Morning mummies -
Staying at home makes me lose track of time - monday blues anyone?
How is your wound today? Did you wear a binder to help you hold the wound?
You are not alone - I do miss the feeling of my girl inside me. All the odd movements and the fact that she can be with me in whatever I do and at all times. Now when I glance at her and see her do her funny little stretches, I realised that that's exactly how she stretches inside my tummy causing my tummy to be all odd angles and movements.
Tummy Time
How early can we start our babies on tummy time?
Yeah, I have to use those doc creams at night and during the day some lotion/cream that is less harsh.
When is your CL leaving?
I ordered Gobi cakes for the full month. Erm, think may have some extra boxes but I shall keep them for myself. haha...My mom bought some cakes from Gobi for me to try yesterday when she visited - not bad if you like chocolate cakes.
Uneven Milk Output
So far, it seems like every time I express, the left and right boobs take turns to be the lesser output one. So one time right side less, then next round, left side less. Take turns.
I use BabyConnect to monitor my EBM supply - no of times I pump, intervals, how long I pump, amount.
My hub can log on and track too once I sync up the updates. He was like "eh, how come production coming down?!!" Really like milk factory. Anyway, I will use BabyConnect to track baby feeds, etc too. If not, really cannot rem.
Mummies who latch
When do you typically unlatch? Cos when my girl stops sucking and seems to have fallen asleep, I try to unlatch gently and she starts to suckle furiously again. This happened a few times, so does it mean she's not finished yet?!
And do you burp your baby immediately after you unlatch even when your baby is already asleep?