(2013/11) November 2013

Plush84: I rang up baby bellies at golden landmark and they only had one slot at 4pm on saturday. It is too late for me, if you want, can call them back.
1 hr session: $60
Contact: 62967198

Xu4n: thanks for the recommendation. Is it painful for the post natal one? I heard some used alot of strength and it is very painful.

Sabrina: hehe i haven't tried before, am a 1st time mum. but i guess like all massages if u feel that the strength is too hard for u, can request them to be gentler? alot of the mummies in the fb group also engaged Mdm Ida and her team for their postnatal massages.
durian only july and august at its best?! really?! hahah! my gynae told me that if i wanna eat durians, it should replace an entire meal, it should never be eaten as a dessert / snack cos it's too fattening! I'm wondering which meal to replace hahahaha.

val, kayliz, totally agree. so even if i want to activate my backup plan of having my mom come over for only half a day (to lessen her workload) should i have a helper, i still have to monitor via camera for the other half of the day and even if i see anything, it will be too late for me to rush down. or maybe we ladies are thinking too much? i prefer to be safe/ kiasu than sorry. True that IFC/CC might have abuse cases as well, but at least there are other teachers around and any abuse also wont be too drastic.
totorodino, ya lor... but my hubby said, if notice any abuse by maid can call police first... lol..
same here, i rather be kiasu... i believe no matter what, IFC still better than maid. Somemore i find the centre i want is not bad. Still the same teachers as per 3 yrs ago when my girl was there.
felval, you really exercise self control well... guess this round I really put on weight because of the durian...
i just stuffed myself with tom yam kway tiao... stomach going to burst.... >_<...

Falval.. my pre-pregnancy weight was around 40kg... so i was underweight mum to begin with.. so during the last 1 month (between 19 weeks -23 weeks) i gain more than 2kg, my gynae started asking me what i was eating, control the weigh gain rate and don't eat so much carb..

So i reduce my carb and sugary stuffs over the last 2 weeks..and now i nv gain any weight over this 2 weeks period (just by cutting back carbs n sugary stuffs).

PS: i dunneo if any mummy buy from Ghim moh market before... but the mao shan wang durian there very nice, creamy and good quality.. the fat uncle very nice, keep opening during for us to try.... hehe..
Having said that i each 4 seeds i very full le... cos the meat alot for mao shan wang!
Arissa, you went to Ah Seng for durian ah???
I only went to Jurong West. I nv really eat MSW... I tried other breed... hahaha...

furrz I used da feng cao... it's in a pack form... smells like grass jelly to me... hahahha...

SN and Kayliz, dun think too much abt getting a helper since you know your direction already... :)
just focus on looking for an ifc now and let them know when estimate you want to put your child in.
I had BK, double mushroom swiss meal with taro pie. Omg, i feel like vomitting. Not forgetting, i had Mac for supper at 1030pm last nite.

My gynae never mentioned anything about my weight gain. I wonder if he tracks. I also cant rem my weight during my last checkup but it was definitely less than 60.
Now I'm already 61-62kg and my height is 166cm... 4 more kilos and that wld be the full-term weight i had with #1. I'm expanding way too fast now. :eek:
Wah talking abt fooooood!

I like durians too! but i can't eat too much at one go cos it is very filling.. plus it makes me very heaty.. cannot poo!

Arissa, i dun think u need to worry that ur bb is not growing.. def growing one.. some of us were losing weight until 20 wks before we start to gain a bit, but baby is still growing well. don't over think ok?

Re: aches and cramps
Argh i m the same! my mid back very very suan. i m lucky cos so far i haven't had cramps. what i read was to keep ur calf muscles warm to prevent cramps. i usually wear long pants to bed and make sure my feet are warm.. I won't advise u to get those massagers. perhaps go to a place that knows how to massage preggie ladies.

I used this massage place for post natal massage after my #2. I am not really a massage person so i won't be doing it again. Didn't do it after i delivered #1 so i don't think it is necessary at all. http://originsjamumassage.com/
fuzzybear: i am doing my prenatal massage with this originsjamu this sat! i will review if it's good. but so far the customer service is great. :)
Wa today so active!

Anhk & little prince, thanks for sharing noob cook website. Didn't noe got such website. Anhk, I only noe how to steam cod fish. .cos I scare those fish gt head n tail. Haha... my rice cooker v simple, only gt cook n warm function. I need to invest a thermal pot!

