(2013/11) November 2013

morning!!! TGIF:):):) feeling so tired this week. hope that i can wake up naturally during the weekend.

ML, its 16wks including all PH. if you will to count 16wks, its actually less than 4mth. plus all the PH during the start and the end of the yr, it's quite lugi to be on ML at the end of the year.

kitchen gadget, i dont find the happycall very useful. hub always complain that its difficult to wash. plus if you will to leave it not used for sometime, there will be a oil smell. i suppose the smells come from the sealant part. thermal cooker will be a good investment but 6L could be a little big for a small family. i got a 4.5L tiger which i used to make soup for 3person but i still find it big.

diet, just joking abt the soup and salad lah. i dont think i can survive on that kind of diet. but im considering if i show start cooking lunch to bring to work. everyday eat fish soup also sian... so now i cut my rice intake and no more titbits, ice-cream and bubble tea.:(

my turn to complain abt work.... we got 2 sales persons in the company and we separate our territory by area so there is no conflict on the customer account. and we have been operating this way for a number of years. yesterday she come to me and tell me that my boss wanna me to handle over my jurong customers because her current territory is smaller than my, but her is high value customer, my customers are all small time buyer. and my business isn't doing well since we loss our distribution right to once of my major supplier. what make me angry is that my boss cant even come and talk to me abt it, he ask her to come to me direct. i have been working in jurong area for yrs, build up the customer base all on my own. why should i just hand them over to her on silver plate. so angry:mad::mad::mad: they think that pregnant woman can be bullied ah... if she want more sales, go look for her own customers, dont come and disturb my turf. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Morning mummies! It's finally Friday! Think I m getting more and more tired.. Plus move over to the new office yesterday.. The Reno smell is so stronggggggg!!! I actually had heart burn after staying inside for 1 hr.. Now I need to keep walking out to breathe fresh air.. And the best part I need to climb up n down the stairs to get to the lift level.... Aiyo... It's really not Peggy friendly environment...

Any idea how can I refrain from breathing the poison air inside office huh? Even my jacket stink after one afternoon.. My hubby say its not good for bb... But I need to go in office cos its peak period..

Mush: can go and clarify with your boss? I also think its to fair especially when you build our base already.. Dan you give her how about you? Or your boss is just preparing that you go ML she will take over so now ask her to take over first to familiarize first? But still not right loh I feel...

I feel.. Maybe just take 1 week or 2 weeks before the actual date of giving birth? Cos I also believe after we pop our bb, we will tend to want to spend more time with bb later 16 weeks also not enough.. Not to say still must deduct the early ML leave taken.. Just my opinion.. :)
pinkyloving: Yup it's private IFC, wanted to put her at MFS but the centre nearby has zero vacancy and long wait list.

My 1st mth celebration for my #1, i held the buffet on a Sat at in-laws', also easier for the neighbours (who know us very well) to go. Then on the next day (Sun), I booked a buffet in a chinese restaurant for my mum's side + our friends. The food was good, air-conditioned and had tables and chairs provided. My mum cooked her signature vinegar pork trotters and we were even allowed to bring the whole pot in to serve. The restaurant ppl very nice, after the buffet, even helped to wash my mum's pot!

If u scared mafan, why dont u just hold everything in one day? Then maybe 1st round in the early noon (11-2pm) and second round in the late noon (3-6pm)? I think can arrange with the caterers to top up fresh food for second round.
Morning ladies, so glad it's friday.
ML: I don't think I would be taking in advance. Should be until all the way until I am due! I kinda like my work and I think I will miss it when I am away actually. Weird hor. o_O

1st month celebration: thinking of skipping it totally because I would be so tired after that 1 month. I get very cranky when I am sleep deprived. :mad:
Good morning!

