(2013/11) November 2013

no 13mth? Are u wking in bank or finance sector? Agree, if depends on performance they can give u lower amt coz its nt fix.
Baby cant tell the difference between day and nite now so he is awake at 4am doesnt mean he is overactive. Kids who watch too much tv can become over simulated and hyperactve.

Oh man. It really doesnt sounds like a gd exp. Gd thing is she is honest and let u know she havent done 1 for a long time. i am also contempting to do pre natal massage. My friend recommended me a chinese lady and she has been certified to do pre natal but i still worry..may nt be doing aft all.
$600-$700 inclusive the room? Coz i enquire, if cater from safra its at least $40+ per pax for the food excluding the room. No way i can keep before $1000 or even $1500.

So miserable to be puking from start to end. Hope this preg u have it easier =)
No le, baby active doesnt mean will be a hyperactive kid. Hyperactive is actually a kind of disorder.

Why didnt go to the beach? Actually u can engage a local photographer and do a pregnancy beach shoot. Will be v unique =)

I bought the playmat but dun think is uder parklon. Is under Lg prime or something, cost close to $300. V gd to have. One of the best things tat we have bought for the kids. 1 at my place 1 at my mum's.

1st mth i also swaddle my kids. Just alt their heads to slp left n right no nd to slp sideway.
My fav are Patisser and Strictly Pastry. Nowadays i usually go to the latter. Haha. I like fondant cakes for the visual effects only. I usually skin away the fondant as well, too sweet. I like fondant cake as Can create more customized stuffs are compared to cream cakes. Gobi cakes are nice too!

hmm, den not sure if i got the right person..but i do rem a gal with very long hair, ultra slim and decked in a long grey dress..haha..

Oh.....I just asked my husband..he told me he was wearing earring.. I was also wearing a dark blue sweater over my long grey dress..if that fits ur description then might be me~ hehe...

Xuan... very cute leh your baby girl.. sometimes when he don't respond to me talking.. i always poke my tummy.. try to disturb him.. he ignore me...-_-
we saw a few parties at our HDB pavillion but the space is so big that it looks quite pathetic unless you have lots of guests. and im definitely not holding it at my flat, the cleaning up after that will be horrible. i tend to think that the only people who can hold big parties at their flats are those with helpers to help clean up the house after that. holding it at the pavillion also runs the risk of relatives and friends flooding into the flat. so i think better hold it at a neutral function room somewhere. hehe.

ankh, haha the durians were my dinner. super yumz. still drooling at the thought of the thick creamy flesh! gosh.......... I ate lor mee for lunch from the market near fu lu shou complex. wah, it's really nice...im not a big fan of lor mee but this one is really worth queueing for.
yogini> yea, the description fits you. haha..

kayliz> oh man, did she give u disc for the trauma u faced? perhaps you can do some simple stretching at home to ease the aches?

re: cakes, i think i will be ordering from ET Artisan for the big one as the customised cake which i ordered from them for my parent's bday was rather good and well-received. was reading through this magazine given to me by TMC and it seems that papamama is quite reasonably priced. attached the link below:

Thanks Fuzzybear and Felval for the reassurance... :)
ya this one sure a lot easier cos guess #2 knows I must take care of korkor... :)
only puke as and when I feel indigested....

I'm so tempted to eat durian but caught the flu bug... shoo shoo
hmm.. when I eat esp cold stuff, I will feel baby move. The fluttering feeling....or bubble feeling. anyone feel that?

HI Yogini & Gelobean,

I think we are all in the same row same side ;near the toilet.
I was wearing white top with black leggings, right at the back.
I also don't want guest to come running to my flat, to toilet etc, which was why the pavilion didn't come into my mind. Not sure where can get a venue, cheap and good, and not too far away from home, asking too much right?
I also don't want guest to come running to my flat, to toilet etc, which was why the pavilion didn't come into my mind. Not sure where can get a venue, cheap and good, and not too far away from home, asking too much right?

Is your house near some country club - some place you can rent?
felval: nope, the room itself is $300+.. food wise is separate, but i can order from any caterer, no need to use their in-house one. So i will source those around $16-18 per pax kinda buffet for about 40 pax. I know Neogarden is highly raved but quite sian of it, almost all family catering also order from them. I am thinking of trying Rasel or Chilli Padi. Why is yours so ex? You have more guests? From what I was told if only booking the rooms we can use our own caterers.

If not comfortable, then dont do the massage.. Or ask them not to touch the tummy?

gelobean: no discount.. coz i engaged under Origins Jamu, so i was told by the ML the money i paid her, she will need to submit to the company. The MLs from there earn a basic + commission pay.
I dunno if i should complain, on average the ML was nice in person, just that perhaps her being too frank scared me off. Maybe if she didnt tell me she was nervous, etc, i wouldnt have been so paranoid. haha.

