Morning ladies,
Haven't log on the past 2 days cos very pek chek with my postpartum rash - really tests my patience dealing with myself.!!
Anyway, I have gone back for my gyn checkup to remove my c sec dressing. All looks fine and my next visit will be in 6 weeks' time for pap smear.
Gyn says the rash is due to hormones - nothing much she can do but to give me medication to handle the itch and apply cream. Since the CL is still around, I have no choice but to apply the cream at night and then wash off in the morning (esp those on my arms area since I want to carry my girl during the day) to apply calamine lotion instead.
MIL says I can start taking tonics and chicken now. So had to drink the black chicken tonic soup last evening plus red dates water whole day, my tummy felt like a washing machine with all the liquid squishing inside. LOL! And I tried eating chicken cooked with DOM - yikes, it really tastes so sweet. Very odd.
Anyway - am glad it's the weekend cos hub is at home. YAY!
Glad to know your boy is back at home!
Thank god the jaundice went down.
How are you guys settling your food? Did u order those confinment tingkat?
Which hosp are you in? Roughly what time is your scheduled op?
Good luck for your op. Have a good rest when you are done.
My lochia flow slowed down a lot the past few days then dunno why yesterday came back slightly more than usual. Maybe cos I went to the hosp to see doc and do birth cert registration so was walking around for a couple of hours outside and didn't get to take a short afternoon nap. Last night I was also tired and couldn't tong till midnight for my last pump - end up oversleeping till 3am and I crawled up to pump.
Diaper changes
Tell me about it man, they run through diapers so quickly! Must keep an eye out for gmarket diapers offer again. I am using those Pampers NB which I bought from Gmarket the last time. But I only bought 8 packets - will move on to size S diapers prob by next month.