(2012/06) Jun 2012

Actually i never employ one just that this year have a toddler to take care and no confinement tingkat here so decided to employ one.

First child my mum did it for me. I enjoyed it other than the unable to bathe part and baby followed my mum day and night so i rested throughout the confinement. But that is coincidence that my mum is at home for 3mths that time, supposed to go on holiday but baby came out a few days before parents went.
2nd child onwards is just confinement tingkat and chores i did little.

That's what my cousin telling me, he's not ready for school yet.

My boy only play at home. He has ride-on car, slide and a cupboard of toys. But when go outside, he will happily go to toy dept to choose toys but to play, haiz.

I'm thinking of changing to either playdates or smaller group for school. Currently the school has 12 kids including him so i guess it freak him out. Haha

Now my daughter undergoing training. She can vacuum, put clothes into the washer (mine front load), hang and fold clothes, wash dishes, bathe the baby brother. But i will be getting part-time cleaner to come 2 or 3 days a week during confinement. Cannot be asking da yi to do everything, later complain to my mil. Sigh

We also didn't take the angbaos for dinner but we get to keep angbaos+jewellery for the tea ceremony. Talking about tea ceremony, i didn't even know there is one until i got to the restaurant and it took me an hr or more to serve all the elders. Poor me, hardly get to eat any food that night.
Audrey, some man very good in taking care of kids and help in confinement, my dad is one of them, he did confinement for my mum for my younger brother. If you are staying at JB there should be plenty of CL to choose from.

Jul, with own mum or cl at least we will not paisei when we request for sth. One good thing about my mil ran away during my confinement was she ran away with the money that my hb gave her to buy my confinement food for the whole month. In the end we gotta force out another sum for my mum to prepare my food. I personally gave her a big ap for helping me last min.

Jasmine, rest as much as you could these 2 days. Dun walk too much.
Btw mummies, is it ok to drink coke after my
Amnio? Got sudden craving and I think it helps to curb my MS. Got a dinner on Sunday to attend as well, a family dinner.. Shld be fine ya?
Jas: coke is fine

most of us already drinking caffine.. keke
loshita, your MIL ran away with your money for confinement food???
Omg.. such things can happen also.. sheesh..

Jasmine, it's fine to drink coke, but try not to drink too much cos every can has about 8 tsp of sugar! Personally I also drink tea and coffee although I try not to exceed 2 cups a day. I don't like soft drinks cos they make me feel bloated and I already burp so much :p
nattan, yes and my hb din ask her back for the money just let her be.

any of us feel some pain at the groin area?
when i sat too long at my cubicle and when i stood up to walk then i feel painful at groin area and when i walked, my muscles like all harden, so difficult for me to walk.

Congrats! Have a gd rest these few days & try not to walk too much & carry heavy things.

Coke shd be fine. The max recommended limit is 4 cans of coke per day (provided no other source like tea/coffee etc).


yeah I think need some time for transition. Then it depends on individual kid's personality also. Some are social butterfly, some are the strong silent type :p


Hee sorry I suddenly thought of those Mediacorp drame, where the MIL got angry & moved out. before she left, she took out the $ her DIl had given her & threw it on the table in a fit of pique. haha corny hor?
loshita, wow.. your hubby also very tolerant.. what's with some of these MIL?? I think if you ask for money, nobody will deny, but just simply taking is plain rude.

I think you feel pain from the muscles/ligaments stretching? Try to go for a walk around your cubicle at least every hr to loosen them.

Jul, your imagination is very wild.. hahaha..
Jul, 人生如戏,戏如人生。

I can feel my groin area is expanding now especially evening time. My hb oredi noticed that my waist is expanding too.
I didn't want to make things difficult for my hubby. He has already make sacrifice for me, his parents wanted him to work in hometown or penang but he chose sg because of me.

Maybe because my mil has been comparing my boy with another cousin, born about a month earlier than him that how fast she learnt talking etc. I guess if by next week he still unwilling to go, I will pull him out. No point going war every morning with him and making both of us so stress. He just started talking but unable to speak in sentence, wonder is it too early to see speech therapy.

rest well for these 2 days and congrats on knowing the gender.

I have been drinking iced milo, coke, fruit juices and ice tea during my first trimester. I couldn't stomach plain water so no choice, better than not drinking at all. Just don't take too much will do.

