(2012/06) Jun 2012

yeah, if #1 is a gal, can look after didi/meimei. gals are more difficult to take care than boys, imo. pros and cons. having a healthy bb is most important

Moi, I'm also considering a home-cleaning service.. any recommendation? I was looking at Ah Mahs on Wheels.. quite ex.. $320 per month for 1x weekly cleaning.
<font color="aa00aa">Last time I engaged Just Relax Home &amp; Laundry Services.
Good things are, they don't charge agent fee and came quite punctually. The cleaners come in pair and the co. tried to assign at least one who'd cleaned your house before so that they're familiar with the house (where things are kept, what not to clean or touch, etc.). They also provide their own set of cleaning materials (2 mops - 1 for rooms &amp; 1 for kitchen, different colour rags for different purposes) which they'll take back after termination of service. You need to provide your own cleaning agents though.

The handyman will come once in a while (think it's every 3 months) to clean the windows &amp; fans.

Bad thing are, they spoiled my toilet roll cover, 3-pin power plug for vacuum cleaner w/o telling me. Luckily, they compensate me. As time goes by, the service standard drops - not as clean (maybe dependent on cleaners).

Can't remember how I paid then, but it was $268 or similar depending on floor area. Now the price should've increased.

Not sure if the above has changed but that's my personal experience.</font>
Jul: its a girl.. very happy cos #1 is a boy. cant wait to buy little dresses.. but then again, gon' waste money again wahaha

joeey: in what way is a girl more diff to take care?
Congrats Mihoger n jasmine. Me too....first time mummy....so learning sliently from all the experience mummies. I'm having my first gal...to be honest, there is pros and cons. Have to take care of gals more esp when they reach puberty, but they are closer to mum than having boys. I told my hubby that we can try boy for second one but he said what if it turns out to be girl again. He dun wanna try for the 3rd one again if 2nd is girl too. We are no longer that young anymore and moreover we are not that rich people, how to take care of so many kids.
Congrats Mihoger n jasmine on knowing the gender!! i also agree with jul, boys are tougher to look after when they are young.. somehow they eats more and sleeps less, LOL..

girls are tougher when they get bigger cuz they are more sensitive.. I saw my 2 years old playing with bigger boys, they share the same kind of interest and play until happy happy.. but when he plays with my 5 years old niece, my niece will have her own way of doing things and insists my boy to follow, often end up with a crying boy cuz he can't really play like a girl right, LOL..
hello anna, yup, you are correct man. need to take care of girls more especially during their teens years. also agreed that there are closer to mum or even parents...

i read online that a change of diet, lifestyle and sometimes even positions can help for a baby boy..it works for quite alot of couple. you may want to google abt it when you are ready to try for #2
all the best!
btw mummies, i have a capella pram in green colour used by #1. wanna recycled it for #2.. any idea where i can buy capella pram liner? know that Mclaren sells seperated liners, just not sure whether capella has that too. any inputs or ideas will be good! im so excited to have a girl ;)))
joey > i tink my sleepin arrangement mayb the same as urs. #1 wil slp w hubby n #2 wil slp w me. Bt jus dont knw whic rm yt. :p

jul > so whn #2 arrive u wil quit ur job n b b sahm? Thn mil wil stil tak care of #1 while u care for #2?

Gender of bb
i m in my wk 17 nw n i stil dont knw my bb gender. Bt i got a pink bb hat in the goody bag fr cordlife talk. While priscilla n jul gt blue ones n thy r gona hv boys. Wonder if tat mean i wil hv a bb gal. Haha. :p
Jasmine, congrats to you too! For girls, the father's presence is very important. Actually I don't agree totally that girls are closer to their mums. I'm actually closer to my dad :p My mum was the career woman type till my teens. It really depends on how much time each parent spends with the child. Most times my dad was the one who took leave to bring me out during school holidays, whereas my mum only dumped me at my aunts place before going out shopping.. haha.. Anyway, I've seen that in many cases where the father is not around or not involved with the child raising, the daughter will end up seeking attention else where... that's where the danger lies..

