(2011/11) Nov 2011


I just try your method, is it standing pose or squat down? Hee...

Little bb

Ya, for me at least wake up 3 times at night, unable sleep well, sometimes will sit up and use pillow to support.. then doze off again. end of our prenancy liao, really difficult with big tummy..Luckily we already stop working and stay at home lo, else definitely it is a torture to wake up in the morning and still have to drag to work.

Yes, for swelling leg, I always soak with hot water and then ask hubby massage for me. It feels better after that.


Ya, we should keep in touch since all along chatting here. Maybe later when most of mummy has been over the confinement and more settle down with bb, then see whether able to set up a FB link.


What kind of brand you all recommend. Think I will buy from hosp after delivery..

bb movement,

My bb is still very active and use her body move here and there inside my tummy, especially below my bra line, sometimes just so uncomfortable and pain. Thought she may dun want engaged ler, should be limited of movement after engaged hor.. haha..


Hi twink

I used pureen brand nappy rush , which is cheaper n more mild than desitin. You want to apply to whole bOdy?? My rashes were mainly on my upper body n I applied before sleep. Just use a little bit n I think I could help you.


Hi simp, I fully understand your feeling n u r normal. I am same as u actually. That's why during the first few days I was very down n frustrated. I still feel my cl 's hygien standard does not meet my expectation. I m glad that my mum is with us also n she has been like a inspector for us. After cl cooking, my mum will clean the kitchen again. My house used to have ants easily n I met few ants attack cases. She cooks well but her way of cleaning is like kampong style. N one time i cannot stand but tell her to clean up after taking the milk powder coz all the powders were outside the tin which could attract ants . She might think we r very extra but we have to say.

Hi, i totally agree if we can cm up with a fb link juz for nov mum.. Juz to chk wiz all MTb, do u all feel so lethargic when almost due.. My edd 23, bb don't seem

To be engaged but this 1 juz feel so tire.. Able to slp least 3x a days ah.. Eat n slp though.. Hahaha..

Hi mummies,

Woke up from my nap, cooling weather on my side today. Seems like all I do nowadays is eat and sleep, eat and sleep hehe. But usually can't sleep well at night as baby's movements are more strong.

I dun have swelling feet or legs, just that thighs, tummy and pelvic area seems more and pain these few days. Have to move very slowly to get off my couch or bed. Feel like an old woman. Arghhh... dun like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Haha your puasa over liao? I also crave for BK breakie, but no BKs around my area serve breakie leh. Sadness!

But looking forward to tmr, will be eating dim sum at Mandarin. Hopefully got strength after that to shop around at Orchard. It's good to do more walking if we can, esp during this period of time just before delivery.


I think I'm quite anal especially w rgds to cleanliness and orderliness in my house. Hopefully my CL will clean up well ah, if not I sure buay tahan wan.

Jean, do u mind link us up in fb? I will pm u my fb acc later. :p.

Congratulation to all mummies who had just popped. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hiccup, my baby having hiccups after some of the feedings too. If I feel he has been awake for quit some time, I will latch him till his hiccup has gone n he will fall asleep. :p

Latching position: it will get some time to find the best position. I feel shd try different position so more milk duct will open. I also prefer latching so don't need to wash n steam the bottles :p


To create FB group link, it will need at least one of other FB account. I will create the group after you have added me. Do you all prefer a open group or a closed group?

How to add to the fb group? Excited!

The weather is so cool now. No need to on air con!!!


Any mummy here is taking fenugreek ? Any side effect ?

Shjean, I read online some people take fenugreek to help in enlarging their breasts... But, the side effects are getting fatter and always hungry... Dunno is it true or not.. You go search and read up more ba.. =)

Jean, now my turn to puasa liao.. =( Yesterday I cried cuz was my first day on puasa.. Cannot take it.. I really feel like dying lor as I cannot eat as I want.. =( Today feel much better.. Hubby also shocked when I cried yesterday.. hehe


Fynn, I also cried on last wed when hb suggested to eat satay but brought me to hawker centre liao, then say better dun eat lah, cos the meat also have honey!!! Arrrggghhhh...almost going to cry on the spot... End up we just pack his noodle home...while in the car, I cried....cos I feel so happy at one moment and yet disappointed in the end. Heehee...I can understand ur feeling.

