(2011/11) Nov 2011

Hi ,

Should any mummy have an intention to take up any plan for your baby as a first gift but have no existing insurance agent , please contact me . 82225541.

I am a mummy of 2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Jean-Happy birthday to you..hope you enjoy this special day.

I am thinking to go swimming tomorrow if weather is good.Do you think its advise to swIm with such a big tummy & im due..I am hoping by doing some exercise i will pop faster.squatting doesnt seems to be useful as i had been doing three times a day for afew days.


Little bb, twink n bunny - we r all in d 40th+ Waitin club.. wonder when we will upgrade to moo moo club.

Little bb - I had oso been doin squats, massaging my breasts n doin point pressure massage but no use too. Swim is ok but rainin these days.. May catch cold easily n floor is slippery too. So hv to b v careful..

I can't zzz bb kept rotating, pushin my pelvis n punching my lower ab. I told her she wrong direction, She Shd punch d cervix for d water bag to burst haha

Activities of Mtb Tmr -

hu1j13 havin csec - hj! may it go smoothly! Ull c ur bb soon!

Jean bday n havin checkup!

I'm oso havin checkup!

Sry if I missed out other impt activities!

Hi Rebeanna,

thanks for advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i have been trying to keep some sort of record [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so will trial and error a bit.

Hi Fynn,

i went for c-sec on epi. it depends on what you want, whether u want ur hubby to be there. GA, baby's sleepier and hubby can't be there. but see if hubby is scared la. they put up a screen ard ur chest so that u can't see the process. but if hubby peeps over, he might see and faint :p

just ask hubby to concentrate on ur face. no worries, can't feel any pain during the op. i don't know if it's more ex than GA, but i suspect so as epi shot is usually $300 for anesthetist's fee, but if GA, he has to stay the whole duration of ur op. i needed both epi + GA for my op which continued after delivery, so it was $1,500 for me, just anesthetist's fee alone.

yes, there are charges for when i was in the labour ward trying to push. they charge by the hour... so they charged me 8h in all. everything is charged, nothing is free :|

Hi all mummies

Wow, the thread goes very fast since l last post. Good morning everyone. Have a good day ahead...yeah!!!

Thanks for the wishes..


I heard from my gf do drink plain water but she takes fully boiled warm water only when she latch or pump. Or another suggestion is, u dilute the red date tea with warm water...then won't be so heaty for u....


My appt tmr is around 2-3pm at tmc level 5. Who is ur gynae?? My gynae is AL LIM. Hope u can pop by his clinic to look for me..


U power still can go shopping for 4hrs ah??? Not tired or u a dun feel pelvic pain?? I already surrender to no shopping....getting no mood to look at things...

But what ur hb say is correct, walking helps smooth delivery, but dun over do it...


Added u in FB group.


Thanks for ur wishes...u thinking to go swimming today....but not for too long, around 20-30 mins is advised by my gynae...better be careful since it is slippery and when we get up the water, ur pelvic will feel extremely strain....try to get someone go with u ba...

Waiting club members

There is something u should feel contented is ur bb is healthy and comfy in ur tummy...and blessed that ur gynae is pro-natural. I also wish to be in this club if my health allows.

According to my gynae, induce will be painful and if unsuccessful, end up also got to pay another amount for emerg csect, not worth it. Heard from other mummy, induce is very harmful to our womb...not good for us in the future. Hopefully u babes have a smooth delivery...and able to see ur little ones soon...jia you..

Today I'm going for my gynae, follow by my waxing appt...told hb about my birthday craving on bubble tea... Last night, he surprise me with a cake in the middle of the night. No wonder he dun let me walk near to the fridge the whole evening...hahaha

Hi gals!! Thx for e well wishes! I've been contemplating natural delivery ever since knowin my bb is only 3.2kg, but since op theatre booked le so went ahead.

But ytd still wanted to try again c whether can get natural delivery so called up my gynae & asked whether I can go for it. And she said YES!! Haha, so my csect today is cancelled~~ and I'm anxiously waitin for e signs of her popping out.

