(2013/11) November 2013

bluenosebear, oh i see abt the rocker. ok, i don't really need a swing (am worried my #1 may attempt to sit when he is 9YO! :p) so rocker fm baby to toddler good enough for me la.

momagain, my CL is fm Malaysia and will charge me $2.3K.

plush84, my Mdm Ida also same as most of the rest, $50/hr for post delivery, $40/hr for pre delivery massage.

full mth, am scouting for locations and waiting for hb to decide. budget will probably be around $1.2K for one session, 100 pax? for #1, did it at MIL's place last time coz was doing confinement at her place. this time i will do confinement at home and my place is too small, will find external venue to host a lunch. May not plan to give cakes or anything, just host a lunch with red eggs and cakes and stuffs all there la. btw, most of our baby showers (if holding any) will likely be in Dec where many people are away on holidays or celebrating X'mas so chances of full attendance may be low, mine will probably fall around X'mas week.
full mth: I don't know if you noticed but the attention is always on the baby one ma.. So why not the full month right, they just take the baby and display in the pram. Then just let me shake leg and sleep at home. :p
xuan, one way to recoup the cost is that if your close friends or relatives ask you whether you prefer gifts or angbao, always tell them angbao. I recall that the angbaos we received, covered the cost of the full month party.
Xuan, SN, ya I spend a lot on parties. Hahah I buy deco, goodie bags for kids. My cakes are usually abt $300 per session. Balloons too!! I don't like throwing parties cos I'm anal abt the outcome. Everything has to be perfect. I buy customized door gifts etc. usually my hb just closes his eyes cos he knows I get so pek chek if he controls my spending. :p

If u guys wanna do it at function rooms at hotels and clubs etc do book early. Yr end a lot of parties so they are usually booked. May be this time around I just invite close frens for lunch. I have no choice abt the family part. Have to invite the whole gang cos my parents are particular abt it. Everybody also must invite. The only good things are that 2 of my close cousins are due 4 and 7 wks after me! So I might be able to get away by sending cakes. Even cakes my mom is particular. She wants 'high class' cakes that look presentable. So each cake is about $20!!

I think there's no hard and fast rule abt giving cakes or not. It's ur party, u decide what u wanna do.
littleprince: keep in mind that buffet prices are usually more exp during xmas periods. so ur budget may need some "xmas buffering"... i hope when i have mine, the xmas pricing havent kick in yet. if not cost will go higher.

SN: usually i tell myself not to have expectations abt angbaos or covering cost since i decided to spend the money already. any angbaos is just a bonus lor... but of cos can cover is the best. hahaha...

fuzzybear: same! if i do a party/ event, i make sure i do it properly. i will find the best "value for money" vendor but everything must be presentable. haha.. i'm anal like that. :p
Super lots of baby fairs going on this weekend: http://singapore-promotions.com/babies-mothers/

Sabrina, my #1 first month celebration I mingled around while bb snoozed all the way thru in her pram. She had the good life, I had the hard life lol!

No more first month celebration for me this time. Don't even know if I want to bother with the eggs/cakes/vouchers etc. I just want to finally celebrate #1's birthday on a larger scale this year in mid Dec. Final birthday before Pri school, I'd like to pamper her a bit before we get caught up by the education system.

Sei, I also have a multi tier steamer at home. Regretted buying it cos I got a big heavy clunky one. End up use it to steam fish or buns only. My kitchen a lot of gadgets lol.

Fuzzybear, haha, I'll probably go and search for more swimwear shops. Solly, wish i could take your romper but found I still had a pack of bb clothes stuffed in my closet. Another friend will also be passing me some of her baby's clothes, so suddenly I'm back to having enough or more than enough bb clothes!

Little prince, oooh, are you another kitchen gadget person? Didn't dare get Happycall pan in case it becomes another white elephant ;p. I've been holding out from buying a pressure cooker, mainly because of the cost, and partly because of the space it'll occupy.

