(2011/11) Nov 2011


U can try searching online for the templates. Of u can use PowerPoint to measure the dimension out and design from there...

Now my dad and FIL decided not to give any full month cakes or chocolates le...so I didn't really research on it le...plus I think I will be super tired or pain from csect....so must to avoid all those unnecessary things ba...


Hi mummies,

Wow couldn't finish reading all the updates posted today! Thks Jean for adding me onto the fb page.


Congrats to you! Baby is of a good weight [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You are amazing..Your labour is a smooth one..How i wish my labour will be like yours.


Congras..Hugging our liitle bundle of joy means the whole world.Have a smooth confinment.

Jean chua

I had requested to join the fb too.

So many had popped.Only left afew of us still waiting for our turn..Lets see who will be next?

Jean> I cannot find the group using my iPhone.. Can add me at paopaochaATyahoo.com


Congrats Evelyn welcome to the moo moo club..

Shjean> I have bring my gal to see the pd on Friday and also ask abt the puking pro.. Pd ask us dun overly feed her and dun let bb lay down straight aft feeding.. Another reason my cl told me why bb puke is their nose is blocked .. U can removed the blockage using small cotton bud and clear the airway.. Dun put the tit too near to the bb throat as some time my gal puke becos I feed her too close and the flow choke her..

No worry I was told by Pd that it is normal for bb to puke ..

I think I am an early moo moo here who wake up during midnight to pump milk for my gal.. Aft eating med for these day and follow strictly wat the laction nurse teach me, my milk supply increased and fever is cured..

Actually I dun like weekend as more visitors and more comment.. Yestersday is tiring day as I got visitors the whole day.. My mil and mum keep insist their way to look aft bb but not applicable for my bb.. My bb is those kInd of bb who can sleep soundly aft a gd feeding and will be noisy if ppl dun let her sleep.. I know relatives come all the way to play bb but still must let bb sleep if bb is tired not forcing her to wake to play with them.. End up when the visitors left, my cl and me have a hard time patting bb back to sleep..

Kiam kiam

I understand ur problem on the visitors on weekend...and bb not able to sleep when visitors insist on carry or play with her. And all the elders has their different way of taking care of bb..and moreover they talk very loudly when taking care of bb...I also scared...haiz...

Kiam what is ur username in FB?? Can't find u using email...


Congrats to u! That's a smooth delivery n no epi! Salute.

U mean u stayed in delivery suite till discharge?


For my no1 I took fenugreek, the ppl at GNC told me to take 6 pills per day but I dun rem taking it 3 times. Maybe depends on individual. If I rem correctly I took 3 pills twice a day.


I know it's normal to feel sad over bb jaundice esp if its your first child. I cried when my no 1 has to be admitted for 1 day. This time round, my #2 needs to be admitted 3 days and i also feel very sad cant bear to leave the bb at the hosp. Thats why i decided to rent the machine home to do phototherapy. Whats your bb's readings? Mine was 17 at day 5.


Congrats n rest well.


Hi 5, me also woke up at 5am to pump. The last pump was 12 mn. How many pumps session u have each day? I pump 5 times only 4-5 hrly.

How come the time during confinement passes so slowly? I still got about 10 days of confinement left.. I thought I gave birth quite some time ago... Haiz.. Can't wait to have a normal bath without the hot herbal water...

So tempted to drink coke n bubble tea. Dh has been drinking that in front of me. Sniff!


Your confinement almost over liao, mine haven started! This period of waiting is super sianz oso... pain here pain there but not popping yet.

Was just looking at the mummies list, I think if I managed to go by natural birth w/o induce, might be the last one to pop! Boohooo.... Wait overdue become Dec mummy =P Dun kick me out of fb group har.

Stupid construction noises woke me up early again. Pray and hope will not start the lift upgrading construction during my confinement. Will heart pain my baby have to stay in dust-filled environment oso. Already abit heart pain she would have to sleep with CL in my cramped spare room.

Fenugreek capsules

Hmmm mummies who took it any side effects? Thinking of ordering it online.

Jean Chua

It's me. I seldom post but am reading all of your all posts. Difficult to post while working.

Soon I will be on leave this week as my EDD is on 24 Nov. Sorry not to indicate in this forum.

