(2012/06) Jun 2012

Blessed09 ~ Thanks for your info.
I had just tried the sample of Elancyl Stretch Mark Preventative Cream last nite but the itchness was like millions of ants bitting..it doesn't seems to help ..but maybe it is the 1st time I apply. Will monitor for a week..if still the same..I will try Mustela recommended by Asrias.

Nattan ~ how many wks are you now? I do have the same experience which you mentioned since week 6 to week 15. Was having vy bad nausea. Even now I will still throw out in the early morning after shower for some days. The feeling was really terrible. ...with empty stomach...
BubblyVal, I'm 17 weeks now. I never threw up anything before. Even now, it's just gas or a feeling of wanting to throw up, but nothing comes out. Yes, it's horrible.. my whole tummy clenched up.

Gosh have been really bz n tired these few days. Hubs is v worried. Says i'm aws complaining i'm tired. How to care for 2 in future?


Dun have this throwing up. Could it be uterus expanfing n pressing on ur stomach?


Harlow! Have u tried a rich moisuriser instead? Msybe the skin is dry.
hey mummies, just went to gynae for full scan today, confirmed #2 is also a boy, LOL...

And i mentioned about my mil having 2 boys so i got a feeling that hubby's family side got this genes of having boys, although no logic but it happened to us, LOL...

anyway we are happy, finally can think of name for baby, yeah!! slightly disappointed when i heard the news since i realized i won't have the chance to doll up a girl, all my skincare products, bags, diamonds can only give to dils next time, LOL.. but overall i feel that i can handle boys better lah so i am perfectly fine with it.. haha..
Felicia: regarding names, i had actually thought of one long time ago, but found it a bit old fashioned. I was playing with the letters of my son's name, and it spelt another name, but somewhat opposite in meaning. It would be a quite a joke
Jul, I dunno if it's due to the uterus expanding, but it's very random... But today I'm a lot better, thank God... Felt a little nausea going to work but am fine the rest of the day.

Felicia, congrats on finding out #2's gender! Hope I'll also know mine this weekend!
can try for #3, my neighbour also have first 2 boys and #3 is gal, or adopt a god-daughter

i also have that nausea feeling sometimes, when i eat too much oily food.

of course now we're tired easily cos we're preggy ma... ask him to buy chicken essence for you to drink heh ...
thanks ladies for your well wishes..
well glass cuz both are boys, feel that we've selected the possible best name for #1 already so somehow very tough to think of a name for #2, haha..

And joeey, no way to try for #3 unless accident sia.. haha we are more comfy with 2 only lor cuz no one can help us take care, and i don't think 1 maid can easily handle 3 kids, LOL..
my neighbour doesn't have a maid, both parents are working and are malaysians, no grandparents' support. my neighbour's #1 is in primary school and the other 2 kids are in full day childcare. they eat out for dinner almost everyday. i'm very impressed with their time management.
i guess, when there's a will, there's a way.

Congrats! We're in the same boat again. I also feel that i can handle another boy better. Not sure if it's just coz i've had one n am afraid of the learning curve haha


Hee i can't stand chkn essence. Makes me throw up, preggie or otherwise.


Maybe u can ask ur gynae this weekend abt the retching. I'm sure a few of us here could be experiencing the same symptoms.

U mentioned #1 is fetched by your ILs, while #2 goes to CC followed by nanny. Does this mean they don't go to the same sch?
Just realised that even though this isn't #1, there're still loads to buy! Baby clothes coz some of my older's were stained or worn out. Gotta get car seat n replace my pump parts, bottles etc. Can't skip the diapers, wet wipes. Everything is $$$!
yup that works fine indeed but honestly if one kid is sick, that's it, have to take leave to look after lor, that's the thing i hate the most, sure affect work mah and i am a typical career woman so even now hor, when #1's school is closed, my hubby is the one taking leave to look after #1 most of the time, LOL..

yeah exactly we are in the same boat again!! haha indeed i personally really like boy more after having Renzo, so it's not a bad thing, if really a girl hor, sure very poor thing cuz i will dote on #1 even more.. LOL.. and you are right, i plan to buy all new clothes for baby lor, but overall still save more on things like toys since can share, and no need to buy so many dresses, hair clips and stuff, LOL..

