(2011/11) Nov 2011

Happy birthday Jean! Excited to c yr gal soon?

Pinkberries84, I m in the 3rd wk of confinement, slight mense discharge only after latching baby. I will feel some strain if I tends to stand too much in the day but feel better the next day after resting on the bed in the night. I went thru induced delivery with epi. Do ask yr doc if u can still take the painkiller.

Rebeana> actually I follow the instruction in the fm bottle but find it funny that initially bb cannot finish the 90ml milk .. Then we ask her pd last friday .. According to pd, my bb shld take abt 70 ml at 2 week .. But unknown why the fm bottle instruction say 7-14 days shld take 90ml.. Then pd ask just to cap the milk at 90ml and let bb stuck and stop herself.. So far find she will take abt 80 ml and 7-8 times per day as she is abt 18 days now..


i've been trying to massage the lumps at the pits during bf/latch, it will soften and lessen for the feeding period, then come back again by the next feed [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

the hard lumps in the breasts have disappeared but the ones in the pits are really hard to get rid of. nvm, will ask the lactation consultant tmr. i suspect infection though i haven't had fever yet. hope they can help.


You can see your baby gal this week! Can start eating what you wan now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw how much are the charges for the Chinese name selection? Can we have a name in mind and then let them calculate to see if its ok?

I oso dunno who is who on fb haha. Abit blur switching from fb to forum, forum to fb haha...

I feel like my tummy seemed to have descended even lower leh. So difficult and pain to climb up the overhead bridge just now while out for dinner. The hubby keep laughing at my predicament! Grrrrr......


Me too...siang is siang..I also blur le...two Esther, two Jean...hahaha...I only know one esther Goh = Esther ys

Adele...dunno who

Sherry sonam...also dunno who..

Blur blur le....

There is two package 88 and 128... Package 88 give u 5 best names....and also ten word of 2nd characters and 3rd character....which u can join them up to form the best sound Chinese name..

Package 128 incl the above, plus 5-6 pages of the life in terms of 5 elements, career, parents yuan..etc...

I did give them my preferred name...but maybe short of 1 element on my gal birthdate...so must see the timing also, which I can only provide on that day..

According to the salesgirl, she say this yr, for gal, is best to be born at 11pm-1am....for boy best time is 11am-1pm...

Oh, before u go there, if bb gal, got to prepare both grandmother (ur mum and mil) names and both side aunties' name.. If bb boy, prepare both grandfather names and both side uncles' names...cos the bb name is best dun crash with the same word or same sound....

Blue dream and cynn

I already settle my craving just now...satay, char kway teow and sugar cane juice!!!!! Feel so shiok...heehee

Maybe tmr or thur morning, order big breakfast....since got to fast on fri morning....

Now is a mixed feeling...excited to see her but still worry about the BM part Loh...is really another big step to another parcel of life....worst than marriage day...hahaha

Also worry dunno can I really be a good mummy to her or not...so many things is unpredictable....

For my hb, I ask him before...his reply is the same as his previous boy mah, except he is a bit more excited cos this is his first gal...So relaxed reply... :/

Twink- 39+3 = currently in 40th wk rite? Tats my calculation Hee..

Cyn- my gynae same as urs. Press here press ther can tell me bb position n say low enuf to deliver. I somex wonder if he Chinese sinseh haha.

Checkup- my bb weight stayed stagnant at 2.7kg n gotta induce Tis wk. Gave me 17th or 18th. I chose d earlier cos bb stop gaining weight n gynae say fluid may drop n bb may ingest their own poo which is toxic. So I worried n opt d earlier. N oso I dun wanna wait le Hee..

Jean - so I'll c u Tis wk at tmc aft we both delivered ;)

Mummies, MTb - as I zzz at 4am ytd now I super tired.. Ko liao.. Nights!


i also thinking of making the tai mao pi for my gal! put the umbilical cord and her hair into the nice nice container. but my gal chinese name wont be getting calculation as my FIL gave her the name.

Must be really excited to see bb this week! quik enjoy all the good food first before tis fri cannot eat for 1mth. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

dun worry, everything will fall into place naturally. i'm sure we will all try our best to be good mummies. i am sure our babies will love us nonetheless even how imperfect we are cuz we keep them warm and safe in our tummies for 9mths! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my gynea never check my baby weight at all during all my visits. how come ah? he only check heartbeat/umbilical blood flow and fluid. wonder if can induce her out on her edd.. cant wait liao. hee..


guess ur bb is very engaged.i walk leg open wide also. very difficult to climb stairs and sit down.eating at the dining table with family now abit more squeezey cuz now my legs open wider. haha..

