(2012/06) Jun 2012

Huhu very tired again. My #1 still doesn't want the new maid to carry her. Hopefully tomorrow will be better. At least now she's okay new maid giving her food using hand. But my new maid hasn't succeeded in giving her milk to drink though. As usual mom isn't even home to play with #1 at all. She just went shopping the whole day even now hasn't reach home yet. Then tomorrow will wake up late and go shopping again. She is last time lots if times becomes housewife but with maid leh. I think she just feel I don't need her and prefer to go shopping compare to play with granddaughter so boring at home. Dunno what will happen when I plan to go office wed afternoon, thu morning and friday. Maybe she will just nag at me saying #1 doesn't want to eat, etc. but I really need her in those days becoz it's the only time i can mock up leaving #1 with maid. Otherwise #1 will keep being sticky to me and hubby and later will really go food strike or etc when only my maid take care. Hux

Anyway my mom and dad also never feed my#1 at all ever since I have maid they let my maid handle. Before I TBF so they also got no chance except when I want to train #1 use bottle when she's less than 4 mths old. Same with in laws. Now #1 use straw but need to coax or distract her with toys so she want to drink. Huhu
groovy > ur mum is a shopaholic?! So many things to buy meh? I tink all families hav their own set of problems. Last time my dad insist he doesnt wan #1 to b at their pl on sat, even whn gynae adv tat my 1st tri was unstable n i cant tak care of #1 alone. #1 is currently learnin to walk n stil nd to b carried. Scream at my dad n he insist tat he wan2 do his housechore on sat n doesnt lik ppl to b ard n even sy its more impt than my life or the bb life! I was heartbroken.
Hehee ya lor shopaholic with company as my elder sis married before me, got no children (maybe she doesn't want any as I know she dislikes kids), and got no permanent job that needs her to go office every day at certain time. I put high expectation to mom who said want to come and help training new maid but in the end I do everything. Might as well she said want to come here to celebrate CNY and meanwhile can look for the maid. Or maybe I mistaken her saying look for the maid as training. Huehehehe. Don't care lah but I always suspicious she won't do the same if elder sis is the one preggy or has kid. Btw she never even say at first that she come until CNY. I am the one looking at the date and realize it coincides. That's why at first I thought her main aim is to help out. In the end just make my maid works double as need to serve her as well
difficulty in breathing, cant slp, n i tot tis happen only at the last tri.
is anyone facing tis?

groovy >favouritism? Smtimes i suspect tat in my family too! Haha. Smtimes ppl jus surprises us. Easy way out is total everything lightly. Mak life for ourselves alot easier.
Chris, groovy

Hiaz my mum is also an unreliable one. I shared before that I asked her to come look after the maid & my boy when I had to telework, & Hubs was overseas for 1 mth. She didn't stay, just cam in the am & go home in the evening.

Everyday come very late, then by 4pm, keeps saying "I wanna go home, nothing much what, u mean 1 maid cannot handle my son etc". Then by the 3rd day, she fly aeroplane & said she's gog back to work.

Quite sad that she's aws making empty promises. I wouldn't be upset if she just say she cannot help. But she's aws volunteering, saying she can do this & that, then in the end, feel so let down.

Now she says I don't need to take no pay leave, she will quite her job & look after both my kids. Hiaz, forget it lah! Either she'll say she tired, cannot take it, wanna go back to work again. Or she'll be feeding my kids dunno what nonsense. No way man!


Aiyoh, I feel for you. But hor, I notice that my mum esp got 3min heat also. In the beginning, say cannot carry my No1, dun do this, dun do that.. then after a while, she'll either forget, or just heck care liao. But I agree it's sad when our own parents cannot be counted on. Not that it's their obligation lah, but if ILs do better than my own parents, I feel very sad lor


heehee think your mum is like my mum. The stay at home means got maid to do everything. Rather go out & work & get away from the hse & screaming kids.

I had difficulty in breathing in 1st tri. Think something abt blood volume increase, increased demands on body etc, but it went away in 2nd tri.
Morning ladies,
For those who went to the cordlife seminar,mind sharing your thoughts and how was the packages offered?
Morning mummies,

Went for my checkup on sat. Bb v shy dun wanna show us. sat cross legged with everything squished to the tummy. Gynea managed to spot a little bump so could be a bb boy. Hubby say cos I always like to sit cross-legged so bb follow me.

Chris: Sometimes I also have breathing difficulties, even when i'm just sitting down. It comes and it goes so I don't really bother about it.

