely somemore, that shows how exhausted I was. :p

sei, thirdtimemum - so the microfibre towels can be of any brand and bought from anywhere ah?
sdluvct, thanks! Is it at the front row will all the traditional medicine shops or the row at the back?

littleprince, hmm... I think all micro fiber towels are similar. Maybe you can try to buy a few and see if you like it? I bought pink, beige and purple, the colours didn't run. You may want to wash the towels at least 2 times before using though, I find they have a coating that feels a bit sticky but it went off after 2 washes.
Sei, was reading this ur post before heading to Giant. N yup, i oso bought e micro fiber towels at $2.99 per pc. I bought 4 towels for baby! Oh, there's a coating on e towel? Then, i better wash twice before bb uses it. The wholesales shop is at e back row... towards e corner...If u r facing the temple, it is on ur right side. U jus walk on e right at the back row and u will see it. It is e last shop. Btw, i went twice on a Sunday and PH and didnt open. I gg down before my gyne appt next week on a Monday to buy e stuff.

Wa, little prince, u finally catch up all ur lost sleep over e weekend! Hope u r energetic tml for work!

Re: Insurance
Thanks mummies for e reply! Went to meet up my own agent n she advised not worth buying. She rather me buy e hospitalisation & life insurance when bb is born cos is cheaper n more coverage. She said unless my family have history of those illness den will b safer to get e pregancy coverage insurance. Same as many of u who hav bought e pregnancy insurance, she oso suggested to pay monthly premium and cancelled e policy once bb is born & healthy if i wan to buy. But i gonna lose the few months premium $$ which can goes up to 1k if i wan to buy a "an xin". I tink i shall take e risk not buying e pregnancy coverage insurance n save e 1K.

Was shopping at amazon... i rem mummies commented that diaper cream from destin is good! Is e purple one right? But e purple one has 2 types, original & maximum strength paste. Is which one to buy ah? What other stuff is worth buying besides e toys & Avent products? Cos i hav problem chalking to US$125 .... Anyone is buying from Amazon? Can we share?

there are two types. Desitin original (in purple) and desitin creamy (in blue). Original is stronger but the blue one smells nicer and can clean off more easily. Anyway for both cream, it's recommended to use only when ur baby has rashes. Otherwise it's too strong. For me, I like to use the blue one which I got in a big tub. Then I also buy a 4 oz tube in purple for rainy days. I usually get fr agape baby on smh bp. It's much cheaper than buying locally.
bunnymummy, i saw that got 2 types, purple & blue. But e purple one, got original & maximum strength. So jus get e purple one will do right? But destini pdts at amazon no shipping cos is not sold by amazon. Or maybe i shld jus get it from agap baby on smh instead hor?
thks, sei!

pinkyloving, NTUC has an offer for Desitin currently, think 2 tubes bundled together and with a free gift (can't remember price). how much is a tube normally selling at?

ehhh, i slept for so long on Friday but on Saturday hor, i tripped and fell while walking at a HDB void deck to attend a baby shower. Bruised my wrist and knee caps (although I was wearing long tights) but otherwise all ok, sort of tripped and fell on my knees with left wrist blocking the fall. Now got 3 patches of bruises, yikes. :(
I was told tt the desitin has 2 types, w or wout zinc. Wout zinc type is for sore bumps & w zinc is more suitable for nappy rash... But the zinc 1 got unpleasant smell?
Gd morning!!! Hope u guys had a fab wkend recharging urselves! I spent some part of the wkend clearing the cupboards. threw out 3 big bags of clothes.. one gd quality ones for my cousin, one ok quality bag which i gave away to another mom on the forum and threw the rest away. my hb kept saying those i threw away still can let my #2 wear but they are so faded!

Little Prince, wah u really sound exhausted! who took care of ur boy when u slpt? i did an 11 hr marathon from Fri 11pm till Sat 10am but woke up a few times to settle my #2. somehow i still feel tired. if i lie on the bed i will still fall aslp at any time of the day.

Pinky, i use the blue Desitin Creamy daily after every diaper change. do note that this is a barrier cream, i.e. it doesn't get absorbed into the body so frequent application has no harm to it. anyway i gotta use it cos my boys are sensitive to a lot of food so they tend to get butt rashes easily.

