(2013/11) November 2013

felval>> You are with Prof Tee! Were u with him with your 1st? How's his stitching? I find him very quiet and he only smile when he told us about our baby sex! lol other times he just put on his stern face...

Furrybear>> Yes braless is the best.. more comfortable but guess can only do that at home! Hehe

My colleague engage episode photography for her newborn but the pictures are somewhat similar to those they posted on their website.. not much idea.. imo but they will come to your home to do the photoshot instead of bringing bb to their studio.

i'm in my 3rd trim liaoz... breathlessness.. backaches...heartburn...nauseous...super peeing frequency.. kaozz... :eek::(
its normal because the baby is getting bigger, so our lung capacity getting smaller ( thats why NEA advise 2nd and 3rd trimester mummies to avoid wearing N95 - may not be able to breath altogether!)

I gained about 4.5kg to date at 25 weeks... hope the weight will be more on baby then me. Really must control diet - esp on sugary food. I limit myself to only 2 sweet drinks a day, and sometimes only half a cup if I don't feel the urge to finish all. However mooncake festival is upon us, I really hope I can don't overstuff myself on mooncakes!

yeah, super uneasy to sit at office... still 12 more weeks to go... yours weight gain is good...
mummychua, SN: yeah, i am more keen on tummy to be flatten ... i will give a miss to post natal massage this time too if massage doesn't help...

i did come back to my pre pregnancy weight before conceiving my #2 doing other exercises... but my tummy wasn't flatten at all...

winkle: am here with you... my stomach is like collapsed to my breasts... no space between them... not sure why... so its so uneasy and uncomfortable to sit for long.. more over its pains can't eat too :( ... but we need to bear with it, no other go... few more weeks to go.. lets await for little one to arrive...
JTS for vegetarians : McD has new burger: McAlooTikki for few weeks, i guess for 2 weeks from yesterday...


  • McAlooTikki.jpg
    150.6 KB · Views: 112
Hmm.. Take note that he may have problems adapting to sch for a start (and somemore with a new family member). Some kids adapt well while others take a longer time. My #1 took 6mths to adapt when i first send him to sch =\

Yes, natural birth w/o epi. I had a total of 12 stitches!!

My #2 also v v small size. My gynae already prewarned me when i was still preg with her. Nv in our expectation did we expect her to be tat small size from #1. Till nw, at 2+yo she is still v petite n smallest among her friends. Appetite v gd but she just doesnt gain weight n grow well.

For my #1, i woke up every 3hourly even at nite to pump. End up i didnt lose much weight as i was v sleepy n bz munching famous amos cookies (to keep myself awake) while i pump! So i think bfeeding helps only when u dun eat more than u burn.
Bfeeding helps coz u burn more calories. Tats why bfeeding mummies have larger appetite too.

U can use thermal cooker but taste wise i find pressure cooker nicer.

Yes. Since my #1 to my #3 nw with him. His stitches are fine. I had no prob with the stitches at all.
He is a man of few words but he is joker!! He is quite a fun man actually, esp during delivery. Mayb coz normally he is v bz so he doesnt say much.
mummies.. my turn to rant...

Just now I was suppose to have a lunch date with a preggy friend of min. When I msg her that I will be slightly late (already in taxi traveling down), she told me that her gynae suddenly contact her just now asking her to come down because her baby got problem, but now resolve already and ask if I can meet her 2 hours later.

Of coz i can't because i have a meeting at 3pm later, can i need to get ready. I was pissed already because she didn't told me earlier about the appointment..so i have to take a cab back after alighting at the mall.

When i am back in office, i saw my facebook news feed. She was posting pictures of herself and her friends at Sentosa having brunch over the past 4 hours.

I don't know what to say. I wanted to give her the benefit of doubt, I hope she didn't lie to me by cursing her own baby. I don't really believe that gynae will call you to come down immediately to see them. If she forget our lunch date, just come clean and don't lie to me.

i am very speechless now.. friday mood tarnished just like that. Wasted my $13 taxi fare back and forth.
Hullo very full from lunch!! hope u had a gd one!

Carine, no lah. u won't ever recover from stretch marks. they do get fainter over time and become not noticeable. But they are definitely there! only way to remove is by laser.

Re: losing weight
Seriously it is not just bf-ing, diet etc.. it also depends on individual's metabolism. For most, bf-ing helps to use up 500-700 extra calories a day. but if u are eating that extra calories then u won't lose a lot. For me, i m so tired that i can't eat so i lose quickly plus my metabolism is rather fast.