ML: My company policy is employees have to go on ML 2 weeks before EDD. If we want to work until last min, have to get letter from gynae to certify "fit for work" so quite different? For colleagues that needed to rest in last tri, they just took HL after all the MC finished :p I don't intend to share my ML with hb since he will be on school holidays end of year haha...

kitchen gadget: Another good gadget is a multi-tier steamer. Sometimes, I will cook rice, steam egg, and steam fish in the steamer and just add stir-fried vege. I also have a endo thermal cooker, so sometimes I just cook the pork bones in the morning, and throw in the vege to the soup for dinner. Simple and healthy dinner :)

1st month celebration: We will prob have a simple one at home, same as for #1 to be fair and just invite relatives and close friends at 1 go.

Maid vs infantcare: I also bu fang xin to leave maid alone with baby or even my 4yo, so we decided to waitlist for infantcare for #2 instead of getting a maid like last time. Planning to clear my balance leave from this year, plus CCL next year and keep baby at home for 6mths. Too bad my #1's childcare don't have infantcare, so need to shuttle between 2 places :(

febie, my #1 is opposite... she's been asking me to change her school since last year! She wants to go to the NTUC first skool as my neighbour's kids are there even though she's happy at her current school.

linxiaober, can feedback to your manager? They can do something to clear the air over the weekend?

mush, I think you should talk to your boss directly on his intentions. Maybe he's thinking of letting you have a good rest during your ML?
TGIF Mummies...working from home today.. but will sneak off later in the afternoon to run some errands.. hee
Both my legs cramped again last night... -_-.... no peace in sleep.
Pre natal massage: I text Mdm Ida on her rates for pre natal massage. She is charging $40 for 1 hr based on my location in choa chu kang. She usually does it for ladies from 24 - 32 weeks.
Need to prepare 2 big towels and small bowl. Her off day is on Sunday.

hehz, I should be booking her next week to give it a try I think.
sei, my company has the same policy too but HR usually doesn't bother so much so long as we are sure we can work. so i intend to take max a week or few days before EDD but not any earlier. i like the steamer too but i don't dare to buy coz hb already complaining i have so many gadgets in the kitchen and my kitchen is quite small. :p
morning everyone, i am new in this forum but have been reading up since the start of the thread.
didn't dare to post previously as I was having spotting quite frequently.

EDD: Tentatively 22-28 Nov (no idea why the EDD keeps changing everytime i visit my gynae)
Gynae: Dr Wong Heng Fok from Tampines TMC
Delivery Hospital: TMC
lxb, sei, actually i waiting for my boss to talk to me abt it. i dont intend approach him. my boss is those without guts one. maybe he will just forget abt it and things can go back to normal. this might be the only way i could keep my customers. being preg woman always lose out on opportunities. promotion or pay increment we are always the last in line. :(

compression socking, any brand to recommend? yogini maybe u can try wearing them to sleep?
linxiaober / febie: ya i got wear to sleep... so far i have never experience leg cramps yet... i bought this about a year ago..i wore it nightly before i got preg.. den i continue during part of trim one becoz my feet were always very cold.. den stopped until recently lor.. Fuzzy said her doc reccommneded her to wear..so should be safe bah..
Anw, i bought a couple of dresses from ASOS after reading this thread. The material is really quite good. Sadly, the sizes do not fit so I am hoping to sell them to fellow mummies. All of the clothings are in size 8. I have indicated the original price and the selling price in the thumbnails. Please contact me at 98446512 if you gals are interested ya? Tks very much! :)


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    Maternity Skater Dress with Slash Neck an Capped Sleeve UP 30.35 SP 25.jpg
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    Maternity T-Shirt Dress with Lace Panel in Acid Wash UP 36.85 SP 32.jpg
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    Maternity Smock Dress in Reverse Spot UP $29.26 SP $25.jpg
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    Exclusive T-Shirt with Raglan Lace Sleeve UP $20.59 SP $15.jpg
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i am also planning to wait until the day i pop then start my ML, cos want to spend more time with baby. i feel it's kinda wasted if i start my ML early n just stay home to slp n do nothing.. haha..
still haven't decided yet if i will pass hub 1 wk of my ML. i asked him he says no need, but i think when the time comes he will complain abt having to return to work so early n not having enuff time with baby. haha..

mummychua: i'm also thinking if it's possible that ur boss is preparing for ur ML handover already? then maybe he n ur other colleague din say things clearly. i am starting to look for my temp staff to cover me for ML starting this mth too.. =) n yes i agree that our bonus, promotions, increments are always discounted when we take ML. sad hor...

