(2012/06) Jun 2012

Re Baby romper
Priscilla, did you get different sizes? I have friends with babies who put on a lot of weight in a month and two, and outgrow the clothes very quickly.

Hi Anna/Jul, I definitely felt a fluttery feeling, different from gas or indigetion.. hehe..

Jul you're quite a shopper huh? I don't intend to spend so much on maternity stuff cos I can't be sure of my size changes down the months.

BTW, today I had quite a bit of spotting... it was brownish in colour. Even though I don't have cramps or any pain, I will go and see my gynae tmr morning just to be safe.

U're lucky. No need to waste money on maternity clothes haha. Maternity clothes are expensive haha.


Actually, it's very easy to 'let go' when you're a SAHM. Esp after the kids are bigger & gog to pri sch, really much easier by then. My SIL is a SAHM, so she really very good life one leh. Her kids are in Pri 3 & 1 next yr, so she really has nothing to do, except go marketing, clean hse, cook, learn Korean, watch DVDs etc. Not that SAHm got nothing to do, what I mant is that, her kids are quite easy to take care of.

Not like mine, really very active, very mischievious, very strong, energetic etc etc. Maybe it's a boy vs gals thing. he kids are both gals. And the oldest one is the most guai. She had a lot of help from her parents too.

Me not so 'lucky' lah. ILs somehow not so 'willing' to help. I bring my kid to their place everyday, while they used to go up to her place everyday (first when she had a maid, then when she was a SAHM). If I stay home, I have to 'eat myself' liao
Even though her kids are in sch, FIL goes up to fetch her kids to & back from sch everyday, although their sch is 5 min walk away.

What to do? Best is to depend on ourselves. The only thing is to preserve our sanity while doing it. If really cannot, then hire maid, or send to childcare. Actually nothing is impossible. There are a lot of people who totally have no support from parents so have to send kids to childcare or hire maid too.

Oops, take care! Maybe you over-exerted while exercising or something.

Actually I'm not really a shopper. But I somehow tend to spend a lot on maternity stuff. because I basically need a whole new wardrobe. None of my old clothes can fit me when I'm preggie. Plus.. ahem.. buay paiseh.. I normally look ok when preggie. Most of the weight seems to be on my belly & butt n hips. So not much changes to the clothes size. But not much at all on my lower limbs, so I actually look like I have a better figure when preggie than not haha. So can't resist buying nice maternity clothes lor.But not much at all on my lower limbs, so I actually look like I have a better figure when preggie than not haha. So can't resist buying nice maternity clothes lor.

The first pregnancy, I listened to the saleslady & bought one smaller, one larger size of pants. She told me to wear the larger size when I got into 3rd tri. But I never needed to upgrade sizes. Waste money!

Glass is right. My son was not born very big coz he was kinda early. But he doubled his birth wt at 2 mths, & trippled at 3 mths. So all the 3-6 mths rompers were so tight at 2-3 mths, that he looked like a caterpillar haha

Frankly speaking, my Hubs is very hands-on. He can bathe my son, make his milk, feed him, change diaper, put him to bed etc. The only thing is he can't cook. In fact, my son prefers his Papa to put him to bed at night or for naps!

But I'm worried abt the sanity bit. I did stay home till my son was abt 14 mths, then went back to work. But from birth-3mths, I lived at MIL's. Then went home & I had a pretty good time till 7 mths plus, when I sprained my wrist very badly & had to go to MIL's everyday. That was a BAD time. I have my habit & they have theirs, so will have some friction. Some interference as to how to care for my son, how to bring up etc. Really got on my nerves so much that I couldn't wait to come back to work.

Anyway my son is gog to sch in Jan, so I will be 'free' for the morning. Hopefully won't go crazy when the 2nd one starts to be mobile! See how lah. If really worse comes to worse, I will hire a maid lor. Although I really don't like to have a stranger in the hse, but no choice right? At least I can scold & sack the maid, but I still have to be nice to ILs haha

I basically know the pitfalls that you're talking abt, being a temp SAHM for a yr & being my 2nd child. But I really have little other option at the moment other thans ending my kids to CC/IFC & I'm not willing to do that at the moment. I also don't wanna hire a maid to be with my kids alone. See how lah.