Re: massage
Bf-ing is the one that shrinks ur uterus back faster than any massage can do. for those who see a diff after massages, esp if u start ur massages 4-5 days after delivery, it is likely u are losing water weight. I only did massages for my 2nd pregnancy and only started at wk 4 cos i had a c-sec. the ML said i dun have much of a tummy already! it doesn't help lor. doesn't massage ur organs back into place either cos there are cartilages etc to hold ur organs in place too. Wraps also don't help.. when u unwrap everything sags! wahahaha..

Of cos i dun have a super duper flat tummy.. if u want one, then u gotta do exercises (not advisable to do until 2-3 mths after birth). i nv believe in things that require us to sit back, relax and then expect to lose weight naturally.. doesn't happen.

Arissa, oh dear. i would suan ur fren on FB, ask her what happened to her gynae appt.. see what she says.. as for ur baby being breech, actually as he grows bigger, the chances of him turning gets slimmer and slimmer.. i have had friends whose babies only turned at abt 34-35wks. my #1 was heads down at 28wks, #2 at 33 wks and #3 is already heads down at 27wks.. hopefully he guai guai turns.. else u might have to consider a c-sec.
at 25 weeks, my baby was also breech , pray that she will head down tomorrow, at 28-29weeks, I want to have a normal delivery, just like the previous 2!
Just hit 29 wks yesterday, and baby was already heads down. No wonder my down there feeling so sng this past week! For me it doesn't matter though... since cfm c-sec liao :p

SN, I asked gynae about the c-sec date yesterday and she said can wait until 38 weeks, so should be around 20th... so I think you will be the first to pop :)

fuzzybear, like you, I also started the massage after 4 wks for #1. By that time, stomach was already quite flat and ML said no wind/water left in my body liao... just plenty of aches! It felt quite shiok, but I'm not planning to do post-natal massage this round as there's no one to watch the baby and my mum will kept nagging me not to do it. For #1, I used an abdominal binder for 1 mth to help hold the c-sec wound so it doesn't hurt so much when moving, not sure if it helped to flatten the tummy too :p
Hullo very full from lunch!! hope u had a gd one!

Carine, no lah. u won't ever recover from stretch marks. they do get fainter over time and become not noticeable. But they are definitely there! only way to remove is by laser.

Re: losing weight
Seriously it is not just bf-ing, diet etc.. it also depends on individual's metabolism. For most, bf-ing helps to use up 500-700 extra calories a day. but if u are eating that extra calories then u won't lose a lot. For me, i m so tired that i can't eat so i lose quickly plus my metabolism is rather fast.

Re: massage
Bf-ing is the one that shrinks ur uterus back faster than any massage can do. for those who see a diff after massages, esp if u start ur massages 4-5 days after delivery, it is likely u are losing water weight. I only did massages for my 2nd pregnancy and only started at wk 4 cos i had a c-sec. the ML said i dun have much of a tummy already! it doesn't help lor. doesn't massage ur organs back into place either cos there are cartilages etc to hold ur organs in place too. Wraps also don't help.. when u unwrap everything sags! wahahaha..

Of cos i dun have a super duper flat tummy.. if u want one, then u gotta do exercises (not advisable to do until 2-3 mths after birth). i nv believe in things that require us to sit back, relax and then expect to lose weight naturally.. doesn't happen.

Arissa, oh dear. i would suan ur fren on FB, ask her what happened to her gynae appt.. see what she says.. as for ur baby being breech, actually as he grows bigger, the chances of him turning gets slimmer and slimmer.. i have had friends whose babies only turned at abt 34-35wks. my #1 was heads down at 28wks, #2 at 33 wks and #3 is already heads down at 27wks.. hopefully he guai guai turns.. else u might have to consider a c-sec.

Fuzzybear.. is there anyway to make baby turn?
Re: breech baby
There's still hope that ur baby will turn as late as 35 wks.. so don't worry ok? babies have big heads compare to the rest of the body so naturally, the heavier body part will go to the bottom. as they grow bigger, they get lesser and lesser space to turn so will stick to a comfy position.

There are exercises that supposedly can help. can google to find out.. there's also a method of massaging ur tummy to turn the baby but this has its risk and is best left to experts. many docs in SG do not encourage the massage.
i find that the binding of the tummy by ML helps to slim it, coz like wearing corset. I diligently put in on 12 hours a day although super hot.
Also, the diet during confinement also very important..
I have friends who really pig out coz they love confinement food so much. Hard to lose weight like that as confinement food also quite fatty and oily.