Kk, let's Jia you together to every1 anxiously waiting.

Jean > happy bday to u!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hahaha....good to go for natural, fast recovery....


FB group

I have some fb nick dunno is who...pls advise me...

Sherry sonam = ???

Adele Lim = ???

Esther Cai = Esther ah???

Regular Mummies not in FB

Kiamkiam >> unable to search ur nick




Anyone I missed out??

Rebeana > u also feed ur bb with 90 ml of milk per feed.. I feed my gal 90 ml per feed for 8-9 feed per day. But pd say I

Over feed my gal abit and ask me to reduce to 70 ml when I bring her for checkup last friday..


Now my cl trying to help me train my bb and ask me to learn and follow the pattern when she left.. Wonder how is life without her help.. Some time I took me very long to pat my gal to sleep but once she dozed off she will sleep thru 2-3 feed .. Only wake for milk and then return to sleep.. Lucky to have a cl who is bb sitter for years so I trying to absorb and learn more before she left us 12 days later..

Breast feeding

I wonder why some mummies have so much milk but my flow not much and worse aft my breast inflection.. 18 days aft I given birth, I only manage feed my gal 5 meal per day even I pump for 6-7 per day.. My breast milk range from 50-100 ml per pump... I need to hit my target of 450 ml per day in order to meet my gal demand... My bb pd keep asking me to feed her more bm cos she told me that bm is better than fm.

Gd mornin all mummies,

@i jean, happy birthday to u.. Special day wiz yr love ones..

@hu1j13: justly to you and your bb today.. Can't wait c yr lil one..

@those mummies whom had popped: give yrself a pat on yr shoulder cos you been doing an excellent job..

@isebelle: me too can't slp well at nite cos bb been rotating. Me nw in wk 39. ( edd to be on nov 23), today yr chkup n tmr is mine.. Not sure if bb engaged Cos last wk went n dr said still pretty far but this wk I keep feeling pelvix pressure..

Nowadays gotta sit to slp.. Worse sometime can't slp n luckily I already on leave then I can nap on the afternoon..

Nw the feeling is just like counting down to see when baby pop.. Hahahah...

Btw mummies, may I ask what is e meaning of membrane sweep?

rebeana & kiam > ya lor. i really hope durin my confinement period there wont b much visitors, but v hard ley. mostly r ur frenz r relatives. sigh... those who hv given birth shld know dat durin confinement we need rest more den visits, but... guess they r juz excited to c bb as we r

eeky > be4 ur op, u din tell doc u wan bb to b exclusive on bm? i told my gynae i wan her to b on exclusive bm, she say if my bm not enough den will supplement with glucose water until i got enough.

winnie > congrats!! wa, nice date! hosp muz b super packed!

felixp > thks!! i hope my bb will come out faster too!!

dreamy > congrats! ur confinement over liao! now can eat anythin & bathe anytime le! im so scared of my confinement, cos i sweat easily, i cant imagine 1mth wo bathing T.T

shjean > mayb durin daytime u can put bb @ ur mil place den after wk go fetch bb back? housework.. bor bian, hv to do after work le, otherwise muz find maid liao

twink > i hope my bb wont b overdue too. hope she comes out tis or next week. otherwise grow too big wait my gyane ask me csect again

fynn > wow, u can shop for 4hrs?!?! i had morning strolls daily till im 8mths preg den stopped cos of pelvic pain. now cant walk for too long le. if u cant take it, dun force urself walk so much.

little bb > i tot head engaged liao, bb pop date will not b too far? 2 wks later still hv pop ar?

i tot my gyane buay song i last min dunwan csect. but who cares la, i wanted natural right frm the start, & if can tahan, i wanted to b anesthetic free. my fren only took 2 hrs to deliver her bb, so im aiming for dat too!

this thu gg to c my gynae again, hopefully bb's head is engaged. last 2 wks bb still not engaged & no signs of contractions. i dunwan her to b overdue, hopefully she can come out tis or next week.


