(2012/06) Jun 2012

Ref birds nest, i intend to start taking once a week from 2nd trimester onwards. Heard that no nutritional value to the bb but i just take lor, hehee.


Oh ok, not same clinic haha

I'm feeling very good now. Won't feel nauseous if I eat straightaway, no more breathlessness, not tired, etc etc. Only prob now is the stupid itchy skin.


Er..er.. without seeing you, knowing your BMI, history etc, we can't advise lah. Ask your gynae?

Can you stomach anything at all?
Hee thanks for the info, my mil says it's good so we actually bought some already, so i guess i'll juz have them anyway but space them out so i dun have them too frequently.
mihoger are u in your 2nd trimester?
I'm so envy you. I was feeling good too for my 1st one around this time but my current pregnancy is really xin ku. Why mothers have to suffer like this for a baby?
Jul : lol!!! Shopping therapy!

Noelle : Erm 14weeks.. Hehe.. But still got MS.. But slowly decreasing n getting better.. Ya lo.. Anyway Birdnest is yummylicious !!

Joycie : ~_~ jia you~ when. I'm in week 8/9 I have the same thinking as u.. But when I'm having my NT scan (I manage to see my baby moving inside me for very long n being so naughty inside me ) n I think back is all worth it ~_~

But I sometimes still hid under blanket n cry lol~ but feel
Much better..
Joycie, same. #1 was a breeze.. This is really tough on me. Back n tummy hurts all the time. Vomit all the time. Car sickness. Very sian. I'm watching lotsa preg movies on pps to make me happy.. Otherwise i feel very dull.

Jul, can eat. But will vomit after. Manage to keep only 1meal down a day. Usually others get vomitted out in portions or whole.
Morning all! Yakun Kaya Toast set for breakfast! Hope it stays
Hi morning all!

Speaking of vivid dreams, Just dreamt that i owned a property that is right by the sea, damn shiok. It is right by town, but later discovered the entire marina bay area is flooded. Anyway, it is raining now. Nice weather to continue sleeping.
hooray, my Oscar test result is low risk. 1:842, cut off result is 1:300.

Glass, the honey doesn't help my cough, i only feel better after my mum cooked lo han guo water for me.
joycie, petrina

I also had an easier time with #1. I think it's bcoz I had no one to irritate me, make me angry, make me tired, I could nap whenever I wanted to. Now I can't, coz he wakes before 7am

I also felt very bad from 8-11 weeks. Then from 12 weeks, miraculously improved. By 14 weeks, feel like normal, not preggie liao.




Think can try cooking those Chinese pear with nanxing beixing, esp good for phlegmy cough.

my mum cooked the luo han guo with nanxin beixin. it did help to reduce the frequency of mr coughing, when i saw GP n told him i pregnant, his reaction was sorry i can't help you much. sigh...doc oso dun dare to give any medicines.
Morning mummies.. late today cos overslept a bit :p Haha.. but my boss is even later.

Had a very rich Japanese dinner last night... better go to gym later. I ate very lightly this morning, just nutella sandwich and black tea.

Congrats loshita on your OSCAR result.. I hope mine is going to be good as well.

Glass, your dream is so funny!! My dreams are weird... once I dreamt of a baby iguana/lizard thing.. it was very colourful but it kept growing and growing until very big... I was trying to fight it but had to run away cos it got too big for me. Then I woke up. Quite scary...

Yeah, there's really nothing much that we can do when preggie. Just gotta let the cough run its course


Baby igunana???
Find myself stepping onto the weighing machine every morning. Also quite concern that I'm not putting on weight. Lost 0.5kg overnight. Now wk 16, net weight gain is 0.5 kg from before preg. Am I putting on too little? And I'm not even having MS! My boobs got bigger, tummy is bigger too. But weight not increasing much. I wonder why?

Birdnest Soup
Hubby bought raw ones from swiftlet farms in M'sia & cook every fortnight for me. But need to pluck feathers and clean up ourselves.

TCM Prenatal Class
Hubby is encouraged to join us to learn more too. Think it's good for them to participate.
Nattan: what machines do you use at the gym?? I also wanna keep fit lei.

