(2012/06) Jun 2012

Nattan - congrats! I would advise u take your painkillers timely instead of when needed. When I had my #1, I v kiasi, ask for a lot of painkillers to last me a long period of time n will take regularly until I'm comfortable to let go. If bb sleepy not hungry then let her b. she will cry for milk when she is ready. Rest more in hosp while u can, when u go home it's diff Le even though u ve CL. Nite feeding is no joke. Imagine some bb drink 2-3hrly n then each feeding take 1hr for some, so by the time finish feeding, rest 1 hr bb may ask for milk again (if she feed 2hrly). V tiring.

Mission - I think it's normal Le. Some bb jus likes to sleep.


Don't worry about the latching now. You can always start tomo. You need to rest well at least for the night to feel more normal by tomo morning.

I also took the painkiller cos my main motivation was to get out of bed and not lie too long. It helps in the recovery.

It's going to be no joke once you get home considering you are not getting a CL cos you still need to recover from your wound and will not be able to function 100%. Your hubby will be very busy and tired.


Our babies share the same birthday! Mine was also on 19 Jun via C Sec. Which hosp did you deliver at?

Mine wakes up around 3 hourly but at night dunno why end up 2 hourly at time. Very shiong. Most of the time, she's hungry and drinks fast and will head back to sleep after she goes through the motion of diaper change, soothing to sleep.


Yah I also very worried about oversupply leh. Cos not like too much milk for a week old baby but as she drinks more, she will definitely catch up. I pump like 4 hours plus. But it takes me around 30 mins to fully empty my breasts if not very full still if I stop at 20 mins.
The older folks are telling me that cos she's a full term (40 weeks) baby, it's normal that she's a big drinker and always hungry?! When she's awake, her eyes are very alert and will turn her head left and right to observe things (baby mobile,etc) or when you call her name. I don't rem my niece (born at 37 weeks) being so alert leh..she was always sleeping and sleeps like 5-6 hours not hungry at all and drinks very little. Every baby is indeed so different.

My breasts upsized two cups during my entire pregnancy. Maybe the bigger size means more storage. LOL! Dunno man.


I really drink a lot of fluids throughout the day. I think that helps. Before pumping and after, also drink fluids or milo/milk? Eat small meals throughout the day too to fuel yourself up. I really dunno what is the secret to getting more milk!

U try massaging while you pump or use a warm compress/towel to massage first before pumping. I am taking lactagreek given by the gyn. Supposed to take like 2 tablets 3x a day but I only take once a day. Wondering if I should continue with my current supply. Will check with my gyn when I go for my checkup this Fri.

Are you trying to pump at shorter intervals? But if your breasts are still not full yet, then nothing much will come out leh..did u get baby to latch and help stimulate?
Hello All, my baby boy came out at 4.31pm today. 3.35kg. Natural with epidural. No pain at all bcos epidural but I kept vomiting even after delivery. Bb managed to latch well immediately.
Kandice -- my edd is suppose to be early july. But the previous check up, my pressure my high did blood test all is fine but gynae decided not to take the risk so he wanna induce me tml!

Cassandra -- was the epidural administering painful by dr ang? Who was ur gynae tho?
Wow ladies, so happy that so many live in the east. Good idea to meet up after our confinement period at parkway parade where good food n shopping available hehee

Mi misses lots of outside food hahaha ..dun really like this CL cos she keep taking this short cuts ESP when my mum went back home. mi so nice that I have gotten a slow cooker for her to cook red date tea. She throw lots of red date inside the pot n the drink is so thick that I develop sore throat so I told her to cut the dose by half. She no give face to people n critise me for not knowing how to bottle feed in front of my frens. My hubby's sister was angry when CL say she din even know Hos to carry a newborn cos my hub 's sister going to be the baby sitter in future n she has all along been a baby sitter for a long time. She takes shortcuts by not changing baby clothes n I really Put the message across to say look I got tonnes of baby clothes here, no need to save for me. Later I realise she lazy to wash . my baby only change two sets of clothes leh- one morning n the other at evening. which I think is very littie n my hub is the one washing my clothes for me.