How's your baby jaundice?


My bb poo 2-3 times a day but usually 1 time will be lots of poop. She is on total BF.


For my no1 I was on my own so I ordered tingkat lunch for 2 months. Dinner will wait for hb to pack home. I dun think its feasible to go out n pack lunch on your own with bb in tow. Cook also very mafan cos need to do marketing n prepare for cooking n difficult to cook just 1 person portion. I still feel tingkat is best solution but then again the food can eat till a bit sian but bobian.


Dun use the cold cabbage too much cos they can stop milk supply too. Try using a warm towel to relieve engorgement. It helps too.


Welcome! My bb has the same bday as yours too!


Yeah, I can wash my hair today again. So u can only wash your hair like twice a month? That's really tough..


My CL also says the same. Apples n grapes are safe to consume during confinement and make sure they are not chilled. I ate persimmons too.


Steady, u can shop for so long! Make sure u get rest I between shopping. I couldn't do it during my time. Supposedly going shopping but ended up more than half of the time sitting at cafe.

For mummies who are still waiting, hope you get good news soon n smooth delivery to all!

Kiam kiam

My fb nick is Jean Chua ([email protected]). My pic is a wedding photo of me and hb..heehee

Thanks kiam and kaemii for ur wishes...


Which tingkat catering do u order from for lunch?? Cos I worried about the msg content...

Can even eat persimmons during confinement??? I tot yellow fruits or veg are likely to cause jaundice?? Is there such belief??


Jia you in ur waiting game...heehee...


Happy Birthday!! I'm sure your birthday wishes are all baby-related hehe. Have a great one, go drink your KOI!


Good to hear that your gynae allowed you to cancel the c-sect op. Natural birth is still better for recovery ah. All the best for your appt this week!

Btw, my baby was engaged since I'm in my 32wk, but my gynae says not necessary that engaged means will pop soon. All depends on their own time own target de =P

So for pd, issit more advisable to use the one assigned by TMC? Will queues be very long? Or will infants have priority?

eeky, why ended up u needed both epi n GA??? That's expensive!!!

I told my gynae I want natural.. He said ok, can try cuz bb already 3.2kg on week 37... this coming thurs if more than 3.5kg then must c section liao...

Hehe!!! With regards to my power to shop for 4 hours, all thanks to the training my hubby gave.. First day when he pulled me to walk, really wanted to cry lo... Whole body aching after a few minutes walk.. subsequently, the aching comes in after longer walk.. i think my hubby regretted la... cuz yesterday i managed to shop for 4 hrs, he also shocked plus I spent a lot!! haha!!! But my maid follows la cuz my dad scared I might pop anytime.. Hehe!! My pelvic not really pain wor... Juz my back aching lo... But whenever it got v pain, i tried to half squat to loosen it... Got better...

Now after yesterday's shopping, I pray bb comes out before 25 Nov... So I can go for shopping on boxing day!!!!!

Hmmm.. I read on books n magazines, I tot BF babies poop alot?? n is those watery kind?? Seems like most mummies only need to change 2-3 times only!! great!!!!

My gynae didn't talk to me at all about baby engaged or not wor... everytime go in he only says, baby ok... -.-"

cyn > thx! now im in the waiting club too. lets hope our bb pops soon. meanwhile muz grab enough slp & do whatever we want 1st otherwise when our king/queen arrives, no time to do liao.


My gynae press press my tummy here and there, then can tell me baby engaged haha... You ask your gynae at next appt?

Last week he press press my tummy again, then can tell where is baby's head, body and limbs. My hubby was abit disbelieving haha... But my gynae is very experienced ah, so whatever he say then I ok lor.

Jean, happy birthday to you.

Kiamkiam,my bb only drink 60ml n i had to throw away the excess milk cos can only put in the fridge for 48hrs, so wasteful. My milk supply only around 150 ml each time i pump.

Jean: happy birthday too!!

