(2013/11) November 2013

Taking abt sales....Metro is having 20% storewide preview for Metro and UOB card holders tomorrow, 1st Aug. certain brands like fisherprice (cant rem if pigeon Also has) has an additional 10% for metro card holder. 20% applies to all regular priced items.

mummies.. i was told by my friend that after we give birth hor, we will have very heavy menses to clear all inside.. is it true? in like that, the "latest" invention of the sanitary panty will be of good use? lol! cos i am those type dun like heavy flow one.. will keep going toliet to check but after birth i scare i no energy to walk that often..
mummies.. i was told by my friend that after we give birth hor, we will have very heavy menses to clear all inside.. is it true? in like that, the "latest" invention of the sanitary panty will be of good use? lol! cos i am those type dun like heavy flow one.. will keep going toliet to check but after birth i scare i no energy to walk that often..

For my case, only first week more heavy than my usual heaviest flow days. Then after that is like sometimes heavy, sometimes moderate. I never wore any maternity pads coz I don't like. The brand I bought (Madame something) had no wings and it was weird, without individual packaging one. I bought Sofy pads coz it had the very long ones like 42cm. I think after 1st week can actually wear the normal night use pads liao. No need to keep checking in toilet ba, just as usual about every 3-4 hrs change once lor. Moreover i pee at least once every 2 hours, confirm will notice one.
linxiaober: u can try whisper ultra thin for night use.. lolz.. so far my mense were quite heavy before preg la.. and i used that.. no staining.. plus i will put another thin layer of toilet paper on top of the pad.. maybe 3 layers so that it's not too thick and uncomfy..no matter how i turn and toss also ok.. :p
Tat menses aft delivery is lochia. I had it for a mth each aft both deliveries. And mine was heavy. Normal pads nt long enuff to hold so i always use maternity pads. And i like maternity pads coz thick, can help to cushion my stitches =p
linxiaober: yes the initial first week is pretty heavy flow. I cannot remember what I used but i know initially i used the maternity pad which has no wings which is a very bad idea. Now also checking where can I buy those maternity pads with wings. I heard maternity pad has better absorption than the normal. Think Mothercare has but pretty X. Still got time sourcing around
These few days really emotional roller-coaster ride for me. I can't help but been feeling very down..

Last week, my mum called and asked if I am able to apply for 5 days' leave in end August as she wish to go on a holiday with my aunts.
I checked with hubby and agreed we will alternate our leaves in order to look after my girl. Also, I thought I better agree to let my mum go on her holiday as after my baby is out, she might not have the chance in the short term anymore.

So my mum went ahead to book her tix.. and when I saw the flight details, I got a shock.
My EDD is 5 Nov and she is travelling from 28 Oct - 3 Nov.
Im really worried if i deliver early and there will be no help. Sure, maybe my MIL can help but my girl is not used to sleeping elsewhere other than my mum's or my place, and my hubby has never spent an entire night alone with her before so i'm not sure if things will go well at night. Also, my hubby can't really visit me for long since I'm sure my girl will not want to spend the whole day in the hospital doing nothing, she needs her nap too.
Eventually, we decided to render whatever help we can if i really deliver early and just see how things go.

I'm just upset at how selfish my mum can be... everything she does is only for her own interests. I asked her how come she booked her tics in end Oct when she told me it was end Aug?
She still told me "Oh, actually i wanted to go in August one.. but no more slot, so join in end Oct..."
To me it is just a lame excuse, any parent knowing that their daughter is giving birth will definitely stay to help.
I bought two giant pack of M&Ms, dark chocolate from BHG. super addictive. cham liao. Gynae's appointment next week. So scared of the weighing machine!
hello mummies! went for mrs Wong's first class yday and i fimd it quite useful!

Teaches u abt diet, how to communicate with baby and basic stretching exercises. Apprently when we touch our tummy we are nt suppose to do it in circular motions! same thing when applying stretch marks cream. It creates a whirlpool and may stimulate early labour! Do it in upwards motions. And the way to communicate with babies, is to pat left hand on left side of tummy, right hand on right side of tummy then left hand on top of tummy and right on bottom of abdomen.

Hope this helps first time mummies!

i need some advice on the following before heading for taka fair tmw:

1) what brand for good nipple cream?

2) do i need to buy different feeding and storage milk bottles?

3) yunzz, which side are u buying your pump from? i still have not decide to buy local set or from US!