RE: 1st mth celebration
i will probably do all in the same day, do it on separate days more troublesome i feel. maybe will have my relatives n friends come in the daytime, then hub's friends come at nite time. looking at my guests headcount, it seems alot leh. usually how much do u all spend for a 1st mth celebration huh?
i am also planning to wait until the day i pop then start my ML, cos want to spend more time with baby. i feel it's kinda wasted if i start my ML early n just stay home to slp n do nothing.. haha..
still haven't decided yet if i will pass hub 1 wk of my ML. i asked him he says no need, but i think when the time comes he will complain abt having to return to work so early n not having enuff time with baby. haha..

mummychua: i'm also thinking if it's possible that ur boss is preparing for ur ML handover already? then maybe he n ur other colleague din say things clearly. i am starting to look for my temp staff to cover me for ML starting this mth too.. =) n yes i agree that our bonus, promotions, increments are always discounted when we take ML. sad hor...

RE: 1st mth celebration
i will probably do all in the same day, do it on separate days more troublesome i feel. maybe will have my relatives n friends come in the daytime, then hub's friends come at nite time. looking at my guests headcount, it seems alot leh. usually how much do u all spend for a 1st mth celebration huh?

Hi xu4n,

I think it really depends on whether you plan to have a celebration.. some pple go easy on #2 and just give vouchers. For me I had a party with buffet - costed us around $500 including food, decos and full month cakes from sweetest moments (which I planned to order again). #2 I foresee will also have a full month party (to be fair) but maybe with lesser guests, but I will budget around $500 too.
For post natal massage I'm also with a Mdm Ida.. but she charges $400 for 7 sessions. Both my SIL and I have used her before and she is really very good, so I'm sticking to her again. interested parties can pm me for her contact if keen.
xu4n: i do not intend to spend more than 1K for 40-50pax including the charges for booking conference room leh. Dunno enough or not. Not to mention, we also need to buy the baby shower cakes/gifts to distribute. I will be getting Bengawan Solo vouchers. Based on my experience, no one likes to eat the cupcakes. Whenever office colls give the cakes, everyone leaves it in the office or distribute away as they dont wanna bring home. With the vouchers i can still keep for myself if there are leftovers..
Good morning mummies!

I will not start my ML before delivery, #2 time also work till I pop.

I also don't understand why some mummies also said their EDD is depended on the size of their baby. So far, my last 2 pregnancies EDD never changed, although both babies during expecting, gynae said they measured small, but didn't affect EDD.In fact, at birth, they are not small, 3.35kg average. For this #3, gynae also said measurements looks small for my weeks, but never change the EDD. Actually it maybe a good thing, because measurements looks small, which means physical head/body is small, easy for delivery, but weight is good, seems my babies are all like these.
Little Prince, there are 2 rockers there. One is the non convertible one at $169 or $179. The other is the 4-in-1 rocker usually gg at $339 but gg at $249. There's also a swing on sale.
Fuzzy-$249 is the one that I am looking for.
I saw from Kiddy Palace usual price stated as $499, after discount was $399.
It will be a gd buy lor.
Robinson also having sales?
If Robinson has this set will be gd, as I have Robinson card. Hehe
I was thinking is it worth gng to Spring Maternity warehouse sale tmr.
Any mummies went be4? Worth gng?
yea third3timemum, puzzles me too. I would need t confirm with my gynae during my visit this coming Monday. coz of the varying EDD, it's hard for me to plan my ML. :(
littleprince: told my boss already.. she is okay with my leaving once in awhile to get fresh air.. but also cant leave too long and the lift at my new office takes a damn long time.. so i also paiseh to keep walking out.. but at least she understands cos she have 2 kids herself.. so she know..

febie: i brought my small air ionizer to office today.. duno can help combat anot.. maybe i should get my essence oil here.. but i dun want to use too much.. in case its too much for my bb also..

sei: i doubt they will do anything like that.. cos no one is complaining other dan me.. somemore i part timer.. no value to them also.. so i must self help..

wrinkle: hmmm.. maybe i should wear also.. just duno still can fit into it anot.. hahaa thanks for the info!
Good morning mummies!

