(2011/11) Nov 2011


When s yr edd? I did a membrane sweep when no1 was ovrdue 2days. Got spottg right aft tat which i tot is norm juz lk cervix chk. Then contractn came n heavy spottg aft i left clinic.. I still din take it to heart n went shoppg... Only admit myself aft midnight when d contractns were 10mins apart.

I may ask gynae to do sweep again when i c her nxt wk for wk40 chkup.



U can call them first to check out the package. That wat my friend tell me.


Hmmm im also thinking to bring my gal to polyclinic but hb feel my hse here GP is more convenient for me. I will do the research again when time comes ba.

So boring, whole day lying sideway in bed. But it seem that my legs are not swollen le...

Dreamy-Can blow dry hair after washing during confinment?I tot cannot let wind enter our scalp?

Snowpear-You also do squatting? I tried doing few days ago,very tiring.End up my leg gt muscle aches.

All of us are counting down,everyday waiting for surprise.I am going for my checkup tmr,hopefully will hear some news..Mummies have a great weekend.

Hi Jean

Thanks for the info. Luckily we can use baby bonus. Else really too xiong on us. Tnk better get my hubby to go register for the baby bonus Tom.


Agree! Sometimes hear our baby hiccups very heart pain and worried but CL says is ok. Read online it says that is ok too so no choice lo.

Hi Fynn

My CL say only can wash hair after 15th day. Sian. And no more washing after that until end of confinement. Sigh..

Can u all wash hair?

Wah dreamy, u can wash yr hair twice a week! Envious! I'm not allowed to. I think I better go ask why.


So dreamy, u mean we just brin their booklet, don't have to make appointments and just walk in? They will know what to



Tk this time to rest well.... Once bb is out we will all b sleep deprived le haha.... Tats hw im consoling myself knowg tat i may b overdue again.... Juz enjoy n meanwhile can spend sme time w no1


i will start to do frm tmr onwards haha... Coz dun wan bb to be out 2day... Super hot date..... Do haf squats will do dunid full squats hor... But hor for my no1 i did squats frm wk 37 onwards n was 1.5cm dilated then... Also end up overdue... Haha.....


But u got to check with the PD if they can use baby bonus or not and their payment method. Cos my gf go to kid link for her bb 6in1 and the two optional vaccine, she end up paying 498. I'm not sure how come. Better check carefully with the vaccine price. Cos the optional vaccine can be very exp.

Snow pear

I also thinking that as my excuse to rest. Thinking I will have a few days without CL initially. Lucky just now call my CL, she willing to come straight after she finish her current one. I actually told her is ok if she need to rest one more day with her daughter. But she say is ok to start straight away. Hope she can cope well...


Do u know the fm and diapers from the medical hall 仁庆堂 near ur place?? Do u know if they offer delivery service??

Aiyo, seems liked alot of things to take care before d-day liked washing all the dirty laundry, changing bedsheet. Clean up the house...try out the pump, wash all bottles and try out sterilizer...hahaha...

Little bb, sometimes is not that good to know when is the d day....cos make me think about of alot things and worry that hb will miss out this and that...hahaha..

If I had not know about the date, then I think I will just leave all to hb to take care and to fingure out how to use, wash assembly those gadget. Heehee

Mummies, tks for your advice on hiccup n breast feeding. I think to CL they see a lot of babies n they got experience but to new mummies all these things will make us worried. When I hear my boy crying during middle of night I will surely wake up.


Sth I learn from cl n might be helpful to u all. My boy got slightly high jaundice level when discharging frOm hospital. He tended to be v sleepy n face was a bit yellow. Doc tOld me if bb blood group is same as mummy, the jaundice will go off faster. Next day, my cl ask us to buy black beer to bath bb. She says three things can reduce jaundice , which are black beer, white carrot water n grapes. For the first two items, just mix with water to bath bb. As for grapes, just squeeze few drops to bb's mouth. We used black beer to bath n it works . After 4 days ' bath , his jaundice went off when we go to the check up.