FB group

ya the group abit confusing. duno who is who.


I like your siang is siang remark haha... I think some are more of silent readers here bah, so dunno their nick.

Oh need so much details to calculate name ah? Will be tricky to try and get hold of both side's aunties names lor... So many aunties in the family! My hubby dun really believe in calculating the name, not sure if he will agree to go for it. But thanks for the info!

And dun worry so much, every mummy learns along the way. As long as we give them our love can already [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Comforting words for myself too.


Yah lor, at home dun care but so embarrassing dat I have to sit with legs open wide when outside plus walk like a duck! Haiyo...

Hi all, haven been here for long. Bb supposed to edd on 14 nov. but i just delivered on 24 oct. had nvb w/o epidural as i was already dilated till 7cm when i went to Lawrence for my 37th week checkup. I didnt feel any contractions either. Was asked to be admitted immediately but i request to go home to do some last min spot check to make sure i didnt miss anything.

Headed home at 3 and checked in at THOMSON at 5.

By then i was strapped down and no epidural to be given as i was dilated more than 5cm. By 7.30pm, lawrence checked and i was dilated to 9cm already. He broke my waterbag and was sent to labour suite. Contractions only started at 8.30 and lawrence came in by 9.3opm, bb was out by 10pm. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Was a discounted experience but no complains. As contraction was v v painful, cannot imagine going thru it from 3cm onwards. Esp without epi.

Cheers nov mummies.!


Hahaha...I'm hokkien Lang mah...

Ya...alot silent readers request to join in the group...but at least be more interactive...then won't be left out.

The aunties name are ur sibling's name who are bb's aunties....not ur own aunties...heeehee

Walking and sitting with legs open since week 34 for me...feel more comfy that way...now even worse...walking liked penguin..small small steps....then big butt sway left and right...


Great...our gal is one day difference...hope u can come and see me at my room since I csect..maybe still not able to walk yet....maybe I will leave u a message in FB if I wake up...heehee..then we won't be so boring le...


That tai Mao Pi and ur bb umbilical cord can be stored in the crystal name stamp...it is very unique..the name stamp cost from 128 to 228....I'm thinking about it as well... If want to do this, remember to ask the doc to leave longer at bb tummy.

They provide cutting hair services as well...so if u do the stamp of 128, they will come ur house to cut bb hair, transport charge 38.... In any case, if u do the either stamp or the brush is all above 100 each Liao....

U can call 62585535 (tmc) or log in their website to check it out. Www.taimaobi.com


me first time delivering at tmc, what to pack for hospital bag?

hows the confinement food there?

can share your experience?

appreciate any inputs ><

Jean chua-you going for yOur csection so soon.Wish you have a safe and smooth delivery.

The thread moving so fast,cannot catch up man! Hubby on leave this few days so went out everyday hence no time to log in often.Still having cramps & pelvic pain often but i know its just a normal cramps not contraction,having too many times of false alarm.Seems like only left afew of us havent pop.My gynae also never check for bb weight for 3weeks already.I still remb the last weight of my bb is 3kg hoping now is not too big.I think someone asked about since bb had engaged means going to pop soon.My bb had engaged 3weeks ago bt im still carrying a big tummy,cervix not yet ripe bb cannt pop out.Hope this thurs will hear some good news..

Mummies - I felt some liquid comin out at ard 6 n went toilet, thinking it's urine leak. Smelt it n doesn't seem like urine leh...Then I saw some red show. Wonder if its spotting fr d cervix check ytd.

At 630 feel some liquid again n again some red show. Reali dunno Wat is it. I shall try to zzz to get some rest n c if it's labour later.

Babyapples- tmc wld hv sent u a brochure n inside it has a reco list to pack [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little bb- I oso hope u hv gd news Tis thu n maybe u, me n jean bb will hv ard d same bday!

Twink- my gynae check weight every scan prob cos my bb was light weight previously. N d weight Actu appear on d screen when scanning so prob ur gynae saw d weight is ok so din voice it out?