Anyone seen this? http://www.face-sg.com/aboutus
I was approached by them at the Expo baby fair last time. Their pkg and photos seem not bad, but i nv sign coz cant find any reviews on them yet.

Yeah I agree the binding helps too... I wore the bindings all the way till next day when my massage lady comes again! I'm one of the mummies who don't enjoy confinement food much because I find them too spicy for my taste. I don't even like the pig trotters vinegar!
Hmm.. Take note that he may have problems adapting to sch for a start (and somemore with a new family member). Some kids adapt well while others take a longer time. My #1 took 6mths to adapt when i first send him to sch =\

Yes, natural birth w/o epi. I had a total of 12 stitches!!

My #2 also v v small size. My gynae already prewarned me when i was still preg with her. Nv in our expectation did we expect her to be tat small size from #1. Till nw, at 2+yo she is still v petite n smallest among her friends. Appetite v gd but she just doesnt gain weight n grow well.

For my #1, i woke up every 3hourly even at nite to pump. End up i didnt lose much weight as i was v sleepy n bz munching famous amos cookies (to keep myself awake) while i pump! So i think bfeeding helps only when u dun eat more than u burn.
Bfeeding helps coz u burn more calories. Tats why bfeeding mummies have larger appetite too.

U can use thermal cooker but taste wise i find pressure cooker nicer.

Yes. Since my #1 to my #3 nw with him. His stitches are fine. I had no prob with the stitches at all.
He is a man of few words but he is joker!! He is quite a fun man actually, esp during delivery. Mayb coz normally he is v bz so he doesnt say much.

omg! you're my idol! natural birth with no epi somemore! *need worship icon here*
mummies.. my turn to rant...

Just now I was suppose to have a lunch date with a preggy friend of min. When I msg her that I will be slightly late (already in taxi traveling down), she told me that her gynae suddenly contact her just now asking her to come down because her baby got problem, but now resolve already and ask if I can meet her 2 hours later.

Of coz i can't because i have a meeting at 3pm later, can i need to get ready. I was pissed already because she didn't told me earlier about the appointment..so i have to take a cab back after alighting at the mall.

When i am back in office, i saw my facebook news feed. She was posting pictures of herself and her friends at Sentosa having brunch over the past 4 hours.

I don't know what to say. I wanted to give her the benefit of doubt, I hope she didn't lie to me by cursing her own baby. I don't really believe that gynae will call you to come down immediately to see them. If she forget our lunch date, just come clean and don't lie to me.

i am very speechless now.. friday mood tarnished just like that. Wasted my $13 taxi fare back and forth.

wow I'm also speechless reading this. Even if I were your friend and really forgot about lunch with you, I'll cook up some other more plausible excuse (last min work?) then say my baby got problem! what kind of mummy would say that about their unborn baby leh...

As for gynae calling patient down to see them, I really think it depends on the problem. I recall during my first trimester I had fever and when I call my gynae, his advice was to immediately go and see 24 hrs gp (coz it was late at night liao) and so I did..

I read before that only kkh offers the service to turn breech baby, but it is risky, I would not advise it. If you are like me, believe in the power of communicating with your baby in the womb, talk to your baby daily to ask baby to turn the other direction.

I rem when I was carrying #1, I would talk to him daily... if I feel he got too quiet, I would ask him to kick me, and my one-sided conversation will include greeting him daily... and other stuff.. the funniest was when I was at 39 weeks and wanted to pop desperately.. so I ask my hb to talk to him, and tell him to come out asap! My hb did and I pop the very morning after! (indeed my #1 listens more to my hb then me -.-)
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Hullo very full from lunch!! hope u had a gd one!

Carine, no lah. u won't ever recover from stretch marks. they do get fainter over time and become not noticeable. But they are definitely there! only way to remove is by laser.

Re: losing weight
Seriously it is not just bf-ing, diet etc.. it also depends on individual's metabolism. For most, bf-ing helps to use up 500-700 extra calories a day. but if u are eating that extra calories then u won't lose a lot. For me, i m so tired that i can't eat so i lose quickly plus my metabolism is rather fast.

