(2012/06) Jun 2012

hi all mummies, i just did rebonding last friday, after 1st tri. told my stylist not to touch the scalp so she did it like 1 inch away from the scalp. but colouring wise, she told me better don't do, wait till after delivery coz colouring got more harmful chemicals, don't know how true is it.

Ref bathing during confinement, i think it's absolutely impossible not to bathe coz we'll be doing confinement in june/jul and that's the time when the weather will get very hot. my friend advised me to bathe with hot water (not from heater but boiled water) and buy those herbs from medical halls to bathe which i intend to do so.

jul: have. GAP no outlet stores. so when sale means whole singapore.. hehe
ur MIL n mine same. i dun bother. next time lor.. when i reach her age then i find out for myself.. i dun need precaution.. hehe

scissors - bed only.. i also use scissors to wrap presents.. as long as u dun do anything weird on the bed should be ok.. they say sewing lah.. painting lah.. etc.. so many pantang.. 9mths very hard to pass leh.. like that..

Sel: haha.. yeah manz.. itch to death.. usually i m already a clean freak. i can bathe 3-4x a day but i wash hair only max 2x a day.. ask me dun bathe is wanting my life..

Same! I shower twice a day. If ask me don't bathe, is like asking me to die! Sure kena depression one haha


You can try Loreal INOA colour. What all organic, no chemicals etc etc.

I tired using the herbs. Very sticky! End up bathe liao, worse than bathing haha
Jul, i'll ask my aunt later ;)

Fuyutsuki, what's d difference between water fr heater n boiled water?

I haven't heard abt scissors but my mil doesn't allow me to sew.. She don't knw d reason though.. I think SG multi racial resulted in most of d pantang n tradition now merged
jul: haha.. ya lor.. depression.. my MIL nagged till i locked myself n #1 in room for 24hrs once during confinement..

Sel: yeah.. SG tradition n pantang all mixed up liao. haha
everyone follow blindly lah.. so i always ask MIL, who said *__________* whatever tales she tell me. then she will say dunno.. old ppl say lor.
Jul, Petrina, I used my scissors on the bed leh...I also read a lot on the bed, does that mean my baby will be extra smart?

Petrina, How come you need to bathe so often?? Wouldn't that make your skin and hair very dry? For me, max twice a day.

I don't believe anything that is not proven by science or endorsed by doctors, only some things regarding whether certain foods are too heaty or cooling cos I can feel the difference myself after consuming. But all those old wives' tales, I just ignore.
Oh Dear, I typed a long post but it did not go through?? Faints!!

The problem is I cut the wrapping paper ON BED!! Die lah........ Cos that time my MS was so bad that I did everything on my bed, apart from toilet and shower.

I heard sewing is baby might get alot of "holes" or something!

Thanks! if I like, hopefully can get her for postnatal too. Help me ask her charges for both pre & post k? She comes to my place, & I just provide towels & mattress right?
I did repair my shoes during my #1 time,i changed the heel, when the cobbler nailed the new heel, i dun feel good suddenly, so i told my parents. you knew the moment my parents knew it, they just broken the heel i repaired and dunno use what water to clean it and threw my shoes away!!!! luckily the shoes not expensive one.

but my gal has a 'nail head' a very small lump near her right ear.
nattan: erm, bathe alot example
weekend schedule, morning after breakfast downstairs ard 10am, i perspire. so come home bathe once + wash hair.
then evening ard 4pm go church or shopping after #1 napped. before going out i muz bathe again cause i feel sticky. but i won't wash hair.
then come home at night muz bathe again. this time wash hair. cause outside carbon monoxide + dirty chairs/brushing people's arms.. etc..

so tat's 3x. if i don't go out, i can tahan just bathe once.
means if i make breakfast at home, i don't bath. i only bath b4 i take afternoon nap or before i leave the house. cause i don't like to nap while feeling sticky. i feel will dirty the bed. cause i m freshly bathed at bedtime..
if i m very tired n i dun wanna bathe in the afternoon, i will nap on the sofa.