Glass: you so shiok. On leave today? coz of the stupid rain had to take cab to work cos also carry alot of stuff. Scared fall on the bus. =( Now cab so ex. Last time go office only about $5+ now $6+

Oscar test: I dunno why I never receive any report on the OSCAR lei. I went for the scan last tues, then friday they called me to inform me that blood test show low risk then thats its le. Never tell me ratio or what.

Birdnest: Just started taking birdnest but only the packaged kind. One bottle about $30, supposedly no preservatives.
I also cried the other day cos really cannot tahan. Then my hubby said good, just cry, cry will feel better. haha!

ya, me too..still suffering..even though don't throw up as much as before. Then people keep telling me that means it's the opposite baby gender but I don't quite believe. My maid has 4 daughters and she said all different experience leh. I have no mood to work at all!

I lost more than 2 kg ever since i was pregnant, never gain any weight cos i vomit too much. My boobs and tummy also get bigger but no weight gain. My friend even say how come i look so skinny? Nobody can tell I'm preg until I tell them. Then they say, can't tell leh, your tummy very small! Anyway, not to worry lah, i'm sure we will gain weight by 5 mths!

I wonder where can we buy the bird nest in JB? Good or not?
The nurse also just called me on my OSCAR report and said very low risk so very good..that's it, never say anything else or call me again on my blood test. That means everything is good and normal so you don't worry. They will show u ur report during ur next visit!
joycie, if u want to get bird nest from Malaysia, think it's better if u have a reliable contact, to make sure u get the genuine ones. i got mine from malaysia too, from my hubby's colleague who has relatives doing bird nest business there. got the one with feathers plucked out and cleaned throughly, so much cheaper than SG.
Joycie: I heard low risk I felt relieved and never ask about the report. haha. Maybe they will show me the report the next round. For bird's nest my hubby's friend's FIL also sell bird nest in Malaysia, he told us its about $270. But I can't remember whether its the raw one or the one with feathers plucked already.
My MIL scared we dunno how to clean it properly plus i think she also tired to do it that y buy those more expensive bottled ones for me.
AsRias, I usually use the elliptical machine for cardio (about 30min), then use the weights machines for legs, arms, shoulders and back (also about 30min), finishing with stretching (about 5min).
Ate saba fish with kimchi.. 3rd time eating kimchi after pregnant. past 30yrs nvr touch Kimchi b4... hehe. this dish is guaranteed to stay in tummy..
I tried japanese food last night and i couldn't take it.
Still back to chinese food.

Nattan, your iguana dream is probably about you having some fears about the uncertainty that pregnancy is bringing to you. Coz the thing was growing. Mine actually weirder than i had mentioned. I never say that while enjoying the scenery, a bus that was travelling on water, or maybe some big boat crashed into the building. And dunno why we were showing our property to home buyers.

Asrias, yup, me not working today. Make sure you have good steady shoes.

Seeing so many of you go shopping, i bought 2 pairs of maternity leggings. One is black and the other is denim.

Been looking at some maid agencies. So far i think i prefer filipinas with experience. Must have experience looking after infants and young children. Best if she can cook. Need to figure out how to convert my storeroom to a room for the helper.
Nattan: Hmm mabbe i try the cycling machine first... then slowly progress to elliptical machine. Coz last time i only run around the tracks never really use machines.

Glass: I bought leggings from F21 that day. was quite cheap about $9 for 1 pair. Very Very stretchy. I like the waist band cos its the thin kind so doesn't really restrict the tummy. But I bought M/L haha, so that got more room when I grow
Fox baby/kids sale now up to 40%! I just bought 4 clothes for my daughter! From $30+, $40+ each to only $17 to 20++..haha!
I've stopped buying clothes & shoes temporarily for my girl! Bought too much already in Jakarta (7 sets), then when come back, my aunt came and give her 3 more clothes set!

Then my IL came and give her CNY dress...

After that suddenly my mom SMS me she bought 4 sets of Batik Clothes, and 1 set of clothes and another set for CNY..