Xuan, I got CL for 1st mth. But e rest of 3mth ML leave I got nobody help me. So thinkin to call tit kat for lunch. At least I dun need to go tabao.

Now den I noe yogini is Arissa.. Arissa u v skinny lo.. y ur gyne nag at u for a small weight gain. Hmm...

SN, ur bb will b a happy happy bb by eating chocolate.

Re: durian
I haven't eat any durian yet!! Like SN, I always look n smell e durian when I pass by e stall. Don't dare to buy cos I scare my cough coming back. Mayb towards e end of preg den eat.. haha...

Kayliz, ur ifc v ex le after subsidy. Is a pte ifc?

Re: 1st mth celebration
Recently tot of it, but we dun hav a place to hold oso. Thinkin to put at my brother condo since got function room but hubby said too far cos we stay at hougang. Hubby oso dun like to mafan pple. In e end he decided to hold a small one w diff group of ppl in diff days. As if I v free lo. Argghs. I rather put everyone on a same day rather den hold so many times. Like my side at my mum place. Hubby side go restaurant eat. For frens n coll maybe meet outside eat. So ma fan lo..
Sabrina, thanks for recommending diapers.com.sg :)

Haha, after reading thru all the posts on pre preg and current weights, now I know why my gynae thinks my weight gain is ok. I was 61.5kg pre-preg, and am only 1.57m tall. BMI just starting at the overweight range. Now already at 63kg. When I gave birth to #1, I was 64kg!! Dunno how man, most likely I'll be hitting 70kg mark this time round. No joke to carry all these extra kg of fats lol. #2 better help me drink it all out via BM. I must have mantra chant at night - breastfeed breastfeed breastfeed zzzzzzzzz............haiz, you all ah, slim mummies.

Mummychua, don't diet until so extreme leh. Replace the carbo with whole grains? More nutritious too. Your diet plans make my stomach feel so sad.

Arissa, I wouldnt be able to stop at four seeds of durian! If #1 wasn't having a cold now, I think I would have started whacking some durians.

Anyone got lobang on one piece maternity swimwear? My gynae recommended slow swimming to relieve backache, but the swimwear I've seen are two piece. Suddenly feel very shy about exposing my tummy at swimming pool ;p
mummies, not sure if u still remember the incident when my baby boy changes to a baby girl n i was saying i felt guilty for feeling disappointed? at that time my friend submitted my orders for carters baby boy's clothes in advance, now she's helping me to sell them away cos the shipping fees were charged to her when she helped me submit the orders. here are the items i bought at that time, most are clearance items which are not available on carters website anymore. size is indicated in the file name, if u're interested in any of the items, please PM me so that i can check with my friend on the price. Thanks in advance! =)


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do you think we can wear compression stockings to sleep during preg? i wore it last night to sleep and i felt very comfy, no cramps.. and it says the stockings help in blood circulation, prevent varicose veins and helps to keep ur legs and thighs in shape.. etc.. but then im not too sure if it can be worn during preg... i bought the Scholl brand...


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pinky, i am also afraid of fish with head and tail. In fact, we realised that every monday, neogarden will have fish on their menu, so we changed the non delivery day to Monday! hahaha. I am only catering tingkat for 4 days a week.

wah arissa, you are slimmer than me! 40kg pre-preg at 156, means your bmi is only 16! severly underweight! think you really dun have to worry about weight gain cos i think you need that extra weight to breastfeed later on. hahaha.

ankh, hahaha. yes yes, transfer all your weight to your baby after you deliver. hahaha. your comment about your stomach feeling sad looking at mummychua's diet plans is so funny. hahaha.

wah kayliz, mac for supper and bk for lunch?! I did the same thing 2 months ago, bk for dinner and mac for bf the next morning. a few days later i ate kfc for lunch. that was how i ended up with a spike in weight. haha.
btw, i finished half of the giant pack of M&Ms i posted this morning within two days. Each giant pack has 8 servings so that means i ate 2 normal packs of M&Ms each day. OMG! i quickly kept the remainder in my shelf. see no evil and eat no evil from now till weekend.
xu4n, can I ask abt how and at which stage your baby boy changed to girl? Does that happen, normal to have such error? On my last fetal scan 3 weeks ago, sonographer had a tough time to scan baby gender and baby was hiding..finally, caught it as a boy. The week after, I went to gynae, she too could not see gender clearly again as baby was very cheeky and hiding..but she said if the report states biy is cfm boy else wont state black and white. I am honestly fine with boy or girl. But my in laws kinda inconsiderate..din not react very excitedly for the boy..they wanted a girl. :( I was quite sad with their reaction. Moreover, their first grandchild. Haiz. So now wondering if will have a surprise on next scan.