Do add me in. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks.

Cass: Congrats! Hope I can also endure without epidural like you.

Elyn: Congrats too! Yup, heard that on 111111, it was really chaotic at TMC. The labour ward was so busy. Just my gynae alone had 3 c-sect and 3 natural birth. Can imagine there are many gynae there..

Hope my boy decide to come out on the 20 Nov as me and my hb like that date same as his grandpa. Well, this coming Sat will be my last appt to see my Gynae. Will be checking my cervix and my baby weight again as Gynae might induce due to baby weight. Last check was 3.3kg at week 38. So scare that baby will be big-sized as this is my 1st pregnancy. Guess baby is too comfortable inside me.. :p

Anyway, those giving birth at TMC, which PD do you all use?


Almost there Liao.. Bear with it for a little while. Ask ur hb to bring you for good makan now. I also hope ur lift upgrading dun start till next year else it will make ur confinement more frustrating due to the noise n dust. Dun need to buy fenugreek now, maybe you naturally have more milk leh. Wait till u give birth then see how. Just start latching while in hosp n start pumping thereafter. Will take 3-5 days for milk to come in. Drink plenty of fluids, red date longan tea, milo n horlicks. Eat more fish n you should be fine.


The midwife told me that on 11/11/11, a particular gynae already has 12 c sect booked for that day! I wonder how he can do it.. I wouldn't want such a gynae cos if I am the last few patients, he will be so shack out n may not perform a good job.

I gave birth in TMC but I opted for DR Ong Eng Keow from Mt A. He will come over to see your bb at TMC but future followup will be at MT A. He used to be at TMC but he left spore baby to join another company. He's a very experienced pd but his queue at his clinic very long. But for infant, got priority.

Jean > my nick is Hui Hian 惠贤..

Babyzel> I pump every 3-4 hr except for midnight I always overslept.. One day I pump abt 6 times

Helloooo~~ my scheduled csect is just tomorrrow! so excited and scared. i really hope she can come out by herself, so keep talkin to her; tellin her u still got 1 day to crawl out urself, jiayou!!~~

the weather these few days r TERRIBLE!! i wonder how to tahan so long without bathing durin my confinement. wats with the weather report sayin cool weather?!?!?

jean > i sent in request liao!! add me!

bunny > as long as bb is healthy inside, and gainin weight shld b ok ba

kiam > wow, guess ur mil is too excited ba. heng my mil is in china, so she wont hv such stuff.

esther > dun b too sad, its quite normal for bb to hv jaundice de.. he will recover v fast

elyn > congrats!!! wa, i oso wan normal delivery. keepin my fingers crosses

cyn > my new hse oso doin the lift upgradin. sianz, hope wont disturb my bb's slp


Tomorrow finally is your D day..Congras..Have a smooth delivery.

20/11/2011 is a nice date too..Later im going for my checkup,hope to hear some gd news.i will tell my gynae to do membeane sweep for me hopefully can pop tomorrow.My hubby birthday tmr so if i will to pop tmr,it will be the greatest gift he ever had bt chances not high as i dont have any signs of labour yet,only just crampy feeling on & off for e past one week.

Hi all,

Administrators for this FB group will be Cynthia (Cynn), Fynn (fynn), Seok Peng (bluedream), Hazel Ng (little bb) and me (Jean Chua)

Can someone help to add kiam kiam into this group? her email is [email protected], fb nick is Hui Hian.

I unable to add/find her in the search engine.....

Celest Lam = Celeste

Iryna Tang = Iselle

Jean Tan = Shjean

Luah Seok Peng = bluedream (admin)

Jia Lee = Bunny

Evelyn Mao = Evelyn

Fynn Chng = fynn (admin)

Cynthia Tan = cynn (admin)

Patricia Tay = Patricia

Elyn Tan = Elyn

Hazel Ng = Little bb (admin)

Zelia Puah = Babyzel

Huijie = Hu1j13

Sherry Sonam = ??????

aiyo, really crack my head to figure out siang is siang....hahahaha


10 more days, u can drink coke and bubble tea liao....ren ren ren...