Glad u settled ur insurance!
morning mummies! i realise most of my weekends now are "eating, sleeping, watch hk drama, eating, sleeping, watch movie at home" this sort of pattern. lol.. am on mc today as tummy having some discomfort. bad thing was washing machine at home broke down yesterday! probably will take time to go look for an new affordable one later. not related to pregnancy, but mummies u have any recommendations for durable washing machines brand? =)
Morning mummies! So fast the weekend is over!!! I didn't get enough rest.. That I overslept this morning..

Littleprince: oh my! Lucky that you supported yourself! You fall front? Got to be careful especially now we are all moving to 3rd trimster... Maybe these few days walk slower.. Eh I hear using boiled egg to rub against bruises will help is it true? If it helps, maybe you can try...

Just to update my classes with Lelian.. She told us on Friday that she resign n we are the last class that she will teach..
Morning, mummies.
Hope yr had enjoyed yr weekend.
I had to attend a whole day class yesterday.
So felt that not well recharged.
I do feel more tire as time goes by.
fuzzybear, #1 stays with his father (my ex-husband) on Fri nights so he wasn't with me, hb was working overnight so no one to wake me up. And I could also still sleep on Sat if I wanted to, just that had to pick #1 up for tuition. :p

xu4n, you can go Best Denki or Courts those electrical stores to see the brands/models and then call up this Goh Ah Bee Shop at Hougang (can google for contact) to check out if his price is lower. usually they are cheaper than retail stores unless retail stores have special promo or you need 0% instalment plan. err, i can't remember my washer brand but maybe you want to buy one that can take bigger load since need to wash baby's clothes next time too.

lxb, i tripped and fell on my knees lor, then wrist cushioned the fall. i didn't walk fast but was looking for blk nbr and tripped on the gutter. its not really painful anymore, i just use my bare hands to tui lor.
xu4n: I was searching for oven the last time and compiled the following list of cheap neighborhood stalls for electronics. In the end, I bought from Kong Tai as it was nearer to my area.
It's best to know what model you want so that they can quote you the price as they might not display all models at shop due to lack of space.

Hope this helps!

Kong Tai at Jurong West
504 Jurong West Ave 1
#01-221 S640504
Tel: 65658924

Goh Ah Bee, shop located at Hougang Ave 1
210 Hougang St 21 #01-247, 530210, Singapore

Aik Leong Electrical Enterprise
Blk 121 # 01-16, Jalan Bukit Merah Lane 1
6271 9365

Hong Liang Electrical Enterprise
Blk 123 #01-70, Bukit Merah Lane 1, ALEXANDRA VILLAGE

Kong Tai at Jurong West
504 Jurong West Ave 1
#01-221 S640504
Tel: 65658924
morning mummies! the weekend zoomed past just like that! :(

not sure if it's just me, but i feel my stamina drop tremendously. i used to be able to shop ard a lot, but nowadays i feel damn exhausted after being out for a while..

littleprince> oh no, better rest more and take care! rem to apply antiseptic cream lest the injuries get infected.

mummies, can i ask a noob question? are we required to apply body lotion on the baby if there are no rashes/ eczema or whatsoever? if so, which brands are recommended? i was looking at the baby gaia collection and it seems that the body soothing lotion and moisturizer are directed at dry/flaky/ezema/rashes related skin conditions.
littleprince, hope u are better frm the fall.. be careful!

The bugis wholesale shop is not open on PH and sunday, otherwise they will close ard 5.30pm. It's opposite the food centre and the first shop once u crossed the small road.. Btw, just realized that some of the clothes are free sized and may be too big for newborns. Bought the long pants n short sleeve tee which are free sized. According to them can wear till 6 months, but i think look big for newborn!
mush, winkle - BP for Bambini closed successfully, please check your emails for the details on booking and payment yeah. :)

gelobean, xian - thks and the injury is mostly blue black bruises so just need to tui lor.

baby movements, my baby has been literally dancing frequently since towards end of last week, creating waves and humps (i can see humps moving over my tummy!). at times, tummy is skewed to one side (look ugly leh!) anyone experiencing the same? I am in 27th week now and I only felt such movements much later when I had #1. my colleagues are so amused when they are talking to me and i signal to them that my tummy is moving. :D
Little Prince, oh my! i hope u are ok.. lucky u nv fall on ur bum.. will need to go to get check otherwise! Oh so your boy goes to ur ex's place to stay.. sounds like ur ex and u are on good terms.. i have seen many acrimonious divorces that end up hurting the kids most. yeah i have been getting the waves and rolls for awhile now.. haha quite discerning sometimes.. :p also getting hiccups from the baby! so cute..

