(2013/11) November 2013

ankh, val, i dont think its water retention. i still can wear my shoes and rings. actually i dont think i look like i packed on 6kg within 2mth, other than a bigger tummy. still wearing the same clothes. i think i will just drink soup and have salad for lunch from now on. then maybe just fruits for dinner. alamak... i very sad...


Brazalian Wax promotion! I have emailed to ask if they do this for pregnant women, waiting for their reply, no one picks up the phone when I called earlier. Last pregnancy, I did it at Pink Parlour Marina Square, when they had a 1 for 1 with OCBC card, I shared with another mummy from the same forum, paid $28 each.

So far I think Visage did the best BW, but it is super ex.
mush: u not alone, me too gained 6 kg in 2 months... mine also not water retention, i guess i take more rice, sweet stuffs... i also need to reduce intake of carbo...
thirdtimemum, i also dont wanna do at home! I am going to book a room at the Safra near my place and hold my buffet there. They provide the round tables and can accomodate up to 40 pax.
But it costs $300++/ 4hours.

even if you eat salad & soup, can be fattening too! those creamy soup & salad with cream based dressing can add on calories! unless you choose clear soup, and salad with vinegrette dressing. I think if most of your meals are soupy ones, should be alright already. White fish soup bee hoon, not fried, without evaporated milk, or at least don't finish all the soup. Yong Tau Foo bee hoon/tang hoon soup. These soupy meals is around 300-400calories each, so each meals 300-400 calories, total will not be more than what we need, I think an average female adult need about 1500-1700 calories a day. Pre-pregnant I was trying to lose weight, so I did the calories counting thing, and it works well. but for dieting, must cut the calories by 500, so if I don't eat more than 1200 calories a day, I lose weight. Hope it helps

I think carbo we still need, as it gives energy, can cut down from 1 bowl to 2/3 or half, I read that eating small more frequency meals will not put on , my hubby and #2 are these types of people, you see them constantly eating, but eat like a bird, few mouth, and they are thin.


$300/4 hours sounds expensive hor? Not sure other mummies got other lobang or not?
I discussed with hubby maybe we can have full month celebration for our baby girl, since our #1 & #2 had, but we cannot think of a venue, our home is no - no, as we have too many barang barang, very crowded already, don't like people to visit my house. You all may think its like 4-5 months away, but I think have to plan everything before pop, because when baby comes, everything will be moving so quickly, doubt will have time, to plan, send invite, confirm attendance, cater food etc.

i totally agree third3timemum! hahaha i was already planning wat to buy for the cake already when i was in 2nd trim.. as usual my hub just look at me and roll his eyes.. but recently he start getting involved.. hahahaha the website you posted is so pretty! i can use it to invite friends! thanks!
Kayliaz, huggies. but I agreed with Fuzzybear that we should not really depend on the others.
I actually made plans myself without involving everyone until my mum step in and insist that I do my confinement at her place.
For my #1, I had very simple breakfast and lunch... only dinner then I got mum to help me cook papaya fish soup or ginger pork.
Breakfast is not necessary for me... if hungry I will make milo and have it with cream cracker (Soda pia), lunch, I just cook a little mee sua, put some ginger and sesame oil, & little dom... super easy. was too tired to have a good appetite too... as I wanna tried do everything myself in case after confinement I might go crazy if I'm not prepared to care for baby and myself. my mum will just boil a kettle of mix dates longan tea for me every morning and I reheat if needed to drink. I just hope when #2 arrived, I still have the sanity.
I rem I was always left alone with #1 in the morning. During confinement I still bring my boy down to sun to help cure his jaundice... I was sometimes emotional tearing. cos my bro happened to marry a Vietnamese home and it's like having a stranger at home really bothers me a lot. it all took place together.

my #1 is the same age as your #1.... super clingy too. guess it's because we really spend time with them. guess we have to be more prepared in this area when #2 arrived. I will still be sending #1 to CC while doing my confinement in order not to affect his lifestyle. after back home, I will pump or latch the baby and rest whenever possible to store more energy for #1 when I fetch him back from CC. just hope #2 will co-operate and slp more during baby period.
hope by then we still have enough time for forum chat and let go as much as we can.