She keep using FM n din feed my baby BM so the other day I told her BM first follow by FM. I know she wans to sleep more by feeding FM cos BM baby tends to wake up more. yeah I m using my EQ to influence her n now is day time all BM followed by FM in the night. What I cannot stand most is carrying the baby's bottom to wash the poo poo away during evening time which I think is disgusting ...

Sorrie for whining .. Jus need an avenue to let out I guess. Mi still can tong n CL keep saying how good she is blah blah that people Renew her...what a joke hahahaha no wonder nowadays people jus order confinement food n take care of baby themselves. My CL takes two naps each day n at night sleep by 8.30pm Liao. Tot is quite good alreadly cos nuttin muchie to do leh.

Congrats Nattan! Rest well now.

Wow Smilez, envy u got lots of milk supply. Mi pumping jus enuff to feed my baby. Seems like SS getting lesser than demand hahaha
Wow cyn, din know you are a SAHM.heheher
Which childcare do u enroll your no.1 in huh?
yeah lots of educational programs in marine central too such that lots of parents send their kids to the programs here.

Mi planning for a full month party n still thinking whether the need to invite collegues cos my guestlist is alreadly 100 with relatives n close frens. hmmhmm if plus collegues, easily 120 liao. yeah in dilemma cos my house also not very big so alreadly doing staggered sessions with 2 rounds of buffet. yeah my immediate boss n director have been very supportive towards my pregnancy n approved my no pay leave. Feels that i should invite them to my gal's full month party. Will you invite them if you are in my shoes huh? Yup thinking hahaha while pumping milk hahaha
Denise, the pain for epidural administering is bearable for me. The Anesthetist will tell what he's going to do next, so that is gd for me. The nurses are all very helpful also. My gynae is Kenneth Lee and his clinic is at Mt A itself. Good luck for your delivery.
Cassandra -- I'm on my way to mount a! Oh to have him tell u wats he wld be doing next sounds assuring!
hoping my pressure isn't too high!!
Gynae jus did a VE. (Not the best feeling ever) inserted a pill. Seems like I gotta stay over night to ripen the cervix.. Next morning he mention he will come by n access me. If all is well, will break waterbag n it shld start from thr!!
Denise, Jia You! I believe the nurses there will make you feel comfortable.

I understand how you feel. My CL also changes my bb clothes twice a day. This is also so for my first CL. I think its the norm unless they dirty their clothes then they will change it. I guess they feel that they are the very experianced ones so don't want to hear what we have to say.

I still prefer my previous CL as she works pretty fast and even cleans the house daily. But this one only cleans on alternate days. Sometimes also not very clean. Hiaz.. 8 more days. Tahan!

Good luck and all the best!! Have to relax when the VE is done and all will be fine. Hope your labour goes smoothly.


I actually read your message while I was doing my early morning pump. LOL! But too stoned to reply.

I've also started to plan the full month now. Cos some of the full month cakes shops need like 2 weeks order in advance. I intend to do on the 15th Jul (Sunday). Don't intend to invite my office colleagues except for my close group of friends @ work. I intend to buy some cakes to bring down when I go back to office after a month to collect my laptop and settle my leave application etc. So that should cover my colleagues side cos they will also collect to get vouchers usually for baby's full month. My house too small - very hard to have so many people. Main thing is to settle the family/relatives ba. I don't want to do two rounds. Too tiring.

I've also applied for no pay leave! My immediate boss and big boss are very supportive and have approved it too. So i will only go back to work in Jan 2013.

I used to live in the East! Walking distance from Parkway. Now I'm at central side. But maybe can meet up with you guys cos I intend to go to my ILs place (in the east) on and off cos I want my girl to be used to their house and both of them since they will be taking care of her once I go back to work.

So are you at home with your CL? My CL is quite ok i guess. we can get along but she can be rather chor lor with things at home. My house things seem to be falling apart. Cooking is not the most fantastic but she loves kids and can handle baby well plus she is quite clean. Help me clean up the place etc without me asking. She shares the portion of food that she cook with me, always ask me to eat first then she just take the balance.

My mom is working so never come over at all. She only visited me when I was in hosp. Will only pop by this weekend. It's my ILs who have been giving more support helping out. MIL stayed over for 2 nights when we came back to help us settle in. She also helps with marketing and just came by this morning with FIL to top up my marketing. Very thankful for their help considering they don't stay that near and have sold their car so have to rely on public transport up and down carrying heavy stuffs even though we tell them to cab over.