I'm sure God will provide a way since he gave me this baby. Just trust that everything will turn out fine.
shopping - i didn't shop much. so far gotten 1 pair of comfy shoes from tracce, 2 pairs of nursing bras from marks n spencer, 2 pcs of nursing tops from spring maternity, 1 normal dress each from asos & GAP for CNY.
yesterday bought some clothes for #1 for CNY. last shopping to do is for hb CNY then i'll be done till gender is known

so looking forward to this sat 16wk triple test @ gynae.. hope we can see gender. had a freak nightmare that during scan, 2 nurses were there, then they were screaming that they can see the birdie! then they yelled, it's a boy!!
then #1 woke me up and i was in bad mood the entire morning.. haha

flutters - been feeling it occasionally in Dec. just this week was more frequent.

went ikea for lunch yesterday.. apparently baby hates ikea food. haha... after using 1hr to finish my plate of chicken wings and meatballs, it only took me 10mins to empty my tummy.

Nattan: hope u'll be ok. perhaps bd-ing post effect? too much excitement during the weekend bah.
Morning mummies!

Hope you guys had a great xmas weekend. Went down to baby hyperstore to check it out. Not very much cheaper but at least its a great place to start out since there are alot of models and you can do comparisons.

Saw that some of you are already feeling flutters. So good! I can't tell whether I'm feeling flutters or too much water/gastric juice moving. hahah.

Petrina: Same as you, I can't stand ikea food now. Though i don't have MS. The thought of ikea food already makes me want to puke. I told hubby that he has to finish the frozen swedish meatballs himself cos i'll throw up.

Gosh you just reminded me! I have to find some new clothes for my boy for CNY!

I'm looking forward to my 16th week appt on Fri too. Hopefully can see gender.
Me out taking a stroll now at a park connector. Very hot coz I'm wearing black. Haven't exercised for months.

Re flutters
I've been feeling that for about a week. I think second time mummies can identify that more easily as the uterus wall is thinner and they have felt before. For first time mums, probably not so sure what to feel.

Last night I must have burped continuously for at least 3 hours after dinner. Damn gross.
Petrina: your dream so funny, you thinking toO much about birdie izzit?
My dream damn drama, machiam like the 9 pm Chinese drama even though I've only watched once or twice.
lol.. Glass, what did u eat?
oh ya, beef prospesrity burger is no no... can't get a grip on the burger manz!! had to dismantle the burger. luckily i cut it into half and kept it b4 grossing out my hb..
too much sauce and too slippery. too spicy as well. messy food. haha
had that for dinner yesterday.

Jul: more excuses for shopping!!
Good morning ladies! Hope u've had a great holiday..

Had a bit of durian last night after dinner.. D after taste lingered on too long that i merlion it out.. Thru d mouth n nose! It was so painful n gross cos i can feel n taste d spiciness of my dinner in my throat n nose.. Guess d baby follows d father cos hubby doesn't eats durian.

U gals r giving me d itch to shop too!
Thnks mummies,

I buy some 0-3months and some 3-6months. The rompers just look so cute.. Small small.
I just buought about a dozen of baby clothes. Not much..as my BIL will be giving bb clothes to us too..

I bought more for myself. Like jul, haha. For the last 2weeks, I spend about 400 on dresses and pants. And spend about 200 buying flats..so my cny shopping done.
Well, hope the clothes and dresses can last till give birth..haha
Morning mummies, how's your long weekend. I just came back from the gynae's clinic. Doc did a scan and everything is fine...he said spotting could be due to vigorous sex..haha...but we're sure we did it gently :p Anyway he gave me MC for today so I can rest more
Next appointment is just before CNY ...hopefully can find out the baby's gender by then...
nattan: vigorous sex! hahaha. He must have said it with a straight face.
yeah, just rest more.

