(2012/06) Jun 2012

Hi Jenny, I usually borrow from the library but I bought 1 book from Borders last time cos it was quite interesting. As for music, I just download or borrow. I listen to internet or local radio most of the time so I don't really buy CDs.

dragon baby
haha really no idea why pple prefer dragon baby, heng mine is #2, if #1 is dragon i will be really worried due to the fierce competition.. but then i don't want snake, so if drag, i will be too old liao, i wish to settle before i turn 33, so just nice cuz i am turning 33 next Nov.. haha..

but it's not a good timing for us, if can wait for one more year will be a lot easier since our condo will be ready by then.. but guess it's all fated ba.. haha..

i still stand and shower leh, but yes mummies be extra careful with wet floor.. my sis fell down once in office toilet during her 1st pregnancy when she was 5 months, heng butt on the floor lah but sounds really scary sia...
tokin abt zodiac. Hubby is rabbit, i m snake, #1 is tiger n #2 gona b dragon. Any clashes? I only knw hubby wil b bully by all the fierce animals in the family. Haha.
Chris, ya... Haha
U can google. The quickest way to check for major clashes is every 6yrs. The zodiac facing each other is the clash. Best friends is 4yrs difference.
I only allow my maid to use her handphone during weekend, in weekdays I kept. Becoz she's the type that can chat whole day using handsfree leh, mopping, washing, ironing all by chatting on the phone using handsfree.
Btw, better allow your naid buy handphone only when her debt finished lah. Otherwise where got money to buy the prepaid card. She spent $28 every month to buy the happy128 card and finished the whole happy128 things in only 3 weekends. Crazy right. That's why I think she uses my home phone in the end, when I am not at home
I bought her phonecard already to call home every month she can call 150 minutes but it seems not enough for her too. So angry becoz last time I changed my home phone number already when she confess she's using it to call 1 maid. But she introduces the maid alreasy to me. But this time around is another maid that is a bit insane too, I tell her never call my home again still yesterday I get a call from her. I don't know this maid at all I think I am going to ask my maid the details about her. Dunno how much the fee to change phone number again. I am afraid that maid will call my new maid and infect her also. Sigh. Btw I am indonesian too so I speak Indo with the maid leh. Like that also they can pretend not to know instruction huh!!
<font color="aa00aa">Nowadays, maids are really smart. Do you really need a phone line at home?

If yes, after you change to a new number, don't let your maid know the new number and perhaps you can make it "caller-ID non-display" (I think pay extra $20 - can't remember) so that even if your maid call other hp, they won't know your home tel number &amp; will not call you.</font>
Morning mummies...

Groovy, actually it's cheaper to let the maid call using the house phone than using mobile line right? Anyway, my dad's maid uses both our home line and her own mobile (when she goes out) and my dad doesn't mind cos he thinks it's really inhumane if you don't let the maid socialise but keep her at home like a prisoner without any contact with people outside. But I think everything in moderation is the key. Just make sure the maid knows that she cannot anyhow give the home no to strangers and limit the daily usage. A "caller ID non-display" is a good idea as Moi suggested.

My hubby doesn't like having a stranger live in our house, so he is not planning on getting a maid next time. I grew up with a maid, but it also took some time to adjust to having one at home. For me, I'm more concerned about my kids picking up broken English and also not learning how to be self-reliant.
I need the phone line to call home if I saw something is wrong at home lor. Becoz my maid is alone with my #1.. Huhu..
Also for the maid to call me if anything happen.

I was wondering if we can set dedicated phone number only to be able to be called from the phone..

The caller ID non display if I'm not wrong it's $3 per month, but the bad thing is if my maid call me and I didn't answer at that time I won't know if she did call me. That's why we give up the idea. Afraid if something urgent but I didn't answer..
Nattan, the problem is I'm really afraid if those strangers later who knows can be a bad guy that can kidnap my daughter or ask the maid to kidnap my daughter?

If my daughter is big enough to help herself I'm Okay with that.. But she's only 15 mths old now.

Your dad is he letting the maid alone with you when you're just 4 months old??? I bet not..
And definitely a 15 mths old cannot really play by herself. We still need to supervise in anything she does.

If for example my daughter is 3 years old, she can understand already and definitely can play by herself, I don't mind my maid keep chatting on the phone.

The problem is if she chats, she won't be able to fully supervise my daughter.
And next time I'll need to leave my #2 with my new maid alone at home when she's 16 weeks old again. So I'll have the same cycle.

Both our parents are in Indonesia, who can watch over the maid? No one! We can just rely on the camera and call home if anything wrong.
Groovy, you can have call waiting so that when you call home when the maid is on the phone, she will know if someone is calling and can still switch line to answer your call. Else you can call her mobile?