I already start restrict before d-day...haiz still have 5 more weeks to go for me...i think i will break my rules tmr since is my bd....heehee..I WANT TO DRINK KOI BUBBLE TEA!!!!


Wont kick u out if u deliver in Dec...heehee...at least next time in future, our babies can have birthday party to attend in oct, nov and december also...heehee...hahaha

dun order fenugreek now...wait till u see afterbirth then decide...u can just buy 1 bottle from gnc to test out first after u delivery...if good, then order online loh...


Pai sei, have added you in fb le...dun worry.

ur ML start so late ah...better rest more before delivery...If ur baby decide to come out on 20/11, then maybe we might be meeting at tmc..cos my gynae say maybe will either csect on 18/11 or 20/11....but all have to wait till tmr appt then decide..


hahaha...ur gal will have the same bd as me...heehee...

these few days weather is really terrible...sunny half day, rainy half day...makes my laundry hard to dry....arrrgghhh... everyday again chasing after the sun...run away from rain...


Thanks thanks, quite miserable now. The only consolation is eating! Wanna eat satay!!


Wah it's your turn tmr! Congrats, jia you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can't find you on fb either, you might wanna double check your privacy settings > how you connect > edit settings to let you be searchable by everyone?

little bb,

Good luck for your checkup later! Be positive, maybe got good news leh?

Oh no, my feet seems to be swelling up. And my fingers are getting chubby too. Water retention gooooo away!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi Kiam Kiam

Totally agree with you on the visitors.. When they come, they keep asking you to rest.. But tell me, how to rest when they are ard? They might not mind but its weird when Im resting/sleeping and they sit alone in the living room right? Worst is, they keep nagging at you to rest and rest but wldnt leave and continue talking to you..

Than, some guest will try carry baby, talk to them, play with them.. End up at night, baby wldnt sleep, want ppl to carry.. sigh..

Sometimes when the guest are ard, very hard to pump breast milk as well coz need to entertain them..

I know these guest meant well but it can be frustrating and tiring to us..


At least you have only another 10 more days.. I have another 17 more days! But quite happy today coz I can finally wash my hair after 15 days.. eeks!~ And because I cant wait for the next wash, I decided to hold my baby shower earlier on Sat so that I can have a good shower and go out earlier..


The 2 sites beside my blocks building new blocks and its extremely noisy and dusty.. Doesn't help when my block is pretty new and my neighbors are all renovating.. worst right? Other than the dust, its so so noisy! I cant even rest well..

hello mommies,

i delivered on 10 Nov thru last min c-sec, 1 day b4 due. had bloody show and water leaked on 9 nov mid-day, so went into hospital as adviced by nurse (though no contractions) i thk tmc was quite full so was only put on drip at 5pm. was already dilated 3cm, but all the way till 11pm, only 1cm more, so gynae said to do c-sec as i looked super tired by then already.

haha, i thk i was quite a wreck by then, didn't do epidural, just the gas thing.

so finally, delivered just after midnight on 10 Nov. baby yoke kai is 3.675kg.

getting in and out of bed is a bitch i must say. makes breast-feeding very hard as well. think cos they fed the baby thru bottle first, cos of my op, it's been even more difficult. i can't really sit up for too long. lying down on the side is not an option too.

milk's quite miserable for now too, so need to frequently top up with formula. anyone has any idea how much formula to feed each time? he's getting fed about 6-8 times a day. is 50ml each time too little or much? i try to top up with whatever breast milk i have.. right now, it's like only 25 ml from both sides at a time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

ok, need to go now..

rest of the mummies, jiayou [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi csect mummies

after reading eeky post, i wonder if is it really true that difficult to bm after operation?? im starting to have negative thoughts on csect.

Cos I really hope i can fully BM and can natural....but now seems liked my health issue need me to csect...Im accepting it...