4) which brand for breast feeding pillow?

xu4n: i will probably buy a rocker from taobao and and total price la. so far very happy with the maternity wear and kiddo wear i bought from there but i realise they can smell quite bad!
happy: went for my gynae appt yday at 23 weeks. doc says if i cont to put on she might wanna put me through gestational diabetes test next round! Oh no! but baby is average at abt 600g now la. I am gonna eat wholemeat bread when i am hungry!
Kayliz, oh no......hmm... yea...it's quite likely you will deliver early. but your girl is quite big already right? should be easier to handle than a 2-3 yr old toddler. I agree that your mom shouldn't have booked the tour since it's so close to your EDD! gosh! have you decided whether you will be getting a helper? sounds like your mom is likely to chute pattern along the way so having a helper could be a good back up.

Me and hb cant decide on the nationality of the helper. I prefer fili but he thinks Burmese is a safer choice cos their community is smaller and the pay is lower too. but after i told him that the pay is only lower by around $100, he thinks maybe we should just save the money for IFC. haha.
ya kayliz, i also find it weird y ur mum will book her holiday so near ur edd. may need to start thinking of some back up plans. or maybe u will deliver before ur mum goes on holiday n tire her out 1st before she goes on her trip. haha.. *evil*

tequila_sunrise: ya i read before abt the part tt we're not supposed to always rub our tummy in circular motion. but when i apply my stretchmark oil i still apply in circular motion. haha.. i feel that it's more well applied that way leh.. i hope it wont make my baby giddy cos it's just a few secs. lol.. no wonder my baby moves ALOT when i put my hands on my tummy like the way u described. i din know that's the recommended way but i realised baby will move alot to my touch whenever i do that. the clothes that i buy from taobao only has those new clothes smell leh, no other bad smells. lol..
I cant rem the brands coz the last i used was 2yrs+ back. Keke. I only buy from hosp pham just before i discharge. U wan i can go snap pics of the one selling in kkh during my next gynae apptment.

Hmmm....i duno la but hope u dun mind me saying this...frankly even our own mums do nt have obligations to help us out and they have their own life. It cld be a rare chance for her to go holiday with ur aunts tats why she booked end oct when there is no slot for aug? 1st time this happened?

Yes, its a bad timing for u and i can understand how upset u are that ur own mum may nt be ard to help u when u need help. Take it as a another of life unexpected changes. If u are staying in 1 bedded perhaps u wanna get ur gal n hb to stay overnite with u. Daytime ur hb can still bring her to sch or out on his own. If u are nt getting 1 bedded mayb ur hb has to try looking aft her alone at nite for once or u may have to engage confinement lady.

Am nt any better too =p having hi tea this fri and brunch on the morning of my gynae visit! Cham! =p
re: maternity pad
Hmmm.. those normal but ultra long kind can hold? cos i am those cant stand if got stain or when i move dan will have heavy flow kind of person.. so just the thought of it is making me :confused: liao.. not to mention 9 months of "holiday" hahhaa so i must plan early for this man.. maternity pad is only in mothercare? maybe i should go and see

kayliz: i can understand how you feel.. my parents told me suddenly that they are planning to go thailand for holiday on 7-nov for a few days.. when i first heard it i was so shocked and angry.. cos my edd date is 3-nov.. and they are assuming that i will CONFIRM give birth early.. but honestly such things where got confirm will early.. so when they told me i was quite angry and disappointed.. cos my first birth and of cos i want them to be around for some support.. and yet they tell me they want to go holiday.. but after cooling down.. i guess maybe there is some reason that they want to travel at that period and they feel that since i m staying with my in laws i should be in good hands.. so still abit unhappy but i just accepted it.. maybe your mum feels that your in law can help cover for that few days as well? its diffcult not to take to heart.. but maybe just tell her how you feel and see if there is anything else that can be done to solve this? Cheer up! :)
kayliz, sorry to hear that but its ok la, we mummies are very resilient wan. since you know it now, discuss with hubby to make alternative plans? i hardly have any village help from family/relatives either from #1 or upcoming #2 and i dislike the feeling of ppl being obliged to help us. maybe start to get your daughter used to other sleeping plans now and prep her that there will be a change if you deliver when your mum is away on holiday. still got 3 months to go so can try training her! cheer up!
Hi fellow mummies, I have got 2 items to sell.... pls see pictures and you can email me at [email protected] for more information. Thank you.