Julia, so wasteful, maybe u spli your milk into 2 portion so that u can keep the unused portion?? ;)

Fynn> bf bb poo abt 2-3 times per day and alot each times .. They also urine alot as bm got more water than fm..

But find bb used diaper very fast cos mine finish 3 pack of new born in 2 week plus

Babyzel, I tot cold cabbages is to relieve the clogged ducts?! It was advised by the lactation consultant at TMC.. But my CL oso says it will stop milk production too... ;pp dun know who is right... Anyway I only used 2x on my 4th day after delivery cos my breasts were badly engorged ..

I gg bring my bb to the polyclinic later o chk or jaundice.. Update u on the results later... Hope everything's okay ;pp

Hui1j13, the lactation consultant at TMC says dun supplement w glucose water, supplement w fm instead.. Anyway I got mamil samples from TMC .. My girl is drinking abt 60 ml of milk at each feed at intervals of 4 hrs.. I am only pumping abt 40-50 ml each time so we supplem w the mamil sample...


Don't throw your milk, still can drink.

See the storage guideline from le Leche league.

Storage Guidelines

All milk should be dated before storing. Storing milk in 2-4 ounce amounts may reduce waste. Refrigerated milk has more anti-infective properties than frozen milk. Cool fresh milk in the refrigerator before adding it to previously frozen milk.

Preferably, human milk should be refrigerated or chilled right after it is expressed. Acceptable guidelines for storing human milk are as follows. Store milk:

at room temperature (66-78°F, 19-26°C) for 4 hours (ideal), up to 6 hours (acceptable) (Some sources use 8 hours)

in a refrigerator (<39°F, <4°C) for 72 hours (ideal); up to 8 days (acceptable)

in a freezer (-0.4 to -4°F, -18 to -20°C) for 6 months (ideal) up to 12 months (acceptable)

Babycenter Singapore

At room temperature (no more than 25 degrees C) for up to six hours.

In a cold box with ice packs for up to 24 hours.

In a fridge (at four degrees C or colder) for up to five days.

In a fridge’s freezer compartment for two weeks.

In a home freezer (at -18 degrees C or lower) for up to six months.

My supply has increased, can pump 200-300ml each time. I try not to freeze too much milk cos frozen milk got fishy metallic taste n the nutrients are not so much as compared to refrigrated bm. Bb taking 70ml only so I am giving abt 350ml daily to my 3 yr old daughter. I think I got more supply cos it's my 2nd bb n I latch on more frequent n earlier this time round.


Yellow fruits: I'm not sure leh but CL sun my bb every morning. She don't look yellow now n seems like her jaundice is very mild now. I think as long as taken in moderation is fine.

I ordered my tingkat from Lexin last time.

Jean --> Happy Birthday !

hu1j13 --> Yeah the hospital was super packed, heard that they had 60 babies & more than half were c-section ... they did not had a single room left for me ... in the end stayed at 2 bedded, baby save $$ for daddy =) and service was slow ... even when calling for the epidural to be done.

Hi Mummies to be,

I recommend you all start breast feeding on the 1st feed. My gal does not wants to latch on (gave her FM on 1st day) and i have to pump out now for her, a slow start only manage to get 50ml this morning.


Cold cabbage can relieve engorgement but dun use too often or too long on the breast as they have the ability to dry up milk too.

Source : breastfeedingbasics.com

Cabbage leaf compresses are a home remedy that has been used for over a hundred years to reduce engorgement and dry up milk. (See article ‘Engorgement’) Here’s how to use them: Buy plain green cabbage. Rinse and dry leaves. Put them in the refrigerator. Remove base of hard core vein and gently pound leaves. Wrap around breast and areola, leaving nipple exposed. The leaves fit nicely around the breast, and the cold feels good. Cover entire breast, and if needed, the area under your arms. Change every 30 minutes or sooner if the leaves become wilted.

Thanks for sharing on ur bb poos.. I was worried if my food intake caused his frequent poo..