Moi, since you said this agency is not so reliable anymore, then are you still going to use them?
thanks natthan. will show my husband this paragraph. haha.. now praying hard that everything in the detailed scan will go on smoothly.
wow nattan too bad no "LIKE" button here for me to like your post, LOL but yes super agree with you.. i am closer to father also.. i think for girls, father's presence is super impt and we tend to find our future hubby that resembles our father lor..

haha Chris your theory sounds interesting! maybe that's really a sign..
i find that gals are more difficult to take care then boys because :
- need to clean girls genitals carefully, prone to UTI.
- my gal is like a princess, fall down or get hurt a bit, will cry pain pain.
- my gal got jelly legs and fingers, cannot walk/run quickly, prone to trips and falls, always spill water/food on the table during self-feed.
- my gal doesn't like to chew, so she doesn't eat a lot of meat, can only eat very soft chicken and certain fish. Because she is so choosy with food, eats more vege than meat, she is underweight, and more prone to falls. She only likes to drink milk and more milk.
- my boy's weight is normally 50-75th percentile while my gal's weight is ~25th percentile.
- my gal is very afraid of strangers especially shy when she sees uncles, my boy is more open to strangers.
- my gal doesn't like to brush her teeth, doesn't follow instructions, likes to do things her own way, more stubborn than my boy.

Hee, that's y i feel gals are more difficult to handle than boys. My gal is more sensitive, will sayang my tummy, cry when i cry, smile when i smile too.
can try kiddy palace for the pram liner ? you can take out the cappella pram liner to wash right ? then can use for #2
Hi Anna, I am a first time mum too and having a gal as well. Yea and was told by everyone who knows i am having a gal that it is easier to take care of a girl and they develop faster as well.
joeey: haha, some of it sounds like my boy.
weight below 25% perentile. don't like strangers, just stare at them, don't like to brush teeth.
quite messy with self feed
Ya boy....I like your post nattan. Thumbs up. Gonna show your post to my hubby....kekeke.
I'm not closer to mum and dad cos they dun really care for me that much when I was young, but I'm closer to my sis who is 11 yrs older than me. However I finds that I can talk to my mum more after I'm married and esp now, I'm pregnant. I think we gals can understand mum more once we are married.
Chris, I also received a pink hat! Haha... I dunno if I will have a gal but so far, I'm addressing my baby as a boy! :p

Felicia, ya.. we're hardwired to find mates who are similar to our parent of the opposite sex. Even guys may subconsciously find a wives similar to their mums (not totally the same of course). Like for me, my hubby is similar to my dad in terms of being very family-oriented, humorous, loyal and a bit thrifty (but not as thrifty as my dad!! Thank God!!). Whereas, I'm similar to my MIL in the sense that we're both quite strong-willed, take-charge type of people, and we're also family-oriented
Jasmine, I will try all kinds of methods like "dog style"....bum up after sex etc, if I can convince my hubby to go for second one. Wahahaha....
hahah thanks all mummies felicia and anna..

agreed joeey , i think #01 gal will take care more.. pro and cons..

btw mummies , anyone sign up any Prenatal classes? i sign-up mine at PEH , as gonna deliver there.. anyone is at PEH? keke.. might be neighbour also meet-up during lesson in march?

also cant wait for the babyfair in Feb.. ~_~
my gal is more difficult to take care mainly becos of her stubborn character. every individual is different, just hope our kids grow up healthy and happy can already

i'm also similar to my MIL, don't makeup or dress up much, spend more on food and kids haha...
Talking about sign...my colleagues and friends mostly guessed that I'm gonna have a boy cos my tummy is pointed and my face is full of pimples, plus the MS ended at almost 16 weeks. But I'm having a girl instead, so dunno how true are the myths??
Anna, thought i am very good at telling boy or girl in the past, till i guessed wrongly for 2 of my colleagues recently cuz they both have no MS, and tummy so small and pointed at about 3-4 months, so i told them must be boy.. end up, both having girl and when i saw them in their last trimester, gosh really can tell they are having girls, tummy round and big!

so i guess hor it's not easy to tell around 3-4 months still cuz nowadays a lot of mummies have small tummies, not obvious at all..

as for pimples, my #1 was a boy but i didn't have any pimples throughout my pregnancy, the most 1 or 2 breakouts only.. so it depends on individual.. that's why this time round although i thought i am experienced, i can't even tell if i am carrying a boy or girl myself, lol
mihoger, when and where is the Baby Fair? Any website to refer to?

Anna, these are old wives tales...my boss doesn't have pimples and she is having a girl too. My other colleague had MS and no pimples for 2 pregnancies and she had a girl and a boy, whereas another ex-colleague's DIL had bad MS and pimples for 2 pregnancies and also had a girl and a boy.