Xuan, front load machines usually cannot use liquid detergents.. in fact they have to use the low suds type cos it foams up very easily.. plus the wash cycle is super long (2hrs). but the plus side is that it saves damn a lot of water.. :) i heard front load machines tend to be cleaner but i can't confirm. if u wanna use front load, get one with a timer so u can set it to wash at 4am and it will be ready by the time u get up.

Gelobean, u can use some moisturisers to massage ur bb.. i just use J&J bedtime lotion to massage my boys.. they love it!

Xian, how's ur contractions? better? actually babies grow very fast! my sons can't fit into those free size tops by the time they were 2 mths old.. haha.. big is gd mah.. u will be surprised how fast they grow.. babies are meant to double their birth weights by abt 3-4 mths if i dun rem wrongly.

How's the baby name search going along? I am getting a bit tired of looking for names!
Fuzzybear, so far so good.. I'm still taking the oral med for the contractions. Keeping my fingers crossed I dun experience it again till the time is right!! :D Wah!! 2 mths will outgrow the clothes ah!! My mum also ask me to buy bigger size coz she saw the carters romper which i bought (0-3 mths) and they are so tiny!
Good morning!

Thanks for the replies on the bugis shop... now I know where to look haha... will prob drop by after my next KKH appt, want to get some long sleeve tops/rompers.

pinkyloving, good that you made a decision on the insurance :)

desitin: I bought 2 4oz tubes of the creamy from drugstore last spree, after adding shipping cost comes up to SGD18.30, about the same price as agapebabies pricing ($9.50 each). Sometimes, the SMH spree section will having ppl selling extra stocks which may be cheaper if they bought at a good exchange rate so I buy from there too :) I use it only when there are rashes though... so depends whether your baby has a sensitive butt :p

xuan, mine is Samsung top load 6.5kg, have been using it for 8yrs plus with no problems. Front load will save water, but also tends to be more violent on your clothes so remember to use laundry bag if you are washing baby's clothes... For me, I like to separate dark and light colours when I load the machine, so it's actually more efficient when the washing machine is not too big since I will wash at least 2 loads per week anyway. Even though it will auto-adjust the water level according to load, I think it's still more efficient with medium to full load. My #1's clothes are hand washed everyday.

gelobean, my #1 loves moisturizers! I use j&j, and also california baby Eucalyptus Ease lotion when she has a slight cold :)

fuzzybear, we have decided on the chinese name but not the english one... hb said wait until baby is born and see what name comes to mind when we see her face lol...
mush, winkle - BP for Bambini closed successfully, please check your emails for the details on booking and payment yeah. :)

gelobean, xian - thks and the injury is mostly blue black bruises so just need to tui lor.

baby movements, my baby has been literally dancing frequently since towards end of last week, creating waves and humps (i can see humps moving over my tummy!). at times, tummy is skewed to one side (look ugly leh!) anyone experiencing the same? I am in 27th week now and I only felt such movements much later when I had #1. my colleagues are so amused when they are talking to me and i signal to them that my tummy is moving. :D
thanks! i saw your email :D
hello mummies...

little prince aiyo still a blessing in disguise as long as you never hurt your tummy....

fuzzybear, we shortlisted the Angmo mia for #2 liao... chosen by #1 after his papa and me shortlisted a few names... :)
Tell u something gross. I ever saw a kid wiping his mucus with his hands and then wipe on the high chair!! Yucks!! Call me kiasi but i rather clean up the high chair first then let my kids sit in it with possible dried mucus =x and i ever saw adult, digging nose and wipe on the edge of the table. Alamak!!

I used to pouch my #2 when doing housework like vacuuming n cooking.
My #1 started walking at 11mths too n #2 13mths. Nv let my kids sit on walker before but i read tat babies who sit on walker tend to walk tiptoed and slower in walking.

Re: weekends
My weekends are bz with classes and bringing the kids out. Hardly spent more than half a day at hm.