But on BM liked what eeky describe...really kind of freak me out abit...Any suggestion for mummies just csect...feed on FM straight away, or latch on even if we are in pain of sitting up??

hey jean,

haha. u must take the doc's advice to move out of bed asap. first step hurts like hell, but the longer u drag, the worse it is. at tmc, within the first 24h, they will force u out of bed... which i think is good. 2nd day was way better compared to first.

i had no choice cos baby's head was big, 30cm, so it just cldn't come down. well, i guess for us, it really isn't a choice, so i thk being prepared for it helps [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

actually, i don't know why they didn't ask me if i wanted to BF in the first few hours... cos i know they did for my neighbour. maybe cos i had a cyst op as well at the same time? really don't know. but i could sit up actually. they feed u painkillers thru the drip.

in fact, i didn't take the painkillers on the 2nd night and was fine. didn't hurt me so bad. it's just getting in and out of bed is tougher and tmc's beds are somewhat high.

i thk w regards to FM or BF, see if you can take it ba, for my neighbour, they brought the baby to her and she did try to. sitting up with the hospital bed is fine. cos they have the recliner to help u. at home, you're on ur own :p

well... i thk mindset is impt, cos i really wasn't so much expecting this [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou!

Hi mummies ...

I had delivered baby gal, Nicole on 11/11/11 @ 1811hrs ... by Benjamin Tham via natural birth, which also happens to be her EDD date, which we did not really expect it to happen ... =)

I had also requested to join the FB link (Winnie), posted my baby gal photos there ...




Happy bday to u in advance!

Yeah I am craving for KOI honey milk tea. But then again I hope to complete 40 days of red date longan tea. After 40 days then drink water cos I heard sticking to 40 days of red date tea can help slim down. Hehe I vain mummy, figure important to me.. Dun wanna have flabby tummy wor. Hope I can tahan till 40 days after that I will chiong to koi to have bubble tea!


Wah I also want satay! I want McDonald's fillet n fries too!


Washing hair feels so good ya? Haha, u are cheating a little by holding the bb shower earlier.. But u are much better than me cos initially my first CL only allow me to wash hair on the 12th day but I replace her and got another CL she dun have such rules n I washed my hair on day 7. Hehe. Thereafter I wash my hair on alternate days but use hair dryer to dry after bath.


Congrats! Dun give up. Jiayou, your milk supply will increase very soon with frequent pumping sessions.

Cyn, no side effects for me taking fenugreek. Order online is cheaper .. If u are ordering from iherbs, use this disc code - OHU980, can get us$5 off.. I ordered from herbs n got them within 1 week. Oh, be patient k! Bb will out soon!

Babyzel, u shld be happy that u left only w 10 days!! I am just in my 7th day :pp n cannot wash hair but tmr need go see my gynae n bring bb for jaundice chk!! ;((

Celest, I delivered at TMC but not gg to use their assigned PD, will be bringing my bb to polyclinic.

Hu1j13, all the best for your csect tmr!! Go neat waterer u wanna today ;pp

Littlebb, bb can come out w/o any symptoms! I was even decorating the Xmas tree n washing the toilet and mopping the floor the day before and suddenly the next day morning, my water bag started leaking! But I did told my bb to come out earlier; my edd was supposed to be 20 nov but she was out on 8 nov, very early indeed!! Good luck for yr checkup later!

Kiam kiam n Rebeana, can't agree more..!! Actually I can't stand it that my mil kept asking me go my room to rest while bb is in the living room n forbid me to go outside of my room unless for eating or BF-ing bb!!! I am so bored in the room n using my iPad -- then she will nag that I shld resting! I feel very restricted and like the bb is not mine!!! Feeling so frustrated!! ;((

Eeky, congrats!! Dun worry abt ur milk, it will come in soon.. Anyway, for 1st 3days, bb has reserve to tide them over.. Hmm, try to latch on as much as possible at hospital to prevent engorgement .. Try to get the lactation consultant too to guide you.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]) rest well yah!!

Sore nipple: one of my nipple is sore, any good remedies?? ;pp

Hi Jean and adminstrator,

I just requested to add fb link, my id ivy toh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

times flies, was so busy yesterday as just hold my bb full month buffet at home and finally tmr cl will left. And yipee finally can byebye to the confinement food, eat until sian liao.

after cl left, will be challenging, pray pray everything will go fine as i will be reporting to work earlier on next Tuesday as I only take 5week ml.

hi Eeky, congrat!! take care and rest well.