Gee - i must be bored and need to talk. Write so long. Shall go eat my lunch then pump. Been dragging my pumping interval to 4.5 hour now.
Hi mummies!

I have been a silent reader all these while! Admitting tomorrow , and inducing on this thurs. EDD - 28 Jun. Wish me luck as baby is not engaged at all!

Reading all your entries really pushes me on.

I am also in the east!
so many Easterners..i also stay in the east.

denise, jia you..im the most worried abt the VE part and insetion of tablet, sigh..how long does the whole process take?

Chermayne, good luck too! when is your actual edd? im have been reading all the mummies birth story, find them encouraging
Thanks for sharing, currently i'm pumping abt 3-4hrs interval coz like u say shorter interval breast not full also not much output...yup been drinking like a hippo, eating fish and all but supply still low...will ask hubby to help me get the fenugreek fm gnc, hope that helps w the supply...btw i'm having bb's full month celebration on the 15th too but haven't really start the planning!!! ;p

Woww...so many mummies from the east..i'm staying in the east too
Hi smilezz, I delivered at Raffles Hospital. Yes, also planning for 1st month event on 15 Jul, Sun. Now thinking of the venue... At first, wanted to just do at home for relatives but hubby want to invite his friends too (and they have kids). So consider to do it outside... but to find some place reasonable.
sounds like your CL is quite lazy too. I had my grouses with my CL too ... calculative and quite lazy. Over time i just close eyes close ears and get by. However if i look at the positive side, i enjoy her dinners and i noticed that when she saw how chin cai hb and i are she was willing to do a lil bit more such as help me prepare red eggs for my full month and pre cut garlic & ginger for me before she leaves so that i can manage my own cooking.
$$$ wise she is still calculative and will hint hint that if we happy with her can give more AP etc
hi tilsa and fleur fleur,

yeah now i really understand why some people doing confinement on their own with confinemnt catering. yes, i asked my hubby went to buy dim sum and her fav breakfast for her everyday leh..these few days she listen to what i have to say more ...guess is all boiled down to human touch i guess. the more we give, people can feel it leh.....as long as she is good to baby, i am okie with her cooking cos i know shortcuts are taken like my dinner rice is cooked together with my lunch rice....

oh yes, how much ang bao did you give before the CL left huh? hhahha seem like hormones waking up and my mind hor, not very cleaar not sure issit lack of sleep from wee hours pumping
hey smilezz,

you are so similar to me hehee my full month party is on 15 July too. news got to my close frens alreadly..jus the office portion which i am still tinking. hehehe since my bosses supported my no pay leave, technically i tot should invite the two of them...for the full month..are you inviting ur immediate boss for full month too huh? cos paisheh leh...same as you, i am only going back jan next year ..but i can opt to go back earlier anytime i wan but with some notification ....

yeah how much AP do you intend to give to the CL huh? i gave her $50 as an opening ang bao leh...
Hey smilezz, envy your great milk flow leh cos i wish is like a water fall hahhaa

so touched when my fren mum went tto buy me two grreen papayas when i say cannot find and they delivered the next day..
people are really so nice..my sis in law's parents oso come and visit me today..din expect...hehehe recieve lots of blessings and visits unexpectedly heheeh

congrats liligal hehee
rest well
Hey ssmilezz and Kadice

My actual EDD is this Thurs. As of last scan, bb wgt is 3.5 kg. Guess gynae doesn't wanna wait too long. Thus, inducing this Thurs.
hur hur. Kinda anxious and can't wait to hold the bb in my arms.

All of us are rooting for you! Don't be too fearful and think of the happy thoughts of looking at your baby for the very first time.


My girl came out at 3.7kg. hehe...right exactly as the ultrascan estimation. Is this your first baby?


Take the supplements. I think it will help. Drink more and if possible have milo, warm milk before you pump. Jia you!!

For my case, the lactation specialist from Glen called to follow up today. I told her I was worried about overpumping and oversupply. She said i should continue to pump at the same comfortable intervals but the timing should be shorter and maybe need not fully empty the breasts. Then use cold compress to ease the discomfort. That'd help to regular my supply. So I will try lor...