Went for my babymoon in Bali and came back to this new interface. Still getting use to it.

I'm sure there must have been lots of discussions about what to buy at Taka baby fair. Anyone able to enlighten which pages were the discussions? Plan to go this weekend if its still on. :)

littleprince, I will be giving hubby one week of my maternity.

Who's going for TMC's prenatal class tomorrow? I'll see you!:p
my EDD also keeps changing on each visit, dunno which one to rely on... but gynae seems to note on first scan EDD date as reference... i dont have maternaty benefits, but still willing to work till i pop, not sure how do i feel in later stages...
morning everyone, i am new in this forum but have been reading up since the start of the thread.
didn't dare to post previously as I was having spotting quite frequently.

EDD: Tentatively 22-28 Nov (no idea why the EDD keeps changing everytime i visit my gynae)
Gynae: Dr Wong Heng Fok from Tampines TMC
Delivery Hospital: TMC

my gyne told me that the date will vary based on the size of the baby.. but normally the first two checkup that you go is the accurate one.. mine change from 7/11 to 3/11 and to 1/11 and now back to 7/11.. and he did mention that my bb is on the smaller size.. so maybe after this time checkup dan i will know if my edd date change again.. but i think its always around that period of time unless bb is growing too well.. hahaha so dun worry so much.. :)
gelobean, there's 2 ways to calculate EDD. First method is by LMP (first day of last mentral period), which is usually the first EDD the gynae gives you and assumes you have a 4-week menstral cycle and ovulate/conceive 2 weeks after LMP. The 2nd method is EDD by measurement after about 8 wks, which is accurate in the first trimester as all babies grow at the same rate in this period. This is because some people may have late ovulation. So you should be prepared to deliver anytime after 36wks :)
thanks sei for the info! i tink the 2nd method will be more suitable for me coz my period is rather irregular. :)

mawanab> i am going for the TMC class tmr!
attigal, as mentioned earlier, doing the 1st mth celebration or not is not an option for me, cos hub n in-laws are expecting it already, it's a norm in their culture. u mentioned u spend abt $500 only? wah i did a brief estimation of mine n may come up to $2k, including buffet food n the full mth cakes etc. that's y i sian... tiring n so exp somemore. =(

Kayliz: my rough calculation is more than 1k already. jialat... somemore i'm not inviting alot of pple leh. only relatives, my close friends n hub's friends. but hub's friends are all his basketball team mates, usually if invite must invite the whole team 1.. it seems like another wedding invitation... lol...

RE: full mth cakes
usually who do we give the full mth cakes to? those that i've attended give out to guests who were present also. but i also heard before tt only need to give to those whom we din invite? i also heard usually we give 1 box per family/ couple. is that true? or is it 1 box per person?
asos - strange that most of the mummies here said their purchases don't fit them, mine ok so far after buying 3-4 rounds. last spree came last night, all ok too. i bought size 10 else won't mind taking over some of gelobean's purchases.

bluenosebear, mine can covert into toddler rocker too leh. anyway, i am getting mine tomorrow when they deliver and i will take a pix to post up here. for Sping, the sale items are only in the warehouse or in Spring stores? i am thinking to drop by one of the Spring stores to take a look tonight.

mawanab, your checkup is next week also right?
sighs, i wished that my purchases fit! was eagerly looking fwd to it as I am running out of clothes coz the tummy seemed to boom this week. I just bought a size 6 ytd again. cannot stand the shopaholic in me! haha..
asos - strange that most of the mummies here said their purchases don't fit them, mine ok so far after buying 3-4 rounds. last spree came last night, all ok too. i bought size 10 else won't mind taking over some of gelobean's purchases.