Baby shower gifts - i think one mummy asked before.. do we need to give the cakes/vouchers to everyone who attends the baby shower, or those who didn't attend but gave gifts/angpow?
Kayliz, think if you want to complain, you should complain about the management of Origins Jamu. How can they insist the ML take up your job when she herself already told them that she is not confident.

thirdtimemum, oh yea, i totally forgot about the part that they will flock upstairs to use my toilet if we hold at the pavillion. I only thought of those relatives, in laws and kids who will go definitely choose to remain inside the flat then be at the pavillion. ok, pavillion is out of the question now. Previously for #1, I held it at my uncle's condo function room in cck. We were staying with my mom back then so it was near. Now, from TPY to CCK, it's like quite inconvenient. there's a TPY safra but kayliz said the room cost $300+?!!!!! gosh! that's the cost of a buffet already. maybe i should ask my good friend to book her family's condo function room...it's at thomson. but like quite no link right? it's a friend not a relative. hmmmm.
Sabrina, my old car seat was actually a safe-n-sound, but it's also under britax. According to salesman, britax name is used in Britain, safe-n-sound in Australia. I bought mine in 2007, no idea what range it is, and stored somewhere at my in law's home. Combi is good for our hot weather. Very ventilated seat cover, so easier for bb to keep cool. But i find the combi car seat on the smaller side, so it will only be used as backup to my safe-n-sound. Britax (or safe-n-sound) is I believe still safer.

SN, so sad, the durian I bought not up to standard. Aiya, buy from ntuc, what to do? Haha, I've also learnt never to do big parties at home. Hubby also realized how tiring it is to clean up after too many guests, especially when kids come for makan too! Erm, for pavilion parties, how about renting portable toilets?

Wooooooo, my taka loot arrived! After all the shopping for past weeks, my home in a big mess. Amazing how much change one little bb can bring :)
3xtime, have you all try approach community centre?
think the trend is there.... affordable price too...
ankh, are you in the FB page? i just posted a page showing where to buy yummy durians! :) Very disappointing when the durian is not up to standard hor? Hb went Balestier to buy my durians the last round and tt was really good and only $15 for a box of mao shang wang! i built up boxes and bags of baby stuff in baby room, gonna do some packing and stock take this weekend! :D
Got friends stay in condo, SIL also stay in condo, but try not to trouble people.
Will discuss with hubby again.
Thanks for your suggestion, may check with CC
Kayliz: Rasal catering is very good for the food and service. I used it for my corporate events and it always received good reviews. I usually look for Azrah. Her service is always excellent. :)
ankh, are you in the FB page? i just posted a page showing where to buy yummy durians! :) Very disappointing when the durian is not up to standard hor? Hb went Balestier to buy my durians the last round and tt was really good and only $15 for a box of mao shang wang! i built up boxes and bags of baby stuff in baby room, gonna do some packing and stock take this weekend! :D

I want to lay my hands on the fresh box of mao shan wang this week.. I paid for 12kg per kg from the uncle ah pui from ghim mo market...Last week i had craving but only got to eat durian cake - not shiok enough.

Mummies, do you also crave for cupcakes? I can just die for choc and spice cupcake.. its so soft, fluffy and delicious...and its only $1.50 per cupcake...
kayliz, i think chilli padi is nice, they got those full month catering so you get red eggs and ang ku kuah. but for the number of food item they provide, i feel that they are quite expensive.

condo function room, actually it will be tough booking a function room during the school holidays and nearer to Christmas. for my estate, we have maids q-ing up outside the management office as early as 7am to book the room. that's why im contemplating if i should have a full month celebrate this time round. i got no maid so it will be either me or my hub going down at 7am to chop seats.

full month cake, i only give to ppl i didnt invite. if i got to give cake and buffet to invited guests, it will cost alot ba... and i prefer the bangawan solo package, not that its cake is nice but less trouble since ppl will go collect them self. i wont need to go ard with boxes of cakes. it will be ok if i have leftover too.
SN: you can try chinese restaurant... i checked with Gim Tim group.. some of their restaurants do events.. and very affordable prices.. from $15-$20 per pax..depending on what food u going for la.. and they serve very good food too.. probly i'll go for high tea menu.. :)
SN, my fren did their bb's full mth at the pavilion at your place. haha.. we were a bit confused cos when we walked passed, we didn't see them (cos they were all upstairs). I do agree that u have to go up to use the loo so kinda defeats the purpose..

Re: first mth celebrations
Seriously i m getting a bit sian doing parties.. too many already.. i also paiseh to ask ppl to come man! prob just give cakes this time around. still save money cos i dun have to pay for buffet and rental of function room.

Gelobean, i read abt Et Artisan. Nice deco.. let me know if their cakes are nice.