Looking at all of you buying the necessary stuff, I think i'm really slow in this aspect. have not thought of bring my freestyle for servicing... maybe I should...
have not start buy diapers and breast pads etc... very lazy to go taka fair too for the exchange of milk bottles... only bought a few clothing for #2 that's all...
too relax I guess?
lxb, I agree with felval that not all mummies have heavy flow. just standby your usually pad and you can change every 2 hours if needed too...
I did not buy any maternity pad during my #1 time as I feel that normal pad can do the job too and just change often as it's more hygienic too....

3xtime mum, so fast planned for baby full mth... :) ya for those mummies taking up full mth packages maybe can approach those cake shop and get a better pricing? I rem during my #1 time, many mums/mtbs did that to save cost.
since I did not do full mth for #1, same goes for #2 too... just 1st birthday will do... :)
mummychua: think all ur weight gain goes to your baby.. it's good lah just that in this case, baby absorbing too good. lol.. see if subsequent months the weight gain is still so much? but drink soup n eat salad only enuff?

third3timemum: ya i'm also thinking of possible venues to have my baby's full month le. actually to be honest i dun really want to do a full month celebration cos i feel it will be very tiring on me n disturbing for baby. they won't know how to appreciate such celebrations also. haha.. but i know hub's culture does celebrate such occasions, so prob will have to do 1. contemplating between having it at my house or the pavilion downstairs my hse. various pros n cons so i havent come to a decision also. probably will start choosing a caterer also, maybe with a simple banner n some balloons as deco. by the time comes i just need to submit order for food n send hub to collect/buy the banner n balloons.

kayliz: i understand ur frustrations. it's like ur mum offers to help, but always have issues coming up then u need to deal with sudden crisis. i think u're really nice lah.. after ur mum chu so many patterns u still trust her to help u out. if is me, after 2 or 3 times of cork up i will give up already. having to juggle with 2 kids and above really not easy. . think on the bright side, u still have at least 3mths to come up with solutions. better than only knowing 1mth or a few wks before u deliver then get a rude shock. =)
mummychua, you so funny. i was laughing secretly at my desk when i read your post. soup for lunch and salad for dinner is really sad. nowadays i tend to eat less carbo for dinner to "make up" for the snacks i ate while at work.

kayliz, i realised from my own mom that old folks cannot make up their minds. we have to decide and stick to our decision. my mom on some days will say maid is good, on other days will say maid is a burden. i also have a number of friends who are ftwm, have two kids and no maid, i think it's possible to survive.

based on our current expenses, my hb and I agreed that unless either of us get a huge pay rise, we will make do without a maid for the moment, since the plan is to put #2 in IFC at 1 year old as well. what's the maid going to do when my #2 goes to IFC? she will be shaking legs at home loh. im just concerned about how to handle two kids when we get home from work. I did consider delaying school for #2 until she is 2 years old or so if i have a maid. but i am not confident that my mom will be able to "tahan" taking care of #2 until 2 years old. so far, i have only told her that it's for 1 year. plus she lives so far away. I am not going to let the maid take care of #2 all alone without supervision.
thirdtimemum, good idea to start planning for full month celebration already. I recall i was very stressed last time. Xuan, I don't like such celebrations too, it's stressful and troublesome. but i think everyone (both families and friends) is expecting us to do it. sian.
Experienced mummies, for full mth packages, any recomendations other than sweetest moments?

SN: i think it's getting quite common if baby dun do full mth celebrations nowadays... but many pple will still ask y nv invite, or y nv do 1? actually 1st bday although is meaninful, i feel that it's not really necessary also cos the kid won't know what's happening. i realise from my niece's case, she only really appreciated bday celebrations when she's 2 yrs old. haha... but i also cannot convince myself not to do 1st bday celebration lah. contradicting mummy. =P

thrid3timemum: i went revive wellness for my bw a few wks ago n signed a package with them. i feel quite comfortable with them, previously i was with pink parlour. i think revive wellness has a promo on deal.com.sg now also.
Since gynae commented about my weight gain (2.4kg) over 1 month, i started cutting down on my carbo. Then after 2 weeks since my last weighing, my weight did not increase at all - still 46 kg after cutting down on carbs

Now I am paranoid, because per normal pregnancy, I should be gaining around 0.5kg per week and i gain nothing over the past 2 weeks.. i really am worried that my baby is not growing well enough over the past 2 weeks and if i affected any organs development over the past 2 weeks... :( I am a bad mummy....