Cold cabbage: yes it does reduce milk supply. My #1 i suffered bad engorgement n my massage lady applied cold cabbage. After 3-4 days of appling cold cabbage my milk was totally gone. (i didnt pump or latch as it was super painful)

Hi all mummies

Thanks for ur bd wishes...

This year is rather special for me, cos first time celebrating bd with hb (we are the love at first sight type, and he propose to quite fast, end up got Bb then customary). So didn't really have any romantic dating yet...hahaha..cos he is not that romantic type of guy too...

Plus this year with a little one coming long...so the feeling is rather different...not liked singles days going clubbing le...and with so many new friends wishing me on this special day...makes me very contented and happy... Thank you all of u....


Ur bb dun have room, end up stay at 2 bedded...really save a lot... Around 1k difference... Hope my turn dun have room also...then can save money for hb as well, since he has night classes and also dun have much leave left.


Cabbage does have both effect... Too much cold cabbages will stop milk. The cold effect is the contract the lump, make it smaller in order to flow out thru the duct faster...just dun overuse them.


U really have alot of milk....if we dun have those chest freezer, only normal refrigerator freezer, how long can we store??

Sorry got to go now, hb come back to fetch me to appt.

Continue later

kiam > 3 pack in 2 wks!?!! omg! looks like i need to stock up on diapers liao

felixp > cos i tell her i dunwan bb on fm, i only wan her on bm. so she suggested glucose water lor


According to the nurses, we are supposed to place the cabbage direct on the breast without any plastic bag.


I am on total breastfeed and mine has finished 1 pack of NB in just 6 days. They keep farting after feeding and when they fart, poo when come out too.

I tot she is not feeling well or my feeding is wrong, but accordingly to pd is normal...

Btw, any mummies here got good pd to intro?

I dun like the currently which my gynae has recommended... very yaya...

fynn - i dunno whether it was GA or just some stronger dose of anesthetic, but i was knocked out for i thk 30-45 min. since i was gonna c-sec, i had another procedure to remove some cysts as well (which i wld have otherwise done at a later stage). but i woke v fast. i rmbr my gynae tapped me on the shoulder and said op's done. and i was awake. and cos for the entire 1hr, the anesthetist had to be there as well. perhaps, for c-sec delivery only, the time is shorter, so charges are less? i have no idea.

babyzel - thanks for advice. i used warm towel last night and spent many hours massaging out most of the hard lumps in the breasts. have to massage quite hard and pump at the same time (realised hand expression works for really engorged breasts, but if you wanna clear the lumps more efficiently, massaging and pumping is way more efficient) but i realised that there are some blocked ducts appearing in the armpits. those are v hard to remove tho [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] anyone has any advice on that?

jeanchua - the beta-carotene in fruits is the thingy that cause ppl to turn yellow when they eat too much of it (for eg, papaya, carrot, etc). Jaundice yellow is nth to do with that. it's a liver thingy - liver unable to break down certain stuff hence, baby turns yellow. that's why babies only get jaundice from 3-4th day onwards, when their livers really have to start working and are unable to work thru all the stuff, they end up turning yellow.

hu1j13 - yeah, did tell gynae abt total bf, she totally supported too. and wrote in my letter to labour ward as well. really don't know why they didn't "wake" me up to breastfeed that first time.

ohh... and i'm wondering if my CL is feeding the baby too much :| now, i'm able to express ard 40-50ml each time, but sometimes she still tops up another 35-50 ml :| so he ends up getting between 70-90ml per feed. he's only 6 days old (even though around 3.5kg). baby does seem to take in everything but it makes him sleep for very long in b/w sometimes... like 4hrs+ (can't rouse even by taking off some clothes)

is this right??

Hu1j13> newborn bb need to change abt 8-9 pieces of diapers per day and a pack of newborn diaper is abt 28 pieces more some brands like huggies, pamper.. So my gal finish two small pack and one big pack abt 108 in 14 days.. Find some brand like mommy Poko and pamper..