Really exact leh. Even birth mth also the same lol

Me too. At first I thought I'd prefer a gal. But after having Sam, I thought.. hey, a boy's not too bad. Just that he really wears me out with his energy level haha.

I'm just buying the newborn clothes for #2. Coz Sam's gog out clothes at 3-6 mths are all very new. We hardly went out then, so no point buying. This time, I also don't plan to let #2 wear shorts till he can sit/crawl. No point lah. Extra step, make me so tired! And more laundry to wash, more $ to be spent. And the baby'll be awaddled anyway. So hot, what for wear shorts?

I do enjoy the wisdom & maturity gained as a non-first time mummy haha. Know what nees to be bought & done, & what suits me.

I hope TMC cfms my confinement lady soon.
yup yup jul, last time we bought short and even pants leh, but end up hor, diaper is good enough ins such a hot weather.. LOL i feel the same, no need to wear shorts, unless go out.. Renzo's baby clothes got milk stains, so after wash and keep for a while, the clothes turn yellowish and not so soft already, so got to buy all new ones for #2 again.. although need to spend $$, the feeling of buying and washing brand new baby wears are just so fun and exciting!
Haha me too! Although need to spend $, but it feels good to buy new things. New maternity clothes, new bras, new baby clothes haha

But I cannot afford to buy new pump, cot & stroller haha. Oh which reminds me, shd send my pump for checkup & servicing before delivery also. Wah so many things to do! I better go make a list
Oh yeah, I did buy long pants with feet though. Coz I plan to let baby sleep with me & I can latch easily at night. Just call the confinement lady in when I'm too tired, or if I need her to change diapers, which is sure one!

Wah thinking of it, it's a nightmare! Poo during BF, poo after BF.. dunno where all the poo come from haha
Old navy having additional thirty percent disc promo code. Went onlin sshopping yesterday.. super shiok... bought mom n baby matching set.super cheap s i chose clearance n additional disc.

Do you ship your own stuff? How much do you usually buy? I find that the shipping is so ex if I buy just a few pcs.
Morning mummies !

your hb is the hands-on type Daddy. good

yeah, #1 is in My First Skool childcare where my MIL works. wanted to put #2 in the same school as #1 initially, but there was another new My First Skool that was built, closer to my place, so i decided to try out and put #2 in the new MFS. Anyway, my FIL can't handle my gal, he can only handle my boy, who is more obedient. Right now, my nanny fetches my gal from CC, bathe and feed her dinner. Another concern I had, I didn't want any adult males to bring my gal to the toilet, except her father. Next time, when she's 6/7 years' old, I wouldn't want her father to bathe/change her either.
Eh, that's just my style of bringing up gals.
Jul, buy at least fifty usd for free usa shipping. I use vpost for shipping international . I ususlly buy very cheap. No speacial disc iwon't buy. So i m usually not too concern as ON usually use plastic bag to ship. Other brands use box. So vol weight is very exp.
Joeey, u r right. Gals n boys muz segregate for their own sake. Not so serious to enforce it to ur gal as it arouses curiosity but juz enuff to teach her the impt to keep a distance.
Now i try not to bring my boy to toilet is possible as e begins to qn already. I used to bathe with my boy to save time. Now we rarely do so.
Nattan ~ I'm also around 17 weeks too! The gas feeling is really bad..I'm also experienced it but the difference is I kept throwing out even last evening. I will check with my gynae again on the next visit end of this month as I will also doing a detail scanning. Hopefully, can know the gender by end month so can start thinking for the names and stuffs to buy.

Felicia ~ congrats for confirming #2 gender. You can start getting everything prepared..so nice

Jul ~ I have not try rich moisuriser. I think i am more to sensitive skin.
The itchness still continue to bit me the whole nite. Definitely, I got to ask my gynae on the next visit. So, upset seeing my whole body changes with Acnes, red spots..so itchy..and also pigmentation. Unlucky!
Petrina ~ yours came between 2nd & 3rd tri. My SIL was so lucky without having any bad symptoms or nausea throughout her pregnancy.
Jul: You can also try using comgateway (normal credit card) or borderless buys (better benefits for amex card).

