(2012/06) Jun 2012

does anyone has a mobile newborn hairdresser that can come to our house to shave our baby's newborn hair huh?

I have a pd but I have not gone back to him. For my children I have been going to polyclinic for vaccination and .GP if she is sick. Never go PD yet. Thus far the GP near my place is pretty good for me so did not hunt for PD.

My breast is opposite of yours. Left 60ml while right 120ml. .LC asked me to latch on the inefficient breast longer. So that other will produce more. So I latch on my right first then left.

Not sure how much a newborn shld put in but my put on about 800g first two weeks.
sunbelle : you can ask taimaobi to come to your house and shave bb's head. If you buy their products e.g. calligraphy brush or name stamp, the haircut is FOC. I have not tried it yet. Just heard from my cousin.
Tilsa, me nt shaving. Din do for #1 boy. For girl, even more unwilling cos want her to look pretty pretty. Hee...

Sunbelle, how hv u been? U still in confinement right? How many days were u b4 me? Me totally relaxed in confinement. #1 is sick tho so abit sad that cnt spend much time w him cos dun wana catch it or pass to #2. Thankfully hubby ard whole time. CL is new to me but v dedicated. Cooked for entire family n washes entire family's dishes. Plays w my son too. Not sure abt the clothes part cos I asked my mum to talk to her. But food wise her cooking is only bearable. Haha. so all I do is sleep feed massage n comment here n there. Good life thus far. :p Only thing is boy sick hubby disallow air con for everyone.
luckily cn bathe w herbs.... But only once a day. Rest of day hv to kp wiping.

Milk wise, I direct latch since day 1 so not sure which side is how much! Hmmm still hvnt bought the power converter to chg fr USA to Spore voltage for my pump.

Btw do u ladies find nipples like slightly sunken after latching for a while? It became slightly painful when she drinks so I had to pull it out but sadly she'll stop drinking then after.
<font color="aa00aa">I have uneven BM output too. Guess the ducts for one side is more developed than the other.</font>
jenny, if I were u I will sack the cl. actually since #1 I have thought not really useful to have someone to just work in taking care of baby and cook only. the most useful is a maid that can do everything if u ask especially your cl don't do night feed too. my maid also don't do night feed and I don't really asked her to take care of baby yet since baby is still too small and she has my #1 to take care. but at least I have someone carry baby if crying while I enjoy my eating/bath time unlike when #1 time where I have only hubby relative very old one can cook and clean house only isn't able to even carry baby
It's already July. Have the remaining June mummies given birth yet?dunno why but I really miss my preggie days. No need to worry about milk, diapers. Though I do love hugging n looking at my son, but being in my tummy he is so much easier to take care.

Anyone feel the same?
Finally has time to share my birth story too. Did not find it too different giving birth here in Melb possibly cos my gynae is a former SG doc who migrated here in the 70s so he's not too angmo-ish in his ways haha.

I woke on 24 June at ard 8 plus in the morning w a bloody show &amp; contractions started almost immediately, lasting 5 mins apart. Called the hosp but was told to go in only when the contractions reach abt a minute. I was only abt 30 secs then. Took a quick bf, shower &amp; some pics w hb &amp; my dd haha. At 12 noon, we drove to the hosp though I was still not getting 1 min contractions. Good thing I did!

The ctg tracing seemed to suggest that I was not really due soon so they put me on it for quite a while. I chose to sit up or stand to cope with my contractions. Was just relying on breathing "In 23, out, 234". Finally my gynae arrived at abt 3 and he said I was 7-8 cm dilated!!!

No gas, no pethadine, no epidural, I gave birth at 4.22 pm. Had no episiotomy but slight tear so had a bit iof stitching. Piles hurt though.

In short, this labour is much shorter n less painful. Now BFG is the next big challenge!
Sun belle - both me n bb doing fine. We are still in mt e hosp, I think discharge on tue. My boy was born yester morning 10.59am by csec, weigh 3.05kg 49cm.. So he wasn't v small after all, he is abt avg!

Started bf but his mouth v small, so abit difficult to ve a proper latch plus I hate the stupid drip tube n needle sticking out on my hand, it's difficult for me to carry bb n latch him when the drip is in the way.