I have not totally stop puasa. Just that I told hb, I need to take a break on weekend if I done well in weekdays...

Since during weekend I have no control over the food as they are cooked by my SIL, so I just control my liquid intake, purely plain water, and the most with half cup of coffee o.

FB group

How to create FB group huh??? I'm a FB idiot..only know how to post and tag pic only...heehee..


Hmmm..I think my gal is more of fast-food kid...I dun have all these craving during my first tri. Only the third tri, start to have all this funny cravings. But I believe this final week is my own craving as I won't be able to eat them during confinement..hahaha


I do agree that u feel tired. I can also have at least two times of na each 2-3 hrs p during the day. At night, I can also wake up at least three times for toilet call...I think is common ba.


It is a squat down method...but must be careful, better find a support liked railing or sofa to support when u trying to get up. And swing ur butt slowly left right to loosen up the muscle...don't overdo it hor....

Swelling legs

My SIL today told me, that if there is sign of swollen legs, means is going to delivery soon. Not sure if it is true. But what I can say, resting side way in bed the whole day will sure subside the swelling.. I have subsided my both legs after resting the two whole day.


I heard from one mummy here is tmc will provide binder if csect right?? If not, I will ask hb to help me buy from the phmarcy. So far, my SIL who also csect, told me, she try all binder, all not comfy...so I dun dare to intro since I have not try any of it.

Hi mummies

Facebook group

I have just created the group name: SMH NOV 2011 mummies

U can see my name JEAN CHUA as members ba.

Pls search for it in FB and request to be invite ba...cos I dunno how to add friends via iPad.

Let's test it out. Heehee

Hello mummies .. Going to discharge later in the am ..today 1 st day down the bed after csec .. Super pain while walking to toilet ... Trying to master the skill of latching .. Onli managed for 15-20 mins ..the longest Onli 1/2 hr.. C her cry cry non stop but dun know who she wan reali heart pain..

Hi all

Can't sleep coz woke up to pump milk for baby. Feeling very tired but just can't sleep.

Initially hubby and I thought we didn't want to do the Full Month Celebration Party for baby but now my FIL is suggesting buffet which I loathe. I really dislike that he always likes to act liberal, everything up to us but end up suggesting this and that.. And if we dont follow, we will be unhappy. Worst is, everyone in the family does not dare to offend him and say their opinions except me. But this time, seein hubby keeping quiet, I kept quiet too.. Quite disappointed in hubby actually.

So have u mummies decided where you would like to hold yr first month party?


I heard from mummies who csect, they wear the binder for support and really need to walk more. It will be decrease the pain. Jia you. I know it is easy to say than to be done. But try to relax more....


I can understand ur feeling, it is the same as my FIL who also the same style as urs. There is one thing that is similar is they lilke to show off!! My FIL has been suggesting me to bring my bb to his hometown malacca to show off when her passport is ready... I pretend I never hear. And all my SILs told me to just keep quiet and dun revoke back...happen that hb not around that time...told hb, he will say dun care about him lah...

For me, I have decide to do at home. Initially I thinking alot of guest spliting into two groups to invite, but after seeing mummies with csect on their sorrows and pain, I decide to keep it simple...only close relatives and friends, all into one session.

If u think at home will have cleaning hassle, I suggest to book the void deck of ur flat from town council and rent some tables and chairs from the buffet provided. Then bb can rest or sleep or latch on at home and won't be disturbed by the chatting of relatives....

Twinkle/ Simp> sign of breast inflections, fever, breast hottest, less breast milk, breast pain and breast hardest..

Way to clear the lump,

- use a single electric breast pump and Press on the lump as possible then used the pump to suck and clear the duct..