OMG! I can't imagine. My girl now has SO MANY CLOTHES QUEUEING TO BE WORN!
Some more all those are not home clothing and my girl max only go out during weekends once or twice. :S

Even for CNY I've bought her 1 set before I knew my IL and mom will buy for her, and now she has 3 sets and we're not visiting anyone!!!
groovy: hehe.. good mah. so many ppl dote on ur girl..

joycie: my baby detest twister fries now.. haha
last night had tat for dinner.. baby complained.. keke
u shld go GAP. 30-50% then buy 5 pcs additional 20%

i bought lots during previous GAP sale already. so this time i give it a miss. the girls stuffs r super gorgeous!!
I even think my girl has A LOT MORE CLOTHES than me!! Huehehe...
I stopped buying for myself after she's born leh! So far I think I only bought 4 or 5 for myself in 1 year. No choice, no time to shop for myself. huhuhu..
I prefer they give toys lor.. Because clothes it's very not easy for me to resist to not buy them, thinking they will look good on her. Huhuhu.. Also I get quite addicted to online shopping for her already..
Tomorrow my checkup.. If this one is a girl again, maybe I'll keep some of the new sets of clothes for her to wear. Huehehe.. My #1 is simply has too many.

Some more, girl dresses actually can still be worn as Tops when they grow up.. Because she grows taller instead of fatter. huehehehe..
groovy: boy clothes also.. my son still wearing 2yr old singlets.. haha he's turning 4.
can do belly dancing lah.. cause can see belly liao.
so i will wear the pants higher.. keke

i also prefer toys. at least can recycle, give others as present if unopened or can still play. clothes i will wanna buy too.. when it's cheap. but i'm glad my son save me lotsa $. his clothes wear very long. then his grandparents give $$ instead of clothes or toys.. haha
Hi sorry to talk about something irrelevant. For those with dryers, does fluff look purplish or greyish? I found something like that in my filter, but not sure whether that's the thing i'm supposed to remove
Petrina: my 2 year old is still wearing 6 to 12 months pants!

Petrina and asrias, the ones i got are maternity leggings, got the adjustable band, and it's xxl size, but can fit me. Last time i got normal leggings but i cannot remember where i left it. I think i'm paying for the adjustable bands, around $18 from some shop at j8
I think if boy really can save $$ on clothes.. Not much choices. huehehe..
All just pants and shirts..

Not for girl, got the one sleeveless, non-sleeveless, skirts, pants, dresses, ribbons, clippies, leggings.. Some more the colors also varies, blue, green, purple, pink, yellow.. All colors girl can wear..

At least if for boys I think I'll avoid buying girly color like pink, purple, light oranges. huehehe..

Some more SHOES also got more types than boys, got sport shoes, gown shoes, sandals, girly sandal with strap.. :S. Then same thing as the colors!! So many colors to choose!

So tempting to buy them.. huhu..
Glass, wow your analysis of my dream seems quite logical! Haha.. maybe... I guess I'm a bit apprehensive about my bodily changes since it's my first pregnancy. I also have not seen the baby scan for a while, so naturally feel a little apprehensive.

AsRias, I don't cycle, cos it's not comfy for me to sit on the bike seat :p But I suppose it's more gentle on your knees if you cycle slowly.

BTW, I ended up not going to the gym today cos my dept head wants to take us out for lunch. I took the opportunity to announce my pregnancy and fortunately everyone including my boss was very supportive and excited for me
Wah you very lucky leh, so many free clothes for your girl..can do modeling show liao, hehe! Ya i agree with you, girls stuff have so many varieties including pretty socks and hair accessories, can't resist to buy them! Think spend more money on them than boys. If my 2nd one also girl, then i won't buy anymore, just hand me down, haha! If it's a boy, wah lao, must find space for boys clothes cos my girl's clothes already occupied all the closet and drawer..

My girl also wearing some of the 0-6 mths or 6-12 mths or 12-18mths clothes..haha! Long pants become knee length pants, dress become shirt etc. GAP still on sale now?
Sorry to interrupt. Can someone advise me whether can we use ointment for external piles from those Chinese Medicine Hall?