bluenosebear, mine can covert into toddler rocker too leh. anyway, i am getting mine tomorrow when they deliver and i will take a pix to post up here. for Sping, the sale items are only in the warehouse or in Spring stores? i am thinking to drop by one of the Spring stores to take a look tonight.

mawanab, your checkup is next week also right?
Spring sales mayeb in warehouse only.
The one that cost $159 can also convert to toddler chair, but do not have swing & high chair.
attigal, as mentioned earlier, doing the 1st mth celebration or not is not an option for me, cos hub n in-laws are expecting it already, it's a norm in their culture. u mentioned u spend abt $500 only? wah i did a brief estimation of mine n may come up to $2k, including buffet food n the full mth cakes etc. that's y i sian... tiring n so exp somemore. =(

Kayliz: my rough calculation is more than 1k already. jialat... somemore i'm not inviting alot of pple leh. only relatives, my close friends n hub's friends. but hub's friends are all his basketball team mates, usually if invite must invite the whole team 1.. it seems like another wedding invitation... lol...

RE: full mth cakes
usually who do we give the full mth cakes to? those that i've attended give out to guests who were present also. but i also heard before tt only need to give to those whom we din invite? i also heard usually we give 1 box per family/ couple. is that true? or is it 1 box per person?

yeah.. coz buffet didn't cost me a lot, I didn't invite that many people.. ordered for about 30 pax.. around 40 showed up just nice. but that was back in 2010 lah... prices may be different now. and mine is only one buffet in the noon, I know some pple split 2 buffets, 1 noon 1 night.. for me I dun bother lah. I gave out to those who turn up during the party.
totorodino, yeah.. started calling her aunty since dating my hubby 10 over years ago..so awkward to change the habit after trad wedding last year. Haha.

Took UL today, hoping to settle some ID quotes but both the co i wanna see today are not free. and they wont email the quotes! argh. Asked hubby take 1/2 day already. So will just check out expo baby fair and the home fair too. Hope is worth the trip.

re: FP rocker
I also saw the paper with the infant to toddler rocker at $129. So cfm not the same one as Taka? Was excited to buy it then.
Which is the most versatile FP rocker then?

Sabrina, which Mdm Ida did you engage? I also saw a Mdm Ida on the forum and texted a lady at 94361463. She replied yday that her charges are $60/hr and to prepare 2 towels. She was free to come this Sun to my place at Sembawang. Huh, diff person ah?

Attigal, can share the number of your Mdm Ida as well pls? I just texted mine and she said maybe diff Ida.. So who is the Mdm Ida who is the well mentioned one? Confused.
totorodino, yeah.. started calling her aunty since dating my hubby 10 over years ago..so awkward to change the habit after trad wedding last year. Haha.

Took UL today, hoping to settle some ID quotes but both the co i wanna see today are not free. and they wont email the quotes! argh. Asked hubby take 1/2 day already. So will just check out expo baby fair and the home fair too. Hope is worth the trip.

re: FP rocker
I also saw the paper with the infant to toddler rocker at $129. So cfm not the same one as Taka? Was excited to buy it then.
Which is the most versatile FP rocker then?

Sabrina, which Mdm Ida did you engage? I also saw a Mdm Ida on the forum and texted a lady at 94361463. She replied yday that her charges are $60/hr and to prepare 2 towels. She was free to come this Sun to my place at Sembawang. Huh, diff person ah?

Attigal, can share the number of your Mdm Ida as well pls? I just texted mine and she said maybe diff Ida.. So who is the Mdm Ida who is the well mentioned one? Confused.

Same number as the one you mentioned before. she quoted me $400 for 7 sessions.. maybe coz I'm returning customer.
Re: full mth
I did it for my 2 boys but kinda sian doing it for #3 cos we just did my #2's full mth and 1st bday in the past yr. I usually spend abt 2K on the parties cos I have abt 100 guests split into 2 sessions. Also I just order cakes to be consumed there, like cupcakes, whole cakes and ang kukuehs. Ppl just eat what they can. Usually buy a lot lesser. I personally think Sweetest Moment cakes taste horrible. I bought it for #2's first mth. I usually have 2 sets of cakes, one set for each session. The evening cake usually from Patissier.