Haha yeah if I have a gal, I'll spend a lot more on clothes &amp; accessories!

boys vs gals

Limited experience for me... But I find gals are more sensitive, hence tend to be more "xiaoqi", whiny, grudge-bearing etc. But of course, for boys, eevrything also water off the back. Next time, leave the hse also parents like water off the back haha


I plan to stay at home &amp; take care of both till #2 can go to pre-nursery. Hoping ILs will relent &amp; take over so I can go back to work after that. I don't wanan think so far also. 2.5 yrs is looong enough!

ILs did say they can take care of #1 &amp; me #2. But like that might as well dun have brothers? And #1 will be close to them &amp; not to me. I rather I xinku &amp; tong a few yrs first.
Mihoger: I have signed up with Ms. Wong Boi Boi for the prenatal lesson at AMK HUb in march 18th though I will be delivering at PEH. I finds her lessons are more beneficial for those first time mummies though hers are more costly at approx. S$ 324 for 6 lessons at sunday class.

I had better skin &amp; a pointed tummy for both my boys. But I dunno if it's ME, or the boys hormones or what. If I have a gal &amp; a boy, then I can help u cfm haha
father's Role

This is definitely very impt. My Hubs is very involevd in my #1's life - bathe him, put him to nap/bed, bring him out etc. #1 also naturally gravitates towards him coz he has the strength to play rough games with him, which he likes!

But I find that my boy will run to me when he kena scolding. Act kelian &amp; whimper. Or if Papa says no to some things, he'll turn &amp; ask me. So it's impt to be consistent in our approaches. Cannot be 1 angel, 1 devil. Can be 1 archangel, 1 normal rank angel lah haha
Jul, I think normally when kids are scolded by one parent they will run to the other parent for comfort.. haha... not because you're mummy or what. If you scold your son, maybe he will run to daddy too.. Yes, both parents must share the same parenting approach.
i also agree on same standard of parentin fr both parents. Bt i gave up on tellin my hubby liao. Even whn we hv our current dog, he cldnt follow. We always argue abt it until nw my dog gt ovr pampered liao. So history repeat itself. Again hubby doesnt follow n #1 gt too rowdy, althoug he is stil quite a gd boy in his heart. Hopeful the goodness wil sty even though his daddy kp givin the wrong signal. Haiz
Jul: ya lor, either boy or girl. Like the chinese chart, i think mine both wrong, my mother said super accurate for her.

Pointed/rounded tummy- some say mine is pointed, some say mine is rounded, but still boy.

How sticky no.1 is to you when pregnant- tested here, but sure got someone disapprove the theory.

And so on and so on.

So i think all got 50% chance of being correct
I want to gripe about pils. Now i thought can settle schooling, they go and tell my hubby they don't want my son to take sch bus to such a faraway place. Wth? Now mil trying to pyscho fil to take cab to send him to my original choice.
But now i prefer the new place.

Really want to interfere in everything in our lives. And knowing them, my husband will soon cave in and go to their side as they will constantly bombard him. And since kids are likely to have separation anxiety plus fall sick, they will defintely blame it on the school, no matter which one i eventually send my son to!!


In times like this, i wish i am not working and can be chauffer.
hee hi everyone,

i juz did my scan today and baby is a girl!!! Super happy!!

Prior to tdy my mil and colleagues say based on tummy shape that baby is a boy but not true so i guess difficult to tell ard 17/18 weeks ba, need much bigger then higher accuracy??
glass, basically every theory is unreliable and only God can decide whether we have a boy or a girl huh

I think your PILs just want to have a say as grandparents la.. sometimes all these old folks just wanna show they ate more salt than we ate rice, so they know better. You can just tell your hubby to say "ya ya" to everything but then don't have to do as they say lor.. When the time comes, just do what you think is best for your child
Morning ladies, congrats to all who passed their tests n know the gender.. Shopping begins!

Super busy at work, no time to surf through all the posts...

Re PIL everyone has there wants, we cant fulfil all. So best is just hope for healthy baby n if really gender is an issue, no harm trying for another. Perhaps with the 2nd, u can try all methods to boost the chances for a particular gender.

Re Stroller i've seen many combi on the streets, i personally feel that they r very short in length. Not suitable for toddlers above 80cm. Which is about 2yo. For those who want a stroller which can last through at least 2 kids, u might wanna consider getting a stroller that can extend the legs portion, like maclaren xt or preg prego piklo.

I tried lucky baby also long but i dun like the bulkiness. Capella simiar to lucky baby due to the side cushions.
Too much cushions reduces sleeping area and gets warm easily. Unless u r in air con most of the time.