( Kkh laction nurse suggest me to do every morning aft I recovered to clear the block duct and prevent inflection)

- apply cold cabbage leaf on breast aft pump to soften the Breast duct)

- avoid under wire nursing bra to prevent blocked duct near the under wire..

Actually my breast milk drop by half aft I got inflection.. I hope by pumping every 3 hrs and clearing the blocked duct and lumps for these few days, my supply can increase back to normal..

To first time mummies >

Pls get the laction nurse to teach u all how to remove the blocked duct using pump as I teach how to remove using hand only when I delivered .. Try remove ur blocked duct every morning aft u delivered..


Shjean>>> I use the binder given by tmc when i did my csec for #1. It is called Dale, hospital grade, good to wear for as long as u can. I did tried to wear for 2 weeks to 1m for my #1 as i feel it tightens the wound area to give support so not so painful esp the 1st 2 weeks after csec. When i gave birth to #2 at kk this time, they never give tummy binder but instead they gave hospital grade socks to promote blood circulation which i think it is also gd for anybody who did csec. I brought my binder to kk then and use it from 2nd or 3rd day after csec. Felt better as i move around with the aid of oral painkiller. I find it helps to flatten the tummy as well as we bf. So it will sort of give support and tighten tummy as bf to help lose weight?


Kiam>>>Hope u will get better soon and know the way around bf hiccups. I had those symptoms when i had my #1 but it never struck me to go see dr or nurse on it. I resolved it myself by getting bb to latch and latch to clear as i din know how to clear hard lumps using pump then. IN fact i found them useless as too hard no way to clear. IN the end when i had fever i just popped pandanol and continued bf and it went off by itself. This time after i learned from kk nurse to always massage breast in correct tactics to soften lump helps a lot. This is impt for the 1st 2 weeks when breasts are being hard at work providing milk. Now i know it helps when i pump and know how to soft the breast so pump can help to relieve the lumps. Infact it is good to continue to massage and gently pressing against them while bf and pumping to prevent blocked ducts. I will feel discomfort, hot on breasts and hard and cannot sleep well when i know breasts r too full or hard. Breasts can be conditioned as well once u know ur body. I realized when i skipped 1 feed in the middle of night using ebm or fm, the breasts will be conditioned to suit your bb or your needs later on. Hope the new mommies will learn to know how your body works and train them in time to come. It is a painful ordeal when breasts are engorged, blocked followed by fever and pain. I still remember how it felt and be mindful as well now how to get are it. Massage is the natural enemy of blocked ducts.


I have sent the request for joining the group. Think no message to be included, not sure whether I act too fast.. hee..


Thks for your clear block duct method.

Another way I realize to unblock the duct is to continue to pump even when there are no more milk. How long do u all pump? Do u all pump when u see that there are no more milk coming from the breast? For me, I continue to pump even when I felt that there are no more milk. But after 5-10mins of no milk pumping, u will sudde ky realize that there is another batch of milk coming. So I guess if we don't clear this 2nd or 3rd batch, it will clot yr ducts

Hi all,

Went for checkup ytd, no news of poppping yet, so EDD @14Nov will be delay for another 1 week. Baby girl simply don't want to check out of tummy yet. =_=''

Hi bunny

As long as bb is healthy in tummy, is ok...not to worry too much.

Added u to the group.

Hi mummies

I have PM those mummies regards on the FB group. Pls kindly check ur email.

For those who is not able to accept PM, pls check for "SMH NOV 2011 mummies" in FB, and request to join. Thanks..

Went to parenthood fair just now. They are giving double goody bag for 1yr subscription of the motherhood magazine today only.

So far this time round, the merchants has some mini push cart type selling different stuffs... If interested, can check out.

Pamper is having promo 2 bags of size S for $30. Size M (size 3) is 3 bags for $50. Buy over $250, free a Braun handheld blender.

Other merchants are Goon, Mums & Babes, heniz, pigeon, avent. So can go and check it out if ur legs not that swollen...hahaha...

My SIL bought a few hairbands and toys for my gal...heehee..