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Kayliz, my parents also. They left for holiday immediately after my confinement when I need them the most. 1st month I got confinement lady to help me but subsequent months, I was left alone. My hubby lucky worst... refuse to take a few days to help me around...say got project to run. No bm and BB feed everyhour and I don't have a rapid stream steriliser that time...got to boil water to sterilise... I was alone, so no1 to help me to buy.. Whenever I want to eat, BB cry.. almost breakdown. 2 weeks later, I finally cannot take it and fall sick.. then hubby willing to take a few days to help out. By then BB change habit and feed every 2-3 hrs... hubby told me not that bad after all.. Errrr almost want to kill someone because no 1 knows what I'm going through.

But back to think of it, they already raise us up and now we should be grateful that they are still willing to help me. My hubby joke that next time we move far far away from our kids so that we dun have to take care of their...ha...ha...

Let cheer up and find a solution for this... how about getting a confinement lady for this period and make your mom the backup. On the other hand, she can go enjoy her trip without any worries. Tell your mom that confinement lady may not be good and you still need her to standby and help to do marketing to prevent her from thinking it no longer her business then go and extend her tour or even book another. :) be happy else BB will be upset also
Totorodino: yes i would think i might deliver early... and 3 Nov is just a 2 days' diff from my EDD. Unless really so zhun, I deliver exactly on my EDD like my #1. My girl just turned 3. I will be placing her in a CC next year. I cannot decide to get a maid because my SIL is delivering 2 weeks after me and we are in a dilemma. It is either we share a maid with my mum to help look after 2 babies, or my mum will help me as SIL wants to put baby in infant care.

Frankly speaking I am also considering to put my bb in IFC because my mum already came out with many patterns with my #1... When she was helping to look after her, she often complained that she had no freedom, and she would rather work and earn more money.. End up i got fedup and really placed my girl in IFC. In that 2 weeks when my girl was there, my mum would often call me and cry, begging me to withdraw her, saying how poor thing my girl was and she would find all sorts of things to say about the IFC (cold air con, my girl kept having runny nose, food not nice etc). She apologized and told me she will not complain anymore, and if i need help she will let my girl stay at her place for 2-3 days once in a while. I gave in and really withdrew her after 2 weeks. In less than 2 months, she reverts to her complaining self again.

It became a cycle, when 2nd time she kept saying how gd this particular playgroup was, and insisted i register my girl there at 18 mths. I didnt like the environment but due to the convenience for my mum and also only 2 hr lesson, I enrolled my girl thinking she could learn something. But in less than 2 weeks, my mum chut pattern again, told me that the class was full of foreign kids and non of them are chinese, and that the teachers were not gd, etc. As and when, she didnt bring my girl to class. I stopped my girl from that playgroup after i couldnt tolerate with her constant naggings. I then placed my girl in a CC, and again, same result as the 1st case, forced to withdraw.

The problem with withdrawing each time is that my poor child had to keep switching environment because of her. Also the money we wasted. 2 weeks in IFC or CC cost us $700-$800. Not only that, during each registration we had to pay the admin fees which costs hundreds. We also had to come up with 1 mth deposit in advance each time, only to get back 2-3 mths after withdrawal. Everything involves a sum of money. I also had a lot of quarrels with hubby over these.

xu4n: yes, have some backup plans in mind, but seriously wish i deliver either before or after her holiday... sigh.

felval: i understand what you mean but seriously, if it were me i will give up everything to be with my daughter when she needs me most, no matter she is a kid or an adult in future. This is not the first time my mum does things putting herself before others. I definitely will not want my girl to stay with me at the hospital. It is going to be super tiring for me she will cling to me. When I am around, she only wants me to bathe, put her to bed, or even change her clothes. Also I am staying in Glen E and her school is in Jurong. Not convenient to travel... So the only plan is to keep our fingers crossed, my hubby can handle her at night.