Hu1j13, have a smooth delivery ya.

hi little bb, do update us after your checkup, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi just went for my checkup..I suggested membrane sweep but my gynae doesnt advise saying try not to irrate the cervix first.Then i suggested induce but he said can induce bt nt successful will have to csection.I think he wants me to wait for actual labour.Since my bb still very active & everythings still fine,i can wait for more than a week after my EDD.The thing is i cannot wait already la.My next appointment will be 3days later.

Eeky> u need to top to 25 ml for a day bb and every day increase abit .. Must look at the bb feeding Q..

Initially I accumulated the bm to one feed so I din top ..

Felixp> ur mil is just like my mum.. Keep asking me to rest and leave every thing to cl .. But I still learn how take care of bb when my mum is not ard.. My mil is more mordern and more comfort to have her ard.. Can even cut fruit for me to eat ..


Did u request to join our FB group?? Pls search for SMH nov 2011 mummies..and request to join.

Thanks for ur advise. I think ur milk will increase. Dun worry..

I better prepare myself for the pain of getting out of the bed and also no milk in the first few days...


Congratulating for u and ur newborn.


Hahaha...I also want satay!!! Koi milk tea...gong cha lemon with white pearl...hahahaha...my birthday wish...

40 days of red date tea really can slim down??? I think I better drink my bubble tea before I deliver, then start my 40 days of red date tea...


Jia you tmr...


U also didn't request to join the FB group...

U can try to use the breast shield to cover ur sore nipple then latch on...apply ur own milk on it..


So fast u going to work liao ah...haiz...tot can ask u out for breaky after my confinement...hahaha...next time ba...

I have added u to the group.

Little bb

Dun worry, as long as ur bb is fine in ur tummy and advised by gynae, then is better to wait for the natural labour...just Ren for one more week...maybe he want to come out on 20.11.2011... In anyway, he will still be the best bd present to ur hb...


Ur mil can let u eat fruits!!! So good....what is the kind of fruits u are allowed during confinement?? I'm thinking to ask my CL to buy for me when is my turn....

Days without CL

Mummies, I just realized I need to think about how to handle after CL leave. How to do house work n Who to cook while we still need to take care of bb? My mil is willing to help out but she is not that young n I am really wondering if she can help or handle alone when I go back to work.

My hb suggest to eat tingKat but I really dun like to eat those food...

How bout you all?

hi nafisah, my bb now 4 weeks old, he is popping 1time/day, he is on fm btw.

hi jean, yalor will be reporting to work on next tues. for my 1st 2 boys matenality leaves, i also rest about 6 weeks, then report to work liao. for this 3rd one, i think rest 5 weeks will do since i am also checking email and working at home now. but if i return to work would be diffierent case, coz boss will be paying double. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hopefully the helper will catchup fast, when i go to work, will bring my bb and helper to my parents inlaw house which they are just staying above my unit.

no problem, after your confinement and when you feel good, we could catchup anytime. i m looking forwards to it and your bb too. oh saw fb that tmr is your birthday, happy birthday in advance and stay cheerful and pretty mum to be always, not forgeting have a smooth delivery too.

hi shjean, my cl will be leaving tomorrow too. she will leave in the morning but will cook lunch for me before she leave. so my lunch will be settled. as for dinner, my inlaw will help to cook for me lor. tomorrow i will look after bb myself, then from wednesday, i will bring my bb and helper to my inlaw house so that bb can familarise. as for housework, will get helper to do at night when hubby return from work as day time we will at inlaw house. before u go to work, would u like to consider to hire a maid? it maybe could lesser some workload for u and your mil.

HI Mummies, so long didn't log in le busy resting n taking care of bb.

Congrats to all new mummies n have a good rest n enjoy ur time with your baby.


Thanks for your wishes.. Wow, ur in laws only stay upstairs...so good...everything is so convenient for you. Heehee...

We will catch up after my confinement when I go market be auntie again...hahaha...

I also start to worry how can I go market when my gal is a baby...no helper or anyone to help me take care when I go market....hmmmm...unless go on sundays when hb stay at home to take care of her...

Cassevonrie and Julia

Added u in FB group le...

welcome to the group.


I dun think u wish to order tingkat..cos after a few weeks, u will get tired of the food...I'm already getting tired with meihao dishes le...