My hubby is hopeless in both, can't depend on him.

Wah.. running away with your confinement money? I don't know how will i react if it happen on me.
Audrey, what to do, my hb oredi gave all the budget to mil, then he gotta gave extra to my mum for the leftover 3 weeks. So I dug my own pocket for the ap to my mum. Own mum is always the best. My mum knew about the case too, she refused to take my ap money.But I forced her to take. in fact the first few days when she was here she went market with her own money nvr asked from us. Till my hb back from travelling and passed her the money.
I had it last night, got to lie down to make myself feel better. But I get gastric pain more frequently, usually after eating. I don't have this last time, sigh.

My waist don't know expand how much already. before the 3rd month, i can't wear my own pants. Now the tummy is so obvious, see confirm know pregnant but lucky i didn't put on as much weight as my #3.

Personally i feel social butterfly type is better than strong slient type, easier to handle. Haha..
audrey: don't worry too much. my BIL started talking at 3yo only. b4 tat the nurses thot he was mute.. keke
apparently after he started, he was like machine gun.. haha

I'm dehydrating.. can't drink water. drinking much tea & milo though.

running away with $ is weird lah.. maybe she abit whacked at tat moment. afterall she have to come back right? how to escape?
loshita: ur hb nvr ask y she did tat?

I fell when i just gotten preg. *haven't know preg* yet. in mcds.. already claimed medical bills from them. but now my knees r cracked inside.
can't x-ray as i was afraid of being preg at tat time. glad i didn't cause i was really +ve during the fall. but when the claim was done, then i found out. so already signed the indemnity letter. so can't sue them anymore.

will see orthopedic after delivery. hope mcds will pay the bills then.

so my left leg is limpy due to my knee.
petrina, my mil did come often to see my gal, but my hb also din ask her back for the money. Anyway she also bosong my hb, when my hb was around she dun dare to carry my gal. she will put her down immediately the moment she knew my hb was coming back.cos my hb ever taught her how to carry new born and talked very loud (mil ears got problem). She angry said he scolded her. By the way they are not closed. My hb sees my parents in KL most often than seeing his own parents.
Petrina, must walk carefully since your knee is injured. If possible, don't walk too much. Have you worn a knee guard? I think it will at least help you to stabilise your knee when walking.

Tea and milo both contain caffeine which will dehydrate you further leh.. If you cannot drink water then drink juice instead?
all the talk abt steamboat mak me so hungry. Haha. I so lookin forward to it, long time nvr gt to eat liao. Cos since #1, no such luxury to tak a long time to eat.
Jul > ask u more abt the carrier whn i c u tmr.
<font color="aa00aa">loshita,
Me, me!
I had this pain for few weeks liao. Sit also pain, stand also pain. Asked my gynae and she said that this is due to bad muscle tone, esp. since I've given birth before, muscles are loose.</font>
<font color="ff6000">Cordlife Seminar Meet-up?</font>

Chris &amp; I are meeting at Nandos at Bugis tomorrow at 1145am. Then we can make our way to Hotel Intercontinental together for registration.

Anyone who wants to join us, PM me k? Or if you already have my hp, just sms/whatsapp me lah. Everyone's welcome, no need gynae card or whatever lol
haha Chris, i am a super big fan of steamboat, always craving for it.. but same as you, no time to sit down slowly eat de..

but these 2 months i visited crystal jade for steamboat with hubby and #1 twice liao.. haha really enjoying it, 2 person about $45 only with free flow of drinkings.. really good stuff.. haha..
My company terminated mi today. I called my supervisor yesterday n say I felt being forced to quit n she say ask mi go discussion at office this morning before 10am. Who knows I go in office, the Hr manager say how come I come so late. If I keen in the job, I should have reported to work at normal workin hours?? I told them I will not quit n end up they terminated mi immediate. I was on probation still but fulfill 85 days work already which is 5 days more then they got to compensate mi. I call mom they say cannot do much cos it's 90 days before child birth. I told them I understand but I m juz 5 days away from 90 days n the company seems to b shirking responsibility. My company even challenged mi to report mom. Help!! Wat should I do??
i am really sorry to hear that.. but honestly i am a manager myself and if the same thing happens to my team member, say come in before 10am rather than reporting to work at normal hour, i will not feel happy about it either..