linxiaober: yup, i spoke to my mum and she only said "then how, i cancel my ticket ah?" and of coz i wouldnt want her to do that coz she already paid. even my in-laws were asking, how come your mum still travel at this period? and i really feel at a loss of words.
jl912: with my #1, my mum did confinement for me but i had to look after my baby alone at nite. my hubby was then studying part time and preparing for exams so he did not move in with me to my mum's. He only visited me after work till about latest 11pm if he had no class. On my 2nd week after giving birth, my mum already laid the terms and conditions - telling me that i have to wash bottles and etc myself and also to learn to shower my bb so that i do not have to depend on her after my confinement. So by 2nd week i already started to bathe my baby. Sometimes i would be so tired as bb refused to sleep at night that i couldnt wake up at early to bathe bb. My mum will scold me for being lazy & started to turn on the tv loud or vacuum the floor to wake me up. My confinement was quite a depressing one then. I also had probs with breastfeeding and often being chided by her for not wanting to feed FM.. And said i spent more time on my breasts (pumping) than my baby. o_O

But maybe also because of all these "training", i had no problems coping with my baby alone after confinement when i moved out.

I have a CL but thought will only contact her after i deliver? The prob is not with my mum travelling during my confinement but her travelling on the day i am in hospital. I seriously do not need any help from her once i am discharged.
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Kayliz, guess time to get hubby on board to take care of #1 already. must she go to school for the few days after you deliver? My friend checked into hospital with her hubby and #1 and treated it as a stay cation. Cos she and her hubby both Malaysian, so really no one else to look are her #1. They had one bedded ward. Really packed luggage bags and all. Sigh, I know sometimes own mothers can come up with a lot of pattern. Since u already know your mum's, just get plan B and plan C prepared.

Today my turn at taka fair. Blew a bomb!! Walked 1.5 hours, after first hour already back pain. I can go ow ow ow in front of the young sales ladies. Crowd was really not bad at lunch, the food court crowd was even worse. Must praise the Avent ladies for helping haul my loot to the cashier's and delivery area.

SN, Val, I ate so much nonsense today already at taka, no need to feel guilty about your treats hehe. Already went thru one tau suan, one brownie, lunch, some sweet drink, pork sandwich, egg sandwich!! And I bought some savory breads back home. Whoooooeeee! Busted my calorie intake liao. And my poor wallet sob sob ;p. And still forgot to buy diapers and breast pads *faint!*
Jas, I not sure whats her ameda package has. But shld b those standard ameda breast pump.

SN, I nt sure whether Mt A got provide free classes. But anyway I jus enrolled 6.30pm weekdays pre natal class at Mt A. My hubby has to b F1 racer liao.. haha

Re: menses
There is a maternity pad need to tie de.. dunno how it works. I used e ultra long Laurie brand b4 I get preg. Maybe I jus continue to use or standby a maternity pad? So e motherhood pad is not tie one right?

Kayliz, ur mum sound nt easy to get along. So many patterns. I tink u shld prepare ur back up plan n stop listening to her. Let her nag lo.. Why dont u get a CL or food carterer? Ways to help u unload e tasks..

I engaging CL n my mum nt helping me. So after 1st month, I will b on my own liao. Thinkin to get food caterer so I don't need go buy food w bb. SN, how neo garden carterer so far? I oso dunno can cope anot without CL. I guess we jus need to start learning. . U all will b my support ya!!!

Tequlia, thanks for sharing! Is useful... dint noe how to communicate w bb by tapping. I jus talk to my bump. Haha. .

Everyone is happily munching! !! Tt is good!!! Recently my appetite grow.. I can finished e whole MAC big breakfast at 8am n get hungry 11am. Tried taking "zhu zhang fen" at 8am n I get hungry at 9.30 or even 9am! Think I will gain a lot more this one month.. haha
What did u buy Ankh? Haha. So will u be going back again to buy ur breastpads and diapers? How's ur heartburn? Better?

Kayliz, I'm sure ur hb can handle ur #1. Actually cannot handle also must. Ur mom seems one kind. May be she knows she nags u enough, u will give in to her nagging. I agree it isn't gd to keep entering ur gal and withdrawing her from cc. Not fair to her too. Have u tried telling her ur hb isn't happy (even if he has no opinion) abt her antics? My hb and I use each other to dodge our parents. When MIL makes requests, hb will cite my unhappiness. When my parents make noise, I will cite my hb. Haha always work cos our parents dun want us to argue.

Xiaober, my lochia is pretty light compared to my periods. I have very heavy periods so it really depends on individual. Don't worry abt these things lah. Anyway what can u do if u have heavy flow? Still have to change what.