I see the instruction leaflet nv state anything abt pregnancy must seek doc approval leh.

Wah lau, now itch like siao. Backache somemore - double combo
My girl also in her 15th mth can still wear some of her 0-6 mth huehehe.. Actually can save $$ but just can't resist to buy (even though she has a lot she has never worn before)..

I think it has reach a point where I can't remember what she has anymore! Especially the one from friends/ parents/ IL... Yesterday I found out I still have 1/2 dozens of short home pants that my mom bought for her 6 months ago but it's too big. AND I BOUGHT 1 DOZEN OF THE SAME THING IN JAKARTA! Argh.. Even my mom forgotten about it already!!!
Going to keep it for #2... huehehe..
<font color="0077aa">yotsuba, dr irene was my gynae for #1. i had wanted to follow her for #2 but after calculating and comparing the fees, i still decided to stay in kkh. does she have 3D machine?

jul, u can try spring maternity for bras with removable paddings. i bought mine 2 yrs back. now shd still have.</font>
shouldn't be a problem ba..cos u r using it externally. You can check with the chinese Medicine Hall staff. I'm going down to buy the bai hua oil tonight, to put on my head cos headache and it helps a lot!
Hi Mummies to be, hope everyone's day has been great!

Sunniegal: Congrats on having a boy!
As for your weight, if your gynae did not comment and baby has been growing well then should be safe. I had a friend who was so damn skinny till she is left with bones, less than 40kg and over 1.6m.

Jenny: I go to KK hospital. My gynae is Dr Khoo C K and did the scan and blood test as what you mentioned. If they did not specifically ask you to do another special scan after the report and ratio had been explained to you then it's fine to wait till your next review with your gynae.

Joycie and Mihoger: Initially, I cried daily. I even broke down in front of my gynae and nurses which is why my gynae referred me to pyschologist. Now, I cry only when I throw up and if hear negative remarks!

Noelle: I threw up bird nest once after drinking &amp; my MIL commented that so wasteful! So now planning to drink when I am not feeling so nausea as hubby bought the more ex kind for my MIL to brew. But actually, I am rather allergy to bird nest as will develope itchy rashes and nasal problems.

Today is the lucky draw in my company and ended up with nothing! :/ I even got chocolate (used to be my fav but now cannot eat cos baby dont like) as gift exchange that I gave to another colleague!! 1 colleague asked me if I m preggy today and I kind of got pissed off and ask her "WHY"? Not your biz and I dont want to answer, can? :/

Michi: I think you better call or email gynae if can use the ointment to be on the safe side.
wah, I called up this maid agency that focuses on transfer maids for expats, and they tell me to email them my requirements.

Only thing is must give Sundays and public holidays off.

I dunno whether I'm chin chye enough, or too ngeow.

I listed down 4 requirments - can look after my son, care for infant, do household chores, and if possible, can cook.

I also listed down 6 points on the personality. After typing everything, it's like 1 A4 sized paper. Took me 1 hour to think.

Hubby tells me to pay for maid, so I think I must fork out $1k a month. Wah!
Zo, thanks for the assurance

Regarding birdnest, my hubby bought the raw ones direct from swiftlets farm in M'sia so that we can clear the feathers ourselves. We've been told that many processed ones are bleached. So we just wanna play safe. He had tried buying raw ones from local medical halls. However, they charge higher prices for raw ones than those cleaned ones. Doesnt make a lot of sense right. Make us really wonder what went into the processed ones. The raw ones just double boil for 30 mins. Those processed ones need hours.
Good Morning Mummies~

Happy Holiday!! *hugs*

good side i think my tummy front start to bump up le~ kekeke keep touching n touching ~
Morning mummies! Merry Christmas in advance!

Today is another day of happy feasting and over-indulgence! Office having BBQ party... hehe..

Sel, it's ok to have caffeinated drinks once or twice a day (doctors recommend not more than 4 cups). I for one have been drinking coffee everyday or else I won't be able to function!!

Now in my 16th week and experience chest pain, like something pressing against my chest. Deep breathing will hurt abit. Anyone got similar encounter? Is it normal?