but anyway that aside, i dunno if i am right on this but if my team member is still under probation, i could terminate the person at anytime, with all kinds of reasons.. So they could simply tell you your performance is not up to expectation (which I think that's why the HR manager is so picky about when you report to work).. i think they are just finding excuses so no matter what you do, it won't make a difference already..

i just have to say your boss is really not considerate and understanding, you are already willing to travel, they are just too much!! I really hope you could get some better help/advice somewhere.. and start looking for a job, even if it's just a temp one.. sometimes you might be lucky enough to get hired since you just pasted 1st trimester right..
Mu supervisor ask mi come in before 10am. I say I wan to travel but yet they still find excuses n say have to ask mi leave etc forcing mi to quit. I oso clueless if I still employed anot so I jus listened to my supervisor which she say come for discussion. And turn ard the Hr manager bite mi on that.

I'm so sorry. But must say that your co was very smart. Purposely terminated u before u worked 90 days. Since they're so determined to get rid of you, i doubt u can do anything. The only avenue i can think of is to write to the minister of mom n see if he can help. Maybe get some compensation or something.

Btw ur contract does say 1 mth notice or salary in lieu right? Make sure they at least pay u that salary.
felicia >
i tink i gotta wait a long time b4 i cn ready enjoy a gd steamboat. Well hopefully tis cny steamboat smone cn hlp me to lk aftr #1 while i eat peacefully.
hw old is ur #1?

Jenny > u mus b feelin vry sad n lost. I really dont knw hw i cn hlp. Bt if mom cant advise, i really doubt thers much u cn do. Unless u wan2 go all the way to tak legal action.
#1 is almost 2 and half years old liao.. i order one rice for him and give him the big bone soup, to eat together with some meat balls and he's happy.. so we can eat peacefully for half or our meal, then got to give him ipad to play for the 2nd half of our meal liao.. haha but still not bad lah..

sometimes hor, i feel like eating it at home around 10pm since he's asleep by that time.. last time got maid better, maid can look after while we eat..

not sure if mp can help but most of the time they will act on something if there's a mp letter i think.. for your case, i think even seek for legal assistance hor, will be quite tough since your company is not really breaking the law.. they definitely have done their homework that's why they can challenge you to report to mom..

i think while seeking for help for now, try to readjust yourself, just take things positively.. and look around for another job.. i was retrenched by my ex company also, but they were nice enough to inform me one year in advance cuz i was preggy that time, and they let me take 4 months ML and work from home for another 4 months before they finally let me go.. that time i was panic also although i've been given enough time to look around, but i stayed positive and found my current job soon after which offers me way better pay indeed.. so i really think that you need to keep a positive thinking.. and things will turn out to be very positive also...

no matter how, baby is your first priority now, don't think too much, take a break and move on..
Ya. Supposingly is a 1 mth notice by either party. But co say they are not gg to do that. They wan immediate so they say I not happy so mom complain lo.

I'll be enjoying the steamboat at my grandma's. Hub'll look after my boy.


Is crystal jade steamboat a buffet? I've nvr tried it. What kind of dishes are included?


I can understand the comparing thing. But boys r supposed to be slower than gals. Plus he doesn't have exposure to othrr people so coupled with naturally shy, can't be help. Slowly lah. Don't be too hasty else he get phobia or school or playground or crowds also another prob

When my boy was 18mths, it was CNY. Every hse we went to, he'll cry n bawl n wanna go out of the hse. Abd we were carrying him lor! Nvr let anyone else carry him or let him walk in alone. Still scared! Now he just bounces into school happily n can't wait to get rid of me.

He also used to bawl like mad at the doctor's from 4mths onwards. But surprisingly, when i brought him to the PD for a physical assessment in dec, he didn't cry. Just played in the doc's room n can ask for biscuits n shake hand then say merry xmas n happy new yr. Take your time. It'll surelyimprove

Is there any clause in ur contract that says they can skip 1mth notice? If not, they have to compensate u 1mth salary
Aiyo, your mil left the house when your hubby not around? She should wait till your hubby back before leaving house, sorry i feel her being irresponsible.

He has been talking alot using his baby words, singing and playing. Just that we don't understand what he is saying, haha.