Jenny: Sorry to hear about your termination. Perhaps you could check with MOM again about the 90days whether its based on termination date or the last working day. If its the last working day you will have a good chance. In the meantime do take it easy and cheer up. BB can feel mummy's stress.
Morning mummies...

Chris/Groovy, I guess it's better to rely on yourself than to put your expectations on others even if they are family. Actually, I have always been against my (future) kids being looked after by their grandparents as I believe grandparents are usually too lenient with grandkids. Also, older folks have their own habits that may not agree with my style. I prefer to have a maid look after them (lesser of 2 evils!) as I can order the maid to do as I say, but it's harder to enforce that with your own parents :p

Re breathing difficulty, I don't have that except when I was having a blocked nose during flu. Is it only when you lie down?

Adeline, I didn't find out about the cordlife packages but the seminar was very informative, esp the breastfeeding segment. It was given by Mrs Wong Boh Boi, the senior breastfeeding consultant at TMC. She was quite candid and humorous. If you want to know the price plans for cordlife, just go to their website.. http://www.cordlife.com/sg/en/price-plan
morning mummies!

at week 17 now.. baby is a BOY..
everyone around me say is Boy.. but i keep telling myself is Gal..

so when gynae say "today is a Boy" i reply "next month is a Gal" hahaha..
Ya lor... Since sat he laugh at me when i cross my legs. I was telling the gynea tt hubby talk to bb everynight as bb cooperate but bb bo chup us. Gynea say " welcome to parenthood, kids never listen". Haha
Thanks Jul/Nattan.

Nattan - Yea i have seen the packages online but am monitoring their promotion packages offered. I know during the baby fairs they give a discount, i guess will wait for February then.

Has anyone started looking around for baby cots and strollers? We have been browsing around and liked a few. These 2 are top on our list at the moment.
thanks Nattan..

Adeline : our stroller is given by my brother.. not gonna buy new one..

babycot hubby bought 3years ago for his niece.. time to recycle the cot..
Mihoger-Congrats on knowing your baby's gender. Are you hoping for a gal though?
And lucky you, save you the trouble of researching and finding a suitable stroller and cot.
Adeline: Me and hubby also placing these 2 in the top list now. Stroller we are thinking of getting Peg perego pliko P3. Cots we still have no idea. Budget around 300+ cos so far the cheaper ones which has the adjustable height are about tt price. Do you have any recommendations for Cot?
Asrias, I'm also looking at the Peg Perego Pliko (Mini) cos it can be closed with 1 handle, can stand on its own and can fit the child up to 3 or 4 yrs old. I got a 15% discount voucher from Mothercare at the Cordlife Seminar, so can get it at around $300+
But I also want to check out other brands like Capella which Mothercare doesn't seem to stock.

For cot, I probably will go to the Baby Hypermart to take a look... Important thing is make sure the height can be adjustable for at least 3 levels and has teeth guard on the rails. My budget for it is about $200-300 also.
nattan > last 2 nite was whn i was sleepin half way. Wonder if its asthmatic. Ya, i also believe in bein independent. Bt whn it cm to takin care of bb, i stil feel more at ease whn bb is w my parents. Anyway, hubby did ask me to gt a maid bt i dont lik a stranger in the house watchin my bk all the time n i hate to instruct ppl to do things. Also ever tot of gettin a nanny to cm in jus for sat, bt in the end cos my quarrel w my dad gt so bad, my mum step in n sy jus leave bb w her.
Asrias- We have been to a lot of places to look at cots and strollers, those are like our weekend homework!

My opinion, Casakidi and Mothercare has a good selection of baby cots. However Casakidi has a wider range. The cots at these two places is sturdy,good set of wheels, the height can be adjustable at least 3 levels and has the teeth guard rail.
So for us now is to determine the size of the cot as we do not want a cot that is bulky nor a cot that is too small.

Baby Strollers
We are looking at getting a Bugaboo Bee as it is easy to close with one hand, sturdy and light as well. Had positive feedbacks from friends and relatives as well.However we are still open to suggestions at this point in time.
However we do want a stroller that would last for our next few kids in years to come.
Chris, you have asthma? If you have, maybe it could be it. But if not, you can't just get asthma during pregnancy... maybe is just the extra weight pressing on your chest when you lie down? Try to sleep with an extra pillow to prop your head up.

My hubby also doesn't like to have a maid in the house, but I'm ok since my family employed one since I was a teen. It's just that right now I cannot accommodate a maid due to space constraint. A nanny could be a good idea... maybe bring the child there instead of bringing nanny in especially if you live with parents/ILs who don't like strangers in the house.