Pinky, fresh food mostly still better than frozen food, but first few months after giving birth may not have time and/or energy to prepare meals. Freezing my own meals/snacks/soup stock beforehand allows me some control over what I eat. I had tingkat for dinner during maternity leave before, but sometimes either didn't quite like the food or still got hungry after dinner. Can check this thread for info about thermal pots: http://www.kiasuparents.com/kiasu/f...7&t=5622&sid=52691470b330337c9378b996e6afcda0

Eh, is there a button now to click for all the emoticons? Can't seem to find it.
Yes, will update on expo fair. :)

Re: Mdm Ida
So looks like only attigal and myself have the same Mdm Ida. The rest have the other lady. Hmmm.. But attigal, she told you $50/hr? She told me $60/hr.
The expo fair looks tempting especially the Britax car seat. Anyone bought the Britax car seat?
Saw on previous forums that there were lots of good comments on it.

ankh: the row of icons is in the same text box you are typing where you can change the font, bold it etc. Look for a smiley face! :)

After the confinement period, are you ladies taking care of the bb alone before returning to work?
I am a bit worried about how to cope. Any advice?:oops:
sharing on Robinsons sale till 9th aug :)


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Yes, will update on expo fair. :)

Re: Mdm Ida
So looks like only attigal and myself have the same Mdm Ida. The rest have the other lady. Hmmm.. But attigal, she told you $50/hr? She told me $60/hr.

nope it is still $60, but her package is $400 for 7 days iirc.
sale, btw i saw Cold Storage also having some sort of baby fair. think Kodomo laundry detergent looked cheaper? I will check out NTUC tomorrow, intending to buy to start washing some hand down baby clothes soon.

sabrina, hahahaa! I like yr sense of humor! afterall, people look at baby and not us! :D I took care of #1 all alone after confinement then but this round, will have helper around (not so much to take care of baby if I am at home but more to do chores and cook meals so that I can continue to coach #1 in studies). actually, forums provide very good support to mummies especially new mummies. i still keep in touch with those mummies i made friends with in forum 9 years ago. if cannot cope, just post to rant or ask for help and advice.

Qoo, i heard there are many things to buy from this market but i find the layout very messy, don't know how to go about buying. the only thing i have bought before from this market is my Happy Call Pan. :p

xu4n, yalor. if hotels, everything will be super peak rate. haiz, waiting for hb to come back to me first.

ankh, i like to try out kitchen gadgets tt i think will make my life easier. LOL! i still have a long wishlist like juicer, better cake mixer, steamer, non stick pots etc etc. :p i was out for lunch earlier and almost wanted to buy a neoflam pot which i saw from the video clip there that i can cook stew and curry and even fish directly in the pot. but after googling, realized reviews commented the non stick part gets worn off after a year, then decided not to buy. but Happy Call pan has worked very well for me (replacing my big wok) and reduced splattering especially when I fry fishes. you go and like the Munch Ministry - Happy Call Pan chefs page and you will see many many easy to cook/bake recipes using the pan!
ankh, oh mine is the tefal 3-tier, can collapse and keep so not too bad. My white elephant is the rice cooker. I usually use the steamer or normal pot to cook rice since we usually only cook a cup of rice, can barely cover the bottom of the rice cooker and will have crust :p

Another of my fav gadgets is my oven... just marinate the meat and pop in the oven! Can also bake fish!

I'm also thinking about what to do for meals, especially lunch after confinement... most of the tingkat meals only deliver 3pm onwards right? Hope I don't end up ordering mac, pizza etc etc everyday lol.

sabrina, I will be more or less on my own 2nd month onwards, although my mum may drop in a few days every week to help out. I will send #1 to childcare are per normal. My advice is to try and rest more during the first month to get your health back, so you can handle things better when you are alone and won't get stressed. Don't worry, you will slowly get the hang of things, and baby should have a more regular schedule after the 1st month :)
I used a Mdm Ida 4 years ago too. Can't remember the no anymore but I think the cost was $50/session.

Nice lady. Small size but very strong. But I didn't finish my package cause really didn't enjoy it.
I do go for massages quite often normally but I found her post natal massage very painful leh. Didn't like the oily feeling also and the bind was so hot I usually removed it after 2 hours. Not sure if I want to try again this time for #3. Actually I think a good binder is more impt than the massage leh.