Zo: dun worry, it's just old wives tales.. ur baby will be fine..

for #1 i did lots ironing at night. *normal right? for FT working woman* so MIL say muz do stuffs against lighting.. so shadows r behind u. since ur baby is in the shadows.
coincidentally my baby had 2 burn marks on tummy for birthmark. 1 faint n 1 strong.. really like burnt skin mark. so MIL say is me lor..
But i believe it's due to radiation since i always put laptop on my tummy propped up against my bended leg while lying on the bed.

Haha that's a gd one! But. but.. if the couple does a lot of ahem during pregnancy on the ebd, does it eman the baby will become promiscuous? Haha oops! Sorry my brain not working so well tdy haha


U really are a lot like me in the bathing aspect leh. I don't nap or sleep on the ebd if I'm unbathed too haha

Don't worry so much. I'm sure you can find tons of examples of women who cut on the ebd & their kids dun have cleft lip or holes or whatever. I'm sure a lot of Caucasian women cut things on the bed!
<font color="aa00aa">My colleague once shared how she get away with bathing during confinement.

As experienced mums will know, we have to wash our wounds daily. So, my colleague told her MIL that she need to do so and she started to wash higher and higher up until she bathed the whole body.</font>
Hi mummies,

I've the following to let go:

- Avent twin electronic breast pump full set $350
- Tiny Love Musical Mobile $65
- 3 tins of Similac Mum (exp Oct'13), $12 each (*$30 if taking all 3 tins)
- Lamaze Spin &amp; Explore Garden Gym @ $15
- Lamaze Gardenbug Foot Finder &amp; Wrist Rattle Set @ $10

Kindly PM me if keen/ for pics, thanks!
Just came back from the Metro Expo sale and bought lots of things! I didn't see the $2 rompers that Priscilla mentioned but bought 2 embroidered onesies for $12.90 each and 8 pieces of tops/bottoms (4 pcs for $10). Also bought a new electric kettle, mini fan, flat shoes, Triumph panties, bath foam and some toys for friends' kids. Fortunately we went on a weekday, so there was no crowd or queue

Jul, you very funny leh... if the couple has a lot of sex (why cannot say the word "sex"??) on the bed, the baby doesn't become promiscuous, unless the mummy or daddy sleeps around with a lot of different people!! Hahaha... :p

Petrina, I guess you perspire a lot then.. I hardly perspire, even after exercising... But of course I still bathe, just not so frequently.

Zo, you worry too much la
Just enjoy your pregnancy and don't worry so much.
Nattan, usually the $2 rompers r in the middle. Sometimes they camoflauge as 5 pcs for $10....
Tat time i bought lots like that from JL expo sale when i was 7mths preg. Haha.. Whatever sizes i could grab i just whack. End up my boy wear those till 2yrs as home wear... Haha

On the contrary abt perspiring. I seldom also.. In fact sneeze alot. On fan muz cover with quilt from head to toe. But i always have this icky feeling.. Oily.. So i muz bathe. Haha. I like to feel clean n smooth.. Face wise, i try to wash only during bathe, but i constantly use wet wipes to clean.. Weirdo lah..
Petrina, I didn't see any 5 for $10 rompers leh :p Maybe sold out already. Anyway I'm sure there are more sales coming up so just wait for the next one lah.. think there's a JL Expo sale in mid Jan

I think your body constitution is the "cold" type. Do your feet and hands get cold easily? I used to feel cold easily too (still have a bit of sinus problem in the morning) but since becoming pregnant, I feel warmer. My dad says it's cos I have 2 engines now, one inside me and another in the baby...haha..
Haha.. 2engines.. Now i still feel cold easily. Sinus n all yeah.
Maybe sold out.. Think past JL sale very lousy. Went twice this yr, nothing to buy. Lots cosmestic n food niah.
Re old wives tale panting

Seriously, I dunno how true. When I was expecting #1, our new place top. But they refuse to let me go and see the place. So I never go there at all. In the end, we sold our place coz my pils kept nagging dye to various stupid reasons. Also never paint the place or anything, but my son is born with black buttocks and has light black pigmentation on legs. So I cannot figure out what I had done wrong. Would driving my family to the new place without me stepping out of the car cause the problem? No lor. My workplace was having paintwork done. Is that the cause? Cannot say also. The whole of Singapore is always under construction or Reno at some point in time. Can all these be avoided? Near to impossible.