Maybe u can try using slow cooker or thermal cooker to boil soup for lunch and dinner...then do housework when bb is sleeping... Cook simple dishes using steaming method or bake or grill, so u can steam 2-3 dishes at a time...or boil ur green veg with soup again when dinner time (can cook less one dish but have all nutrients)... In that case, kitchen wont be oily, lesser cleaning for u...

Esther, what u feel is normal. I look at some preterm under the light also feel the same. Just tell yourselves baby will b in good care with the nurses n doctors.

Jean, thanks for setting up the fb group. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Seem like many young mummies here, it make me seem so old. :p

Blessbaby, newborn's stomach is very small, they will take some time to finish the milk.

cassevonrie, really admire your pain tolerance. Don't give up BF, just keep pumping n the volume will increase.

Congratulation Elyn, eeky, winnie!

eeky, do try to latch yr baby b4 u top-up with formula, cos when baby is hungry, his sucking is the most powerful.

nafisah, my baby poo every feed. Sometime, even in between the feed. My pd say it is ok if baby is growing well.

thanks everyone for advice...

can't latch cos nipples are really too sore. he keeps biting at them. made an appt to see the lactation consultants... was using breast pump, but have been told that hand expression is prob better as pump might cause breasts to overproduce.

suddenly feel v engorged in the afternoon today :S

bleeeeeah. haha.

ok. gtg. thanks for adding me in the fb grp [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear mummies,

Thanks for your suggestions! Think we will try out all the ways to see which is the best. Think I still cannot adjust myself to the life with bb. But looking at him sleeping / drinking milk I can forget about all the trouble. It's life...

Hi eeky

Sometimes my boy oso likes to bite the nipples . We need to adjust bb's mouth to make then suck the breast wildly. I have been trying many times oso. Jia you! Btw why pump will make breast over produce?

Do you all wake baby up to bf them? I see him sleep so well just dun want to disturb him so I only manage to latch him 3-4 times per day as sometimes I miss his feeding time also.

Plain water

Does everyone drink plain water? Sometimes I really cannot endure n these two dys I feel a bit painful when I pass urine I wOrried if I m getting Uti

Tried to pulp out but supply is v pathetic like just an hour ago successfully pump only 10ml worst than first pregnancy .. Latch on I still can but bb seems

To nt get enough and wakes up around 1.5 -2 hrs

Went for the first polyclinic

Visit n the doc say if bb wakes up les than 2.5 hrs mean by getting enough and suggest me

Mixed feed her formula

N Bf so she get enough and I get enough rest also but o really

Do not

Wish to do so as idid for first

One and subsequently

My supply dropped

Drastically and


I am now on fenugreek alr .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

elyn, eeky & winnie - congrats! seems our thread gettin more 11/11/11 babies!

Jean - thanks for addin n linkin up with our names. u got mine right! oh so ur checkup is tmr? me too! mine is 3pm, wld i c u ther? keke..

oso, Happy Birthday in adv! hope ur craving wishes come true! hee..

little bb - i feel the same as u and my gynae will say the same thing as urs. he oso v pro-natural n told me he'll induce only overdue and told me inducing is extra pain. not sure his overdue is aft 40th or 42nd wk?! my bb as of last wk only 2.7kg so am sure he will ask me wait too... he hasnt even check my cervix. Saying to check only overdue. tmr will try my luck wi him again...

confinement & visitors - hearin u all talk abt it makes me wanna put a visitor ban haha! but i noe i cant do tat so i beta give instructions to my mum n CL...else nothing else i can do.

sketchers sneakers - any mummies had a pair? im thinkin of buyin it aft confinement n wear it to 'shape & tone as I walk'. the reviews seem quite gd. i need to tone down n get rid of the accumulating cellulite!

FB- am creatin a document in the gp to input the discount/bargains. Do add on if u can!

time waiting - resigned myself tat i'll hv a overdue bb and resume my scrapbook hobby. spend the whole aftn n only hv time to visit the thread now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good night all mummies & MTB!!