I have 2 more weeks to go before my appointment with gynae...I need to gain 1-1.5kg over the next 14 days.. I don't want to care about my gynae advice le.. I just eat my carbs during the day..I don't want to risk my baby's growth in my womb...

SN, if your mum is looking after your #2, maybe you can get a maid to assist her and push the tots of entering IFC away? If she needs to be away for a short while etc, the maid can cover a while? I am also thinking to get a helper. partly because my mum is asking for it and also my hubby work irregular hours.
helper will be send over with #2 in the morning before dropping off #1 at childcare. and also worry if i'm pumping half way alone at home and need help when hubby is not ard... but haven start to look into this aspect.
yogini, how tall are you? your weight about the same as mine.

This is the evil pack of m&ms that has been calling out to me the whole day. haha.
Hi hi
The lady(not v friendly) at the medela svc counter told me my pump juz need servicing n maintenance (took 20-30 min) although she din tell me the real reason but anyway Gd to let them service since I m all the way there.
Even though she show me the pump pressure, I dun really understand.
But I forgot my cable so I dunno if it works -_- n if I need to get, it cost $85.

There's a chart at the wall behind her desk showing the servicing price with or without warranty.
It seem the service has warranty for 3 months, maybe we were too early?

I bought the full set of accesorities at mums&babes last week to enjoy the 20% and bottle trade in.
A bit risky to buy them before the servicing but then I want the discount.

For those who are still thinking of getting ameda pump, the last Robinson sale for card members, it was on 30% but no cooler bag or other complimentary added. It's like an offer no where else. But then i m unsure if the offer ll come again.

For maternity pad, I think I use those cotton normal pads. I had this funny encounter w #1 time,used the whisper n end up v sore cos of my stitches n oso the whisper pad surface has a rough layer meant for Gd absorption. Lol
So I use Kotex adhesive in the end.
#2 I tin I used another brand. Can't Remb.. :p
I ll start thinking again near date:)
Febie, the agreement with my mom right now is that she will help me look after for a year cos she stays at CCK while we stay at TPY. So i think it's very bad of me to get her to take care beyond 1 year cos the travelling time will be tiring for her even if there's a maid to help out. What do i do after 1 year? have the maid stay at home alone with my girl? I don't dare leh, too many horror stories already. If I send my girl to IFC at 1 year old, it's unfair to the maid if I send her home. If we continue to keep the maid, my bank account will suffer greatly. hahah.
For mummy w #2 or #3, I m unsure but I guess we are more controlled with the things we buy now?
I used to Remb buying alot at #1 n realize quite a number are white elephant lol
SN, I want your M&M too... hahahaa

Thanks Smiley74 for sharing the cost too at Medela... so it's between $80-$100...

SN, get those monitor cam? to have a helper, guess we all have to learn to be trusting and check on the baby etc when we are home...
Hope that we can be those lucky one who got good maids? one of my mummy friend really in luck with helpers and she just monitor thru the cam.
guess critieria of having a helper when we choose is to choose someone who has experience in taking care of kids and love kids... housework all cant be main focus. the distance between you and mum is really far... I also cant afford having maid and putting in ifc... I will eat grass... and I rem your #1 also in CC right now right?? high cost too...
I'm having terrible leg aches already. got so annoyed with my hubby last night as he dunno how to massage me like how I want him to... :( I was quite temperamental and was sulking about the ache. So naughty, to think about it now. So I dunno if its an impulse decision but I am seriously considering to buy the Osim Uphoria Foot & Calf Massager. I googled and did come across something like it is not safe for pregnancy..might induce labour etc. But I called up my gynae and she said no problem and to go ahead with it. What do you ladies think?
SN, M & Ms got dark chocolate flavor? now you make me want to go and buy a pack too! :p

maid, mummies who are intending to engage a helper, you probably need to decide and quickly start engaging one as we enter 3rd trimester. a helper needs at least 6 weeks to get documentations settled and come over and if there is any delay or need any changes, it will be too close to edd. i am expecting my helper to come end of of this mth, hopefully everything goes on ok. then when helper is here, can help us clean up the house and prepare the baby stuff. oh, we will be installing cctv too so that can monitor from work lor.

plush84, the concern is in case it presses on those points tt may trigger contractions. i think massage chairs and machines should be ok, not so for the foot reflex kind. btw, i was chkg with my massage lady if she does prenatal massages and she said can only do btw 24 and 32 weeks. in case anyone intends to go for prenatal massages, good to know. :)
Torodino - I am 156cm tall. How about you?