Val, SN, eh when I latch my #2 in the first 5-6 days and have let down, the flow will spray out. But when I pump I find it so hard to have letdown. Also gd lah I nv need breast pads.
Fuzzybear: no lah.. I just want to be mentally prepared. Haha cos I really can't stand heavy flow.. So just want to know more abt it..
kayliz, since you had a bad confinement for #1, must make sure you hv a good one this time round! good tt you got a confinement lady, at least won't be so tired and need to tolerate your mum?

maternity pads, Taka baby fair is selling the Madame brand. They have both the tie and adhesive kinds.

pinkyloving, if you are a simple person, can just steam rice and fish in the same rice cooker to eat for lunch? that was what i did when i had to take care of #1 on my own after confinement. i will prepare a slice of threadfin with ginger, tomatoes, sesame oil and light soya sauce, then put it in the rice cooker to steam together with my rice and tts a lunch meal for me. (fish is good for producing bm).

fuzzybear, you checked your pump at Toh Guan already? all ok ah?
littleprince, i dunno how to cook. Even cook rice i oso dunno. Is always my hubby does tt. I only noe how to steam fish. Wat a bad wife here. Normally we jus tabao dinner even now during preg oso.

U mean can steam fish in the rice cooker as well? How to do tt? When e rice cooker is cooking e rice? I saw TV ad tt this tiger brand 3 in 1 cooker.. can boiled, steam. Mayb i shld get that hor? Im a lazy person so if i cook, just simple dish will do. keke..

xiaober, jus need to change often if is heavy flow ba.. i saw my SIL hav this hm... dunno wat is it called... is a gauze square shape to prevent staining... So whenever she sit, she will put tt square shape thing under her butt to prevent staining e bed/sofa. Maybe we shld get tt hor??
Morning mummies! One more day to Friday!!! Can't wait for next week! Super long weekend!

Pinkyloving: that's a good idea!! But just by putting that it wun stain the chair or bed? Sounds quite interesting..
Hi Fuzzybear,

How was your trip to medela svc Ctr?
I just went n end up paying $100 for servicing.-_-
Plus all the accessories bot for the pump, I could buy a Gd set of ameda brand new! Sigh heart pain...

Very tempting for shopping spree but not so enthusiastic...dunno why.. Maybe #3 ba.
Hello morning!!

Little Prince, Smiley, yes I have serviced my pump last wk!! Forgot to update. Yes I paid $100 for the cleaning and checking of the suction. My pump is working fine, thank goodness!! I think shd be able to last me, fingers crossed. When I told the counter lady that it has been in service for 5 yrs she was stunned. Hahaha.
Nobody interested in this? USD$5.32 before shipping (will calculate actual cost based on credit card conversion). I can throw in free postage. 6 mth in size. Do let me know cos stupid me bought 2 of it!!

Bluenosebear, my loot also came! My hb was so amused by the cute girly stuff.


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Morning! Thanks mummies.. yes i have a CL and no matter what hubby and i will try to handle our kids by ourselves, with as minimal help from anyone as possible, esp my mum. Because she will always have a "rein" over me if i depend on her for my kids. I am looking at IFC for #2 in the same centre as #1. It will be tough, as the distance from home is about 15 min walk with 2 kids, a stroller and bags. Then gotta rush after work to get dinner and fetch them. If raining, maybe more difficult.. but i believe it just takes time to getting used to.
Hi Fuzzybear,

How was your trip to medela svc Ctr?
I just went n end up paying $100 for servicing.-_-
Plus all the accessories bot for the pump, I could buy a Gd set of ameda brand new! Sigh heart pain...

Very tempting for shopping spree but not so enthusiastic...dunno why.. Maybe #3 ba.

smiley74, what did you repair? You also bought the accessories from the service centre?
hi tequila surprise,
i still duno which site to buy from. not sure which site is cheaper.
i checked out diapers.com... may get from there.
morning everyone...

kayliz, hugz... tough handling parents. must look for backup plan now. otherwise it will be difficult to handle #1 and nb all by ur self during the 1st few weeks.

smiley, fuzzybear, what did they do that cost $100? i took my FS to service and they told me got to change batt and one batt costed $149. find it so expensive so didnt buy. when hm to charge and run and guess what the batt is still working. can charge, can hold charge. now I'm testing if the batt can last.