So far had 2 crampy feelin ard 30min apart n not sure if it's contractions.

Morning mummies

My friend is intending to buy a stroller. Budget under $200. The brand she wanted to buy is Haenim. Anyone heard of it before? Good?

Previously I remember a mummy mentioned before there is a place that sells cheap stroller. Where?

Hi cyn

Thanks for yr help! Finally managed to see it. Have requested to join. I'm Rena btw.

Mornin all mummies n MTb,

@mummies, hw yr motherhood coming along?

Any exp to share?

@MTb, I am also waiting for my bb girl to pop as my edd suppose to be next we'd 23 at TMC by dr larwrence Ang. But till date nothing much happened..!last few chk he said bb head nvr wngaged n still pretty far but shall see today.. Any1 same as me on e edd and maybe we can be neigh.. I am hoping for natural preferably w/o epi (haha cos I super phobia on jab). Still shall see wat dr said today as I be having my chkup today at 5pm..

Btw may I asked if any mum face pelvic pressure? I dunno y but tis 1 wk e pelvic side n my bikini line part is super hurtin.. Hmmm...

@Pauline: you were delivered by dr Ang too? Was everything a gd time wiz him along?

So u had a 4 bebed wiz auto upgrade to 2 bedded is it? May I know in ttl hw much did u paid upon discharge?


I think we can't be on the same day le...since u have liquid leaking and red show..then better go hospital and bring along ur bag le...remember to shower and wash ur hair before going there...


Pelvic pressure is very common ESP on week 38... All of us have been complaining about it since few weeks back le...

Different doc has different definition of engaged...my gynae say when in labour then is consider engaged. Some gynae will say down in pelvic is engaged...so very different...

Hope today u have good news.

Little bb,

U should go out and relax a bit...Cos the more stress and pain u in, the lesser the cervix will open....try go for jacuzzi or swimming since hb is with u...go and enjoy all the craving...

Jia you iselle, have a feeling ur gal decide to come out today...

rebeana, it's me!!! it's me!!! u go search babyshopasia... then ask the person for the pricing thru email... he can quote u a better price...

is-elle, tmc didnt send me any brochure lei.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so really dunno wat need to bring... I only pack one small bag using my naraya... hehe!!!

pauline!!! congrats!!! wah!! so nice that u pain is discounted!!! First child???? I am still waiting for my little boy to show signs that he wants to come out.... Pray he come out faster... I want go shopping on boxing day!!!!!

Fynn, u didn't take the brochure from the info counter??

FB group member list

Jean Chua = Jean Chua (admin)

Aaron Mickey = Jean Chua hb

Celest Lam = Celeste

Iryna Tang = Iselle

Jean Tan = Shjean p

Luah Seok Peng = bluedream (admin)

Jia Lee = Bunny

Evelyn Mao = Evelyn

Fynn Chng = fynn (admin)

Cynthia Tan = cynn (admin)

Patricia Tay = Patricia

Elyn Tan = Elyn

Hazel Ng = Little bb (admin)

Zelia Puah = Babyzel

Cassevonrie Chia = cassevonrie

Julia Tan = Julia

Huijie = Hu1j13

Hui hian = kiamkiam

Ivy toh = dreamyitoh

Rena Chiam = rebeana

Esther ys = Esther Goh

Winnie koh = Winnie

Jovial um-ma = kaemii

Tracy Lee = twink

Eeky Cee = Eeky

Connie Ng = little one (Mykonos)

Clara Chew = Clara (cwan)

Regular SMH mummies, still not in FB group:

- Felixp

- simp

- berry pie

FB members but dunno who, pls identify urself even u are silent reader..

- Esther Cai = ???

- Adele Lim = silent reader

- Shirley Lim = ???

- Sherry Sonam = ??????

Pending to be accepted in FB group, pls identify urself before admin approve.