OMG that's alot of diapers!I'm intending to let baby use cloth diapers for the first month when the CL is around during daytime, then switch to diapers during night time. Will get the CL to wash the cloth diapers. If not like very siong on pocket leh =P

Hi All,

I have been a silent reader these days... and I am also a Nov mommy.

My EDD is 25 Nov 2011... expecting a baby girl!

Just a quick update of my pregnancy... Went check-up last Saturday at week 38, gynae told me that my amniotic fluid decreased and he may need to induce me.. so asked me to go back to visit him yesterday.

My hubby and I were so excited and got ready for the induction yesterday... who knows, the gynae did a check on my aminotic fluid and it has increased back to normal (gynae said maybe on saturday the baby has not passed urine that is why a reduction in the fluid).

I was quite disappointment actually... as I was looking forward to my baby's arrival (thru induction).

Hence, gynae told us that I have 2 options... I can be induced if I want since baby is at 3.3kg and baby is fully engaged... also I have dilated 2 cm already. But my hubby wanted the baby to come out naturally instead... he said if she is not ready to come out.. why induce.. since now the fluid level is back to normal.

I agreed with my hubby.. but on the other I feel like having an induction as my gynae will be away from 18 to 23 Nov... so I would prefer my gynae to be ard when I deliver... though he said he will have his partner to do the job when he is not around.

Well, since we told the gynae that we will wait... so just wait.

My next appointment will be on this Thursday, as I told me gynae that I am just afraid that the amniotic might decrease again.

Hi Jean,

I paid abt 2k cash. If your intention is to save some $$, I proposed that you change to a 4 bedded, heard that they will most likely upgrade you to a 2 bedded.



My Malay massage lady told me to just press on the lump n massage before pumping or latching.


I also used up about 5 small packs of NB diapers so far. My bb pee a lot of times every day. I think cos she fully on BM so pee a lot more.


Your CL so nice to help u wash cloth diapers? Some CL will tell u use diapers better cos I think they lazy to wash the cloth diapers.


I also dunno if my CL will wash or not lor, will ask her VERY nicely first hehe... If dun wan then boh bian haiz!

Hi mummies and mummies-to-be,

congrats to all mummies! all mummies-to-be, enjoy the days before baby arrives as i kind of miss the times when baby was still in my tummy.

i've been reading this thread for some time. i was supposed to be a nov mom too but baby came out 2 weeks early on 24 oct via natural birth.

would like to check with mummies who deliver via natural, does your wound still hurts and if you are still bleeding? im at my 4th week after delivery and the wound still hurts and still bleeding but gynae said im recovering. (i did not engage jamu massage though, as i heard massage helps to shorten the bleeding period)

Felixp:I put into 2 portions le but bb drink so little tat why accumulate so much milk in the fridge.

Babyzel: My bb seems to know it overnight milk n refuse to finish it but no problem with the freshly pump one.


Happy birthday to you!! hope your checkup went well today and hope u get to enjoy ur bubble tea craving today! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] ur hubby very sweet surprise u with a cake!

thanks for adding me to FB group! oh ya how come my FB group cannot see the groups i added. i always have to search for it.

i am FB idiot duno how to edit my profile..


Mine also engage very early. told me i might pop earlier but still no news. Still alot of fluid in there.. i realise my baby havent been swallowing

much water lately. i feel less hiccups from her. maybe thats why still alot of fluid.hee..


me not yet wk 40. now is 39wk3days.