Hope ur bruises and knees are better. Do be more careful ya. I fell on my front when i was preg with #2. Gynae said so long as nv direct landed on the tummy baby will be alright as they are cushioned by waterbag and is stronger than we think.
Is ur #1 smaller thus u exp it later? I exp the same movements for my current and #1 coz both are bigger in sizes as compared to my #2.

As baby grows heavier and we cut dwn on our activities or even reduce walking speed, stamina will drop. Tts why i feel its impt to stay as active as possible till i pop.
I applied baby lotion on my baby when i see dry skin or flaking skin. Otherwise i do nt apply anything. Nt even nappy cream as a barrier.

We shortlisted a few names for both boys and gals but havent decide on a final one for each gender. As for chinese name, we will see master like wat we did for the older siblings. There are names tat i like but have friends using them for their kids le so i also duno i wanna consider or completely leave out.
Thanks mummies for all the recommendations n advises!

Little prince & Sabrina: I often go to Goh ah bee cos near my place, agree that they are cheaper than courts n most retail stores but we recently found good buys at mustafa so we went there to look for a washing machine. Hehe..

Fuzzybear: we ended up buying a front load one cos heard can save water n electricity. Initially I wanted a top load 1 cos dun need to bend up n down when doing laundry (I'm the only 1 doing laundry for my family of 4-5 now lor). Apparently the 1 we bought can use detergent or powder cos my initial concern was also thinking front load can only use low suds powder. Then for wash cycle the person says will take abt 1hr, speedy 1 takes 30mins. Hub likes that there's a "hand wash" option that we can use for baby clothes. Haha..
tks for ur feedback on the moisturizers!!

fuzzybear> we decided on the christian name. as for the chinese name, we kinda decided as well, but the whole world is telling me to go and 'suan' the chinese name coz it's like a gd start for the baby, but the hub is quite against it coz he says the name is very unique and the parents should be the one deciding and not the fortune teller. both makes sense, so i am kinda torn now.

re: laundry detergent, are there any mummies who are currently using kodomo laundry detergent? does it work on front-load washing machines? tried to find info on the kodomo webbie but it doesn't state...

anyway, i was looking for wall decals and came across this website:
seems very cheap and reasonble! :)
Hi Ladies,

Feeling quite useless.. Went for my glucose test today & I ruined it. The drink wasn't that bad as I thought, it was very sweet & I can't stop coughing after drinking it. After my 2nd blood withdrawal, I felt dizzy & nauseous & I threw up outside the room. So paiseh.. If I could hold it in for another hour, I could have been done with the test today.

Anyway, I was told to go back to the clinic & gynae advised me to reschedule.Hubby asked if it's necessary & suggested we don't take the test. So I told her I don't want to take the test again coz I know the same thing will happen again. She said it's not a good decision as I'm taking the risk. & if I really have G.D., she needs to control my diet & stuff. But hubby was very supportive & told me we shall take the risk instead. So touched hubby didn't force me to go through it again.

Funny thing is I checked around with the mummies in my office, 1 of them had family history of diabetes just like me but her gynae didn't require her to go thru the test. So I think I should do fine. :(

Anyway, I've put on abt 8kg so far & gynae said baby is normal weight at 1kg but not bigger as she thought since my weight gain is more. Told me to stick to 2kg/mth & cut down on ice cream. :p She said baby likely will be below 3kg at edd. Hope that is fine too..
Oh sei I din see ur comment until after I posted mine. Hehe.. Wat I heard was top load is more violent leh but I've been using top load all these years without any problem so I'm not sure how true also. The 1 we bought also will adjust water consumption according the clothes load. Hope it's good!

By the way, went for gynae appt this morning too n managed to take a 3d scan of baby. Hehe.. Feeling happy n excited! =)
sheepsdream, don't feel too bad about it. Glad your hb is so supportive! Seems like the glucose test is more common nowadays. During #1's time 4 years ago, my gynae didn't ask me to do the test even though my dad and both in laws are diabetic. This round, I'm seeing another gynae and had to take the test. The baby usually measures larger than normal if mummy has GD, so you should be fine :)

xuan, think there are pros and cons for both types so depends on personal preference too! I never used front load before though :p Congrats on getting a nice pic!
washing machine - mine is front load. I think front load uses less water. I don't think front load machines are more violent. It really depends on the "drum" that the machine has. Eg. Samsung is well known for having this "diamond drum" that is gentle on the clothes. LG has a copycat version of Samsung's diamond drum. The typical cycle time is 1h30min but if you choose "daily wash" it is about 54minutes. For baby clothes option, it is 2hrs if im not wrong. haha. too long liao.