- Sally Goh

- Raj Sri

The list of member identification is done...

jean > gd luck in ur csect! u bought binders liao? urine has protein can b juz fungal infection in vagina, not neccessary kidney ma. but since doc suggested den follow ba

cyn > ur hb so bad!! i climb a short flight of stairs oso breathless liao. so now really hate to go out

little one > jia you! can c ur bb today!

pauline > wow! so gd! i hope tml when i go c doc she will tell me i already dilated till 7cm den can b admitted immediately liao. u delivered so fast! muz pass on gd luck to us, hehe

little bb > u oso tis wk gg for gynae? tmc? me too! hope my bb is engaged already den i can c her soon. lets jia you~~!

is-elle > u better call ur gynae check c if u r gg labour anot. u seem to hv symptoms liao ley

wow, thx jean for compiling the list of who is who. now i oso chkin here n there c the updates. but when pop tink mostly will use fb le, cos easier to update. hopefully my gal can come out tml after my appt. otherwise if she grows too big again, scarly my doc wan csect again [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


Hahaha...i haven't bought the binders yet, but yesterday I saw tmc got sell...59 for the better quality according to the girl. But i will ask the nurse what is the binder they provide for csect...cos some mummies tell me, tmc will provide in the package...if no, then buy..

I need my swab test before, all negative...so since doc is KS, then better take his advise Loh...anyway my gal is big to come out, might need to emergency csect if I try natural...that what he say...Bo Bian Loh....

I hope u can natural smoothly...tell ur gal to come out on the same day as mine lah...heehee..

If u dun want ur bb so big, then from now on, dun take sugar and less less rice....will maintain her weight and not increase too fast.


Urs is power!!! No feeling and yet have 7cm dilation Liao....u did alot of exercise during pregny or this is ur 2nd one??


Can ask ur hb to tied a watermelon on his waist and ask him to climb the stair lah....he will know what is the feeling!!! Hahaha...

Yesterday went to do waxing Liao...today sunning my CL pillow...gal gal carrier and stroller, stroller pad (all washed and sun before le...now KS or neat freak...want to sun again)...

Just settle my another craving...Mac big breakfast with ice Milo....hahaha


FB members but dunno who, pls identify urself even u are silent reader..

- Esther Cai = ???

- Adele Lim = silent reader

- Shirley Lim = Shirley

- Sherry Sonam = silent reader

Pending to be accepted in FB group, pls identify urself before admin approve.

- Sally Goh = babyapples

- Raj Sri

The list of member identification is done...

jean > i dun tink tmc got provide, cos my doc ask me to buy frm her, so i bought. den got another 1 is borrowed frm my sis's fren, so got 2. doc says juz delivered will hv a lot of menses, so likely to stain binder dats y recommend i get 2...

reduce rice & sugar ar, ok. i wan my bb to b natural delivery, so no sweets n durian lor.. anyway i stopped eatin them since 5mo, but since i know i gg csect den ard 8mo started eatin choco again, haha

talking about binders, i bot one from Mothercare called Belly Bandit. Made of bamboo fibre, quite ex.. but i saw various reviews online (and on amazon) and it's supposed to be quite popular and many people swear by it. supposed to start wearing it almost immediately after delivery... i hope it works!

Oic. My doc didnt tell me...nvm, I think I will buy there if they dun provide..they open at 8am mah...already show hb what brand le...he will know.

Hmm....no no no durian....my bb start to grow after I eat Mao Shan Wang..hahaha.. Choco better no also...eat walnut or almond good for baby brain....

But now, I feel liked eating ice kacang...hahahaha..weather so hot!!!!

Dear all thx for ur advice. 8am Called tmc labour ward cos my gynae clinic not open yet m ask me go down check.

Aft shower, take chicken essence, eat McDonald breakie now at tmc, cervix dilate 3cm, minimal contractions but super backache pain. Dunno how long more woa.. D nurse check cervix v painful, prefer my gynae. Ytd when he check it's painless.

Got woken up by the worst.ever. pelvic cramp/pain/contraction last night while sleeping. Nearly thought I was gonna pop. But I'm not, oh well.


Today could be the day! Hear good news from you soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Oooohhh so aunties name means my siblings names ah haha... that makes things so much easier.


My hubby always like to laugh at me wan =P Says my tummy look like watermelon, says I'm like an ah ma now. But ok lah, laugh lor... I make him do more things for me like fetch water, massage feet, buy food! I win!!