I have waaaaayyyyyyyyyyyyyy too much grumbles about vpost. Too much to list. My gf also got really fed-up with vpost. Now we boycott vpost.
AsRias, I agree about Vpost.. also had bad experience with them. I rather get direct shipping from the overseas retailers. So far Asos.com offers free shipping and I like their designs. I shopped twice with them, and no issues so far. Else I go for local online shops.. they could be cheaper since most offer local postal service or free delivery.

BubblyVal, maybe you can try eating smaller meals so that there's less chance of your stomach rejecting it?
Nattan: Yep yep, even China vpost items also screw up. Now I rather go through another agent to buy Taobao stuff.

I like Asos too, but i'm a UK 8 and sizes run out fast =(, so I don't get to buy alot of the bargain sale items but instead have to pay more if I really like it.
Finally, my mom doesn't go shopping anymore and wanting to help look after #1 when I go office half day. She only will go shopping after I go back from office.

Feels quite relieved now.

I think mom is really depends on situation type leh. This time around she saw the new maid still can't handle so in the end she's okay.

Boy/Girl.. Actually I also always wanted a boy! Huhu but who knows got girl again. But based on experience, usually girl is more filial to parents lah.
This time around I think mostly confirmed girl again, based on the day we didn't follow NFP (which is right after my mens, so shouldn't be during ovulation), and gynea checked twice still girl. Huehehe..

I lose weight because of heavy workload at home. Taking care of kids is totally more exhausting than brain works in the office.. I think I really cannot be SAHM with no maid. I'm too spoiled. The time I spend without maid is only about 7 years when I study + work here before getting married. But then I lazy do housework and don't mind untidy place too. Only hates ants/lizards so if I found them then I'll start cleaning. huehehe.. Some more I used to live in a tiny room too. So only need to clean the room.
Missed the time when preggy with #1 where hubby volunteered to do everything.

Now even though working still at night need to put #1 to sleep, need to go market, think about what the maid need to cook for us and #1, what the maid need to do during weekend when we go to church. Slight brain works too because last time if I want to eat something just go and buy. Now need to buy the ingredients, and also need to teach the maid how to, which equipment to use etc..

Last time just buy then eat while watching TV or play computer. Now no time to even watch TV or play computer at home. Luckily hubby bought me iPhone so still can browse internet.

If I have 10 pairs of shorts/pants, will that be in a plastic bag too? I'm worried I'll kena slap with the big box!
So far ON use courier bags. I nvr buy enuff to store i box except once i bought my flats. Tat tme kenna high shipping. Otherwise usually spend usd fifty, shipping ard twenty sgd. Depending on ctul clothes weight.
RL uses box though. So it depends on retailer.
guess what my gynae said to me yesterday when he found out i am having another boy?

"A son is a son till he gets married, and a daughter is a daughter for life.."

haha power ba!!!!
Sorry I need to rant..

Just a few days to CNY and I still don't know if hubby and I will be taking BIL's car or public transport back to JB :p BIL said ok to ferry us, but he didn't tell us which day he plans to go back. I have an appt with the gynae on Sat morning.. hope he's not planning to go back on Fri evening or Sat morning. We also don't know when he intends to return to Sg. Hubby last min thought of renting a car, but it's too late now and super expensive. Arghhh.. I really wish don't have to make this trip. Sianz...
Felicia, last time people used to say married daughters are like a basin of water splashed outside the house. I don't believe so la.. It all boils down to the parent's relationship with the son or daughter. Although I'm the only child, my relationship with my parents wasn't good until I moved out and we have less friction at home :p And my dad wasn't very friendly towards my hubby in the beginning (he's a bit discriminating against M'sians) but now they are friendly with each other, so in a way he gained a son too..
nattan i think hor you should confirm with your bil when is he going back, then go back have the dinner then try to come back asap even you have to come back on your own lor.. if gynae appt can change time will be better just in case he really plans to go back on friday..