We had no choice but to on air con for him coz my place surrounding a lot of construction. How about you all? Bb sleep in air con room?

Hi rebeana

How many days are you in confinement now? 15 days ??? The most I heard among my friend is 9 days to wash hair. R u staying in air con room whole day? I washed my hair 7 days after delivery n my cl said give me to wash at least once a week. So how do u maintain ur hair now? Dry shampoo? If ur hair is short I think u can still tahan for few more days. My hair is super thick although it's not so long now.

little_bb>> i think hairdryer must set to warm air cannot use cool hair to dry and must quickly dry it. actually i think just dont let

the wind blow too long when it is damp can liao?

ya induce got its pros as we can predict the timing and wont kalang kaboh hee.. but i do prefer the element of surprise leh..

wonder when my bb wanna come out..tml is my chkup too wk 39. she is getting heavier and bigger..

jean>> hee.. my first day of ML was still busy working at home and 2nd day spent at my mum hse and third day now bz unpacking all the baby items and

doin more washing of baby clothes..no time to watch hk serials now. wanna quickly settle all the items then i can rest and relax watch some

movies and eat potato chips before my gal pop [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Glad ur BP now under control! The doc will advise the best for mummy and baby and i think C-sect will be better if u risk BP gg high suddenly.As long as both bb and mummy healthy and well is most impt. Dont worry yah?

Rebeana>> u have a really good CL! hope mine will be good too.

Esther>> congratulations on ur bb arrival! take care and rest well during ur confinement. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hu1j13>> I think i will see what the CL advise and then do accordingly. I rather endure during this month than suffer aches and pains

after that.

Felixp>> congrats to you!! enjoy bonding with ur bb!

Jamu massage:can I check what we need to prepare for the massage? I bought matteress already. Do we need towel?

electricity bill: my bill increased $100!! for turning on a/c everyday for the past 3 wks due to my rashes..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i think nxt mth even more ex

cuz will be using more water and gas for cooking.hopefully i dont have any more rashes then so i wont need to on a/c much.

vacinnation: are the shots used by polyclinic same as PD clinic? how much cheaper would it be?


Dun worry so much on the carrying method. Sometimes the bb has their own preferred way. Cos my SIL son dun like me carry, but like my hb to carry him to sleep, also dun his own father way, but like his mummy and his auntie way...so different ppl have different method. Just let them be

Agreed with evelyn on the hiccups issue too. Just take it easy.

The most I heard about no washing hair is 12 days. But I check with my CL, she say 7 days can wash already. But have to use hair dryer hot air blow dry to prevent the wetness get into our head.

So mummies to be, my suggestion is to chop off our hair to short to prevent the uncomfy. I just chop off my long hair last month, it is very refreshing. Heehee.

Today my first day have been keep lying in bed, only get up for toilet call and meals. Can't imagine how to survive till next week. So tempted to go out with my SIL tmr for swimming and Tim sum...but hb grounded me for my own good. Haiz...sad


Thanks for your concern. Huh now then u start washing bb clothing...got sun meh??? Nowsadays the sun is working only half day...better just wash a few pieces that is important first. The rest can wait till CL is here to help u. Dun overwork out.

Hahaha, I also agreed to have potato chip with hk serials is the best thing that I can think of now. Hahaha. Best is with a mug of cold coke!!! Yeah!!!

Jamu massage require a mattress and old big towel to prevent the jamu oil drip onto ur matters. I very KS, I prepare 2 old big towel for double protection. Heehee.