Hi, i have requested to add to the FB group - Cyn, thanks for your link! I was having problem searching on it on FB. My name is Phyllis Ling =pp

Those delivering at TMC, please bring ur:

- pajama (1-2 sets)

- clothes for checking-out

- sanitary pads (i used finished the one pack of loop pads they provided)

- preferably disposable panties (as likely to be stained with menses)

- socks and slip-on slippers if necc

- Facial wash / etc. They will provide a bag w a small towel, toothbrush/ toothpaste, body wash

- Breast pumps if necc

- No need tp bring bb's clothes if u dun mind wearing those provided by TMC

* Best to bring as little as possible, cos TMC will give u a bag to bring home. And u may have other stuffs to bring home like hampers, etc.

* Valet parking: Sometimes, the valet will use a van to bring u and ur family to the carpark behind ... Tell them u dun want take the van cos u have a newborn with u and prefers that they drive your car to the valet station instead.

* Ask ur family to prepare red date tea in advance; else, request for milo to drink 1st =pp

Also, may want to purchase a binder from TMC to bind your tummy after delivery. Those who are delivering under Dr Lawrence Ang; he will not get the nurse to wrap the binder (unlike other gynaes) immed after delivery as he thinks its not necc. Nonetheless, i requested from the nurse separately. =pp

I was delivered by Dr Ang on 8 Nov via Csec under Epidural (actually the dr says its not exactly epidural but something of a lesser extent whereby the needle is smaller... but dun know wat issit loh). I only suffered slight shiverness during the operation and was wide awake even after the operation. Baby was out at 4.07 pm and bb was brought to me at 8pm for 1st feeding. Was able to step off bed the next day and not much pain. By the 3rd day, Dr Ang said i was well to be discharged but my hubby didnt wanna me to be discharged cos he wasnt mentally prepared (hah!) and CL not here yet... So I stayed 4D3N and paid abt 2.2K in cash on top of the medisave deduction (dun know how much). Feel abot constipated so I requested from DR Ang the liquid medicine for passing motion. =pp I wld think that Dr Ang's stitching is quite good such that i was okay the next day and didnt really feel much pain..

Ehh... I think the most stressful part initially is worrying abt not producing enuff bm for bb. Hehes, now bb is 8 days old and her consumption is getting higher daily - now at abt 80-90 ml per feed while I am only producing 50 ml at each pump. So i will supplement w milk samples from TMC (no choice).. Most importantly is bb is doing well. Now slowly learning the stuff from my CL. Also, when bb cries, dun be gan chong bah... =pp

Anyway, TMC will assigned a PD if u dun have 1. We didnt go to the PD for the 1st chkup, went polyclinic ($11+) for the jaundice chk and i think polyclinic is good as well.. =pp

Cyn- hope d nex time is reali poppin time for u!

Water bag - MTb, water bag burst or leak is not limited to water gushing out or continuous trickle as I previously Tot. Mine comes out like patches on panties at irregular interval. So hor.. Pls take note.

Oh btw, just to share, my bb was crying non-stop on the 2nd night we brought her home, even after feeding. We tot its colic or she has alot of wind in her tummy... I asked the PD at polyclinic, she said if colic/ wind, sure the tummy will be round round like bloated... so that's another way to chk if bb has too much wind... can also buy windrid (which is gripewater for bb; bb not supposed to drink gripewater now..) to standby ...

Any mommies engaging pem for their CL?? I did n the CL lady is so far so good... She even help wash my toilets n wipe my table, tv console, windows when she was free... She is vert caring towards my bb too ;))

Hihi I have sent in the fb request too

My email is n u j n I h c @ h o t mail . Thanks !

Sorry for the spacing in between as I don't want search engine to find my email

Bless baby

Are u loo chin in FB?


I have told u, have a feeling is ur turn today...hahaha...jia you oh!!!!


Finally u in FB le...calling for u so many times..heehee...

That injection is not epi, it classify under spinal by doc...more effective than epi, lesser cost..


Having so many pain is also liked anytime for u leh...Tell ur gal to come out on the same day as mine lah....then Vera will see us together...hahaha

Ur hb so funny...good, won't be boring with him...same as my hb...hahahaha...as long as they love us can Liao...kekeke


Today is finally your D day...wish you have a smooth delivery.Last week i also experiencing water flowing out 3 times in a day.Not alot of water but also a patch flowing out,thinking maybe water bag leakage so went to see gynae bt end up is serious watering discharge,so disappointed.You experience how many times of water leakage also in a patch today? Hope to hear you sharing your birth story soon.