Jean, you cannot MIA ah.. Cuz you are the admin for the FB group... hehehehe!!!

Hmmm... Rebeana, my MIL also like this... That time for my wedding, she wanted us to have the wedding dinner. Then, when there was conflict, she said that my hubby and I insisted to have the dinner instead..-.-" Then she keeps saying she very modern, not pan tang... anything also ok.. But then, after that alot of comments.. This time round for the baby full month, my dad suggested that I better asked her if she wants me to hold it in her house instead of my dad's house.. Scared she not happy.. Now my hubby and I staying in my dad's house while waiting for our new house.. MY MIL place no room for us..

Bunbunn, wahhh.. will delay ah? Did your gynae suggest induce?? Hmmm.. That time when I was in week 26, baby wanted to come out.. Then took medicine to control.. Now, in my 37++ weeks, he still dun wan to come out.. hahaha!!

my gynae said he is comfortable can delay up to 2wks as long as bb heartbeat and everything is ok lei..but i dun want.Too long a wait liao. ;P

Bunny-you thInking to go for induce?

Hi mummies,today is a raining day again.Tis few days really feeling unwell.Tomorrow im going for my checkup,if still no signs of labour,i am considering to go for induce this week.Any advices for mummies?? I cannt walked,cannt sleep well & the crampy feelings on & off makes me very frustrating.


do u wan to consider askg yr gynae to do membrane sweep for u during tmr chkup? Its juz any method to bring on contractn. Its works for me... I went into labour aft doing that. Hence i may consider sweep again during my wk40 chkup.


Dun worry lah, I will not MIA lah. Just want to make sure our FB dun have those Mac Monoploy mummies or some business merchants inside...however If mummies who have their own biz or have any good lobang to share, is ok..


Urs can delay up to 2 weeks ah??? I tot the most is 41 weeks. If later, then will need to induce le.

Little bb

If ur bb is already 40 weeks, then should be ok to induce..everyone pregny experience is different. But just try to relax and dun think so much first. Let's see what ur gynae suggested first then decide.

Rebeana > I feel old folk are the same .. My mil say asks to invite our close relatives and close friends for baby shower .. But when my gal is born, she go and inivite all her relatives for bb shower .. Then my head count grow from 30 to 70.. And the month cake, she count four times and each time the list become longer.. She even give temple friends and my sis in law friend's mother..

I just closed one eye cos I always try to think of her gd pt.. Like she will take bus for an hour to my home just to bring over small towel for my gal and buy over any thing my cl need for cooking..

So I think she just want to share her joy with her friends and relatives .. So we just give in to her demand if it is not too unreasonable..

Thanks snowpear & jean,yes i will consider membrane sweep.Another 2more days im week 40 already.Last week my checkup i suggested induce to my gynae but he shaked his head & said dont need.I think he wants me to wait for another week.Had tried squatting but no use lei.Tmr will ask my gynae see what he recommends,think he sure ask me to wait.I realised i very bad temper recently,small thing i will get very frustrated.I always find fault with my husband.Anticipation had turned to frustration.

Updating my birth story:

Edd : 11/11/11

Admitted on 10/11/11 830pm 5 cm dilated

No pain just want to admit cos edd alr . Doc burst

Water bag and sent up to delivery suite.

11plus: water drip on to induce labour

1.30: still at 5 cm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] started

To have contractions v tight

2plus: delivered bb w/o epi smoothly [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stayed all e way in ds as ward all full [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


How ur gynae check for u? so Bb haven engage, n can last up to 42 wks har. Ya, I thought 41 wks is e Max too... maybe depend individual case n how gynae handle. For my gynae think unless in e first place we request c-section, else they just pro on natural birth.. if Bb still haven engage, not ready can wait 1 more wk ba..


Also learn tat even dilated with 5cm oledi den until full term it won't labour itself.. ur delivery process is smooth..n dun need epidural...suppose u have back home, take a good rest...