Since am having a boy, dun mind taking over your boy clothes but must check with hubby if ok for me to buy early. I think I am one of the few mummies who is restricted from shopping. :(
plush, at wk 16 we saw that we were having a boy, but at wk 20 gynae confirmed baby as girl. wk21 i went for FA scan n sonographer double confirmed we're having girl. i hope no mistake already lah. but recently many pple are guessing that my baby is a boy.. making me a little paranoid again. lol...

ok u double check with ur hub then pm or email to let me know lor.. then i'll check with my friend on the cost. =)
Anyone starting their Maternity Leave before delivery? Can start 4 weeks before, but 1 week before start, need to submit a declaration form to your employer.
does durian really make the bb smarter, so I heard? n does breast-feeding make us smarter? anyone heard of these?

febie :

da fong cao = daifengai? which branddid u use huh?
SN, is really addictive to eat e choc! Tt y better buy small packet. Finished den no more. But muz ren not to buy 2nd packet. Haha....

Thirdtimemum, how to estimate e 1 mth before delivery? 1 mth from edd? My super peak starts on 1 Nov. Where co will buy dinner for us to slog late everyday for e mth of Nov. I wan to escape from it. But my edd is 24 Nov. If I request to go ML on 1 Nov, dunno my bosses will let me go anot.

Xuan, mine is a boy! But I got lotsa of rompers aldy. I dun mind getting e long sleeve cardigan which I haven't got any. How much

this is also new to me, just got the website today. I also email my request, waiting for them to reply, maybe you can do the same?
Sob, nobody wants my romper? :(

Re: weight
I am currently 60kg at 1.72m. Oops.. my gynae is very relaxed abt weight. so no stress from him... for my first kid, i couldn't gain anymore weight after 32 wks! dunno why...

Kayliz, sure let us know if it is gd.. i m not comfy having pre-natal massage, partly because i have a sensitive uterus.. easy to trigger contractions.

Ankh, how about tankini? it is 2 pc swimsuit but covers ur tummy.. pretty ex just to get a one pc maternity swim suit. I thought u needed to check if u can swim cos u had low placenta?

Winkle, can wear compression socks! when i was on full bed rest my doc ordered me to wear them. :)

Plush, u can't change how ppl react to u so u have to change how u react to other ppl reactions. ur baby is the most precious thing on earth, be it boy or gal. usually once they confirm it won't change though i have heard stories otherwise.

Thirdtime3mum, nopes will start my ML on the day i pop. partly cos i know i will be so tired handling 3 kids so i want a longer rest period after i pop.. also i want to bf.. though my supply didn't really dropped after i went back to work, my slping hours dropped to abt 4-5hrs a day. very very tiring. I am thinking of clearing 4 wks of my annual leave after my ML next yr cos i haven't utilise this yr's leave at all.

Furzz, read this for the link btw bf-ing and kids' IQ. this is a new research that came out 2 days back: http://healthland.time.com/2013/07/30/breastfeeding-and-other-early-influencers-on-childrens-iq/
Other than giving our kids higher IQ, bf-ing is also linked to lower diabetes and heart diseases risks.
Febie.. i dunneo if the uncle is call ah seng or not... me and my hubby just refer him as uncle ah pui...

Ankh, torodino... My gynae only see and compare the weight from the previous month and not my per-pregnancy BMI. :mad: I don't want to argue with him.. just keep quiet from now onwards.. eat my own stuffs...

Durians... I heard that eating durians are more for giving baby a plumper and fleshy look... so my hubby friend told my hubby initially to feed me more durians!
But I can't take it la... very heaty and gelate after 4 seeds...
xu4n, plush... when my gynae scan my baby.. he said.. "oh still boy" ...
I think too many cases of baby morphing between B or G..
xuan, thanks dear. will update..:)

fuzzybear, yeah..i was really disappointed..after telling them a few times, even when my hubby not around, my mil asks me is it confirm boy? how I know? what did I see in the scan? wahhh... I was angry and replied "why aunty, wanna change ah?" :p

wah, though am not chinese..mixed of chinese and indian.. I just checked out noobcook and craving peppery soup now. told hubby to bring me eat bak kut the. :p
Furzz, today's Mind Your Body has an article about breastfeeding increasing kid's IQ. Also another article how learning and practising two languages has positive effect on kids brains too.