Val, i love Patissier's cakes.. every time i serve that cake, it will be demolished cos ppl come back for 2nd and 3rd helpings. the prob is they are really ex. recently their prices increased again.. a 2kg cake cost me $300++ this April! my hb was kao pehing about it.

Who was talking abt Chilli Padi? i used them recently.. their food is good but do take note that it isn't suitable for kids as out of 9 dishes, 7 are spicy. I had to cater separately for kids.

Have u guys ordered ur confinement food yet? i know Natal Essentials give discount if u book ahead.
fuzzybear: i want to order from natal essentials.. but we wouldnt know the exact delivery date..so i donno what date to ask them to send over...lolz...
Ah no Winkle, u just book and pay like a deposit to enjoy the 10% discount. they need 1-2 days lead time to activate so once u pop, u call them while u are still in hospital and tell them which day to start. :)
fuzzybear> the cakes are pretty good! and i really like the details of the cake. attached the pic of my parents' 60th bday cake for your reference.

kayliz> yea, i tink u shud complain to management too, coz it's rather unfair that you din get the right treatment yea?

winkle> i like your profile pic! so cute! :)


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yea..fondant..basically that's the only cake i ordered from them. the cake costs $330. a tad pricey but i thought it was worth it coz our kids are so precious! then again, maybe i will say otherwise when #2 or #3 comes along. haha..
Just came back from gynae appt. baby is 1.06kg already! Was a little concerned abt baby's weight cos seems heavy at 27weeks but gynae said its ok. I managed to control my weight gain too.. Increase by 1.3kg over the past 3 wks, compared to previous month when I gained 2.8kg in 4wks. Hehe... =)

Was wondering if today can take baby's 3d scan (included in package) but my baby chu pattern again, blocking her face with her hands. Lol.. Have to try our luck again at the next appt..
Yst was a lonnnng wait at gyne clinic cos he had 3 deliveries in e morning! End up all patients push back.. haha... Finally see my bb face! not v clear le... i feel tt e face shape looks like me but my hubby disagreed saying tt havent form finish, where got look like u. (Dunno he jealous or wat). haha... I'm at 24 weeks n bb weighing 630, & 680g.. tt e 2 reading tt gyne given me. Dunno why oso. Oya! My weight only increase 1 kg for 1 month..i tot was 2 kg was my weight at GP clinic was different, is heavier. hm.. nvm la.. so long bb grew n im happy!

My bloatedness is back again!!! argghz.... Yst i felt so bloated tt i cant eat anything. Force myself to hav lunch so i cant go without food e whole day ba... ended up i vomitted everything out. =(( Sad. Back to my 1st trim le.... hope faster can go away.. i wanna eat more!

Xuan, so good u got a 3D scan... but i heard pple saying 3D scan no good.. not sure is harmful in wat sense... Oh, 1 kg at 27 weeks shld b normal?

Winkle, Gim Tim Group is eat chinese food? I didnt hear of this rest before.. issit nice? My hubby told his side tt no full month party. Jus 2 tables for immediate family & close relatives. So maybe i need to find a place to eat.....

Littleprince, enjoy ur seeing ur bb later!

Fuzzybear, patisser is v ex! I saw e price was like... out of my budget....
yayyy, am happy today coz working half day and off for the rest of the week! :) :) :)

xu4n, can resume eating again! :p

pinkyloving, just realized our edd is a day apart and same gynae, dunno whether we will deliver on the same day hor? :p my check up is today! aiyo, i hope mine is not a long wait today, got to fetch #1 to make up tuition class at 5pm. shall see what is my baby's weight! more concerned about my weight though, i gained 3kg in 2 weeks during last check up after gaining a total of only 2kg throughout first 4.5 mths.
Gelobean, good cakes are always worth the price i feel.. hehe.. the thing is i dun like fondant even though they look so pretty! :p

Xuan, woah! 1kg! how many wks are u? 28? 3rd trim already?

Pinky, u and ur hb so funny.. u so poor thing.. bloated again? 3D scan is ok lah.. no harmful effects. don't worry abt it.

Little Prince, lucky u! can rest tmr!