Hi mummies , feel better now .. I try to bf bb but seems no milk is coming out.. I try to latch her on a few times but seems she crying non stop .. End up I feed her fb

Anyway jus now CNA come cos my bb is is the 1st to be born in KKH .. They come down for interview .. It will showing in channel 5 at 9:30 n 1000 at CNA .. Reali unexpected..

jean/twink - gee i din noe jamu massage will b messy n need these. i beta prepare now too! n i oso crave for potato chips! had calbee hot & spicy ytd n end up heartburn.. i'll take sour cream nex hee.. yes jean, it pair v well with coke and root beer too!

jean - if ur csect date is 20th n my bb is on time, i may c u at TMC haha! then we b thick-skinned n ask glass bottles n FM sample n hopefully can get as much as Felixp got it.

Felixp - thanks for sharin ur goodies so we noe wat we can try to get.

snowpear/little bb - i oso started doin squats and some spot-massage. hope body is co-operative n will react to it.

shjean - thanks for ur info on treatin jaundice. it's reali unheard of n glad it helps! hope i dun hv to use it thou hee..

hi mummies,

see attached difference in bottles for avant.


wow esther! Natalie is already a star before she knows it! i supposed they r airing today? i'll take a look at it later! double congrats!

Loose tshirts- anyone know where to get nice cheap tshirts to wear at home? i use to buy from baleno but i think all close down in sg already. need to wear them during my confinement. i cant stand those button tops..make my chest n stomach itchy.

Jean>> me actually already washed most of my bb clothes. but just now went through another bag of hand me downs and found more mittens and booties so washed them too! trying to do keep active so bb might pop earlier haha.. now left the bedsheets for CL bed and the stroller and baby carrier's canvas.

yesssss its a must have coke and potato chips to watch shows! if not will feel like not shiok hee..

Ohh so the towel is to put on the mattress.. i thought is to put on our body when she massage and wipe after we are done. so we will just reuse the towel until the entire package finish or need to wash or not ah? if need to then have to prepare alot of towels. i realise i dont have alot of big towels. mb go buy some tml after chkup.

me gonna go prepare for dinner outside! celebrating wedding anniversary with hubby tonite!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

enjoy ur wkend!!


Wah later I will go and watch Ch5 for you and baby!


Oh need to prepare mattress and towels wan ah? Didn't know that, I better check with my massage lady tmr. I still thought they will bring around a portable massage table or something =P

Hi all,

Baby out on 9.11.2011 at week 39th weighing 3.42kg...

Details updated...

Finally managed to be walking around at ease after c-sect...

First day getting out of bed is really killing, but its getting better as days go by... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And i feel the wind pain is worse than wound pain on the first...

Any c-sect mummt also experiencing that?


Will sure tune channel 5 for that...

Hey Zannie, congrats!!! Have a good confinement!

I think I feel more pain from the wound or maybe it's becos I forget to take my painkillers during mid day due to all the busyness of bringing bb home today... But I kept farting though.. ;pp

1st day w confinement lady from PEM - a young auntie from Penang ... She's fine so far and receptive to watever we told her.. However, she doesn't seems to be very experienced but okay ... We r keeping our fingers crossed!!

But I freaking can't stand the mess in my hse now.. Crowding w newborn hampers/ gifts.. Kitchen is full of confinement herbs/ stuff, can't even see the table top ...

Weight: I realized I only lost 2.5 kg of the 15 kg of weight I've gained!!! So sad leh... ;((

Hi Shjean

I'm in my 11th day of confinement. My hair is shoulder length so I tie them up but it's really unbearable! Luckily I can wash them next Mon. Totally looking forward to it!

Than do u all bath everyday? I can only bath once a week but I wipe my body with soap daily..

Jamu massage

Your massage lady will advice u but yes, u need 2 big towels.

Any one of you engage your own PD to go down to hospital when u give birth instead of using the hospital assigned PD? My hubby's friend told him to do so but I don't think there is a need... Haiz...

hi zanine

Congrats!! I had c section also. First day to walk was like hell but these days I experienced the pain like want to pass Motion but cannot come out n end up pass gas only. Are you having the same feeling? My mum said must eat 乌金丸.