Re: massage
Bf-ing is the one that shrinks ur uterus back faster than any massage can do. for those who see a diff after massages, esp if u start ur massages 4-5 days after delivery, it is likely u are losing water weight. I only did massages for my 2nd pregnancy and only started at wk 4 cos i had a c-sec. the ML said i dun have much of a tummy already! it doesn't help lor. doesn't massage ur organs back into place either cos there are cartilages etc to hold ur organs in place too. Wraps also don't help.. when u unwrap everything sags! wahahaha..

Of cos i dun have a super duper flat tummy.. if u want one, then u gotta do exercises (not advisable to do until 2-3 mths after birth). i nv believe in things that require us to sit back, relax and then expect to lose weight naturally.. doesn't happen.

Arissa, oh dear. i would suan ur fren on FB, ask her what happened to her gynae appt.. see what she says.. as for ur baby being breech, actually as he grows bigger, the chances of him turning gets slimmer and slimmer.. i have had friends whose babies only turned at abt 34-35wks. my #1 was heads down at 28wks, #2 at 33 wks and #3 is already heads down at 27wks.. hopefully he guai guai turns.. else u might have to consider a c-sec.

I rem your comment on going braless but not in office.. maybe you can consider those nipple stickers?
xian1304, lxb, mush, xu4n, tek_koh, winkle, jasumine - pls chk yr emails hor.

felval, yarrr i know slow cooker wastes alot of electricity but thermal cooker aka magic pot cannot "tun" thoroughly enough. i think in btw will be pressure cooker already.

lxb, i got no time to find other packages le, will likely take bambini for myself lor.

office notebook returns fm ICU after 2 days but laggy and i need to upload some files back + 2 days of emails to clear. there goes my weekend! :(
After #1 birth, I only tried massage and wrap one time and hated it so much I didn't sign up for further massages. In any case after one year of bf I was below pre preg weight. Weight loss was probably helped by the stress of handling baby and not enough sleep. The first year was a very sleepy 12 months lol.

Mummychua, how can u tell if epi wound is big? Like Val needing 12 stitches? (my goodness Val, I don't think I kena 12 stitches!)

Val, I'm also gearing up towards the end of this pregnancy. Suddenly less than 12 weeks away, gulp! Like time running out.

2013san, can use thermal cooker to substitute slow cooker most times, just add a little less water since thermal cookers doesnt allow for evaporation. Although recommended to totally cover the food with water, I only add enough water to cover 90%-95% of the food. Make sure it boils for at least 5min, put it back in thermal pot. After about 1/2 hr, take out metal pot to boil again for 5 min, then back into thermal pot.

3xmum, baby should be able to turn to heads down. My last gynae visit at 24w4d bb in breech position, today at 28w5d baby's head is heading downwards already. My #1 was also initially breeched in 2nd trimester, also turned heads down in 3rd trimester I think after 30 weeks.

Arissa, many years ago I had a friend like the one you ranted about. I didn't like that she lied to me, broke off that friendship. Quite cold hearted hor me. I don't know how deep is your friendship, but do take time to evaluate it.

Today went for checkup and bb put on 500g within past four weeks. No wonder I've been feeling so heavy recently. Aiyo, can't imagine how I'm going to carry baby till full term. Think I need some support harness. Hehe, since today's visit to gynae was less than one hour for the first time over, hubby and I went to watch the wolverine movie, then went for nice dinner. Wah, still can pak tor. Came home and saw wolverine again on ch5. We got wolverine overload today.
felval: hmm i also think i wun lose much weight.. cos i eat to prevent myself from sleeping... hahaha anyway when time comes we will know...

littleprince: i can understand.. let me talk to my hub over this first and i will get back to you soon okay? before monday for sure! :) but thanks for organizing still!

xuan: from my class with lilian, apprently once bb head turn down by right it shouldnt turn up again.. cos turning down means they are ready to be engaged for birth... but thats based on my understanding though.. mayby some experienced mummies can help?

3xmum: hope you have a good time seeing your baby today! :)

ankh: not bad ah.. hahaha should try and find time for some two-person time.. i think its still important with kids around.. if not no more sparks hor... dan it becomes like routine like that.. :p so now i always get my hub to go out together.. next time is 3 ppl time..