Re: FP rocker
There's one convertible to toddler's chair but the other one can be high chair, toddler chair, rocker and swing. Looks like a pretty gd buy but the more parts there are, the less stable it is. So gotta check the stability of the 4-in-1 system.
wah seh! xuan and fuzzyzbear, $2k on baby full month!!!!! gosh! I only spent about $500 I recall. Only invited relatives and close friends and colleagues. this time round, im thinking the guest list will be even shorter. haha.

actually im confused about the cake distribution part. I attended two parties recently. One friend gave out vouchers to everyone at the party and she has ang gu kueys at the buffet as well. Another friend, didnt give out any vouchers and her in laws kept the ang gu kueys for the relatives only. I cant rem what i did 2 years ago. I think we gave sweetest moments cakes to colleagues who didnt come for the party. Those at the party, we gave vouchers. We also had ang gu kueys at the buffet.
xu4n: wow, that's a lot of people! 2k is alot..

The Mdm Ida i engaged has different no. from u all leh. Mine is 94249829 and it is the same contact 3 yrs ago when I had #1. She charges $50/hr, also same as last time, no increase. So 7 sessions pre or post-natal massage is also $350 only. How come yours different de?
hi all, the items below have been sold:
1. t-shirt with reglan lace sleeve; and
2. maternity smock dress in reverse spot
am left with the remaining 2 items. so sorry, i realised that i got the price wrong for the maternity skater dress. i actually paid $43.35 for it. Am willing to let go at $38. All pieces are brand new. Pls contact me at 98446512 if interested. Tks.


  • Maternity Skater Dress with Slash Neck an Capped Sleeve UP 43.35 SP 38.jpg
    Maternity Skater Dress with Slash Neck an Capped Sleeve UP 43.35 SP 38.jpg
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    Maternity T-Shirt Dress with Lace Panel in Acid Wash UP 36.85 SP 32.jpg
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full month: I definitely spent <1k for #1 in 2009. We catered for about 70pax, mainly relatives and close friends and colleagues. Just 1 session, with staggered timing. For colleagues who gave ang pow and didn't turn up, we gave bengawan solo vouchers.

xuan, if you are giving cakes to relatives, it's usually 1 box per family.

plush, share if there are any good deals at the baby expo!

Oh, there's 20% storewide at metro from today until this sunday! I just went to the metro at causeway point during lunch today, most baby items have 20% off except the usual pumps and sale bundles.
Plush84 & attigal: The Mdm Ida is the same number as kyaliz, 94249829. Her price same as the one she quoted for kyaliz also. She don't have package one but charges per session.

Mumagain: Mine also a malaysian confinement lady but because she cooks only organic vegetarian and she is some sort of a nutritionist. Her rate is $3k.
So far the rates I have been hearing is in the range of $2.4 - $2.8k.
full month: we don't have such celebration, we just celebrate 1st birthday...

The Mdm Ida is the same number as Kayliz, 94249829 with same charges as she mentioned also.
For post natal massage I'm also with a Mdm Ida.. but she charges $400 for 7 sessions. Both my SIL and I have used her before and she is really very good, so I'm sticking to her again. interested parties can pm me for her contact if keen.

Hi attigal, I am looking for a good masseuse, will u be able to pm me mdm Ida's number? I tried to pm you but cannot seem to find the link anywhere to pm... Thanks!!

RE: Mdm Ida
i remembered there's 2 Mdm Ida on forums, so don't get confused btw the 2 k? the Mdm Ida contact that i had is the same as kayliz's.

RE: 1st mth celebration
i also feel 2k very exp leh.. i rather spend tt money buying things for my baby lor. haha.. but i looked ard buffet prices n 1st mth cake prices is abt that amount leh... n i already chose the cheapest buffet set. my parents will want to invite their close friends also. sigh... must think of ways to minimise the cost.

thanks sei, will take note when ordering the cakes. =)