I didnt realise that front load must use low suds detergent......i used to use Persil...one scoop is just nice. Then i switched to Top and one scoop ended up with so much foam that the machine actually had to go through like an extra 10minutes to remove the extra sud. Then I switched to using liquid detergent, just apply directly on the clothes, and there was like no foam at all loh. So decided to go back to using Persil.

sheepsdream - many people didnt have to do the glucose test. so dun worry bah. just dun eat too many sweet stuff.

littleprince - hope you are feeling better now.
I'm used to top load washing machine.. not as water efficiency as front load but i tend to add clothes after the machine starts so if top load i can just open the lid and throw.
i always soak my clothes for about 15 mins while i go shower. After my shower, i will put the clothes i wore inside the machine. and i dunno about low sud or high sud thing. i use Top liquid detergent and every wash i use 1.5 cups. Tot the more the cleaner. I wash my clothes once every 2 days.
Sei> really? Thanks for the good news! :)

Totorodino> ya, told hubby I will control diet on my own & reduce sugar as much as I can. Feeling less emo now. ;)
Top liquid detergent - I put 1.5 cups, still no foam. so weird leh. after that i was wondering if my clothes were clean.

Can't believe I have reached the stage of discussing which detergent to use. wahahaha.
kayliz, I have the same habit of adding clothes after the machine starts! Especially since hb has this habit of leaving his dirty clothes everywhere -_-

I use the "soak" function of the washing machine, so it soaks for 30min & wash for 35min. Waste some electricity, but too lazy to soak the clothes manually :p Is Top detergent the one that looks like transparent gel? I remember I bought some without foam before so after that switched back to dynamo, feels better seeing the foam haha...
RE: baby name
me and hub got some disagreement on english name.. chinese name we intend to go and calculate.. unless we really have a very good one that we feel dun need to calculate.. but now is still going to calculate..

baby movement
recently my baby is moving more and i can feel his movement getting more and more obvious.. its causing me to feel more tired because at night i cant sleep well.. is this the symptons in 3rd trim? he is really kicking everywhere he can find space... =.=''
sei: yes yes! same... my husband also! i dunno why my machine very weird, if i use the soak function, it will fill up the entire tub with water no matter how little the clothes are! but on normal wash, the water will fill according to the wash load. so i nv use the machine's soak function. I just select the "wash" function only (without rinse & spin) so it will stir a while for about 15 mins and then turns off. So when i need to wash i just turn on and start the full process.

The TOP i use is transparent blue liquid.. not much foam but the clothes smell good so i assume is clean.. if i use Dynamo i find that the clothes got a smell if nv dry properly. So i buy those specially for Indoor drying. Breeze also not bad.

totorodino: haha... what to do... ever since i became a mum i also resorted to compare diaper prices by dividing the cost by no. of diapers per pack. Which is a bit auntie also :oops::oops:. hahaha
RE: baby name
me and hub got some disagreement on english name.. chinese name we intend to go and calculate.. unless we really have a very good one that we feel dun need to calculate.. but now is still going to calculate..

baby movement
recently my baby is moving more and i can feel his movement getting more and more obvious.. its causing me to feel more tired because at night i cant sleep well.. is this the symptons in 3rd trim? he is really kicking everywhere he can find space... =.=''

xiaober... yeah.. its a common movement from baby in 3rd trimester... i love it though.. this shows that my baby is active and healthy..
I totally cannot sleep well at night. I lie down he kick, if he don't kick, i worry....plus i keep passing urine...last sat i got mild cramps at night, I couldn't sleep at all. My migraine attacks are getting worse.

Now i just tell myself so long bb kick i am happy whether i sleep or not...

yes, i get very tired very easily too.
yesterday brought number 1 to the SEA aquarium.. went out for 4-5hrs only. i was soo tired. its as though i went to disneyland for the whole day liao..

i remember some mummies saying that they will be doing csec once reach 37weeks.
my doctor say can only do when reach 38 weeks coz baby's lungs will not be developed yet.
i went to calculate date and will probaby have csec on 37weeks and 5 days.
is that ok?