My Csec wound was v painful after I awake fr the surgery, I recall myself kept saying "pain pain pain" even though I was drowsy n couldn't open my eyes yet. They gave me painkillers only after i was in the normal ward. I was drowsy the whole day yesterday.

But till now, I still haven't eaten anything bvos I haven't pass any gas jus now. I only manage to let out few min ago, so I think Tmr only I can get to eat. Super hungry! Hub kept munching away Infront of me!

Will b getting the doc to do circumcision for him Tmr also.

Jenny - I would change the CL if I'm u since both parties sounded not v happy with each other. But hor regarding arrival of CL, usually ve to give them a confirm date to arrive with 1-2day notice. Like if u know u going to discharge Tmr, u ve to let her know the day b4 or 2 days b4. Bcos she need to make arrangement for her house or family or get bus tkts. But I agree on the other issues u facing with her do sound like she is lazy n not willing to comply to ur requests. Overnight food is a definite NO-NO for confinement, I told my CL off last time abt that bcos my mum specifically told me overnite food has "wind" which is v impt u need to avoid during confinement.
prettibride. still left me. gynae already arranged admission for me on tue morning to induce coz no signs of labour yet. **scared**
kadice, u still din do any VE or membrane sweep ah? how many weeks r u in now? so tue is THE date huh? all the best! u can read my birth story in jul thread. induction is not scary at all... esp if u r a new mummy. for ex-c-sect there's chances of uterus rupture. let's hope it worked with the first tablet and u can call for epi fast fast! keep us posted!
Cheri, such a sweet short labor!

cyn, circumcision is due to jewish tradition? who will perform it? in the hospital? very interesting!
Ssmilezz, yup I've been drinking a lot of red dates tea, milo and soup. So far bm production is good so that means I'm drinking enough

Sunbelle, today is only the 3rd day since baby came home (on Fri) so we're still trying to adjust to his routine, but we're slowly getting the hang of it while surviving on very little sleep :p

Re uneven bm production, it's normal I guess. Nothing to worry about, You can try latching or pumping the side with lower bm more often to stimulate it to produce more.

Cyn, great to know you've finally delivered! Congrats!
The pain will go away soon... For me it was tolerable that by day 3 I've stopped taking painkillers. I was still given packets of it when I discharged..guess they're all part of the package.

Cheri, congrats on your delivery too! Sounds like a fuss-free delivery.

Kadice, all the best! You'll see your baby soon so just keep that thought and you won't be scared
Thanks all. Was just wondering if they practice skin to skin contact in Sg hospitals now? I rem it was not for my #1 then. They practically plonked the baby on me once she was out! I was quite shocked. They did niot even clean the baby at all! Good thing my baby was quite clean. Maybe the coconut water did help. They then kinda left us alone for abt an hour so that she can latch on immediately.

Everything here is diy. We had to dress up the newborn ourselves with our own clothes that we had brought. So no "I'm a Thomson Baby" sorta tee etc. The baby had to be bathed the next day.

Rooming in with the baby was another challenge. My baby did not go to the Hosp nursery at all thru out the 4 days we were there. Midwives would check on us to see if we need
help. I was in a Pte Hosp so my hb could stay the nite. Heard that for public Hosp, one bedder rooms r subject to availability so if u dun get one, the hb can't stay overnite &amp; the mum has to take care of the baby all by herself.

However, I must say that I bonded n got more confident looking after the baby in one nite compared to my 4 nites in Thomson then. It's not just feed n back to the nursery u go! Less disruptions too cos u dun hear babies being wheeled in &amp; out all the time. I rem it was quite noisy in the nite in Thomson then. Here, u only hear babies crying in the diff rooms haha
Morning mummies -

Staying at home makes me lose track of time - monday blues anyone?


How is your wound today? Did you wear a binder to help you hold the wound?


You are not alone - I do miss the feeling of my girl inside me. All the odd movements and the fact that she can be with me in whatever I do and at all times. Now when I glance at her and see her do her funny little stretches, I realised that that's exactly how she stretches inside my tummy causing my tummy to be all odd angles and movements.

Tummy Time

How early can we start our babies on tummy time?