Hi mummy casse

Congrats n well done ! Brave mummy without epi ! But I am sure you will recover much faster than us [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just to share with you all that my friends told me we need to take 3 times daily with 2 capsule each time. The instruction says only need to take 1 capsule per day. As per my friend Thomason class also said the same thing

cassevonrie, how do you find the contraction? Do you felt pain as you r 5cm dilated b4 going to hospital.

Jean, I have just request to join the group. Cannot send message with the request. Do I need to send request to add other members ad friends?

Hi mummies , reali very sad .. Bb was not discharge due to high level of jandanice .. Have to do 24 hrs photo therapy .. Looking at the window at the nursery room can stop myself Fr crying .. I know it normal but reali feel heart pain .. I rather be the one suffering .. Hope Tml test will be normal ..

Hihi my edd is next wk. Want to ask something about teats.

Do we have to make the teat hole bigger?

I find the hole very small so not sure if the baby can drink anything from the bottle a not

esther - sry to hear tat. all mummies will rather they b the 1 to suffer. one of our mummies here rented the machine home to do phototherapy and d bb recovered. so dun worry too much ya!

blessbaby - the teats r indicated by months so i dun feel u hv to make the teat hole bigger. if too big the baby may choke instead?

jean - i requested for fb too. from my pic can c tat im a mummy not spamming la keke...

cassevonri - thanks for sharin wi ur ur birth story! wow no epi! how u noe u 5cm dilated? so u dun feel contractions, no show, no waterbag burst can admit too? then i shd try the same on my EDD then i no need wait till 41st wk! hee..

jean/twink - i oso hv fast food craving hee.. n ytd i ate half a tub of Ben & jerry's ice cream! beta eat now as 5wks cant eat all these food!

Bless baby

There are different hole size for different age group. If newborn, then have to buy 0mth. But it best to test if they can suck the milk or not...if not then buy the stage 2...


Dun be sad. I understand that every mummies will sure cry when we see our bb lying there so helpless. But the more u are sad, there be will lesser BM. So think about ur bb, they need more milk to get rid of the jaudice. Try to relax and rest well...

Blue dream

I will make a few of us as adminstrator. But we must agree not to have merchants in our group. Unless it is our own biz or any good lobang to share. In that way, we will be communicating more on bb issue.


Ur delivery is so smooth and some more no need epi....so envy... U rest well and enjoy ur confinement.

Thanks iselle.

Food appetite

Feel like not much appetite though . In fact I lost wt over last 2 wks ,feel like popping soon. So tired , luckily I m not gg to work from tomorrow onwards. Finally can come here more often.

Cassavonrie, congrats on your delivery!!

Fenugreek: I started taking fenugreek the next day after my csec - 2 capsules 3 times per day. I bought them online from iherbs; much cheaper than from GNC! I am not sure if effective but my bb is on total breastfeed but now at 7 days old, she seems to have problem suckling due to my clogged ducts ... So I started pumping; able to get 1.5 oz per session from both breasts..

Esther, dun be sad k.. Jaundice is very common n u will get to see ur bb soon, must be Happy during Confinement!

Bless baby, I think will have to depend on your bb.. Need to see if yr baby has problem suckling the teat ... If u find that bb took a long time, then perhaps need to adjust the size of the hole... ;pp all the best for your delivery!!

Those mummies in FB, pls check if I post ur nick correctly or not hor. Heehee...

Who is celest lam??

Iselle>> is iryna tang u?? That pic is so nice. This two days, so shiok to have curry...heehee...


He just do a scan and told us that bb head is still high

and not yet engage. Bb is avg size abt 3 to 3.2kg so he is

comfortable tat can afford to wait till wk 42. Will be going for

checkup this sat and see wat he say.

Hi jean tks for adding us to fb . We got the same name haha.

So are we going to move our topic to fb or still stay active here?

I am really glad to have you all here to discuss issues especially during the confinement. I just told my hb sometimes I will suddenly feel crazy becoz of confinement .

My cl does not like to on air con oso. I worry bb is too hot as today keeps raining n can't really open window widely oso. N I scare mOsquito will bite him ... Am I worried too much?