SN, how's ur tingkat going? i might need to order tingkat for my mil place when she need to start looking after bb. save her the trouble of cooking.

went to see my gynae yesterday. detail scan is good but bb is too big for my gestational date so my edd is push forward to 18Nov. even with edd adjusted, gynea thinks that bb is still on the bigger size. he asked me not to eat too much, otherwise bb might get too big. :( and i gain another 3kg within 1mth. the worst thing is im not even eating much due to indigestion. *faint* so depressing...
Bluenose bear, yeah, shopped till I dropped ytd. No choice leh, a lot of my stuff from #1's time were given away already, now have to top up for #2.

Fuzzybear, noooooooo, not going back to taka while pregnant! Else I'll be tempted to walk to the other side of orchard haha! Heartburn seems better, thanks! Yours leh? How do u cope with it? For mine I think must eat small meals and snack throughout the day, with minimal fatty stuff.

Pinky, I also didn't know how to cook before #1 came. Now can cook, but mostly only my taste buds think the food is edible ;p. After confinement my mum gave me a mini thermos pot. Saved my life cos I'll just throw everything in and boil. Start with www.noobcook.com la. This blogger's recipes are simplified. Better still, get your hubby to cook! Knowing how to steam fish is a great skill to have leh. My fish still keep coming out overcooked, sad, sad.

Anyone used Goon diapers before? Very popular during #1's time, just wondering if it's still worth to buy.

Mummychua, maybe weight gain is from water retention?
Morning mommies!

Kayliz, wah, your poor girl enrol and withdraw from IFC/CC 3 times? Aiyoh, the initial few days of crying is so heartwrenching that I don't want to restart the whole process again for my son if possible. I think for your case, maybe you set a timeline for your mom, that you will only need her help for a year etc and after that you will send your girl to IFC. In this way, at least she knows that no matter how she complains and nags, she will only need to take care of your #2 for a year and because of this timeline, she will also treasure the bonding more and complain less. Are you afraid that your mil will offer her help since she is so free? hahaha.

ankh, you only gained 1.5kg so far, you are entitled to eat more! hahahaha.

pinky, neogarden portion is very small for meat dishes. like if chicken curry, then really just two chicken wings for 2 pax dinner. They tend to give more for the vegetable dishes. taste wise is ok and so far, the food still taste fresh.
pinkyloving: the caterer that u planning to get is for yourself or your hub? i thot your CL will help to cook for u? can ask her to cook abit more then share with your hub lor.. i'm gg to order caterer for confinement food cos not having CL. =)

ankh: i also like to use noobcook.com as a reference when i was trying to cook previously! now just too tired (n lazy) to cook, plus i get hungry once i reach home cant wait for the cooking to be done. haha...
pinky, i make sure the rice cooker i buy is very easy to use. most rice cookers will come with a steamer so if its just 2 to 3 pax for rice, you can steam something on the steamer too. and i can choose quick option to cook rice in 15min, i usually use this option + steam a dish to cut down on dishes to cook for dinner. Tiger rice cookers are very expensive but i heard tt it is very good too. Mine is Panasonic, i think. Equally good la, can stew or even bake if i want to. I also use my rice cooker to steam buns for my son and hubby in the morning for breakfast at times. ya, noobcook is a good website. i refer to it for inspirations on what to cook at times. i have the magic pot (think same as ankh's thermos pot!) too, use it to dump ingredients for soup and boil the night before, then boil again next morning and by the time i reach home at night, soup is ready!

fuzzybear, good for you! no need to spend money on another pump! eh, i bought many rompers already else won't mind buying over yours. i didn't buy many dresses though, didn't see many i like enough to buy.