Patrina: I had pork chop for dinner. Maybe I ate too much coz usually I cannot finish economical rice, and I probably could only take half a serving of rice.

sel: that sounds really gross. guess you have to strike it off the list..
Arrrgghhhh. I changed my number already and tell my maid never ever use my home phone to call her friend but just now received call from her friend. Now I am so angry. Still the old maid that is going home this 12 jan. quite lucky she is the one asking to go home instead I fire her
groovy: good point about the phone. ask you, my house phone is by star hub, and I don't use it at all. to use it must switch on modem, so very troublesome. how should i contact my maid in the future? buy her a prepaid card and cheap phone to use? or just let her use her own handphone

Why r u wearing black in the sun? hahaha


Can't buy anymore liao. Chaim... really must control. Why is it that I nvr find nice things when I purposely set out to buy?


Don't buy too many small sized clothes. In case your baby's the grow v fast type like mine.


I also guessed same thing as petrina hahaha


Hiaz that's the prob with maids. Once they start using the phone for 'emergency' calls, the next thing you know, their family or frens start calling.
jul: black reflects sun. so it's better to wear black when it's sunny. but it's warm lah.
when u go air con after sun, black disperses heat much faster than white. so u feel cooler faster too.

Where do you buy your son's clothes? I dunno where to get stuff for my boy.

He's scared of warmth, so they can't be too thick. He's ngiao abt comfort, so no tags, funny accessories, high collars etc 'poking' him. And he's rather thick in the waist so many shorts/pants don't fit him. Dunno what to buy for him leh!
jul: i happen to be wearing black today. went to the park connector near my workplace.

now very hungry and waiting for a colleague to finish her meeting so that we can discuss something.

feel like going to rebond my hair later.

I feel like doing this Keratin treatment. Supposedly to be less 'chemicals' than rebonding. But dunno if really safe for preggie haha. Hiao lah, wanna look nice for CNY
I think the rebonding doesn't touch our scalp, a bit hard to affect the baby, unless the fumes from it is not good
<font color="aa00aa">Re: Flutters
My gynae said that for #1, you may feel it around 20 weeks. For subsequent babies, you may feel at around 16 weeks.</font>
haha. jul maybe i messed both up. super paiseh.. lol

i bought from FOX &amp; GAP. GAP sale is good. Cotton On kids also have good pants/jeans.

forgot to mention my boy is a fashionable person. only 3yo but he chooses his own clothes. he doesn't try everything we give. only those he selects.
no tags. cotton on is best. some gap also no tags. labels r printed on. so no itch.
Good afternoon everyone, hope all's fine and well over the weekend. Just had "Zhu Chang Fen" for lunch and now drinking Cherryade from F&amp;N.

No problems, Sunniegal. I had bird nest over the weekend and thank goodness, never throw up or allergies.

Jul: You can really shop!

Anna: Congrats to your test and hope the report will be as good.

Glass: My bff's hubby is a hair stylist. Definitely mention must wait till after 1st trimester before any chemicals/treatment on hair. But I rather not take the risk and just endure after delivery. I am going to cut super short else, cannot bear 1 month without shower during confinement! Same goes for nail polish.
Erm Zo, u really plan not to shower during d 1 mth confinement ah? Weather so hot n humid leh, even if i on d A/C 24 by 7 i don't think can tahan..

Actually how many of u had/will follow d confinement pantang strictly?
glass, zo

My gynae said to wait till after 1st tri to do chemical treatment. but I do hate the smell of the rebonding chemical. Really sting the eyes.

But I really feel like doing something to my hair. last baby liao, last chance to look like a pretty preggie mummy haha


Huh.. Gap very expensive right? Maybe I try Cotton On?

My son isn't fashionable, but he is starting to display preferences also.


I showered &amp; washed hair daily during confinement. Really very hot &amp; sweaty &amp; smelly. Can't bear the thought of touching my baby &amp; feeding him with all the gunk all over me. Plus my MIL's hse super hot, so I had to shower lah.

I cut my hair short during confinement for the first one. That was a DISASTER! My hair all stood up &amp; I looked like one of those Korean aunties! Nvr again. With longer hair, at least I can tie up &amp; keep it away from my neck.
Jul/Petrina, haha... ya you both very smart ;) Can guess it... hehehe...