Re: binders. Any recommendations ladies?
oh ya sei, u reminded me, how to settle lunch daily after the 1st mth when i'm alone at home with baby. haha.. nv had the chance to take 16wks paid leave before so these things nv occur to me. lol...
gelobean, i see you tomorrow then - if you are attending the morning class :D

littleprince, i'm seeing dr tham on 12 Aug. you are usually earlier than me. when are you going?
H,i many mummies talking about ML... I also think I would like to keep it for myself as I want to spend more time with my bb.. Sounds a bit selfish :)-
For first time mummies, I just get to know that we are entitled to 6 days child care leave as well. So we will have 16 weeks + 6 days.. You have to clear your 2013 child care leave by Dec.
dun lugi!!

lxb: some essence oil is not suitable for pregnant. You can go internet to check which is suitable.
xuan, else we can meet for lunch lol!

hikaru, I think first 2 mths of ML have to take 1 shot, so for mummies who plan to work right to the last day, may have to forfeit the 6 days CCL... so first time mummies may want to start taking ML earlier?
Yup, the 2 months got to take at one shot. Then subsequent 2 months can be flexible.

Eh I thought 6 days of ccl only valid after baby is out. I read the hr policy and it didn't mention anything about being taken before maternity sia.

Different company different policy ah?
Sei : thxs for the info.. But I think it can be flexible depending on your HR.. My EDD between 9 to 12 Nov. My HR adviced me to take 1 mth ML followed by CCL then rest of the ML. Maybe first time mummies with later EDD have to take ML early in order to maximise it.. It better to discuss with your HR before hand.

Sabrina : You r right.. CCL can only be taken after the BB is out. So I guess this only applicable to early EDD mummies.. Coz I didnt know ML has to clear 2 mths together until I read Sei's post.
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Morning mummies! Just had my first lesson with lilian yesterday.. It's quite fun and informative..
She taught us some activities to ease our back pain and cramps... She also taught hub how to talk to baby.. Hahha and made them wore a suit that weights the same as a mummy of 20weeks.. My hub say wah heavy leh.. Now he know ah...
She also mention that cannot rub the tummy in circular motion.. Cos it will trigger early contraction and it will make the baby uncomfortable also.. I know some mummies mention before but I didn't really understand until she quoted an example.. Hahaha but the class was quite fun.. Looking forward to next lesson!

Have a good weekend mummies!
An update on the expo baby fair: it's quite small about half the half.
Nothing much but lots of baby clothes. The advertisement pretty much sums up what is worth going for like car seat and cot.
I think can just wait for the Oct fair instead unless you are in the area.
Hope this helps! :)
Letting go of this bf dress that i got from taobao.com at $17..
Good: The material is good, quite worth the $$.. Unable to see that its a bf dress, and can tie behind if need to loosen or tighten..
Reason of letting go: its too short for me, need to wear shorts if not will be exposed.
Chest: 96-110CM Waist: 114-130CM Length: 75CM

Can do meet up at mrt but subject to availability

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I think some mummies here are a little confused abt the ML n CCL. Better to call MOM or ur HR to enquire properly. I'm afraid I will further confuse u all if I attempt to explain here. Lol... But in short, u do not need to clear ur 6 days CCL this year, for us whose edd are in nov we can't use them this year anw. Also, some companies follow calendar year while some follow the kid's birth month for the deadline to clear CCL, better to check with ur HR on this too. N if u're a newly joined employee or resigning employee, ur CCL will be prorated. Can check MOM website to find out the proration.
HI All,

I am back after so long. Did my detailed scan ; all is good. Currently 23 weeks, tummy still look small per comment by lots of people. hahah....

Whao...so many people have joined & the page has some changes.
Most of you have been shopping a lot.:)
Just got myself a Philips Avent dual pump, milk btls & some baby clothes from amazon. Seems like I have to go shopping more often.

Not very sure what I really need except cot, carseats, pram, pump, milk btls & clothes.
May I know any brand /suggestion for baby cot & carseat ? was looking at the bonbebe cot...& Britax baby carseat. good?

Anyone have any suggestion for footwear? cant walk much...will feel ache & sore on my heel. Some people suggest fitflop but some say its bad.

As for confinement lady, I got mine through PEM agency; Abt $2k (just hiring the CL ,exclude herbs , hongbao & etc). Heard of bad & good reviews so just try.