Actually maid also not reliable. best is to DIY, but that measn losing our sanity & $$!


Haha you want a gal huh? Congrats anyway, on whatever the gender is haha


Gynae is right lor! The only time kids listen is when you dun want them to hear or learn something like curse words lol


Had hand me down from SIL. To be honest, I din like it. But what to do? Got free one, can't be throw away. Now me thinking of buying a toddler bed for my older son.
Baby Hypermart

Anyone knows if there's a sale now? I need to get new car seat for my older boy, but I don't wanna travel all the way there if no sale. Kaki Bukit is FAR leh...
jul: must correct you a little. heee. kids listen all the time, but they only like to repeat the swear words because they get the most reaction out from you!

my friend's 2-y-o daughter said 'shit' in class when her teacher asked her to come up with words starting with 's'. Teacher thought she meant 'ship', but the girl went to touch her bum to indicate meaning. Teacher wrote in parents-teacher dialogue book to tell her to teach child when to use words that are appropriate.
turns out the mum uses it really frequently.
sunday got article about car seat. Me really dunno how to squeeze between 2 car seats. now cars so expensive, how to upgrade to 7 seater
<font color="aa00aa">Now passengers < 1.35m must have car seats. Thinking whether to get a booster seat for #1 or a bigger car seat for him when #2 arrives.

Call to enquire?</font>
agree that best is DIY, don't depend on inlaws/parents/nanny/maid, be a SAHM and don't have to look at other pp's face colors. I depend on my inlaws to fetch and feed #1 dinner, they like to feed junk food, i also have to close 1 eye, give up already. I depend on my Nanny to fetch and feed #2 dinner, Nanny keeps talking to me about money, i also just smile and agree to everything she says. #3 will be looked after by my Nanny too and will need to increase price. She says others charge $800 per month. I just have to agree cos i trust her more than a maid. If only i can be a SAHM and look after the kids myself, but that means losing sanity/me-time and being dependent on hb for $$. Grrrr , i still have to depend on someone !!
mummies who is preggy w #2, wat wil b ur sleepin arrangement whn #2 arrive, durin n aftr confinement?

Confinement ladies
anyone booked theirs thro agency? Whic did u use? Hws the rate?
Jul, I agree about DIY, but sometimes if both parents have to work, then bobian right.. then it's a matter of which is lesser of 2 evils. Whatever it is, I prefer my parents and ILs not to get involved. Very hard to discipline the kid later when there is conflict of parenting methods. For my case, I cannot get help from them anyway, just rely on myself and hubby.
<font color="aa00aa">christine77sg,
For me, I've no choice as #1 still wants to z with me. So my arrangement will be:

#1 &amp; me - on the bed
baby - hopefully can z on his own on his bed (most probably same room as me).</font>
nattan > actually hor i hv childhood asthma. Thn aftr givin birth to #1, gt b relapse n was rushed to a&amp;e. So dont knw if tis time round is it a mild attack. Oh, actually hor, durin preggy n aftr delivery, all sorts of funny illness cn happen leh. Beside relapse of childhood asthma, i also gt thyroid aftr #1 delivery. Bt nw no more thyroid liao. Weird rt? Oh, i m stayin on my own. So cn ask nanny here. Bt if given a choice, i prefer my own parents to care for bb lor.

Bb cot
my #1 slp in playpen leh. So hopefully whn #2 arrive i cn upgrade him to a toddler bed n #2 cn tak ovr playpen.

Haha you have a pt too

I also have a prob with the car seats. Wondering if I can deactivate the airbag at the front passenger seat &amp; put my older boy there with some kind of booster seat?


How old/big is your #1? Depends on whether he's big enough for booster. Those boosters all seem to need min 98 cm height. Weight requirement of 15kg can be met by my son, but height-wise, he's only abt 94cm. Unless I buy those boosters with own harness.


Yeah but my hubs prefers me to stay home. $-wise, really so tight. And I may go crazy. So I'll just give it a try &amp; see how lah. If really CMI, then hire maid.


I intend to let #2 sleep with me till dun need to BF at night. But see how lah. It depends on many factors, like whether I can latch successfully, whether #1 decides he wants to sleep in our room too etc.

I signed up with TMC for the CL. Waiting for them to call em to cfm at the end of this mth. hopefully it all goes well. Somehow I feel TMC CL a bit more hygienic, modern, more pro-BF etc. Hope it all goes well.