I don't think it's safe at all to leave the maid alone with a young child. Is there someone you can ask to help supervise the maid eg a relative or in-law? All those stories about maids abusing young children is another reason why I'm hesitant about hiring a maid..
and it's not that I'm totally don't let my maid to socialize becoz I'm buying her the phone card to call home once a month and allow her to use my home phone to call her home using that phone card.

Last time there's a case where my maid and my neighbor's maid chat with a Bangladeshi and my house door is left open. Luckily my neighbor bust them.

Are those are not threat???
As I said, no one, that's why we need to rely on them and pray to God for safety of our child.

Yup I have the call waiting already now, after the event where she was on phone for 1 hour plus, my #1 wakes up already and start playing with curtain and I cannot call her until I cry in the office asking to go home because it was really stressful for me!

That time I didn't know that in Singapore, home phone we need to pay more for the call waiting service
It also depends on the maid, if your maid is the quiet type, I don't mind to allow her to use phone.
But my current maid is the chatty type and she can be on the phone for the whole day until 11 pm at night.. And use handsfree for the whole day.
Groovy, did you consider changing a maid then? She doesn't seem very responsible and even left the door open while chatting with strangers. I would change her immediately if I feel that she is not doing her job of looking after the kids properly. If I really need to get a maid, I might consider a Burmese cos my uncle has one and she is very good. Does all the housework and cooks very well, and can look after my frail grandmother. Only thing is her English is not very good, but she has a good attitude. I also heard that Sri Lankan maids are better than Fillipino or Indonesian.
Good afternoon mummies, almost lunch hour!

Jul: Thanks for the suggestion. I will ask my hubby go and buy. I still cannot stand for too long or go shopping else, I have to be bed ridden for the next 2 days.

Felicia: Thank goodness that both the baby and your sis are fine. My MIL commented that she also fell down when she was pregnant and very clumsy.

Nattan: I tried before using the gargle at night &amp; almost puke. :/ I was hoping for a baby this year of the rabbit but I just got married in March. I dont really fancy year of Dragon as I am born in the year of Dog &amp; will clash with me although my MIL always say own flesh is fine. Only must calculate for when son marries &amp; ensure DIL does not clash. :/

Groovy: I do not like the idea of having a maid although my mum has been asking me to hire one. Apart of being another commitment and privacy, you never know the real character behind a person.
My sil had different maids to take care of the twins. Every Saturday, they will come over. We discovered that a few maids secretly "ate the fruits &amp; even bird nest that were meant for the kids". One maid even stole my money of almost SGD 500. I only realised when I was going to Aus (it's AUD currency). My uncle has a maid and sometimes ask her to go over to my grandpa house to do some household chores. In the end, she hooked up with a bangaleshi and got pregnant. After abortion, my Uncle sent her home. My late grandmother in Msia had a maid that stole all her money &amp; jewellery before she MIA &amp; was never caught. That is why I never want a maid. :X
I guess maid really depend on your luck, some really can get a good maid.

I have been constipation for almost a week, went to see a GP, that GP still need to refer to dictionary to check if I can take the medicine. Lost confidence on her, din take the medicine until i confirm with my gynae. Able to have output ysterday nite. Though din able to clear all but at least clear some.
loshita, constipation for 1 week is quite serious. Maybe you can try eating prunes or drinking more fruit juice and water. Papaya and banana would also help move things along. Avoid heaty foods and caffeinated drinks.

Zo, if you worry your DIL's zodiac clashes with yours then you should check before your son go steady with the gf right? :p Else too late already, unless you want to force your son to break up with her? I don't really believe this cos my hubby and his mum shared the same zodiac (Dragon) but they didn't get along very well esp when he was young. My dad and I also (he's Ox and I'm snake), although we are now better as I've moved out.

Hiaz I also had probs with my maid the last time. I got her to help MIL when I was returning to work. And with people to supervise her, also got probs.

My ex-maid was the very forgetful type. Slow, nvm.. I understand that not everyone is as 'efficient' as we are used to in Singapore, with our crazy pace of life. But she keeps forgetting to do things, or forgetting not to do things. But her biggest fault is she disobeyed instructions lor.

Eg my MIL told her not to bring my boy downstairs in the pram while she's trying to wheel him to nap. She actually brought him downstairs then my MIL panicked coz couldn't find her. My MIL also silly lah. Asked her what happens if she gets lost. She replied that she won't get lost. If I were MIL, I'd just tell her I say no means no.

Then she likes to take over the mummy. When we were playin with my son, she likes to interrupt. Then all sorts of work don't get done, coz she cannot remember them. By the time I remind her, it's too late. Nvr focus on her work. Keeps doing frivolous things like take my MIL's cookery book, wanna try cooking the dishes at home.