Oh..i went to tmc hospital tour ,the tour guide was lousy.
I also went to tmc parentcraft on sat amk hub. It was very packed.
Gelobean: you were there? I was at the 2pm slot. hehe.
hello 2013san! i am also about 23-24 weeks! :)

i heard britax car seat is not bad and kate middleton uses it so shouldn't be lousy right? hee..
i am considering bimbo bello for the cot as hubby said it is made of cherrywood and cherrywood is more sturdy especially when baby grows older.

currently wearing flats from pazzion now but i tink u can consider scholl or something? they are known for comfort. :)

yeah! i was there! what were u wearing?
Hi Gelobean ,

Around the same number of weeks. When is your EDD? mine is Nov 27.
I was wearing a white top & black leggings. Sitting at the back.;). U?

However, scholl shoes are not very pretty..lol:p.
try not to wear too flat...heard not too good too.
my EDD ranges from 22 nov to 28 nov..haha..need to ask my gynae the exact EDD during my visit tmr..

i was wearing a navy top and white three-quarts, sitting at the back nearer to the children's shower area. were u there v early? trying to recall..haha..what was ur husband wearing?

yea, they are not pretty and they are ex! but they offer comfort..
so must give and take..sighs..
Hihi! Sorry that I haven shared abt the expo. Very small scale! Only go if ur in the area.

I managed to finally make my first baby purchase! Hubby was ok! Hah. Bought the Carter's rompers 4 for $10 and 2 packs of 5 bodysuits at $25. And finally bought baby insurance.. Prufirst gift. Had freebie for expo sign up.. Can choose from the avent 3 in 1 sterilizer, parklone size m play mat, baby love rocking crib and FP first bouncer. I haven decide which one i want.. Need to inform the agent before they collate order for bulk order. Which is a gd grab ya'll would suggest?

I also went for TMC tour.. Guide was so brisk.. The single room was not available for viewing... They showed us the suites only. And I was thinking can taste some confinement dessert? Hmm.. Only lasted 30 mins..

Spent whole afternoon at expo.. Wah tired!

Plan to go back take fair coming week and buy the quinny stroller with infant car seat, $168 pigeon sterilizer set and the Aden and Anais swaddles. $$$$ going going going gone. Lol.

Looking forward to mdm Ida's massage later at 2.30pm. The $60/hr one.
Hi Gelobean,

I think I am sitting behind you...trying to recall too. (Bad memory ever since I got preggy). Hehe...see you next weekend!
Little prince & anhk, ya the kitchen gadgets really help alot for mummies who wan to start to cook. Looks like beside spending on bb stuff .. I need to spend on e kitchen equipment..Broke broke!! I hav e urge to throw away pots/wok tt FIL has. I hinted him but he sounded tt he wan to keep them. :confused:

Re: 1st month
Didnt noe tt e cost can goes up to 1k or 2 k even! Like tt i rather save e money for bb. My budget is $500 including cakes. Actually i havent go research.. cos still tinkin to hav a small scale w close family n exclude relative n frens/coll. Or big Scale one Including everyone.

Re: Spring sale
Went earlier..jus bot 2 nursing bra.. nude color is $10 n flower pattern is $15. Finally car seat is off my list! Got e spring in house brand car seat at $289. So heart pain cos i could get it at $199 if i buy on Friday due to their daily promotion. Not sure issit reliable. I cant bother to explore further since hubby said so far this is within our budget n e material (cushion) is decent. So jus get it. Can sit from newborn to 25kg.

Jus wan to rant.. I wanted to wash those pass down clothes this coming long weekend since I still hav e energy n time. But my hubby disagreed w me!! He said wash in Oct.. now so early wash later mus re-wash but i said kept in cupboard where gt dirty. Den i kept repeating tt u wash lo since u wan to wash in Oct n dun expect me to do. Arghhs. End up we stop arguing. Silence. So pek cek!!!
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Hi Mums,

I am selling mostly unused baby items, still in packaging. Prices are negotiable.