Yeah, I have to use those doc creams at night and during the day some lotion/cream that is less harsh.

When is your CL leaving?

I ordered Gobi cakes for the full month. Erm, think may have some extra boxes but I shall keep them for myself. haha...My mom bought some cakes from Gobi for me to try yesterday when she visited - not bad if you like chocolate cakes. :p

Uneven Milk Output

So far, it seems like every time I express, the left and right boobs take turns to be the lesser output one. So one time right side less, then next round, left side less. Take turns. :p

I use BabyConnect to monitor my EBM supply - no of times I pump, intervals, how long I pump, amount. :p My hub can log on and track too once I sync up the updates. He was like "eh, how come production coming down?!!" Really like milk factory. Anyway, I will use BabyConnect to track baby feeds, etc too. If not, really cannot rem.

Mummies who latch

When do you typically unlatch? Cos when my girl stops sucking and seems to have fallen asleep, I try to unlatch gently and she starts to suckle furiously again. This happened a few times, so does it mean she's not finished yet?!

And do you burp your baby immediately after you unlatch even when your baby is already asleep?
Cheri, yes sg hospitals do practice skin to skin contact but they clean up the baby a bit before handing to you. It's just for a short while before they take the baby again to clean more thoroughly and do measurements and apgar score.

I think I would prefer the hospital to put the baby in the nursery at least for the first 1 or 2 days, esp for mums who have gone thru c-sec, it's not easy to take care of the baby. Even those who delivered naturally with epidural will be semi-paralysed for many hrs so how to take care of the new born? But it's good that you enjoyed your rooming in experience.

Ssmilezz, yeah all the hourly feeding/changing diapers, etc can make you lose track of time but I do keep a log online and shared with hubby to track baby's activities so I know what's going on thru out the day.

I also miss having baby inside me.. his kicks remind me of the times I couldn't sleep cos his long limbs were jabbing my side! But looking at him now, I'm glad he is here to be shared with my hubby too

re latching, I don't unlatch my baby but let him do it himself. I've tried pulling away at times but he will start sucking again, so I know it's not done till he says so ;) I do burp him after every feed even when he's sleeping/dozing. Cos if I don't I may find a pool of milk next to his face later :p Usually he doesn't burp much cos bf doesn't introduce as much air as bottle feeding, but occasionally he burps a burp that makes his daddy proud ;)
liligal, now already 40+ weeks, dats why scheduled to induce. havent done any of those, think i would be in for a shock tmr morning. anyway, just have to go through it. ya i read your birth story, so detailed, haha.

nattan, thanks for the encouragement. was hoping baby to give me a surprise, like bursting my waterbag or contractions today instead :p but i doubt so...
I also miss the time when baby was still inside. Like all the others, I enjoy seeing her outside with me now. Knowning that she is healthy is a blissing.

Your birth story makes labour sound easy. Congrats on the arrival of your bb.

Tummy Time,
Actually I do place my bb to sleep on her tummy at times now. Cos she sleeps better at times when she is fussing. But we have to watch out as she can turn her head a little now.

I do re latch my baby as she will release my nipple at about 5 mins. As its only 5 mins, i know that its not sufficient I will relatch her. At about 10 mins or when she stops stucking, I will unlatch her to burp her then either latch her on the other breast or the same breast.
ssmilezz, me same as tlisa. my girl small eater and very sleepy since only 5 days today. she'll unlatch me after 5-7 mins due to gas, poo or just don't feel like it. then i'll burp for a long long time. try to latch again until 10-15mins in total has been reached. more frustrating.

last time my boy suckles till he's done. if he falls asleep and i'll try to wake him or unlatch, he'll try to suckle then i'll latch him again. this will continue until he refuses to latch again.

kadice, all the best! keep us posted!

I'm Aug mummy. Just cancelled my CL coz heard alot of bad stuff from the May/June mummy who used her.

Can any mummy here recommend your CL whom you used and is good? My edd is late Aug.

Dear all, thanks for all your advise.. Confinement lady is still here.. Husband worried if let her go it will b hard for me to cope especially I dunno how to bathe baby. My mum only come over once a while when she free cos she looking after my nephew n my parents in law had went back to Malaysia. But now mi n cl hardly talk too much already except when needed n necessary, better also. Juz less than 2 more weeks it will b over..