Re hair treatment, I just did my DIY hair colouring at home on Christmas Day. It's the Liese one I bought from Watsons. The smell of ammonia seems less strong and the after effect is also less harsh on my hair. Hair still feels smooth and soft. I'm going to use my Groupon for a hair cut soon cos it's getting too untidy behind..

Re baby clothes, I saw that FOX Baby is having a 40% sale.. but didn't buy any cos still dunno the baby's gender. Still, seeing that Priscilla went to buy so many $2 rompers at the Metro sale, think I'll also go and stock up.. haha... anyway I live quite near Expo so it's convenient.
Much as I would love to buy branded clothes for my baby, I think they outgrow them too fast, so not really worth it... might as well go for cheap ones that can be easily replaced when they outgrow them. If I'm buying for friends and relatives, I would buy the nice branded ones though.. Heh... hopefully they will return the favour next time :p
jul, not exp. they r having 30% on most items. then if u buy 5pcs and above, u get additional 20%.
the kids clothes r ranging ard $40-$60. so after 30%+20% is ard $20-$35. if u buy tees or polo, the prices b4 less r abt $20.. so after less is abt $10+.
nattan: i bought alot of $2 rompers for my boy when baby age.. my #1 wears clothes very long. so very worth.. haha.. my budget for his clothes r usually less than $30 per pc for branded and $30 per SET for non-branded.
yesterday we bought $10 jeans size 5 from Cotton On kids to replace his beige cargo pants worn from 2yrs till 3yrs 9mths.
<font color="aa00aa">higgledy82,
I washed my hair and showered daily after discharged from hospital. It's hard not to do so as new mothers tend to perspire very much after delivery.</font>
I bathe everyday for #1. sometimes 2x a day. nvr bothered about Chinese old wives tales.. they r just tales.. nothing scientific that is proven

AsRias: i nvr massage post natal. nvr thought it was necessary. it's Malay tradition that seeped into Chinese community.

Oh! That sounds cheap! Most likely will be getting tees &amp; polo tees, not shirts or formal pants. Is there a Gap sale on now?

Wah your son very save money hor? Mine changes clothes like changing underwear hahaha


heehee thanks for the compliment :p

Hmm Fox baby too small for my boy now. Then can't shop for No 2 coz dunno gender yet. Think if it's a boy, I will be buying just some home clothes to supplement coz I seldom went out when the baby is young. All the clothes are very new &amp; very wasteful to buy new ones.
Me in second trimester, so I think should be ok. Doing my hair now, been here for more than an hour already, still not rebonding yet. They put the softener at least twice already. Think my pregnant hair is too thick and stubborn. The smell is a bit bad, but still can tahan.

Zo: it will be June when we give birth. Weather should be warm. Anyway, you can buy herbs to use when you take a shower. Then dry your hair with hairdryer. I didn't care lah. Just bathe. Anyway, if got any problem all the Ang moh who never do confinement would be suffering in old age. A bit unlikely right?
Hi Sel, Jul and Moi: No choice, I stay with my in laws and my both my mum and MIL are really stringent that cannot shower or wash hair during confinement.
I was thinking if short hair then not bad &amp; oily but long hair, even if I tie up will be in mess and very oily. That's why my hair is getting shorter and shorter. &amp; I planned to cut real short before delivery. If I stay with my mum even worse, she will make me wear socks and slippers at home as this was what she did to my sis in law! I am actually scared of cold, to the extent that no windows open, door is closed. No fan or air con &amp; yet at times I can even cover myself with comforter. Even my mum thinks I am nuts at times as I catch cold very easily. LOL

I am very pantang during pregnancy but I forgot not to use scissors on bed that I cut wrapping paper for present previously. Now I am so scared later there will be scars/birth marks. TOUCH WOOD! Really keeping fingers crossed. :'(
during my #1 confinement, i showered on the 10th day and 20th day + before full moon. My mum dun let me take bath, I dun care I kept making noise, end up gotta bath 3 times.
my sil follow my mum rule, din bath at all!!!