Er I dunno how much AP my hub gave leh. I will ask him. :p

I am inviting my immediate boss cos she's one of my close kakis at work. haha...If you invite your bosses and not your peers, it'd seem really wierd. How about you go back to office with some cakes/etc for your peers to share and then specially order individually two boxes to give personally to those 2 bosses? Then thank them personally?

I dunno if it's my bormones haywire or what, but I really am very thankful for the support of family around me. I think my hub is the one who is most stressed la. We must not forget to thank our hub for being our pillar of support too right?


Have u shortlisted any venues? Cos need to give time to book leh..wait end up cannot get a venue. I was thinking of just setting up the catering table outside my house. Cos there's some space at the corridor and we are at the lift landing area with just another unit facing us. My previous neighbor also did the same when they had their kid's full month. Guess after all the people has left, we prob need to wash up the common corridor a bit. Else very messy. Don't want to gana complaints.

Full Month Celebration - 15 Jul

Looks like there are a few of us having it on the very same day hor..
Cos that's the earliest weekend date.

Have you guys shortlisted the catering yet?

I'm in the mist of confirming the headcount now. Still discussing with hub which catering and full month cake to use.

Hives/Itchy red spots

I realised I may have some hives/itchy red spots which are common after giving birth. Comes out when I'm feeling hot and it's like red dots super itchy. I'm going to ask my gyn about it when I see her this Friday. I applied some calamine lotion to ease the itch for now. ARGH.
Bliss_ling/ Prettibride
The items are w me alr.. Bliss, i haven't rec ur email abt ur address. PM me pls

Full mth celebration
Having gone thru #1 celebrqtion, I tink I prefer quiet cosy gatherings.. That time was bz entertaining guests and everything was in a blur! By the time last guest left, we were flat! I getting a diaper cake for #2 and will let it take centrestage tog w bb when diff grps drop by to see him.. I think that's it for me.. Should I still give vouchers? Thinking of it cos since diff grps coming diff days, difficult for me to order frm places like sweetest moments, the food wouldve gone bad =(

It's coming to end of June! Most mummies given birth and the never ending motherhood journey has just begun!! All my late nighters!! Hahaaaa
CL Ang Pao
Mine stipulated $100 upfront AP so even though the past few days she seem willing to do the red eggs for me and offer to cut the ginger and garlic keep in fridge ... the upfront $100 already quite a lot to begin with. If i give 18, 28, 38 ... also like little.
What are your thoughts ladies?
Hi mummies, I'm also another silent reader. =P
I've a schedule c-sec on coming 28 June at gleneagles.
This is my 3rd kid now.
Smilezz : we are still thinking abt the venues for 1st month event. Not sure whether to do at restaurant or book a function room. Have to check the budget...

To mommies who did c-sec : can I check if your wound still hurts after discharge? Now when I sneeze, or stand up (from sitting up), can feel a sharp pain.
so have to slowly stand up. Walking is ok but also slow. Not sure if this is becos it's my 2nd c-sec. 1st c-sec didn't hurt - maybe i was lucky.
Mission: I had 2 c-sec before and the 2nd c-sec hurts more than the 1st. It took longer to heal too. Don't worry too much. I felt pain till 3 weeks from surgery from my 2nd c-sec. Just don't walk too much and rest when you feel sharp pain. If you did mini tummy tuck after ur c-sec, the tightening and pain will be more intense.
Mission: oh yah, remember when you sneeze or get off the bed, try to apply little pressure on your wound area with one palm to prevent the sharp pain! And very important to wear a good and relatively tight abdominal binder!
Mission - agree with shuyi, the 2nd csec is more painful than the 1st. So for my 3rd, I'm expecting more.

Shuyi - I didn't know can do tummy tuck during csec?? Extra costs? Done by Gynae?

Angbao for CL - I didnt know got opening Ab one Le? I only give one angbao on last day so usually last few days of confinement, CL will b extra gd! I used to give 10% of confinement charges but I think this time will b slightly lesser since the rates keep going up!! Last time my #1 the chg is $1.6-1.8k, then #2 was $2k then now is $2.2k n mayb still need to apply for work permit which will incur govt levy of $270.