By the way I am Arissa... Now the new interface had be confused the original nicks you have...
Er Febie, there is a fix price for servicing diff model w or wo warranty.
For PIS, it's $100 :(
When I say $85, it's to buy the cable charger which I forgot bring. (Silly me!)
today forum is quite active.. :)
just finish helping my boss pack her stuff to move to new office.. she got a guy to come and help cos i cant bend and stuff.. but by the time the guy came.. i finish packing just need him to pack into the box.. the look on his face is like "why cant you just put it in if you can pack?" i had to show him my tummy man.. young chap.. tsk tsk tsk.. later go new office still must unpack.. =.=''

RE: leg cramp
i am getting it more frequent now too.. sometimes when i stretch on bed, can feel my small leg there threatening to cramp if i extend myself more... hahaha dan i will stop and curl into a ball.. the cramps are getting abit bad..

RE: prenatal massage
is it good to go for one before giving birth? i m thinking if i should try at least one time.. when would be a good time?
anyway, i think you dun have to worry about no weight gain because sometimes, our weight will suddenly spike. two months ago I was eating alot and there was no increase in weight. it's like all of a sudden, i just gained two kg over a short span of time. sometimes our body takes some time to register the fats that we ate. haha.
Totorodino, if you have been gaining weight ok, then its ok.. last time I am scared to weight myself due to my insurge of eating habits.... now I am scared because of my cutting down of unhealthy food and carb...

aiyooo. stress...I just want my baby to grow.. i see my tummy...like no increase in size after the past 2 weeks (and i am linking to my diet now)... worried again...
Febie, yes my #1 is in CC now and i intend to put #2 in a cheaper IFC, cos i will eat grass if #2 goes to the same school. My sil has a very very good helper. But she also doesnt recommend letting the maid tc the baby all alone. even with cameras, there are some parts of the house that the camera cannot capture, like toilets. Too many cases of maids molesting, harming the baby, i wont take the chance.
xiao ber
RE: leg cramp
i am getting it more frequent now too.. sometimes when i stretch on bed, can feel my small leg there threatening to cramp if i extend myself more... hahaha dan i will stop and curl into a ball.. the cramps are getting abit bad..

haha, I am the same as you, its getting worse.. sometimes i get cramps on both calves and I literally shouted and begged for mercy during wee hours...My husband just jot up from bed and give me the helpless look...
For the past 2 weeks, almost every night both my calves are threatening to cramp...then in my sleeping conscious, I will think to myself should i straighten or stop moving my leg...

Today early morning, i decided to straighten and the cramp got me! :/
arissa, when's your next gynae visit? I think dont have to worry because all the weight gain could have directly gone to your baby. i have a friend who ate and ate but still so slim at delivery (my idol!). she said all her food went to her baby and she just couldnt seem to gain much weight. There's a mommy here whose baby is 800g and only gained 5.5kg right? that's also a very good example.
Totorodino, my next gynae visit is on 13 Aug.. around 2 more weeks to go..I will be week 27 when i see my gynae..

I really hope i am like your friend case...hehe.. and also the mum who have weight all gone to the baby!
SN, ya because we worried so much thus unable to decide if having a helper works...
I thinking to approach my boss ex-helper... super efficient and good at taking care of kids...
ya my #1 cc fees killed now... and I also thinking to put #2 in a cheaper CC... spoke to #1 to change CC but he seems unwilling now...
see what happens after N2 next yr...

I just hit my preggy weight at week 23... hope dun put on anymore but hav been eating durians... :(
SN, ya because we worried so much thus unable to decide if having a helper works...
I thinking to approach my boss ex-helper... super efficient and good at taking care of kids...
ya my #1 cc fees killed now... and I also thinking to put #2 in a cheaper CC... spoke to #1 to change CC but he seems unwilling now...
see what happens after N2 next yr...

I just hit my preggy weight at week 23... hope dun put on anymore but hav been eating durians... :(

Ferbie, I have also been eating durian last week. I simply love mao shan wang durian and its the season now...

I think eat 1-2 a week (4 seeds max) is ok ba....
I don't think I can stop at 4 seeds max! That's y i dare not buy durians even though i always look longingly at them when i pass by a durian stall. wahaha.