Belly belt from spring maternity @ $18 (retail: $29.90) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff...belt-from-spring-maternity-W0QQAdIdZ510229899

Cot bumper @ $25 (retail: $39.90) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff...ile-cot-bumper-rarely-used-W0QQAdIdZ510143521
Tiny Love Cot Mobile @ $60 (retail: $90) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff-for-Sale-Baby-Children-Tiny-Loves-Cot-Mobile-W0QQAdIdZ510221757
Infant head support @ $15 - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff-for-Sale-Baby-Children-BN-infant-head-support-W0QQAdIdZ510222225
Owen brand 4 pc receiving blankets @ $16 - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-Stuff...pc-Owen-receiving-blankets-W0QQAdIdZ510233170
Mama's love swinging cot @ $180 (retail: $399) - http://singapore.gumtree.sg/c-ViewA...qVAPi0n0zKAhN8eKH02YOxL8ofwCW8&wmid=510237145

Kindly drop me a sms @ 90059905.

good morning, mummies!

mawanab, my check up is tomorrow PM! thought our appts are usually 1-2 days apart. :)

pinkyloving, the Spring sale is only at warehouse right? I went to the shop in Vivo on Friday and didn't notice much things on sale. btw, i think no need to wash the baby clothes so early too unless you want to re-wash in Oct (i would prefer to re-wash nearer to date lor). although keep in wardrobe not dirty but still, wash nearer to date better? small matter, don't argue! :)

anyone else did shopping over the weekend? i didn't but will probably run through what i have during this long weekend and run down to Taka for final spree if need to!
Morning! another nice rainy morning to slp in.. think baby is in the wrong position cos i m breathless again.. urgh!

Little Prince, nopes didn't do any shopping.. need to re-organise my sons' bedroom cos i want to move my #2 to slp with #1. then need extra storage for #3 clothes. need hb to do all these and he is procrastinating as usual.. bleh..

Pinky, huh wash clothing now? I will only start when i m wk 35 onwards. i can't stand the smell of kept clothes.. there's this musty smell which i can't stand..
Little prince & mawanab, our gyne check up v near. Mine is today afternoon.

Little prince, ya is at spring warehouse near ikea bukit merah there. V lazy me nv go work since gyne will giv mc today thou I got piles of work waiting for me.. oops! Wanted to go bugis tt wholesale bb clothes later but dunno will it too heavy to carry e loots I gg buy. Anyone noe does tt shop open on holiday?

Fuzzy bear, ya thinking I hav e time n energy now den wash e mountain clothes lo. My toyogo 4 compartment drawer r full. I scare later wait till last min no time wash. Somemore only weekend can wash..

Raining raining but at hm cant sleep. Shld hav go work in e morning. .now like wasting time. .

This month motherhood mag states tt sep n nov got bb fair...
good morning mummies! been awhile since i last logged in.
any mummies can shed some light on what brand of stroller to buy? am thinking of the quinny one like plush84 :)

gelobean: im thinking of getting the britax one also!!
get from taka..its the cheapest ard despite many other shopping centres having sales now..

anyone used mattress for baby cot from babysafe?
as for the pillow? is it necessary to buy those with a hole in the middle? i heard its gd for the baby's head to take shape??
pinkyloving, enjoy your checkup today! it is raining heavily though, may be a hassle to go Bugis?

shopping, ohhhh i forgot. we bought an air purifier cum humidifier yesterday! wanted to buy for quite a while but no stock for the model we wanted, finally managed to buy yesterday.

twinnie87, i bought a quinny one at Taka fair too. can't remember the exact model name but includes a maxi cosi car seat tt can be attached on the stroller to use for first year. paid $500+ for the set. for pillow, i like the babysafe latex one among many other pillows i bought for #1 last time. actually, #1 is still using the junior babysafe pillow now. i intend to get the flat one for baby, don't find the pillow with a hole in the middle useful.
I finally satisfied my durian craving! Hb bought this 2.7kg mao shan wang durian and there were like 21 seeds. I think I ate 12 seeds while hb ate 9. hahah. wanted to replace dinner but couldnt resist eating two slices of thin crust pizza after that since hb was still hungry.

morning mummies!
Rainy day please be careful when you are out.. Looks like the rain will rain whole day..

pinkyloving: enjoy your session today! looking forward to mine on wed! haha miss looking at my bb... ya i think its still abit early to wash.. cos we still have 3 more months.. maybe wash it two months before and in batches? thats wat i intend to do.. so that it doesnt have the cupboard smell and its still smell nice nice to bb.. haha.. no lah its raining better to stay at home.. i got almost all wet just by crossing a road.. keep yourself warm ya..

SN: hahaha so good.. i dun dare to eat much durian already.. scare my bb too big size.. shall wait after my checkup dan i see if still can eat.. lol!