Hi felixp , I know your feeling n the first day I came back from hospital I was like mad oso. After few days you will get used to it. I am still counting down to the end of my confinement although I know without CL I will be like headless chicken at first.

Hi Rebeana

My first herbal bath is after 9 days and after that I bath everyday coz I got quite bad heat rashes. Think CL saw my rashes a bit worried oso.

CL n breastfeeding

Does your CL support ur breastfeeding / latch on bb?


Congratulating to you and natalie. She become a bb star on the first day. Cool sia. Heehee. Too bad I miss the news cos I was at my in law place playing with my two French nephews.


Oh ya the calbee hot and spicy..super nice to go with coke or a&w root beer. Shiok shiok. Do u know that tmc taxi stand there, sometimes have a van that come by selling potato chips and keropok. Happen to saw the uncle yesterday, I just begged my hb to buy me 3 pkt. Heehee... End up last nite having heartburn after eating half pack.

Oh, of cos must be thick skin to ask from the nurse liked Felixp. Hahaha...maybe if my gynae agree on that date without surcharge and ur bb is on time. Then we can meet there. Heehee...I'm staying in one bedded. U??


I also not sure do we need to wash the towel leh, cos for 5 consecutive days of massage. Maybe just prepare 2 ones Loh...if not bring out those old clothes to cover the mattress then use the towels to cover ourself.... Dun think need to prepare alot...

U can buy from hang ten, their big tee comfy and not too thick.

Congratulating to ur anniversary. Enjoy a romantic 2 persons world now...heehee


Thanks for ur info on the bottles.


Better check with ur massage lady, what is the things she require u to prepare.


Congratulating to u and ur newborn. Enjoy ur entry to moo moo club. Heehee...have a smooth delivery.


Keep cool and relax. Dun be pek chek. Jia you. It might not be as bad as she seems. Maybe also first time at ur place, dunno where u put ur stuff..sure will kalan kahpo at while...


What is 乌金丸? what is that for?? For csect mummies only??

Felixp - dun worry abt d weight, I'm sure U'll lose it if u continue to Bf. Oso ur uterus will contract if u Bf so U'll b slim again!

Shjean- so is ur heat rash beta now? Does ur cl has methods to treat u? Prob can't cook too heaty stuff for u ya?

Fynn- no need ask pd go down Ba.. Unless no extra charge?

Jean- I oso opt for single bedded. Hope they hv room for us on tis hot date hor. Ive a fren who was asked to top up $130 to a higher class 1-bed. Ohya I oso usin medela freestyle n will search for video online to learn how to use. Thanks!

I went ther so many x for checkup But Nv c d uncle! lucky u!


I saw you on news just now..Its indeed a nice date,i am very happi for you.


Congras..take care & have a smooth delivery.


Tomorrow our turn for checkup,hope we can hear some good news.


I had prepared a matteress,a big & small towel.The big towel must be big enough for your body.Smaller towel is to cover parts of body and wipe off the oil.

Hi thanks mummies given birth last night 11/11/11 as well finally lil gal came

Out ..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] natural v birth


Hopefully they have bed for us. Huh ask to top up for suite!!! I will rather take 2 bedded if no room for me.

Thanks for the cna news link on Esther.


Congratulating to u and ur newborn. Jia you in ur moo moo career. Update us when u settle down. Have a good confinement.

hi little bb, i use hot air dryer, not cool air. anyway, after bath and hot air dry my hair, I will be perspirating, not cooling at all. also i will drink a cup of red date after bath to make the body warm. but at least i get to wash my hair and not so oily.

hi rebeana, i think as long as u blow dry your hair after you wash should be ok ba. else greasy will also make oneself feel "pekchek" and the pillow will also dirty? anyway my cl just remind me to blow dry my hair thoroughly when she saw my hair is still wet a bit. oh, btw i using those herbal shampoo for confinement shampoo, so far still ok. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

jab injection @ polyclinic for new born bb on the 1st month, just walk in and bring the health booklet and the birthcert. they will guide u where to register. as bb is new born, so there is no much waiting time. after the 1st jab, they will arrange the next appt for bb for the 2nd jab etc.