I ate something wrong yesterday.. whole night tummy ache, nauseated and producing a lot of gas.. :(
winkle, oh thanks! i never thought of holding at chinese restaurant. interesting. that reminds me, maybe there are other venues that conduct events and provide food as well?

my son's cc has 4 cases of hfmd. today they spotted one white spot on his tongue and asked us to bring him to a doc to certify that he is well. I don't blame them for being so ks but very inconvenient for us. my hb is now at the PD with him just got an update that the PD said it's not hfmd. thank God!
morning babes!

pinkyloving> gd that ur baby is growing healthily! i oso just went for my gynae visit ytd and the weight is about 600+g too @ 23w 6d. quite happy coz i haven been gaining much weight and i was worried baby won't grow well. to counter ur bloatedness, perhaps u can try having ginger tea/ water? it's supposedly gd according to my colleagues.

littleprince> so shiok! ur long weekend starts today!!!

fuzzybear> yea, it's always so nice to take pretty pics with cute cakes don't ya think? the pics will trigger memories which will stay. :) have u seen a gp for ur tummyache? i had something similar and it turns out that i was down with stomach flu. better to see doc for some reassurance.
ya pinkyloving, my friends also told me that doing 3d scans have some harmful benefits, but after googling n reading up online, it's only when u scan for a very long period of time then there may be some harmful effects. usually our quick 1-2min scan is ok.. hehe... plus i think if it's really bad then my gynae won't provide the 3d scan already...

Gim Tian group is quite good i heard, they have a few outlets, u can google them up. maybe have lunch on a weekend before deciding if u wanna treat ur relatives there?

littleprince: cannot resume eating! must continue to control. haha.. but i gave in n bought a big pc of choc cake after appt yest nite. =P

fuzzybear: i'm at wk27 now. according to the app that i've been using for reference, baby shld be abt 875g, 28wks then hit 1kg. so i was thinking if my baby is too big, but gynae says ok leh.. my baby gained 455g over just 3wks! like very fast... hahaha...
Fuzzy bear: yes I'll be delivering at Glen E.. My gynae gave me 2 PDs.. YY Yip and Dr Gong, my fren tried both before and recommended Dr Gong..

Pinky loving: Gim Tim group is quite a famous chain of restaurants.. Their restaurants might not be named Gim Tim.. Usually they will call it another name eg. XXX Restaurant by Gim Tim Group...

Elderly and relatives will be happy with these kind of food hahahah...
I am looking at Peony Jade.

Winkle, any reason why ur fren chose Dr Gong and not YY Yip? can PM me separately (go to ur profile on the top right and select Inbox to start a new conversation).

Gelobean, i ate some cut fruits yesterday. i usually avoid eating those cut fruits outside cos i have a sensitive tummy.. may be i ate something wrong. :(

Xuan, 1kg seems big but hor weight isn't as accurate as 2D measurements. anyway u can eat some more!
SN, think HFMD is on the rise... my boy's sch got 2 cases reported yday...
gotta be very careful with them.
fuzzybear i still eat alot lah.. my hub is noticing my bigger appetite already. haha.. but i cut down on late nite n unhealthy supper. i think that 1 always gives me extra weight gain. hee...
xuan, hahaha, i always give myself a big treat after a gynae's appointment. cos the weight tracking is reset to zero. so eat first then control for the next 4 weeks.

Febie, HFMD was really bad when my son first started school in March 2012. ever since then, there wasnt really any other cases of HFMD until now. so sian. the way HFMD spreads is very fast and the window period is 10 days. not possible to keep the child at home as a precaution cos this 10 days window period restarts whenever there is a new case.
I have 2 packets of Dumex Mamil mama and 3 packets of Mamil Gold samples for ages 1-3 to give away, pls pm me if interested.

For car seats, I'm also using Britax. I chose a model thats easy to install, so far so good, never hear HB complaining when he had to remove to clean the car interior. Best is to get salesman to show you how to install in your car before making the decision to buy.

I have also used Rasel catering before, and I agree the food and service is fab (also liaise with Azrah) but due to budget constraints I'm looking for other alternatives this time round - am considering Manna Pot and CJS catering. Any mummies used them before?
xuan, how come dr phua nv tell me bb weight one. all he say is bb is big. but i also forgot to ask lah. looking forward to my visit end of the mth.

PD, we can choose our own pd rite? during #1 i blur blur let the hospital decide. but i super dislike the 1st pd, she not very encouraging with bf-ing. tell me bb keep crying at nite, she advise me to feed formula at nite so bb can sleep longer. wanna to slap her man....

febie, SN, my gal sch got 6cases of hfmd and 1 chicken pox yesterday! luckily all in the morning session. but i might stop her from going cause we are going phuket at the end of the mth.
lucky you... my son got the virus twice eversince he entered CC at 18mths... hope he has build up his immune...
last year it was quite bad and this year it seems like everything is under control... keeping my fingers crossed for this round too...
ensure u gives him vit C these few days till the virus died down...
attigal, mamil got recall for some of their milk products.

I'm aware. But I recall its only for the stage 2 for mamil gold and singapore batch is not affected. I'm lactose intolerant and my boy is on similac, so those samples are useless to me. Those not taking the milk powder for your kids can consider taking the one for mothers to be. If there are no takers I will be throwing them away too.

Fuzzybear: she didn't tell me the reason Lolz... I also didn't ask... And when I told the clinic nurse I'll choose Dr Gong.. They said 很好,got do homework... Haha...