Just now bb puke out a lot of milk even On the wall n all the way to the floor. CL says its normal... I saw until heart pain


I know ur feeling but fun be worried its normal n I am

Sure ur bb can go home tmr !!!

Jean: I've sent my request on FB. My name is Patricia Tay. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Shjean: Dun worry abt bb puking out milk. My bb gal is 7 days old. Past few days she also puke several times. Last night worst, she puke out after every feed. We were very worried so this morning brought her to Pd whom my mum used to bring me to since I was born 20+ years ago. Pd says it's perfectly normal coz bb dun know how to control intake, as a result they just keep sucking and puke out becoz over full. So dun worry[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was alr 3 cm dilate at 36 week plus but didn't want to admit cos still pre tern[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] so all e way until edd date ..

I told my doc I will go down to see him sonupon checking he say oh 5 cm den he burst my bag and up I go [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Was smoother guess cos it's my second pregnancy.

Tried to do wo epi as dun wan side effect to come in ...

Cos I have backaches before pregnancy alr[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

At 5 cm , rlly felt nth guess it's to individual ba

Cos my first at 7cm den I went down to hospital [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Currently back hm [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] having lilnprob Bf as first one I didn't Bf oso but I wanna try nw latching isn't problem but when I use pump nw less than 10ml comes out

Anyway I can't seem to join e grp? Can't find it

Hi all, I have finally given birth to my baby Kaelyn on 12 nov, @4.45pm, weighing 3.37kg. Very happy and relieved that it was a natural delivery with the help of epidural and vacuum suction. :D just super relieved that she was delivered on actual edd through induction.

Many ppl said that I had missed the special 111111 by just 1 day, super wasted..but I felt that it is good that baby is born on 121111 coz at least I can secure a room in hospital and have more attention from the nurses. Heard that in tnc alone, on 111111, there are about 60plus babies who are delivered, about 30 of them were c-sec! Must be a super duper busy day for all the hospital staff. Salute the nurses!

Those who are still waiting to pop, jiayou!!

It is exciting, painful and scary at the same time towards the end! Excited coz it's my first baby..painful coz of the contractions I had, .scary coz i really don't know what's going to happen during the labour process despite all the reading and research...But when you hold your baby in your arms at the end of the labour process, the feeling is really indescribable!

Now I am trying out total breastfeeding.. Hope that I can learn from the experienced mummies here so that breastfeeding will be smooth...

Jean, I have also requested to join the fb group..

please help to accept the request! Thanks!!


We will be active here and there..hahaha...there is to share the pics of our bb..so mummies, pls post ur bb pic up at FB to show off yeah!!! Here is more to pour sorrows when u know ur relatives or family members won't know u here..heehee

At least here won't be a dead thread filled with all those advertising...


My FIL say puking is very natural, the more they puke, the more they grow faster...I dunno what logic is that...but seems liked my SIL 's son is doing well...not worry ba...


I have checked with some mummies, the pnemuncol vaccine is able to claim from CDA account (baby bonus). Mummies, pls try to get the birth cert done ASAP and apply everything at the hospital...

Chinese name BI HUA

The shop opposite TMC doing the Tai Mao Pi do have calculation for Chinese name bi hua...so i hope can help those mummies who deliver in tmc to have the Chinese name ready for bb ASAP...


Hi Shjean

Totally agree with you! Confinement makes us alittle crazy! It's so sickening and irritating. Hate confinement!


I think yr CL not too bad. Come to think of it, she rather "suffer" together in an non-aircon room because of yr baby than to on it. True enough, it's not good to let baby blow too much wind. Coz they can get sick very easily. I always see my gal sweating like very hot but my CL, like Yrs, still don't want on the fan bigger. Say not good for baby.. But feel heartpain for baby coz I feel so hot. Haha..

Hi elyn

Congrats to you!!!

First month

I rem some of you mentioned before the personalized chocolate/sweets label. Any idea where I can find it?