By the way, need advice on pumping of breast milk..

How often do you pump?? My breasts got very soft on certain days that I cant even pump anything out.. I used my hands to keep squeezing n massaging for milk to come out.. Some days it got engorged n I can pump 80ml each breast at one time..

After latching, breasts got soft still should pump?? Now I not latching for few days cos having cough n runny nose, my breast got soft n no milk..

How to make my breast milk flow come back?? I m taking fenugreek n drinking milk but no help..
jenny, if I were you, I'd find it very difficult to continue with someone I cannot get along with or trust, esp to take care of the baby... I'd rather hire part time cleaner and tingkat catering than continue with the CL whom I think is over-rated. Actually you can learn how to care for the baby, such as bathe the baby through online videos. Search Youtube, I'm sure you can find many video tutorials. It's really not that difficult. At first I was also afraid of baby being too fragile, but so far I've bathed baby everyday since he's been home and it's a good bonding experience for us. If you're not very confident, you can still give him a sponge bath with a damp towel. Anyway, you'll need to learn how to do it once the CL is gone, so why not start learning soon?
As for other housework, your hubby can help when he's home or hire a part time cleaner to come every few days to do it.

Re pumping bm, part of the milk production is related to your emotions and stress level. If you're sick or stressed out, your supply may be affected. Since I latch my baby frequently throughout the day, I don't really pump that often, maybe once a day if he's fussing and not wanting to latch. As for whether you should pump after latching, it depends on how full you still feel. If still have milk, you can pump out for later use. I think the best way for your bm supply to come back is have a good nutritious diet, rest, LOTS of fluids (must double your normal fluid intake) and regular latching/pumping. Taking supplements and milk will not help if you don't have enough rest (being stressed out) or fluids. All the best to your bf career
Dear mummies, today my gal is alredi one week old, she's born on 27/6 at 3.47kg naturally w forceps.

Currently in moo moo mode as mos of the moms here. As my milk did not come in after birth, my gal has been on fm supp from birth. Recently, my milk starts to come in le, hence I have been latching her, pump and supp her w fm as the milk is still insufficient. I'm using medela freestyle to pump for 20mins after latch so as to fully empty my breasts, but I find that I am unable to express much milk. After pump, I am still able to do hand express and will get more milk out than when using the pump. Any moms using the same breast pump and can recommend the speed that I shld try for both simulation and expression mode? Any moms facing the same prob?
Hi hui000, my son is also a week old. I've been tbf since bringing him home and I also use the Medela Freestyle pump. If you already latched before pumping (and assuming your baby drank for quite a while), then obviously the amt you can express will be much lesser, cos your body only produces as much milk as your baby needs. After latching do your breasts still feel hard? That means you probably have a lot of milk left. But if they're soft, then they're quite empty already. There will still be a little left that you can hand express. But if you say you get more milk out from hand-expressing than pumping then could it be your breast shield is not fitted properly to facilitate proper pumping? For me, I use the M size comfort shield and set the pump to L4 for stimulation and L5 for letdown phase. So far able to express 50ml in 15-20min for one side. You should always set the speed to the level that you feel strong suction but not uncomfortable.
Morn mummies, most of us are in the working hard to be a successful cow stage. My baby got admitted to kkh yest due to mild jaundice. So I would suggest parents don't be too persistent n TBF. Try to give supplement if bm is not enough. Really miss my son and hope he can be discharged today.

Kadice, all the best for your smooth delivery today! Ya, ask for happy-dural once u feel u cannot take the pain.

Smile, my bb also latch and fall asleep. Hv to keep tickling him which is very tiring too. CL says it's becos they tire easily from the sucking. When I try to release, he sucks again. Sighs...
Thanks nattan for sharing. I will try again ba. I managed to latch her for 30mins each time before supp and pump but she's not satisfied and needs to be supp. While she's sucking I can feel the breast empty, but I'm hoping that at the next feed there will be more milk so that she can wean off fm hence will alwz attempt to pump after latch.