Ssmilezz - u r v lucky to ve such nice n helpful inlaws!! V rare! Last time my confinement time, my mil came over bcos she worried nobody look after HER SON!! I'm not joking! She said that herself to my CL!!

So many of us staying at east side, mayb some of us r neighbors!! Lol
Hi Smilezz,

Yo, I will also definitely be inviting some of my close collegues besides my bosses or else later people say I three legged. My side does not have the culture of bringing baby back to visit n usually jus ask collegue to distribute the cake vouchers or cake boxes. hahaha ;) things become clearer now on who to invite hahahaa

Rashes - I oso have eczema flare ups on my neck area now not sure whether is the sweat that cause it or the dry shampoo.also bei tai Han bath with herb water n evening a quick wipe cos really too sweaty for baby to latch on if no bath. I consistently apply QV cream on the neck n if stay on air con is muchie better.

Mission- for my c-sec, when u luff, cough Too hard the wound hurts. Now of cannot turn sideways to sleep leh or face upwards or else wound hurts. Not sure u all experience these.
Hi hopecg,

I m giving vouchers to collegues for them to redeem n maybe sweet moments to relatives
yeah depending on your budget too.

So hot n itchy these days keep sweating. Haven't start taking tonics cos they say c-sec cannot any how take tonics first.

The last Ang bao is tied to what we call performance. Jus like our performance bonus. yeah my CL started listening to all what I wan to say n seem melted by my EQ. Haha more initiative which I attribute to hubby buying her fav food for her to eat hehee

I m oso thinking hard how much to give her too.
Hi cyn,

I oso plan to send my kid to kinder land as it is near home. Jus that got to rush home to fetch her back cos understand is Til 7pm only right ?
Hi CYN, yup yup I did mini tummy tuck after my 2nd c-sec done right after bb is delivered. Paid $1500 to my gynae for the surgery. So that I don't have so much fats and loose skin and flab. I'm goanna do mini tummy tuck again during this c-sec. =D
Sun belle - Kinderland marine parade got 2 sections there, one is childcare the other is kindergarten. My son is at the kindergarten side (3hrs only) so I'm not sure what r the timing like for childcare.
Shuyi - what do they do for tummy tuck? Remove the fats or tighten the skin? After bb out, I doubt my Tummy will b loose so fast, I'm quite plump so I don't know will b of any use for me. Wonder does all Gynae does this? Feel paiseh to ask doc.
Hahaha actually I dunno if all gynae do tummy tuck u can try asking. Don't shy lah. I know of alot of mummy that does c-sec do mini tummy tuck too. =D
My gynae remove some fats and skin from the lower abdominal area and den sew the scar so I feel like it's more tight there when I attempt to walk in the first few weeks. I do see significant lesser loose skin as compared to other mummies whom have more than 1 c-sec and didn't do tummy tuck. Coz usually after multiple c-sec even if you lose weight, tend to have a little pouch around the mid-drift which in my case, after I lost all the weight I've gained, I dont have that pouch or flap there. I do mini tummy tuck coz I scared lah...every pregnancy I put on 25kg...so to lose 25kg without any saggy flabs seems alittle impossible for me.
Wow CYN i read back just realised we are so SIMILAR in many aspect!!! Both of us delivering our 3rd kid~ C-Sec coz first 2 also C-Sec~ mine all 3 bb in Transverse Breech~ *sigh*
u also young mummy eh? how old r your kids?
Shuyi - Wah 25kg is ALOT Le!! I gain 20kg for my 1st already is a shocker, luckily 2nd one I gain 9kg only but for my 3rd I already gain abt 12-13kg but then my base was already high! U manage to lost all back ar? Damn gd Le! Hats off to u! Worse thing I hate most r my ugly stretch marks every where fr breasts all the way down to calves!! V v sad when I look at them! Permanent damage n like u say I'm still young! Next time even lose weight Liao can't wear shorts or nice swimsuit Liao. I used to b proud of my body although I'm not model like but I'm always on the fleshy side but skin has always been gd but now I felt like my skin look like the surface of cracked road n so fat lor!! Depressing!

My #1 boy is coming 5yr old, he was csec due to op position n long labour, #2 coming to 2yr old csec due to transverse. Both also due to position prob apart fr my #1 being too big for my short frame. How old r u n ur kids?