I went for a shoulder massage the other day. Though I heard preggy not suppose to go for reflexology but I still went and ask as I constipation for 5 days oredi,hope the reflexology can help, who know those ppl at the center there say first trimester cannot do, only after 5th month then can do and will help smooth delivery. End up i took shoulder massage.

Yesterday I cough non-stop when trying to sleep. My 2yo #1 told me, mummy be quiet, go toilet vomit, daddy 'oil oil' (sleeping) Sigh, my gal really a daddy's gal, she always side her dad instead of me! hope i will get a boy this round to balance up.
jul: yeah.. very lor. there is still sale.. very long liao..
u nvr see my post last week.. suntec alot stuffs to buy at cheap prices..
try to buy 1-2 sizes up. esp pants where they have the elastic thing to button at both sides. i only buy those type. so i can release whenever it gets too tight till max liao then i buy new pants.
long pants fold. then as they grow taller then release the fold till become he wear 3/4 pants.. lol
FOX toddlers lah..

Zo: wahh.. i very westernized. i can't take any school of thoughts tat i can't justify with prove.
after i delivered #1, i wore slippers at home. but tat's becaue my sole hurts and my flooring is marble. i delivered in March. still cool weather. but baby &amp; I sleep in aircon most of the time.
MIL insist i wear slippers in bathroom. i wear in. then when i close door, i remove. avoid arguments. many rules were instilled but if i can't accept i won't follow. but when i can do it to avoid arguments, i will do it in her presence.
Re bathing during confinement, I think so long as you don't catch a cold (use warm water and dry yourself immediately), then it should be ok. All those old-fashioned confinement practices came about from ancient China where it was cold and it was not unusual for women or babies to die soon after childbirth. But now with advancement in science and medicine, i think the probability of death is greater through viruses and bacteria infections from unhygienic practices.

Re post-natal massage, my Malay colleague told me her cousin is a masseuse, so I may ask her to help me do jamu wraps at home. Even though it's not a necessity, I had read about jamu and think it helps to expel wind and water from the body after delivery. The herbs and spices they use also keep the body warm to prevent rheumatism.

Issit? My regular foot reflex place said after 1st tri. Another place that I used to go (run by visually handicapped) also said after 1st tri. I did once a couple of weeks back. Shiok! Actually.. I've been rubbing &amp; giving myself foor massages even throughout the first tri heehee

Aiyoh your gal really dotes on her daddy hor?


Hee if you're ok with it, then by all means don't bathe. it's a personal preference (&amp; personal TOLERANCE) haha


I also cannot take it. I didn't bathe for the first 2 days after delivery, by the 3rd day, I cannot take it liao! Not to mention, the lochia is so HORRIBLE!
I'll surely end up w dandruff if i don't wash my hair for a few days.. I don't knw malay pantang yet but i think shld be less strict than chinese ba cos my mother quite modern n is not fully aware of all d malay tradition..

I booked my post natal massage liao.. Nx yr dragon yr so nd to be a bit kiasu i think.. I booked my aunt who's certified by Mustika Ratu n has more than 10 yrs experience.. Quite popular in dis forum i think

I can't wait to shop for baby stuff, hopefully we'll find out d gender in our nx appt nx week
Zo, I never heard anything about not using scissors during pregnancy.. I also used scissors to wrap X'mas presents recently. Don't believe these superstitions, just make your pregnancy miserable only.. think happy thoughts!

Aiyah I seldom go to Suntec. A bit out of the way for me. Wonder if the Wisma Gap has? Hmm..??

I think I must have missed the Gap post hee


Hiya my MIL also said better dun bathe, next time then I know etc etc. But she makes me bend over the tub to bathe my son, &amp; wash my own pump sets. What's then logic man?


I'll itch &amp; scratch to death if I don't bathe/wash hair too haha. Imagine all the dandruff dropping all over the baby *shudder8

I think Malays bathe leh. What's Mustika Ratu? Does your aunt do pre-natal massage? I'm dying for one


Hehe I heard before. What using scissors on the bed causes the kid to have cleft lip. I don't believe, but I must say that I don't cut anything on the bed. Scared I'll cut my bedsheet coz I'm quite clumsy hahah