hi jean, unfortunately, the medical hall 仁庆堂 near my place does not provide delivery, that the bad part of it even though we want to order in buck qty. but lucky is near by place, so we just went there to buy about twice a mth.

oh on regard jamu massage, i use 2 big towels 1 place on the mattress from getting oily and another to cover the body so will not get cold during the massage. also i put a pillow for headrest (a face towel)- option for pillow

hi felixp, i think is the water retention, dun worry the weight, as time go by, you will get lighter. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] take good care and have a good confinement. hv much bed rest as possbile.

hi iselle & Cassevonrie, congrate on your newborn, 11 nov 11 nice date and easy to rememeber.


Yah.. Experienced that too.

Lots of gas these days. Stomach very bloated too and sometimes is like inner organs all entangled up... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hope will feel better when home.

Now my thigh and butt area all rashes, bumps all over n real itchy. Dun know if it is heat rash or wat. Gynae just say hormones change...

Thanks for all the well wishes

Cassevonrie, congrats on ur arrival of newborn..have more rest...later shall update us of ur delivery story.

This morning has some tummy cramp, but go off after I wake up...hee...false alarm...

Oh would like check with mummy who use philips avent sterilizer, how much water to put for each steam?

All the best to the mummies who are popping soon... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

The feeling when seeing the baby is so much more blessed..

Do look forward...

Started breastfeeding the day before, think still need some time to master how to carry the baby into feeding position..

Their neck is still too soft for me to handle.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

But feeding really does bring closeness btw mummy and baby.. That is sometime which I dun believe till I experienced it...


I am using that...

There is a little mug which was given in the box when purchased. You can use that to measure...

Just need to fill to the line which was indicted...

Congrats Cassevonrie.. Welcome to moo moo club..

Congrats Esther ..

Yesterday spent the whole afternoon on pd and breast doc..

As decide to bring my bb back to Kkh pd as found that they more prof than polyclinic who keep insist my bb is yellowish but yet pd say she dun look yellow at all and blood test is 86..

Finally got reason why I Keep having fever... I din know bf can cause breast inflection ... Yesterday got laction nurse to remove the lump which caused the inflection... Suddenly find breast feeding is not as easy as what I imagine.,

Congrats Zannie & cassevonrie


Caught you on tv last night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Yeah I tink there is a little cup to measure the amt of water. Mine says to use 90ml.


Hope your fever has subsided, dun let it develop to Mastitis. Take care!


If ur sterilizer is a handed down. Better descale them before u start using for ur bb.

Mixed 1/3 vinegar with 2/3 water to start the operation. Then. Remove the water, then steam again with clean water to remove the sourness from vinegar.

Kiam kiam

I think u make a right choice of gg back to kkh for consultation. Rest more ya.

Zannie, Shjean

Is a lot gas in tummy very common for csect?

Zannie, is the rashes very horrible? Do u have during ur pregy?

I start to worry for my turn.

Congrats to all mommies who just popped [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Kiam>>> Hope u r getting better. I used to have fever due to engorement and i just took pandanol. I believe i over pump or din know how to clear the blocked ducts. Hope all be ok for u. This time i am also watching out for that, scared as well.


I thought all mommies regardless natural or csec have wind. Need to take su he yuan to expel wind for u to pass gas out.