RE: mount a hospital tour
just to share my experience with the tour yesterday.. the carpark reno is until mid of 2014.. so confirm wun be intime for our delivery.. there is a mini carpark available but at most park like 20-30 cars? and i believe all the contractors will park their cars there cos the ground floor one belongs to the doc car park.. alternative is macritchie carpark and they provide 10 mins shuttle to the hopsital.. i tried walking from mount a to the carpark.. can be quite a distance.. so this is like a minus point for me.. at least tmc got valet.. can wait inside aircon and not under the hot sun.. their rooms look pretty decent.. so it depends if the car park issue is important to you anot i feel...
Hi ladies, phew passed my glucose test!
Had to take it cos of age. But the drink is really too sweet!

The Robinson sales is a steal if u wanna buy Ameda pump at $399 less 30% n less 50$. :)
Plus the discount for Avent, NUK, pigeon n other bb pdts, u can further deduct the voucher if your total purchase exceed certain amount. :)

Arkans, quinoa and amaranth! Lots of proteins from these two grains, not so much carbo. I know cos my mum vegetarian too :). Of course eggs too if u do take them.

Ankh, thanks so much for the recommendations! I do eat egg from time to time, but should check out these grains too.. And come up with a meal plan to ensure that I'm getting enough!

wow, not even the baby cot? Maybe you can shortlist first, then order to have it delivered when baby arrives? As the first few days will be in hospital, your hb has some time to take care of that. But how about milk bottles, sterilizer and breast pump? those you will may need to use immediately when baby is here, especially the breast pump - which you can start using at the hospital - unless you don't intend to breastfeed.

Other stuff like strollers, baby car seat, and stroller can indeed wait till baby is old enough to go out with you. For Chinese, some of us also don't believe in buying those big things earlier because the older people think its bad luck to have empty cot.. empty stroller etc.. but I went ahead to get them anyway, because I want to get them when I can still move around freely, but I left them disassembled and unopened till #1 arrives.

attigal & yogini, yes I'm doing research and shortlisting them now, so that it's easy to buy when the baby is born. Got lots of family to help to buy, but prob can't make use of sales :-/ The pump isn't needed if we directly breastfeed right? Will try out the natural method first, and only pump if that really doesn't work. Guess the bottles and sterilizer will be later on, after the baby is too old to breastfeed (ideally). And yup, for the other stuff, will only get them when needed - again, using family's help. For us, it's not coz of the emptiness, but some weird superstition.. not too exactly what it is.

momnov, thanks for the McAloo Tikki post! To celebrate India's Independence Day I think? :p Apparently it's there until Sept 13th..

Highly considering the post-natal massages.. Whether they help to slim down or not, they seem to have quite a few benefits! But there seem to be mixed reviews here! Need to research more.. So much to research -.-

Went for 25-week check-up and found that baby was about 1kg heavy, but I'm already 1.3kg heavier than I should be :-/ so amazed at you guys who control your weight gain so well!!
hi mummies!

i'm kinda new to the thread..posted once or twice as woahwoah previously..can't rem my password so i changed to woahwoah08 instead. heh. was hoping to have some company thru this thread..i'm expecting my #2. due on 18th nov. still trying to confirm a confinement lady! never tried massage or binding for #1 but i think i wld give it a go for #2. anyone here can add me to the FB group? my email add is [email protected]... :)
Dear mummies!
Just an update.. seen gynae for growth scan this morning, thank God my baby girl has grown, she's 1.2kg at 28weeks 5days, gynae said she's about the size she ought to be at this stage, and her head is down, I asked gynae if she will turn her head back up again, and he said unlikely. I was kinda worried before the scan as my weight remains the same like 3 weeks ago, worried that she didn't grow, but she did! Hubby asked if durian will help boost baby's weight, and gynae said mummy is the one who will become fat, not the baby. Over the past weeks, I have eaten quite a lot of eggs in my meals, also bean curd, I think these helps, I don't have much meat in my diet. I have so far put on 6.8kg at 28weeks 5days, hopefully I will not excee 10kg by 40 weeks.
Avent Philips Breastfeeding Seminar
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Cost: $10 per participant per seminar
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Third3timemum: I think to gain only 3.2kg in the remaining 11-12wks is quite difficult leh.. I read that we will gain on an average of 0.5kg per week in the 3rd trimester. It's the time when our baby gains mass...
Yeah, just hoping, see how it goes. I was surprised this morning, that I did not put on any weight in the past 3 weeks, same weight as 3 weeks ago.
Ya usually doc ll ask u who s your preferred choice of PD.
Your Gynae can suggest if u ve no preference.

Baby ll be monitored by PD and update u while u warded...