Anyway, I postponed the open net installation coz of #2 but my fengshui master says it is not a problem. Just tell baby not to run away and don't be present. Wished I had asked him earlier, coz we cancelled the installation and would need to pay 400 bucks. But I think we still need to do minor drilling coz I'm thinking of adding a hot water heater to the yard toilet for the maid.

So my point is, surely you can find people who had babies with some problems, and if they think hard enough, they can match the problem to sonething they had done. But there are many more who had done all the taboos and still have perfect baby without any flaws. Genes is something we can't really understand.

Re washing of hair
If you are that afraid of using water, then get dry shampoo. Just pour the powder on your scalp and massage it in.

If your body hygiene is bad, ESP if you are sweaty and smelly, I think it will affect the breastmilk. Imagine bacteria festering.

Re boiled water vs water heater water
Yeah, my Cl boiled the water for me, to get rid of bacteria. Last time people get water from river and well, which has lots of bacteria, plus they don't have stitching, so very easy to get infected. So now it is not a problem. My mum went to get herbs from Chinese medicinal hall to put in the water. But me dislike the feel, so I still use shower gel, and then have a quick rinse with water heater water to clean up.

Yes, Lochia damn gross. Need to keep wiping and washing to feel clean.

Your colleague iscute lor lol


Not cannot say 'sex'. Hubs aws likes to refer to it as 'ahem' when he's making a joke abt it. So after 7 yrs of marriage, i picked up the habit lol


True. I think pple must find something or someone to blame. If baby has cleft lip, blame cutting on the bed. If something else, blame reno. Nvr do reno, must be ate something wrong. Baby small, nvr eat enough. Ate a lot but baby small, didn't eat nutritious food.

I did reno to my MBR n travelled for #1. Nothing happened. Didn't do anything for the 2 babies i lost, so how to explain?

My point is, do whatever u feel is right. If u r more comf wjth avoiding taboos, go on. But pls dun start panicking when some old folk tells u that was wrong. Negative feelings r worse for baby!


Ooh i really hate that!
Nattan, petrina

I'm the sweaty type. Really gross if i don't bathe. Think for people who don't really perspire, it's fine to bathe less often. But for people like me, better bathe everyday
Good morning ladies! Today suddenly had craving for dumpling so went to buy.

Thanks Petrina, Jul and Nattan, hopefully baby will be fine else I will be guilty for the rest of my life.

Moi, your colleague is indeed very adorable. I think I should try that too.

I always tell my hubby that he needs to shower me when my tummy gets bigger. Even at now, just passed 13 weeks, I need to sit down when I shower and standing up must be within few minutes. My baby always likes to disturb me when I shower, make me nausea or very uncomfy.
Zo: So cute, your bb disturb u when showering. Mabbe ur bb also want to join in the fun. Now I'm still ok with showering on my own still can wash my legs and feet. But I did tell hubby that soon he need to cut my toe nails for me. cos there was one night i had a very filling dinner with tummy popping out, it was very difficult to cut toenails. hahaha

As for bathing during confinement I think I will try to tahan for as many days as possible. Haha. Who knows, I might just give up. Now my mom already keep reminding me to wear bedroom slippers even though my flooring is not marble.

For me, I think I choose to believe and avoid during this period where possible lor. Just bear with it till bb is out. I dun even dare to cut price tag in my bedroom.
Good morning mummies,

I went to see my gynae yesterday. All is well!! Hee baby's doing well but still can't see gender. Need to wait till 3 weeks later.
asrias, zo

heehee I shower by sitting on the floor. Don't quite like stool coz I'm worried abt falling off haha. It's better not to stand when you're soaping anyway, in case you slip &amp; fall in the soap suds or something. I only use the stool when I'm trying to bathe my son.
Morning mummies..

Petrina, you can try drinking longan and red date tea to warm up your body.

Jul, how to sit on the floor and bathe.. isn't it difficult for you to get up later? I still can stand and shower and I prefer that la..