Talking about fell, my sister fell during her last last trimester either 6 or 7 mths. An auntie pushed her down from bus when she is still alightning. End up she sprained her ankle and couldn't even get up after that. Lucky the bus driver is kind, rush down to check on her and that auntie didn't even apologised! What if something happen to the unborn baby? She was in pain then, unable to confront the auntie or take down her particular. She had AL all the way until delivery, unable to x-ray at that time.
I myself also slip in the bathroom before I knew I was pregnant and lucky only sprained my hand muscle. Haha..

Sorry to hear that. My ex-colleague was terminated on the spot during her probation too, let me check with her tomorrow if she gets her 1mth salary. She couldn't get along with the ladies in admin dept as most of them are 40 and above, we are the only young ladies. I was lucky cause I was in charge of the company's library so no conflict with them. Anyway is there any clause in your contract that states they can terminate u without 1mth notice or compensating the salary?

Even u are unable to get the 4mths maternity benefits from them, at least get back the 1mth salary compensation they are supposed to give you.

I wasn't worried at first but when i keeps hearing it from mil, i started to get worried also. Haiz..

Actually I myself is slow in talking. i think before 3/4 years old, all i say is mama and no other words. Haha.. Even my mum thought I was a mute at that time. But my son speak more than that, just that they are 1 word only like milk, night night, shui (water).

Hi5! My boy will scream whenever he sees anyone with a stethoscope not because he's a stranger but he remember the jab and pain he get each time. Haha
yup it's a buffet, got standard stuff for steamboat, good quality food lor, i am not into prawns so still okay cuz only 3 pieces of prawn given per pax.. but all other kinds of food are unlimited, just order and order lor... so far my fav steamboat buffet.. but think only have after 530pm at certain outlets..

if you do love steamboat, should give it a try..

hope you can get back that 1 month.. for us during probation no need notice from either side de, so if you have that clause in your contract, make sure they pay you in full..

things will get better and better, think about the lovely little one in your tummy, we can't really help but we will definitely be here to support you!
Hey all, the registration form and booklet from the sch i was eyeing for my kid came in the mail today and they even included ang pow packets! How thoughtful, even though i won't be needing them this yr.

Turns out they operate like childcare, so i got $150 subsidy, and i can use baby bonus to pay.

Need to bring child for an interview to see whether my child is ready, and also he must have started toilet training. The menu looks so delectable, i feel so hungry looking at it.

Hopes it goes well.
I was surprised. My Hr send mi an email on termination letter. Inside state terminated effective immediate today n according to employment letter had to give either party 1 mth notice, thrrefore my last day is 12 feb 2012. And they state will pay mi one mth salary termination notice. Since they state last day is 12 feb 2012, it will be more than 90 days.. Can consider like that?
Just came back from work... had to assist at a big event tonight.. stood most of the time. Tired!!

Jenny, sorry to read that your co has sent you a termination letter. Very bad of them to do it so suddenly. I think maybe you can talk to your MP about it for advice. No harm.. it's free anyway. In the meantime, don't stress yourself too much.. continue to think positively and take your time to find another job. Jiayou!

Re baby talk, anybody here tried baby sign language before? Some of my colleagues are using it and they say it's very effective, especially when the child is too young to pronounce certain words properly. If you watched the movie "Meet the Fockers", the baby in the movie was using it too. I think that some kids may take longer to talk cos their parents or carers talk to them using baby talk too much (like saying things like "mum mum" instead of "eat" or "food"). My friends, who have a 2 yr old, never used baby language with their daughter, only proper sentences. As a result she now speaks perfect English in full sentences. It also helps that she spent a yr overseas with her parents and had a lot of interaction with caucasian children at the childcare there.
Nattan: it is good to teach a few basic words, so that you know what your child is thinking before the coukld talk. My son could show us he was frightened, or hungry. I didn't really teach him others.

Girls really learn much faster than boys. Most of the little girls i know could speak proper sentences and hold a proper conversation with an adult. And yes, whether they speak good english or not depends greatly on the environment.

I'm quite unhappy that my son asks questions in ungrammatical english. E.g. Papa go where? Hence, i really want to immerse him in an environment where people speak good english and mandarin.
Huhu backpain. Preggy and training new maid is really tiring. Mum is here but as usual half day already gone for shopping in the end I teach all, Hubby look after #1. Jus back from market. Poor maid also from morning never rest