The last straw was when I saw her try to bring an opened pack of jelly powder home. I told her no when she kept saying thst SHE wants to make something. The next morning, I saw her washing bananas, cleaning the countertop like mad. She said we were infested with ants. Finally I saw that stupid pack of jelly powder on my counter! I told her I already told her she cannot bring it back. She has lots of 'reasons' like Popo gave it to her, she asked Popo already n she said ok, she will make it, not me... I finally interrupted her &amp; said this is my hse, ask me on top of asking Popo. She gave me this black face, &amp; said she'll throw it away in a very buaysong tone. I complained to Hubs &amp; he said send her back.

Actually 1 mth before that, Hubs already gave her a serious talking-to. Every mth, I give her an 'appraisal interview' to tell her what she needs to improve. She was with us for 6 mths, &amp; no improvement one lor. Finally we gave up.

yeah better don't over-exert yourself since you're not feeling well.


Actually my GP also refers to a manual to check medicines. Think there are so many meds on the mkt, impossible for them to remember everything. And safe for pregnancy may not be safe for breastfeeding &amp; vice versa.
Jul, I sent you an email... wonder if you received it? Just wanna know if you sent out my Topicrem? I haven't received it since the last I checked my mailbox (over weekend) :p

Did u send me anything? I haven't checked my email, paiseh.

I sent the Topicrem after 5pm on last Tue.. maybe got a bit of xmas delays? Think parcels are not on the next working day timing as letters. Maybe you check after this weekend &amp; let me know?
haha yup, but actually hor my mother also fell down at 6th month when she carried me and my sis.. having twins tummy super big so she was really clumsy.. heng we both are fine also.. haha.. that's why i keep reminding myself to be extra careful cuz i always fall down when i walk without any reason de.. but for #1 dunno if it's because i was having a boy, i also can run after bus around 8 months de, this time round more clumsy.. getting old liao..

I have tried all methods but still not able to have output, end up i used suppository. It did help but not able to clear all.


this GP refered to manual/dictionary nevermind, she some more can comment not sure safe for me or not, in the end still precribed me the medicine. faint!
Hi Nattan: LOL, I dont even know baby is male or female yet. But if it's male, I think in future I will ask them to move out when getting married. *Thinks so far ahead!

Ioshita: I also suffer from constipation. The longest that I did not visit toilet is 11 days when preggy. Gynae prescribed me a liquid but I dont dare to take. So now I only go toilet like once a week. Good times will be once every 5 days.

Jul: Thanks. Yes I think in the past, there can really be good maids. As time passes, people get more educated, even maids, then they will have higher expectations or they hear from their hometown mates that had been working as maids here. In the past, I remembered TNP even had a contest for employers to nominate their maids as the best maid. I vaguely remember that the winner won cos when her employer was in trouble financially, she volunteered to take out all her savings to help the family. Apart, from the duties that she did very well.
Loshita, Zo, wow.. I cannot imagine not going to the loo for 2 or 3 days.. It gets really uncomfortable for me. I think I have a smoother time in the loo when I exercise, so I try to walk and exercise more. I also make sure I drink lots of water in the day and eat more vege and fruits. If you don't like to drink water, at least try to drink more fruit/vege juice. Since we got a juicer, my hubby has been making sure I drink fresh fruit and vege juice almost every evening, and it helps both of us clear our bowels the next morning

Huh? If check manual already, it will say whether it's safe or not what? Faint


Wah the winner maid was so good!

The liquid thing is safe to take lah. Not good to store for so many days also, think of the toxins diffusing to the baby across the placenta???


Hopefully u'll get soon. Think the other mummies rec'd long ago liao. But that was before the Xmas season.
loshita: I do feel esp. now appetite is good. Imagine eat so much daily but no output. Sometimes I do not know if tummy's showing due to the waste in my stomach. Before preg when I have constipation, I will just take laxative. Now do not dare to take anymore. I am so missing of Orange and Banana but not allowed to eat. (Commandments from my mum &amp; MIL) There's once I ate guava &amp; in the end, vommited &amp; got so scared from then. I used to drink avocado milk shake but after a few times, baby dislikes the smell.

Jul: Yeah the maid's indeed bravo. If for now, employers just pray that the maids behave well. I dont dare to take the liquid cos afraid of the smell, not scared of the side effects.

Nowadays, when I have migraines, also dont dare to take my usual muscle relaxant &amp; have to bear with it
By the way, does anyone after taking the calcium tablet, the urine will become esp. yellow? Cos I always have this experience after taking calcium tablet in the morning. I was advised by the pharmacist to take the multi vit &amp; calcium about 2 hours apart, as the effect of medication will not be good if taken both pills at the same time.
to visit toliet, u can try drinking yakult.. it works for me..

doc says its gd to clear it regularly cause the stools fight with your bb for space.. if keep too long.. bb has lesser space to grow
Wow! The thread is moving very fast!