Fuzzybear, one month ago I would've grabbed your romper! But er, scarily now I think I bought enough for #2 already. Funny, the one piece maternity swimsuit i saw was cheap, just too small. Think I saw the tankinis you mentioned, but also scared the shorts will fall off when swimming. So, they won't fall off is it? Heehee. Last visit gynae said slooooooow swimming was fine for me to relieve backache. Not that it matters, I only know breaststroke lol.

SN, ssssshhhhhhh....... I've got a stash of kitkat in the fridge ;p

Pinky, can always ask the fishmonger to chop away the tail and head (but the teochew in me says the head got yummy bits too!). Easier to steam in smaller plates too.

For those mummies who'll be looking after the babies themselves after confinement, can also consider freezing some soup stocks or simple meals before baby arrives. Just heat up in oven or by steam will do. I've been looking at these websites, see if you guys wanna adapt them for own use:
1) http://www.thekitchn.com/20-time-saving-freezer-tips-175622
2) http://www.netmums.com/family-food/meal-planning/cooking-tips/batch-cooking-and-freezing
3) http://www.thekitchn.com/what-meals-should-i-freeze-before-our-baby-arrives-good-questions-186595
4) http://www.taste.com.au/recipes/collections/freezer+friendly
Hey I would love to know if wearing compression socks will be hot?
Cos I am starting to feel like I am walking like a penguin!
do you think we can wear compression stockings to sleep during preg? i wore it last night to sleep and i felt very comfy, no cramps.. and it says the stockings help in blood circulation, prevent varicose veins and helps to keep ur legs and thighs in shape.. etc.. but then im not too sure if it can be worn during preg... i bought the Scholl brand...

Winkle you got wear ah? I before preg I got wear.. But when I know I preg.. I dun dare le cos I dunno if its okay to wear.. If can I think I will wear again..
I just ended work n am so glad it's Friday tomorrow!
Me wore the Scholl socks too, I find that it helps with preventing cramps.
I am eating the huge calcium pill daily n it seem to help with leg cramps. Another way is to drink sufficient water like a glass before going to bed! ;)
good morning, TGIF! my fave day of the week! :)

paternity leave, anyone sharing a week of ML with hubby huh?

fuzzybear, how is your hiring for helper going along? current helper will leave when new helper comes?

gender, during my detailed scan in TMC, the sonographer said so far TMC hardly has cases of wrong gender, said their scans usually quite accurate.

ankh, thks for the food freezing links!

i am only working 1.5 days next week ... woo hoo!
thirdtimemum, my company need to apply 5 weeks in advance before gg ML. I see how's my "condition" in October ba den i decide whether to take ML early. Some mummies saying can try getting hospitalisation leave/MC before EDD from gyne. Issit easy to get? haha..

Btw, experienced mummies, our ML include public holidays? Cos hor Dec to Feb has the most public holidays, means we will lugi lo if counted as part of our ML.

Fuzzybear, too bad im not having a girl else i will buy from you. Btw, I jus bot Malcaren Techno XT 2011 model. I find the seat too spacious for a newborn bb. Can share wat you buy for the stroller to put newborn bb comfortably on the seat?

Anhk, thanks for sharing! But i tot it is better to eat fresh rather then freezing all e food and eat later? I rec John little mailer! They r having sales n i saw alot of kitchen equipment which i tinkin to buy... like wat littleprince commented on e panasonic rice cooker w steam/soup functions..is selling at $69. Issit cheap? And i saw this Thermal pot by Endo 6L selling at $59... Aww... i feel like buying to prepare my own meals during ML period. Sound like im in a process of becoming a "wife"... haha.. cos i dun cook at all..=p

Anhk, i jus scare of e fish w head n tail. Even they chop away.. i still dun dare to touch e fish... I hope i can overcome it else my kids wont get to eat fish w head&tail. haha...

Simley, thanks for sharing e deals! Anyone gg? Is it worth gg for those who went in the past?
littleprince, i tinking to share 1 week w hubby if he not enuff leave... cos i dunno i can cope well without e CL anot...