Hi Shjean,

don't know, i try to break off his latch so many times, but maybe cos it already hurts quite bad, so nothing seems to help :| resting the nippies these 2 days first then see how. wed will go down and see the consultant.

the pumping part, i think only refers to mummies who are starting to feel engorged. cos of the action of the pump i think. once you've settled into a pattern, then pumping is not an issue. but if you're starting to build up, pumping can cause more stress to the glands. this is also more for 1st time moms. but i guess, maybe some mummies are ok with it. getting hubby to buy cabbage tmr. hopefully it'd help too.

ok. going to get a quick nap b4 feeding later.


Hi all mummies, I popped on 27 Oct n have been reading the posts in this thread n Oct thread since months ago...congrats to all mummies who popped!! To those waiting, jiayou! Takes lots of patience at this time!

Totally understand the prob with visitors! Though I understand that everyone is eager to see baby but having visitors everyday for past week is getting to me!

Jean>> not quite sure how to do the squat as u describe. haha..

can add me to the FB?? my nick is tracy lee


Actually duno how to describe my rash.its all over my body. only when i scratch my skin then the rashes will come out. thats why everytime after i bath i will apply baby oil

on whole body for extra prevention incase it is dry and then parts of body will start to itch.the more i scratch the bumps and rash will start forming.

i see how it goes it super itchy then i will try to apply. if not i think i still depend on baby oil and calamine lotion.


yes totally agree that nearing EDD super tired cuz we are carrying the weight of bb. now i take naps sometimes..2nd tri dunav this feeling.

esther>> dont worry too much yah? it is quite common for babies to have jaundice. hope she can discharge soon!

eeky and elyn and winnie and edazz>> congrats to you on baby arrival!

little_bb>> my gynae also same like urs dun advise induce if everything is fine. let the baby wait for another week or so cuz if not may Csect if induce and cervix not open.

i keep telling my bb quikly come out and play with mummy daddy this week haaha..if after tis sat then she is overdue liao.

lets jia you! hope bb come out quick!

is-elle>> mine also never check my cervix for any dilation before. my baby has been engaged for the longest time and still no sign want to pop..

Hi eeky

Congrats! You got to try and error for on baby's feedings. my gal is 2 weeks old and drinks 90ml. What u can do is to start off with whatever breast milk u have, maybe like what u mentioned 30ml, and if yr baby cries for more, make another 20-30ml FM(if no more BM) and feed. There will be a trend after awhile to determine roughly how much yr baby drinks. So u might want take note of it.

Hi Winnie

Congrats as well!

Washing of hair

Babyzel, hehe I'm cheating I know! Don't care can't take it la.. Anyway my CL only allows me to wash today and next weekend. And I never felt happier being able to wash my hair! Omg.. And today when I was washing my hair, I was in such a mad rush coz have to quickly dry the hair and wash quickly. Hahaha.. Never felt so rush washing my hair before..

Hi dreamy

Wah, why only take 5days of ML?


My CL says can eat apple and grapes as long as they are not chilled.

wow!! only absent from the thread for 2 days and it took me 20 min to go through those that I had missed out!!!

First of all, congrats to those who had gave birth these few days!!!

I had also spoken to my sis regarding csection... She suggested to go for GA instead of epi... So, those mummies who did csection, which one did you choose?? Price diff a lot???

Just some updates... My hubby got to know that walking helps in delivery baby... He now force me to walk at least an hour per day despite me complaining back aching!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But, after the past few days of walking, I realised I COULD walk longer with lesser pain... At least, today managed to shop in orchard for 4 hours... Haha!! Well.. Bought some facial products from Sephora... So eager to try them tml... Today too shagged liao...

eeky, so are there any charges for the part when u tried to have natural birth?? Or you r only charged for csection??


Like you, I would be on my own to take care of baby after my confinement. My mil is taking care of my hubby's niece and my parents stay too far away from me to help. Also dunno if can cope on my own. But won't think of getting a helper, feel that dun really need leh. Oh well, will see how when the time comes!

Now is wondering when I will pop?!?


You shopped for 4hrs!! Hwah! Btw dun need to push yourself to walk for an hour ah so siong... Walking is good but must rest every now and then when feel too tired k. If not putting too much pressure on legs and pelvic area might be painful oso.



My gynae checked my cervix starting from week 37.Week 38 my baby had engaged and had dilated 0.5cm.Gynae still told me i may pop earlier but now week 40 already still havent pop yet.