Not to discourage you, but maid also got their probs. My sisters grew up with maids, all of them are quite slobbish. I'm already the best of the lot &amp; also very untidy. Coz used to maid picking up after them, being at their beck &amp; call, etc. Every method has its pros &amp; cons. W can only give it a try, &amp; if it doesn't work out, try something else.

Personally I'd rather place my kid in an infantcare/childcare vs nanny. Coz in nanny's hse, u dunno what may happen. At least in a CC, there're other eyes ard.
<font color="aa00aa">jul_04
My #1 is 5+ yo so he's big enough for booster. But I feel those with harness are safer though it's very bulky.

My hubby sleeps in his own after #1 was born.

If I engage a CL, baby will sleep with CL. Hubby will move temporarily back to our room and sleep with #1 and me (or on the floor).

If no CL, it'll be as per previous arrangement.

However, as my #1 is attending P1 next year, I'll really have to think hard on how to re-arrange the sleeping arrangement so as not to disturb his sleep. Anyway, I'll think about this few months later.

Calling for <font color="119911"><blink>Moms with Pri or older school-going kids</blink></font>
What is your arrangement?</font>
Jul, don't be mistaken, I don't intend to get a maid cos I have no space for one. Also I don't really trust a maid to look after very young children after reading so many stories about maids abusing kids in their care. Just that I don't like family to be involved lor. Not all kids will turn out spoilt if the parents discipline them correctly and make sure they learn the right values la.. Agree with you that infantcare and childcare would be preferred.. hope to find a reliable one near my place. I am only concerned about kids spreading germs to one another in such places. Hopefully the infantcare/childcare centre will put a lot of emphasis on hygiene.

Moi, if #1 sleeps with you, then your hubby sleeps where? In the same room also? My boss is also having problems getting her #1 (now 3 yrs old) to sleep on her own. I guess this is a phase kids go through. For my case, I had no choice but share a room with my parents till I was 12!! Cos we lived with my grandma and uncle then and there were not enough rooms. I can't imagine sleeping with my kid in the same room for so long.. no privacy man.. BTW, what is "FM"??

Oic, then you definitely have a big choice avail. The only prob is that those with the narness can only take up to maybe 6 yrs old. Then you have to upgrade to a booster again.


oic I thought you were going to employ a maid, cfmed! haha So what're your arrangements?

FM = formula milk
Jul, already mentioned in earlier post that I won't be getting help from anybody except hubby. We may put baby in infantcare when he/she is slightly older, or hire a part-time nanny.

Actually I wouldn't be averse to a part-time helper that comes in like half a day every week day to help me. I figured if I stay home, yet don't want to have a full-time maid, this would be a gd option.

She can help me do household chores like ironing, mopping, vacuuming, washing toilet. Or just to wah up my lunch dishes or dinner dishes etc. But I think hard to get a permanent part-time also. It's also not very economical compared to hiring a full-time maid. With $10/h, it'll cost abt $800/mth. Abt the same as hiring a full-time maid. Very headache now *hiaz*
<font color="aa00aa">I'm also considering of hiring a home-cleaning service to do a weekly housekeeping. I used to engage one, but stopped when their work standard dropped and hubby was jobless that time.</font>
congrats on knowing the gender, are you first time mummy ?

my hb will sleep with #1 and #2 in the same room while i sleep with #3 in the master bedroom. Hopefully when #3 is around 1yo, all 5 of us can sleep in the same room :p being working parents, the only time with the kids is on weekday nights and weekends, i feel sleeping together can create stronger bonds with one another. imho.

audrey and mummies,
please be careful in the bathroom, cannot afford to fall down, put anti-slip mats to be safe okie.

hope you can get the 1 month pay and take the time to rest, bb comes first.

You engaged from an agency? How much were you paying?

I actually prefer freelance, but has to be trustworthy. And they may not want to tie up all their mornings/afternoons by working for 1 family. maybe no security, if they get dropped by that family?
Hi all, my Gynae just called and my amnio express results turns out normal!! Thank god!!! I'm really relieved! Thanks all for the encouragement too!
Nattan/Adeline: Seems like you guys are going for the lightweight ones. Will the peg perego mini topple if you hang the baby bag at the back? Was considering Combi Urban walker also, cos its quite light. But hubby feels that the pliko P3 is sturdier. Headache.

Will go checkout baby hypermart for the cots.

Anyway, the baby expo is in Feb, so will go check it out also. Hopefully can get some good deals.

(joeey) : yup 1st time mummy.. alot to learn from all the mummie here.. so im a silent reader and pick up tips from here.. coz alot topics going on but very confusing.. haha

Jasmine : Congrats!!