Hope ur bb can be delivered naturally! my gynae never check my bb weight or measurement ever since she was engaged.. i hope she wont be too big to come out naturally cuz my tummy is big!

let's all wait for good news!


salute to you for being able to shop for 4hrs!! hee.. i think my legs and back cannot tahan that much. the most i tink is 2hrs for me.


i also intend to use cloth diapers during confinement cuz the CL can help to wash it to save $ n prevent rashes.

hope my CL has no complains on that..if really cannot manage then switch to diaper.


so we can still eat fruits hee.. that is good news. can we eat durians?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

braxton hicks

i have very sensitive uterus..every time i have a feeling of wanting to go toilet i stand up and tummy will cramps up but when i sit down to pee nothing comes out cuz its all cramped up!

how to know if i am having labour contractions or braxton hicks? sometimes i get them 5 mins apart and they lasts for a few mins each time but they are sometimes painful sometimes not painful.

always gives me false alarm esp in mid of night when i sleeping. i dun dare to fully go to sleep as i am taking note of the time to see if it is regular.

skin tags,

do u gals have small little skin tags growth ard the chest area lately? i have quite a few recently and i pulled them off before they get any bigger.

wonder if it is normal during pregnancy.

Babyzel, that is nice for same birthdays!! High five! where did u deliver? I was at TMC. Maybe we same hospital! Wow u really have alot of milk!! I am pumping at abt 100 to 130 each pump. Trying to pump every 3 hours now!

Julia, ur bb so smart!! Kekes...

Btw I Went polyclinic for jaundice chk; Bb is within acceptable levels but need go back on fri to do another chk to make sure the jaundice is falling ..

Mommies who are breastfeeding - does your bb fall asleep while sucking n then when u put him/ her to sleep, he will wake up n wanna suck n then fall asleep again? I tot bb not getting enuff so i pumped the past 2 days n fed via bottle.. Bb falls asleep soundly after drinking from bottle.... Then I restart to latch on again - the same problem occurs.. Issit that bb has problem sucking ? She will still latch on though .. ;((


I cant seem to find SMH nov 11 in FB. How?

Hi Kiam Kiam

Is 90ml considered a lot? Coz my baby wld stop crying if we dont feed enough and this is the tested level she will stop. but I think I feed less than 8 times.. Oh at night (midnight) i feed 60ml only..


I delivered natural. My wound doesn't hurt after a week but I developed piles right after delivery n that healed in 2 weeks too. After a week my flow lighten by a lot. But after massage my flow will increase n will see more lochia. Now my flow is just like spotting. I'm in my 20th day now.


Your bb so smart, only want fresh milk.


My CL say can take durian during confinement cos very bu but now no durian season, can find durian meh?


Me at TMC too. Was on level 5.


i jus sent my request already, my nick is Esther Ys.

bb update

BB still hospital cannot discharge .. hopefully tml can go hme... these few days keep going to hospital n bf feed her.. today she very cranky, dun wan to latch on.. end up give her formula feed.. she drink already very happy..


i try to latch her on but it seems very difficuit. i think my nipple is 1 short 1 long.. i try to pump out the milk but onli manage to cover the base of the bottle.. Currently she is on 40ml of milk.. the nurse suggest that i do manual pump cos my milk keep flowing out.. do u all feel pain in the breast..


Hi mummies,

I'm back from my check up le. Today is 38+3 for my gal, her estimated weight is around 3.5-3.6kg... My urine still have mild protein content, so doc scare my kidney is under stress. Anyway, acid level for bb is ok, everything about her is ok. And doc suggested me the latest csect date is 18/11/11. Unable to drag till 20/11/2011. Already booked and have fo admit at 6am. Operation time is 8am...

Finally today have gong cha at square2. Nice and shiok...later thinking to have cha kway teow and satay....but dunno hb is feeling ok to eat those oily stuff or not....he doesn't seem to look ok today...

This afternoon after my appt, we went to ask the Tao Mao Pi for Chinese name selection. Their service is able to produce name in 24hrs...pretty fast...but for my gal name. Still have to wait for her actual birth timing then calculate.


Thanks for ur advise on the fruits...so I can still have them.. Yeah.


Thanks for ur wishes...heehee..I'm a FB idiot too...dunno how to advise u on that.


I try to hint my CL on using the cloth diaper over the phone..she just keep quiet leh...so I hope I can ask her to use them when face to face....


Ur bb is too smart in taste bud...hahaha


U have not request to join FB group...

Thanks cyn for helping me manage the FB group....