If she breaks biget, dropped clothes (my daughter' doll and now pants) 2x while hanging them out to dry, washing dishes or floor but not thorough, wash too much or clumsy wet my floor mat under the pipe that i asked her to hand wash and drip dry before hanging. Are these common hiccups during the 1st 2 weeks. Not keen to hand wash bb nappy as she claims same price as diaper if u use water, detergent to wash. She wd use washing machine to tumble dry the bb clothes. When she hand washes her clothes, she wd also use washer to tumble dry every night. Hence we use diaper instead of nappy thoughI have another 2 weeks with her. On the whole she is ok, cheerful, cooks averagely and willing to clean up the place i requested. Maybe I'm a very particular mom who did my own washing, cleaning and cooking so I do check and observe everyday. I ask my hb to do all marketing as i do not believe in giving cl money to buy as i dun know how much i can trust her. It is also a way for hb to learn and know that marketing and juggling to take care of daughter is not easy. She is recommended by my friend and so i use her as she is freelance and cheaper than agency. However she does not take care of my daughter as she wd charge separately. Only ask her to send daughter downstairs for school bus on days when hb is not free.

During the free time we do chat and i wd give advice on her children to come to sg to work various industry and where to get fit flop, clothing for herself and kids. She is not careful with using my utensils esp the wok. So those exp cookware and pans, i already keep them letting her use things i can tolerate. I do close one eye on how she use my cookware and wd need to do a thorough scrub and wash on them when she leaves. When she saw the 2 iPad my family have she wd ask. Then just now she just take and accidentally dropped the newest iPad on the dinning table belonging to hb and so i deduce she is just as clumsy/ butter finger as i am. I am also worried how she handled my washing machine so i wd always tune for her after her spin job done every night.

Now this morning she dropped my daughter' pants while hanging the laundry and it dropped onto the aircon ledge of neighbor. She did not volunteer to say she will go to the neighbor and ask them to use bamboo stick to push the pants down to floor. So I'm asking hb to go to downstairs later to check if neighbor around and willing to help to push the daughter' pants down to the ground floor so we can pick it up and bring home. It is not a lot of money and i believe neighbor wd help if we come forward. She doesn't like aircon so never on and let the fan blow towards the wall for bb. I put a tv for her in the bb room to watch in her free time afternoon or night since i have spare tv. I think on the whole she is gd but not exceptionally fantastic in her work. However her cheerfulness is impt to ensure things are done.

Now I'm deliberating to give red packet of $100 at the end of assignment. Probably wd give between $60 and $80 depending on her last day of work with us. With all these being observed, this wd determine the end of assignment red packet I'm giving her. What do u think abt my cl and yours. Am i being too strict? Maybe I'm just letting off my steam here. Haiz by closing my eyes and being kind and not scold, i just tell her how i want things to be done. Those too menial, i just keep quiet.

Hi mummies.

I'm so boring that nothing to do but went into dec 2011 thread, it become a sales and adv thread. Most of the mummies are gone...haiz...

Hopefully our is still so chatty and in a few weeks time, ours will be liked oct thread talking out BF, latching etc...hahahaha.

Is there any FB link for nov mummies?? At least there is pic of everyone..hahaha..

Finally I cured my craving just now...BK Bacon Meal!!! So happy, hb finally agreed to buy after my few days of puasa.... :D

Though I know I sure will have heartburn tonight, but the thought of unable to eat for next 5 weeks makes me willing to take the risk. Hahaha

Simp, is ok to voice up about ur CL here.... Forum is one of the best way to relieve stress. Hehehe...

Simp, it will be my first time using CL, so not sure how good as mine and to compare. If you still able accept some of her minor mistake n since she is cheerful and not tat kind of calculate person, may just tolerate her for 2 more wks. Really some unhappy things maybe you can try talk to her. How your hubby feel about her?

Cyn, thks for the info. So, it is actually 90ml.

Jean, I also feel bored today. Sob, just now do a facial and trim my eyebrow. Since haven pop, just try be a pretty mummy lor.. later may busy on recovery and start my moo moo club mar..

My son still go school, so when weekday, I will help prepare his schooling or bring him down. Next week if monday checkup ok, I may need to wait one more wk at home le.. haiz.

Sob, have time I just come this forum and see what is updating.. hee.. it really a good place to ease my anxiety of wating.. hee..