Me too! next week i only need to work 2 days!!! Cos Monday i gg to see my lovely little boy!! Cant wait to see how he is growing but yet fear of my weight.. o_O

I realised e emotion icon so cute.... :);):(:mad::confused::cool::p:D:eek::oops::rolleyes:o_O.... IS FRIDAY EVERYONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!
Morning, mummies.
Just need to check, Fuzzy did mentioned be4 that Fisherprice has this 4in1 rocker, cum highchair & swing kind.
How much is Taka sale selling?
Coz I saw from kiddy palace was $399, way too exp.
pinkyloving, MC/HL for pregnancy very easy to get in my opinion, especially from TMC. LOL! ML, i believe it includes PH. basically, its counted as 16 weeks of ML, not 4 mths. The Panasonic rice cooker sounds cheap, mine was $100+, you can go and take a look to see if its a good buy. for thermos pot, Endo is good enough and sale price around what you saw. Btw, buy a size that is suitable for you (not too big or small) coz you need to have 80% of the pot filled to have optimum results in "cooking inside". If lesser than 80%, the food will not cook properly due to not enough heat. And, when you wash the pot, cannot use sponge to scrub the interior of the external pot else will lose the cooking effect (the sales aunty taught me when i bought mine last time). can start to try and cook simple stuff, try many times will become experienced liao! my hubby asked if i will share with him but i am still thinking, coz he has the flexibility to work from home or leave office early, why waste my ML? :p My check up is on next Tuesday PM, am looking forward too!

bluenosebear, i just saw today's papers with the advertisement for a baby fair at expo this weekend. saw a FP 4-in-1 baby rocker but can't see the picture clearly so not sure if same as the one in Taka. if same, this is cheaper than Taka, selling at $129. Taka fair is selling at $159 (argh!).
pinkyloving, oh yarrr, one more useful kitchen gadget - Happycall Pan!! You go FB and like Munch Ministry-HappyCall Chefs, there is a lot of easy to cook/bake recipes using the pan! :p :p :p
good morning mummies....

Wow fuzzybear you are tall and really slim...
I'm at 1.7m and weighs 65Kg now.
I usually try to replace meal with durians... I rather eat durian than actual meal hahaha...

furrz, I haven buy it yet but rem it in blue packaging...

winkle, really wearing the socking helps? I bought one to try but realize I pregnant thus haven dare to stare wearing.
bluenosebear, if i recall correctly, the pix fuzzybear showed tt day is not the exact pix (i can't find the exact pix online too). but looks the same. I just scrolled bk to find her post "Another thing worth getting is the Fisherprice Rocker. Think it's $169 after discount. Before discount is $219." i rem the Taka fair FP rocker's before discount price is around $219, i bought it at $159.90 after discount. anyway, fuzzybear can confirm later. :)
Little Prince, ya I have selected a maid. Processing her application now. :) thanks for asking.

Bluenosebear I saw the price of the 4-in-1 rocker at $249. I don't think it is as cheap at $129. Cos it's a lot of parts!!

Pinky, u can get those head support from Coles. Can't rem the full name of the brand. JJ Coles? I dun like these extra padding cos it's so bloody warm!

Ankh, then buy that pc u saw! I still cant go swimming. Sure u dun want the romper?
morning mommies! I weighed myself this morning and only 100g more than last week! hooray. maybe the m&ms havent taken its effect yet. wahahaha. or maybe cos last week i completely didnt touch any icecream at all. didnt know icecream is so potent!

pinky - don't waste your ML by taking 1 month before delivery lar. cos once baby is out, you wish you have more time to spend with him especially when this is your first child. For thirdtimemum it's different cos I think you want to spend time with your #1, 2 before your #3 comes out? So at least your ML before EDD not wasted. haha

I think you can take MC from gynae but most likely not for a whole month. haha. maybe can take for 1-2 weeks before EDD. hehe. actually for every gynae visit, the nurse will ask if i need MC, but i rather use my own leave, dunno will affect record or not if i take MC for every gynae visit.

plush, you call your MIL "aunty"? not "mom" ar? actually even till now, i find it weird to call mil "mom". goosebumps.

ankh, kitkat is not as bad as m&ms. usually i eat one kitkat i will be satisfied liao.:D
Little Prince, there are 2 rockers there. One is the non convertible one at $169 or $179. The other is the 4-in-1 rocker usually gg at $339 but gg at $249. There's also a swing on sale.

fuzzybear, the more expensive one, is it the one that can also convert into a high chair for feeding?

anyway, those interested in rocker can check out the one at expo baby fair if staying nearby. fm the pix, i think the FP rocker can also vibrate and it states can convert into a toddler rocking chair too.