If not driving, best to have a stroller under 6kg. I experiment with strapping baby while lugging stroller and lugging diaper bag, u can't carry anything else. This is even if ur hb is ard. Of course taxi n cars, best to get strollers of weight ard 8kg for best performance - manourvering n stability.

Ppl with bigger budget might wanna consider investing in both. 4kg n 8kg strollers for bus n car purpose. This is better advice for first timers since there is bigger chance of #2 compared to 2/3rd time mummies.
Morning ladies,
Are there any mothers using Bumwear? I am thinking Bumwear or disposable.From what i heard Bumwear does not give the baby a diaper rash as to disposable, however definately a lot more washing but apparently it is easy to wash as compared to a disposable where you just use and bin it. I guess Bumwear will save your pockets for the long run.
Can you share your thoughts?
i used bumwear on my boy. but i stopped as i can't take the washing..
the smell is bad after 1 pee already. and I use 2 inserts at a time.

carrying i dun like also.. cause the bottom is cold. due to wet inserts. usually i let him pee twice then i change. spent abt $200 for it. cause i bought super lots inserts n covers i have about 6 also.
of course if u have a caregiver at home it's ok. for me, my MIL was complaining tat washing was tiring. have to hand wash every 3hrs. can't keep till big load cause got smell. max 2 changes have to wash already.
but i agree tat my boy's butt dun have issues.. hehe
if u r keen to start, i'll suggest u get starter kit first. if u can't handle the mess then stop.

I re-started bumwear after my boy stop wet stools. and pee lesser per hour. abt 1yr old. So i can wash lesser. very comfy for him as it's all fleece/microfibre...
Petrina- Thanks. Then what did you use when you stopped Bumwear for a period of time, disposable?
How did that work out for you?
Does Bumwear leak though?
Adeline: ya. i used ntuc brand disposables for him. it was the cheapest brand of diapers available. I'm lucky tat he have a sturdy butt tat can withstand harsh conditions. but also u need to keep desitin creamy by your side at all times. tat is a true life saver.
bumwear don't leak. when u carry ur baby, u will feel it's cold as the inserts r wet. but definitely not wet on ur hands or upon tough of the cover fleece on ur baby's butt. only inserts r wet, not dripping wet either.
they dry fast. so u wash daily, it's ok.

anyway, u still need to get the disposable paper due to wet stools. otherwise ur covers will stain after a while.
personally i wont advise you to get bumwear for new born.. well i actually used cloth diaper for my boy at first, thought just more washing to do but overall still save cost mah.. but indeed it's a super bad idea.. my boy doesnt sleep much and if i do not use diaper, once he wet the cloth diaper he will wake up easily lor.. nothing is more precious than baby's sound sleep so i end up changing all to disposable diaper after 2 days..

for toddler yes maybe bumwear will work better ba..

anyway no need to worry too much about diaper rash, one thing is nappy cream usually works, and 2nd thing is we do not use wipes for my #1, we wash him after his every poo and he didn't really get any diaper rash so far..
<font color="aa00aa"><blockquote><hr size=0><!-quote-!><font size=1>quote:</font>

Moi, since you said this agency is not so reliable anymore, then are you still going to use them?<!-/quote-!><hr size=0></blockquote>

Not exactly unreliable but service standards drop. It depends on who are assigned to clean your house lor. I stopped using Just Relax > 2 years ago. Now, we do ourselves but the frequency has reduced.

Re: Bumwear &amp; Cloth Diapers
My #1 used Nappies with Nappy cover, Bumwear &amp;/or Fuzzi Bunz Cloth Diapers right after he stopped passing meconium. My CL actually encourages us to do that too.

Yes, it was quite messy at times (I used 2 diaper liners + 1 or 2 inserts) and sometimes leak does happen as #1 is a boy and the fitting may be a bit loose. I think for girl, it should be better. We usually rinse the insert after every change and washed them when we accumulated several changes. Yes, it can be quite pungent but after rinse, it should be alright. No issue of bum rashes since we also use Desitin cream everytime after he passed motion &amp; after bathing.

He only used disposables when he's out. Can't remember why we stopped - probably when he outgrew the Cloth Diapers or when he was toilet-trained.</font>
Thanks ladies!!
Am heading back to Malaysia so trying to see if i can get any baby items from back home cheaper.

Any suggestions?

i guess if u r using cloth, then Msia nothing cheap to buy. hehe..
usually i'll ask my hb go giant to grab diapers...
clothes n all it's abt same. anyway, quality differs too.