Noelle, congrats on receiving good news. How many weeks now? I also cannot wait to find out the baby's gender.. got to wait till just before CNY. By then I should be 17 weeks liao..

BTW, just learnt that 2 of my colleagues will also become parents in June/July next yr
Interesting... are many people hoping for a Dragon Yr baby? Mine was not planned...
Reno - i did reno for #1. #2 we changed bedroom doors n installed air con.
for #1, reno was for bedroom. so i just sat in living room. nvr enter room unless they stop drilling then i go inspect. otherwise i'm sitting in living room giving instructions.
then #2 we install air con my hb stayed at home. he chased me out, gave me his CC to go shopping.. haha

then install bedroom door, my MIL inspected while i brought my son to chalet. during that weekend.

Shower - my bathroom is old type. separated from toilet. so possibility of falling is slim since there r so many pipes to hold on to if i slip.

during #1 pregnancy, my MIL mop kitchen, i was holding my mug to get water to make milo. i slipped and fell on my butt. mug broke. butt hurt like shit.. #1 was ok.
i was doing sales, then carry laptop bag climb stairs. tripped over 2 stairs before reaching ground floor. fell forward. knees n palm hurt, #1 was ok.

I don't find any difficulty in sitting on the floor or getting up leh? Then I can leisurely soap &amp; scrub the feet, between toes etc etc haha Actually all along I sit on the floor to shower. Ok I'm a weirdo lah haha

Mine is also not a planned baby. I'd like to avoid this Dragon year if I could have.
Noelle: That's very good news. Ccan have a little feast to celebrate.

Asrias: I told my mum and she dont believe me until she realised that each time I am going to shower, I will either vomit or become very uncomfy. The worst thing is my baby dont like me brushing my teeth. I used to be very conscious of my teeth as I have fragile teeth. Brush and floss twice a day. But ever since preggy, I will vomit or nausea whenever I brush my teeth. My gynae said some preggies will experience same, to the extent that some may even resent their husbands' breathe. Now I just brush in the morning, very fast and never wear retainers at night. I used to have braces years ago. Now my lower teeth had been slightly crooked! :/ Sometimes, I get so fed up and will tell baby off, say "please be co-operative or stop making me so uneasy!" The other day went scanning and the baby was kicking all around. My bro went to buy the anti slippery mat for the bathroom but I also never put. Cos so uncomfortable to walk on and I stay with my in laws. It's their house afterall.

Jul: Initially I sat on the floor but sometimes felt "cold" so I sat on the stool. Cannot imagine when stomach grows think have to put a plastic hair.

An anti-slip mat is a gd idea too, but if you have difficulty coz it's your ILs' hse, then better not. You can get the short, plastic Ikea stool. it's white colour, with blue dots to 'anti-slip' your butt haha And there's anti=-slip at the bottom of the stool so it's safe for the bathroom.
Nattan: Mine also not planned. We were just ready to be parents so decided to give it a try. To think of it, just my department, we have 3 dragon babies and my department is only like 10 headcount. 2 preggy mummies giving birth June/July then one of the male colleague's wife giving birth in March.

Petrina: Omg, I think if I were you I would have freaked out if I fell. *Touchwood* ever since i almost fell on the bus I'm pretty much off my heels liao. Dun need to do any renov during this time but need to change sofa which hubby will be on leave whilst i'm at work. So I guess should be ok. My mom just say dun move the stuff in bedroom and those standard pantang things.
Petrina, fortunately nothing happened to the baby when you fell down! Must be more careful...

Jul, doesn't sitting with legs out actually exert more pressure on the tummy than sitting on a stool? But if you feel more comfortable than carry on la..

For me, subconsciously I was gearing for a baby next yr cos I hope to give birth before turning 35 due to the higher risks involved. But I wasn't really trying la.. it was quite accidental.. haha.. To me, Dragon or not is not important, but hubby was quite thrilled that the baby will share the same zodiac as him and his late mother.