My no 2 was seeing Dr Ang Ai Ting.
I may choose another this round..... Still thinking ;)
Fuzzybear : Thanks for encouragement 2 and half months to go!!!

Re Breastfeeding: FTWM breastfeeding bb beyond the ML period. Does your company provide a nursing rm?
is it a must to have a pd?

What my friend said was that first visit after birth is better to see a PD. cos they will check on the baby if everything is okay. Normally after that they wun go back to PD, they will just go to GP for checkup.. Plus PD also abit ex.. So that's what they told me..
Xuan i thought I answered ur qn when I said it will get harder and harder for bb to turn up again when they are already heads down cos their heads are very big in relation to the body. It's like working against gravity to do so. Nonetheless there will always be a remote possibility.

Thirdtime3mom, well done for not gaining weight! Hehehe don't think it's gonna be possible for me man.

Hikaru, don't mention it. Sometimes things can seem so disheartening when there's no other solutions in sight. The key is to focus on the long term goal: for now, to keep ur baby in u for as long as ur gynae thinks it is gd for both u and the baby. Come talk to us to keep urself distracted! My company shares the building with my parent ministry and also our sister stat board. One nursing room for 6000+ employees (theoretically much lesser cos not all are lactating women or based in the building). But I usually pump in meeting rooms cos it takes too much time to draw key etc.

Xuan, Furzz, Woahwoah, yes u can choose both ur PD and ur anaethestist to administer ur epidural. U can google to find out which doctors are highly recommended. Also check with ur gynae's nurses cos ur gynae might work with certain doctors only. Xuan, it is a must to have a PD because neonatal paediatrics is a specialized area. They really give ur baby a thorough check. I feel better if the doc checking my baby is qualified. Btw paediatrics is not the same as being specialized in neonatal medicine. For TMC I heard Dr Ong Eng Keow is pretty gd. :)
Thanks xiaober! Thanks fuzzybear! Haha I dun realize that part of ur comment was replying to my qns. Lol..

Fuzzybear: only need to visit the PD once for a thorough checkup for baby rite? Unless *touchwood* baby has complications then need to consult PD often, otherwise if babies clear the checkup then can just visit regular GPs after that? Cos I also heard PDs are much more expensive... Ya perhaps I will ask my gynae if he has any recommendations for PD.
Xuan, usually in the few days u are in hospital the PD will visit ur baby daily. They check for different things such as hearing test, metabolic tests and overall baby's health. One wk later u have to bring ur baby back to a PD (still considered neonatal) for follow up because if ur baby has jaundice this is the time to detect it. GPs might be able to test for jaundice but their response time is much slower than PDs because PDs have a regular contract to do these testings. PDs also have more experience in jaundice. U can opt to do the testing at polyclinics. I think a PD there will tell u ur results rather than a regular doc. Even if a regular doc tells u the test results they will always refer u back a PD cos really, babies are very fragile.

I find that for the initial first and second year, when u baby falls really ill it is still best to see a PD. if minor cough and cold still can see GP. But the meds at GP are much more limited for babies. My PD has a lot of different meds for cough and colds but my GP always give the same ones. Also I have ever encounter once that my GP overdose my elder boy on fever meds. End up had to go to PD!! And my son was already 4 yrs old then. After that I make sure I bring both my boys to PD when they are really sick. So got pros and cons. Some PDs allow u to use ur CDA but rarely for GPs.
Thanks for the explanation fuzzybear! Sian now gotta research on a new topic: PD. -.- really never ending research n learning when it comes to having babies n raising kids.
Re: baby position
#3 already head dwn at 24w but i usually dun think much abt it as baby will still be able to turn till they are engaged. Both my 1st 2 only engaged aft 34w. Hoping this one will be in the engaged position soon and let me have a smooth n fast delivery. Finally i will be able to book my delivery package next gynae visit!

Thanks but no need to worship me coz in our mums' and for generations before tat, women have no epi to rely on. And they have gone thro more deliveries than us. =)

Yes, thermal cooker doesnt tun as well. Wat i do is i usually let it boil over the stove for at least an hr to 2 then transfer it back. Otherwise u can use less water for the soup.

Yes! I wonder where did all the time went to!! I am nt ready to pop so soon yet. Hahaha.
Same le, my baby gained abt 700g. Tts why i feel so heavy nwadays. Stand too long backache and the soles of my feets get stiff too. But still, i dun wanna pop early. Haha.
Wah! Nice to have time to catch movie with the hubby. Its impt to have some couple time =) while kids are impt, cant neglect the hunby too =p i wanna watch phantom of the opera with my hb this mth. Sept planning to watch disney movie "planes" with my #1.