Hi simp, yes yes. I tOok su he yuan also but still got gas come out. I described the feeling to my mum. She says it's due to Uterus shrink. Is it true?

My rashes is getting better n I uses my bb nappy rash cream to apply. It works!


Mummies who had c section, are you still using the binder? How long should we use it? I just took a close look at my wound. Cannot imgine my bb was come out from there.


If we ask massage lady they will say after one week can start for c section. But my frirnds who did c section all start massage after one month. I think it's better to be safe. To heal the scar completely is more important.

Hi today suppose to go for my checkup but last mIn my gynae nurse call & told me doc had went for delivery so told me to go down on monday.Haiz..i am still looking forward for my checkup today.Every night while sleeping i experience crampy feeling so didnt have a good sleep for many days.My left leg oso very aching,couldnt lift up my left leg at all.I am not happy,poor sleep,poor appetite.

Esther>>your baby is on TV hee.. so nice got interview somemore

congrats to zannie and cassevonrie!! when is my turn??? hee.. enjoy bonding with ur baby and start of ur moo moo club!

Jean>> thanks for your wishes! we went to akanoya robatayaki at orchard parade hotel and din realise it was such an expensive dinner!!!

.most ex i have had so far..haha.. one last indulgence before bb pop.will go check out hang ten tml! thinkin of getting hair cut short before confinement. its tickling my neck and very messy. i also want to eat BK! i am craving BK breastfast crossant. too bad they dun have delivery..too lazy to go get it in the morning.

little_bb>> how was ur checkup? mine still everything normal but doc say water slighter lesser already. hopefully she will come out before 19nov if not

will discuss when to induce during my nxt last appt. i think shld try to walk alot alot these few days to induce labour..

kiamkiam>> how did u realise u have breast infection?? is it painful to remove lump?? gosh.. how to prevent that? do take care..

Simp>> i think most imptly she still can do her job and not giving major issues so maybe can close 1 eye. I have heard worst stories abt CL being lazy

and not taking care or cooking good and nutritious food for the mummies and i think its quite terrible.

jean/evelyn>> i do hope our thread will still be active after most of us pop. we shld continue to keep in touch! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ya is there a FB link?

shjean>> can we use the desitin for our own rashes during pregnancy??? now i am contemplating using it to apply for my puppp haha..but if use the whole tube will gone very fast..i apply whole body cuz whole body will itch.

i have already finished using my girl's bb oil and bought another bottle back to replace hers..

little_bb>> just refeshed the screen again hee.. saw ur post. do try to get ur hubby help massage ur legs if its swelling? i'm sure will have good news on monday! try to stay positive and i am sure our bb going to pop soon!! watch comedies, eat ur fav food and do things u enjoy yeah?


fb link

i think there is a fb link in the beginning of the archive...but the adminstrator seems liked MIA and not active le. Wonder if we can set up a new one..then we can share our bb pic there after we pop..hahaha..


Hahaha I miss BK breakfast too...too bad they dun provide delivery...haha...I think we are the two noti mummy to be who keep having craving before delivery...So Pai sei to moo moo club mummies.

You can try to more squatting according to my yoga instructor. use ur feet to tip toe to support ur weight and swim ur butt left and right slowly. It will help to loosen the pelvic muscle. but Only do it after week 38. roughly 10 times a day...


You can use this time to accompany ur no 1 more. I do agree with u, here is a good place to kill time. Sometimes I can type a post for 30 mins. heehee.

Little bb,

Dun be unhappy. It is part of the pregny..I also feel unable to sleep, and keeps wake up at 4am or 5am till 9am everyday then dose off again....Dun be disappointed today ur doc is not available. Relax and you will be happy to see ur bb on mon le..Enjoy your weekend with hb.


How is the lump removed? the nurse squeeze it thru the milk duct or they cut open?? Cant imagine about it. Take care.