My gynae checkup is tomorrow,nope at tmc..My gynae clinic at tampines & i will deliver at mount alvernia..hope your bb had engaged and we can hear sOme good news from gynae.

Pelvic pressure

I too facing pelvic pressure & pain around bikini line & thighs since peobably 2weeks ago.Pain around my left thighs is most painful,i cant even lift up my leg.Changing panties is a struggle.have to sit on bed to take out or change panties.That day i tried opening both my leg wide wide as labour our leg must be open wide.Its so painful,really cannot open at all.last 2weeks of pregnant is most xinku.

Jean chua

I think i put too much stress on myself that why cervix still dont want to open.I had relax abit & went out walk walk everyday.Just eat whatever i like.The more gan cheong i am the more bb dont want to pop out.I also try not to be so anxious when i experiencing some signs esp crampy feeling,i experience everyday actually.I tell myself no matter what i will Only have to wait for about one week so take it easy.Really feel better not as frustrated as before.

Hi mummies,

Juz came bk frm chkup n today supp to b my due date... Alrdy dilated 2cm n bb head very low le... So hopefully can pop these few days bef d wk ends...m

Little bb,

Gd tat u tk it easy.... Dun worry our bb r gg to meet us soon... I was lk u for my 1st preg... Supper stressed up. For this preg i alrdy mentally prepare to b overdue liao so alot more relaxed haha....


I cant seem to locate d fb grp... Hw to search huh?

Actually im nt very active in fb too... Hardly post n no pixs too... If i pop this wk we can mt at tmc le hoho....

cyn > haha, my hb & i oso tink my tummy looks like watermelone

felixp > thks for sharin wat tmc provides! i was tinkin of packin my towels in too. bringin a super big samsonite luggage cos lazy to squeeze everytin in small bag. haha. y do we need pyjama? i tot we wearin hosp clothes?

little bb > same to u too. hopefully our bb will pop by tis or nxt wk [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Little bb

I think u wish to have a control over ur delivery..and dun like to feel suspense...but sometimes this kind of thing is out of our control. Relax as much as possible.. Try to do more stretching and squatting and practice breathing every morning...look at greenery more often...hope all these can help u to fasten ur dilation.

Snow pear

U Mia ah!!!!!

Search for "SMH NOV 2011 MUMMIES" in the SEARCH BAR on top of the Facebook. U find the group then request to join..

Update of members in FB:

Loo Chin = Blessbaby

Shirley Lim = Shirley

Adele Lim = silent reader

Sherry Sonam = silent reader

Hope the silent readers and some inactive mummies can try to be more interactive and sharing with other mummies in forum or Facebook. We all hope to meet new friends for ourselves and even our little ones in long run. Cheers.


Tmc dun provide hospital pj....only surgery or delivery time, they change u to their gown....after that u got to wear ur own during ur stay.

I brought towels and even a small basin in case I can't get out of bed

Aiyo, today my gal has been moving alot and kicking...making my tummy so hard....I think she scare of thunder..

Hi everyone,Iam at the hospital, waiting,morning @2 am water bag broke, at 5.30 am I came to hospital,pain is not regular,dr told me to wait,since my 1st one is c-section dr said cannot induce,just waiting for the pain,I keep walking,still not much pain,just wish for normal delivery, pray for me, if I don't get pain before tomorrow morning I need be operated. Thanks for reading and I wish all the mommy to me safe and easy delivery. Thanks


oooh.... glad u mentioned. otherwise i only brought my clothes for discharging. my pj all super big ley, wait my frenz / relatives come c all o_O|||

Hi all,

I'm guilty of being a silent reader so I shall follow Jean's advice and be more interactive! Can you add me to the fb group? Thanks! I have been enjoying reading the sharing that you all have posted, especially the birth stories as I feel more mentally prepared for the labour. Thanks to all the mummies who have shared!

My EDD is 29 Nov, delivering at NUH. I realised so far no one is / has delivered there...

Just like a few more mummies, I'm also waiting anxiously for baby to make his entry into the world. I don't like the suspense also!


Hi mummies , finally brought bb Hme ...


I got this problem .. Bb seems to prefer to drink fm den bm

.. How ???


I buy this Dale binder support at KK pharmacy at $69. It reali help mi support my tummy .. Anyway feel very sad.. Still got ppl ask mi when u delivery ... Faint !! My tummy still very big, as if I was 5 months ..