^5! Ppl either too tired to eat n lose weight or eat to prevent falling aslp thus cant lose much. My #2 i more discipline and it helps!

Glad u passed the glucose test =)

Welcome to the thread =)

Gd weight control! I am trying to keep to below 10kg but i think i gonna burst it! Hopefully i dun cross 60kg this preg =\ wat did u eat? I didnt eat much snacks like icecream or cakes but i gained quite a bit for the past few mths. Sian!!! Alth my gynae says i can still afford to gain but i dun le.

For my ex co, i pumped in my co's storeroom. My boss actually use papers to cover up the glass panel on the doors.

Re: pd
Till nw i stick to pds for my kids even tho my #1 already 5yo+. I prefers pds as they specialise in kids. I have tried bringing my #1 to gp but i find tat their meds are nt as specific as those given by pds. For example, cough. Gp will give u only 1 type which is the brown cough syrup while pd may give different types. I heard from my friends Dr Terence Tee from kinderclinic is very gd but i do nt use him so i do not know how gd/bad he is.
Think most of my meals are soupy, like yong tau foo bee hoon/tang hoon soup, fish bee hoon, if home cook, will be also clear soup bee hoon/vege/egg, and usually don't drink much of the soup. breakfast usually 2 slices of wholemeal bread with ham/cheese, tuna or peanut butter, sometimes will cook rolled oat w egg white with black pepper/sea salt. I try to eat in smaller portion, and hubby usually will eat from my portion when we eat out, so I don't eat the whole portion on my own, that's him, he likes to steal my food. I think body is weird, if I try to control, weight still go up, I just pray that I will not put on too much at the end, as I am already overweight to begin with
Morning mummies! Is Monday again!

I realised my weekend is v boring. Sunday back to my mama place. Sat i will do housework & rest. I feel more n more lazy to go shopping or even go out malls. Do you all feel tt ur "V" is pain when bb kick v hard or bb resting at the bottom? Is it normal? Cos when i stand or walking halfway, i felt my "V" area pain/uncomfortable and i hab to sit down immediately before continue my walk. Is it normal??

third3timemum, how can u eat so little? My breakfast is always a super heavy breakfast. I can eat fried mee hoon, porridge w veg/salted egg and even Mac big breakast! After my 28 weeks check-up den i got to do some reflection abt my weight.. haha...

re: PD
I oso dint noe that we must have a fixed pd! gosh! another noob mummy here. My gyne is TMC but i delivered at MT A so i shld b getting Mt A PD right? Ya i oso heard tt PD v expensive.... My sister look my niece go polyclinic for jaundice check-up. Hm... time to research any good PD at Mt A. So when must decide e PD? If is popular PD, must get it early kind or doesnt matter?

Hikaru, i didn't explore other levels of my office whether got nursey room. I found one room at 29th level. I working at 30th level. So need to travel down n up for pumping purposes. I hope nobody will snatch w me with tt only one room available. Need to go explore e room so can familiarise it. haha..

re: pumping at office
I understand tt muz sterilised e pump every time when we finished using right? Then, if at office, im pumping in e morning and afternoon. How do i sterilised e pump? When i finished pumping in e morning, then what to do? Kept it den take out again in e noon?
good morning, mummies. didn't have a good weekend coz office notebook had problems so had to do backup at home over the weekend, then my own mobile phone also died on me (its backup was on my office notebook so i lost my mobile backup! sob!). and hb was working over the weekend so i had to drive down to Plaza Sing with my boy to repair my phone, thank goodness they gave priority queues to preggies and they have sent me a message last night to inform me I can collect my phone today! also had to do all the housework on my end and then when I woke up this morning (without stretching), i got a leg cramp attack! Ouch! pray hard no more problems! :(

mummies delivering at TMC, do we need to ask for their list of PDs to choose fm or what? coz when I had #1, the clinic prompted me to choose with a list of those PDs that serve at the hospital I was delivering at. for PD wise, I also feel they are more suitable for babies compared to GPs, although higher costs. My #1 still sees his PD (since birth) now for more serious illness like fever, sore throat etc, only for minor cases like skin allergies, stomach pain etc then I send him to my GP instead. Like what the other mummies shared, I have tried switching him to GP for illness like fever twice but we ended up returning to PD again because GP's medicine didn't work.

pinkyloving, can sterilize the pump with hot water before using. during #1's time, I washed my pump with liquid detergent (will bring along a small bottle) to remove the oiliness and then keep pump in bag. before 2nd pump, I will take hot water and then rinse the pump before using. at home when I had no time to wash my pump, I will put it in the fridge and use a 2nd time before washing and sterilizing again. both methods were ok for me.

xian1304, tek_koh - Pending your responses regarding Bambini yeah, pls check yr email!
Gd morning.. Monday again.. dunno if it is me but i felt that the traffic like super jammed today.