Febie, why did your boss not renew her ex-maid if she is so good? I want to poach my sil's maid too! hahahaha. but it's just my wishful thinking as my sil will never give her up. hehe. Actually, i am thinking of letting #1 remain at his CC as long as possible cos I really like his teachers and principal now. but logistically, it will be very troublesome to send two kids to two different schools.
Maid, I did think of as an option but same case, i dare not let the maid be with the baby alone. Even if i install CCTV, i find that it will interrupt my work if i keep checking... what if i really see something amiss, it still takes time to rush back home from work? By then, damage is already done to the child. (Maybe i think too much)

Just enquired about the IFC fees at the centre I'm looking at. IFC is $1100, CC is $800+. That is after all the subsidy... given this amt, generally ppl tell me getting a maid is more worth it as both kids would cost me about 2K already.
There are only 2 centres near my home within walking distance & i don't drive to work. One of it has no vacancy so i have no choice. If i drive to work, then the season parking at my workplace is not cheap either.

Sometimes, even if i do not want to depend on others, i need to be financially capable. Sigh! Gotta really plan wisely now.
Arissa, I think you control well leh... I muz at least eat one whole durian or 2 in order to feel satisfied leh...
like wrinkle, I find it's super addictive... hahahha....still planning for durian supper with my colleagues... hahaha
all durian lovers appear liao hahhaha....

SN, my boss gotta give up the maid cos the wife jealous... she's an air stewardess and when she called home to speak to her kids, none want to speak
to her as they want to play... the maid did really well. super automatic... I was surprise too when he told me he has changed maid... but wonder if she wants to work for me too... hahaha... my cousin got a very good helper too... I dun mind if she wanna come work for me... hahaha... she can cook and loves kids... she loves my #1 so much always wanna play with him... guess really need a lot of luck when employing maid... hahaha...
Hi, has anyone booked any post natal massages to be done during confinement period?
Any recommendations?

I am looking at baby bellies website and the pricing seem reasonable. Anyone tried their massages before?
Yes. There are many ftwm who cope w/o any help. I believe anyone can do it. Just a matter of wan or dun wan.

Yes. We already have in mind where to hold baby shower. Like u, we had it for #1 and #2 so gonna be fair and do for #3.

Aiyo. Dun just eat salad and soup. Later nt enuff nutrients. Mayb eat less carbo and more proteins? Lately i must eat something once i feel nausea or giddy.

46kg?! U are v slim for a preggie! Dun cut off carbo completely but lesser the amt u eat?? Preg cant cut off carbo completely.

Am nt buying as much nw as compared to #1 and #2 coz i have almost all the things we need in both genders.

Re: prenatal massage
I am in nd of one for my backache!!

Nt only tat. Even with cam, u may nt reach the baby in time sld the maid really harm the baby. Better be safe than sorry.

Re: durian lovers
Me me!! Every week will pass by stalls selling durians. I will smell n nt buy coz i scare gain too much too fast. Wanna eat also leave till the last few weeks. Haha.
Re: Foot Reflex Machine
My hubby said NO. Asked some colleagues and they also advised better dun. Haiz. :( Economically, worth the $ compared to pre natal massages. But baby is more impt!

Re: Prenatal Massage
Any recommendations pls? I REALLY need one soon. Hoping to go for one this or next weekend.

Re: Durian
I love durians too. Hubby doesn't and is quite pleased when I suddenly say durian smells funny. But I still eat 3 or 4 seeds.. before, I used to whack more! Glad, am not losing my love for durian. Lol...
felval, last few weeks, durian not in season liao... tell myself no more durian by sept... hahaha
durian only july and aug at its best... :)

I also need prenatal massage but lazy to travel... :p
Nt in season best!! Then i wldnt gain the extra weight from eating durians =p
See if any housecall for prenatal massage? I will be doing housecall for b wax.
RE: prenatal massage
those freelance massage ladies who do postnatal massages also can do prenatal. just need to enquire with them if u have already booked ur postnatal massage lady. i will probably do 1 or 2 sessions before i turn week 32, as i heard it will also help to reduce some water retention before we deliver baby.

Sabrina: the massage lady i booked is a freelance 1. She is referred to me by Mdm Ida, 1 of the massage lady recommended by a mummy here n also she is often mentioned in many forums.
Today went Metro sales during lunch time... 48% off for barbie. Colleagues bought 4 pcs and save $100 plus. Not for bb but for elder gals.