Zo, sometimes I feel nauseous while brushing my teeth too. I try to do it quickly also.. Maybe you can try an alcohol-free mouthwash if you don't brush twice a day.
my hb n i planned dragon.. i was worried i couldn't make it. i wanted as near as *head* as possible..

oh nattan, my hb also dragon.. in fact i have 7 dragons in my family.. hehe

for #1 i was young. so i didn't bother. ran after bus while hugging tummy during 7-8mths.. haha
now #2 is planned, more careful. cause if miss this dragon then no need to give birth liao..
Petrina: Wow!!! 7 dragons?!?!?! Haha. 龙的传人。My hubby's dad + his late grandma + me is 3 pigs. Hahaha. Just be more careful then. No more running after bus!!
Petrina, running after a bus when you're 7-8mths pregnant?!?!
Pls don't try such stunts again!!!

Actually to me, zodiac means nothing la.. maybe personality wise there is some influence. For my hubby and his mum, they didn't get along cos both are strong-willed and stubborn (furthermore, hubby is a Fire Dragon, so his temper used to be quite bad). His mum's favourite son is the youngest born in the Monkey Yr. He is also the most successful of his siblings. Being born in the Dragon Yr doesn't guarantee anything in life, just that most old folks feel that they are more blessed and lucky.
nattan: haha! last time gungho lor.. now i 2mths preg already walking like penguin! old liao.. bones breaking, cannot try such stunts anymore.. haha

AsRias: yeah.. 2 cousins, 1 aunt n grandpa n hb n 2 uncles r dragons.. so plus my #2 become 8...
all those r not planned. only my #2 is. hehe
cause olden times they have kids 1yr have 1. so they can have jan &amp; dec same year babies..

i believe in Year you r born.. cause in my family, it's really clashes n being best buds.
my BIL is rabbit, i m rooster. really not compatible from day 1 when we were introduced.
my MIL is horse n my #1 is rat. MIL really kenna bullied by #1 until she is surrendering soon.

my dad is snake, my bro is cow. 3 of us r always best buds. My mom is monkey, she is always the disciplinary.. all 3 of us very afraid of her.
my dad dote on me so much that everyone i know is jealous, even my hb thinks it's too much.

my hb n my mom r good talking terms. ever since my #1 came out, my hb's career has been moving on the high..
so i hope with a Dragon, he will do even better in his career from next yr onwards.

my grandma is rabbit, i always feel my grandma dote on other grandkids rather than me. though i treat her very well. so i believe in a way, there is a small link. of course everything else is up to individual hardwork to build relationships.

*none of the above is planned. all coincidental.*
but i've checked with my friends. apparently most i know, their zodiac all matches within family.

No leh, when I sit on a stool, the tummy pushes against my thighs. Maybe I got big thighs, or maybe my tummy very pointed &amp; out, so tend to get in the way haha Anyway do whatever we feel comf with, as long as it's safe yeah?

Hey my hubs also Dragon baby.
i think it's fate.. i believe immediate family members don't have zodiac that clashes.. if they do, it's probably the 八字 that will match.
eg 7th lunar mth also have good dates.. etc..

jul, i also can't sit well. i need to sit on rattan recliner chair. sleep can't lie flat. either on side or use pillow prop head up..
Hungry already.. think I'll go for lunch and pop over to Robinson's sale!
Thinking of getting another pair of Fitflops.. wonder if they offer discount.
nattan: i mean the members sale. they tend to have additional discounts on top of usual sales. then total receipt still have cash discount.
only then will i buy, otherwise usually i don't shop in robinsons or any other dept stores. i always wait for these type of offers.
OIC, i'm not a member, so no difference to me. Anyway, I went to see the Fitflops, they only offer discounts for selected models.. not the one I wanted. All the rest are fixed price, so I didn't buy any. I think I'll shop online instead..
<font color="aa00aa">I usually borrow the books from the public libraries.

For relaxation music, any CD shops will sell. Ask the sales person to make some recommendation to you. Or, check www.amazon.com for suggestions and reviews.</font>
jenny: When i sign up for the FBI membership, they gave me 3 books about pregnancy (during preg, breastfeeding, after birth care)

iphone/ipad have baby radio app.
free to download.
all sorts relaxing music is there. my son likes ZEN radio. i like Relaxation.