and yes agree with you, all depends on how we bring up our kids de.. but after all they have their own family and life next time, me and hubby are those kind that we rather have our own life, no need them to be filial and look after us, as long as they dun need us to support them when they grow up can liao, LOL..
Felicia, I asked hubby to confirm with his bro already, but he said bro never replied his sms. I also told my hubby, I don't like to have to rely on other people (esp since he's not close with his brothers), so I rather go back by public transport even if it's a bit more difficult for me (dread the queue at M'sian custom). Then I don't want to have to stay for 2 nights... also rather come back Sg quickly to avoid the crowd, esp if we don't have to visit relatives, no point staying there so long.

I also agree about having our own life after kids grow up. In fact I told hubby, after our kids graduate, I expect them to move out already! I want my space back.. haha.. I don't care if they just started working. Last time their daddy also had to pay rent outside and learn to be independent. That's life...

Thanks! I bought $50+, after 30%, $40. Quite worth it, coz I've been having so much trouble getting bottoms for my boy. Hope they ship to me in the plastic bag *cross fingers cross toes*


Well, it's a gd thing your ILs can handle at least your son. Else I don't think your nanny can handle 3 at the same time also.

asrias, nattan

Thanks. I agree vPost sucks, but.. they're still the cheapest, so I continue to use them lor haha


U better ask your gynae at your next visit. Don't wanna scare u, but it sounds like u may have that PUPPS or dunno what thing. My fren had that, & it was really many angry red dots, itch like mad, the skin turns red etc. In the meantime, try moisturiser.

Oh if the itch has worsened after u applied the Elancyl cream, also consider that u couldn be allergic to it.
try to take your BIL's car back to Msia, since you're preggy, have to take care of yourself and bb. Then take public transport back to Sg earlier so you can avoid the crowd ? You are the one having baby, hubby should treat you like Queen !! :p
Joeey, ya hopefully BIL will be understanding la.. Thing is he is a workaholic.. dunno when he will reply my hubby about the timing. I don't think he will go back on Fri evening, but if he decides to go on Sat morning, then have to see if he can wait for us lor. Ever since we sold our car, I am very reluctant to travel back to M'sia. I dunno why FIL cannot drive in to Sg instead since he has 2 preggie DILs this time. Maybe cos both BILs have car, so he thought we shouldn't have problem tumpang-ing either car back. Hubby was very apologetic about me having to travel, so I don't want to put him in a spot. Other than this travel issue, he does treat me like a queen la. Haiz.. just have to tahan... :p
don't you think children will be closer to their parents if they stay together ? when i was married to hb and stayed with his parents, his mum would be priority, first to know his promotion/bonus/family treats, he even put his mum's hp number in our child's CDA account ! Luckily I managed to convince him to move out , else I would have gone crazy !!

well, I think it's just the amt of time spent together. If you live together, naturally you'll be spending more time together. And since you're living under that person's roof, you'll have to keep by their rules too right?

Oh right, I remember when you were still staying with your ILs. Then you had to climb up & down the stairs so many times during confinement right?
Hah! Bought another batch of stuff from ON for my #1. I really cannot shop. Either I totally don't shop, or I go crazy buying & buying

If you travel by public transport please take care especially in Malaysia. Cos now I think our tummy not that obvious yet, other ppl might not notice. I just wish they dun push here and there if the place become crowded.
I also have the feeling that dun need the children to give us a living when we are getting old. Just wish they dun come back and get support from us.

May be your hb is closer to his mother, for my hb, he will not tell her mum much, my mil last time always tries to get info from me, I every time also told her I dunno, no idea ask yourself. haha cos I know hb dun want to let her know. She will broadcast the whole world which my hb hates the most
i hope my kids still stay with me after they graduate but they should move out once they get married.

there was a saying, when you marry the person, you marry his family. But now, women are more educated, wants to have a say, there can not be 2 tigress under the same roof. :p

yeah, he's very close to his mum till now, i just have to live with it and accept that i'll never be his #1 priority ... hiaz ... now my priority is the kids, not him either :p