Prettibride, my gal was also admitted on sat for jaundice but was discharged on sun. I didn't hav enuff bm so she was on fm also. Bcos of phototherapy, the nurses fed her on time, hence she came back w a 400g increase in weight in 24 hrs. I also agree that we shld supp to reduce our stress then can increase our production.
hi, i had been a silent reader all these while. do you experience where one side of the breast consistently produce less milk than the other? i try to pump the lesser side longer but still end up the same...
there will nv be equal amt of BM pump out from each side one. either the right side or the left side will be abit lesser. so not to worry that the breast is not empty. i hv been pumping exclusively for my first 2 boys. and i has been like tat.
Uneven BM Supply

I think this is normal - my left and right side will take turns to produce lesser amounts. Rarely do I get most same amount of milk expressed for both sides.


As long as the baby gets lots of fluids (whether it's through BM or FM), the jaundice will get better really soon. I had also supplemented with FM during the first maybe 3-4 days. Now, my girl is on total BM. I latch occasionally and pump regularly (around 4 times to 5 times depending).


All the best for your delivery! Jia you!! Keep us posted when you have popped.


I have to regulate my BM supply cos I had oversupply by the 5th day after delivery. Breasts were always heavy and engorged even after pumping and latching. In the end, I was advised to pump shorter sessions (20 mins) and apply cold pack on my breasts on and off throughout the day. I am also using Freestyle. I usually pump at Level 4 as I didn't want to put too much stress on my nipples. Make sure you use the right side shield. I use XL - when I borrowed the hospital pump, they only had size L shields and boy did my nipples hurt from the abrasion.
After 2 weeks, I can safely say that my BM production is now at a comfortable level. No painful engorgement or super full feeling all the time - I can tahan from 12 midnight last expressing session to maybe 6am or 7am next session.

Keep drinking lots of water/milo/soup. Eat well - small meals if hungry and try to nap in between. I took Lactagreek (given by my gyn) initially during the first few days. But I stopped already for now.

Typically EBM volume is now around 800ml per day as compared to 1 litre per day earlier on.
Time really flies - can't believe my girl is now 2 weeks old. Hub has been upset with the CL on and off cos she's very chor lor with things at home. Clumsy I must say. But she loves taking care of baby so much to the extent where I need to constantly go into the room to tell her not to cuddle and carry baby all the time. Another 2 weeks more and she'll be gone.

Post Postpartum Rash

Feeling a teeny weeny better as long as I keep cool. I realized that applying diaper rash cream helps to keep the itch at bay!
Hello!! Am having nasty rashes, gynae believe its PUPPP. But strangely am having them after delivery.. Its definitely a killer! Cuz I'm itching all over!! Esp on my thighs/upper arms/ belly!!

Gynae gave me medication thou.. It has been since last thursday n only the arms looks like its clearing bt not my thighs/limbs/buttocks!!

My son PD check is tml! N he is still yellowish! Can't get sun here as it has been raining..

I think I'm having the same issue!! Gyn say typically happens during pregnancy although some ppl get the rash after delivery. What medication are you taking?

My arms are also clearing up (thank god - cos I need to carry my baby). But those on my thighs and backside are still there. I suspect it's due to the disposable undies which I have wearing and have stopped wearing them since yesterday.

Hope your son's checkup goes well tomo. Is he drinking well?
I haven't tried bathing Bb yet.. A fren's mum who used to b nanny came by during the early period and taught my helper how to bathe.. So far she's been doing a great job with Bb and I left her to it! Hehe..

Feeling emo these days.. Not sure if u mummies feel the same with the hormones thingy.. Have had bad situation at home and sometimes just feel it's beyond me.. Would love to head out to breathe some fresh air and idle chat with frenz f2f.. Laugh etc.. Sometimes just need that bit of tickle.. Jeez

I have been having mood swings too. Good days and bad days - at times when I let myself think too much - can't help but feel really down and teary. Then i force myself to do something else - go online watch drama or forum. Anything really except to end up focusing on sad things.