Re: PD
U can ask ur clinic who ur doctor usually work with. I know Dr Terence Tan is also pretty gd, though i can't rem if he is Mt A or TMC. but hor i find that the gd PDs have super duper long queues! must be prepared to wait damn long lor. For me i dun use the PD assigned at birth because it isn't convenient for me to travel back. i try to look for a PD near my place. so that's another piece of work for u guys to do. Minor stuff can go to GP but really lor their meds like what Val said, are super duper limited. things like neubulisers are also not available at most GPs.

Pinky, i do what Little Prince shared. I bring a small bottle of baby bottle cleaner and wash my pump parts after each pump, then pour hot/ boiling water all over it. i store my pump parts in a Lock Lock box so easy for me to soak it in hot water. Some moms do the keeping in fridge thingy but i find communal fridge damn gross.

As for the pain down there, it will worsen when ur bb gets bigger and becomes engaged. BTW it doesn't mean that ur bb heads down means he/she is engaged. Engaged means the baby head as gone past a point in ur pelvis.

Little Prince, sounds like u had a bad wkend.. take a few days off to rest?

My hb bought me 40 seeds of durians yesterday! can u imagine i can only eat 5 seeds max per sitting? how many days will it take me to finish it??!
fuzzybear, oh yar! there will be at least 40 seats kept for Phase 2C from next year P1's reg onwards! you happy or not? I think hor, they will use the seats kept for PV leh else go where to squeeze out these 40 seats? hehe, i used Lock Lock box to store all my pump parts too! :) for the keep in fridge thingy, i only keep the pump in the fridge at my home la else all the people here will see my pump in the fridge, not very nice. :p

intending to take Friday off to service my car but for the other days, think better continue working. i don't have a lot of leave left this year coz i took a number to coach my boy this year, and need to keep some for helper when she comes.

40 seeds of durians, soooo nice! :D
Little Prince, haha yes but the 40 additional slots in 2C won't help me cos Anderson always have more than 40 slots in 2C.. still kena balloting for <1km. i think this will impact those super duper hot schools like Ai Tong, Henry park etc.. this yr these schools have less than 10 slots at 2C lor.. the thing now is if i shd change my address to my parents' cos they live within 1km of Ai Tong and Cat High!

I m taking half day on friday too! strangely to get the car service too! haha meeting my gfs for buffet lunch..

40 durians can be quite scary cos the smell of the fridge is overpowering! plus i can imagine how much weight i would gain lor!
morning mummies... this morning all my conversations is abt the changes gov got for the primary sch registration. stress sia...

PD, just take a PD they assign to you during the hospital stay. from then if you want, you can change to your preferred. fuzzybear and val is right that bb should always see PD, although they are more expensive than normal GP. of course for budget, go polyclinic for vaccinations. its only after my gal pass 2yr old then i start bringing her to a GP.

pump parts, i used to pump 2x a day in office. so i got 2set of pump parts. sterilize everything at hm. i do have a small bottle of cleanser but when im busy, i can just rinse the parts with water and do the detail washing at hm. so every pump session will be a clean, sterilised pump parts.

fuzzybear, 40seeds??? that's alot of durian. im going phuket this coming wkend. wonder how will thailand durian taste like. :D

Morning mummies! Monday blues is here once again~~

I have a question and wondering if anyone has experience this? Since last week after I wake up, I feel ‘numbness’ on my Fourth Left finger.. Finger was so numbed that I have problems ‘bending’ it… Then subsequently, it gotten worse… Now, my 3rd, 4th and little Left fingers are all numbed the minute I wake up. My right hand is perfectly fine.

Could this be caused by my sleeping position? I used to sleep on my left… But after the numbness begin, I sleep facing up… Numbness still remains or rather, it started to spread to my other fingers..

Any mummies have experienced this? And how can I prevent my fingers from being numbed?

Thank you!