kayliz, will be tough but bond btw you and kids will be stronger definitely! will be worth all the trouble!
btw, saw Taka fair advertisement in papers today. i think their prices change from time to time for some items during the same. fm 5-8th Aug, there are certain things on promo and the free gifts if spend above $300+ and $600+ are different this week too. hehe, maybe time to head back for more shopping next week. :p
Ankh, I stocked up on goon diapers from diapers.com.sg because they had the weekly deals promotion that is quite cheap.
The reviews seem good and my friends also had good comments on it.
Chill. U and ur mum are diff. From ur exp i am sure u will strive to do better for ur kids next time =) actually, it really nt easy for old ppl to look aft kids. Even the most patient person will complain and lose the cool at times. U know old ppl la, they like to complain and comment.
Just to share. My mum insisted she can handle my #1 and #2 when i sound her out before i delivered #2. She was angry with me for doubting her. Well, in the end aft i delivered #2, she told me she cant handle both. Ask me to put either 1 in cc whole day. I didnt wan to. Plus other circumstances, i resigned and looked aft on my own =) is really tough at my age looking aft 2 nt to mention my mum at her age. I was angry and disappointed. Then one person told me this: My mum helping out is for goodwill. Nt an obligation and neither is it her job to must help me out. Dun take it for granted tat she must be there to help u whenever u ask for it. We this generation are lucky as in we always have our parents/inlaws to fall back on (for most) while our parents generation they have to do so themselves. Our parents responsibilities are to bring us up and provide for us which they have done so. Nw is their time to enjoy themselves so if they choose to help us out its a bonus. I clearly rem these till today and tats why i learn to do everything on my own. During my last 2 weeks of confinement, i even brought my nb tog with me to send n fetch my #1 to/forth sch. I do my own housewk too but diff circumstances from u; as in my mum was sick and hb already cleared his leave. So i just handled everything on my own.
I think u better start getting ur hb on how to prep and take care of ur gal before u really deliver. So tat incase u pop before ur mum comes back ur hb wld have some exp and learn something from u. No choice, nw just have to think of the next possible or ideal solution. Rem to prep ur gal as well tat u will be away in hosp and daddy will be looking aft her. Kids need preparation too. And, seriously, think of child caring for ur #2 since u mention ur mum like to chu patterns.

We better start watching out for our diets =p my hb told me last preg liao, dun get too fat =p
I try out recipes from noobcook.com too =p

The maternity pad tat ties used a string to loop. I used tt during my 1st confinement coz was having bad rashes and even cotton pantries add on to my rashes woes. Abit troublesome coz u need to untie if u need the loo and tie it back later. The sticky type on pantry easier, just pull up n dwn.
Trust me, somehow u will be able to cope coz by then u have no choice but to cope =p most impt is nt to get into depression.
Hahhaa! I take 2 bfasts in a morning, part 1 and part 2 =p

When pumping i keep thinking of my baby and how they needed the milk and the letdwn will come. I hate it when i overflow my breastpads at nite when i did my latch n pump on time. Coz always wet my top and i need to keep changing n washing. I even stained my top once when outside. Had to quickly go toilet n squeeze into the sink. Total waste of my milk!

Nt all ppl will have heavy flow. Depends on individual. I have friends who only had lochia for like a week or 2 and nt heavy.

I also ordering tingkat for dinner for a start aft confinement till i can handle 3kids+housework+cooking all on my own.
Wah! 3kg a mth quite alot. Is it due to water retention??
Val.. with no. 1, i already intended to place her in IFC before returning to work when she was 3.5 mths. All the fees were paid. On the day before she started her 1st day in the IFC, my mum told me "i think dont put in IFC, I will help u with your baby until she is older." In fact, i felt better to start IFC earlier before bb can recognize ppl so there will be not much rejection or crying. Never for once i depended on my mum or took it for granted that she will be around to help as and when i need. Whatever i do, i always have a backup plan in case things cant work out with her. That is why, after she seemed to get tired and frustrated from looking after my #1, i had a place for her in CC so my mum will be released from her duties for looking after my girl. But she is always the one who is causing me a lot of prob. Take care, complain. No need take care, cry and ask me to withdraw and kept pin-pointing on the school. I have to work and i got really sick of entertaining all her phonecalls telling me how pitiful my baby is as she kept loitering outside the centre to peep. But because i was worried, (i scared she kena depression) i gave in to her and end up, it became a cycle causing much inconvenience to me, my child, and my conflicts with hubby.

I am pretty much independent but i cannot afford to resign and be a SAHM unless i have zero choice. I have so many colleagues who have their parents & in laws working and none of them can help with their kids, yet they are able to cope on their own despite working fulltime as well. They don't have maids and they handle everything themselves with their kids in IFC/CC. If they can do it, I'm sure I can! :)

I discussed with hubby maybe we can have full month celebration for our baby girl, since our #1 & #2 had, but we cannot think of a venue, our home is no - no, as we have too many barang barang, very crowded already, don't like people to visit my house. You all may think its like 4-5 months away, but I think have to plan everything before pop, because when baby comes, everything will be moving so quickly, doubt will have time, to plan, send invite, confirm attendance, cater food etc.