Good that your helper is coping well. When will you be done with your confinement?
Hi ladies, Can I know whether there will be any difference in the milk supply if I choose to pump out the milk and feed my baby instead of direct breast feed??
Rooming in with baby in day 1 without Hubby staying with u in single room is a nightmare for me hahaha. My hubby didn't room in as hE need to bring #1 home.
And this baby of mine really super awake at night, unlike #1 who sleeps all the time. I latch, she sleep, once put in her bed she will wake up again immediately and cry like crazy. Somemore hospital bed need to recline up down if want to latch not in sleeping position. I never really master latching in sleeping position with #1 last time so I totally don't dare to do so and the nurse also said will I overslept if latch in sleeping position, if will, she said better not. That time in the end I didn't sleep at all and become so tired becoz need to wake up here and there to just put baby in her bed after latching only to hear she cries again once I put her huhu.
That's why I quickly want to go home next day. Lucky no problem to go home. Save $$ too :D
Smilez, 800ml is really a lot. Is this your 2nd child?I can only manage about 60-70ml per pump from both breasts.

Hopecg, try to watch some funny shows. I spend my latching n pumping time watching Taiwan variety programs on star hub. Helps to keep my blues away. Was feeling kinda weird last week..like suddenly something missing from me, then missed the whole pregnancy progress. But after my son was admitted for one day, I realized I missed him even more.

Eunice, latching helps to increase supply...so u need both methods to bf successfully.

I had mood swings too during the first two days after back from hospital as my milk hasn't come in at all, latching is alwz fighting w bb and she has to be admitted due to jaundice. Somemore I'm doing my confinement at my Parents' place and hub is not staying. Alwz quarrelled w hub when he drop by as he likes to comment this anf that. Was on the verge on giving up on latching but my mom encouraged me and so far although she still struggles and cries when I latch her, I am able to successfully bf her for at least 30 mins. Get someone to talk to and u will feel better
Smilez, how much is your baby drinking per feed?

I am expressing milk and only doing 1 direct breast feeding per day so that I know how much milk my baby is drinking. i am getting more than 800 ml a day too but @3weeks, my baby is drinking at least 120 ml and mostly 150 ml per feed 7-8x a day... so that adds to more than a litre a day.

been pumping away almost every other hour, almost giving up trying to keep up with his demand.
Hi mummies

I'm back at home this afternoon. My pain is getting better, it hurts only when I move, so ve to hold on to tummy n walk ESP with my 2 chor-lor kids ard. The binder gave me itchy red rashes today n painful at the folds n joins ard, worse when I am seated bcos of the pressure, plus when they change my dressing for my wound, the Plasters surrounding my wound actually tore some parts of my skin (surface) when they remove the plasters resulting in broken red skin. Sting like hell when I touch them or contact with water. So the binder make them worse, no choice I remove them jus awhile ago. I had these same problems with my #2 last time but not for #1.

My bm came in at full force late last nite, engorged all the time but bb isn't drinking a lot, he has been drowsy most of the time. I don't dare to pump for fear of oversupply. Will probably express alittle by hand when they r too much to handle.

Mood swing - is expected esp for 1st time mothers. I had postnatal depression when i delivered my #1. It's common but make sure it's not severe. Naturally u will feel more emo. Try to take things more easily, don't try to b the "world best mum", talk to others, watch drama to relax urself, rest more. Breastfeeding will get better over time, if really can't cope with the stress, then express n feed either by cup, spoon or bottle. Don't force yourself. Supply will come, don't worry too much, not everyday will b same amt pumped, it's natural that our left n right breasts milk supply is uneven, in the first place, if u notice, actually before u preggy, ur left n right breasts are usually not exactly the same size.

Coming back home is like back to reality. Got so much to do ESP with the older kids in the house, right now my CL n mum r here to help, once they leave, my chaotic day to day activities will b a nightmare I believe. Don't want to think abt it now although anticipated, I just want to rest for now.
Lili gal - I had all my boys circumcised right after delivery before discharge. Not bcos of any religious reasons but for hygiene purpose. I ve seen my cousins going through circumcision at primary Sch age after a Sch routine checkup n found they had infection n was asked to do it, my hub cousin also same case but was then already 15yr old. It was v painful experience for them since they ve to do it at such a age. So I feel there may b a possibility that this can happen to my boys anything in their life n I don't want them havin to go thru that painful experience, so I rather they do it at newborn since its painless n no surgery of going under the knife is involved unlike older kids or adults. For newborns, they only put a plastic ring ard the penis with a string to hold back the skin n within 7days, the skin n the plastic ring will fall off by itself. No special care is needed.