Jul, I just PM u d price list for post n pre natal massages. Recommended 2 lady for u to try. Mustika Ratu is a spa originated from Indonesia. They have their own range of products. I think they have an outlet in Singapore but I have never tried their spa here.

Loshita, I know how u feel. When I was younger I get constipated a lot. I used to clear my bowels once or twice a week. Well, not anymore. Prune juice works for me ;)

With regards to maid, I don't think I'll ever hire one permanently. I rather hire those that charges hourly or daily to clean n do other household chores. HDB flat is just too small to accomodate to them especially since I have my in laws staying together. Hubby is an only child so it just seemed right to invite them to stay w us. MIL is great though! She works n yet cooks n do d laundry for me everyday. I'm like a princess at home :p I just need to do basic cleaning like sweeping n mopping. Yet I get so tired or lazy to bother.

Plus, my friend just got a maid. She called her maid one afternoon at about 3pm n asked if her kids have eaten. Her maid said no, she forgot bcos they were too engross playing. Then she asked her maid if she had eaten, her maid said yes. FAINT!
Dwie, just emailed u. Sorry I should clarify that the price is not Mustika Ratu's price list. It's Mdm Ida's price list. Mdm Ida is certified by Mustika Ratu.

Oh, I've just realised that there are 2 different Mdm Ida recommended in this forum. But both had good reviews so far.
Zo, how come cannot eat oranges and banana? My urine has been bright yellow ever since I got pregnant. Dunno why.. even if I drink lots of water. Sometimes my urine in the morning is esp dark. I think it's cos the baby is also producing waste. I dont think it's due to the calcium tablet unless your tablet has yellow colouring.

Sel, can you send me the price list too?
Multi vits will cause urine to be yellower cause ur kidney is working harder to dispose of the waste.

Liquid laxative is safe. Drink liao very fast. Sit in toilet for next 3hrs.. Nurse gave me thst b4 i deliver #1.
Good morning to all,

Amy: I can finish the whole lot of Yakult but still wont work for me.

Nattan: Old folks believe bananas will cause baby to have dont know some sort of deformed or whatsoever. But Orange is cos baby will have phlegmn. Also advised not to give orange juice to few months old babies or will have asthma problems. I esp. loved mandarin oranges &amp; every CNY, I can easily eat up to 8 per day. Imagine next month cannot eat at all! :'(

Petrina: Do you just go 1 time or few times after the liquid? My gynae even asks me to drink every morning! :/
Zo, the strong one is drink once go a few times till it runs clear.. Means u poop water. I did a few times anal scan, so i know.
Maybe ur gynae gave u fybrogel. Liquid fibre. So drink every morn.
Tat just soften ur stools so u can pass them out.
today able to go toilet to clear some without any help of medicine. I hope the constipation will not come again as it really makes me feel sick.

Today is last working day of the year. Dun have much thing to do in the office.
sorry for disturb, mummies to be. I'm jun mummies to be too.

I'm clearing some stuff on behalf of my cousin.the maternity dresses in L SIZES and a infant car seat/rocker. please contact 97472522 for pictures as i unable to upload pictures here
Afternoon mummies..

Went to Taka during lunch time.. it was so crowded. No place for me to eat lunch so just had 2 buns... sad

Zo, bananas don't cause deformities, but some people may experience constipation if they don't drink sufficient water. Oranges (like Sunkist oranges) are cooling, so may not be advised for those who feel cold easily. I always drink orange + carrot juice though. However, mandarin oranges (kum) are heaty. If eat too much, you'll get constipation. I also love mandarin oranges and can eat a few a day during CNY, but must control myself cos I don't want to suffer constipation!
Petrina: Guess I need to check what liquid is it 1st. Then maybe can start to take. Today is 6th day and not yet visit toilet.

Loshita: So good that at least last day of work for 2011, need not to slave hard and relax. My receptionist is on MC and gotta help out here &amp; there apart from own duties.

Nattan: 2 buns enough? U never tabao finger food or something else? Dont know about the deformities, u know 1 of those old folks tales so need to listen. Yes mandarin oranges are heaty but for me, it does not matter cos I always have constipation throughout whole life. Just that now being preg, cannot eat. :/ I think I will surely eat lots of oranges and bananas after delivery and confinement! My SIL mentioned she forgot how the 2 fruits tasted when she could not eat.

Zo, I didn't tabao cos I can buy food outside my office when I come back. The buns were quite filling, just that I wanted to eat hot food but the foodcourt at Taka was so crowded. Many people are on leave today I guess.

Another thing about constipation... caffeine can aggravate it. If you drink coffee and tea, make sure to drink more water, cos these drinks dehydrate you, therefore making your stools harder.