I am also having oversupply and fast let down. My baby couldn't keep up with the flow so she swallowed / gulp down resulting in colic. Now she always cries when there is letdown. How do slow down? Does cold pack helps with reducing the supply without getting blocked ducts? I kept getting it and fever too.

I will suggest to fire your confinement lady rather than put p with the misery. I also fired my confinement lady and hired a new one
I'm so jealous of u moms who are having performs and having extra milk to be kept away, I'm still far from satisfying my gal's appetite.

For rashes, I an having them currently, but it seems to be more of heat rash than has to do w post pregnancy. I found that using physiogel cleanser helps to reduce the itchiness since I can't bath.

Maybe you can try expressing a little first before latching your baby? I was told by the lactation consultant to basically express for shorter time (maybe 15-20 mins), the first few times when I did so, my breasts still felt really heavy after expressing
, then i'd apply a cold pack on the top part of both breasts for maybe 15 mins. Then maybe again like 2 hourly, another cold pack if my expressing interval is 4 hourly. It does help to bring down the painful engorgement. But one thing I typically do is I will massage firmly both breasts when I am expressing. It helps to prevent blocked ducts.

It took me maybe 3 days (following the routine) to bring my supply and engorgement to be more decent level. If not, I will be perpetually walking around with heavy and hard boobs. Very xin ku.


I have to say diaper rash cream really helps with heat rash. :p You can try applying it after your shower. I apply it on my itchy areas like 2-3x a day now.


Have a good rest - got to switch off for now and give your body a much needed break. Trust your mum and CL to keep the house in shape for now. I think the hardest thing about having people to help you is to let go and trust them to do stuffs for you. It was really hard for me cos I am very independent and suddenly people are helping me here and there.


Do you latch or express? My girl is just 2 weeks old. She's taking like 60-70ml every 2-3 hourly now. So my supply is sufficient for now. In any case, I froze some EBM when I had oversupply earlier on.

Wow - must be tiring!! How many times do you express per day and how long?


No leh, this is my first born. Anyway, oversupply is a good thing erm if I can manage it well. Cos baby's demand for BM will increase too.

Me too, I either stone (half asleep) when I express or watch online shows. Need to keep myself sane.
thanks mummies for suggestion to relax!.. i'm already takin it easy and not having a CL with me definitely helps.. my mum is more lenient, she will just nag at me.. tho i try to not be too guo fen, abide by most rules that she set.. i've been drinking cold drinks on the sly.. haha! it's really a pet peeve of mine that's hard to break!

sometimes when e bb cries, and i've performed my checklist to see whats wrong and none seems to be the problem, it can get quite draining and frustrating.. so difficult to care for newborns..

my confinement suppose to end next wk? how u ladies count huh? 28 days frm discharge? 28 days frm birth? i shan't bother with the +/- days.. i'm on my 3rd wk nw.. can't wait for next week to end! but like i said, i'm on semi-confinement nw alr =P

aiyah i shuld have circumcise my boys too.. sounds easy at their age.. now do, a bit late alr right? cos i know my bro had to go thru it in his teens too.. ouch!

any solution to colic huh? heard gripe water can be administered.. effective?
I was also wondering whether to Circumsize my boy at birth but asked gynae she said its not necessary. And the online research that I did seems to say that it's painful as its a cut. Didn't know it's such an easy procedure like you described? Where did u get it done and is it too late to do the ring thing at 1mth?

Just wondering any of your babies are 'noisy' babies? My boy would stretch and grunt every so often even when he is fast asleep. And this goes on throughout the day and night! If he sleeps with me, he keeps waking me up with all his noises. So I no choice chuck him back to his room or to my mum when I need to sleep.

Me also counting down the days to the end of confinement! I think 28 days from discharge = 30 days from birth if you stay 2 nights. Mine should end tomorrow then!! Wah u can drink cold drinks! I have not even open fridge sure get scolding from my mum. She already nag why I don't wear socks why I wash hair everyday why I switch on air con !
